The Douglas breeze. (Douglas, Coffee County, Ga.) 18??-190?, June 03, 1899, Image 2

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THE DOUGLAS BREEZE. r-C J. M. FREEMAN A DAUGHTERS. Proprietor* J. M. FREEMAN, Editor. AGNES F. FREEMAN, Assistant Editor. Entered os Hecond-Olsss Mail Matter. SATURDAY, MAY 27, 1899. Official Organ of County. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. Georgia, Coffee County : Notice is hereby given that the lo_ al advertising coming from our of. ficcH, for said county will hereafter be done in the Douglas Breeze, a paper published in the town of Douglas. Thomas Young, Ordinary C. C W. M. Tanner. Sheriff C. C. May 4th. 1899. No one outside of our office is au thorized to receive or receipt for an; moneys due us. Any person attempt ing to do so is liable to prosecution. Water melons are being shipped from Florida to the northern marKets. Tifton, Ga., has already shipped more than a car load of poaches to northern markets. The Superior court of Dodge county was in session last week, Judge Smith presiding. The railroads all over the coun try will soon be putting on sum mer ratos to watering placos. The silver democrats of the Ohio valley will meet in conven tion in Louisvillo Ky. this week. It is rumored in Waycross that the Southern telephone company had sold out to some other com pany. Waycross has anew brass band with brand new instruments, and the boys are trying to get in trim practice by the July tradesdny. The man that thinks this or any other town can’t get along without him is bady mistaken, in fact a town would bo better off without such a man. A bill will be introduced at the next session of the legislature prohibiting the sale of liquor in the state, Many of those whoop pose local option l'avor the pass age of such a bill. The merchant that fails to get his advertisement in the Breeze will eventually lose his trade, and more enterprising merchants will be the gaimr. That’s as true as preaching and it, ought to be. The CubnTiS do not seem to want the sent over by’ Undo Sam, and when the time came a •few days ago for the payments of etch soldiers share only a few Cubans appeared to recieve it. Homo made rum may be bought in Brazil for Bet3 per quart. That's cheaper than it is iu Doug ins; hero wo pay fifteen cents for a half a pint of beerine, and have to slip around to got it it that price. A farmer near Thomnstou Ga., co tic hided a few days ago that if salt was good for cows it was good for hogs, and he accordingly dosed them. 'Die next nn ruing ho had four of liis finest purkers dead in the pen. Dublin, Ga, has surrendered, hoist<id the whit® Hag and is wait 'll!*: tiie coming oi the 2nd week in .iirlv when the Georgia Weekly Press Association will advance on the town. Our Dublin contem porary will be in his glory ns he surrender* t,h k*v@ to the eitv. —A full Ha® of fresh baseballs just recieved at the City .'hug Store. The young lady who broke off her engagement because her lover flow off the handle and quit tak ing his home paper displayed good judgement. She maintained that a man who would not take his home paper would not provide for a family as he should. —.Berrien County News. The New York World is still of the opinion that the demociacy can’t win without New York state. And yet the last time we won it was that way. New York is not so warm, since we have the Philiplnes, which stand squarely on the dem octatic plank of anti-expansion.— Griffin News. Americus Times Recorder: “There’s no more room in Hell’’ was the subject of a sermon preached tho other night by a Jackson minister. Millions of trembling souls will be glad to hear this bit of news from the re region of terror. Wonder li that is official. The Baptist Conference which recently closed its session in Louis ville, Ky„ introduced a resolution affirming its hostility to the liquor traffic by excluding every liquor dealer from tho pale of its mem bership. This is as it Bhould b 6, for whiskey and region can’t ex ist at the sumo time m the same person. Jim Hanlon, the quill-driver on the Ocilla Dispatch has just gotten through with the last session of tho Royal singing convention, and has sung bass, alto, soprano and so forth so much that his hoarse ness keep him from speaking above a whisper, Jim is an ac complished musician, any way, can play the mouth-organ, Jews-harp, and bass drum to perfection. LOOK HERE! Ah tlu> United States whipped Spain in short order you bet we feel as strong a* SAMPSON* and as SCHLEY us a fox, and as we have gained MILES of territory, we are entitled to some MER RIT. and what more DEWEY want than to know that we can save dollars by going to D. li. ENGLISH'S for goods of (lie best quality at the lowest prices. Note a few of the departments— Millinery. Jusi. received new shipment of ribbons] In Nos. 1), IJ, 16, 32,12. 40, 60 in Satin, Morie ad plain Taffeta. 