The Douglas breeze. (Douglas, Coffee County, Ga.) 18??-190?, February 28, 1896, Image 4

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TlPflrQ nf ]}\km\ ] hiliLt. JDllJl ULu Til-' pc.i.iiili have i nrsted tlieir ■ ,'c.ilvv(: :il:(l til> : Hiding f.IC( • peep through th apcrltii* <•; v.ith gleeful ini* puliene: at the gentle hi es of the sunbeams. An dibit iu being math to red dee postage on letters to 011 c cent. Chicago has had a black snow, it is not to be wondered at: twenty of her aldertucn are liquor dealers. Col. I>. W. K'rau--:of Brunswick, one of the brightest young lawyers in Georgia was married w- dnesday to Mist Harwell of Jonesboro. The man and the bear came through town Friday, but the new town tax induced him to move on, and the small boy was disappointed. We are glad there is a bill pending icfore congress to prevent ignorant foreigners from landing on our shores. Ignomiicc is our worst fault amt wi nced nc importations of it. The hymn for the electrician "J' ni going home to dy na mo.”—Way cross Journal. Brother Sweat, do you want to M .s --ish ue? ■- -Quyer.ior Atkinson lias made the the met a State Depository. paper. , irmig and jiopula; institu elega.n.d its cashier, Mr. Warren 4/ott, is one the men in South Georgia. Tho Bullet Herald (ells of a pine tree on a farm of W. H. Feed which, if sawed into lumber, would furnish o uougli to Iniikl a handsome four-room house. The tree is said to be thirty two feet in circumference, Hon. H. G. Turner made a great speech in Congress last week on the linaneial question. The fact is that Mr. Turner is one among the few men who always says annulling whc.i lie speaks.— Ex. Dougherty county is working her eoviets on the public roads, und the result is that her highways are fast b< ing improved. Tho road leadingfiom Albany has just been graded by the county convicts, and is in a splendid condition—Bax ley Banner. Oh yes, Mr. Turner is a great mail, am mg great men, such as sip the nec tar furnished by the gold bugs of Wall Ist reel, but he is a poor stick in tfie estimation of his free silver con stituency.—Jesitp Kentiuel. Nob >dy djubts tin last stateiuill t. If Gabriel shall blow with a golden trumpet, it is likely that some of tin free silverites would not answer the call. Some foreigiurs who appeared b-- fore it judge in May* Landing, X, J., tin- oilier day lo !>e naturalized as American citizens showed the densest ignoianeo. To the ouestoxi. "Who is the President of the tailed Stales?” tt Russian answerd ‘‘The Czar of Russia,” and Atlantic City was hi answer to the question, ‘‘What is the capital of the t nited States ''* An Ital ian who has been in this country for more than ten years declared that George Washington was the President of the C nited States, and that lie made macaroni, Secrets of Greatness—Ambitious \outh—Father I am unwilling to go through life a nobody. I wish to leave a name. 1 long to breathe the sweet atmosphere of fame. lain re solve to become great. Will you a ! vise me? 'Vise Fathor-With pleasure. The foundation of greatness is a good education. A. V.—l am laying it. • F.—next you need industry and good habits. V,—Yes. what else? " • I', Always be polite to newspa per nun. —New York Weekly. Physiological Wit. An ossified mail in Yirgiuia die i bard . anotuer swallowed a thermome ter and died by degrees. A consumptive undertaker died oi a colli a. A man choked on an apple and died of ‘‘appleplexy." A rustic blew out the gas and died of gastritis. A man was struck by locomotive and died >f locomotive "attaeksu." A dyspeptic ate too much pastry and died of pyemia. A negro iu Georgia ate six water melons atfd died of “meloneholia ” *We recently learned Iroin novel of Edna I.yalls the fitness of the term ‘ funny bone” it is so named because it borders on the humerus. % Brantley Declines- In reply to a letter from Messrs. Lem Johnson, John McDonald and V, ar.