The Douglas breeze. (Douglas, Coffee County, Ga.) 18??-190?, June 19, 1896, Image 2

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DOUGLAS BREEZE. JnO. W. GUEF.U, Editor. K.S SAl’l’, ,\i-i'-*><•!(<• Editor. (iKKI'lt & SAIT PahHslicr*. Oflicial Orff m of Coffee County Advcrh Due Hides KcasonaM. S> l’ 'UIPTIoV 'f l A YEAR, IN’ ADVANCE |*|I I ,LI.SUED WKKKLV. Enlered at (lie PostufTice tit Douglas Ga. as second-class mail matter. KRII) \Y, JUNE ID, 1890. The “Wet" Ticket. In the header of hist week appears the following announcement: "We the citizens of Coffee county, have decided to run Mr. E. lannei fur representative on the wet ticket by his consent, and promise if his friends will elect him to fulfill the du ties and if it is the desire of the ma jority of the people for the sale cf whiskey in Coffee county that he will try to pass the act for the sale of it.” “Many Voters.” Well, we do not deny the legal right of “Many Voters” to place acandidatc before the people on t ie “wet” plat form, and it is the prerogative of Mr. Elijah Tanner to gobble up this little moral offered him under the cover of this inflated pseudonym. In presuming to come before the good people of Coffee county with such a plea for position, however, we predict that "Many Voters” and Mr. Tanner will have a rough road to travel before he "draws up” at the Capitol, and we promise, now, that we shall make no endeavor to dear lip the stumps in front of his hand wagon. Mr.Tanner is an old citizen of Coffee county, lie has lived here all his life, has reared a large family, been fairly successful In a material way, enjoyed the respect of his fellow nu n and has wielded a potent influ ence in county affairs, having once represented the county as a democrat in the 1 gislature, since which he has espoused the populist cause. Now, he denounces both parties, repudiates all doe 1 line and liberates his aged wings *o fly into ofliee on the ‘•inde pendence” and "freedom ' of the li quor traffic. Air-Tanner is an old man and fo this reason we (being young) shall be severely criticised by some for mak ing a fight against him ; hilt he and his friends must remember that, in placing himself in this position, he has left his private Staton and is sub ject to attacks as a public man ; and bolding the portion that we do as a censor of public action, we transgress no reverence for age when we indulge in criticisms concerning his public actions. Mr. Tanner has been present through nearly all the stages of development in Codec county, lie can remember v.hen the Indians were not yet driven outofthis part of the country. He was among the pioneers who fell the forests and erected the primeval huts which sheltered our forefathers long years ago. When every man was lord of all he surveyed, and win n there was no such a thing as the liquor traffic. Every man made his own whiskey and kept it in his house as free ns water to all who desired it There was very little drunkness then because there were no idlers. Every man had to work, and working men do not have time to get drunk. Years developed a generatian. bow eyer, which had more leasure, and when the towns sprung up and a tax was levied on the manufacture of spirits, the barroom made its advent and became the rendezvous for the idle. Air. Tanner recollects too well liow a large per cent of our popula tion frequented these places, spent their hard earnings, stripped their homes, their wives and children of all that had been saved up, to spend for rum at the town liquor shop. How they would lie on the street day and night, beastly drunk, how they would tight and curse and terrify all decency into a pandemonium of fright, our women and children having to shut up in closets and to hide in secret places to ward off' the beastly iusuUs of men maddened with liquor. We have seen all this and so has Mr. Tanner. This is what he would briug back to the people of Coffee if he could. For nearly fifteen years we have had local option in our county, and for that length of time we have had almost a continuous reign of peace. At odd times the jugs have become too numerous and trouble ensued; but this has hc/rv growing beautifully less and the ante bar-room bill will virtually eliminate that. Our people are, prosper ,us and their credit is the very lest. Where one man could get credit fifteen years ago, ten can get it to day. Our women and chil dren are fed and clothed with plenty' and in every sense Coffee county is a lovely place to inhabit. This is what Mr. Tanner would endeavor to destroy, but lie will learn that his people think more of t heir homes than they do of sending him to the legislature, and so we shall continue to enjoy our peace, and lie, an old man, will retire to his last years to regret his action. Coffee is a dry county and is likely to slay so. The Chicago convention will hardly b i styled an Argouautic expedition. Wuycross will have a big Trades Day on the Ith of July. Waycross is an eternal hustler. The Waycross Herald is brighten ing daily. Defeat is a stimulous to Editor Fcrharn. Vivien Castane (Mrs. It. It. Holtz endorf of Brunswick) is one of the sweetest poets in Georgia. If music l ath charmcs to sooth the savage breast, it will be well to have a band at the Chicago convention. There may he a man in Brunswick who feels certain that he could fill Capl. Turner's shoes, but he never was more, mistaken in his life.