The Douglas breeze. (Douglas, Coffee County, Ga.) 18??-190?, February 21, 1896, Image 3

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Leliaton. Everything lively at Leliatou. Mr. Sanders is to have an assistant teacher in his school, a Miss Sweat, from Way cross. Mr. James Parker is at Leliaton now going to school. Mr. G. G. Par ker passed through our town yester day going to partsYßlltDOwn. Mr. H. H. Field! Douglas on a pleasure’trip. f Mr.'Joe Delaughter came out all decked up in anew suit thisjmorning. Something's up. Preaching today by Bro. Jessup, of Tifton. We are always glad to have ■dm come. Gatehell is ,verv sick new to see him out soon, fags, a negro employed as Gray & Gatch s'* which ••on- Gray's s>p S\ 1!: 1 * 1 u Phillips Smith, fc have been very ill but aUßpvmesing. Old Grandma Wilcox is with us now hut will Boon return home. James I. Hatfield the portable mill operator is moving through our vicin ity for some point near the Ocmulgee. We are in sympathy with those who are wrestling with measles, and wc dread to see them come into our town. The people of New Hope church met last preaching but ow.iii,, to the fullness ol the branches the pastor could not come, so some eue with his heart filled with Godly love and fear suggested a prayer ser vice and a better feeli-ng religiously has/not been experienced in a long That is right Bros, don’t let the preachers have it all to do. 19 Bor.. jp ear son. oyster slipper given by the Missionary Society on Fri ■HMeveuing was quite a success. The fcidies extend their thanks and appro bation to those who were so kind to RVBklm W. Greer was on our week. He gave a very in Sunday -vdiool cuu- BBBflgT t krovcmeul of our S'-lio .1 Blk- have returned wii! SfegAY •; ' their st'or, a Vo; a ■kjuu:p- LICENSE ORDINANCE. • 1896- Town of Douglas, Georgia. Section I.—Be it ordained by the mayor and council o' the town of i Douglas, That from and after the pas sage of this ordinance, every person, firm or corporation, who exercises or may exercise within the corporate limits of tai l tiwn, any profession, -trade,'CAttHffTor business of any na ture whatever, shall annually register in books to he kept for that purpose by the clerk of said city council, their names, professions, callings or busi ness and their places of business (.if any) within ten days from this notice for this year, and by the first Tuesday in January of each subsequent year, arid the clerk shall recieve from the funds of the town a fee of 20 cents each for issuing and recording license. Section 2. Any person failing to comply with the terms of this license ordinance, shall, upon conviction be fore the mayor, in addition to the amount of his regular tax, be fined in a sum of not less than $5.00 nor more than $25 Of', or thirty days hard labor on the streets of said town, or a for feiture to the town of all goods, wares or merchandise so offered for sale, or all, in the discretion of the mayor, provided nothing in the ordinance shall deter the mayor from issuing at his discretion a license at a smaller amount, where the manager or owner of any exhibition, etc., proposes to give a per centage of the proceeds of his business to any worthy object of charity within the corporate limits of said town. All licenses to be paid an nually in advance, except such as are marked per day, which shall he paid daily in advance. per year For each practicing physician....? 5 00 For each attorney at law, practi cing bis profession 5 00 For each doctor ef dentistry 5 00 For each hotel or boarding house taking any transient custom 10 00 For each private boarding house.. 