The Douglas breeze. (Douglas, Coffee County, Ga.) 18??-190?, September 11, 1896, Image 1

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VOL. VII. LOCAL NEWS RAINY TWILIGHT. Ob, put thy baud in mine, and we’ll take the road together. With gold the west is dappled above the rainy hill, Yet raindrops hiss upon the twigs in token of foul weathefr; The twilight is deserted; these haunted ways are still. But who with love and youth would hesitate to follow This little cart track running through su macs to the sea? Sweet is the veil the rain has made for love in every hollow. The gay winds kiss to beauty thy happy face for me. Each wheel rut is a pool to glass the leafless thickets; The dry reeds clash like cymbals or sway like men at war; Into the dusk a rabbit darts; in antiphons the crickets Weave happy songs to shatter the silence they abhor. Wide, inaccessible, there lies the solemn level Of darkened meadows stretching unto the ooean’s rim, Seamed with the winding waterways wherein shy creatures revel; The meadow hens brood near the slow tide water’s brim. The spray from off the sea blows salt across our faces. Thy brow the cool rains kiss; thine eyes with lovelight shine. What bitti of happy song we sing! What laugh ter haunts these places, Thrilled with the far surf’s thunder, damp with its sweeping brine! The strong gales buffet us; the rain hosts fight with lances, With leveled lances set, against us ride in vain. Far and forgotten now is grief; no caro with us advances. Our gay gods haunt alike the sunshine and the rain. —L. Frank Tookor in Century. Register. The town was full of candidates Monday. The Preachers’ Institute failed w> materialize. The interior of the Masonic hall is being ceiled. Col. \V. P. Ward visited Jackson ville last week. Mrs. T. T. Infinger went to Way cross on business this week. A nice line of new groceries just re ceived at T J Davis & Co’s. Miand Mrs I T Smith, of White Oak Fla., are visiting relatives in Coffee. Miss Tilden Maddox visited Miss Jlinnie Lott the first part of the week. Mrs. W. W. DeLoach returned Tuesday from a visit to Bulloch coun ty. A few Douglas people will attend the tent meeting at Williams’ Chapel Sunday. Judge Vickers has taken his son Leon to Allen’s Invalid Home, Mil ledgeville. Rev. W. I. Patrick has tendered his resignation as pastor of the Baptist church at this place. Mis. T. J. Hariison and Miss Ada Infinger attended a funeral in Clinch county last Simday. . The populist held a rally at Broxton last Saturday. Ryal Wright and Marion Mills ma le addresses. Judge Vickers was not here to pre side over the court of Ordinary Mon day. Deputy Briggs acted in his stead. Avery successful revival has just closed at Elsie, on the Air Line R’v. Rev. W. I. Patrick assisted in the meetings. The public will please lemember that all communications of a personal nature will be charged for at the rate of 5c per line. We are requested to announce that Messrs. Strozier and Williams will hold a meeting in the Methodist church at Douglas on Monday night. The carpenters have finished their work on the new hotel. Mrs. Phillips will move in as soon as the work tf painting the interior can be completed. Mr. A. C. Scott, the contractor and builder of the Douglas academy, was in town Wednesday and Thursday. Work on the building will be begun m two or three weeks. We now have on exhibition gents clothing samples and fashion plates of ail the latest styles from Wanuamaker & Brown, the Leading Merchant Tay lors of the United States, and would be pleased to have your orders in this line we guarantee satisfaction and a perfect fit. W. A. Mcßae. THE DOOCtHS BREEZE. Cotton has begun moving and trade is reviving. The registration books will close on the 17th inst. Major Spence, of Waresboro, fs said to be in a dying condition. Nichols has organized a democratic club, with our friend Tom Hilliard chairman. Mr. Elias Hinson, democratic nomi nee for tax collector, passed through Douglas yesterday. Mr. J. S. Lott, the merchant prince of Shepherd, is having a large new store house erected. A good rain would be appreciated by the people of this section now. But few gardens are planted yet and the top crop of cotton and the sugar cane are damaged to a great extent. Mill number 4, at Nichols, cut, in five days, 309,525 feet of lumber, aver aging 01,905 feet per day. Mr. TANARUS, G. Hilliard, superintendent, is one of the best saw mill men in the state. Mr. Oscar Rudolph’s combination store house and dwelling, on the cor ner of Rudolph and Ward streets is assuming proportions. The frame work will be completed this week. A democratic rally will be held Sat-, urday, Sept. 19, at Millwood. Dr. Wil cox, democratic nominee for state sen ator from the Fifth district, and Col. C. C. Thomas, democratic nominee for representative from Ware count}, will be the