The Douglas breeze. (Douglas, Coffee County, Ga.) 18??-190?, July 03, 1896, Image 2

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s—.li 5 —.li LAS BREEZE. Tli in i, 1 UlHj’y |..| ;|;_ Kdilnr. \sKnHal<’ K<lili;r. I’l* l*iil>lislicrK. When Mel •ucewH at ~t n oJf coffee County wife and the | Montgomu Kates If casonabla. women : I to th'no.V fI A VKA It, I.V ADVANCE I WKKKI.Y. Entered at I tie Post-office at Douglas Ga. as see.'iid-clasa mail matter. Fill I) \Y, JULY 3, Ih'Jff. Till'] KOI IITII. To-morrow is the glorious Fourth. One hundied and twenty years ago our fathers declared the American colonies to be free and independent j states. To-day we enjoy the most - liberty of any people on the : face of the globe. Is it meet for us . to live in strife and turmoil and at enmity with those whose blood with j our blood was spilt to make us free, or fliould we bow our beads in grate ful acknowledgment for our blessed condition and niise our voices in a uni son <>f praise to those who decreed our freedom a hundred and twenty years ago? Let the morrow forget our dif ferences on silver, gold and polities, and let it revert to the days of broth erly love, when heart was linked to heart by a common bond of devotion to one cause—our Liberty! and let every soul echo, "My country! ti- of thee Sweet, hind nf liberty, <lf thee J sina : 'Jk bund where my fathers died! i % band of (he Pilgrim's pride! Sjgrl'Ynin every mountain side SRslj.ct freedom ring!" or It ti Iti'IATKST M i l). “Self-preservation is tlic first law of nature.” The truth of this maxim admitted, it becomes the duty of a .people first to create such condi tions that will insure the safety of dveHoii and property. Viewing the status of affairs that has been prevalent in Police county for the j Mint year, it occurs to us, and it should he gravely considered bv every good citizen of the county, that we are much in need of a reform in our county alfiurs, which will iusure a better observance of those lirst princi ples of government such as personal safety and property protection. Ho far as legislative enactment is concerned it is hardly necessary to note that we have sufficient law on our statute books to preserve oar peace a-tyl insure good order if those lqws.f& enforced. The real condition Ihatcohfronts the people of Code county is not a lack of law, hut a lack of enforcement of the laws we already have. The crying need of tho hour among us is a more ardent desire and a greater effort on the part of our of ficers to protect our penple from the Uat*nt outrages that have been so prevalent of recent date. Ifrtr lire litJCrtHWpnseu to complain of small matters, neither are we in clined to exaggerate the gravity of our situation. On the contrary, we should like to suppress every unpleasant fact that would tend to injure our reputation as gord citizens, and in the main, our people are law abiding and peaceful. But as in every other com munity, there is an element among us ijaau watches the Mu'rmgaueU'r of ; gflauee,-aiid when runs low they -pthr opportunity and make ,u tv Uncomfortable for all. Suppress ed accounts of their evil is what they most desire, and low whisperings are an incentive to their deviltry. Against the outspoken sentiment of law abid ing people they cannot stand, and healthful expressions will bring our officers to a sense of their duty; and it is a menace to our safety in Coffee county to allow this lawlessness on the part of a few and this neglect on the part of our officials to go further uurebuked. When fiends are allowed to terrify public with promiscuous and dim erous shooting, to defy the law and of courts, to burn down pub lic buildings, to commit depredations i ou,private citizens by tearing down fences and allowing stock to destroy crops; when men stand out on the public squares of a town and empty j their lire arms at each other, and when various and unaccountable of feuv.s are committed against the law, and when the officer, whose duty it is to make some endeavor to suppress these things, sits idly by and mind his potato patch and talks polities without any effort to apprehend the uSty parties or to arrest those openly ""•A*&J-ay it is time for the people shall have a state of af es : tnHrery man will suffer, foil ne tov 0 f our reputation heels of then abroad, for the safety of our citizens at home, for the protection and sac-red ness of our homes themselves, it is ] necessary that we rise above person-; al prejudice and party strife and put ourselves into the hands of officers; who will do their duty at any cost; for it must not he forgotten that, af ter all. we are one people, and