-en L At of Wayero.-s, lion. W. G. Brantley Inn announced his purpose not to mu for < Ion;,;'-- from tlii ‘ dis trict. If our esteem for Mr. Brantley were not already in tho superlative bis noble sentimenti expressed in the id vv mid commend Mm to that place. Koine of Mr. BrantleyV: friends will be disappointed at bis dueliuaion, t ut no man will fail to apprcci Re his patiiotic reasons for thus declining. Brantly is a nobleman and a patriot ic is max, an the future years will reward bis excellence. NOTICE The liirtt quarterly conference for the Douglas circuit will I>, held at Douglas March 7th and Btli. Ac want every official member present. Let s make a good showing. As the first quarter is late, it gives the .-towards time a good report. All Local preach ers, cxorlers, steward- Sunday school superinl' .slants, trustees of church property, and secretaries of cjjtircli conferences and class leaders are mem burs of the quarterly conferences come out one and all Stewards for the year 1805, Jesse Lott, It, K. Perkins, IJ. Newborn, D. Peterson, M. A. Martin, D. W. L i t It. S. Smith, Elias Lott, W. P. Taylor S. <!. Taylor, John \\ . Burkett, M. W. Howell, Mrs. G. A. Ward, Rev. J. M. Wilcox, Anderson Fm.-.ell, Rev. C. W. Inlinger, W. D. 1 ittie, T. J. Harrison. We have four woman’s missionary societies and ought to have three more. We have two Epwortli League.-, we should have one at ever eliurcit. Wc have six Sunday schools, will or ganize ono or t wo more room A stove for the Parsonage. Mrs. .1. M. Wilcox of Fcrouia, found out that the stove at the parsonage was worn out and decided to make an appeal to all the churches, to contribute ti 2.50 each to get a now one, We appreciate this very-much. Some of the churches have responded ; others will soon. -1-1•> or $lB will get the stove and furnish the parsonage for this year. God bless the good women. We could not get along with out them. Preaching at Broxton first Saturday and Saturday before: also at Lone Hi!!. Bros. Wilcox and Taylor are to help the pastor a. these -two places. Time —11 A. M. Gome put and hear Presiding T.l der, P. S. Twitty. at tho quarterly meeting,is one of’oitr best men j*nd is a fine preach t. J. S. Lewis. School Trustee*. The following elect school trust cs for the town of Douglas at the coun cil mecting’Monday night: James m. Denton, C. A. Ward Jr., G. W. liilin ger. Richard Vickers, D. W. Gaskin, David Lott, W. F. SilbboH, John Lilt, J. sV. Quitieey N. F. Goodyear. This is a fine body of men ami we can rest assured that they will give us an en ergetic seivice in the institution and management of a school. flood Reads, Tho importance of road improve ment eannet be too stiongly press, and upon the people. It is strangely true that while bad roads are vexations to the greater number of people, it is difficult to get the majority of people to take the matter of improving the roads to heart and resolutely demrml that 'road improvement be commenced a id and continued under tie Lvst possible system of labor. Pot some years New Jersey has been cue of the f ueniost states in promoting the good roads, and her people are reaping the benefits in a very satisfactory way. Farm property in many instances has doublodin val ue. and woiv'ver the good roads are constructed there is certain apprecia tion in property. New Jersey sets aside SIOO,OOO a year for the making of permanent roads, and this pays the people so handsomely there i- snoiu sentiment in that state for increasing the annual appropriation.— Fx. It is better to soil an actual settler twenty acres of laud thau to give an unknown capitalist option on a thous and.—Brunswick T.