The Douglas breeze. (Douglas, Coffee County, Ga.) 18??-190?, April 03, 1896, Image 4

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Tins of inirel. President Hippolyte of Hayti is dead The Willacoochee Courier <ame to our dc sk this week. Coffee county now has three newspapers and a col ored band. Miss Edna Cain says bloomers look all right on wheels, “provided my la dy isn’t fat.”—Ex. But they don’t look well on won c >. The date for the Smith-Crisp debate at Waycross has been charged to April 11. Wa/crots will make that a trade Day and her merchants will oiler spe cial indi cements to buyers. Vaycross is a live town. There is probably nothing which helps build up a town more than a newspaper. Its influence is far-reach ing and it carries facts concerning the the town to incredible distances, and those who have not seen a city can not but judge it entirely by its news papers. —Ex. lt.-v. Tomas (E Scott who died at Forsyth a few days ago, said on his death bed that he had never in his life said anything he would not can for his mother and sister to hear, and that he had nov r entered a place where lie w ould not have carried them. Blessed he the pure in heart,, for they shah see God. AT DOUGIAS. Coffee County Snperi >r court con vened at Douglas Monday morning, Judge Sweat presiding, the attendance being larger than usual at a Spring term. The senior editor of the Herald reached the, city over the McDonald'- Mill A Douglas railroad on Tuesda t at half past 1 o,clock. This new road which belongs to J.B.Bailey willi W. T. Lott as superintemliint is being rapidly put in first-class condi tion steel rails taking the place of the old iron. The road passes through a ’ very pretty country and upon nearing Douglas wo found the land rolling and exceedingly fertile and interspers ed with many pretty farms Douglas, the county seat of Coffee is an old town hut lias recently taken on anew growth. It now numbers between 500 anil 800 inhabitants lias three hotels: ten stores including drug stores two goo I newspapers the Doug las Breeze ably edited by Mr. Greer, and the Douglas Leader presided ovei by Messrs. Tanner as editor and our old friend Mac Brown ns publishei Douglas Inis six resident lawyers and three doctors all of whom complain that business is dull. There are several very pretty churches built on the modern style and the new school house—work on which is just commen cing—is to he a beauty with all the modern improvements and conven iences. The writer made the acquaintance of a large number of Cofleo county people a majority of whom will acme to Waycross to do business in the i_ near future. Douglas lias a bright fut ure and the writer was surprised to find such a flourishing town surroun ded by stiei a fine country. The Herald secured quite a list of new subscribers in Coffee and proposes to increase it largely in the future.— Waycross Herald. Stuulau School Conretition. Our Annual Convention will be held in Douglas, on Sa'urdnv and Sunday. April 11 and 1” Wo cat nestly desire your assistance and co operation in s -curing a good repre senta'ion from every County in the district. Each school is entitled to one delegate for every 25 members, or the fractional part thereof. Min- isters and County Officers are dele gates ex-officio. We are anxious to have a full delegation from each County present a' this meeting, and hope 'hat every School will he repre sented. as wo want the spirit of the Convention to he ea ried into every part of the district. Elect or appoint your delegates at once and send names to T. J. Harri son, Douglas. G i., in order that homes may l>e provided. Douglas will enter tain all delegates and workers who will attend the Convention with the usual genial hospitality of Coflee county. Delegates going by rail, should pur chase tickets to McDonald's Mill, on the B. & W. Railway. and there take the Me Don tld's A'ill and Douglas R lilroad for Douglas. The Superintendent or Seoretaiy "ill please make out and mail imme diately, statistical report. Please do not fail to do this, in order that our statistics m iv he corrected up to date We hope to make this Convention a blessing to all who attend. Yours in the work. C. C. L ! Hasan, President. D. B. Sweat, SecreUrv. Xirand Jury Presentments. We the Grand Jurors drawn and sworn for the March term (18%) of: the Superior Court of Coffee county j beg leave to submit the {'flowing gen- j eral presentments: We recommend that the road tcwjls j of each district belonging to the county be sold and the money spent on the public reads where they have not been worked. We recommend that Henry Girt rnan and Daniel Gaskins, Sr. do suc ceed themselves as members of the Board of Education. Wc recommend the Board of Education he paid two dollars per day each for their services rendered. We recommend that the Ordinary be paid $98,158 for extra services. We recommend for Notary Public 1127 I list. Thomas McGarvin, and 10 2(1 I)is(. J. li. I’a fiord, and I”7 Dist. J. T. McEnchin. Wc recommend that the City court be abolish' and and that our next rcpro s'illative use his influence in that di rection. We recommend that the Ordinary abandon the suit against B. Peterson for the town lots in Douglas. Owing to tile re'-ent heavy rains we find our public roads in bad condition and recommend that the proper au thorities have them put in good con dition as soon as practicable. We find the public buildings and bridges of Coffee county’ in fair condi tion so far as we are able to ascertain, except the well of the jail which wc recommend anew curb with brick. We recommend that, our next rep resentative use bis mdeaveors to abol sb the law that authorizes our tux leeeiver to use blanks f>r returns of taxes. Also recommend tbal be use his influence to prohibit