The Douglas breeze. (Douglas, Coffee County, Ga.) 18??-190?, July 17, 1896, Image 2

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DOUGLAS BREEZE. JNO. AV. l.ditor. F. S. S \IM*. Associalc I'.illKir. <.ivi:i,ii .v s\ri* I'uiiiisiicix. Official Organ of Coifee County Advcrlitin? Jiatcs Kcasonabla. H Il MUITIOH f 1 A YKAR, IN' ADVAKCK I’D .FISHED WEEKLY. Enlcrc.l at the Postofflco at Dougin.- 4 Gj. as scc.’iid-eIuMS mail mailer. Fill DAY, JII.Y 17. ISO*;. THU NOAH N ATION. The policy of tin Breeze on the fi nancial problem has been unequivo ca’ly for sound money, notwithstand ing the fact that we have said very little about it. YVe hold the same views now that we have held through out the money campaign. But. the sound money policy has been defeated by a good majority in the democratic ranks. YVe are laigi ly in the minor ity. YY’c have been beaten. The question being an .economic one, we submit. YY’e subordinate our views to the will of the majority. Let the majority rule till they become the minority, if their policy become ru inous the people will repudiate it. I fit l>o good we shall enjoy a share of its benefit. Withal, it cannot efleet us disastrously. The majority have formulated a platform and nominated a ticket. While we do not agree with,the plat form in full, the greater part we do endorse. The part we do not like, we can leave to he advocated by the ma jority. The ticket nominated is the most acceptable the free silver ele ment could have selected. Bryan is an honest man with ability, represen ting the professional life of America. Bewail is a typical American business man, ami there is nothing repugnant about either. Democracy has nominated them. Georgia has endorsed them, our inter est is with them and our support shall bo for them. Lot others holt and go where they please : we have planted our buttery with the Chicago convention and we shall stand by the guns till the battle is lust or won. THK Cl It IE It KICKS. Editor I'ackler becomes grievously upset on account of the action of the democratic executive committee in debarring the negroes from the primary, and asks some pe culiar questions. Inquires he, “Can we expect the negroes .0 vote with us in October af ter they have been excluded from any participation in the primary?’’ Why, to be sure wo can. Expect it just as much as we ever did. The negro never has never beeii allowed justly to vote in the democratic primary, he knows very well that he has no right to, and he does not care or expect to now. If we should allow him to vote in our primary, it would be undento dcmocrutic, and he would know it to be a trick merely to catch his vote. Should the democrats stoop to mean little tricks and bow down and scrape around the negro in order to control the negro vote or to make sure of election even? Better stay out of oflice. The populist party is not go ing to allow the negroes to participate in its primary (it- mas-meeting—the same). If it should do so everybody will know that it stultified itself, as the negro is no more a populist than he is a democrat. Another—“ Can the negroes he kept from voting in October simply because they have been excluded from the 1 uguet primary? If so all right,’’ What an outspoken dishonor have we here! Does Editor Faultier mean “all right" to such a dishonest policy? Let’s not suppress them in August when we have the right to do so, hut if it may he done in October when such an effort would be a crime, “all right,” says he. we have heard of such po litical dishonesty being practiced, but never before knew the press openly to. advocate it. Surely Editor Fackler did not write this, but carelessly allow jeil some unscrupulous politician to impose 011 him. lie goes on—“lf net (if we cannot suppress the negroes in October) we think it best to let them vole in the primary in order that we may be able !to illuonee them to vote with os in October.” For the Lord s sake, what | wouldn’t a man like that do to get a i few negro votes and to get his man elected? We are sure the people of j the Willacoochee district do not I sanction any such rottenness : we cau- I not believe any candidate would he so willful, and it is a dead certainty that Chairman Peterson and the democrat ic committee will entertain no such unprincipled schemes to elect the democratic nominees. If they cannot be. elected fairly (and they can, for the democrats arc safely in the majority in the county) then it is time ‘o give up to the populists and let them rule. IiKT I’AHIXESS I ’111:V \ I].. When Mr. Elias Lott was