The Douglas breeze. (Douglas, Coffee County, Ga.) 18??-190?, April 24, 1896, Image 4

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Things of Interest. A President Cleveland's family the mcasle3. Ihe<’!c-* * < * I :x n1 s :m* good j people and are not to l>c slighted. The insurgents arc whipping the | Spaniards in Cttha in nearly every engagement' Cuba will he free. And now Clinch has gone for Ben nett. In the language of the Hustler, “Como down. Toomer, come down.” \Y e are glad to Welcome the Amcr icus Herald to our sanctum. ft is thoroughly characteristic of the bright energetic city in which it i- published. Kora bright breezy paper, we rec ommend the Douglas Breeze. It is one of the weeklies which conies to us. —Americas IlerahJ. Thank on, sir. The difference in the Hast river Bridge, Brooklyn, when the thermom eter registers zero and wlien it regis ters 100 degrees above, is 2 feet 1 inches. The dilference in the rope which hauls the car- is 7 feet 0 inches. Twdity fanners carried the tails of 9,171 ground squirrels to the commis sioners of Hpokans county, Wa .li , on one day last week to collect the bounty of one cent per tail.—Ex. Reads like a narrative. Th ! following is the latest version of the old poem: “Mary had a little mule and it followed her to sktlle and the teacher 'ike a. fule stepped up behind the mule and hit him will, a rule and then there was no skule.”— Ex. Paper which cannot he destroyed by lire has been discovered by a french mail. A specimen has, it is stated, been subjected to a severe test —that of exposure in a potter's furnace frr forty-eight hours, and came out with out injury. The town of West Woolncb, Me., Imsn t ,1 single canine within its lim its, —Albany Herald, That is, in truth a dog-gone town. — Rome Tribune. Dog lake such a place as that.— Waverovs Journal. Enough doggerel to start a earnin' factory. l)an Sweat is apron ling himself. Last week the Journal swelled to six pages, and now lie is issuing a dailv court edition as buoyant and boun cing as that new boy editor who lias just joined the Journal stuff. A til ting compliment, to him, JJan, and may he live to lie as useful as hi,; she. 'i Ik* political Vnrphodite is a ne w 1 nvt tl this year. Hi* professes to he an advocate (f sound money, hut lie shouts “hooray !” I' >r free silver candi dates. But the Morpodite is an en tirely harmless creature—root femi nine enough to be pretty and attract ive, and net masculine enough to he strong. The Morphodite ain't in it.— Valdosta Times. Otis hundred and nine thousand lo comotives area! present running on the earth. Europe has 03,000, Ameri ca -10,000, Asia 3,000, Australia „ 2,009 and Africa TOO. In Europe, Ureal Britain and Ireland take premier po sition with 17,000 engines, Germany has 1 n.OOO. France 11,000, Austria- Hungary, the second largest eoaticen tal country has 5,000. The sunflower crop is one of the lu st paying in Kussia. A good crop is worth as it stands in the hold $25 per tic re. The seeds are sold by the fann er for from Is to <s a pound : then the . merchants salt tnem an 1 retail them for 12s a pound, and at even- street crossing in Russian provincial chits are stands and peddlers with baskets, selling to the passers-by the salted product of the hig suntlo.ver. which is eaten. Mart's Lamb I p-To-Date. Mary had a little lamh. its llecce was white as sno.\ ; it strayed away j one summer day where lambs should ! never go. Then Mary sat her down and tears streamed from her eyes: she never found the lamb because she die! not advertise. And Mary had a broth er John, who kept a village store, lie j sat down and smoked his pipe and watched the open door. And as the j p-ople passed along and did net stop to buy, John still sat down and smok ed his pipe and winked his sleepy eye. And so thi sheritf closed him out. l>u still he lingered near; and Mary ca in to drop with him a sympathetic 1 tear • H nv is it sister, you can tell why tee other merchants here, sell all tin i* goods and ‘ from year to year? If memlieriug now her own bad luck the mie maul replies. ■ 1 ~e>e little follows get then*. Job.), because they dvertise. —-Ex . ** State Convention. Hu State Sunday school convention. |Uvr-ncd in Mac ,n, was largely alter - ~% and