speakers. It is very likely that TANARUS, H. Morton, the populist nomi nee for senator, and Robert McDonald the independent candidate for repre sentative, will ask for a division Of time, which will be granted by the democratic speakers. Pat Crosses the Continent. Mr. P. L. Smith, one of Douglas’ most’prominent young lawyers, left] Monday for San Jo‘.e, California on a| matrimonial mission. While at Ha-1 zlehurst Tuesday he mailed the Breeze an invitation to his wedding, which reads as follows: Mr. and Mrs. Safstrom requests your presence at the marriage of their daughter Pearl E. to Mr. P. L. Smith, at their residence on West Sansalvador St., San Jose, Cal. Monday, September fourteenth, 1896. We wish Pat good lqck and happi ness—and we wish it as fervently as one brother could for another. May the matrimonial yoke be to him and his bride to-be as a yoke of roses, ever shedding their perfume over the path way they gfigjl tread together. Willacoocbee Notes. The sound of saws and hammers make things lively early and late. Qqitp an interesting entertainment was conducted at tjje academy last Friday night. Some nice pFesppfij were distributed. Prof, J. C. Carter's family band furnished music for the occasion. Saturday night a brutal murder was committed in the negro quarters here. John Reed sho f, and instantly killed Rachel Gardner, both colored. Jjqt little effort has been made to capture murderer. X. JJPJjIGIOUS. The tent meeting will run on until next Sunday night. The Lord is with us. Preaching at Oak Grove next Sun day at 11 a. m. Also at Broxton. No services Saturday at either place. The third quarterly conference is at Oak Grove Sept. 'iSrd ftnd J. S. Lew s, Pastor. Three pound cans of Possum Bak ing Ppwder for a quarter at T. J. Da vis & Co's, The comptroller of her majesty’s household ranks next after the treas urer and is succeeded by the master of the horse. A French patent must be prior to patents taken out in other countries; otherwise the application will not be granted. DOUGLAS, GA. COFFEE COUNTY. FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 11 1898. Unto All Men and All hings Give Due Consideration. EL E. LaMance. DEALER IN Mle statuary lonaats. Etc. Mantels, Grates, Tiling, Iron Fencing and fine memorial ware. ear w rite for designs and prices. R. E. LaMance, Brunswick, Ga. W. A. J. SMITH, 0 Democratic Nominee tor Sheriff of Coffee County. We present to our readers Ibis week a good picture of Mr. W, A. J, Smith, onr democratic candidate for Sheriff. Mr. Smith is well known to our Coffee county readers ; hence we will have but little to say about him. TJe has served Coffee county in the capacity of Sheriff once before, and ii is often remarked that he made the best sheriff we have ever had. Taking into consideration the fact that he has no relations in this count) county, he makes the best race of an\ of the candidates. Prof. Tanner’s School Closes. Commencement night, the lonj looked for occasion, the climax of fiv* months of the ups and downs of sclioo life, rolled round last Friday night To describe the lovely picture create' by the sweet and winsome maidem attired in their light colored dressei would doubtless strain our mothe tongue, so we refrain. Prof. Tanner stepped foward at t p’pjocjr, ftnjl, aftpf tpaking a few ri marks, announced that the evening’* exercises would be opened with march and a song. The song, “Moui tain Maids Invitation” was well ren dered. The recitatians by the little one were tine and showed good training But we thought Misses Ada fnimg< and Lucille Briggs deserved specia praise for their splendid manner i delivering their recitations. The program was composed of rec itations: sopgs and djah-gues. The music for the oocas on was fui nished by Mrs. G. It. Briggs and Mis. Bessie Briggs. Nice hams 14c. It :it T J Davis fc Cos. Scholarship, The Breeze holds a scholarship to Massey’s great ousiness colleges at Columbus, Ga., Montgomery, Ala. and Jacksonville, Fla. This scholarship is Vajued at 140. Will giye it to any boy or girl who will send us forty cash subscribers to the Breeze, or for cash. Publishers. Wanted-An Idea S§3§ I mL fell jff'i y-Jfj iv.i v Application for Charter. Georgia.