being so licited by democrats all over the coun ty to run for the legislature, the pop ulist, realizing that lie would most surely be elected if nominated, brought to bear much pressure to prevent him from entering the race. Mr. Lott, be ing n quiet man, 11 great lover of his home and his people and averse to any sort < f contention, advised his friends that he had no desire to run for lteprescntative, but if the people demanded him and the democratic party would offer no other man for the place, he would make the race. This is his exact position in the race, and by a tacit agreement throughout the county, the democrats have ac quiesced in this position. Some of the populists, however, arc resorting to extreme measures to get Mr. Lott out of the race. They haye propegated a number of schemes to misrepresent him to the people, some of which are to circulate reports to the effect that he docs not intend to make the race, at all, unless both par ties are a unit in his nomination. This is childish. Anybody ought to know that Mr. Lott was aware that such a condition was next to impossi ble. He knew that the populists would oppose lum when he went into tho race and he did not count on their endorsement, lie is charged withhaving been intluenecd to run by the “Douglas ring.” Well, if there had been any such power as the “Douglas ring” it would likely have used its influence to get Mr. Lott in the race ; for it certainly would have realized his strength and his right to the nomina tion. Of course the “Douglas ring’is an imaginary devil in the minds of the populists, and they are using such im pious powers to prosper their cause. They are now using all their persua sion to induce Mr. Dan Lott. Br. to run on the populist ticket against his blether, in order that the family in lluonee may be divided. Well, of course, Mr. Lott has a perfect legal right to enter tho race against his brother, but such a course could not conduce to family strength and har mony. and ho surely cannot expect Mr. Elias Lott to retire from his can didacy, in that he (Elias was in the race long before the populist pre sented the sujeet to Mr. Dan Lott. Mr. Elias Lott, the democratic can didate, requests us to say that he is in the race to stay and all reports to the contrary are false. We predict that he will be elected by a 3ho ma jority. The trustees of Wesleyan Female College will spend fifteen thousand dollars in ti e improvement of the j j college. Old Wesleyan is the iincst j institution of its kind in the South, | and our people can do no better than , j send their girls there to be educated. Its new president. Dr, llammoud, is j oTie of the linest educators in the j | South, and Mrs. Cobb, the lady >rin- 1 leipal, is not to be excelled anywhere on the continent. AX NO I’XU EM. ENTS. Aticcunce in # Ms colanu. Only $3,00. For Ordinary. ! 1 hereby announce myself as candi ! date for Ordinary of Coffee cor unty subject to the Democratic primary. W. It. Gouge. For Senator. I hereby announce my.-olf a candi ; date for the Senate f-oui ilie nth sen j atonal district, suhji el to the action of | the democratic primary, and ask the support of th? people. Jell Wilcox. For Senator. After solicitations from many friends in different parts of the county, 1 have decided to become a candidate for the Senate trout the otli senatorial district, subject to the act ion of the democratic primary, and a.-k the support of the people. C. A. Ward, Jr. For Comity Surveyor. I hereby offer myself as a candidate for the (dlice of county surveyor of God fee county, subject the primary of the I’opulisf party aud respectfully ask the support of my friends. Jtev, ’J'lnrpe Bailey. For Ordinary. I hereby announce myself a candidate for < trdinary of Coffee county sujeet to tho Populist primary and ask the sup port of my fellow-citizens, and if elected will honestly and earnestly discharge the duties of said office. W. B. Teston. For Koprosenlalivo. The friends of Elias Lott, hereby an nounce his name as a candidate for Representative of Coffee count-.', sub ject to the action of the Democratic primary. For County Treasurer. I hereby announce myself a candi date for Treasurer of Coffee county, subject to the democratic primary, and if elected will earnestly and hon estly discharge the duties of said office. Respectfully, C. C . Smith. For Tax Receiver. I hereby announce myself a candi dal)' for Tax Receiver of Coffee coun ty, subject to the action of (lie dem ocratic primary and respectfully ask the support of the people. C. W. Corbitt. For Tax Receiver. 