The Douglas breeze. (Douglas, Coffee County, Ga.) 18??-190?, April 10, 1896, Image 4

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Tilings of Interest. Dent ferget Levy Bros, at Way cross tomorrow. Ex-President Harrison married Mrs. Dirni k of New York Monday. Rome girls are so modest tjiat they would blush at the sight of a garter snake.— Ex. A newspaper in a, town builds it up. If you don't believe it just put your rye on our central city—Douglas. —Willacoocbee C’imrier. Editor lireer, of Douglas Breeze, paid the Call a plea-ant visit yester day. The Breeze i- one our best ex changes.—Brunswick Call. Savannah had a big fire Wednesday morning. The Savannah Grocery Cos. was burned out. Tim 1 was over $200,000 covered by insurance. The Cuban resolutions were passed in Congresi M inday. Now, Spain, cut your capers. It now goes to the Pres ident whose action upon it is contin gent. Dr. Ryder shot and killed Miss Sal lie Owen at Talbotton hist Sunday, presumably h ‘cause she would not marry him. Bo'h parties were highly connected. Editdr John W. Greer of the Doug las ISreez", is in the city today visiting friends. Editor Greer is piinting a bright, paper, and is being congratula ted or. his success.—Brunswick T—A. Tno Hera'd regrets that Mr. Grip's voice has been in ule weak bv his re cent speycnes. If his voice should be come as weak as his argil uneiits, lie W 1 not l> able to talk at all. f -Waycross Herald. U ' ’ “Sweet one, I love you,” lit' whis pered to his partner at the masquer ade' “1 should think you should,” she replied, "seeing that I am your wife.” “Didn’t I know it, darling? What other woman do you think I would say that to?" Among this mis,vers given by cer tain Chicago high school pupils re cently in an examination wore the fol lowing: ‘‘New York was settled by the Duke of York, and Pennsylvania by the English Quakers “The earth is a sphere, because, if it wore (hit we would fall oil'the end of it if we walk ed that way”; “The declaration of in dependence was a document drawn up by Abraham Lincoln at the, close of the revolutionary wa , giving freedom to tin' negro r a ” —-Ex. A (SIU'A / SESSASIOX Kniiiloifiurnt for Em ■// lloihj. Wanted : Ueueral A rent, man o: lady, to take charge of ten counties and appoint canvassers for the most perfect self dish washer. Washes dries atul polisht s dishe for entire family in two minutes without putting hand* in water. No breaking, chipping or scalded hands. Every body buys. One man cleared ,'t>72.,>l) tirst day. No canvassing or traveling. No scheme fake. Territory going like wildfire. Hilary o"'d monthly, expenses and commissions. Write to-day etudo 1 * ing references and stamp for reply. National Mfg. Otv -t. Louis, M•. Outlaws iu I'ike County. In I'ike County the famous Deck gang shot and killed slieiilT Gwynn and seriously, if not fatally, Wounded John F. Madden, a prominent litizm of the county. The l)elk gang had committed several depredations in theJ county, and the slierifl’ and a posse went out aed surrounded their house at night. The slierifl' walked <n t'-e ! porch ami demanded thn*. they sur render when lie was told from within to leave in two minutes or he would he shot. His friends wlm were con cealed in the tin 1 k begged him to leave, and as he turned and started h<> \vss shot in the hick and ex pired. Air. Madden went to ids ie lief. and as lie he stooped over him he received a wound that will likely prove fatal. The posse' preparcel to burn the house down on the vilhans, hut they ruthed out of the house aid shot though the crowd ami made their s cipe. At last accounts they were surrounded by a nub who x pee Usd to hang tile in as soon as caught. Xoticr. A mass meet ng of the' democratic party of Codec county is called to 1 meet at the Court-house in Douglas on the Ist of May. for the purpose of electing our executive committee for Codec eouuty. to elect delegates u> the State democratic c invention, to nomi nate a democratic candidate for Gov ernor, State ho*'se offices ami for such other business as may come before the 1 meeting, this April 2nd 1596. J. M. Denton Chairman democratic Ex. Com. Unfortunate Brunswick. On last Thursday about eleven o’clock the B &W. depot in Bruns wick caught fire from the spark of a j ! pile driver engine and the high wind ; that was blowing that