The Douglas breeze. (Douglas, Coffee County, Ga.) 18??-190?, July 24, 1896, Image 2

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DOUG I AS BREEZE. JN'O. AV. GKFF.U, Editor. K. S. NAFF, Assoi iiitc Ktlitor. til IKK It .V S.\ I*l* I’nlilisli.iH. Official Org tn of Coffee County Adverti'iinar Kates Reasonable. SUBCItIPTIOSf $1 A .YLAJt, IS ADVANCE J't.i iiLfSIIEI) WEEKLY. Entered at the Postoffiee at Douglas Q 1. as second-class mail matter. FRIDAY, JI'LV 21. 189(1. Time to Prepare. Addison says, “wbat sculpture is to j a block of marble, education it to a 1 human soul. The philosopher, the ! saint, and the great man, very often lie hid and concealed in a plebeian, which a proper education might have disturbed and brought to light.” Your sou may have the elements of mind and character within him which, if awaken and cultivated, will lift him into the highest position of state or church or science or litera ture, and, yet if allowed to mature untrained, will disgrace your name or leave it blank in the minds of men. Your daughter may have in h r the excellencies which, if drawn out by the suttle powers of training, will make her a jewel in the home, a blazing light in the church and a star in society; hut which if allowed to languish and dwarf in the narrow coniines of ignorance, will hishonor her parent;! and east a blight on the home of her bil lh. fna few weeks, the schools and colleges of our state will throw open their doors to Iho youth of the coun try. The cities and cultured districts are hegining to prepare to take ad vantage of these sources of education by placing their sons and daughters in the public schools and colleges which have been brought so easily within their reach. Educated peo ple know the value of these institu tions and they are all alert to take advantage of the opportunities for their offspring. They realize that their boys and girls are rapidly ap proaching manhood and womanhood and that unless this day is used iti preparing them for life, another day will never come in which amends may he made foi the negligence of the present. This year your boy may he sent away to college and his edu cation assured. Next year your bov muy not he able or he may not he willing. By that time lie may linye entered into business which will dc harr him for another year, and anoth er yeni he will have left you and his possibilities for greatness be gone for ever. Your daughter is just begin ing to emerge from childhood. She is ripe and ready for the liiet classes in college. Next year she will he wearing long dresses and her statute be full grown. Her mind lias not advanced in proportion and now she is ashamed to enter the lower classes where most of the girls are small. She would have gone lasi year, but now her sensitive, nature shrinks from the ordeal into which she will bo brought. You do not want to mortify her and alas! her oppor tunities are gone—gone forever. She must henceforth he classed among the ignorant. Her aspirations for culture and refinement are blighted and her sweet dreams of chilhood are to end in the common drudgery of the stupid. She must be a child, a simpleton forevermore. It now costs only a few hundred dollars to educate a boy or girl in a college course. There arc plenty of men in Coffee county amply able to do this much for their children. It is infinitely better than to set them up in busines or to give them a tract of land. A good education is better than half the land in Coffee county. The colleges are right at your doors. There are Andrew and Wes leyan colleges for the girls within a few hours ride, and Emory and Mer cer hardly out of sight. Get the boys and