The Douglas breeze. (Douglas, Coffee County, Ga.) 18??-190?, April 08, 1899, Image 2

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THE DOUGLAS BREEZE. J. M. FREEMAN & DAUGHTERS, Proprietors. J. M. Freeman and A. C. Sweat, Editors. Entered us Second-Class Mail Matter. _ SATURDAY, APRIL 8, 1899. Read the Breeze up with the band wagon. m Dan Emmett, “Dixie,” is in his 85th year. The Easter edition ot the Fosythe Chronicle was a beauty. The legislature of Florida is in ses sion, and will elect a Senator. The democrats" are preparing em balm the republican party in 1900. :■ ..... The State Baptist. Convention was in session at SavannahNast Saturday and Sunday. \ rrtrtiA Fto Syria courthouse, tvill be the :al profession, and Ci. , ■ , . vliich the genuine Syrup'PJK' o{ thc m jivttn to millions of faniili©6 he name of the Company af ■‘ ,cKinfey needs a little Khh beef and a little more brains in his war department. A silverite is now known as a “dollar democrat” while a gold-hug is known as a “ten-dollar democrat.” Governor Candler attended thcClia tauqua at Albany this week. Many other prominent men were there. 'Flic beef investigation should be embalmed. We are as sick of the investigation as the soldiers were of the beef. “lfis Life for llis Country**will be the epitaph on the heroic bronxo sta tue to ho ereetilf to Worth Bggley at Raleigh, N. C.. Fitzgerald is' jubilating this week over the completion of her water and electric light wbrks. Fitzgerald is a bouncing youngsthr. And now wo hear of another rail road to run from Dupont via. Pearson 'L and Douglas to lteleua. It is only on paper yet, however. ■ Editor Pendleton olsMitcon deserve*- a big pone of corn bread saturated with red, country ham gravy, for the great interest he iH taking in the fanners. I he election for and against! bonds in AY ay cross last Saturday, went “no bonds ’ again. This is certainly dis heartening, for the town needs a sys tem of sewerage. Populist Carter, who is in jail at Savannah, pending trial for using the government’s money for caVnpiugn purposes, complains of the jyl faro, and has his meals sent from a lotel. Some of the correspondents in Man ila say the hack hone of tin rebellion has been broken. This has been the report before, but back-bone |or no hack-bone the trouble lias been kept up. 1 The hunt for missing bodies in the ruins of the Windsor hotel, recently burned in New York, has been aband oned, as all the ground lias been gone over. The number of dead is said to bo-about forty five. Richard Hale iv>u Thomas Johnson, white, and Earn \’ verß > colored, were B*s ami School hu|i|ilus >lolhre , ble Newspapers, Magazines aitu Orders by mail have Careful awriton Coun- nd over for eek. He N. F-G 00l > VE’jr* ■ -arrested. Blacksmith and JbA-” DOUGLAS, - - \ ynd rolling mills in lam fully prop. W delrhia bave an . of work ni mv hue. \ ~ , , , V l ' -'ly Ist an m- Suoh as making i , ... . girs. wagons, road cf rt > wmM be ** etc., etc. Ml employees. Bet ggTHORSE SUl^H'ttd. ty. * * I would be pleaky .Morton, of Chicago, X rganize anew pol itical party about the 4th of July that wili swallow up both the republican and populist parties. Democracy will tlieu wipe up M r. M orton and his party. ‘ " It is rumored that twi weH-kuown gentlemen of the tonal district will \V Q. Brantley in the next jfj, nta. And after the smoke of battle cleared away ‘.here will be two bad beaten aspirants. \ Prof. Pound to Lecture. The citizens of Douglas will have a rare treat on the 14th, inst., in the visit and lecture of Prof. Pound of Way cross. Hie professor enjoys an enviable reputation, not only as a teacher of tact, skill and ability, but as a most engaging and interesting speaker also, and Prof. Overman may well esteem himself fortunate in inducing him to come. Let everybody turn out and give the distinguished educator a royal wel come. Those who attend the lecture will certainly wish to hear him again, He has done and is still doing a great work in