The Douglas breeze. (Douglas, Coffee County, Ga.) 18??-190?, October 09, 1896, Image 2

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DOUGLAS BREEZE. Entered at the Postoffice at Douglas G*. as socnid-clase mail matter. AIiBBRT C. SWEAT, Editor. E. S, Sapp, Associate Editor. SWEAT & SAPP Publishers. Official Organ of Coffee County FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9,189 G. THE ELECTION. The election is over. The verdict of the people’is made up. Now let us hope that the victors will not become too exuberant in their manifestations of joy, and that the defeated candi dates will not become too grum and sour. f It is but natural that some of ihe candidates should be beaten and dis appointed. Buch is politics. As the dust of the day settles so also let your feelings settle. The populists have carried the day world without end, and fairly too. Let’s take it good naturedly, boys, and not get mad about it. Florida went democratic by about 20,000 majority. HANNAH’S METHODS. The managers of McKinley’s cam paign are striking out wildly with the energy of despair. They have not stopped at threatening loss of custom and employment to business men and laborers who favor Bryan. They have invaded the churches as well as the counting-rooms and work shops of the country. They have threatened the Baptists of the East with financial disaster unless they advocate McKir. ism as a part of their creed, and now they have addressed a letter to the Catholic clergy seeking their alliance. There is no doubt that this work will react agaiust McKinley and the g. o. p. No man loves him who coer ces him in business. Stiil more he dislikes him who encroaches on his religious idew arid associations and the livery of heaven to serve in.*’ may be influ diced to some outward show of allegi ance to McKiuleyism, but he will take his revenge in the voting places, allow ing no one to look over his shoulder when he selects his ballot. Intelligent voters will not be coerced and the party it usually gets left. Carry the news to Sam Jones. Watson, like Bewail, could not carry his own state. .The pops said they would heat us in Coffee, and now we believe it. Atklsfon’s majority will finally set tle aaaaaw here near the 25,000 mark. There will be elections iu three states this week—Connecticut, Florida und Georgia. ri 111 1 .. .. Now let’s make a long pull and a strong pull and a pull all together for Bryan and Brantley. Bryan will do the balance of his campaigning in the West. He was i enthusiastically received in the East, ■ !—, bb_J LJ! Since his nomination for President Mr. Bryan lias delivered 208 speeches spoken in 22 states and 172 towns and trayeled 8,090 miles. Chairmen Clay and Cunningham are calling each other “liars” and “cewardal this week. Verily the cam paign is growing warmer, 1 leading populist of Alaba ma, has announced that he will sup port Bryan and Sewall. He cares more for the welfare of the silver cause than he does for Tom Watson. The Waycrosß Herald offers to com promise with Cleveland as follows: “If Mr. Cleveland will help the Ar menians and recognize the Cuban in surgents, we will forgive him for his failure to recognize the Democratic nominees.” BRYAN TO THE POPULISTS. The Democratic Nominee Accepts tin Populist Nomination, Saying This is a Time when All Advocates of>Bi-metalism Should Unite. St. Louis, Oct. s. —Hon. Wm. J. Bryan’s letter accepting the Populist nom inat on, has been given out here and is as follows ; Lincoln, Neb., Oct 3.189 G. Hon. William Alien, Chairman, and others, members of the Notification Committee of the Peoples Party. Gentlemen; The Nomination of (lie people’s party for the presidency of I’nited states has been tendered me in such a generous spirit, and upon such honorable terms, that I am able to accept the same, without departing from the platform adopted by the national convention at Chicago. I fully appreciate the breath of the patriotism which has actuated the mem bers of the people’s party who. in order to consolidate the sentiment in favor of hi metalism, have been willing to go outside of party lines and support as their candidate one already named by the democratic party, and also by the silver party. I also appreciate the fact that while during all the years since 1873 a large majority of the democratic party and a considerable minority of the republican have been cosistent advocates of the free coinage of silver, at the present ratio, yet since the orgai/.ation of the peoples