girls ready and send them to college this fall and next spring you will be proud of them. President Faure of the French re public was hired on while en route to a public fete man open carriage. The would be assassin was promptly* ar rested, but claimed that the cartridges Tired were blank and he only wished to arrest the attention of presi dent. Bryan is a practical Christian and would grace the presidency of a Chris tian nation. i Let us. keep cool and do the right tiling even if it hurls us. The right, always demands respect and will eventually succeed. Brooks Paulk says the county will; go democratic by a safe majority. Brantley’s letter of acceptance is a straight forward democratic document, ——M-ar—m ■ —i— F. B. Police! was adjudged insane by Judge John Vickers Wednesday a > week ago. .Mr. Bryan is a model husband and father. lie is a typical American in every sense. The populists really didn't want •‘harmony”: they waited to beat the democrats. Jn the mad rush of politics let us not forget our educational iuteicsi and Christianity. If the popuusts want free silver they can best attain it by coming back into the democratic party. The ladies must heat with politics a little while and then the men will again lend them supreme attention. Cornelius Vanderbilt has been stricken with paralysis and the physi cians arc consulting over hint. Briggs was nominated in the Second by a large majority. Walters vote was in keeping with his person—ban toiu-like. That little “harmony” scheme of the populists fixed for the 25th did not pan out. It was too easy to see through. Thomas county goes for the Bush bill and against bar rooms. Now we arc in favor oi Judge Hopkins for President of the Senate. The Pierce county populists have declared for H. W, IL.ed for congress. It looks like Jdilikin will have to hus tle if ho gets the nomination. The anti-barroom bill is going to win in the legislature this fall and wo will have a prohibition suite. Then the Lord will cause his face to shine upon us. Mr. Brantley has acquiesced in the democratic majority and will make the race on the platform, This is all light and he will bo elected by a handsome majority. When Mr. Bryan was separated from his wife and children in the St. Louis depot by the surging crowd, lie paid no attention to the multitudes till he had found his darlings. The negroes already appreciate the stiaight toward action of the democrat ic executive committee and more of them will vote with the democrats in October than ever has before. Clinch county populists all returned to the democratic party and voted in the primary. Out of 950 registered voters, over 800 voted in the democrat ic primary. Lot the Coffee county populists do the same if they waul harmony and free silver. Brantley is a brilliant Georgian, lie will go to congress. The popu lists will not be able to defeat him if he is a candidate, though they arc laying plans to that end. The Press is for voting men every time. In the Eleventh let the battle cry be Bryan and Brantley.—Savannah Press. While the populists were pleading to the public for “harmony" in a no tice they had sent to the papers for publication, they wore plea ting with I one brother to run against another j for the legislature Don’t try to scheme on us. Pops: we 1. ve out ■* on you. Let’s make it a fair deal, and if you beat us. all right. The primary is just cue week off. Let the democrats turn out tomor row week and nominate the strongest men and after the primary settle on the nominees with nit a word of dis cord, and we shall as certainly win in • in the October election as a majority ; is greater than a minority. ANNO UXC EM EXTS. AiDOunc: in <hiscoinin'. Only $3,00. For Ordinary. I hereby announce myself as candi date for Ordinary of Coffee county; subject to the Democratic primary. W. R. Gouge. For Senator. 