The Douglas breeze. (Douglas, Coffee County, Ga.) 18??-190?, August 05, 1899, Image 8

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THE DOUG 1 J. M. FREEMAN * DAUGHTE^P?^^ J. M. FREEMAN 'The AGNES F. school ha-, Entered as SccoiSiSplWlost of whom he^ scll,o 1 Official Ottg doing his full duty. I gXf- in a school room. every one^^Hfr anil moneAßakes are getting nu *ereturnflp? .fhnear Wusonville. Mr. n>< Williams and others killed two very large ones near his farm on Friday of last week. Messrs. Staten and Alfred and Miss Fanny Tanner have just re turned from visiting friends and relatives near McDonald’s Mill. Mr. S. D. Davis and Simon I’. Nettles boarded the log-train and rode to Nichols last Saturday, and through a slight misunderstanding left before the train came out, and had the pleasure of escorting each to their respective places of abode. Mr. 11. C. Wilson has just finish ed gathering his Cubun water melon seed. He says he has his seeds contracted for $3.00 per pound. \ The Southern Pine Company has reached here with their tram road, and the felling of pines can be heard frequently. Mr. Staten Tanner bait not rej gained his original shape. He wrung himself out of the rivet cut ting oat*. Mr. Charlton (iillis and -httle daughter, who have been laboring under a case of fever are improving. Mr. Arthur Davis is very ill with fever. i "Nte Max. Thc/Wadley id< Ml. Vtroi. Atlanta, July 22.—Secretary of State Cook to-day granted two amendments to the charter of the Wadley Railroad Company, which line runs from Wadley toßixville, a distance of about sixty miles. One of the amendments has for its 'lirpose the extension of the line in ,IU northerly direction from Wadley, ougti' the counties of Jefferson, '•rke and Richmond to Augusta, /*M the other amendment calls for pe extension of the line in a south ly direction from Rixville through the counties of Emanuel, Laurens, Montgomery, Dodge, Telfair, Wil cox, Irwin, Coffee and Berrien to Valdosta, in Lowndes county. Col. T. J. James is the leading in the extension of the VVad >oey railroad, and it is understood •rat he has ample money with reich to construct tire proposed without delay. He expects to , lave both of the extensions com bed in fifteen months, and when J r pleted the new road will be an "line from Valdosta to Augusta. J\:>r. Telegraph. [(■tacky Populists Noralaatc • Governor. The Populist state convention of Kentucky named a full state ticket. John G. Blair of Nicholas ounty was nominated for govern r by acclamation. The platform in rses Wharton Baker of Philadel ia fur president and Ignatius Donnelley of Minnesota for vice president. It reaffirms the former Populist national platform and declares in favor of government ownership of all public institutions as a means of stamping out trusts. r \A correspondent from Washing \ city says miscegenation is on t increase in the north, and that at ion a 1 law will be passed at next . |?on of congress to prohibit mar- L |es between white and black. | e dyn’t need such a law in the Vtyh, judge lynch will attend to that matter. • , *lhe Augusta Herald prints an showing that in the past years in Richmond county, . .e were 152 indictments for as nlt to kill, and 56 homicides, a tl of 192 attempts to take human In Successful and otherwise, and f-iour were hanged, out of t homicides. This is fearful. y JBph_t.a.-nied the Mormon el- Mfcß* m*° in f < ? H *P* r county last wcre compelled I to * ct a wa - v ; The mobs in other Fitigermbm; to °- Ga., is su6‘ mortnonism an official have been tn Deqr- Freeinam.” ” \jjto make their That’s right, n Stote depos the country that r-nssCPS'ed in wandering prosely ving the from too much mour oily tongues will dec • poited. The excursion over (he Air j Line to Brunswick runs through without change of cars and returns same day. .See advertisement. Telfair Enterprise Items. Charley Thoma s, a colored *ter, and his four nudes w ere struck by lightning and killed during a thunderstorm near Pidcock, Col quitt county, a few days ago. The m#n’s clothing was literally torn from his body. A wildcat became bold enough a few nights ago to invade the premises of Simon Simmons, near Douglas Coffee county, and attack the pigs in the yard. These wild cats are not at damaging to a com munity as some “tigers” which in fest a number of counties in this section. While Messrs. Bob Burns and J. W. Walker were going through a pond near Alapaha, Berrien county, a few days ago, they killed ninety five snake*, large and small, of the moccasin variety. Rev. Mr. Poston Resigns. Rev. Mr. Poston, who has been preaching at the Baptist church here for some time, has resigned, and will leave Douglas as soon as he makes proper arrangements. Mr. 1 ■*oston has done some good work while here, has preached some as fine sermons as we ever listeneil to, and has done a great deal to ward building up the church. 