The Douglas breeze. (Douglas, Coffee County, Ga.) 18??-190?, August 27, 1898, Image 2

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THE DOUGLAS BRIZE. iV.C. SWI'MT, Ktlilur and Publlhln*! - Entered at Douulu." i'. O. May 29, i9O a second cln-s mail matter. :~r-^r~--:^xrr. : • SA T F Jll) A V A l G. 27, IS9S. ■ —— ———i Don’t forgoi. to register. HoganV name will be Monlt-jo af ter Oetobt r .'ltd. Dewey and Wheeler would make a strong presidential ticket. The boys say Col. Candler Mowed tiic wrong end of the silver horn. The Brunswick Times is w broad ns it. in long, and as good ns Brum, wick deserves. The gratshoppers have taken pi. session of the corn fields of Kansas, and are leaving a barren waste behind. September 28lh will be Georgia day at the Omaha exposition. A party of Georgia editors is being made up to go on dial occasion. 11 we beat the pops this time they will never lie able to get together again, and dissension among our peo ple will be at an end. Hon, Jno. C. MeDonal lias been re elected Chairman of Eleventh District Executive Committee. A better se lection could not have been made. Msj. M C. Butler, 'of (South Caro lina, heads the Cuban military com mission, and Gen. W. W. Gordon, of Savannah, is a member of the l’orto llicnn cammission, Mo, hear of prominent pops de nouncing their party leaders every week. The office hunters in that par ty are going beyond the bounds of rea son and dc’oney in their headlong ef fort to carry the negro vote. The Breeze lias as great respect for the better element of the colored citi zens, as any populist in Collee county can possibly have, and we hate to see the pops making tools of them and getting their votes on false promises. Reports front over the state show that the decent Populists are growing suspicious of tho scoundrelly leaders who are trying to swap their votes with Republicans. An honest Popu list can not vote a Republican ticket. Brunswick Advertiser. The democrats are willing for the negroes to put out a republican ticket. The pops want the negroes to endorse their ticket. And yet the pops say the democrats are meddling with the ne groes. In the name of “Jehovah and the Continental Congress" who is do ing the meddling? Il - tho general custom to call col lege classes by the last two figures of the year in which they graduate. For instance the class this year was the class of MS. It is already a problem as to what the class of 1900 shall be called. Will it be '‘naughty naught,” or “oughty ought Tho Douglas Leader has become a travesty upon journalism. It is al most as bad as the Dupont Guido once was—patent outside and a sorry mix ture of Populism and Republicanism on tlie inside. The Leader evidently needs a big dose of worm medicine.— W.iycross Herald. Mark Twain is the next famous man to be "anecdotalized” by the Ladies’ Home Journal, and bis closest friends have contributed twenty tun nv stories alsiut the humorist for the article. The stories will show that all the good things about Mark Twain ha\t it been told. Several vens “snapshot” pictures of Mark i have . i is. been loa.u ; by his trie litis I '—all for the lirst time. I BLANCO, TIIH BLUFFKIt. Captain General Blanco is not so expert a butcher as Wcylcr but be is an equally accomplished liar and he keeps his type-writer in just as good ruuning order. He has issued a pro clamation announcing that owning to the intervention of foreign powers .Spoilt had been Mreed to i.Lc disgrace ful issue of suing for peace and giving up Cuba, as she could not tight all the powers combined. This is calcu lated to lire the Coltiberiau heart with a propci sense of Spanish import ance. Honor ia saved. It requires a lot of saving but it has been done. Blanco also appears 'o he a good Christian. He suggests that the Cu lm be forgiven and he no longer re gal ad as enemies. That is very nice of lijj.i especially now that the Cu bans are likely to be on top. it is eminently proper to forgive a man who has , u down, ft may have the I ■ .... it mum!.