The Douglas breeze. (Douglas, Coffee County, Ga.) 18??-190?, April 17, 1896, Image 1

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vol. vi:. LOCAL MEWS Miss Maggie Greer visited lier ed itor brother during the convention. Ordinary Vickers brought to town sonic english peas and new irish pota toes Wednesday. Mrs. Thigpen and her charming daughter cf Duke, Ga„ were delegates to the convention. Bring your job work to the Breeze. We can give you the prettiest work you can get in this section. Misses Amanda and Ilellen Vickers two of Coffee’s iiiiest women spent Saturday and Sunday in Douglas. M isses Wilburn and Ponsed.. two o' Leliatons most excellent young la dies, were visitors to the convention. Misses Kate and Lila Kirkland at tended the convention. They always bring joy to hearts in Douglas when they come. We did not know everbody, and we were “bottled up” so that we could no meet everybody, and so you need feel slighted if we fail to men ii you. lines Davis says his school numbers >ut 46 pupils and his average at tendance is iili. That is a good slnw sng. The colored people are hungry ior education and they are getting it. Mr Gus I. Brack lias been appointed Votary Public Ex-officio J. P. of the 748 (Douglas) District to fill the nnex pired term of C. W. Infinger deceased, jla received his commission from Gov. Atkinson last Friday. Mr. S. M. Harrell of Downing was in town Wednesday selling bacon and Jard to the merchants, He is a farm er who ten years ago was not worth a dollar and whose posessions are now appraised at several thousand dollars, lias one of the nicest homes in the county, and he has made it all in ten years fanning on Coffee soil and now brings quantise- of produce to town to id to the merchants. There is not a better citizen in Georgia than Sam Harrell. Phillips Mill. We live getting plenty of fisli to cat nowadays. We have a company of hoys that are professional red eyed shiners who supply the market with minnows of every variety. Wo have the best Sunday school in .our knowledge. It is composed of for ty pupils and one collection a quarter suffices*JU keep the scho. in literature. Good music and good order and good lessens aie among its characteristics Miss Lunile Brown of Sycamore who has been visiting relatives at‘his place will return home in a few days much to the sorrow of our young men. We had quite a storm in this sec tion one night la <t week which swept down trees and fences, but doing no other damage. Some of the Breeze cor.espcndent? have caught the spring fever. Let us. hear from you “brethren anu sisteren. Bob. Broxtou. Weic you at the funday school convention? Why not? You missed something good. \V as your school .represented? If not why not? It should have been. This Sunday school work is something grand. Let's make something out of it, and if we succeed all must do something*. There will be pr-aching at Midway next Saturday and Sunday at 11 o'clock A. M., Bethel Sunday ?, J>. M. Breaching at Douglas Ith Sunday ami Saturday before in April by the pastor. We must nold a church con ference on Saturday. Pastor. Sot tee. This is to notify a(l concerned that all articles left with me for repairs with charges unpaid will be sold to the highest bidder for cash on Satur day, May 16. 1836. I also have a *. I lot of jewelry on ban 1 such as J.ace pin?, Breast pins, Scarf pnn.ha drop*, Finger rings. Ladies and (jinn chains 4c. which I will sell at cost from now until then. I wiii also be pleased to do any repairing in my line until 1 can sell out —object of th-s is to change location. Yours Truly. M, M. Knight. THE DOUGLAS BREEZE. Trouble at 1* ear son. On last Friday morning at Pearson there came near being a serious riot wjjtli bloodshed. At trouble grew out of a case that was docketed in the mayor’s court against Dr. I. L. Dedge an 1 and Hen ry Corbett for shooting on the streets. Ever since the last municipal elec tion, there has been some animosity toward the administration and certain parties have endeavored to show their disapproval by firing off their guns and pistols under