1 hereby announce my-' if a candi date for the Senate ffiom the sth sen atorial district, subject to the action of the democratic primary, and ask the support of the people. Jeff Wilcox. for Senator. After solicitation:- from many friends in different parts of the county, f have decided to become a candidate for the Senate trom the sth senatorial district, subject to the action of the democratic primary, and ask the support of the people. C. A. Ward, Jb. For County Surveyor. I hereby off' r mj’M-li' as a candidate for the office of county surveyor of Cof fee county, subject the primary of tbe Populist party and l’ospec!fully ask the support of my friends. Rev. Tli .rpe. Bailey. For Ordinary, I hereby announce myself a candidate for Ordinary of Coffee county soject to the Populist primary tuid ask the sup port of my fellow-citizens, and if elected will honestly and earnestly dTcbarge the duties of said office, W. B. Te&ton. For Representative. The friends of Elias Lott hereby an nounce his name as a candidate for Representative of Coffee r uni:;.-, sub j.i-t to the action of the Democratic primary. For County Treasurer. I hereby announce myself a candi date for Treasurer of Coffee county, subject to the democratic primary, and if elected will earnestly and hon estly discharge the duties of said office. Respectfully, C. C . Smith. For Tax Receiver. I herphy announce my-elf a candi date for Tax Receiver of Coffee coun ty, subject to the action of the dem ocratic primary and respectfully ask the support of the people. O. W. Corbitt. For Xuv Receiver. I hereby announce myseif a candi date for Tax Receiver subject to the action of tin-democratic primary, and respectfttly ask the support of the peo ple. S. 1). Philips. For Sheriff. - I hereby announce myself a candi date For sheriff of Coffee county, sub ject to the Democratic primary, ami respect fully ash the support of the people. R. 11. Dickerson. For Clerk Superior Court. At the request of my friends I an iiounce myself a candidate, for Cleric Superior Court, subject to the demo cratic primary, and ask the fupport of my fellow citizens. Jin's J. Lott. Foe Clerk Superior t fikr.irt. I hereby announce myself a candi date for re-election to the office of Cleric Superior Court and ask the the support of the people and if elect ed 1 promise to fulfill the duties of the office to the best of my abiity. Thank ing the people for past favors, 1 am. Yours to serve. D. W. Gaskin. For Sheriff. At till solicitation off iends from all sections of the County I hereby announce myself a candidate for Sher iff of Coffee county, subject to the ac tion of the Democratic primary. If elected 1 pledge myself to perform the duties of the office to the best of my ability, with justice to all and partiali ty to none. W. A. J. Smith, For ’Fur Hen irer. 1 hereby aim. unce myself as a can didate for Tax Receiver, subject to the democratic pri nary, and respectfully ask the support of the people. John 11. Pi-m-krson. For Ordinary. 1 hereby annouinv mv.-wlf a candidate j for ordinary, subject to the action of i 11 10 drinoentie primary and respectful*}’ ! ask the support of the people. ii. L. Faulk. i vieoraia, Coffee county : j 5 pplic.i.ion !.. - -i i t.i me i-y N v . Boyd for iota >i’ ;; i• : -:r;llto . o:t the i slate >: J. \V. Bov !. hue ,<f said comi ty deceased, and l win pa.