the sale of domestic wines in Coffee county. We recommend that the report of the committee appointed by the last grand jury to examine the hooks of the various county effleers be attached to those presentments. We recommend that the jurors for this term of court he paid two dollars per day each, and clerk and foreman of the grand jury to he paid three dollar per day each. We find that the books of the jus tice of the peace and notaries public of the county' correctly kept. Wo find the tax collectors and coun ty school commissioner’s books cor rectly kept. Wo end rse John W. Bennett of Way:.e county for Solicitor General of tin l Brunswhk judicial circuit and wo request that cur representatives to the general assembly use their cr denvors to Bceuro his election to the position. In taking leave of lus honor, Joel L. Sweat as Judge, we thank him for the aide and impartial manner in which he h is conducted this term. In taking lea-’o of Win. (. Brantley, our able and honorable Solicitor, we thank him for the instruction and courtesies shown this body during its session. Ailed which we respectfully submit. Thomas Young. Foreman. We the committee appointed by the grand jury October term Coffee county Superior court IS'.l.'i, have examined holes of county treasurer, and find them correctly and neatly kept. Have ex amined books of sheriff and jailer and find them neatly and correctly kept. Have examined hooks of Clerk of Su perior court and find them correctly! and neatly kept. Have examined j books of Ordinary and find them neat ly and correctly kept: and also the deckels and minutes of County court and find them correctly and neatly kept. This February 1, IS9(>. B. H. Tanner. .Tr. Lawrence Newborn. Committee. A Xt f/i'o Killed At Kales, a station on the MeDor ald and Douglas road lasi Tuotday some negroes were gambling when a riiw ensued and one negro was shot m the head and killed. The cor oner’s jury failed to discover the per petrator of the deed. Every one in the shanty at the time swore that he saw no one shoot. Hurrah for Codec? Verily the predic tion of the Breeze that “hefore the raee for the Brunswick circuit is over Crack er Bennett will rutile Dude Toomer's f collar and cutis." the recent action of the Coffee county grand jury, news of which has just reached us, m giving Col. Bennett its unaimous endorse ment, proves our worthy eoptmnpo rary a so thsayer— Jesup Seminal. • -♦ ••Takeaway woman,'' shouted the orator, “and what would follow? -we would," said a man at the back of the audience, promptly.—E.x J*!L HE® SIUC£C!S ftiifFippt mlliw iS &i a BHH W S SQUIRE’S MEATS AND LARD. Other Groceia say I am selling too cheap, but I can’t hold my Goods when people bring the cash. The staples like Bacon, Flour, Lard, Grist and meal are always on hand. And fresh Vegetables and Fruit come daily Seed and Feed Oats, Com and Hay. OtvJ.or and Leader brand Flour—Full Patent per barrel. Ml. JF® HIJOMLe. PEARSON, GEORGIA. Prices To Suit the times, AT The 4cncra! Merchandise stORES JEFF EXRKLAND. PearsOn, Ga. i his space is re erred for Fenton the tombstone man at Waycro.r. THE Waycros? Clothing Store JVat/crotis, Georgia. HEADQUARTERS FOR FIXE CLOTHING. HEADQUARTERS FOR CHEAP CLOTHING. HEADQUARTERS FOR BEST FITTING CLOTHING. HEADQUARTERS FOR BEST HATS and SHOES. HEADQUARTERS FOR FURNISHING GOODS. HEADQUARTERS FOR EVERYTHING In a first-class clothing store. Styles ami prices not excelled in any city in the state. EVERYBODY XIsTV XT’ZEJ ID TO C.tP and examine our complete stock. WAIT ROSS CLOTHXN G STORE, The Wide Air ale and Up To Date Clot Idem WAYCROSS, GA- Successors to FRANK C. OWENS- J, F. MORRIS, Contractor and Builder, lIAZI.KHI'RST, : : C EURO IA. Neat and durable Work guaranteed. LDDDEfi k BATES 8 M H Tho oldest and most reliable Music House ~7n”tHE SOUTH. £~Pi a nos and Organs at lowest prices and on Easiest Terms. Nothing but Best Grades Handled. Branch House. WAYCROSS, - GA. el R Knight ,Mncr LEE PARKER, HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER, NEAT WORK GUARANTEED. DOUGLAS, - - GEORGIA. BARBER SHOP.-, PARKER A FZELDING l’ii>pr;et,<rs. COLUMBUS WASHINGTON,, The Dandy Barber. Shop in same building as jewelry shop. Pu b I /sliers 5 Xo tice, Some of the patrons of the Breeze who are behind with their accounts are laboring under the impression that said aeeoiurs are payable to the old management. The undersigned wishes to fay to all that such is not the case —that all accounts due the Breeze are duo the new management. Respectfully, Greer a Sapp. J. T. I?.eLilian & Cos ffave opened their new stock of CjiTy J&sj 255 $ SESe Hat? 9 JP URNITURB —OROCI£EK.Y and Gfoeeriel. We arc selling goods for a song, and if you can’t’sing just whistle and the goods aie yams. Call and be convinced of our low prices. —Highest prices Paid for Country produce. J- T. Ilellhan & Cos. Spring Opening. i 'WWHIJL mi, Bla-reli JLst la ike meantime the ladles may I fell and select their BONNETS. I IIATS. RIISONS and FLOWERS. We Hare Just Receieed The Most li dutiful Line of lillmory Ms ilai ever camo to Mute Do Not Vait, For We May Sell The Very Hat You Want Just Before sou Come. Let Us make your fine Spring Dresses. 1 he Jlasses IM) L (JLAS, Overman Building, up stairs, Douglas, G KIRSfcLJJfB & CO, __ wc arc selling goods than anybody in. the ounty it you don’t brl.eve it Cal! and see us. OUR LINE IS DRY GOODS, GRO CERIES, BOOTs, ShoeS Hats, Hardware, Tinware, Valises, Tobacco, Cigars, and all kinds of GENERAL .iaandls©, ii irkla n ii, - geo rgia. J. A. <3 ONES & €O., JVAYCIiOSS GEORGIA. Have just received anew supply of Wagons, consisting of all sizes of one and two horse Farm Wagons also Turpentine, wood and crosS-tie wagoSs. a: .o- -rock of Buggies an-I Harness cm hand. St'S *p. &. mb m . WAYCMOss, GA.