the cover of dark ness, in order to worry the marshall and terrify the citizens. Continued efforts have been made to discover the guilty parties, hut they were so steal thy and well organized that no arrest had been made till hist Thursday ; for when one would attract the marshall fo one part of the town by Ids shoot ing he would dee from the spot and in an instant another would lire away in the opposite direction. About a month ago the town em ployed anew marshal, a Mr. Williams from Baxley. He applied his strat agem and on last Thursday night made the arrests mentioned above. The evidence against the parties was not perfect and Mayor Greer released them. Being incensed at the action of the marshall for arresting them, a pk>t was entered into, to worry the official still more. This was to drive a buggy on the sidewalk and cause him to make anew arrest whereby they would have occasion to make trouble with him. This was done and sure enough the marshall grabbed the horse and demanded the fine for the offense. Dr. Dedge and 0. J. Mead ows who were in the buggy got out and Dedge and the marshall went to gether. Nothing serious resulted from this, however, but a mayor’s court. Meadows and Dedge were brought befor - the mayor Friday and fined sls and $23 respectively for their conduct, They retired to p i.y it and started out of court, when they were ordered stop pi (1. Dr. Julian am] M. M. Knight had be-n deputized to help the mar shall and limy seized Dedge, when a general melee occurcd and pistols were drawn. L. Holtzondorf and his two sons, Sam and Chess, ran in and liberated Delge from the marshall, and far a few minutes a war seemed imminent. Fortunately no pistol was fired and no one seriously hurt, only a few scratches being made. The pa "lies could not be held in cus tody, however, and mayor Greer tele graphed to Waycross and to the Gov ernor for help. After several tele grams to and from these officials it was decided to let the local authori ties deal with the troubl. The mar shall came to Douglas Saturday night after the sheriff and had nineteen warrants issued. The sheriff returned to Douglas Tuesday morning and reported ev erthing in a quite state at Pearson, all parties having paid their fines and promised in future not only to obey tie law but to assist in upholding it. The mat'er was amicably settled and good fueling qovy prevails. Texas paper says that in one of the earliest trials before a colored jury in Texas the twelve g int’cntcq were told by the judge to retire and find the verdict. They went into the jury ro-m whence the opening and shutting ol doors and other sounds of unusual commotion were presently heard. At last the jury carpe hack into court when the foreman announced: ‘Aye hub looked eberywhar, judge, jn dc iDawers and behind de doahs, but it’t ncwliar in dat blessed room." To run an: wspaper a mtn must lia ’e public spirit, a big supply of dis cy< tirn avg; |. amount of j 'pence an abundant quantity of endurance and forbearance, a deaf ear for unjust criticism and complaint, a spirit to be just to enemies as well as to friends, a determination to do well in spite of of all obstacles, and we imagine that some m ney would bp quite helpful, But behind the cloud'-yesbeh'md the clouds-the sun still shines, and clouds always past away—Bartlesville Ga zette. DOUGLAS, GA. COFFEE COUNTY. FRIDAY APRIL 17.1896. Unto All Men and All Things Give Due Consideration. H. E. LaMtuice. ' j|| IILA I.EIf IX iarWo Stataary fij, Aliiutels, Grates, Tiling, Iron Fencing and fine lllllllllillli memorial ware. Write for designs and jAU U prices. H. E. LaMaxge, '*3 Brunswick, Ga. L KTTS Wayworn store The Largest Stock of SSfeSSTS. In any One Store in South Georgia—and PRICES LOWER than small houses can afford. IVe arc Headquarters for everything in a FIRST CLASS IS CLOTHING TORE B. 1L LEVY BROS. & CO. WAYCROSS, C3-JA. m L BFiAGK, Notary l J ubli unci Kx-Qilicio J. P. Douglas Disc. (".4s, G. M. 1? otiJi. '■ s, t * ; G'.