—Coffee county. Notice is hereby given by the under signed, that they will apply to the Su perior court of said county, on the 2nd Monday in Oct. next, the same being theJl2lh day of Oct. 189(1, lor a charter for the incorporation of the town of Douglas, the proposed boundaries of such town to be as follows’ to-wit: Be ginning at the northeast corner of original lot of land No. 192 in the oth district of said county, following origi nal line of said lot, running due south to the branch south of what is now known as the “negro quarters” oi Buck <fc Downing, then following said branch in a westerly direction to its head, then running a line due west till it intersects with the line forming the western boundary of said town. The northern boundary of said town shall begin at the northeast corner of said lot No. 192 following the northern line of said lot to its northwest corner continuing adue west course 800 yards from said northwest corner. The wes tern boundary shall begin at the term ination of said northern boundary line and run a due south course till it in tersects the southern boundary line, as above described. Notice is also hereby given by the undersigned that on the 10th day of October, 189 C, all the qualified voters residing in the proposed boundaries of such town, a§ above described will meet at the court house in said boun daries to vote on the question of said incorporation. This notich given in conformity to •section 775 of the Code of Georgia, of 1882, and the amendments thereto. This 10th day of September, 1896. Signed : J B Simmons, N T Crqofi D W Gaskin J J Lott, T J Davis, VV A II Davis, IS S Sapp, F W Dart, W A J Smith, B Peterson, Jno. Mcßae, W A Mcßae, D Morrison, G L Brack, E Woodcock, K M Oallihan, V, P Ward, E M Ilarrefi, C A Ward, T S Renedy, a 8 t’udey. 3 E Baker, E A Rqck, T F Jorinen, G W Venters, A C Tweat, G It Briggs, If Sapp, AV W McDonald, R Vickers, W VI Tanner, E E Worth, 1) Lott, J W Quincey, 0 Rudolph, W W DeLoacH I A Daughtiey, Joe Simmopg, W D Owens, T J ft H T Thompson, N T F Gooddypar., I S Bowen, W T Fatj rick, F Cady, Z T Brown Sr., Z f lirown Jr., T M Brown, J M Denton. V V Jomas, J T Bellian, W M McCoy, F F Hammond, J J Parker, B Carter, W F Sibbstt, T S Deen, P H Baker, S Morgan S Pridgeon, E It ibert.i, D Jones. J Moore, S Bell, G Jto. s, II Williams, (j Washington, W Sharpe, TjfiPoychey, U Bai ey, F Foyaie, M J Moure, E Moore I McDonald, E Boys, Win Hosier. We si ad expect you to pay your ■uhsciiption to tho Bceeae court week. The Inventive American. Tho fertility of tho American mind in invention appears in the statement in the report of the com missioner of patents that out of a •total of 1,544,419 patents issued by tho S3 leading countries of tho world 502,458, cr more tiliUl ouo-third, fifivo bpeii granted by tho United States. Undoubtedly tho case with which a patent may bo obtained in this country is accountable in con siderable degree for this showing, but tho chief cause is the eminently practical spirit of the American jieo ple, which turns their undoubted intellectual agility into profitable channels. In Connecticut one pat ent has been taken out for each 1,000 of population, and among ip. dividual patentees fi’fiornas A. Edi-. eon stands Too hpad of the list with 711 inventions in the past 25 years.—Boston Commonwealth. Gro Anywhere in #] THE DHITED STATES. [•* AND YOU WILL NOT FIND A BETTER PLACE TO TRADE THAN AT WARD & DAVIST Go to Africa if you like ; Go to Asia if you wish ; * Go to Japan if you please ; Go to Russia if you care to ; o anyivaere you want to; but it will be impossible for you to get away irom or around the fact that right here ia Douglas is where you get the Lowest Prices. ■ r claim the best assortment suited to tho needs of our customers, w the very best quality, the latest style, and th < LOWEST PRICES, evrything considered, to be found any where, our stock and prices at all times will verify this assertion. We now ofler a complete line of Dry GfoocLs, Olotiling NOTIONS HATS, SHOES And Furnishing Goods, Et. We respectfully invite ymt to investigate our claim, see for yourself|if the quality is right, s o if the assortment is right, see if the style is right, see if the price is right. We know in is and the same knowledge will be yours. Spring anil Summer good* at JVew York coat, they must goto make room for our mammoth FALL STOCK which in rrrivmy. We are selling colico © 44, 5 and 5A cents per yard. 5000 yds. sheeting and checks © 44 5, 5£ cts. per yard. 000 pairs shoes cheap, vve can give you good value for a little money. Paper needles 1 cent, 21 Envelopes 2 e's. 1 doz. Lead pencils, 3 cents, 1 pair sox 4 cts„ pair stockings 5 cts , Coffee 16g cts. lb., meat 54 cts. lb., Candy 10 cts., Call in to see us and we will treat you right, and sell you goods so cheap it will make you “grin.” With best wishes we remain, vours for trade, WARD & DAVIS. XAE ALB Rj XjST LOW PRICES l>ougias, - l Georgia: L. DOUGLAS SHOETb^ ylpi % \IPJk ( l uc:, klcs.Bottom Waterproof. Best Shoe sold at the prtafc fell W% VSak $5, 84 and $3.50 Dress Shoe. cjfe m i Police Soles* *JgP §Bm Boya 82Sfcoft S 1 $2, sl;^ r Dobgola, StyHh^FciM| ft This is tiie _. *Ut UrouLtoa DEALERS who push the sale of W. L. Douglas Shoes gain customers, which helps to increase the sales on their full line of goods. They am afford to nell at a lee* profit, ami we lielieve you can nave money by buying nil fgm footwear of the dealer adrertiaeC below. UMfijpi* tree upon application. _ NUMBER 36