1 hereby announce myself a candi date for Tax Receiver subject to the action ef tho democratic primary, and respectfulv ask the support ef the j>eo ple. S. D . Philips. For Sheriff. I hereby announce myself a candi date for sheriff’of Coffee county, sub ject to the Democratic primary, ard respectfully ask the support of the people. R. If. Dickerson. For Clerk Superior Court. At the request of my friends I an nouuce myself a candidate for Clerk Superior Court, subject to the demo cratic primary, and ask the support of my fellow citizens. Jiics J. Lott. For Clerk Superior Cdourt. 1 hereby announce myself a candi date for re-election to the office of Clerk Superior Court and ask the the support of the people aud it elect ed 1 promise to fuliill the duties of the oflice to the best of my abilty. Thank ing the people for past favors, 1 am. Yours to serve. D. W. Gaskin. For Sheriff. At tin solicitation of friends from all sections of the County 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for Sher iff of Coffee county, subject to the ac tion of the Democratic primary. If elected I pledge myself to perform the duties of the office to the host of my ability, with justice to all and partiali ty to none. W. A. .J. Smith, I'or Ta.r lit rei nr. I hereby announce my self as a can didate for Tax Receiver, subject G the | democratic primary, and rospeGlfully ask the support of the people. John H. Pktlrsox. x For Ojuliuary. I hereby announce myself a candidate for ordinary, subject to ti e action of the democratic primary- and respectful')’ ask the support of the peopß. 11. 1.. Paulk. cieorgin. Gofl’oe county: / pplieaiion has been made t.> me by N S. Itoyd for letn r- of; h".i:u>tra(h,:l oil the c-Mate of J. \\ . ltoyff. late of said coun ty deceased, and 1 wilt pa.-s upon the same at my office in Douglas on the Ist Monday in August 1 seti. Tics July e. lsci. John Victors, Ordinary. i Georgia, Cottle county; Application lias been made to me bv Win \' : ck,-rs or letters of guardianship ■ tho per-on and property of Na ■ Carver, minor heir of J no, Carver deceased, and I will pa ' upon the same at my office in Douglas on the tirst Monday in Aim. l>sß. This July 6, Jao. Vickers. Ordy, ! _ ,1 IQJLEIIEART BROS., > Diana. Evansville, lud. ———i iimu i i' i ~i~i rit -j — **uMr'm*r~r:-rzxacj wjst wucmß—— mll B. W. 'bOWCILAS, mwm imkwKS© m. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in BEER, WINES, LIQUORS, igara and Tobacco. jpff JUG TRABm A Specialty. SirU&.33L®■'BSZiL 9 • jTjT L 0 T T~, '-A'A* TOBACCO, CIOARB, AM) LIQUORS. ' Also Flour, Meal, Grits, Hay, Grain and Bran. 214 J3Jk.IT (STREET. brujstswioe:, g-a.. J. A. JONES & CO., IVA YCli OSS G EOTi GIA. Have just received anew supply of Wagons, consisting of all sizes of one and two horse Farm Wagons, also Turpentine, wood and cross-tie wagons. jF.fST’Large'stock of Buggies and Harness on hand. bS ar, a. otix?s mi m . WAYC-IHOss, GA. POPULAR 11 mumßß for asst© .|‘l 00 per day—Single meals. 25c. llametl Mouse, SAVANNAH, - - GEORGIA. H, H. MILLER & son. The Cheapest FURXI CURE and HARNESS House in Georgia. We Carry a complete line of FURNITURE, MATTiNG XLOCKS. - BABY CARRIAGES. TRUNKS. RUGS. HARNESS AND SADDLES Wo will sell at Rock Bottom Prices. Mail orders receive uor.special attetion. H. M. MILLER it SON, 114 Newcastle St., Brunswick, Ga. J. J„ Mssiies 1 Vi 110LESALE Groceries, Tot>a,eeo 9 Flour, Ilaeou l^nnvisious. GRAIN. HAY AND BBAN A SPECIALTY. 300 Gloucester and 204 Grant Streets, BRUNSWICK. - GEORGIA. Go irgia, Cofl’eo county : Ity virtue of the power of sal.' contained in a mortgage note given by M. King to Ur. M. M. Hal! on Ma eh 2!*t 18T3 and re- C'>rffed in Book of Mortgagf- “t'" Pages lss March :.t.-t !s:G and: -re will i.c void o. re ;1 1 . 'urtbmtv do. ■ said coan ty on Hie ilrs; Tuesday in August nax be tween the legal hours of sale to the highest liiddi r for cash the following descri .ed pi-i>pc:ty to wit: Out- store bouse and lot i.f land in tin town of Douglas, said lot contains one half ( b.) acre more or less and hounded as follows: on the north by s> -aaior, struct, west by (.askin Ave. anb south and east I.v ‘ M Sweat ,v t’o. said iot being a nan of lot o f land no. log in the Gib district of Coffee county and known as the il. King store house.and lot. Said i ’.-.v a > :■ 1 i,i a, ;; . the above described mortgage. This July -nii lss*;. M’s l: I". U.T.. Ad-ainiftratrix of estate M M Iln 1 decea-< cjuiiK ov .V MeDonabi, A;tvs. for Mrs R B Hull. State of (ieotgia Coffee county: Whereas, YV. P. Prescott, Adminis trator of YYTey Cov.