The Douglas breeze. (Douglas, Coffee County, Ga.) 18??-190?, May 08, 1896, Image 4

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yo gratifying that, wco 1 " ytha! it is 11 1 c- <1 T ►JcmocraU to rm-/ ,FLd Jmt ~ n,Q ' v iiriM /(•. ' ** JggSgt ►.. i. i;. v • /Southern Hotel of Wayeross is on the most splendidly equipped and well managed hotels in southern Georgia,, Manager Timber Lake and cleik Wilson have won a big place in the hearts of the public. Editor Greer, of the Douglas Breeze, was in the city yesterday afternoon, and paid (he II rlad otliee a pleasant visit. Editor Greer is publishing a splendid paper at Douglas, and the Jhee/.e is Democratic to the core.— Waycross lleral l. That was a bright answer given by a little girl in a suburban school to the question of her teaelmr as to what people find, even in warm countries, when they get to the top of a mono ,tain. “Most people find said the child “that they are- out of breath.”— Boston Transcript. The wife, of Oscar Lyons, a farm.-i living one mile west of Mayfield gave v .birth last, night to live children that are all well developed and healthy. Four them weigh four and one-half pounds each and the tilth, lire pounds, male a totaj of twent v/lwtj pounds for the live children)/—-Tblegiiph. Tlip/y nine years n;o a lad named Edvards started out his home in 'lV'jn.hosier, Ivy., to j,o fishing. The other week he came luck, with the* sumiP ish polt' over his shoulder that he started out without tny liuli. lie hirtl never been seen h; his friends during the interval.— Ex An exchange given this receipt for making scandal: Take o,to grain of falsehood, a handful of runabout, tin' same quantity of limber .ongue, six sprigs of hack-bite and a tpoonful of don T-you-tell-it. Add adn p of ago ny and it little ili icon lent ami jealousy. Strain it through a bag o’ miscon struction, cork it in muti.’h-soA/e bot tle. bang it oil a skein of ae'eet yarn, anil shake well before using.” Wh/s the matter with sending Edik/*'feei- of the Bree/.e to the leg islati/ 11 '' -® Collhe county? lie vy.vUld till tho Jfijition with credit to aiimself and to his con /stituents —\\ a,>>rosi Journal. Be careriffs Bro. Hreat, lest you entice us ad diem inftVustam. lam grateful for the honorable relent ::e, air, hut the Bree/.e must go on. The ollieors of the Gray Lumber Cos. which has jost received its charter ;ire as follows: B. 11. Gray, President; George \V. Gray, Sect, and Treas.; Henry Gray. General manager; Owen Gatshcla, Supt. of Woods. There is not another eontpaoy in Georgia with four stronger men at its head, and the past record of these g ntlemen as in dividuals will insure their combina tion a success. It is not often that a man loses a situation by a dream, but such is the wgse with an engineer on the Angus Southern road. While asleep at scile a few nights ago he dreamed was half hour late in his leav of the A "* ki # fireman they fired up and ran their train wake to ..#*- ukiscoyf-ring that iind utilize the fortunes they' time fflfe|l>cY would fenget that thev etnelt ~ A spats of Doug'as T-.Jr =-• / ug was a unit '■ .‘jf # —■ Jno. Vickers 1 .()(• A’in of the meeting f^secretary. yne important transactions * /fiassiiig of resolutions endors evident Clevehmd and his ad -hinistration, especially his financial policy. The following are the resolutions offered and passed by the meeting: Resolved, That we the Democrats of Coffee county assembled in mass meeting at the courthouse. Douglas, Ga., do endorse without inodilie.ation theadtninis.ration of Grover Cleveland. especially the firm position lie has maintained in favor of a sound curren cy and his earnest efforts to hold un tarnished the public credit