—Tifton Ga zette, 'The editor the Jacksonville Metrop olis begins an editorial by saying “The Bible tells us that ‘a good name is bet ter than precious ointment.’ ” Igno rance of the Scriptures is hardly excus able in an editor. Whoever has felt the reveling sen sation of a six pound trout on the ul timate end of a twenty foot line strung tastily on a limber pole, knows and appreciates the joy of life and the divine sweets of summer. Last V 1 sday at 4 o’clock the Fifty-fourth congress gently, quietly, almost without incident closed its session and passed into history, and now we shall weep for that sprightly journal,the Congressional Record. To the populist party greeting: Dear prodigals—Como back into the Dem ocratic party where you belong; but if you can’t do that, just hands oil. and you’ll toe us give the Repub licans the allliredest lickin’ they have toted since the war.—Tifton Gazette. The Gazette makes the prediction that no one living to-day will ever seethe free and unlimited coinage ol silver at the ratio of 111 to l become a law in the United States. This may be discouraging to our free silver friends, but they may bank on its cor rectness. —Tifton Gazette. Representative Turner has no cause to fonr any combination against him in his district. He is too grand a man, too much of a statesman and too highly appreciated by his constituents to be defeated by a coalition of pop ulists ami free silverites. The peo ple will see to it that he is sent back to congress by a gratifying majority.— Waycross Herald. Judge Turner lives in and repre sents a sound money district, one of only two or three districts in the state which is led by men who are patriot ic enough to lead his constituency to battle for true democratic principles. —Telfair Enterprise. You are right Brother, and he will continue to lead the Eleventh in spite of hoboes and tiddie-de-winks. Editor Greer of the Dougins Breeze tells how remocra s who believe in the gold standard may consistently support the nominees without doing violence to themselves. That, howev er is not the question. Can a Demo crat be loyal to his party, all the time using the argument of its opposition to show that it is wrong? Brunswick E. A. “Be true to thyself and thou canst not be false to any man", and we might add,to any party. Would Edit or Wrench claim that he was uuloyal to his favorite son in opposing that son in a ruinous policy, using the ar guments of his son's opponent to con vince the boy! ANNOUNCEMENTS. Announce inUiiscolanu, Only $3,00. j For Ordinary. I hereby announce myself as candi date for Ordinary of Coffee county subject to the Democratic primary. W. R. Googe. For Senator. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the Senate from rhe sth sen atorial district, subject to the action of the democratic primary, and ask the suppoit of the people. Jeff Wilcox. For Sena tor. After solicitations from many friends in different parts of the county, I have decided fo become a candidate for the Senate from the sth senatorial district, subject to the action of the democratic primary, and ask the support of the people. C. A. Ward, Jr. For County Surveyor. I hereby offer myself as a candidate for the office of county surveyor of Cof fee county, subject the primary of the Populist party aud respectfully ask the support of my friends. Rev. Tharpe Bailey. For Ordinary. Many of my friends have requested that j allow my name to go before the primary as candidate for Senator of the sth senatorial district, but my Coffee county friends have urged that I again make the race for Ordinary and I feel it my duty to yield to the latter, and I hereby offer myself a candidate for Or dinary of Coffee county, subject to the Democratic primary and respectfully solicit the support of the people. John t ickers. For Ordinary. I hereby announce myself a candidate' for Ordinary of Coffee county suject to the Populist primary and ask the sup port of my fellow-citizens, and if elected will honestly and earnestly discharge the duties of said office. W. B. Teston. For Representative. The friends of Elias Lott hereby an nounie his name as a candidate for Representative of Coffee count;.’, sub ject to the action of the Democratic primary. For County