party its members have unanimously supported such coinage as the only means of restoring bi-melalism. people’s party’s work for free silver. By persistently pointing out the disastrous effects of a gold standard and protesting against each successive step towards financial bondage, the peo ple’s party lias exeited an important influence in awakening the public to a realization of the nation’s political peril. In a time like this, when a great political party is attempting to surrender the right t<> legislate for ourselves upon the financial question, and is seeking to bind the American people to a foreign monetary system, it behooves us lovers of our country and friends to American institution to lay aside for the present such differences as may exist among us on minor questions, in order that our strength imiy be united in a supreme effort to wrest the government from tue hands of those who imagine that the nations finances are only secured when controlled by a few finan ciers, and that national honor can only be maintained by showing acqui esencence in any political policy, however destructive to tho interest of the people of the United States, which foreign creditors, political or prospective, may desiro to force upon us. CO OPERATION FOR THE SAKE OF WI-METAUSM. It is a cause of congratulation that we have in this campaign not only the support of the democrats, but populist and republicans who have all along believed in independent bi-metalism, but also the active co-operation of those democrats and republicans who havs heretofore waited for internal bi-metal ism now join with us rather than trust the destinies of the nation in the hands of those who are holding out the delusive hope of foreign aid while they labor secretly for the permanent establishment of a single gold standard. While (Jjlliculties have always arisen in tho settlement of details of any plan of co-operation between political organization, I am sure that the advo cates of bimetalism are so intensely in earnest that they will be able to de vise some means by which the free silver vote may concentrated upon one electoral ticket in each state. To secure this result, charity towards the opin ions of others and liberalty on the part of all is necessary, but honest and sin cere friends who are working towards a common result always find it possible to agree upon just and equable terms. The American people have proved equal to every emergency which has arisen in the past, and I am confident that in the present emergency there will be no antagonism between the vari ous regiments of the one great army which is marching to repel an invasion more dangerous to oir- welfair than an army with banners. Acknowledging with gratitude your expression of confidence- and good will, am very truly yours, . , -*• W.J. Witt ah. The Supramc Court Reverses Itself. The Supreme court of Georgia ren dered a very important decision rever sing or correcting itself, on Thursday. Under it the charters of 9<> towns in the state having’less than 2000 inhab tants, which charters were declared null and void by the courts only a few weeks ago, are now declared to he val id. Tho Court overruled its former de cision, and the effect of its present ruling is to prevent demoralization and much litigation in the towns affected The case upon which the test was made came up from Dooly superior court, Judge Fish presiding. The town of Pinehurst in Dooly county had been granted a charter by the legisla lure under the authority of the act ot 1891, repealing the beneral law, which provided for the incorporation of all towns of less 2,000 inhabitants by tin superior courts. The effect of this decision wash nullify the charter of every town ii the state of less than 2,000 peoph which had obtained its charter fron the ieg!<iature since 1891. It so happened however, that associ ate Justice Atkinson was not on tin bench at the time the first decision was rendered, and when he returned last week and the attention of tlu court was called to the fact that there was a conflicting decision of the su preme court reported in the Eiglity fourtli Georgia, the dociaison was sus pended and a hearing occurred on Wednesday, and the decision over ruling the former decision and declar ing the charter of these towns valid, was handed down on Thursday. Georgia, Coffee county: ' Notice is hereby given that in pulsuance of nil order granted from the court of Or dinary of Coffee county for the sale of the real estate