unusually full of interest. The writer, had the good fortune to he j present on the first two days of its j session, and the instruction and asso-; ciation fully repaid in for all our ex- ] pend)tun sof time and money. Dr. Candler’s address, ‘ A Sunday School Substitute! Can there he one? was the treat of the convention, for an hour he held the audience motion lea except when his inevitable wit and humor moved them into convulsions of laughter. What Dr. Candler cannot make funny, pathetic or forceful is hardly worth the attention of other men. Asa timely great man he has n t, a superior in the state, and it, is doubtful if he have an equal. The exposition of primary' work in the [Sunday school by Miss Mabel Hall, superintendent of piimary de partment, Emanuel Baptist church Sunday school, Chicago, was the most splendid rehearsal of the nature we ever heard. .Miss Hall is a conse crated Christian and nobody would doubt it after hearing her speak a minute. Her mastery of the subject •h simply perfect and she knows ex actly how to present it in a manner that arouses enthusiasm from her first to her last utterance. She is spending n month on a lecturing tour through the South just now, and she is one northern woman wi om southerner# will love and delight to honor, She speaks in public, bother modesty is i dearly evident, and she has none of that feminine co.irsness with which so many female orators incense the feelings of southern people anti which readers woman publicity repugnant to southern sens'bilitieH. The r eception tendered the delegates by the faculty and students of Wes leyan College was another of the de lightful cxorcis's which cannot he lightly passed over. Mrs. Cobh had the. Senior class arrayed in their pret tiest costumes, and when Wesleyan girls are on a dress parade, all else but the beauty of the sun is eclipsed. R -freshmcuts were served from their dainty hands and their deft fingers soft,-n the chattering halls with sweet, music from 1 all parts of the building. Wesleyan is a great, college, and Mrs. Cobh w'no seems an inseparable part of the institution is a great wo man. Dr. Rowe, the President, is a man of rare talent and atl'ahi.ity and the delegates are much indebted for his com tesies. Macon is indeed a typical southern city and her hospitality is not boun ded at all. It runs ad infinitum and gets larger as it goes. No delegate to the Sunday school convention will he able to express his or her gratitude commensurate with Macon's great hearted cordiality, and wo make pub lic, acknowledgement of the sweet entertainment tendered us personally. 11. W. Reed of Brunswick is work ing a scheern with the Populist and Republicans to run for congress against Mr. Turner. Of course there is no danger from this source, but the people of ColFco county and the dis trict should know who Air. Reed is He is a "down East" yankee who has been in the South a few ye its, and has never been anything else but a Republican till the Populist party was horn. He has never had any sym pathy with tiie southern people in polities and likely has no other sort except that which emanates Jh>m a desire to use them for his own wealth and aggrandizement. Let out peo ple take heed lest they be caught in a Republican net strbtced in the name of the Poptilis t. SWALLOWING A It KM, Ten cents worth of intoxicating drinks will buy 100 square feet of land at the rate of $13,511 per acre. An note contains 43 53) square. feet This * the vuv sme p * >ple s.v.t'lo v a farm —not at one gulp, hut at the rale of one hundred square feet at a time, ti e value of one glass, firere in iv b * s mie who read these lines engaged now in s-v illovviag a t vo h use farm. Man, for God s sake, stop, and save your land —Way cross Journal. The freaks are at the front in New York this week. A blind man is on trial on charge of murder, an armless woman is in jail on the charge of steal iiiga pocket book from her benefaet ;-iand an armless*legless an 1 brain less colored boy, known in the mus eums a# the "turtle boy, has been married to a young and pretty girl. Iu view of these very queer happen-: i:g<. it might not be a matter to at rat e x.i a ordinary attention if the editors of the Sun at and the World w, . - to sit down to dinner together at Del s. Savannah News, A. 3F® XXT7 ‘ ilpPEitlCf ' ® L<i Ii $£ # B SQUIRE’S ME US AM) LARD. Other Grocers say 1 am selling too cheap, but I can’t hold my foods when people bring the cash. The staples like Bacon, Flour, Lard, Grist and meal are always on hand. J. ud fresh Vegetables and Fruit come daily Seed and Feed Oats, Corn and Hay. Orator and Leader brand Flour—Full Patent $1.