-s upon the same my office in Douglas on ti.c Ist Mon isy iu August I&KJ. this .fui; n, l-at John Vicksrs, Ordinary. , Georgia, Cos fee county : i Application has been made to me Vy . Win Welters for leu, - oi* uua'-.iiar.shin of the person and prugc ly oi' N:mc\ Car. er. minor heir of Jtio. Carver • eased, and 1 ! will jia .s upon the saute at my office in I Douglas on the brs; Mnn.l.o in Aim. Isfkk ; Tins July t>, IsjJ. Jim. \i, ker-. Only, / fLjgttgK&BS? " . . ~ - - U '1 ■ - #*l! .t :• ’* • eanl pc .c . ■ • r.~ rct mbined to ace choice - .ml i. F. a -i which this peerless* wae : . flour I ircecouoi let.! til : . 1 it l'• Acs better | and more of it. . • mil buying, g TJ fF G'Cd;/ sd agents I .. . . I 4 ' ' ' l Ufc ggTWholesale and Retail Dealer in BEER, WINEB, LIQUORS, ;; I! • ... -' . . JOG TH AM AJ; r hot t;. j r- ’ m : ■ i .-a rij Mn k ’• J ’ ,t J „ t * o Vi & □ tit cas n ; - - ra W _ / ' K r-'iV in V :./ r .-Sc*:■' -:A Ay b ..1•' ■-A Mr.- w .. <j>- '•-* '-.5 vg ... .-j . jUT TOBACCO, CI.iAR3, AND LIQUOR -. ADv) 'Fiour, A;. 1 Grits, i t tv, (>r.,i:i nud Bran. 214 BAY STE/BBT. IYT:Y."CT±s 3WIOE. O-JL- I A 10CIO Cl e Me cjUi-AiUM (:>J WA YOU OSS GEG IIGXA . Ilavc just received anew supply of R agons, con -isting of ad > izes of one and two horse Farm Wagons also Turpentine, wood and cross-tie wagons, AY”Large"stock of Bug;::- -and Havno.s? on ban tAA© fS izf) tkisbMl f) -.A A® TYAFC'SQss, 41 A. 1pK vl olf| [i Fl ji A w j&d o. A ti. 36= r >v..: : \' l ~9 ''■• ’ '' l r~ " |~ : r| t& ti: 'ii &k: 3£-w : ite'ir as®© .fl 00 mov day—E-inglc mculi. 2oc. Harnett ISenasc, BAVANNAII, - - GEORGIA. H, M. MILLER & son. The Che aj >e s t TU RN I L lIIK aml HARNESS Hou.-c* in Georgia. We Carry a complete lire of FURNITURE, MATTING .CLOCKS, - BABY CARRIAGES TRUNKS- RUGS- HARNESS AND SADDLES We wiil sell a', Rnok Bottom Trices. Mailorders receive uor special auction. 11. M. MILLER A:'SOX. 114 Newcastle St., Brunswick, Ga. ’" an • e@s b o A /?Sk l S T XiV n a .A Ii? WHOLESALE Groceries, Flour, Rncon I‘'n--visions. GRAIN. HAY AND BEAN A SPECIALTY. 300 Gloucester auil -01 Grant Streets, BRUNSv.TI \ - GI'.ROTV. Georgia. Coffee county: liy virtue o' tL■- jn.-w.-rof ;sale tout::; ed iii-a mortgage note given lt,v M. King to Dr. M. M. i'-all on Nfoil 'list 1>53 ami re corded in Hook of Ji •■("' i'„ l'S to i .itou M.-mfi :e v.iii s i- a ii. : ■ 1 e--.ia ty on I ia- lirt Tue-day A. Angus: n: v !.. tween tlie legal hums , ; sale to l! . l:i,-:h<- ■' | bidder for cash the follow lag described ) property to wit: One store "house and | lot of laud iti the town of Doug las, said !-!; eontaiug one half t - -y) aery more or less and bounded as follows : ou the north by Sy.-am -re street. West l>y Gaskin Av ait- south gudeas. 'ey c Ji threat v Cos i sidd lot A inn a par: of ; of lain! no. 1--.' lin th-.- oth district of Co,-;'.-• county an i | known as the Jf. King >t -e house and K,r. ; Said |-roj riv t> b - M ie. satisfaction • tit ■ above described mortgage. Mrs 11 1! Hall, raliix of tsia H JI Ha l deeras Coin -c-va MolMml-h . .v; : - . f-i 1, i* ia.,... f Geoigh o<pdn'y: Where:, s W. F. Prescott, Adminis (r.ilorof Wdey Cew.-vt. de.:e:i.-vd. rep n ento to the court in h’spe ition, duly filed and eu eied on re < ru. that lie has filly administer and on t'.e estate of said Riley Cowart, deceased: This i there fore to cite a*l pe ;> } in •lr.-d andeivditois, to -!i ,\v cause if anj* ! .hey can, w y ; sfil Ailmufis rater I should not fo di- dun gel from his ad ! mir.lst ration, and receive letfe s of dis i ion on the Ist M mday in Septz m | her, IS9U. This June Ist 1896. Jno. A'ickers. f V : 1 CHAIN C F p : ‘l Business Coueges Columbus, Ga., I ery, A!a., J. 2 . Ule, Ra. Ti:f* Cif't -ch:cie B ,i;a ScCi. Cheapest and best. Eodolved by Ev . Speatkrr Orisp, 0 overitoG, sute Sr per . :’i ; ' i: • . :• of • •; r '■! •• > < I • ;er fiu *V *'• • • lu- ra ive >r< ‘'U - . .. ! !::V. ' :.i,l ,;ild ' ■ ■ '. : r : . ' ivm'.iu uuiil i ■ • !' ■ :-i ■!