of our nation. That we believe the free coinage of silver at the ratio of K> to 1 a false policy and do emphatically denounce it as a principle dangerous to be in culcated in the Stale or National plat forms. That we deem it too early to hold a primary in June, believing a long Campaign to he detrinu ntal *o the in terest of our people, and, therefore, we suggest that a primary for all the county officers, Representative and Senator from the sth senatorial dis trict he called for tho 4th Saturday in July in which the democrats only he allowed to p irtieipate. We believe that an early expression of. a choice for United States Senator by the people can only sow discord in the ranks of the democratic party and is in no wise conducive to its interest; and we recommend that a ballot be provided for such expression at the October elections. That it is with special pride we hold a'oft the glorious record of our noble representative, Henry G. Turner as exemplary in the highest degree, a model by which all men and all na tions might profit. Anew executive committee was elected of the following gentlemen : li. Peterson, .1. W. Greer, J, 'V. Quincey, Jell' Kirkland, G. W- Julian, Joe Bailey’, F. L. Sweat, Joe McDonald, Frank Grillis, Ben F Sum merlin. 11. 1.. Paulk. T. G. Hilliard, 0. G. Smith. J. J. Joweis, Wm, Min ehev. John II Peterson, W. W. South erland, and Leonard Byrd. These are all active, energetic and sound democrats and it is safe to pre diet that democracy will hold her own and overcome opposition under their leadership. The following were elected as del egates to the State convention : F. Willis Dart, J. M. Denton, W. W. McDonal, J. W. Greer, W. W. Terrell, J. M. J shley, John Fus'ell, John Mc- Lean, John Burns, Jt If Kirkland, Sam Phillips, T. J. Hilliard. M. Kiikland, Jesse Lott, Elias Lott, A. A. McLean, T. B. Marshall, anil R. K. Perkins. Delegates were also chosen to repre sant the\>unty at the Congressional convention. The ring of Vhe meeting was clear and strong ami its forebodings are ominous to the enemies of democracy. The Voice The birds of prey have a harsh, dis cordant note. The crow, a scavenger and a bird of sly and thievish propen sities, can only caw raspingly. It is the. birds of gentle habits that have melodious song ; and never from such as a bird of prey will yon hear a j liquid trill or even a sweet "ter-weet.” Those people who live lives of vio lence, whether of deed or of tern her lyso everything of a softer, sweeteX, or harmonious nature. liven the' voice itself will change as one gives j way more and more to brutal instincts. Thus it is that the voice may often ; be taken as an index of elm:actor, even when the possessor is acting jin a manner most reserved. Ami one ! of harsh and brutal instincts mav bo | afh'ctiug his oiliest and his sweetest. ' yet there is a note in his voice that f'vay betray him. he*4 tiamma-Kussell stop teasing your o^tr; I’m tired of hearing him cry. "’^^^ell —It won't make any diffei- ( d> o " ir.ak- \ Bay a r. m, my boy! ! " R 3AIS FREEI A Hit, >!..£ my <l y 1 1 “ 4 tAL i MERCHANDISE. t I hereby i|ri i 7. i vLIHG GOODS MARVELOUSLY CHEAP. „ A demo / <. . My staples such as / t V FLOUR, TOBACCO, SQUIRE'S MEATS AND LARD. ARE DOWN TO THE EOTTOM NOTCH . My -Lock ol shoes load I.ho market in prices. PEARSON, GEORGIA. i bis space is reserved for Fenton, tho tombstone man at Waycross. THE Way cross Clothing Store Way crons, Georgia. HEADQUARTERS FOR FIXE CLOTHING. HEADQUARTERS ?0R CHEAP CLOTHING. HEADQUARTERS FOR REST FITTING CLOTHING. HEADQUARTERS FOR BEST HATS and SHOES. HEADQUARTERS FOR FURNISHING GOODS. HEADQUARTERS FOR EVERYTHING In a first-class clothing store. Styles and prices not excelled in any city in the stffce. EVERYBODY IETVITBD TO Call and examine our complete stock. WAYCROSS CLOTHING STORE, The Wide Awake and Up To Bate Clothiers. WAYCROSS, GA- Successors to FRANK C. OWENS PIjANT system WITT TIME TABLE YlYTl:::::: Local \v ’cr’siW’cr’sj 7 3STO- 7 Pas- Pas- Frght Pas- Pas-j - tßu . seng’r seng’r exeop seng'r.siMig’r, l I ..I MI, a, 139 j. Su ml. Dailv. Daily. 