Waycross, and doubtless will tell us how it may be done here. Our school is grooving in numbers and influence. Our teachers are show ing an enterprising, wide-awake spirit, not only in the work of the school room proper, but in their effort as well to secure for the instruction and en tertainment of the people so excellent a treat as the 14th promises to be. Tii: Printing Office Towel. When I think of the towel, the old fashioned towel, that used to hang up by the piintinghouse door, I think that nobody in these days of shoddy can hammer iron to wear as it work. The tramp, who abused it, the deyil, who used it, the make-up and foreman, the editor (poor man), each rubbed some grime off while they put a heap on. In, over and under, twas blacker than thun der, ’twas harder than poverty, rougher than sin; from the roller suspended, it was never bended, and it flapped on the wall like a banner of tin. Itgrew thick er and rougher, and harder and tougher and daily put on an inkier hue, until one windy morning, without any warn ing, it fell to the floor and was broken in two.—Burdette. Newspaper and Job Office For Sale I offer my entire Newspaper and Job Office, together with my Station ery and Book business, for sale. Of fice well equipped. Only paper in the county, with good legal patronage. Situated midway between two cities from which to draw advertising busi ness. High and heathy locality with clever, hospitable people. Good rea sons for selling. For further paticu lars address, S. H. Christopher, Buena Vista, Ga. '* That-fellow Pendley seems to be having all the fun lie wants, at the expense of the reporters. A Man Lost His way recently looking for Dan B. English’s Mammoth Store. He wanted to secure some of the rare bargains always to be found there. The First Lady Ho met pointed the way, and seemed surprised that anyone was so ignorant, Even The Boys and Girls Big and small, know where to save money in purchasing Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes. The Millinery Department is a dream —hats in every shape—flowers in end less variety and every hue to trim them. Laces, ribbons, collars and neckwear that ave bound to please. Carpets, Mattings, Rugs, Oil Cloths, Shades and Polls, Glassware, Etc. The Largest, Cheapest and Best General Store in the South. Dan Broadway . English. English Building. Plant Ave. WAYCROSS, GA. tJ. G. HUMPHREYS 4 4 Waycross Ga. 4 We are offering to the readers of thmgreeze one of the best selected stocks of Dry Goods, Shoes, Hats, stv \ Clothing, Notions, Etc., ever brought to Waycross, and we can save money for you on mail orders, or trade to ' • - your advantage when you are in the city, JWe have a large lot gf SILVERWARE and Knives and Forks lU'V' which we are giving away to our customers! Come and see them. 1 W Iri We carry no eh ocl tip goods and have no catch-penny prices to fool the public, But give you the best value for your money. "W \ Send for the NEW IDEA PATTERNS jtlie very Latest and most Fashionable. Only 10 cts. Plait Avenue, WAYCROSS, CA. j J. G. HUMPHREYS. TO THE LADIES of Douglas and Vicinity! It is not only in lines of superb millinery creations that we will win the foremost place, hut in Hats, Bonnets, Capes, Wraps and all kinds of Ladies’ Furnishing Goods, at extremely moderate prices. Many agreeable surprises among them for the ladies who desire to economize. MISS MALISSA CORBETT is in charge of the Dressmaking Department this season, which is a guarantee that we can lead the town on up-to-date work. Respectfully, O. RUDOLPH. * A New Harness Shop. HARNESS MAKING AND REPAIRING, SHOE MAKING AND REPAIRING. I also have a large stocK of Bridle bits, Buckles, Snaps, Rings Bridle fronts, Sweat pads, Collar pads, Collars, Halters and Hames, Backhands, Novelty Lap links, Buggy whips and GOOD LEATHER. All of the above articles sold at prices to suit the times. I guarantee satisfac tion on general repairing of harness, shoes, etc. lam here to stay and do the best work