-.V Rev. I>. S. Hobson a negro preacher, was brought to Raleigh N. C. ami jailed for stealing a cow and- mule. He sold the cow and bought a silk Prince Albert coat and Bible and then began active ministerial work. A SCHOI.L A M SII iP, The Brec/e others a S4O sehollar -hip in M;i v. y V llusin. -- t\ „ iit Columbus. Ga.. Montgomery. A'a. or Jacksonville I'D. ! ;,r 5J new cash >nn s ribers to the Breeze . r $25 in cash. 3E* HUOSSS .. : ‘* K ™ GfIfSERSES. Other Grocers say I am soiling too cheap, but I can’t hold my Goods when people bring the ca di. The staple.: like Bacon, Flour, Lard, Grist and meal arc always on hand. 2nd fresh Vegetables and Fruit come daily Seed and Feed Oats, Corn and Ilay. Orator ami Leader brand Flour —Full Patent sL<>o per barrel. PEARSON, GEORGIA. Prices To Suit the times, A The General Merchandise OF jbff KaassLiMß. PearsOn, Ga. J A TAIkTIC'Si Pr tPif! and. A. dull Aft ©6 tU., WAICIiOSS GEORGIA . Have just received anew supply of M agons,consisting of all sizes of one and two horse Farm Wagons also Turpentine, wood and cross-tie wagons. gjgT’i urge'stock of Buggies and Ilurnc-'.s on hand._|3fS i, i©iga in WA¥€fift©s*. -A. • ■' THE Wayeross Gl&sMsig ilore \ Va ycross, Georgia. iieadquarTfr's for fin a oloth i no. HEADQUARTERS FOR CHEAP CLOTHING. HFADQI ARIEIIK FOR BEST FITTING CLOTHING. HEADQUARTERS FOR BEST HATS and SHOES. HEADQUARTERS FOR FURNISHING GOODS. * HEADQUARTERS FOR EVERYTHING In a' urst-class clothing store. Styles and prices not excelled in any city iu the state. EVERYBODY tUSTVITEDD T'O Cull and i xgniine our complete stock. WAYC HOBS CLOTHES G-STORE, The Wide Awake and Up To Bate Clothiers. WAYCROSS, GA- Successors to FRANK C. O WENS- It All Over Town ami spmulisig rappcdly that Uid. W. V. SIiSiIETT Hus the largest stock and purest -DRUGS ever brought to Douglas I 20 tsE®. 3E“ TJ S&E ©SS . loil-. t Soap and leilet Articles, Brushes, Combs, Sponges etc., also Hawk s Specktaeles and eye glasses. We are not simply “Dealer $5 I?*3bL smia. e- dsu's and our care, ski.l and prevision in dispensing ensure.- t vw (l , , a the le.-t possible result and guarantees them against err is. who m m ffiesepis o Fiat BiceiE J. T. I? eii! tan & Cos. 1 lave opened their new stock of @OODs,shOes, FURNITURE OKiOGKXS* TT arad GfoeesieS. We are selling 'goods for a song, and if you can’t sing just whistle and the goods are youis. Call and be convinced of our low prices. 'Highest prices Paid for Country produce. J. T. lie!than & Cos. Spring Opening. Ssi the meantime tlic ladles may Osll and select their (%nrln g haiu e kibons and FLOWERS. We Hare Just Received The 31ost Beautiful Line of liliinery Bools tit! over m to Bellas. Do Not Wait, For We May Sell The Very Hat You Want Just Before You Come. Let us make your fine Spring Dresses. 7GO J: 1 1 sues HO L G-LAS, Overman Building, upstairs, Dowlas, Ga. EmKLAND & GO. wc lire selling goods CS lAeaipe than anybody in the Countir3r * II you clow t believe it Call and see us. OUR LINE IS DRY GOODS, GRO - BOOTs, ShoeS Hats. Hardware, Tinware, Valises, Tobacco, Cigars, and all kinds of GENERAL Merchandise. Eirkland, - georgia. 11, M. HILLER & son. The Cheapest FI'RNI! URE and House in Georgia. We Carry a complete line of FuaurrußE matting clocks, baby CA RIAGES TRUCKS RUGS- HARNESS ARID SADDLES W, will sell a* Rock Bottom Prices. Hail orders receive uor special atteti u. * H- M. MILLER & SOX. 114 Newcastle St.. Brunswick. Ga. Cftvr ai . ‘ini. Trr ' ‘-Y *ks obtained, and ali Pat ent basin t->r. ducted for Moderate Fees _ S Patent Olci. v tndv.hv' tn: iv.r : ii.less time than those remote from Washington. Send i” 1. dr.-.v. r:i r • r photo., with desrrip* tioii. Wn advise. if parental le or not. free of charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. A Pamphlet. ‘‘Bow to Obtain Patents,” vith Ham uf a* •; u c-i.-nt* in your State, county, or town, scut free. Address. C.A.SNOW&CO. Omit* **** ‘Manias, 0. J