11 is recent work on the Baptist church was excellent, and proved him to be a man of extraordinary energy, full of a sacred devotion for the cause of his Master. His excellent wile, lovable sister and daughter, and clever social son won their ways to the hearts of friends whose prayers will follow them to their future homes. Hunter, Fierce & Battcy. These are reliable cotton factor* and commission merchants, and carry a high grade of fertilizers of their own manufacture. In dis posing of your cotton crop this fall consult them, and we are pretty certain you will he benefitted. See their advertisement which will he found in this paper. Mrs. Wealthy Thigpen, one of the oldest and most highly respected ladies of Appling county, died a few days ago. Win. Harris, a young man of Poplar Springs, Chester county, S. C., is wanted for assault upon his own sister, His own father has sworn out a warrant for hi* arrest. * Ck {Union Banking Company. : INCORPORATED 1808. J. J. LEWIS, President, B. PETERSON, V. President. C. E. BAKER, Cashier. DIRECTORS .J. LEWIS, B. PETERSON, J. M. ASHLEY, J. S. LOTT. HENRY VICKERS. J, W. QUINCY, DAN. GASKIN, Sr. T he accounts of individual merchant and corporations solicited W. B. FENTON & COMPANY SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO REPAIRING OF BICYCLES. GUNS AND PISTOLS. •to* J. .Murray & Company, fflant Avenue, Ulaycross, Georgia. ’jSSb Dealers in ' HAXGKs ’ Klv - TIN, COPPER AND SB IKON WORK. HlUbiW ui Plimlw’s Sipplits. Tin Hoofing Ullcrins, Etc. All Orders Promptly Attended to and Satisfaction Guaranteed. M. J. Murray & Cos. Waycross Ga.. A negro was lynched in Mexico a few days ago for raping Miss Dougherty. lie denied his guilt, but the rope was ready and a big Mexican shouted “heave away.” ! We think more of the Mexican now than ever. A young man by the name of E. W. Hayes, ex press messenger between Waycross and Brunswick stole and hid in a chimney in Bruns wick, SIBO.OO sometime since. The money has been found and he has owned up. Ingersoll’s death has called for as much comment and publicity as any man we have known of recent ly. He was a smart man, a good citizen, affectionate father and hus band, but his hatred of the Christ ian religion made him but few friends. The Ocilla Dispatch was four • years old last Saturday. Its editor is about 96 and that makes out the even number. Both are good look ing and pretty lively. “You shust show your face in dis darkness.” If you will pay good attention now to the newspapers you will soon be reading where some Mor mons have struck Ihe ceiling. Raping negroes and proselyting Mormons are more than the coun try can put up with. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS Georgia, Coffee County: Notice is hereby given to those in debted to the estate of C. W. Meeks, deceased, to make payment of same to undersigned at once, and those hav ing claims against said estate aie re quested to present same properly made, out for settlement. May Ist. 1809. R. Meeks. Administrator. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Gkokoia, Coffee County. Notice is hereby given tliat in pur suance of an order issued from the Court of Ordinary we will sell to the highest bidder for cash all of lot of land, No. 153,* in the 6th district of Coffee county. Sale on first Tuesday in August, 1899. E. 11. McClelland, J. J. McClelland. Admr’s estate E. D. McClelland. the Brcae 1* The Official Organ of Coffee County, The County Commissioners, The Board of Education And the Town of Douglas. 