The Douglas breeze. (Douglas, Coffee County, Ga.) 18??-190?, March 13, 1896, Image 4

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flings of interest. The coinage of new words in the English language continues at the rate of 100 annualy.—Ex. Sam Jones is squarely after the dev il in Atlanta. It is a big job, but no body can do it so well as Sam. Governor Atkinson has offered $250 reward for the wretches who caused the recent Southern Railway wreck. Mr. M. .I.l’arker is now trveling so licitor for the Ardmorite, Ardmore T. T. We wish him success in his new field. Women ought to he expert marks men, for they ean “rifle'’ their hus band's pockets and never “miss ’ a clime.—Waycross Journal. Three hundred and elevr n negroes sailed from Savannah for Liberia Sun day. The Government of Liberia fur nishes land for them to settle on. Burch would gait) more popularity and greater esteem and reap the ap plaudits of “well done” il he would let Mr. Turner wear him as a watch charm Next excursion to Jamaica by the riapt line will leave Port Tampa March 13th. For reservations address C. If. Mills, Ticket Agent, Tampa Bay Mo tel, Tampa, Fla. When every man gets to working for himself, and the devil after the hindmost, the devil is sure to gradual ly reach the head of the procession.- Brunswick T-A. Worms, worms! Editor Sweat of the Waycross Journal is troubled with worms. Take Jerusalem oak seed in home-made candy, Bar. : they are highly recommended. A notable departure in elections will take place this year. All county offi cers, who have formerly been elected in January will ho elected when the state house officers arc elected in Oc tober. Crisp and dußignon are squarely in tin race for United States Senate, the former advocation free silver and the latter sound money. Wo are not satisfied with either one and should like to sco another horse trotted out The Hotel Sadie at Tifton is now being run by its owner Mr. W. W. Timmons and its management is en tirely satisfactory to the traveling jmh lie. Mr. Geo. M. Myers is th ■ genial clerk of the Sadie and his courtesies are very marked to every body. The Douglas Breeze has suspended publication, lis editor, M. .1. Parker, will make his future home in the Indi an reritory.—Savannah Press. Editor Stovall has recently gained much no toriety on account of his blatant er rors in regard to the editors and news papers of South Georgia: this one is not to he wondered at. No sir, the Breeze is still in statu quo ante hel ium and her prospects are brighten ing daily. A few weeks ago while the National Editorial association was at the Tam pa Bay Hotel, the following toast was offered amt heartily drank by the newspaper men present: • The Plant System—May its rails never grow rus ty ; mty the barnacles never cling to its ships; may the sweet song of its W reun over be hoard from terminus to terminus and may Henry B. Planted forever in our memories, since he Hathaway of winning hearts.’’ In Atlanta and one or two other places in Georgia for some weeks ne gro preachers have been telling their flocks that on March fi the believers would be taken up in a cloud and car ried to Heaven. Large crowds of col ored people gathered in the appointed places on thtp day and waited for the ascension, but the chariot did not come down, and in Atlanta they moved on on. to Grant’s Park and from thence down the Southern road toward Mc- Donough. hut at hist accounts they were still on the earth and their pas tors had derserted them. Some people are never sat isfied. For years. Douglas longed, passionately, loudly, longed and panted for a rail road. At last she got one, and now she is kicking for Pullman ears and through vestibuled trains—Tifton Ga zette. We are a hustling people, Ed itor Allen, and our town is in tin march of progress. We cannot afford to rest ou our laurels simply because we have attained one desire. That would uot build any town iu the world and Tifton is au unfortunate example of that principle. Bbo might have been w hat Waycross is if she had not thought she was finished two year ago. Sea Islam! cotton is largely used iu the manufacture of bicycle tires. A GEORGIAN WISH SIO,OOO. Harry Stillwell Edwards’ Story A warded First Prize in the Chicago Record’s Great “Stories of Mystery” Competition to the World. The Chicago Record, with marvel lous enterprise, offered $30,000 in prizes to the authors of the world for the best “stories of mystery.” The con test was advertise 1 in the newspapers of every English-speaking country on on the globe, and 810 manuscripts were submitted from all parts of Eng land, as well as from every nook and corner of the United States. The fust prize of SIO,OOO has just been award- ed to Mr. Harry Still .veil Edwards, of Macon Ca., and a check for that a raount has been forwarded to him. The Atlanta Journal has at a heavy cash expenditure secured ex clusive rights to publish Mr. Edwards’ great prize story, “Sons and Fathers,” and it will appear in daily installments in The Journal, contemporaneously with its publication in the Chicago Record. The story will begin Mon day, March 23d. In add;.ion to being tire winner of the SIO,OOO prize this is a “mystery story,” that is, a mystery is woven through it, but is not developed up til the last chapter. Fifty-seven chapt ers will be published and then publi cation will be suspended for one week during which interval the readers of The Journal will bo allowed to guess at the solution of the mystery, which will he revealed in the concluding chapter. For the best guess The Journal offers SSO in gold. The Atlanta J .uruol will be sent to any address, tor the five weeks through which the story will run, for 50c. Send postal note or*so two-cent stamps to The Journal, Atlanta, Ga. MAItIIY or itKNNKIT. It seems now that the race for solic itorship will'be betwcin Bennett and Mabry. At the Appling