*/ t Prompt attention given ta all business. ■ •Collections a Specialty. Administratrix Sale. Georgia, Collet! county: k grceably to an order granted by the Ordinary of said county, wi l b. sold bel'o e the courthouse door in the town of Doug las between the legal hours of sale the fol lowing described pioperty to wit: Lot of land number 28 in the first district of Cof fee erunty, containing 4!D acres more or less the timber on said lot of land for tur pentine and sawmill purposes cxcepfecl. Also at the same time and place wilt he sold the following described 'property to wit: One store house and lot hi the town of Doulgas, thonty feet front on Ward street and running 40 feet back. The sipne being a part of town 'lot number (I) one and a portion of lot number 192 in 0. district of .-aid county, and more fully de scribed as the Dr. M M Hull drug store. All of said described property belonging to the estate of Dr M M Halt deceased, said property sold for the benefit cf heirs and Creditors of suit! deceased. Terms cash. Mrs It 15 Hall, Administratrix. Georgia, Coffee County. Under and by virtue of a power of sale given to C, W. Meek, in a certain mort gag.-, dated the 23, of January 1896, signed by Elias Meek and John Roberts, and re corded in t-.e office of the Clerk of the su perior court ip sai.i count', on the 24, day of .1 amtary 189(5, in book of mortgages folio 52S to 530. lie makers thereof having failed to pay off the indebtedness therein described as required by the term thereof now. therefore to satisfy the said indebted ness there will be sold before the.' court house and jor of said comity to. lb l ' biggest bidder for pavii. ul public out-cry on the eleventli (lT)’day of Vluv 1896 during the legal hours of sale the following property to wit: Forty acres more or less of land, lying and being in the fifth dis rict of said county; the .same being a part of -lot, No. 511 and in the north east corner of the three hundred and ninety acres of -aid Up, I One horse mule about thirteen y.pari, did, one Imrso nliout six years old; thirty head of lock cattle, one buggy, one horse cart: l interest in a sugar miil; one sugar pan j . 150 bushels of corn; 2fGO lb., fodder. hou-a, hold and kitchen furniUpe. ra gallons *vr Inn and mua. 'huh,(rod pounds lutvop. j The above being sold U* the pr 0";,..., f j Elias Meek, 1 Also >.i * e sane- time and place: hundred acres of land more or less, j lying and being in the fifth district of said | county and in the north east, cornet- of lot ! number oil. Din. blank, mure mule fifteen years old; j one mare mule five years; forty bean j sheep; twent'. head hogs; one buggy; one I horse cart; one road cart, one organ; one ] hundred and fifty bushels of corn ; 2500 ibs | fodder, % interest in sugar mill, one sugar j pan ; household and kitchen furniture; ;50 gal'ons syrup,; rOJIb- bacolt. The last ; above described property being sold as the i property of John Roberts. j Deeds will b> executed to the purchaser on the rluv of safe. O. W. Meek, Attorney in Fact. J Walter Bennett. Attorney for C. VV. Meek. i- „i. hi wwa——rw—i ii ■ } The Breeze has just received a large supply of new job type and display | work and is now prepared to do any i kind of job work at Savannah prices. Announcement. 1 hereby announce myself as candi date for Ordinary of Coffee county, subject to the Democratic primary. \ W. R. Googe. Announcement. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the Senate from the stli sen atorial district, subject to the action of the democratic primary, and ask the suppoit of the people. Jell Wilcox. Announcement. After solicitations from many friends in different parts of the county, I have decided to become a candidate for the Senate from the sth senatorial district, subject to the action of the democratic primary, and ask the support of the people. 