for the least money. Come and see me. Next to Postoffice. sJ. W. WILLIFORD IDOTJ OUL-A-S Q-A.. Enterprise Bottling OTorhs* C. H. Ficken, Proprietor, Waycross, Georgia, Postoffice Box 91. Manufactures Soda water, Sarsaparilla, Ginger Ale. ORDERS BY HAIL OR ’PHONE WILL RECEIVE _ PROPER ATTENTION. Write for terms. AO. % /Murray & Company, (plant Avenue, OTaycross, Georgia. Dealers in STOVES, HEATERS, RANGES, ETC. TIN, COPPER AND SHEET IRON WORK. Plumbing and Plumber s supplies, nn Roofiug, Guttering, Etc. All Orders Promptly Attended to and Satisfaction Guaranteed. M. J. Murray & Cos. Waycross Ga. STANLEY’S BUSINESS COLLEGE AND SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND, THOMASVILLE, GEORGIA. Home Endorsement of Bankers. Business and Pro fessional Men. A school that stands well at home is said to be a school. Thomasvillk. Ga., January Ist, 1895. To Thk Pcstic: We take pleasure in recommending Stanley's Business College. Its course of instruction is thorough, practical and complete, meeting all demands ot any business of to-day. We are personally acquainted with Prof. Stanley, its presi dent. and ea most earnestly recommend him as being a man of high moral standing honest, sober, upright, and sincerely intereste&in the welfare of each student. J. T. Culpepper, mayor; A. 11. Hansell, judge superior court: .1. W; Reed, vice-president Citizens Bank: 8. 1,. Hays, president T. N. bank; K, M. Smith, president Bank of Thomasville; and many others. G. W. H- STANLEY. TORN A DEAF EAR J mm To the ipan who wants to sell you cheap seed and seed sold on consignment. We have the agency for LANDRETHS, th|| oldest and best seed house in Amer ica, and it will pay you to buy your seeds from us. Potatoes, Onion sets, Peas, Beans and all Kinds 01 small seed always on hand. X J We will have a full stock of SPRING Y I Fyj4 BULBS and FLOWER SEEDS in a * ew days. ['‘'Jr IfLLmPslIjH 1 ‘TLLL )rUi ’ s Druggists’ Sundries ill i l~"~1 j bggjg l cfT we carry the best. HI ! j \l j attention, to mail or \j | f £ * erS ’ P * n see us when in Way- Seals’^barmacy. Waycross Clothing ■ 4 STORE 4 I , Waycross, Ga The best place in Clothing, Hats, Shoes and gents’ furnishings. 1 Good Reliable, Goods at Prices lo Suit the People. * When you go to Waycross he sygc and call at The Waycross Clotfling Store Waycross, Georgia- W. B. FENTON § COMPANY, j _* WAYCROSS, GEORGIA. G ' -Dealers in Bicycles*! Sundries. Agents for M (mMi Cleveland, Sterling, Orient, //(xW Eclipse, Olive, Anderia. and Crawford whcls. x* \ ; All high grade wheels now going for Flwc \ &L*) 1 a ,-v -i jk-ry v\ &■ a <PjO and SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO REPAIRING OF BICYCLES, GUNS AND PISTOLS. ; EXPOSURE to WET^COLD I. \ \ TTAS proven disastrous to many women. \ \ M Web feet and damp clothing chill the \ '' . v 1. BnffreAsystem and the delicate female | \ 7W \ \ \ organs\are at once effected. Painftil, \ ""flinri niiii]Y-rrn-i Tlml i m T \Y*-' Whites, Falling Womb, or some other' I \ \ \ health-destroying disease is almost certain Ii JBTA I I 'to follow such exposure unless proper pre \ / 'J A \ \Jya cautions are taken. When any .of these dis * \ A t\ TNiS, ' eaßes appear women should begin the use of ; \ nmjVff\' gerstle’S i i\\ (\ \i K\\ Female Panacea, Il\ \\\ \\V IY\\ t oi (g. F. 1\ V 1 '\\\\\ \** regulate the menses, cure all forms of \ \ v \\ disease, and give health and strength. I v\ V\ \y'lt is used in the privacy of the home. Nocon- I \ \1 V sultations. No humiliating examinations. t ' tf there is any tendency to constipation or | ' v ft \' indigestion take mild doses of St. Joseph’s I w Liver Regulator. MY DAUGHTER SUFFERED INTENSELY Fran female irregularities, and had fried physicians and other remedies, but I an <i we had despaired, of her recovery. We were induced to ’ t ry Gerstle s Female Panacea, and I believe it saved her life. | A. J. MACE. Jamestown. Tenn. For Sale at Drug Stores, SI.OO per Bottle. I L. GERSTLE & CO., Props., Chattanooga, Tenn,