-; a great deal more dignified. TUG i’ASHING OJ I’OI’L'JjISM. The purpose of leading Populists and reformers in the Eleventh district is displaying itself. The Douglas Leader, probably the organ of the dis trict, (?) lias two very suggestive para graphs in its last issue. It says : “The Old Eleventh speaks out, in the nom ination of Hon. J. M. Wilkinson, which makes us feel higher, larger round.” It also notified Col. Brantley that his “old party is dead,” and that McKinley will officiate at the funeral obsequies in 1900.” There seems to be a square deal of the leaders all along the line It is perhaps just as well that the honest voter should know that their leaders arc ready to dojiny thing to get office; but no decent, honest, conscientious Populist will trail himself into the Republican party as a moans of getting relief from bad legislation.—Brunswick Advertiser. You very aptly picture the condi tions as they exist in Coffee county. The politicians of the Populist per suasion rue doing everything in their power to keep the parly together. Nationally the party is dead—killed by its own leaders while they were fighting among themselves, but Kx ally they hope to get elected to a tew more offices before the thing finally peters out. The office-seekers are getting des perate, and are allowing the more rea ped able white people to quit their party rather than lose the negro vote. This is proven every week by the great number of populists who are rejoining tho democratic party. They say they cannot follow thoir populist leaders into the Republican party. Be sure and register! Easy to Take asy to Operate Are feature* peeuliur to Hood'* lMlls. Smalt in ni7.t\ tasfclcs*, efllcUMit, thorough. As one man Hoodfe Mikl: •• You never know yon . _ have takena i>il) till It Is all JuR ever.” 20e. C 1. Hooii& Cos., 111 Proprietors, l.imvll, Muss ** *“ “ v,il ' Ttir enlv uhls hi Hite wltli Hood s Sarsaparilla Suffering humanity should be sup plied with wey means possible for its relief. It is, with pleasure wo publish the following : ‘‘This is to certify that I was a terrible suift rer from Yellow Jaundice for over six months, and was treated by some of the best physicians incur city and ill to no avail. Dr. Bell, our druggist, recommended Kleet rie Bitters: ami aftei taking two bottles. 1 was entirely cured. I now take great pleasure in recommending them to any person suffering from this leniMe mal ady. I ant gratefully yours, M. A. Ilogartv, 1.-exington, Ky . Sold by W. K, Sibbctl. 99 a1l ®aper. l>o you ox|Hvt to tlo any puj ring: '* Wo will stMid vou v'fKK * large -election of sam ples fii.uu * per mil up. a 1 now ooiorhm* i' ’ *. • • iff ‘ Wo ];y ifp: ij fi t. Wo wrtsii an at out m every town u\ soil >u capita* r.'-nsimi For s.uup'r >r u. . iioe.* lo' -. S. W*Ol 4 F. ' \:ath Av< . N V \ 'y. PUKE BLOOD is fho foundation ot health. Hood's Sarsaparilla make tlie blood puiv, rich and nonrisl.ingami gives ..Hid inamuins HEALTH. Budget jfrom firoxtow ®. t>. ClUtt, Editor. DIRECTORY. enriiciiKs. Bruxton, Ist Sunday, at 11 a. m. and 7::J0 p. m. Oak Grove, 2nd Sunday and Saturday batons at : 1 a. m. Loin- Dill and Midway Uni Sunday at 11 a. in. Williams Chapel, .‘lrd Sunday, 7:i!0 pm. .1 i’. Dickinson, P. C sECiItIT SOCIETIKS. Bros ton Lodge No. !47 F. * A. M.. n.'-ets lii-st Friday m each month at 10 o'clock u. m. Uroxton Lodge No. !U K. o' P. meets first and third Tuesday nights. J. N. Hartley, C. C.; W. D. Little, K. of R. and S, The most damaging rains of this year fell here last Saturday. Two bridges were washed up and a eornt-i pillar under the addition to Hender son & Go’s store was undermined. Roads around here arc nearly impass able. Miss Eva Martin came home last Saturday after a protracted visit to the Misses Denton of Douglas. Fodder is in its prime, but the pul lers find it a tough job to save it. Rev. J. P. Dickinson, Messrs M. A. Martin and John Mashburn went to Midway last Sunday. How about their linen? Present indications are for a boun tiful hay crop. Cotton is opening very fast and we only need a few days of fair weather foi (lie gins to start. Rev. J. N. Hartley and family went to Smith iY Co’s still last Sunday. Don’t forget to go to camp-meeting at. Gaskin Spring, commencing the first Monday in September. Broxtou and vicinity will be well represented. Hon, Thos. Young, our worthy Or dinal >• wax in our bur;.;' lasi Sunday. Mrs. W. K. Googe cam: down from Abbeville last Saturday to visit her mother, Mm. Jesse Lott. A colored child died m JJrostonlast week. Jno. Hurscy, who was badly hurt by the boiler explosion of two weeks ago, is improving so rapidly that ho i able to walk snipe. The protracted meeting at the col- LOST. On the road from Pickreu, Ga. to Pace Lott & Co's still, one bill booii containing one ton dollar bill, one five dollar bill, one