what j is go id or had affects us all alike. The silverites had it all their own ! way. Milnet of Dodge is a kicker of the i long eit'ed variety. ________ Boise will he the mail. All right, boys, let’s elect him. Honestly is the best policy, for in the end it will triumph A good name is hotter than great riches in gold or silver. Now, let’s hush a while and let the June hie s have a chance. To-morrow is the Fourth. Be rev erent, grateful and joyous. Mr. Watson has called the Populist State convention for August <l, Will Brantley tvi’l he the youngest congressman in the Georgia delega tion. The free silver show at Macon had an attentive audience in the Elev enth district. At the State convention, the Kiev entli district was like a setting of gold in pictures of silver. Brantley will help the democrats No their county elections in many of the counties of this district. If chairman Olay had not inter vened, Milner would have told a tale out of school on Capt. Howell. Locally, Democracy is allright. Nationally, “Fate you well, Brother Crawford.”—Georgia Cracker. Five years lienee, don’t let the de mocracy of Georgia charge the Elev enth district with any of that folly at Macon. Thomas E. Watson is writing a his tory of France. His first volume is now in tin l press. His object is to teach political economy. If nails continue to rise in price it will be well to advocate a free and unlimited coinage of the produc tion before the fad is over, Milner of Dodge will be remember ed as the mail who agreed to one course in the caucus and pursued another in the convention. A prominent gentleman remarked that candidates at the State Conven tion were as thick as tiddlers in Hades. We did not know that the musicians had any orchestras down there. The business of the state conven tion was rushed through in less than four hours Silverites do not deliber ate long. We fear it is too character istic of that faction of the Democratic party. Mr. Walsh is quoted as saying that the Democrats and l’opulists are vir tually one, since the former have adopted free silver as its creed. Whether or not Air, Walsh said this, somebody told a courageous truth. Teller the Republican bolter who is being boomed for the democratic presidential nomination, says lie does not desire the nomination, and very sensibly suggests that there are plen ty of free silver democrats that de serve the honor. Capt. Milikin thinks that it is a ; matter of small import whether or not Gov. Atkinson acted dishonorably with the northern syndicates in the sale of our state bonds, so long as he made a few dollars for the state. In other words, Capt. Milikin would sell honor and integrity for dollars. We j have had men like Capt. Milikin ever since the days of Judas Iscariot: and yet there are men in the Eleventh 'district who would vote for him for congress. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Aincunce in >iiis colunv. Only $3,00, For Ordinary. I hereby announce myself as candi date for Ordinary of Coffee county subject to the Democratic; piimury. W. R. Googe. For Senator. J hereby announce myself a candi date for the Senate font the sth sen atorial district, subject to the action of the democratic primary, and ask llie support of the people. Jeff Wilcox. For Senator. After solicitations from many friends in different parts of the county, J have decided To become a candidate for the ’ Senate irom the sth senatorial district, subject to the action of the democratic primary, and ask the support of the people. C. A. Wakd, Jk. For < 'ouiity Surveyor. t hereby offer myself as a candidate for the office of county surveyor of Gos fee county, subject the primary of the Populist party and respectfully ask the support of my friends. Rev. Tliarpe Bailey. For Ordinary. Many of my friends have requested that j allow my name to go before the primary as candidate for Senator of the sth senatorial district, but my Coffee county friends have urged that I again make the race for Ordinary and I feel it my duty to yield to the latter, and I hereby offer myself a candidate for Or dinary of Coffee county, subject to the Democratic primary and respectfully solicit the support of the people. John Vickers. For Ordinary. 