The Douglas breeze. (Douglas, Coffee County, Ga.) 18??-190?, August 26, 1899, Image 8

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JSanfSffSrSKri' -!?iJ and that am, ng last wrfek tin y vi itea 3,500 families and held 950 meetings is somewhat of a startling revelation. That does not signify, however, that the Mormons are making any great headway in turn ing the people of the South to their ‘doctrines and beliefs. There are •ome Mormon doctrines which throw discredit upon their religious system, and it it almost an impos sibility for the elders to do any thing with a country Methodist or Baptist, who is generally “sot in his ways.”— Savannah News. - Five attempts to assult women were made by negroes in one day, last week, in Little Rock Ark. All failed but one. Secretary Root will soon issue a call, for volunteers sufficient to in crease the army in the Phillipine island tojts^ooo^^^^ Beef killed and dressed in Chi cago can be bought cheaper in England than in New York. Scaslbl* Talk Iron Mr, Steves*. I ijtil to tbs farmers from prsotioal aaporioaos. I was born and roared in lostkvHt Georgia, in the heart of tbs •oMoa bait I belong to jour profs*- i!iq i ui oc< of yon, and I know tfefcl bo nuiu in that •action can ffodteo cotton al tho praiont prioa, to tb* neglect of bis plantation •oppUaa. He cannot keep up bis ifcrm support bis family and educate fcis children You may take the best farmer In Georgia, let him adopt thla yi-.- ao d it will only be a question of tlma—tbs end of that man will be bank ruptcy. Do not misunderstand me. I am not egaiutt the production of cot ta as a product, because Georgia is a notion stats, aud we need a cotton crop well as other products, but not to the aßolaaion of other oropa Therefore, let me beg you, once more, to arrange and glvsreify your crops, so that this fall we mag arrive at tbs gates of prosperity, to me stretched peaoofully before us the broad, rich aud sunny fields of industry, fadna with the golden fruits, of oon fanted toll—a pioture, as well as a reality, which all tbs people of Geor gia will ball with Joy. Thar* ku boen a great deal of com flsUt. In a gsusral way, that tho ln efactioaa and analyaea of fertilizers, af ter all, have been unsatisfactory. I hare, therefore, determined to make a eomplate aad tnoroagh inspection of all gnanoe, in every section of the state. To this end, if at any time a consumer or retail agent may desire an in epeotion of any brand of fertilizer, he om, by giving notloe to this depart ■mat, have a sample taken by an an thoriaed Inspector, and the same shall be analyzed by the state ohemist; pro vided, however, that in all euoh oases camples shall be taken from unbroken bags or packages. The ooasamers pay the tec on guanos,and It will be my pleas ure to see that they are amply proteoted, and it ehall be done, even though it take all ef the fertiliser tax to accom plish it All 1 ask U the 00-operatioa ef the fanners of Georgia. In the face of a short corn aud forage tsep the farmers generally, throughout the state, had determined to sow more largely ef greia.'.but the weether condi tions hevs been very unfavorable for both fall and spring seeding; bonce the noreage both for wheat and oats falls far short of what we at one time ex pected. The spring lowing of oats has bees sesfoaslr damaged, and in many esetioae entirely killed. Of course, this is s' heavy blow to the agricultural in terest* of Georgia; but we must meet these oonditious as beet we oau by sub •titatiag such forage crops es are best sailed t* our soil. 1 would suggest the planting of an acre ef sorghum, an acre ef ape, eu sore of millet, eu acre of oets, an am* of eerly speckle pees for a for age crop. Use the beet laud et your command, with special care iu th* prap anstiou of the soil, end manure liber ally. You can increase or decrease the else of your lota as your needs may sug geat These crops tuu