belonging to Henry Hargraves to wit: 50 acres of land in the norte east corner of lot number 397 in 6tli district of Coffee county Georgia. I will proceed to sell the same before the court house door in Douglas on tie tirst Tuesday in October next. E. Tanner. Adm*. Sept. 4th IB9t>. Will be sold before the courthouse door in Douglas on Tuesday after the tirst Mon day in October between the legal hours of sale the following described property to wit: sixteen acres of land known as the dowry of the place owned by Dr. C, G, 15. W. Parker at the time of his death; a'so one black mare, sold for the benefit of the heirs of said C. G. B. \V. Parker. C. S. P.vkkkk. Aiim'r. Your Cough, like a dog’s bark, is a sign that there is something foreign around which shouldn’t be there You can quiet the noise, but the danger may be there just the same. SCOTT'S EMULSION of Cod-liver Oil is not a cough specific; it does not merely allay the symptoms but it does give such strength to the body that it is able to throw off the disease. You know the old proverb of "the ounce of prevention?” Don't neglect your cough. A book which will tell you more on the subject sent fr*e on re quest. Your druggist keeps Scott’s Emul sson of Cod-liver Off. Put up in 50 cts. and s{.oo sizes. SCOTT & BOWNE, New York. All parties having claims against the ■state of J K Smith are hereby notified to present the same dueiv authenticated by Ist day of December next, and all person’s eudebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment Ellen Smith, Admrx, Notice. All parties indebted to me are requested to settle up at once. 1 am compelled to settle some heavy hills the last of this month and I shall depend on those owing me for the money, I will take cotton on a*soouts at $4.10 per hundred lbs. and tu r if the price goes higher, W. F. SIBBETT, M. I>. Notice to Debtors and Creditors, Georgia, Coffee county: All parties having claims against the es tate of John Carver Sr. late of said county, deceased, are inquired to present the same according to law; and all person- indebted to said estate are required to make settle went by the Ist day of December I*'9G. This Sth day of September lS9t:. Mary Ann Takrance. Administratrix. Notice to Debtors. All parties indebted to me either by note or account are requested to come and make settlement at once. B Peterson. _ '*• --qn. 'sf* ’N ’ ' ’ i wi' \A tf' ' > " • iG-> t SBppr flour taan T i:r;V - T'n—the Hourly j that m.tkcs ;• whites:. . .1' ;:d the cake and pastry cv-r ,•. io never combined to * produce choicer t infer wheat ..; that from which this peerless' patent flour is milled. i-V.OOi.W/.SS.feJOL k /. ■ -'V : is more economical tlu.a flours th \ lers, because it makes better food and more of it. .A . A.r it o' 1 i'.c brand when buying. IGLEHEART Bit OS.. EVANf.VHXE, IND. SL v. D-J y agent,—-, tfjßT Wholesale and Retail Dealer in BEER, WINES, LIQUORS, Frci gars and Tobacco. gg JUG TRADE A Bpesfalty. Brunswick, C T If T Eft ifi 9 H Ji sk-4 p effing* ww AOIGSSIi & tt TOBA'J O, CIGARS, AND LIQUORS. “ Also Flour, Meal, Grits, Ilav, Grain aml Bran. 214: BAY STREET. BPoUHSWIOE, C3-YA- Ia TlYKny© iv po and 9 As cSUJWJuQ 00 %JiJ * f TVA YCIt OSS G EOK GIA . Have just received anew supply of Wagons, consisting of all sizes of one and two horse Farm Wagons, also Turpentine, wood and cross-tie wagons. WA YC ftOss^ffr POPULAR £; ~3g JL eSfeW. .-Skaafesf"' —S® UtoE* riiSQC> $1 00 per dav —Single meals. 25c. tluTiiiitt 1 ;lo'U£{- 9 . SAVANNAH, - - GEORGIA. 11, M. MILLER & son. The (Cheapest FUliivl 11 RE and HARNESS House in Georgia. VI, Carry a complete line of FURNITURE MATTING CLOCKS, - BABY CAi.RiADES, TRUNKS RUGS HABNtSS AND SADDLES _ We will sell at Rock Bottom Trices. Mail orders receive uor special attetiom H. M. MILLER & SON, 111 Newcastle St., Brunswick, Ga. f aw! "WHOLESALE Groceries, “3? 013 Sri- C 5 O O Flour, Staeon I"Ft.>YSSSOH£. : GRAIN. HAY AND BBAN A SPECIALTY. | 300 Gloucester and 204 Grant St; eels, j BRUN S\vK K, - G EORGIA. Ordinary's office Aug. 3, It; Elijah Tanner lias made application io me ' for letters of Administration on the estate of Henry Hargraves late o' said county de ceased, an 1 l will pass upon tin same at my office in Douglas on tin first Monday in September IS.