1). J Mashburn & Son. BROXTON, GA. HARNESS AND SADDLE MAKERS. WAYCROSS, GEORGIA. Dealers in Bicycles and Sundries. Agents for Cleveland, Sterling, Orient, Eclipse, Olive, Anderia. and Crawford whcls. AH high grade wheels now going for $23 and SSO. CITATIONSjByFQ ‘ Gkokoia— Coffee County. I Notice is hereby given thafflß . i appoint IJ. W. Gaskin, clerk court, administrator of the J. J. Boorre. I will pass upon the sarnel at my office at Douglas on the first* Monday in August 18‘f9. Tiros. Young, Ordinary. Georgia -Coffee County. Notice is hereby given that Micajah Vickers has applied to me for letters of administration on the estate D. D. Graham deceased late of said county, and I will pass upon the same at my office in Douglas on the first Monday in August 1899. Thos. Young, Ordinary. Gko k gia—Co ffee Cou n ty. Notice is hereby given that Nathan Grantham has applied to me for per manent letters of administration on the estate of Hulda Grantham deceas ed late of said county, and I will pass upon th; same at my office in Doug las on the first Monday in August 1899. Thos. Young, Ordinary. Gno kgia— Coffee Cou 11 ty. Notice is hereby given that E. Cor bitt has applied to me for letters of administration on the estate of Thos. Corbitt late of said county deceased. I will pass upon the same at my office in Douglas on the first Monday in August next 1899. This 3rd July. Thos. Young, Ordinary. Georgia--Coffee County. Notice is hereby given that I will appoint D. W. Gaskin, clerk of the Superior court, guardian of the person and property of Dortha Boone, minor child of J. J. and Winnie Boone, late of said county deceased. I will pass upon the same at my office in Douglas on the first Monday in August 1899. Thos. Young, Ordinary. G ko n gi a —Coffee County JllO. Paulk administrator of the es tate of 11. L. Paulk deceased, makes application to me for leave to lease the turpentine and timber privilege on tile following lots of land: nos. 17, 20 and 28 in the 6th district of said county. All persons in interest are hereby no tified that I will pass upon the same at my office in Douglas on the first Monday in August 1899. Thos. Young, Ordinary. I I Georgia—Coffee County. Notice is hereby given that I will appoint D. W. Gaskin, clerk Superior ! court, administrator of the estate of Jno. J. Gaskin, deceased late of said ; county, and I will pass upon the same ,at my office in Douglas on the first ! Monday in August 1899 Thos. Young, Ordinary. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. Georgia—Coffee County. Under order of court of Ordinary of said county, will be sold at public out cry, on the first Tuesday of August next 1899 at the court house door of said county between the legal hours of sale two hundred anti ninety acres of lot of land number five hundred and one in the fifth district of said coun ty, being in the north east corner of said lot and bounded on north, east, and west by original land lines, and on south by lands of D. H. and C. Meeks, Less ninety six acres thereof which has been assigned to the widow of C. W. Meeks as her dower. Said property will be sold to the highest bidder for cash. R. Meeks. Administrator estate of C. W. Meeks. Sealed Proposals for Completion of Coffee County’s Courthouse Called For. GEOKGTA—Coffee County, Notice is hereby given that sealed pro iiosals for the completion of the new court fiouse for said county, addressed to *'('. A. Ward, chairman Board of Commissioners of roads and revenues for Coffee county. Douglas, Georgia., with the indorsement of “Proposal for completing new Court House," and with the name of the party sllbmi tt in g the pro nasal written across the seal of the envel ope, will be recieved by the Board of Com missioners of roads and revenues for said county, up to and including Monday noon Julv 21th, 18S9, at which time the same will be opened by the board and the con tract for the completion of the court house aforesaid, awarded to the lowest and best bidder therefor, said board reserving the right to reject any and all bids. The said building to lie a two story brick court house, with slate roof and metal cornices, fire proof vaults, court room, jury rooms and other rooms necessary for county purposes, to he erected and com [doted upon the work recently dene in the construction thereof by T. C. Thompson A Bros., the excavations being completed, foundations all in, first story floor joists set and rough Boor laid thereon, and the out side walls finished scaffold high, or about five and a half feet above first floor; the work of completing said building to be done in accordance with the plans and specifications a* made by A ndri w .). Bry an A Cos . and adopted by said board and nowon file in their office at Douglas. Ga. complete and minute specifications of the same being posted conspicuously in said office open to the inspection of the public. The said work to be done and the court house aforesaid completed and delivered to said board, within ninety days from the date of awarding and lotting out the con tract aforesaid A certified'check of sstn). must accompany each bid to be forfeited to the countv upon failure to make the bond. The payments therefor to be made in cash, monthly on estimates of the architect, out of the annual current revenues of said county to be provided for by said hoard, and a sufficient tax levied and collected therefor. The party to whom the contract shall be let, to give bond in double the amount of the bid with two good and solvent securi ties for the faithful performance of the contract and to indemiiifv the county for any damage occasioned by ;h * - failure to perform the same within "the prescribed time. Bv order . 1 the I -sard of commissioners of road-- and revenues r >r Coffee countv, Ga. This Mav 25th. Is:*:*. Geo. li. Briggs. C. A. Ward Jr. * Clerk, Chairuaa _. L. S. GUTIiT & SON.. I Georgia. \ some merchants who have to add a M‘ V> ifeT for their grand display in advertising. in the world, but we do advertise As wtnpfep General lorctafiise as lii all kindswjfer Ids SHOES HATS anythin : ; else a first la-.- \V,. goods rh.-epur than you cau else. We can do it because we do our work ourselves, , Bplerk hire, and we buy goods as cheap as any one can buy therwjgß .jftan and will sell cheaper than others.. All we ask hf Jnn to come and see us before buying, and if wc can’t savf Ju 10 per cent then buy from some other par jjlty ty. We are Ways anxious to show you our stock. Yours to please. T. S. Deem & Son. Excelsior Medicine Cos. HClbolesak Drags and Druggists’ Sundries. In addition to their well know n remedies, Excel= sior Blood Purifier and Hopping Oil and Drugs and Druggists’ Sundries, they now carry in stock a Com= plete Line of GandieS in tubs, buckets and baskets, also a complete assortment, of Penny Can dies, Tobaccos,Cigars, Cheroots and Cigarettes. A trial order will convince you that they save you the freight 011 your purchases. Remember they sell only to dealers and retail nothing. For the Blood, Indigestion and Rheumatism take ■JBEU JES. 3SB. JP*. For fßtrns, Cats, Braises and all Bains use CARTER’S HOPPING OIL. Excelsior Medicine Cos. WAYCROSS, GEORGIA. MONUMENTS! # TOMBSTONES; J| IRON AND WIRE FENCE If you need anything in this line tell me so 011 a postal card and I will be glad to make an appointment with IIPI IIIIIIIII f you. Do not buy until you see me. j®rf®P§!~iin J. M. FREEMAN. L,. . DOUGLAS and WAYCROSS, GA. KIMBALL HOUSE, Pearson, Ga. C. P. Holzendorf, Prop. BATES, #2.00 BEK DAY. Special Kates by the Week or Month. Livery in Connection. Stylish Rigs Furnished at any Hour. Geo. R. Yomniis & Bio. WAYCROSS, GEORGIA, e sell Pianos, Organs and Sewing Ma chines on Easy Terms, and De liver them Free. A\ hen you decide to buy, drop us a pos tal card and our travelling man will call to see you. N. F. GOODYE’K Blacksmith and Wheelwright, DOUGLAS, - - - - uEORGIA I am fully prepared to do all kind* of work in my line. Such as making and repairing bug gies, wagons, read carts, timber carts etc., etc. SHOEING a special ty. I would be pleased to have yenrpa tronage of the public. Respectfully 23-93-tf N. F. GOOD YEAR. Tffaycross Air Line Railroad. TIME TABLE, in Effect Feb. 22, '99. Train No. 1 Train No. 3. Passengerand Mail. Accommodation f.v TV aycross S :,‘!fl am 2:00 p. m i ” Johnson Mill 8:45 2:!5 I ” Waltertown t) ;0-> 2:30 I*’ I ” Klsio 0:20 2:50 F ” Bolen 0:30 3:0.5 F ’’Beach 940 • 3:30 ” Sessoms 10:00 J:55 ” Granville 10:1.5 1:15 p I ” Nichols 10-35 4:00 ’’Bell 10:50 4:40 F Ar Douglas 11:20 5:40- Train No. 2. Train No. 1 Passenger and Mail Accommodation. Lv Douglas 1:30 pm 7:30 am ’Bell 2:00 7:50 F ’’Nichols 2:20 S: 1.5 ” Granville 2:55 8:35 F ” Sessoms 3:05 9:00 ” Beach 3:30 9:40 Bolen 3:50 9:50 " Elsie 4:05 10:05 F " 'Waite; town 4:25 10:25 F ” Johdson Mill 4:40, 10:45 Ar Way cross 5:00 11:00 Sunday Acommodation Train ONE FARE ROUND TRIP. Leave Donald* S. 00 - A. M Arrive If a [/cross 10. SO AJI Returning Leave I fay cross '/.SO - P.M Arrive Douglas o'.JO - P.M F—Denotes flag station. Yrains run daily except Sunday. J.E. Wadlev, F. M. HawkixSj fPresiuent Traffic Mg^