0. A. Ward, Jr. -dniiouceinent. I hereby offer myself as a candidate for the office of county surveyor of Cof fee county, subject the primary of the Populist party and respectfully ask the support of my friends. Rev. Tharpe Bailey. Announcement. Many of my friends have requested that | allow my name to go before the primary as candidate for Senator of the sth senatorial district, but nty Coffee j county friends have urged that ! again make the race fo;- Ordinary and J feel it, i my duty to yield to the latter, and T I hereby offer myself a candidate for Or-. i dinary of Coffee county, subject to the Democratic primary nuff respectfully the support 0 f the people. John Vickers. Noliee. To ell, whom it may concern: the let ting of the bridge across Seventeen mile c. ei.-k at the Indian ford will lie let to the lowest bidder before the courthouse . door in the town of Douglas on the first Monday in April nex* at 2 oclock p. m. Terms and specifications made known on the day of letting. Given under my hand eud official signature. ; This March 23, lbffh. J no. Vickers, Ord. j G.-orgiii, Coffee county. To all whom it may concern: Ellen Sinithh us in fine form ] apjMic.l to the undersigned for permanent i (enters of administration on the estate of j Jiirn*B R Smith late of said county de cease.!. and I will pA upon said applic;> i lion on tlic first Monday in May 1800, Given under my hand and official si.; ia ture this (jth day of April lHfMt. ) no. Vickers Ordinary, Spring and Summer i v ° have the prettiest lino of Spring and MM VVVtISi Summer Goods ever shown in this section ~ " 0 hllv . e the latosl novel ties ill LADIES DRESS GOODS. Our line of Prints aycales, Ducks, Lawns, orepo, is, xunsveiling, Batiste, Dotted. Swiss, India Mull Silk, Velvets v\:o. is j list Beautiful. Notions V E CARRY EVER V THING (IN THE NOTION LINE. WE HAVEA. Wo have the large it sto kofßVit \W H VTI in Oo Fa > 11 1 ; r And.they are pretty and Cheap. IpDOOMiMit! nil Kids zzss&zu ■, up our Sioik ol Sli dm ami Slipper.-). Wo cun stvejvou .Vjc. oa in shoes. Don’t Monkey With High Prices or Dynamite. They will “Bast” You. WE HAVE CUT PRIDES IN HALVES. Calico 4>7, 5. (i, Ojd cts.Tyd. y.mcks >, (), cts. yd. Sheeting 5,0, Oh, cts yd. Pants clotli 1 2E, 15, 20 cts. yd. orsocts 50 met. l ace let. yd. and up. Embroidery -tot. yd. and up. Ladies silk halts boots. Gents .leather b -Its 40cts, Window shades 25cts. i.ace curtains loots. Straw matting 20cts. yd. Hemp carpet loot. yd. 24 envelopes bet. sheets paper acts. LOO fish hooks JOcts. SHOES: Oxford Ties for Ladies 75eta. and SI,OO, a good congress slice $1,25, Oil Grain plain shoo worth SOSO our price SI,OO. Ladies Dongola Button shoe only SI.OO. CLOTHING. WE HAVE THE PRETTIEST LINE “""’jjja * " TT OF CLOTHING IN TOWN, V# At wholesale prices. f Suits 1(14,00 $5,005<1,00 $7,00 SB,OO SO,OO. § V Pants: 75ets., up to $4,00. Wr ran ”""lV \/P We Lead. What Follows GrEOCEEXEB. We can save you money in this line. Elour $4,75 Bhl. (loots. sack, meat c'.ict. H>, Lard bets, lb, 2011. rice sl, lblli sugar sl, Clb coffee sl, 4oz. snuff 10c, luhacei 25e. Ii , 4 feet Flora Loo Tobacco 25cts. Candy lOcts. It), GTE VERY DAY IS BARGAIN WARD & DAVIS. LEADE & IJST LOW PRIOES Douglas, - CjJeorgia: Douglas C* roeery'’Store. CX-CC t. J. davis & co. Projr'f We arc selling Groceries at prices that can’t be l/cat in Coffee oouny Everything new and fresh . We guarantee good weight, best quality, aud the largest quantity for the least money. Best family flour, $4,75 bhl., (Get. sack. 1811. granulated sugar sl,| 516 best Coffee sl, 2016 rice $1,.0016 grits sl, oats 60ct. bushel, corn 70cfc. bushel, Early Rose seed potatoes 30ct pk. turnips 4()ct. bushel, meat 7; l . ] ett, liams lOct It, pork sausage lOct, lb, pure lard bet It., beans 12ct qt., herring 25ct. box, sar dines Set box, oysters Oct. can, tomatoes two can for 15ct., mountain 'gilt edge WK • auk HEAP QUARTERS FOR ANYTHING IN THE GROCERY LIN COME TO SEE US WHEN IN TOWN. 7Q c T. J-- D.A.'VIS ah! CO-. Houglaa ,Ga, RNKvJMB IS butter fiOct.ll), cheese 15ct. ft, lemon cakes, soda cakes Set. It), stick candy Oct. It), choice nuts loot. It), raisin* 12ct. It), apple butter and jellies Set. Ik, oranges 25 ct. doz., apples 15ct. dor., pie peacliesJlSct. can, salmon loot, caa, macekrel loot, can, long bar co-coasoap 10ct., water buckets 12ct. Fresh tish and cabbage at lowest market prices.