be cut in the green state, as you may need the for age, aud allowed to dry a day or so be fore feeuing. As farmers are from three to five weeks behind with their work, especially plowing, many suggestions made in my Ihbruary talk will be applicable for this month’s work—hence, I would ask that you read again our last month's "Talk,” a* well es th* questions and answers therein contained. Do not, in your haste, plow your lands too wet—neither will it pay to plant corn until you have thoroughly prepared your soil for the grain. I would rather be two weeks late in seeding my crop, with the land well broken and bedded, taking special oar* to put in compost or commercial manure, than to plant the usual time with the ground hastily and ill prepared •ad th* grain aad fertillrer put in in a earelees meaner. “What is worth do lag at all, U worth doing well," applies With peculiar force to farm work. O- & SrgvKMß, Commissioner. I '* 1 effection, erases conjugal loWpmraP out filial attachments, blights per ennial hope, and brings down mourning age in sorrow to the grave. Jt produces weakness, not strength; sickness not health; death, children orphans, fathers fiends, and all of them paupers and beggars. It feeds rheumatism nurses gout, welcomes epedemics, invites cholera, imports pestilence and embraces consumption. It covers the land with idleness, mis ery and crimp. It fills your jails, supplies your almshouses and de mands your asylums. It engenders controversies, fosters (juarrels and cherishes riots. It crowds your penitentiaries and furnishnes v ic tims to your scaffolds. It is the life-blood of the gambler, the ele ment of the burglar, the prop of the highwayman and the support of the midnight incendiary. It countenances the liar, respects the thief, esteems the blasphemer. It violates obligation, reverences fraud and honors infamy. It defames benevolence, hates love, scorns vir tue and slanders innocence. It in cites the father to butcher his help less offspring, helps the husband to massacre his wife, and the child to grind the pariridal ax. It burns uji men, consumes women, detests life, curses God and despises heav en. It suborns witnesses, nurses perjury, defiles the jury box and stains the judicial ermine. It de grades the citizen, debases the leg islator, dishonors the statesman and disarms the patriot. It brings shame, not honor; terror, not safe ty; despair, not hope; misery, not happiness, and with the malevo lence of a fiend it calmly surveys its frightful desolation, and unsat isfied with its havoc, it poisons fe licity, kills peace, ruins morals, blights confidence, slays reputation and wipes out national honors, then curses the world and laughs at its fuiti. —Jngersoll. “Go through, go Uii'OUgb the gates; prepare ye the way of Iha people; cast up, cast up the high way ; gather out the stones, lift tip a standard for the people.” “Behold, the Lord hath pro claimed unto the end of the world, Say ye to the daughter of Zion, Behold, thy salvation coilloih; be hold his reward is with him, and his work before him.” “And they shall call them, The holy people, the redeemed of the Lord: and thou shalt be called, Sought out, A city not forsaken.” —lsaiah 62 :io, 11, 12. Insure Aiamst Accidents IN THE COMBINATION ACCIDENT IT C AAA POLICY FOR vPJ,UUU Which provides as follows AGAINST ORDINARY ACCIDENTS: In case of death $2,500 Doss of both hands 2,51)0 Does of both feet ... 2,5(00 Doss of one hand and one foot . 2,500 Loss of both eyes 2,500 Loss of one hand or one f00t.... 834 Loss of one eye 500 Weekly Indemnity... 12.50 PREMIUM, 13 75 WARD & HILLIARD, Douglas, Ga. Agents, Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine. Rotary Notion and Bal^Bearings. Agents Wanted in all unoccupied Territory. WHEELER ei: WILSON, M’F’G. CO., Atlanta. Georgia. For Sale by D. PETERSON. Douglas, Georgia. i cines, sewing all persons, dealing , / *’ garettes are hereby r&jry V - " out license and register or in default will be ' It is ordered by the Hoard sioners of Coffee county tharaffiT sons subject to the above coHJf ward at once, pay the license f ister or t.'