<•' ?. u <ti i”- * !' t .- - V Hvoive i .OM cu !- fnt. i . U'i:;£Bs tifius* for iheir |*r.; tit: . Buy tl '<l; j-rboo’s in j If- • • 1 • *• Em e Udt ■ ■ . >• '■ '•*' i-> ■'* r. g: . . .Send at <: pe Lrch\!; an. AtKßx • Heart.-: >chooL \ H. W. MASSEY, Brcsidint. L CA. 4 - 1 Ye ijuiidrcds of letters like the f Rowing: / A.. ' ’ 'Ax>v,. . Y mJ Y-. ; l a Y - M Ty*v* ■— ■ j f . . •-Ot - • ■ ■ -V. A Ju' V 5, ..V; k ” “ f XH.a.. .**?:•.—i vf ns risrol was work* mgouaurw. pi YaHW i tTyear. 1 ' '*' '' •* iu * - -Ups v i vour ■ I '■ '■ .. , .... .... ;fi llr : I vc • ! upvdr 4. ffii -L.y I S' --. • , ..- i ■•*. J. I- C lx. professional cards. P. La. SMITH, LACJYER, lehnrr.t, : : : : Georgia, Will ]i“:iin all the courts of Coffey an l Ann!hi;: . 'Uiiun', ami elsewhere by - -Fit cmU-.t-t• All business promptly attended to, GEO. IE BRIGGsT —ATTOEJfEY AT LAW— DOUGLAS, - - - - GA. .strict attention given to all business J Lee Crawley Attorney-at-Fmw AYCItCV.S, :::::::: GKOUGIA Will attend the monthly and quar terly term of the. City Court o Coffee. T_i . CT. TIPPIN, ATTORN L Y AT LAV,' Hazlehukst, : : : : : : : Ga Will attend terms of City and Superior Courts of Coffee county AH Legal matters attended to piomptly. IV M . Toomer A TTOItXEY-A 1-LA l!\ WAYCROSS, : : : : : GEORGIA. Will attend all terms of City and iSupei ior court of Coffee county. All legal matters attended to promptly. C. A. Yd All: > Jk. F. W. DART WARD & DART. L i tV YETIS, Douglas, : : :::::::: Ga. Will practice together in all the court, - Coit'e.': county, except City courts and ti-Gwlu-re by special contracts Prompt attention given to all leiral matters. Dll. Vr, IV. Tin 111! ELL, ILgrleitm and Surgeon. For seven years has made a special stuuy of dis.uses peculiar to women and children, both in private and hos pital practi.e. Douglas, Ga. 0-25-95. w. f. sibbettT riiYSfCIAX & SURGEON. DOUGLAS, Calls promptly answered day or night. W. M. CIH^T V YSICTAN AND SURGEON, Fiel.rtn, : : : Georgia, All calls piomptly attended day or night. JNO. M. HALL, —■Dhyaichm and Surgeon Wilcox, - - - Gkqihiia. All calls promptly answered night or day. Charges reasonable, C. C. THOMAS, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, Way cross, - - Georgia. Special attention given to practice in the City and Superior Courts of Coffee County. aus L. B3SSX, Notary Nub lie. and Ex-Officio J. P. Douglas Dist. (748) G. M. Douglas, : : Ga. Prompt attention given to all business. Collections a Specialty. N. Fo GOODYE’R Blacksmith and Wheelwright, DOUGLAS, - - - - GEORGIA > —< - > —< I am fully prepared to do all kinds of work in my line. Such as making and repairing bug* - ics, wagons, road carts, timber carts, etc., etc. tffiTHOBSE SHOEING a special ty* i would be pleased to have the pat ronage of the pub’ic. Respectfully, 2-23-93-<f N. F. GOODYEA R. Hchedule on Douglas & McDonald R.R. Leave McDonald 11:30. “ Sweats Stiil 11:15. “ Lowtbers 12:05 “ Moores 12:23 “ Downing 1:05. Arrive Douglas 1:25. RETURNING; Leave Douglas 2 :20. “ 'Downing 2.-10. “ Moores 3:17. “ Lowtliers 3:35 - “ Sweats Still 3:55. Arfe McDonald 4:15. | rMn ,-| , IIH m Hl—■ 1 Hi— 7l Hoarding House. Charges one dollar per day or 25, Is. per meal. Horses will.lie taken rare of for 50cts. per day or 25ets. a feed A\ e solicit ash ire of your patronage. Mrs. Penelope Denton. Douglas. Ga , Proprietress. BA JIB Ell SH 01.-y PARKER A FIELDIXt: Fropriet oi;-. COLUMBUS WASKirtGTON, The Dandy Barber. r.uip in same building as jewelry shop.