12:01 O’CLOCK. A. 11. [Daily.(Daily.l P. M. A. M. „ I*.'idP^M.l'.!!!!! IvC 4(1 IvS 15 Bill N S\\ ICK jarS 451ar1240j art 12jar8 47; Jamaica If 8 06 !f 12091 jf 7 4.7 i1) 18j Lulaton if 7 30 fll 40l s 8 4o s 1015 WAYCROSS Ilv6 3l")Tvl04o A. M. jfrotn from j j to j From) AVer’s \V cr’s; itruns-lw’cr’s to ! to ; wick ! to : Tiftonl Albnvj Bwk lv 40 h-1045 WAYCROSS a rs l()jaro 10 A.' M/ at# 58arl05S Wareshor > f 5 39 f 4 55 fit) 03 fll 07. 72 Mile Siding jf 5 17f 4 4ojjjjjjj if 10 21 'f 11 24 McDonald jf 4 57 f 4 30; if 10 35 fll 58; Pearson f 4 3gjf 4 13 A. M.lflO 54 fll 56 Gray’s f414 f 3 57,. .. j j ar(i QOjflO 58 fll 50; v W’illaooochas f 4 lolf 3 55 Ivti 35 fll 19112 14] , Alapalia jf 3 50 : f 340! 7 02,fl 133f 12 25! Enigma f 3 35jf 330 * ,7 143>12 32 Brookfield f 3 2(5 f3 3' k"; 805 fl 1 59 12 45 TIPTON . . . Iv3 10 lv3 10 .. .. 9 ('•' art 14 TyTy f 2 &MNO. 90 Iv 9 45 if 1 20 .. Suirfier !f •> 21 From A.M ■(' 1 3n Poilan If 2 12 Tiftou* if 1 43 Isabella f 2 05 to (j. jj. f 1 53 Willingham f 1 53 VV'cr's! f 2 20 ALBANY jlvl P, M IP. M j I (No .88 j S—Regular Stop. K —Stop on Signal. Direct connection made at Wayiross with through Pullmau sleeping cars for St. Louis Montgomery. Nashville, Savannah. Charleston and all points north; also Tampa and St. Augustine Reclining oliair ears between \Vv cross and Montgomery via. Thotnusville. li. Dunham, C enera'l Superintendent. Geo. W Coates, Div. Pass. Agt. B \\ . H renn, Passenger Traffic Manager. W anted-J^^^KTjg -jopunj aooia on.tx anf) oqi t it p;qi ■poijiij joqio fp; uoq.w •soma sp Xq po.vojd nivJh: ■ ■ puVaoAO s*q cpi-icdcsjcji S.QQO EjL LUMBER AND aci { LAW — Wo have opened up' fl “ LUMBER YARD IN DOUGLAS AND GAN FURNISH YOU Flooring. Ceiling, Casing, all Finds of Rough Lumber and Shingles, KILN-DRIED LUMBER A SPECIALTY. F fly an PARKER & FIELDING.! c Douglas, Ga. . L PEARSON'S Leader.- We place before you the very finest and most extensive line of new and fashionable Clothing, Hats, Furnishings, Underwear, and Men and Boys Supplies. r^-——-Ladies H A TS, FINE DRESS-GOODS, and SHOES. TINWARE, GLASSWARE, HARDWARE AND CROCKERYiiMMMIIfi 1 1 'i.V* -V O- <-.>. /-/if* GROCERIES. I Carry a full line of Fresh and Fancy Groceries at Remarkably Low Prices. Po.i’t Leave Town till you pay my store a visit. MOSE GRIFFIN, PEARSON, : : ■*' GEORGIA. All kinds of Border. JOB WORK. Pester l , Handbill*, Circulars, Note Heads, Letter Heads, Envelopes, Bill Heads, Statements, Receipts, Business Cauls, Tickets, t/edding Cards. Trade Checks, Ac. Place t]our Orders witli ns Breeze job office. Spring Opening. J3L bOut ]VEa.srcli Ist. In the meantime tlie ladies rmxy Cali and select I heir Spring Faa We Have Just Received The Most li dutiful Line of Millinery Gais tat ever ss la Douglas. Do Not Wait, For We May Sell The Very Hat You Want Just Before. You Come. Let us make your fine Spring Dresses. The Misses BO UGLAS, Overman Building, up stairs, DOUGLAS GA THE GOLD STAN DARD MAY BE GOOD ♦FOR * THE ■COUNTRY,!! BUT WE ARE WILLING TO ACCEPT^. i S i Ive r! For our large assort men of j Dry-goods, groceries, Hardware, Tin ware, Shoes, Hats and every thing in a GENERAL KERGKANDiSE STORE. We buy Country produce at Market Prices. Come to see us and get a Summer Outfit. • . KIRKLAND & CO. L- Kirkland, - georgia. Ai 'Fis tic. Holi Wm k.