(50 p .r barrel. ja. sp xanexoxsas. PEARSON, GEORGIA. This space is reserved .or Fenton, the tombstone man at Waycross. THE Way cross Clothing Store 1 Vay cross, G eorgia. HEADQUARTERS FOB FINE MLOTIJIXG. HEADQUARTERS “OR CHEAP CLOTHING. HEADQUARTERS FOR BEST FITTING CLOTHING. HEADQUARTERS FOR BEST HATS and SHOES. HEADQUARTERS FOR FURNISHING GOODS. HEADQUARTERS FOR EVERYTHING In a first-class c-lothing store. Styles and prices not excelled in any city iu the state. Call and examine our complete, stock. WAYPROSS CLOTHING STORE,. The Wide Awake and Up To Date Cfatlifers. WAYCROSS, GA Successors to FRANK C. GWENS- system =T v =r Tim: TABLE ?f VP ::::: Local iiV'er'siw'erVi USTO. 7 | Pas-1 Pas-j Fvght Bus; Bus- in KFFKIT APRIL 5. IS9J. -eng’r sough- 6Xu Ou ;h6og r •-> Ujj i j . ; Suml. Daily. I' 12:0. <F< h!)i K A. M. paily. Daily m.a. m. ... -i*. 'm.j l , m...::::: lvti 40 lvß 13 Bill NBW IOK Un-s 45|arl24i)| a r-7 P 2 ai’S j; ...Jamaica jf 8 00 P 1 a 09 f 7 29 f 9 03: W\ ucsville If 7 46 f 1153 . ..A 7 30 i 9 12! Atkinson !f 7 30£ 11 46i .... t 7 43 I 9 is Lulatou !f 7 So’f 1140 f 7 52 19 2s N.tliiiuta ,f 7 2040131 f 8 11 f 9 -hi Hoboken If 7 02If 11 12 f 9 ui f 0 55 Sclfia’.terville it'li Oilf H 05 ! !!.!.. s9 40's 1014 WAYCROSS Iv 6 30!lvl04o A. M. No. 89 No. S7 : No. 921 No. 911 from from ' to j Front j t> to j :v,iok to i Tift-on Al I'Uvi Bwk 1 vt) -tu lvioi I M AYCROS3 ars lO ar-5 10 A. M. ar9 53 arlo3 s Waresboro if 5 30 f 4 55 flO 03 111 07 72 Milo Si,ling jf 5 17 If 4 45 fit) 35.111 3S Pears m . f 4 384' 4 13 fit) 42 fit 4 1 Kirkland T 4 Si 4 4 07! fit) 50 til 55 98 Mile Post f 4 19 f 4 00* A. M. flO 541f41 Gray sf 4 14 f 3 p 7 : art! 00 fit) 58 fl t 59 " iilacnoches f 4 10 f 3 55! lvti 35 m 1944 2 l-i Mapafia f 3 50 f 340 7 02 fll 354. !2 25 .... Enigma f 3 35 f 380 j 7 30 111 12 3j Brookiii'M f 3 of, f 3 23 Mi til s*i 12 45 TIKTON Iv3 10 U-3 ioj s 59 P. Me A '254 TIPTON ' ur3 00, | 9 0 arl 14 TyTv f 2 351 No. 90! Iv 9 45 .41 20 Sumner £2 21 from A. M 4 ! .Poulau f 2 12! ji i 43 Isabella f 2 05 to' I 'fl Yi lilirgiiam fl 53 W'er's if 2 tit) 1 Davis f l 43i |.. p. m p. m. S—Regular Step. !*’•—Stop on Signal. I'irert I’Oii!!'-. tioa tuaJ ■ \\ ay-.-rosi w ith through Pullman sleeping ear f,-r St. I.- Merit.: morv, Na-hv.ille, Savannali. Charleston nud at 1 points north: aho Tampa an 1 ' A uie::. •.- it , lining chair cars between \V*y , ross ;,i;it Mi ntaomery via. TnmnasvU! .*. H. IHtnhaiu,'> > m-rai Sap-.-rmti-mU'iif. Geo. W Coate*. Piv. Pass. Agi. It. W. M renn, Pa- e gcr Traffic Manager. fiCHTEST. STRONGEST. BEST. i j.; v .-.-cm Waraod Everywnere roe PLANET BICYCLES. Urum lor Circular* m wwmmw® momm. At ihc Sew Wtorejust in front of the Court blouse acknowledged to be the leader in jLow Prices and big Bargains. So bring your bas kets and wagons and see how cheap we can Ilia them for jou, we are dancing a business reel all the i I tune and can Miow ¥on Bettes’ ■ how it is done. Come and se \ J. T. EELIIIAN & CO. Spring Opening. About IVEOrrcsla. ass-t. In the meantime the ladies may Call and select their Spring Ss- We Hare Just lieceircd The Most B autifnl Line of lillinery M lint eirer cams to Domlas. Do Not Wait, For We May Sell The Very Hat You Want Just Before \ou Come. Let us make your fine Springy Dresses. lhe Misses DO L GhiAS : Overman Building, ■ ~ ~hEE_:.h—_t.nizr- : : OULMD ik GO. ' we are selling ' ttnnTanylJody in the <0 oieiity it you doit'i believe it Call and see us. OUR LINE IS BUY GOODS, GRO CERIES, BOOTS, ShoeS Hats. Hardware, Tinware, Valises, Tobacco, Cigars, and all kinds of GENERAL Merchandise. Kirkland, - georgta. J. A. JONES & CO., WAYCROSS GEORGIA. Have ju~t received anew supply of Wagons, consisting of all sizes of one and two horse Farm Wagons also Turpentine, wood and cross-tie wagons barge st I: of Buggies and Harness on hand, fee's t. jl *oaMJun> o@. WAYCfSOss, GA.