Treasurer. I hereby announce myself a candi date for Tieasurer of Coffee county, subject to the democratic primary , and if elected will earnestly and hon estly discharge the duties of said office. Respectfully, C. C . Smith. J For Tax Receiver. I hereby announce my self a candi date for Tax Receiver of Coffee coun ty, subject to the action of the dem ocratic primary and respectfully ask the support of the people. C. W. Corbitt. For Tax Receiver. I hereby announce myself a candi date for Tax Receiver subject to the action of the democratic primary, and resnectfuly ask the support of the peo ple. S. D. Philips. For Sheriff. I heieby announce myself a candi date for sheriff'of Coffee county, sub ject to the Democratic primary, and respectfully ask the support of the people. R. H. Dickerson. Ggorgia Coffee county: By virtue of sale contained In a mort gage made by (1. W. PiekrMi to X). Pro v miii on July 3lst 1895 recorded in book ‘ D” folio 375, will be sold before the courthouse door at Douglas on Rio first Tuesday in July next for cash the following property : 9 undivided interests in lots of land No. 2<il and ;!.!) acres on No. £i>2 and 2X5 acres oil lot No £9O all in the first district of Coffee county. Sold in satisfaction of the above described mortgage Mav 2<ltb 181X5. P. l’eterson attv in fact, for (I. W. Pickren. Ouincry A McDonald. Any. for D Peterson. Georgia, Coffee Coffee; Pour’, of Ordina ry, June term ISO>: M. S. Stalvey lias made application t > me for exemption of personalty and sitting aside and valuation of homestead ami I will ini's upon the same at my office on the Ist Monday in J uly next at two o'clock I‘. M. John Vickers, Ordinary, I fiml that written marriage licenses are being issued under such circum stances, it is impossible to keep up with the number issued. Hereafter no li eeuse "’ill be issued except from the of fice at Douglas. Those h iving blanks on hand will return them to ihe office. Jno, Yiceprs Ord'y Administrators. Executors and Guar dians will take notice the law requires that their returns be made at- the July term of the court of Ordinary unless this requirement is met it will be my duty to summons them to show cause why they have failed. Juo. 4 ickers. Georgia. Coffee county ; To all whom it mav concern: J W Khis has in due form applied to the undersigned for permanent letters of executorship and administrator ship tin the estate of Thomas X.dP. late of said county deceased, and I w ill pass upon said applicaton on ilia first Monday in July. 1890. Given under my hand and official signature this June Ist IS'Xi. John Yieker,-, Ordinary.’ © %M-maker j ( jjjjipT Who uses Igleheart's Swans Down ; (A ‘I Flour is always sure that her bread j it comes from the oven will be feather) j dght and as white as the flour from which it j jfnh < made. A superlative patent flour, milled rjjf from the very finest winter wheat — 1 ' IGLEHEART’S Swans Down Flour is the sweetest, the most wholesome and the most economical that grocer ever sold. . Ask for it at your giocer s. IGLKHEART BROS., Evansville, Ind. R. V. DOUGLAS, &GMM lEEWOT® 00. {JF Wholesale and Retail Dealer in BEER, WINES, LKji ORS,g| ftfTCig ars and Tobacco. JUG TRADE A Specialty. J. J. Wholesale || GROCER. TOBACCO, CIGARS, AND LIQUORS. Also Flour, Meal, Grits, Grain, Ilay and Lttm. 214 BAY STREET. BRUNSWICK. GA. J. A. JONES & CO., IVA YCli OSS G EOBGIA. Have just received anew supply of Wagons,consisting of all sizes of oue and two horse Farm Wagons, also Turpentine, wood and cross-tie wagons. . . TT , , gjF Large’stock of Buggies and Harness on hand, jjgrjf i. & 9 mm® smb co* WAYI ROss, GA. POPULAR |1 FRIGES for Sjtl 00 per day—Single meals. 25e. Harnett House, SAVANNAH, - - GEORGIA. H, M, MILLER & son. The Cheapest Ft’UNI L URE and HARNESS House in Georgia. We Carry a complete line of FURNITURE, MATTING CLOCKS, - BABY CARRIAGES TRUNKS RUGS HARNESS AND SADDLES We will sell at Rock Bottom Prices. Mail orders receive uor special attetion. H. M. MILLERSON, " 111 Newcastle St.. Brunswick, Ga. J. J„ Lissner WHOLESALE Groceries , "37013^000, Flour, JSaeon Provisions, GRAIN. HAY AND BRAN A SPECIALTY. 