day swept the flames over a large part of the busi ness portion of the city, destroying about a half million dollars worth of property. The large depots of the Plant Sys tem, Downing & Cos. aDd J. J. Lott the Ocean Hotel, Briesenick’a foundry Hoyt Hardware Cos. and many other important houses were destroyed. Most of those who sustained losses were very well insured and some whol ly so. This is probably the most costly fire Brunswick has ever had, and coming as it does just when she was graceful ly emerging from the ruins of the ep idemic, it would seem that Prov idence ha I placed a special ban on her progress. We predict, however that this is a blessing in disguise to the dear old city and we look for her to rise out of the ashes with in are splendor than she has known hitherto. Indeed, fires are nearly always beneficial to a city and Brunswick will be no exception ; for she lias already begun to lay the foundations for new and finer buildings Brunswick has never suffered much from fires, she lias lost much from her epidemics, but more than all has she groaned under th burden of her politics. It may not he any of our business, hut having formerly some material interest in her affairs and be ing now a spectator of he • progress, vc are constrained to remark casually that Brunswick has sutiered more from her politics than with all her other ailments combined. Wo have seen “beel-ridden” people, hut Brun swick is truly a political—ridden city. It is graciously refreshing to note that some of her young m.n are be coming gabled with Hie yoke of tlira.ll dom, under which they have grown to manhood and it is ! safe to predict that Hannibal will me et his Cato one of these days. Brunswick is the prettiest city in the world, and Hanover square at present is an Aiilen of blissful delight. The burnt district is a vast u nder lies i of waste. The Levy brothers are sprightly fel lows and they are making the Call a ‘•hummer.’’ “Ham” Harvey has a heart as big : as Some M mntain, only a heap softer : he took our “flop" hit away and gave us anew one. Henceforth his name is Abou Ben Adam. • Overman Snoir bon nil. , lam now snow hound 20 miles from my destination. At noon the day was fair and warm, perfectly Spring-like, wind to the south and the sun almost as warm as a May day in Georgia. In HO minutes the whole scene had ehan 0 - eel and the north-wind was driving (lie snow in blinding sheets at storm velocity. It is an old time blizzard and is growing fiercer at this hour-9 P. M. They say that, thousands of cattle and horses on the prairie will freeze to night, and 1 am sure that travelers caught out in this storm will be lucky to survive, A man cmnot be seen ten steps and it is utterly impossible .0 hold ones face to it. What a eon trast with South Georgia where the grass and fruit trees and flowers are j putting forth, warmed and nourished |by balmy breezes and vernal shower-, | There is not the slightest sign of spring j here, just as dead and lifeless ns ; December. Hundreds of poor families, jmi tiles;' open prairies are shivering with cole! for like of fuel. How much I | we Southerners ought to appreciate i our genial climate and happy sttr * roundings. (Part of a letter received Mrom J. B. Overman, Bloomfield Neb.) A printer elocs not go to the doctor when lie is out of “sorts," nor to the bakery when he wants “pie,” nor the | bible when he wants a good “rule,” nor to the gun sli q> when lie wants a “shooting stick.” n>r to a girl when he goes to "press.” nor to the I wood pile when he wants "stick.” nor the hank when he wants * coins.” nor | to a lawyer when he has a "dirty ease," j nor the pump when h? has ten cents i ;in his pocket, nor to h—l when he j j wants the "deni.” Geoogia t'offee county. To all whom it may concern : Tahitlta Intinger has in due form applied to the undersigned for permanent letters of administration on the estate of t\ W. Inlinger late of said county deceased and 1 w.ll pas-upon the same on the tirst Monday in May lsati. Given un der my hand amt official seal the tith day of April 1 S>;. .lno. Vickers Ordinary Many Persons are trota* town from overwork or household care*. It row it’s Iron Itit tors debuilds iha rysfem. aids digestion, removes excess Of t>Ua <tud cures ciafans. (jet ttn. juiuta* A 3F® HU CKS ““ GROCERIES. \ SQUIRE’S