.ey will be prosecuted. By order of the Board, thL Aug. TOL 1899. GEO, K. BRIGGS, Clerkftj SEND I S YOl'R NAME and address, - together wit h the names and addresses of a number j of your friends who are interested j in any sort of poultry, for a FREE | sample copy of Tin-; Georgia Poulthv Hbhadd, anew, up-to date and interesting monthly poul try paper. Send to Tint Georgia v f lehai.d, Blakely, Ga. SHERIFF SALE. Georgia —Coffee County. Will be sold before the courthouse door in said county, on the Ist Tues day in September next; between the legal hours of sale, to the highest bid der for cash. The undivided one half interest in land lut number two hun dred and four in the First district of said county, containing 24.s acres, levied upon as the property of 11. Ellis, to satisfy an execution from tile Su perior court of said county, in favor of N. A. Hardee, Son Cfe Cos., against H. Ellis, et al. August 2nd, 1899. W M TANNER, Sheriff Coffee County. 3bc Breeze Is The Official Organ of Coffee County, The County Commissioners, The Hoard of Education And the Town of Douglas. Cliureh Directory. I). J Mashburn & Son. BROXTON, GA. HARNESS AND SADDLE MAKERS. MUSIC BUYERS IN LUCK. JUST ONE HALF SAVED. Why i>y Full Price lor your Sheet. Music. We now sell all music at jwt Hall Price. HU cent piece® lor 16 cents. 40cent pieces lor 2*> cents. 60 cent pieces lor 25 cent*. Pontage 2 cents extra. All Sheet Music Htliei new or old. Everything at Ilall Hate. Any mush* not on hand will Le specially ordered Horn the North. Save money by sending us your orders. U/I>OKN & HAT MS, Savannah, Ga. JHE CREAT LOW PRICE HOUSE OF THE SOUTH ♦ Cbe Tllnion banking (Company . INCORPORATED ISDS. J. J. LEWIS, President, B. PETERSON, V. President. C. E. BAKER, Cashier, DIRECTORS .J. LEW IS, H. PETERSON, J. M. ASHLEY, J. S. LOTT, HENRY VICKERS, J, W. QUINCY, DAN. GASKIN. Sr. The accounts of individual merchant and corporations solicited W. B. FENTON & COMPANY %Hs • • 'V. Vi A Sp, v, Jm ■ A' _r. _W i v SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO REPAIRING OF BICYCLES, GUNS AND PISTOLS. 1. /Ifturray & Company, Iplant avenue, cUiycro??, Georgia. Dealers in STOVES, HEATERS. RANGES, ETC. TIN, COPPER AND SHEET IRON WORK. Plunil)inti and Plumber’s Supplies, Tin Mug Guttering,Etc, All Orders Promptly Attended to and Salisiadiou Guaranteed. M. J. Murray & Cos. Waycross f,a, If ffi Ifi. jfjp 1 V '* to Pc^K| ... W )/Ji Hi. ' ’M do, y y'MflßKt '1 day in Scptcml„ r Pik’--tt9NEcn tin -al". prop erty to-vvit : Lot or fortv four (44), in the 6th flßKict of said county, as the properf(p>f the estate of Elijah Jowers, deceased, and in the hands of B. Peter sort; ’administrator of said Jowers, B. Peterson, adminis trator, tenant in possession notified. Said property will be sold to satisfy a fifa issued from tho Justice court of 748th district G. M.,sald county, in fa vor of J. J. Jowers and E. D. Graham, and against B. Peterson, administra tor of. said Elijah Jowers, deceased, Levy made and returned to me by F. F. Hammond, L. C. 748th District G \! This August 7th, 1899, Also at the same time and place the following described property to wit: Four hundred (400) acres of land, the same being a portion of lot of land No. '56, in the Ist district of Coffee county, Ga., and being all of said lot except ninety aeres, on the east side claimed by T. C. Allen. .Said property levied upon aud to be sold under and by vir tue of an attachment issued from the City Court of Douglas, in favor of Elizabeth Hinson, Executrix, against James A. Carter. This August 9th. 1899. W. M. TANNER, Sheriff Coffee Counts. CITATIONS. Georgia-* Coffee County. Notice is hereby given that Henry Moore has me for letters of administration on the estate of Aaron Moore, deceased late of said county, and I will pass upon the game at my office in Douglas ‘on the first Monday in September, 1899, Tiios. Young. ' Ordinary. PiTENTloodltlaas , 1 may bo secured by I V ’ ■ our aid. Address, U L j| H 1 THE PATENT RECORD, Baltimore. Md. Subscriptions to The Patent Record SI.OO per annum. WtYCROSS, 6E3RBIA. Dealers in Bicycles and Sundries. A ents for Cleveland, Sterling, Orient, Eclipse, Olive, Anderia. and Crawford wlicls. All high grace wheels now going for if'2s and !|mo. B Georgia. r some merchants who have, to add for their grand display in advertising, ck in the work!, but we do advertise General fierclaifise £ have studied the wants of the people SHOES HATS *■ Or anything else usually found in a first lass store. We sell goods cheaper than you catt buy them anywhere else. We min do it because wo do our work r.uiseives, we pay no clerk hire, and we buy goods as cheap as any one can buy them, so we can and will sell cheaper than others.. All we ask is for you to come and see us before buying, and if rvy'"' - we can’t you 10 p(-r cent tm-u buy f; m some other par y,. ty. We are always anxious to show you our stock. Yours to pier. sc. T. S* Deen & Son. ISxcelsior Medicine Cos. Snigs snei druggists’ Sundries. In addition to their well known remedies, Exceh sior Blood Purifier and iML c nu; Oil and Drugs and Druggists’ Sundries, they now carry in stock a Com= plete Line of GandioS in tubs, buckets and baskets, also a complete assortment, of Fenny Can dice, Tobaeeos, Cigars, Cheroot* and Cigarettes. A trial order will convince you that they save you the freight on your purchases. Remenihcr they sell only to dealers and retail nothing. For the Blood, Indigestion and 'Rheumatism tain. jadfa XS. 3BS- For Fur)/s. (hats , Bruises and all Pains use CARTER’S HOPPING OIL. Excelsior Medicine Cos. WAYO BOSS- G-TDOYYG-XJY. MONUMENTS! TOMBSTONES; IRON AND WfRE UKNCE If you need anything in this line tell me so on a postal card and I will he glad to make an appointment with you. Do not liny until you see me. J. M. FREEMAN. DOUGLAS and WA ACROSS, GA. KIMBALL HOUSE, Pearson, Ga. C. P. Holzendorf, Prop. RATES, $2.00 PER DAY. Special Hairs by tlic Week or Month. Livery in Connection. Stylish Rigs Furnished at any Hoar. Ceo. li. Yoiimns & Bio. WAYCKOSS, GEOKGI.t, He sell Pianos. Organs and Sewing Ma chines on Easy Terms, and De liver them Free- W hen yon decide to buy, drop n- a pos tal card and our travelling man will call to see you. N.F. GOOD YET* BiacksinUu and WheclwrioM, DOUGLAS, - - - - liEORGIA I am fully prepared to do all kind.- of work in my line. Such as making and repairing bug gies, wagons, road carts, timber carts etc., etc. * fcfiTHORSE SHOEING a special ty. I would be pleased to have yourpa tronage of the public. Respectfully m m mrr l uiUi !a n -7 s.j'l ffi . p -!•■- ’ i il k:/.’*' j.- A ft’ -r v-.--, Ck~. •■ rk p , T-. .Jp ; Q . , . \hr . Way cross Air Line Railioad. TIME TABLE, in Effect Feb. 22, '•><). Train No. 1 Train No. 8. Passenger and Mail. Accommodation f.vWav'cross S:Bouin 2:(:0 p. in' ” .fohnson Mill S;tr- g:ls ” IValtcrtown !t;o."> 2:.'!0 F ” dale it :20 2:50 U ” Bolen (i:.'!() 8:05 p ” Beach it 40 ” Sespsoms 10:0(1 5:55 ’’Grr.nville 10:15 4:15 F ” Nichols 10 -:15 4:00 ’’ Kelli 0 :■ 0 (:)0 F Ar Douglas 11:20 5:40 Train No. 2. Traix No. 1 Passengerand Mail Accormnodation. I. Douglas l;:!0 pm 7:50 am ' ileil 2:0;i 7:50 F ’’Nichols 2:20 p:|s " Granville 2:55 s:s> F "'Ke-.-oies 5:05 .0:00 Reach 5:50 0:40 Rolen 5:50 0:50 ’’ Elsie 4:05 10:05 F Waltertown 4:25 1P;25 p ’’ Johdson Mill 4:40 ■ 10:45 Ar Waveross 5:00 11:W Sunday Aconimodation Train ONE FARE HOUND TRIP. Leave Dougins 8.00 - ./. Jl ■Arrive JPa across 10.30 I.M Relornimr Leave Way cross 4.30 - ]\ M Arrive Douglas 0.50 - P.M F —Denotes Hag station. Yraius run daily except Sunday. J. W v, F. M. llaw J. *■ ' Trailic Mgr,