300 Gloucester and 204 Grant Streets, BRUN Swll'K, - G EOrGIA. A Chance to Make stouey. I have berries, grapes and peaches, a year old’ fresh as when picked. I use the Californio process, do not hi at or seal the fruit, just put it up cold, keeps perfectly fresh, end costs almost nothing; can put up a bushel in ten minutes. Last week 1 sold direction to over 120 families, a-symie will pay a dollar for dir. etio ns, when they s e the beautiful samples of fruit. As there ate many people poor like myself. I consider it my duty to give my t-xpe r enee to such, and feel confident any one can make one or two hundred dol lars round home in a few days. I will mail sample of fruit aud complete di rections, to any one of your readers, for eighteen two-ceut stamps, which is only the actual cost of the sampleu , etc., tom- Francis Casey, St. Louis Mr. State of Georgia Coffee county: . . Where:,s, VV P. Prescott, Adminis trator of Wiley Cowart, deceits and, rep resents to the court in his pe ition, duly tiled and entered on record, that he aas duly administered on the estate of said Riley Cowart, deceased: This is there f(.re to cite all poisons concerned. ? I'm-, dred and creditois, to show cause, ii any they can, why said Administrator should not he discharged from his ad ministration, and receive letters of dis mission on the Ist Monday in Septem ber, 1890. This June Ist 1890. Jno. Tickers. 6; Massey's FHAiN of | Business ■ Colleges Columbus, Ga., I Montgomery, Ala., Jacksonville, Fla. The Great Schools of the South. Chsaprpt anl b* st. Endorsed by Ex- Ppeaktr Crisp, Governors, State Siipt > iiiiendents of Education, Iki.'jrds of | Trade, and thousands of former stu dents who'are holding hi ora ive situa tions. Students’ railroad fare paid and i credit given for half of tuition until 9 ih*v aio placed in situations. ISourd The Massey Colleges receive more calls from business firms for their k graduates than any dozen schools in | the .South. hiS s udents placed in situ ation? in six months. Send at once for circulars. Address nearest school. ) R. W. MASSEY, President. k C '"PIT CL. $30X00.00. * w have hundreds of letters like the f dlowih^: rlssgi Montgomery, Ala., July 5,1895. b V R. TV. y, President: \ 1 Pfar Sir— -Five years ago I was work- J / ing on a farm, getting SIOO 00 per year, m l I uk l cqjx’s-j iu Telegraphy t yonr \ \ Cohere oh born. and n*j -nra. Irnir.edi- \ f ateiy upon graduating, you secured for j f me a situation as telegrapher and eta- # 1 tion agent ou the Ala. Git. So. E. R. \ \ From that lay to this my succtss has \ § been onward ai:d upward. To day I J f ani train dispatcher at a falary of # 1 Si-00.00 per year. J. E. Cole. m PROFESSIONAL CARDS. GEP. It. rdiKitisT —ATTORNEY AT LAW— DOUGLAS, ----- GA. Strict attention given to all buxines* J Lee Crawley' Atinrney-al-Law sAY CROSS, :::::::: GEORGIA Will attend the monthly amt qnar terly term of the City Court o Coffee l7j. tippib, AT TO R\ E x - AT LA Vi Hazlejiubst, : : : : : : : Ga Will attend terms of City and Superior Courts of Coffee county All Legal matters attended to pioinptly. W JJ. Toomer A TTORXE I-A T-L A If, WAYCROSS, : : : : : GEORGIA. Will attend all terms of City and Superior court of Coffee county. All legal matters attended to promptly. C. A. WARD Jb. F. W. DART WARD & DART. L A M YERS, Douglas, : : :::::::: Ga. Will practice together in all the couits of Coffee county, except City court, and elsewhere by* special contracts Prompt ‘attention given to all legsl matters. Dll JV, IV. TERRELL, Rhysieian and Surgeon. For seven years has ma lea special study of diseases peculiar to women and children, both in ] rivate aiul hos pital practice. Douglas, Ga. 6-25-95. ~\V. F. SI BRETT. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. DOUGLAS, Vails promptly answered day * or night. W.y M. Carter PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Riel, t en, : : : Georgia, All calls promptly attended day or n-'ght. JNO. M. HALL, —Eliysiviait and Surgeon Wilcox, - - - Georgia. All calls promptly answered night or day. Charges reasonable. C. C. THOMAS, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, Waycross, - - Georgia. Special attention given to practice in the City and Superior Courts of Coffee County. QOS L BRAOK, Notary Publio and Ex-Qfficio J. P. Douglas Digi. (748) G. M. " JJoarjliin, : : Go, Prompt attention given to all business. Collections a Specialty. N. F. GOQDYE’R Blacksmith and Wheelwright, DOUGLAS, - - - - GEORGIA V/_ v y r■x f - \ I am fully prepared to do all kinds of work in my line. • Such as making and repairing bug" gies, wagons, road carts, timber carts, etc., etc. POTHOUSE SHOEING a special ty- I would be pleased to have the pal* ronage of the puldic. Respectfully, N. F. GOODYEAR, Schedule on Douglas & McDonald R.B. Leave McDonald 11 upi. “ Sweats Still lido. “ Lowthers 12 -05 “ Moopeg 12 V> “ Downing 1 :Vo, Arrive Douglas I:2d. RETURNING; Leave Douglas 2 :20, “ Downing 2 ;40, “ Moores 3:17. “ Lowthers -3 7'-;* “ Sweats Still 3 :s5. Arie McDonald 4:la, Boarding House, Charges one dollar per day or 2octs, per meal. Ilorscs will be taken care of for oOcts per day or 25ets. a feed We solicit a share of your patronage. Mrs. Penelope Denton. Douglas, Ga . Proprietress. '—BAIiBEJi SIIOP .-w PARKER W FIE I. DING Proprietors,. COLUMBUS WASHINGTON, The Dandy Barber. Shop in same building as ievrelrv shop. NERVOUS Troubles are due to impoverished blood. Ilood's Sar saparilla is the One True Blood Put ilier and NERVE TONIC,