one dollar bill, one cliecK on Exchange ham; by J. M. Denton in favor of \V. A. & T. K. Mc- Rae, one draft by J. A. Minchew in favor of Thad Mcßae, one receipt for lire insurance and two valuable land papers. If finder will return same to me in good condition 1 will pay a reward of S2O. T. K. Mcßae, Pieiaen, Ga. Ail Uncertain e. There is no disease more uncertain in it* nature than dyspepsia. Physicians say that the symptoms of no two cases agree, it is therefore most difficult to make n correct diagnosis. No matter how severe, or under whatdisgnisedyspepsM attacks* you, Browns’ Iron Bitt- rs will cure it. Invaluable in all diseases of the stomach, blood and nerves. Browns’ Iron Bitters is sold by all dealers. About one month ago my child which is fifteen months old, had an attack of diarrhoea accompanied by vomiting. 1 gave it such remedies as usually given in such cases, but as nothing gave relief, we sent for a phy sician and u was under his care for a week. At this time the child had been sick for about ten days and was having about twenty-live operations of the bowels every twelve hours, and we were convinced that unless it soon obtained relief it would not live. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy was recommended, and 1 decided to try it. I soon noticed a a change for the better; by its contin ued use a complete cure was brought about and it is now perfectly healthy. —C L Boggs, Slumptown, Gilmer Cos. \V Ya For sale by \V F. S'bbett. CASTOR! A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Fears the y / Signature of . Mr. Esterle Jotvers has bougnlH half interest in the blacksmith shop here. It is reported that Miss Nettie Deen of Abbeville will come down soon and give music lessons to those who wish to take them. Mr. Jesse Lott is expected home in time for the campmeeting. There seems to be a great under current oi discontent among the popu lists of this section in regard to the withdrawal of the lirst ticket that was put out by them. 11 they arc so blind ed I>3’ prejudice that they can not select men to suit themselves, they can hardly expect the following of two years ago. We are anxiously waiting lor the next change which is liable to come. Guess who it was that swapped his old girl off for two new ones last Sun day night. And who was it that came in the church at such a rapid rate that some of the boys were in the act j of catching him for fear he would pass on through. Somebody tried to jump a ditch during the big rain last Saturday while i it was running over with water , his foot slipped and he politely took, a seat down in the bottom of the ditch. ROUT LOTT. r'SlF'Traveling Public eared for. Also stock taken care of. jjjgry George M. Rickctson. i PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. liron ton, Georgia . All calls answered day or night. i). J. Mashburn & Son, 1 HARNESS j ■ ass SaESDLE USKERS. ; BROXTON, GA. Better than-cure is prevention. By taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla you - may keep well, with pure blood, strong nerves and a good APPETITE. If you contemplate purchasing household furniture, by all means send for the catalogue of the Quaker Valley ! Manufacturing Cos., 319 and 921 South I Canal Street, Chicago, liueklcii s Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, sores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum, I Feyer Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Pilles, or no pay j required. It is guaranteed to give per ! feet satisfaction or money refunded. I price 25 cents per bottle. For sale by all Druggists. OAOTOHIgI, Boars tho nll JT" —“iSffi • and Sbe -Dreaded Consumption TANARUS, A. Slocum. M, C., the Great Chemis) and S.-icntist. will send Free, to the Afflicted, Three Bottles of His Newly Discovered Remedies to Cure Consumption and all Lung Troubles. Nothing could be fairer, more jiliilan thropie or carry more joy to the afflicted than the offer of T. A. Slocum. M. of i.S-3 Pearl street New York City. Confident that lie has discovered an abslute cure fur consumption and all pu! monary complaints and to make its great merits known he w ib send free three bottles of medeine to any reader of the Douglas Breeze who is suffering from chest hroti hiol throat and lung troubles or eonsump lion Already tills "new scientific course of medeine lias pennaneu l ! v cured thousands of apparently hopeless cases. The Doctor considers it