600 Ladies, Misses and Children's Leghorn bats, Every new dress shape in fancy straws. An elegent line in new Sail ors, Chiffons and Mousselines. Dress Goods Novelties. Everything conceivable in summer fabrics, white goods, lawns, per cales, piques, linens, crashes, plain and fancy organdies,can be found here at prices to suit all. Large lot summer sleeveless ribbed vest s at 6, 10, 16, up to 6t cents. Hosiery and gloves iu great variety. Com plete line of popular and standard Corsets, Shoes. Large shipment ot St Louis shoes for ladies, misses and children. — Oxfords and slippers, boys, mens and youths’ reliable shoes at prices that competition can’t reach with the longest fishing pole. Umbrel las, parasols, cyranos, belts, buck les, shirt waist pins, etc. Household Furnishings. Carpets, rugs, mats, shades, poles, rods ami draperies of every de seiiption. Tin, ennmbled' and glassware, l’ocnet cutlery, notions, etc. In fact every thing. Make my store your headquarters W hen in Waycross. Dan Broadway English. English Building, Plant Ave. WAYCROSS, GA. J. G. HUMPHREYS * * Waycross Ga. fWc are offering to the readers of the Breeze one of the best selected stocks of Dry Goods, Shoes, Hats Clothing, Notions, Etc., ever brought to Waycross, and we can save money for you on mail orders, or trade to your advantage when you are in the city. We have a large lot of SILVERWARE ami Knives and Forks which we are giving away to our customers. Come and see them. We carry no shoddy goods and have no catch-penng prices to fool the public, But give you the best value for your money. Send for the NEW IDEA PATTERNS the very Latest and most Fashionable. Only 10 cts. Plant Avenue, WAYCROSS, GA. J* C. HUMPHREYS* w 1 s NEW STORE! New Methods! furniture* * furniture. _ We have everything you want in Furniture to fit up your home. Everything New and up-to-date, and prices AWAY BELOW COfl- PETITION . WE BUY IN SOLID CAR LOADS. Hence we can afford to sell cheaper than others. GIVE US A TRIAL J. R. Whitman & Cos. PUNT AYE. WAYCROSS, GA. OCROFULA in ft* worst form MERIT is what has given Hood’s W yields to the blood cleansing power Sarsaparilla the largest sales in of Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Thousands of the world and enables It to accomplish eases have been perfectly CURED, thousands of wonderful CURES. fICHTEST *•** A(M Vuled Enrywlwr* ftr stroncest.ll PLANET BICYCLES. ' BEST. Write for ClrcnUif A New Harness Shop. HARNESS MAKING AND REPAIRING, SHOE MAKING AND REPAIRING. I also have a large stocK of Bridle bits, Buckles, Snaps, Rings Bridle fronts, Sweat pads, Collar pads. Collars, Halters and Hames, Backhands, Novelty Lap links, Buggy whips and GOOD LEATHER. All of the above articles sold at prices to suit the times. I guarantee satisfac tion on general repairing of harness, shoes, etc. lam here to stay and do the best work for the least money. Come and see me. Next to Postoffice. J. W. WILLIFORD ID OUTG-IL.A. S Gr A. enterprise Settling tßUorhs. C. H. Ficken, Proprietor, Waycross, Georgia, Postoffice Box 91. Manufactures Soda water, Sarsaparilla, Ginger Ale. ORDERS BY HAIL OR ’PHONE WILL RECEIVE PROPER ATTENTION. Write for terms. /BV % -Murray & Company, fUrnt avenue, tSUycroM, Georgia. * Dealers in STOVES, HEATERS, RANGES, ETC. TIN, COPPER AND SHEET IKON WORK. Plnmbing and Plumber’s Snpplies, Tin Rooting, Guttering, Etc. All Orders Promptly Attended to and Satisfaction Guaranteed. M. J. Murray k Cos. Waycross Ca. TURN A DEAF EAR To the man who wants to sell you cheap seed and seed sold on consignment. We have the agency for LANDRETHS, the oldest and best seed house in Amer i ca, and it will pay you to buy your seeds from us. Potatoes, Onion sets, Peas, Beans aid all kinds 01 small seed always on hand. We will have a full stock of SPRING BULBS and in a In Drugs and Druggists’ Sundries we carry the best. IDRUSpecial attention to mail or ders. Call in to see us when in Way Seals’ Pharmacy. NT S t y e i 0 Waycross Clothing ♦ STORE * Waycross, Ga The best place in Georgia for Clothing, Hats, Shoes and gents’ furnishings. Cood Reliable, Goods at Prices to Suit tlie People. ♦ When yon go to Waycross be sure and call at The Waycross Clothing Store Waycross, Georgia- SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO REPAIRING OF BICYCLES, GUNS AND PISTOLS. mi f IM P pyo Is the place to buy your DRUGS, SODA WATER, CIGARS JJJ and all SUNDRIES usually carried by an up-to-date Drunlst. ' fitu m —— m vllY W ALL STANDARD PATENT MEDICINES, STA- 111 U W TIONERY, PENS, PENCILS, IS Drug" .sks, ET c. a fttOFG 5 l ht Prices will Make you SiflH _ Everything Neat as _£j|flH| 4 Our Mammoth Soda Is in full blast. cooling the thirsty with the beatJHRHHBHH dispensed within the eitv. W. W. TERRELL, M. 1)1^ W. B. FENTON & COMPANY, WAYOROSS, GEORGIA. Dealers in Bicycles and Sundries. Agents for Cleveland, Sterling, Orient, Eclipse, Olive, Anderia. and Crawford ihcls,' All high grade wheels now going for $25 and SSO.