250 For each livery stable or person keeping for hire horses and vehic les, or either 10 00 For each peddler of goods, waves, merchandise, soaps, nostrums, re ceipts, jewelry, etc 5 00 For each huckster or fruit stand per day 50 For each stand offering cooked victuals for sale per day 2 00 For each peddler of fish or oysters, or both, except fresh fish caught <*ith hook and line 2 50 For each butcher or green grocer, separate or in connection with any other business 5 00 For each owner of mote than one dog, shall pay for each extra dog (over one) 2 50 Upon failure to do so the Town Mar shal shall empound all delinquents for the space of two days and to be allowed 25 cents per day for feed, and at the ex piration of said two days be shall pro ceed to kill all the dogs unredeemed. For each 1 li rse dray or wagon haul ing for pay . 2 00 For each 2 horse dray or wagon haul ing for pay 400 For each auctioneer, except county officers in the discharge of their legal sales 5 00 For each fire insurance agent 5 00 far each life insurance agent 5 00 each bail, dug and loan associa- agent 5 00 circus -bow. per day 25 00 menagerie, per i'kc'% iiit.-mmi per day. . . . 5 On "■ or variety ' i- per da\.. ■ ' • 1 or t r ' - ■ ink ■jig ||g I jjji |gj| , J k T.E. LANIER SON & C 0„ JEWELER $ STATIONERS! Way cross, - - - (Georgia mm We carry a full line of Sewing Ma- mm 4UK chines, Organs and Pianos. Our Watch Repairing department Is the best in the Country and we arc prepared to give first class work. £Sj|||teK Watches, Glccßs & Jewelry IS COMPLETE EMP“Correspandeuce bv mail-Solicited. When in Waycross srivo us a call. NOTICE THIS 1 Propose to SELL GOODS THIS YEAR Cheaper Than Anybody! EOftCASH! I Can Afford to do Ibis because I Pay Cash for my Goods and Recive the Discounts, which Enables me to sell very close when People bring the money. My Stock is Lout posed of Dry Goods, & Groceries Boots and Shoes, Ladies and Gents HATS! Hardware, Tiuware and Crockery, Saddles an 1 Harness, Trunks and Furniture of all kinds. I als keep a stock of Coffins and Fine Caskets A. o*ll I can sell you a TOWN LOT or a FARM—Mv Mill grinds every Friday, and if necessary on Saturday. B. ' PETERSON, DOUGLAS GEORGIA F'or each agent snlicit'ng or putting up lightning rods 5 00 ] For each restaurant 2 50 j For each telephone or telegraph co. fro s For each milk shake stand,separate from soda fountain 1 00 j |For each soda fountain 2 50 each person or firm selling ci nrr other hover go, other i Ben wines 2 50 HnjMk per-0.1 or lir.-n g 1 - is. ' 11 .: e 1 1 ' k 1 -pry!! V' LUDfIBN & BATHS SIIH The oldest and luokt reliable Music Mouse IN THE SOUTH. Pianos and Organs at lowest piices and on Easiest Terms. Nothing but Best Grades Handled. Branch House, WAYCROSS, - GA. J R Knight, Mngr- 4 Solenlifio American /%_ Agency for^^ CAVEATP, HHK trade MARffl, BSSysAL-t ’ patents. ' H7o. etc. jk Schedule on Douglas & McDonald R.R, Leave McDonalds 11:30 “ Sweats Still 11:45.. “ Lowthers 12:05. “ Moores 12:23 “ Downing 1 :t)5. Arrive Douglas 1:25. RETURNING; Leave Douglas 2 :20. “ Downing 2 40. “ Moores 3:17. “ Lowthers 3:35. “ Sweats Still 3:55. Arrive McDonalds 4:15 jmnimrnu thk ga-alabam* DU 0111 lUll BUSINESS COLLKOE I Macon, Ga, conceded to be the lar | gest and most practical in the south is giving a Business, Shorthand, Normal, Telegraph or l’en-Art course for $25,00 and board at $9,00.! Also giving to one worthy boy or; girl in each county a full corse. Write at once enclosingPD PP ! stamp for particulars. f,Q |ilj! The Douglas BREEIIE for only $1 a. year. 1 THE Waycross Clothing Store Way cross, Gcoryia. HEADQUARTERS FOR FINE CLOTHING. HEADQUARTERS