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for Ordinary-of Coffee county sujeet to the Populist primary and ask the sup port of my fellow-citizens, and if elected will honestly and earnestly discharge the duties of said office. W. B. Teston. For Representative. The friends of Klias Lott hereby an nounce his name as a candidate for Representative of Coffee county, sub ject to the action of the Democratic primary. For County Treasurer. I hereby announce myself a candi date for TieaStirer of Coffee county, subject to the democratic primary, and if elected will earnestly and hon estly discharge the duties of said office. Respectfully, C.C. Smith. Fur Tax Receiver. I hereby announce myself a candi date for Tax Receiver of Coffee coun ty, subject to the action of the dem ocratic primary and respectfully ask the support of the people. C. W. Corbitt. For Tax Receiver. I hereby announce myself a candi date for Tax Receiver subject to the action of the democratic primary, and the support of .the peo ple. S, D. Philips. For Sheriff. 1 hereby announce myself a candi date for sheriff'of Coffee comity, sub ject to the Democratic primary, and respectfully ask the support of the people. R. 11. Dickerson. I’or Clerk Superior Court. At the request of my friends I an nounce myself a candidate for Clerk Superior Court, subject to the demo cratic primary, and ask the support of my fellow citizens. Jiies J. Lott. For Clerk Superior Cdourt. 1 hereby announce myself a candi date for re-election to the office of Clerk Superior Court and ask the •he support of the people and ii elect ed 1 promise to fulfill the duties of the office to the best of my abiltv. Thank ing the people for past favors, I am. Yours to Serve. D. W. Gaskin. For Sheri/}'. At tin solicitation of friends from all sections of the County I hereby ! announce myself a candidate for Slier- I iff of Coffee county, subject to the ac tion of the Democratic primary. If elected 1 pledge myself to pi rforin the duties of the office to the best of my ability, with justice to all and partiali | tv to none. W. A. J. Smith, i For Tit.i lUiiiit,, I hereby announce myself as a can didate for Tax Receiver, subject to the democratic primary, and respectfully ask the support of the people, Jons H. Poekson. IVI ERVOUS Troubles are due to I™ impoverished blood. Hood s Sar saparilla is the One True Blood Purifier and NERVE TONIC. *±2±±±*±±±£±£fc2±±±tlflHMH One of FtouiTU#J|j is sufficient to make pastry for one pieV > - yyj ||fl The pastry- \\ ill look better, taste better\ I jpN lie better, when the flour is Igleheart’sX I ■ Swans Down. J .very kind of food made\ J of flour—pastry, cake, bread —will be ligliter,\ AjwjaH whiter, more nutritious, if made of \ WT^gjjjfjj IGLEHEART’S SWANS DOWN\ Mgm Flour. The king of patent flours, made from choicest winter wheat; prepared with the greatest care by the best milling process known to man. See that the brand on the next Hour you buy is “ Igleheart Bros. Swans Down.” IGLEHEART BROS., Evansville, Indiana. R. V. DOUGLAS, mii mmmrn® co. £OT Wholesale and Retail Dealer in BEER, WINES, LIQUORS, g3ff"Cigars and Tobacco. JUG TRADE A Specialty. —212 BAY STREET, Brunswick, Caro,. J. 3. L O TT 1 Wholesale §f GROORR. TOBACCO, CIGARS, AND LIQUORS. ‘Also Flour, Meal, Grits, Hay, Grain and Bran. 214 BAY i.STREET." BEiUMSWIOK, (3-YY. J. A. JONES & CO., IVA VCU OSS G EOR GIA . Have just received anew supply of Wagons, consisting of all sizes of one and two horse Farm Wagons, also Turpentine, wood and cross-tie wagons. Largejstock of Buggies and Harness on hand. s, jl id WAYCROss, GA. POPULAR || PRICES for ISO© ,f J (JO per day—Single meals. 25c. Harnett House, SAVANNAH, - - GEORGIA. H, M. MILLER & son. The Cheapest FFItNI TURF, and HARNESS House in Georgia. We Carry a complete line of FURNITURE. MATTING ’CLOCKS, BABY CARRIAGES TRUNKS RUGS, HARNESS AND SADDLES We will sell at Rock Bottom Prices. Mail orders receive uor special attetion. 11. M. MILLER & SON, 114 Newcastle St.. Brunswick, Ga. J. J, Lissner WHOLESALE Groceries, Toljacco, Flour, 15 neon Provisions. GRAIN. HAY AND BRAN A SPECIALTY. 300 Gloucester and 204 Grant Streets. BRUNSWICK. - GEORGIA. A Chance lo Make Money. I have berries, grapes and peaches, a year old' fresh as when picked. I use the Californio process, do not heat or seal the fruit, just put it up cold, keeps perfectly fresh, and costs almost nothing; can put up a bushel in ten minutes. Last week I sold direction to over 120 families: anyone will pay a dollar for directions, when they see the beautiful samples of fruit. ' A there are many people pour like myself. I consider it my duty to give my expe rience to such, and feel confident any one can make one or two hundred dol lars round home in a few days. I will mail sample of fruit and complete di rectious. to any one of your readers, for eighteen two-cent stamps, which is only the actual cost of the samples, postage, etc., to m > Francis Casey, St. Louis Mo. State of Georgia Coffee county: Whereas, W. P. Prescott, Adminis trator of Wiley Cowart, deceased, rep