bis religions duty—a duty which he owes to humanity— to donate bis infallible cure. Offered freely is enough to commend it and more so is the perfect confidence of the great chemist making the proposition, lie has proved the dreaded consumption to be a cureable disease beyond any doubt. There will be no mistaka in sending— the mistakt will be in overlooking the gen erous invitiijom He has ou file in' bis American and Eproepan labortories tesii mouials of experience from those cured it; all parts of the world. Don't delay until it is 100 late. Address >’. A. Moetim M, C. <)n Pine street New York and when writing the Doctor pleas, give express and posrotlive add re." am mention reading this article in the Doug-j las Breeze. ii-19. j j f Are Yon Weak* Weakness manifests itself in the less of \ Ambition and aching hones. The blooii is ! watery; the tissues arp wasting—the doer is j being opened for disease. A bottle ofßrowr.s’ • ! Iron Bitters taken in time will restore yoer : strength, soothe your nerves, make yonr i 1 blocs! rich and red. Do you more gixxi i than an expensive special ,-nurse of mr-dieme. j iirownjj’ irott u t nwt * >vu ly tui i H. OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. ASSERTING THE COURTS OUR RIGHT TO .he exclusive USE OF THE WORD •* CASTORIA,” AND CASTOR!A AS OUR TRADEMARK. b SAMUEL PITCHER, of Hijannis, Massachusetts, originator of “CAST OR I A,” the same that and dors now hoar r —. on every - simile signature of wrapper. This is the original ‘ CASTORi A ’’ which has been used in the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty years. LOOK CARch-ULLY at the wrapper and see that it is ■ the kind you have always bought t on the and has the signature of wrap per. No one has authority from me to use my name except The Centaur Company , of which Chas. H. Fletcher is President March 24,1898. /? Do Not Be Deceived., Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in gredients of which even he does not know. “The Kind You Have Always Bought” the of Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed You. THE CCNTA'JrI COMPANY, 7T MURRAY BTRSET, YORK CITY. South <Beorgia normal Institute. Douglas, Georgia. ANNOUNCEMENT: Fall term begins August 22, 1898, under very favorable conditions, hav ing a well planned and well equipped building and a competent corps of teachers. HOARD. Good board and comfortable rooms in private families and hotels at the very low rate of §(3 to $lO per month. For the accommodation of male pupils, with limited means, who may wish ro board them?elves cheaply, the principal lias arranged comfortable dormitories to lie furnished to pupils free of rent. This arrangement places an education within the reach cf the poorest boy. NORMAL DEPARTMENT. I his department is established for the benefit of those who are preparing to teach. Discussion on the latest and best methods of school room work is a feature of this department. COMMERCIAL COURSE. The commercial course comprises commercial law, book-keeping commission, brokerage, business correspondence, typewriting and shorthand. This depart ment is in ehatge of a competent and experienced teacher. MUSIC. Instrumental and vocal music will be given privately or in classes, according to the latest methods of the leading conservatories of the country. TUITION. Kindergarten and Primary, SI.OO per month First Intermediate 1.00 Second Inteimediate 2.00 Senior 8.00 Music, in classes 2.50 Commercial 4.50 For further information address the Principal, Jno. 1-i. Overman. Stanley’s Busi ness College. AND SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND, THOMASVILLE, GEORGIA. Horne Endorsement of Bankers, IBusiness and Pro fessional Men. A school that stands well at home is said to be a go and school. TjiostAsviLl.E, Ga., .January Ist, 1, 5 95. nut V, , 1-. ■ i .11 • i:' ndili- Stanley's Poi.-iness College. . iji-trn. lion i- iborough, precti, •:*; and complete, meeting all demands of juainted with Prof. Stanley, its presi dent, and ian most earnestly 1 commend him a- being a mail of high moral standing, i-.tuesi, sol e!', itpripht. and sin- erely interested in the welfaie of each student. .1. T. Culpepper, mayor; \. H. lfati'ell, judge superior court: J. V,'. Reed, vieo-presi-h-:;' ( Dank S. !.. Hsv-. president T. N. bank; K, }|. 'lai'.li, president Bank of Thotnasville; ami many others. For Catalogue aad Fall Particulars Address G. ¥, H. STANLEY,