MEATS AND/ ,ARD. v Other Grocers say I am selling too cheap, bus/ can’t bold my Goods when people bring the cash. The staples like Bacon, Flour, Lard, Grist and meal are always on hand. And fresh Vegetables anu Fruit come daily Seed and Feed Oats, Corn and Hay. Orator and Leader brand Flour—Full Patent sllsO per barrel. A r* HUCKS. V PEAItSON, GEORGIA. This space is reserved for Fenton, the tombstone man at Waycrots. THE Waycross Clothing Store Way cross, Georgia. HEADQUARTERS FOR FINE 0 LOTH I NO. HEADQUARTERS ?OR CHEAP CLOTHING. HEADQUARTERS FOR BEST FITTING CLOTHING. HEADQUARTERS FOR BEST HATS and SHOES. HEADQUARTERS FOR FURNISHING GOODS. HEADQUARTERS FOR EVERYTHING In a first-class clothing store. Styles and prices not excelled in any city in the state. EVERYBODY IYTTYITIEJID TO Call and examine our complete stock. WAYCROSS CLOTHING STORE, The Wide Awake and Up To Date Clothiers. WAYCROSS, CA- Successors to FRANK C. OWENS plant svstxbvi TIME table Local I'V’cr’shv er's 7 IN’ O- ——7 Pas-1 Pas- Frght Pas- Pas- tv VKKFrr APRIL 5 1803 seng’rseng'r ex ei> eug r.seng r 1N ' 1 M 1 A± 111 Su nd. Daily, j Daily. 12:01 O’CLOCK, A. M. Daily. Daily.l TC M. A. M.i P. M. P, M. . ' jlvti 40 lvß 15! BRUNSWICK ar“ 40 arl34t)! arT 12 arS 47 Jamaica f 7 12 f1209 .. . . jj ";/f7 29 T a 0,5 .. W\li.'svUlo f 6 53 fll 53: f 7 3(1 l!• 12 Atkinson f 4O fll 40' f 7 43 ft) 18 ! Lu'aton ; f # 38T1140 1 f 7 52 f 9 28 Nalninta ft; 28 f 1131 .. if 811f St 4<i| Hoboken f usjf 11 12 f 8 19 19 55 Sohlatterville ft; OOf 11 05: 8 40 s 1015 WAYCROSS llvs 40 lv 1045 A. M. No. 89 no. 87 no. 92|No. 94 from thorn to i From W’or’sAVer's Bruns- W’er’s to to wick ; to 1 Tifton Albnvi | ! B-k - Iv 9 40 1v1045 Y\ AY CROSS ars lOlarj 10 A. M. nrO 53 artosß YYaresboro t' 5 30 f 4 55 ' ’ ] tlO 03 I'll 07 72 Mile Siding f 5 17 f 4 45 flO 13H1 It! Millwood jf 5 o.f 4 37! flo2lft 124 McDonald f457 f 4 3oj . . fit) 35 01 38l Pears, n f 4 38 f 4 13 £lO 42 t'll 44 Kirkland f 4 31 f 4 07 fit) 50 t'O 53 5# Milo Post £ 4 19 f 4 00 \ M. flO 54 fO SOI Gray's f4l4f 357 aril 00 GO 58 fO 59 NY lilac, oc ho a f 4 10 f 3 55 lv# 35 ft 1 19 02 14 Alapaha.... f 3 50 f 340 7 02 I'll 33 0 2 25 .Enigma f 3 33 f 3 30 730 0 ! 43 st 2 32 HSgEKI 4 f 3 2ti f 3 23 $ 30 P. M 1v1255 1 H IGN ar3 00| | •) 0. arl 14 IyTy f 2 35 Xo. 90i I V 9 45 f1 26 Sumner f2 21 From! \ M . .if 1 35, .Poul m f2 12 Tifton! * “ ‘ jf 1 43 Isabella f 2 05 to I f 1 53 NN ilhngham f 1 53 W’or’s! " jf 2 00 Davis f 1 43 ! j If 3 20 ALBANY lvl 20 I p, >i p. m. ' .. j No .88 j B— Regular Stop. F—Stop on Signal. Direct conne tion made ;u NN aveross with through Pullman sleeping ears for Si Louis. Nlontg merv . Nashville, Savannah. Charleston and allnoints north'- uho Tampa and Si Augustine Kcelining eliair ears betwaan \Vt ,-r.i.s -'.ml Vontcomcry via. Thomasville. i; niiuliaiii. General Superintended. Gen. W Coate*, D.v. Pass. Agt. IS. NV. \\ min, PasseiUfj. Traffic Manager. -*®i ®*MJS .!. *J.S3S - '5313A318 13 N Via \ xs3oNoaxs asi (MISSJI sin**v ‘ XSaJtHwIl & mz-mm ms sie/sxo. At ihe Sew Store just in front of the Court blouse acknowledged to be the leader in Cow Prices and big Bargains. No bring your bas kets and wagons and sec bow cheap we can fill them for you, we are dancing a business reel all the time and can £how You Better how it is done. Come and se /. J. T. RELIHAN & CO. Spring Opening. Kirill About IMEairola. Ist. In the meantime the ladies may? Call and select their M BONNETS. ■afeDVlXlff HATS, RIBOXS Bo#l/Ll; &**§*£ auJ pj oWERS. We Have Just Received The Most li air Line \/ V - v f lillinerv Goods Hat over cans to Doilos. Do Not Wait, We May Sell The Very Hat You Want Just Before You Come. L/ us make your fine SpringjDresses. The Misses HO I GLAS. Overman Building, up stairs, DOUGLAS GA - ■— , zrr...-z__ — —i KIRKLAND & CO. we are selling goods - -dieaper than anybody in the Count? ? ( il you don’t believe it C- J VR \ Call and see us. OUR LINE IS DRY GOODS, GRO CERIES, BOOTs, ShoeS Hats, Hardware, Tinware, Valises, Tobacco, Cigars, and all kinds of GENERAL Merchandise. Kirkland, - georgia. J. A. JONES & CO., WAYCHOSS GEORGIA. Have just received anew supply of Wagons, consisting of all sizes of one and two horse Farm Wagons also Turpentine, wood and cross-tie wagons. l-arge stock of Buggies aud Harness on hand. J. IJOBiIS 00. WAlCltOss, GA.