FOR CHEAP CLOTHING. HEADQUARTERS FOR BEST FITTING CLOTHING. HEADQUARTERS FOR BEST HATS and SHOES. HEADQUARTERS FOR FURNISHING GOODS. HEADQUARTERS FOR EVERY! lII.YG In a first-class clothing store. Styles and prices not excelled in any city in the state. EVERYBODY 12ST YETTED TO-*— Call and examine our complete stock. K. WAYCROSS C LOT 111NG STORE. The Wide Awake and Up To Date Clothiers. WAYCROSS, GA- Successors to FRANK C. OWENS \ 'oH/v-hbroad and cake, atid| the finest pastry, is milled I from the choicest winter wheat • If / ! that grows. It is ICLEHEART’sI ‘Step SWANS DOWN Hour. It is the I King of Patents. Try it. Cheapest, be-1 cause it produces the best food and t lie most, t Ask your grocer for it, and notice the brand | wr when you buy 3 [ IGLEHEART BROS., EVANSVILLE, IND. We keep constantly on hand a full and Assorted Line of Stationery AND ARE PREPARED TO PRINT BILLHEADS, LETTER HEADS, STATEMENTS; ENVEL OPES, HAND BILLS, ETC., At prices that defy competition. BREEZE JOB OF FICE. 72 TXdvmi TABLE 72- I . Sit II i | 88 90 I o al Parse Passe Pasae r b u -'-r ST ATt oN H ngor nger jy Daily Si Ail O No Daily Daily oxSun Daily A M _____ A V ■ P. M. A. M, PM 7 , Jo - BA WHa v - 11 2o 715 sUWj - _ Ilninswick - sll <> 7 P Hn‘.) Southern Crossing - lo 41 7 20 K 'll iCloren Mile Turnout J 027 7 07 fy, - Jamaica - flo 10 f 054 , f8 49 - W uynesville - lo oo f 0 38 f 8 ">7 - Atkinson - f9 51 f 030 i'9 04 J.ulaton f9 48 f <> '£ 1 f9 12 - Nabunta - 19 39 f <> 15 f y ;;o - Hoboken - f9 28 f 589 f 9 ;j8 - Behlatterviile -f 915 1 651 a 955 Arrive WAYCitOHS Leave 9 U 5 555 1040 Leuve WAYCKOSS Arrive ss3ji s 445 fl 9 55 - Waresboro -f 6191 f 431 fUI3 - Millwood - f4 57 f 413 fll 2o • McDonald - f4 49 f 405 f 1135 - Pearson - {451 f 349 fll 12 - Kirkland - 14 27 f 342 fll 91 Ninety-Eight Mile Post f4 10 t 3 34 f 1 1 .04 - Gray’* - f.4 13 f 3 31 f 1157 - Willacoochee - 1 4 lo f 329 {l2 15 - Alapaha - (3 6o f 311 fl 2 28 - Enigma - - f3 30 f 259 5 { 1255 Brooklield - {5 27 255 J ,12 5o Arrive - 11Id* (5 M - Leave 310 259 r. oil i 1255 Leave - TIFTON - Arrive B Sou 232 s6 lo 1 fin - -ryTy , , Civ, f 215 „u hi 12 f1 24 - btuiiiier - - ! 162 f s 7 10 12 f1 31 - - Poulan - - f224 i 157 v 7 4o! r I2 2<> l 1 38 - Isabella - 1217f 150 s 8 15] 12 So f 1 48 - W .Bingham {2 o 8 142 „ * 4.51 12 42! 41 57 - Davis -f 157 f 132 5 2i(l 12 59 1 215 Jtttt.rlon 140 1 17 9 sol 11 5 220 ALBANY - mhmLJ—i A. U. A. M. P. M. i'-M. A~M~~ ! :;27 89 87 * 88 90 ' “ r h Regular Stop. f Stop on Signal. Direct connection made at Waycross with through Pullman Sleep ing Cars for St. Louis. Montgomery, Nashville, Savannah, Charleston and all points north ; also Tampa and St. Augustine. Reclining Cnair Cars between Waycross and Montgomery rnasville. B. Dunham, B. W. Wrenn Geo. W,Coates Gen. Superintendent Pass. Trafic Manager. Div. Pass. Agent r*:'\ <’*vV Y Mz&y .-j;'* n) hn-a : ' S' *, f A pamphlet of brtfonnai ’on zn-i a ]k&\ Btract of the laws, showing J low to/Syf Obtain Pnientft, f avtmU, Tr-qilt* Murks, Cop/ritfbM, sc*it MUttM * C<J. iSN-M 381 ttrondwey, \ New Yol k RATENTS Caveat?, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all JJat cut business conducted for Moderate Fees. A Our Office is Opposite 11. S. Patent Office,** * and wo c?*.n secure patent in less time than tnoso rem.'te from Washington. Bcmi model, drawing or photo., vitb desrrip* tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of charge. Our fee not duo till patent is secured. A Pamphlet, “llow to Obtain Patents,” Wnh tunics of actual clients in your tat o, county,or town, sent free. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO.