The Douglas breeze. (Douglas, Coffee County, Ga.) 18??-190?, August 26, 1899, Image 4

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Rfr M County. . . jSUHlSbS&ltJiikeii 1-, f .r.wu-'. . ' tills otti.r :! 11l v, ii i •■*<.*(>> mail. -"• W Broxton School. W Did Mewborn will reopen hcliooJ Wntx Broxton, Sept. 11. An able annistant i pall) re*tline*H, when the moIioo! demand* it. M Boarding pupil* can (Iml cheap rates by ■■nveati nation. Come ami make arrange ■ luents before hand, in order to start at the Brit of the term. If For further information apply to J. A. Mkwbokk, Wilcox, Oa., / Jxssx Lott, HKgaa Ch’rm'n B’d Trustees, HfikA?'' Broxton, S p Vicksburg, Miss., had a $150,000 HRre, last week. E A conflict between the races ex- Ppected in Mississippi. • Tobacco stemmers were on a strike at Winston, N. C,, last week. A colored woman in Savannah attempted suicide last Sunday. Terrible loss of life on the island of Andros, in the recent hurricane. Revenue officers have taken charge of a big distillery in Ral eigh N. C. Sir Thomas Tipton's cup chal lenger, Shamrock has arrived on this side of the water. Senator Morgan, of Alabama, predict* the election of Mr. Bryan next yeur. Dewey has telegraphed that he , will reach New York on September 39th. Seventeen car-loads of hay were destroyed by fire at Savannah, last Monday morning. Admiral Dewey’s flag lieutenant, Thomas Muson Drum by, was born in Marietta, Ga. Hurrah for .Georgia’s hero! The rumor is current that Secre tary Root has tendered his resig nation, cuused from McKinley’s dictation. An explosion of a boiler on one of the locomotives on the Mexican Central caused the death of twelve men, last week. A rattle-snake that makes a track twelve inches broad has been an noying the people on Flint river, ncur Roberta, Ga., for twelve years. The steamship, Kansas City, which was fifty-five hours overdue, • bound, from New York to Savan nah has reached its destination. French otticers sent to the French iidtar liWJ, assissinuted by, it is bc !|§Hirt! ot army otticer s order, who Jjatfßfour seii-iy been recalled by 11 rev of for level 1 suits for divorce l“vt> ~ Guilford count v, V hgßWbolH! of t | )f . i ncreasei i j, t |,„ to preach up Arthur and Neal Sutton, in Col quitt county, have been arrested and carried to Columbus, Ga., for making and passing counterfeit money. 1 Sydney Bryant, the United States murine, who was taken with yellow fever at the naval hospital in llavanna a few days since, is dead. V A tnan capt.mecd in France, who I *ifess.t that he shot I.abori, Drey counsel. llis confession not * Oelieved by the police. lle’is sus pected of lunacy. Five hundred tons of supplies for the storm sufferers of Rorti Rico were shipped from Philadel „phia last Monday. Three hundred tons were to have followed on Tuesday. President McKinley will not at tend the reception tendered Dewey in New York on Sept. 34th on the ground that he does not want to detract from Dewey’s honor. Poor old fool. Bibb county’s tax returns show a total of $16,055,455. Total amount for last year was $15,447,- 344. This year showing an in crease of $608,091 over the figures of last year. The editor of the Wayne County 1 News, a neat little paper, has | been listening to the doctrine of the [Mormons, and they think as our ‘bible is used and they oppose polygamy, they should not be dis , turbed. They are fooling you, (brother; they oppose polygamy lout here, but it is different 4n Utah* don’t teach the bible spir- of your paper ex pected free during life of adver tisement. ( Douglas, Ga., Aug. 24, ’99. Dear Sir : We insert professional cards, 12 [months $5.00. Subscription to Breeze 12 months [ $ 1.00. Ciieck us for $1.25 first quarter and the work will commence at once. Advertising and subscrip tions are two different items. Ad vertisements at “lowest rates” does not include paper. Awaiting your further order we are Respectfully yours. J. M. Freeman A Daughters. We just publish above cor respondence, without name of course, to show the general reader how publishers are expected to work, to get a little patronage, but which does not work with us. Country papers have long had a rule of furnishing the paper to ad vertisers free, hut not since the prices of advertising was cut in half. Ten years ago a professional card cost SIO.OO per annum, and the paper was included. Now a professional card of one inch goes for $5.00, but no paper is included. A newspaper the size o* the Breeze, for twelve months cost J&c without postage, leaving only 22c for our work on eacli copy. A paper like the Breeze was last year, cost 30c, and at that rate, could be given free to advertisers. But as the Breeze is to-day it goes to no man or $5.00 advertiser free. Settle Your Taxes. The books for the collection of ad valo rem taxes will be closed on the first day of September. After that day executions will be issued. By order of Council. O. Rudolph, Clerk. City Court Proceedings. City court convened on Monday. Several misdemeanor cases were disposed of, recruiting tlie chain gang to some extent. The case of A. W. Warren charged with carrying a pistol to the court-ground, resulted in a ver vict of guilty with recommenda tion to mercy in view of which Mr. Warren was let off with a light fine, which will impress him and others to leave their weapons be hind when going to court. The case of the State vs. M. King, charged with assault and battery upon Col. W. W. McDon ald excited great interest. Mr. Q.uincey aided Solicitor Osteen in the prosecution. Ward and Crawley defended. Good speeches were made on both sides but es pecially by Judge Ward who w ant ed not only that the defendant be acquitted but that the prosecutor be charged with the cost. The jury brought in a verdict of acquittal but did not put the cost on the prosecutor. Mitch, of course, was l)<# yn. Several civil cases were disposed of in the two days the court was in session. Paper lor Farmer*. A paper for farmers is what the Twice-a-Week Macon Telegraph pri - poses to lie. The daily Telegraph has pi oven itself an earnest friend of ag riculture, and its special issue will be more direct on that line. The Twice a-Week Telegraph will be sent to any address one year for SI.OO. General Wheeler has arrived at Manilla. Aguinaldo will now please move and give him room. The authorities at Macon are making extensive preparations for the approaching carnival. The holiness camp meeting at the old camp-ground between Flo , villa and Indian Springs, began last Thursday. Charlie Tillam and other notables are there. A race war is threatened near Meridian, Miss. Several parties have been killed and wounded. Stealing cattle was the cause of the out-break. Lieut. Colonel Lobe, who was in charge of the mounted gendarms doing duty about the Dreyfus courtmartial was either murdered or committed suicide last week. Ihe Dreyfusits are charged with being responsible for his death. ■ppp J 51 HII H B [| j": gill The Fall Term of the SOUTH GEORGIA NORMAL INSTITUTE OPENS riONDAY, SEPT., 18th, 1899. Instruction given in Primary, Intermediate, High School and Nor mal Departments, Book Keeping and Music Tuition: Primary, $125 per month; Intermediate, $1 50; High School, $2 50 per month; Book Keeping, $3 00 and $4 00 per month. Music, 300 per month. Motto: Thoroughness in every detail of in struction. For further information apply to G. G. GHI GI3S, Principal, Douglas, Ga. Avery & McMillan, Southern Managrs for FRICK CO., vl and 93 South Forsyth St., ATLANTA, GA. Engines, Boilers, Saw Mills. IXOS V( MIXKitV. Best Saw Mill on Bar fit. Corn Milts, Feed Mills, Circular Saws, Saw Teeth, Grain Separators, Saw Teeth forks, Steam Governors, Engine and.Mill Repairs, and. Mill Supplies. All kinds Pill. DO&S. send for circulars. Hunter, Pearce & Battey, Savannah, Ga,. COTTON 4 FACTORS, Manufacturers High Grade Fertilizers, Experienced and Ex pert Handlers of Sea Island Gotton. Money loaned to Cotton Shippers on Satisfactory Security. FOR S A iIEL FARMS and FARMING LANDS, Cheap, Easy PaymevJk. CITY OF DOUGLAS LOTS, ‘Cheap, Easy Payments. Call to see us. It we havn.’t what you want we will get it for WARD & HILLIARD. Heal Estate, Fire and Life Insurance, Abstracting . All kinds of Legal Blanks for saUi~ - ft Man Tailored. UP T 0 DATE FASHIONaeIi clothing w Pnr 1 Pfl IPQ > n iFc very latest seasonable LTC- Hliulub modes and styles handsomely $7 designed and made. Perfect fitting y + Suits-Skirts-\\ aists. -e Muslin Indcrwcar, Corset Covers, Underwear. Hosier)'. Etc. Agents for the celebrated KABO CORSETS, all colors and styles B. H. LEVY & BRO., SAVANNAH, GA Bey’s M CSlldreis’ Clothing and Furnishings. Hats, Tlosierv! Neckwear, Underwear, Shirts. Etc. lei’s Sillses, j In usual superior abundance. Suits, line Neckwear. Underwear, Negligee' • Shirts, etc. Stiff. Soft and Straw Hats. , P 0 ll Shipments with privilege of ex-: UiUiiJ amining before paying for them. SeoSs Bill! or Money Bad mar : WBm GOODS. Prices are D o wn. Note these prices and come and examine the goods at once : Clothing that lias been selling for $12.00 per suit now 7.00. Common, every day suits of clothing, all siy.e-. $4 00 a suit. Gentlemen’s Ties, a nice assortment, Lom 5 to 25c. Ladies Dress Goods, from 3 to 20c per yard. Gent ■ Negligee Sniris, 30c to $1 00. Finest Assortment i Eibons in tow u, Any kind of Hat at almost any price. White Homespun, 30 yards for OXE DOLLAR. Laces and Embroideries at Your Own Prices, in Profusion. Lap Robes that were sjii co now 50c. Umbrellas, cheap as dirt. GROCERIES. In Family Groceries and supplies we lead on prices. Good Green Coffee, ;i p .and:. $1 e . Good Lice 5c pi pound. Sugar, per pound sL Bacon. 7- 1 . C :mlry L:.rd 8c per pound. We have thd best L.-.mps t'ol the least money in town. We challenge the world. Tin Ware at your own price, or anything else in our line. BP iIPIMJG PM- H 85 44 me m w Na 1 Bm WvS ® IF h i dP 13 41 Si a Ira w M Was Laa I | DEALER IN ' * I Brick, Lime, dement, T 0&! && y 4 v *1 I &ka t*i Us& to afcfi ESUX ku & ■<£) SSf: LATHS, SHINGLES, &C. WA Y CROS S, “ GA. The Douglas Abstract Company, Makes Abstracts of Title to al! Lands in Coffee county. Buys and Sells Real Estate on Commission, Lends Honey, &c. Legal Blanks of all kinds for Sale. Headquarters lor anything connected with Deeds, Mortgages, Land Titles, &c. Come to see us L. C. HILLIARD, Manager. MMonw'.-ovmMwnMiiuius rrini imiwwiihw mii I—l 1 min 1 TT-. - -iirrirm-im— , , ,11 -^Gaskins 5 l Springs Near Douglas , Georgia. Unequalled as a health resort. Rates of Board low. Fishing and Hunting excellent. Good Recreation. Address jOEL GASKIN, Douglas, Ga. . :# ITHB PRUDBNIdAL’ _ IMANCE~gTIf’TiERIO A Ik the Leading Insurance Company of the United States. Its Policy Contracts are brief, comprehensive and unsurpassed by those of any other company. RECORD OF 1898. Total Assets,over - - - - S2B 889 190 42 income iver - - $17, 480,0(10, MO New Insarante written, over - - - $1(tt,000,(Kl(),do Pa.u Policy Holders, to. Date Over - s;io 450 000 00 Ntmil> r ol Polioies in force Nearly 000,001). Some of the Advantages of The Prudential Company. Premiums Lo-v, ()o tipit i. m not Restricted. !mT.-,t meut K.wellenl. I-.xtended In surance Liiig Periods. Security Absolute, Resident*; and Travel Purest rated t'asb beaus Liberal. I'asli Hurrendors (larrameed. Policieies lucon ic-table after two years. Paid up Policies Large. Policies 1 ion- f yfeitable after three years. Lull paiiicnlars ivarndins: vari'm- fo ms of policies •ulanietl to your own can be secure. Iby add re-sin ; the Genera! Asv-nt*. stall n-r Name.' \iMre.d, Occupatjoti ami Date of it ill'.. GOOD AGENTS <an secure desirable eon tract - .>r inioccunicd territory by tuldnv iny: the General v?ents, HOPKINS A HINES. Savat.nah, Ga. The editor of the Breeze strongly com me:.-I.*- the IV , Ion:i 1 tsuranee Company. Ward & Hilliard, Local Agents, Douglas, Ga. WASON m BBBSV WORKS. j. p. ulkser, mum, BLACKSMITH, WHEELWRIGHT and HORSESHOER fainting ■: ari - Crimfi-mg / keep the Ulmer wagon on hand at nil turns at 326.00, guaranteed. 1 liarefir>i-cLis< wot kmc n employed, therefore 1 guarantee satisfaction in all my work. Send me your old buggy to make over. UNDERTAKES. I keep a first-class line of Coffins and Caskets and Funeral Supplies and will attend funerals and look after same. sJ. P. ULMER, POND STREET, Near JaP. TELEPHONE 128. Order Through Responsible I\h 'tics. J> esti slisn' fiis - The ltd lube Frick Engine,