resents to the court in his petition, duly tiled and entered on record, that he lias duly administered on the estate of said Riley Cowart, deceased: This is there fore to cite all persons concerned, kin dred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said Administrator should not be discharged from his ad ministration, and receive letters of dis mission on the Ist Monday in Septem ber, 1390. This June Ist 1896. J no. Vickers. Massey’s ( 1 ii ' CHAIN CF S fill Business ) —' Colleges / Columbus, Ga., / Montgomery, Ala., J Jacksonville, Fia. \ Tfes Great Sc'bgls et ills South. \ Oienp*\t nn 1 b st. Endorsed by Ex* m Speaker Crisp, Governors, State S*npT- u in eiuU-nts of Education, Boards of % „ Ti. ile, jincl thous*nds of former stu- J # dents who re holding luera ive Fitua- B lions, student*’ milioad hire paid and % Sejedit jiivcn for half of tuition until f ’huy me |1 eed in situations, hoard J < !ac|. The Massey Colleges receive B m t ads from business firms for their \ Lin buttes than any dozen schools in f ih* Sutith. ltd s udents placed in situ- M fit ion* in six months'. Send at once S i fur circulars. Address nearest school. % j R. W. MASSEY, I President. I \ c: ' p T£L ~ s3P.roo 00. \ / v>\ have hundreds of letters like the B [ follow iug: \ / r m| Ijjg sas'X.mj c f J f Montgomery, Ala., July 5, I&)5. B V R. W. PitfiUlent: \ 1 Dear mr—Five years huo I was work- J f ins* on a farm, getting SIOO.OO yer year, m i Ito>k a coarse in Tcit graphy hi your m \ (" oze ou bfrr'ib-d inonnj. Immedi* \ I ately upon graduating, you secured for § t me a situation as teiegrapher aud sta B i tion i.g-nt on the Ala. Git. So. R. R. I Y From that lay to this my sueo ss lias \ J been onwar.i and upward- Today I J f run dispatcher at a alary of B i 51 .00.00 per year. J. E. C\ le. 1 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. P. L. SMITH, LAOIYER, Haslthurst, : : : : Georgia . Will practice in all the courts of CoiTeo anil Appling couiitieq and elsewhere bv special contract- All business promptly attended to. GEO. IE BRIGGS. —ATTORNEY AT LAW— DOUGLAS, Strict attention given to all business J Lee Crawley Attorney-at-Law ■VAYCHOSS, :::::::: GEORGIA Will attend the monthly ana quar terly term of the City Court o Coffee Xj - JYTIPPIU, ATTORN E Y AT LAW HazIeHURST, : : : : : : : Ga Will attend terms of City and Superior Courts of Coffee county All Legal matters attended to promptly. W 31, Toomer A TTOItNET-AT-LA If , WAYCROSS, : : : : : GEORGIA. Will attend all terms of City and Superior court of Coffee county. All legal matters attended to promptly. C. A. WARD Jr. F. W. DART WARD & DART. L 1 If IK ns, Douglas, : : :::::: : ; Ga. Will practice together in all the court, of Coffee county, excejit City courts and elsewhere 'by special contracts Prompt attention given to all legal matters. l)li TV, IV. TERRELL, Thysicimi and Surgeon. For seven years has made a special study of diseases peculiar to women and children, both in private and hos pital practice. Douglas, Ga. 0-25-95. W. F. SIBBETT. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. DOUGLAS, Culls promptly answered day or night. IV. M. Carte r PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, rickren, : : : Georgia, All calls promptly attended day or night. JNO. M. IIALL, —l*fysicitui and Surtjcon — Wilcox, - - - Georgia. All calls promptly answered night or day. Charges reasonable. C. C. THOMAS, ATTORNEY - AT - LAM', Waycross, - - Georgia. Special attention given to practice in the City and Superior Court! ol Coffee County. GUS L BRACK, Notary Public, arid Ex-Officio J. P. Douglas Dist. (748; G. M. Douglas, : : Ga, Prompt attention given to all business. —Collections a Specialty. =- N. F. GOODYE’R Blacksmith and Wheelwright, DOUGLAS, •---■* GEORGIA ><- > < I am fully prepared to do all kinds of work in mj' line. Such as making and repairing bug gies, wagons, road carts, timber carts, 6tc. Gtc. SHOEING a special- I would be pleased to have the pat ronage of the pub'ic. Respectfully, 2-23-93-tf N. F. GOODYEAR. Schedule on Douglas & McDonald B.R. Leave McDonald 11:3Q. “ Sweats Still 11:15. “ Lowthers 12:05 “ Moores 12:23 “ Downing 1 :00. Arrive Douglas 1:25. RETURNING : Leave Douglas 2 AO. “ Downing 2.10. “ Moores 3:17. “ Lowthers 3:35 - “ Sweats Still 3:55. "Arfe McDonald 4:15- Hoarding House. Charges one dollar per day or 25cts. per meal. Horses will be taken rare of for -'Gets, per day or 25cts. a feed We solicit a share of your patronage. Airs. Penelope Denton. Douglas, Ga, Proprietress. PARKER & FIELDING Proprietors. COLUMBUS WASHINGTON, The Dandy Barber, Shop in same building as jewelry shop. .