superior court last week all three candidates were present and a vote was taken by the grand jury which resulted in a tie between Mabry and Bennett, each receiving 8 votes while Toomer re ceived only 5, It is said that Mabry will probably get the endorsement of the Clinch court which convenes this week, lie or Bennett will surely get the support from Glynn, and these are some of the forts which Toomer thought he had well garrisoned. From the evidences before us there is strong reason to believe that Coffee, another county claimed by Toomer in the beginning of (he race, will en dorse Benutt, and there is no tell ing what change will take place in Ware if Bennett and Mabry push their claims before the grand jury there. However, there are some rea sons to believe that War? will give Toomer its endorsement. Mabry will make Bennett a stronger race than was first anticipated frmn his candidacy. Ten Men Shot. Near Plant City. l'la.. last week in a desperate battle with regulators, Bow en Sykes shot four men fatally and wounded six others more or less severe ly. It. seems that he had been notified to leave the place under threats of death, but only prepared himself for the attack instead, which came Thurs day morning, ending in the above stated results, t'ranioted Mr. Wm. Toucht >n. agent of the Plant System at Pearson has bee A promoted to the agency at Tifton, and lias already entered upon his du ties at that place, This is one of the most deserved compliments the Fl int System could have pronounced; for there is not a man iu the realm of the of our knowledge who has been more faithful to a positive adherence to du ty than has Mr. Toueliton. He cer tainly is a man of strict business prin ciple without auy deviation, and. yet, unlike many others of this char acter who are hash in its enforcement he is gentle and courteous withal. Pearson people regret to lose him and his family but they all rejoice in his promotion. When the supremo court of Ala bama convened in Montgomery last week some extremely dithcuU eases wore to be disposed of, and a lawyer who was interested suggested that the Bible be read and prayer be offered before the business was takenup The Judge agreed to the suggestion and the lawyer read a chapter and the solicitor offered prayer. Truly there is pow< r in God and none should realize it more than the courts of justice. &bjuns& -IKT 1 1. 'a J W£si I y jW q SQUIRE’S MEATS AND LARD. Other Grocers say I am s< .ling too cheap, but I can’t bold my Goods when people bring the cash. The staple-- like Bacon, Flou - , Lard, Grist and meal are always on hand. Jml fresh Vegetables and Fruit come daily Seed and Feed Oats, Corn and Hay. Orator and Leader brand Flour—Full Patent $1.(50 per barrel. a is* saro'os-iSLSS. PEARSON, ------- GEORGIA. Prices Td Suit the times, AT The (fOiicral st#ftlE OF JBFF OimikOT. PearsOn, * Ga, J. A. JONES & GO,, WA YCROSS GEORGIA. Have just received anew supply of Wagons,consisting of all sizes of one and two horse Farm Wag-ms, also Turpentine, wood and cross-tie wagons. L*r Largo'slock of Buggies and Harness on hand. fM jl mu j o. WAITCHOsb, CLi. THE Wayemss OleiM ag lit sm t Vayeross, Geos yia. HEADQUARTERS FOR FINE CLOTHING. HEADQUARTERS FOR CHEAP CLOTHING. HEADQUARTERS FOR BEST fitting clothing. HEADQUARTERS FOR BEST HATS and SHOES. HEADQUARTERS FOR FURNISHING GOODS. HEADQI ARTERS FOR I \ FRA 1 HlNti In a, first-class clothing store. Styles and prices not excelled in any city in the state. EVERYEODY IRTVITED TO Call and examine our complete stock. WAYCROSS CLOTHING STORE, The Wide Awake and Ip To Dale . Clothiers WAYCROSS, GA- Successors to FRANK C. OWENS- It All Over Town and spreading rappdly that Die. W. V. BIBBKTT lias the largest stock and purest DRUGS ever brought to Douglas EP ES S* U mK • ■ Toilet Soap and Toilet Articles, llrushes, Combs, Sponges etc., also Hawk's Speck! ides and eye glasses. We are not simply ‘-Dealer and (,nr car e, skill and precision in Usp.msing e mires our cutom he test possible results and gu.,r.,ntces them against errors. Wio fills ion ll&cijtiis mi Fail? Eeceißts. J. T. Reiman & Cos Have op*: u:cd their new stock of ' ; s la. Oes, HOC 9 3E ■ Groceries. We arc g< Uing goods for a song, and if you can’t sing just whistle and the goods are yours Call and be convinced of our low prices. —Highest prices Paid for Country produce. J. T. llelihan & Cos. Spring Opening. TPST4II v About In the meantime the ladies may Cell and select their (*Z rv BONNETS, !i }• •£ 1 HATS, RIBONS an d FLOWERS. We If are Just Received The Most Beautiful Line of Hr/ Gsols tliat 0/6? sins to Domlas. Do >'• t Wait. For Wo May Roll The Very Hat You Want Just Before You Come. Lot us make your fine Spring Dresses. The Misses JDOI Cl-LAS, Overman Building, up stairs, DOUCIMS, Ga I LAMD & 60. we are selling goods than anybody in the if you don’t believe it Call and see us, OUR LINE IS DRY GOODS, GRO CERIES, BOOTs, ShoeS 1!,.. Hardware, Tinware, Valises, Tobacco, Cigars, and all kinds of GENERAL Merchandise. 14 i7ki a ad, - geo rgia. H, H. MILLER & sol The Cheapest FURXIITRE and HARNESS House io Georgia. We Carry a eempkie line of FURNITURE MATTING SLOCKS, - BABY CA .it AGES TRUNKS RUGS.HARNESS AND SADDLES We will ceil a*. Reck Bottom Trices. Mail orders receive u- r special atcetion. IT. M. MILLER A SOX. 114 Newcastle St.. Brunswick, Ga. Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat ect basine-s con ducted for Moderate Fees m O. r Oifice is Opposite IJ. S. Patent Office. v and we can seen re patent ilk less time thantoos# remote from Washington. Send model, draw ins or photo., with descrip tion. We advie. if patentable or not, free of charge. Our fee not due till patent ia secured. A Pamphlet. ‘ How to Obtain Patents,” with ram*.-.- f actual clients in your State, county, or town, sent free. Address, C.A.SfciOW&CO. . CSSSSKS P**** 4 A#*ea. P. C.^.