-.-irt. deceased, rep resents to the court in his petition, duly tiled and entered on record, that he has duly administered on the estate of said Riley Cowart, deceased; This is there fore to cite all pe- -ons concerned, kin dred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said Administrator should not be discharged from liis ad ministration, and receive letters of dis mission on the Ist Monday in Septem ber, 1890. This June Ist 1800, Jno. and ickers. (fc Massey’s j I (l CHAIN or # )W' V [ Business s ) Colleges) / Columbus, Qa., / I Montgomery, Ala., 1 \ Jacksonville, Fla. \ \ Groat Schools ci the South. C / Oheflposi mul b'st. Endorsed by Ex* / ■ Speaker Crisp, (iovernors. State Super- I % imeudents of Educa ion, Boards of \ 1 lraae, and tnousands of former siu- M B dents v. ho are holding lucra'ivo situa- m S Hons. Students'railroad fare paid and % % pi ■ "ii ior half of tuition until \ U tliev a• ji ivi in situations. Lio.-irri I a * *tt**j> ihe ?•!.issey Colleges receive M I more ea'ls from business firms for their 1 % kLi-iiii’fft' t B:: r i any doz. u sehoo's in A B t. d • on!tli. _ I'd s udeuts placed in situ- I e o and ii*. i six in*’i!hs. Send at once a I iorcircuAt:>. Address nearest school. \ R. VV. MASSEV, I President. J \ S3n.roo.QQ. \ hare hundreds of letters like the / /Bt " vgityLi IlWk f M'|'“ meky. Ala., July 5,1305. / / ;‘ ' '. H '. ; • :y> I was work- 1 t TmL I / “ v r 'a.iu,i iicg. you secure,! for 1 £ tv .'vnij'her and sta- m \ ; ' r Ala. Utt. &>. R. R. I 3 1 : ■ •■'!■ >!• this iny mcn-> has \ / i u l>w ar4. To day I I I ? r - : '■•- mi at a ralary" of # \ 5 -,i ;>r. J. Ii Cole. I PROFESSIONAL CARDS. P Lx. SMITH, EACDY ER, JlurJeh u rst , ; ; ; ; Georgia. TVi 11 practice in all tiie courts of Colic.) and Appling countiej, and elsewhere hv. special contract- All business promptly attended to, nm .rai -!■"- hi i w >■* GEO. K. BRIGGS, —ATTORNEY AT J.AIV — DOUGLAS, - - - - GA. Strict attention given to all business J Lee Crawley Attorn ey-at-lM w c,\ACROSS, :::::::: GEORGIA Wid attend the monthly and quar terly term of the City Court o Coffee. in Act. TJfPipzdsr ATTO HN-EY AT LAW llazleiiurst, : : : ; : : : Ga Will attend terms of City an il Superior Courts of Coflee county All Legal matters attended to piomptly. W M. Too-met A rrOItSEY-AT-LA If , WAYCROSS, : : : : : GEORGIA. Will attend all terms of City and . Superior court of Coffee county'-. Ail legal matters attended to promptly. C. A. WARD Jk. F. W. DART WARD &- DART. i J 1C 1 Douglas, : : Ga. U id practice together in all the court, of Cohos county, except City courts and elsewhere by special contracts Prompt attention given to ail legal matters. iHi. JV, IF. TEH HELL, Thi/sicum and Surgeon. For seven years lias made a special study of diseases peculiar to women and children, both in private and hos pital practice. Douglas, Ga. G-25-95. w. E. SIBBETT. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. DOUGLAS, Gails promptly answered day or night. W. M. Carte r r vs HI AN AND SURGEON, l*ick re n, : : ; Georgia, All calls promptly attended day or night. JNO. M. HALL, —E/njsician and Surgeon — Wilcox, - - - Georgia. All calls promptly answered night or clay. Charges reasonable. C. C. THOMAS, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, Waycross, - '- Georgia. Special attention given to practice in the City and Superior Courts of Coffee County. OHS L BRACK, Notary Public and Ex-Officio J.P. DouglasDisi. (748) G. M. Douglas, : : Ga. Piompt attention given to all business. Collections a Specialty. N. F. GOODYE’Ii Blacksmith and Wheelwright, DOUGLAS, - - - - GEORGIA x, j _ y I am fully prepared to do all kinds of work in my line. _ Such as making and repairing bug* gies, wagons, road carts, timber carts, etc., etc. • £“HORSE SHOEING a special ty- I would be pleased to have the pat ronage of the pub’ic. Respectfully, 2-23-93-tf N. F. GOODYEAR. Schedule on Douglas & McDonald B.R. Leave McDonald 11:30. “ Sweats Still 11:45. “ Lowthers 12:05 “ Moores 12:23 “ Downing 1 :l)5. Arrive Douglas 1:23. RETURNING; Leave Douglas 2 :20. “ Downing 2.10. “ Moores 3.17. “ Lowthers 3 :35- “ Sweats Still 3:55. Arfe McDonald 4 :15. Hoarding House. Charges one dollar per day or 25cts. per meal. Horses will be taken care of for fiOcts. pgr day or 25cts. a feed We solicit a share of your patronage. Mrs. Penelope Denton. Douglas, Ga.,* Proprietress. Ii HER SHOP PARKER A- FIELDING Proprietors. COLUMBUS WASHINGTON,I The Dandy Barber. Shop in same building as jewelry shop,