-M a. i< o'cl. ••:<. Jno. Vickers, Ord. R EA T SALES prove the great merit of Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Hood’s Sarsaparilla sells because it accomplishes CREAT CURES. ~ - J ■ -i r-nm*i —a— Wanted-fln idea SS3 Protect your idea?: they may bring you wealth. Write J6hx WEI>DE.RBtTRN ft CO., Patent Attor neys. Washington. D. C., for their sl,Buo prise offer •ad list of two hundred inventions wanted. _ State of Georgia Coffee courtly: Whereas W. P. Prescott, Adminis trator of. Wiley Cowart, deceased, rep resents to the court in his petition, duly filed and entered on record, that he has duly administered on the estate of said Riley Cowart, deceased: This is there fi iv io cite all pe;s. ss concerned, _ kin dred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said Adi linistrator should not be discharged from his ad ministration, and receive letters of di me- ion on the Ist Monday in Heptem ber, 189(5. Jno. Vickers, Ord, J I chain or p§ Business f* /s G a t y pi q LuaICgCS Columbus, Ga., Montgomery, Ala., Jacksonville, Fla. T!is 6ren Sctuc’3 el ths Sculh. Chop -st and at Ed dor o<l ) v Ex f-’penUtT t'risp, (iov Tuors, s*.;■*ll* of E'liaa iou, ik.t : rds* of Ti;: iC, und is of former stn cli-uLs who urc fmi.iiii.c Iu ra ivo >it;ia iicus. Miiociits’ ru.TYomi f.i (M-edit fiivtV. for liz if of tuition until iluy me pi .wrt in sitiMtim*?. IJonrd ( The Ni bh-v Coileqes receive r.Huc cuHs from badness firms for ilieir prariuates tbaa buy dozen Mehools in Use South. Ml s; indents placed in situ ftliony iu .six momhs. N rul at <--.sce fur circulars. Address nearest school. R. W. MASSEY, President. cap:TA?., ?;o.roo op. We have hundreds of letters like the fjUtiy.iig: F'KWih y yyffi m cl> fa. ■ A 's ' *- -"hr \\iA-i Gi'rYO y 7 f Montgomery, Ala., July 5. 189 j. & \ iu W. 3! JI, President: \ £ Dear Five years ntro I was work- M i Uißonafaon, ycittiv: SIOO.OO per year, f i 1 look a cou: • n Tekgraphy at your % f College on mred moiifi.'. ImuieGi- \ £ ately ut c ’ graduating, you secured for J (me a situation a- teiejiriipher and s:a- i * ion agent on the Ala. Grt. So. R. R. 1 a From that da.vtothis rev succ< ?s has v / been onwcnl -and upwr.rd. To day I J J am trail. Uis -.idler at a >alary cf L i J- 1- CuLIL | FUOFESHIORAL CAFvDS. IP. L.SMITH, LAWYER. IJoiiql os, : : : : Georgia. Vfill practice in alt the courts of Cottea and Appling counties, and elsewhere by special contract- All business promptly attended to, ■ mm 'i—— ••-r- - GEO, a. BRIGGS, —ATTORNEY A3’ LAW — DOUGLAS, - - - - GA. Strict attention given to all business J Lee Crawley A Uorney-at-La iv * AYCKOSB, :::::::: GEORGIA V. ! attend the monthly ana quar terly term of the City Court o Coffee Xu . J'. TIPFIN\ ATTORNEY AT LAW Hazleiiuest, : : : : : : : Ga Will attend terms of City and Superior Courts of Coffee county All Legal matters attended to piomptly. If M. Toomer A TTVIINEY-AT-LA If, WAYCROSS, : : : ; : GEORGIA. Will attend all terms of City and Superior court of Coffee county. All legal matters attended to promptly C. A. WARD Jit. F. W. DART WARD &'DAIIT. L 1 WYEJRS, I'oraLAs, : : Ga. practice together in all the courts ot Coffee county, except City court, and. elsewuere _ by special contracts Prompt attention given to all legal matters. nit V.\ IV, TERRELL, rhyaician and Surgeon. For seven years has made a special study of diseases peculiar to women and cnildren, both in private and hos pital practice. Douglas, Ga. C-23-95. w. f. slbbettl PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. DOUGLAS, Calls promptly answered day or night. IF. M. Cjiye?^ : :<\i SMfljiftir. ; ffipfgia, All calls promptly a tree "eMctay or night. JNO. M. HALL, —Physician and Surgeon — Wilcox, - - - Georgia. All calls promptly answered night or day. Charges reasonable. C. C. THOMAS, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, Waycross, - - Georgia. Special attention given to practice in the City and Superior Court3 of Colfee County. m% l brack, Notary Public and Ex-Officio J. P. Douglas Dist. (748) G. M. Douglas, : : GTf, LTompt attention given to all business. Collections a Specialty. Schedule on Douglas §l McDonald R.R. Leave McDonald 11:30 “ Sweats Still 11:45. “ Lowthers 12:05 “ Moores 12:23 “ Downing 1 :U5. Arrive Douglas 1:25. RETURNING; Leave Douglas 2 :20. “ Downing 2.40. “ Moores 3:17. “ Lowthers 3:35‘ “ Sweats Still 3 :55. Arfe McDonald 4:15. Boarding Jlousc. Charges one dollar per day or 25cts. per Horses will be taken care of tor uOots. per day or 25cts. a feed W e solicit a share of your patronage. Mrs. Penelope Denton. Douglas, Ga, Proprietress. '-BAIiBER SHOP PARKER * FIELDING Proprietors. • COLUMBUS WASHINGTON, The Bandy Barber, tsiiop in same buikiing as jewelry shop.