The Douglas breeze. (Douglas, Coffee County, Ga.) 18??-190?, September 09, 1899, Image 4

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' XU' : , Assistant Editor. ISpPnTR I> AY. SEP. 9TII, 1899. ‘Official Organ of County. §tf- we have no authorized agents, but ( every one is asked to forward sitlwcriptionfi / and money to this otlice, and receipts will ae''returnedhy mail, ""•HI Quiet prevails in Darien. * A band of native scouts has been organized in the Phillipines. And now they have formed aa automobile trust in New X ork. Big preparations are being made for the Dewey reception in Netr York. People on the Island of Cuba are complaining that their mail is delayed. There was a snow storm in the State of Montana on the 22nd of August* A few cases of yellow fever were reported on the island of ( üba the first part of this week. Why is it that the Adel News fails to teach this officer lias there been an elopement? Georgia will occupy second place in the Dewey parade at New York when the hero of Manilla arrives. Preparat ions for growing heavy crops of oranges in Florida during the coining seasons are heavier than ever before known. the friends of Hon. Lemuel Johnson, of Waycross are urging him to enter the race for senator of llie Fifth Senatorial District. A negro hy name of John Evans svas on trial for lunacy in Macon last Friday, when lie claimed that he was the identical jim-crack that blew up the Maine. The San Francisco Chronicle states that during the present year 374 XX) horses have been killed, canned and shipped to France, Alaska and other countries by Chicago packers. Old, experienced fruit growers phophesy that if no disasters occur, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Ten nessee and the Carolinas will make enough peaches and apples next year to make tarts for the whole world. The Populists of Richmond county held a meeting last week and organised by appointing dis trict and city ward committees. 'l'he Ocalla platform was endorsed and fusion with any party condemned. John Delegal, Ed Delcgal and Miranda Delegal, charged with the murder ol Joseph Townsend, during the late Darien troubles, have been granted a change of venue and will be tried in Effing hum county. Some negroes in Brunswick have formed a hand of white cappers, and one night recently whipped a negro girl severely, for living with a chinaman. They did right, a negro ought to he killed for associ ating with a chinaman. The Berrien County News has been merged into a lurger paper, the South Georgian, and we ac knowledge receipt of the first issue, wishing for it the highest rounds of success, which the first number seems io predict. The Governor of Georgia and the Mayor of Atlanta have pro tested against the proposed rallying of a neg-o regiment at Fort Mc- Pherson. in that city. The au thorities at Washington have bean notified that such action would probably lead to serious trouble. Counsel for Geo. H. Penfield, of Washington, has filed a claim against the State of Georgia, for $90,000 for arms bought by the State, but seized by the United States government just before the days of secession in 1861. The trial of the case promises some in teresting law-points. And now it appears that a news paper combination, or a stm'k company, rather, has bought up the < >oilht Dispatch, Irwin County News, published at OcOla, and the Leader, at Fitzgerald, and will publish a paper at both places. Ibis will reduce the number of papers in the county to two, where there were formerly four. 1 ht* human race wears too mucli clothing for health. A Ute Indian in Utah lias gone naked for over 20 years, and sleeps outdoors both winter and summer. lie is as strong as a lion, and has never had the slightest ailment. Suppose you try the experiment, and test the efficacy of fresh air on the hu man body.—Dalton Argus. , knA Sml* vfwlwith -0 A ern Georgia, living aL has been put forward for nomina tion as Senator from the fifth Sen atorial district by some of his friends. So well known and uni versally esteemed his consent to be come a candidate is all that is re quired to secure his nomination by Ware, and endorsement by Coffee and Clinch. Captain Johnson is better known by the people of these counties than be is by the writer, still, during her life she lias never heard the Captain spoken of save as an honest, safe, far-sighted man, more ofasaw-mill genius and manager than a politician. The Breeze favors the introduction of honest, toiling men into the leg islative assemblies of Georgia. Where the shrewd politician and man that “know.-, better than any one else how to run the gov ernment” has been left at home and an honest, true man, not to be bought or controlled by money has been put forward lasting work has been done, and neglected avenues of legislative needs have been un covered, and their term of office was marked with general good for the masses. The Breeze awaits Captain John son’s nomination by his own peo ple with anxiety, because bis en dorsement would follow, and if allowed to interfere in Ware’s nominations would insist that Captain Lemuel Johnson, of Ware county, be the next Senator from the Fifth district. A Dangerous Bridge. People traveling over the Pear son and Douglas road should be very careful in crossing the bridge over Satillu River lest serious uo cidents occur. In the first place the floor planks of the bridge are more than half rotten and liable to break with the weight of an ordinarily heavy horse, which of course would result in a broken or sprained leg and possibly u wreck of the vehicle, with its contents dumped into the river. In the next place the banisters are down in two places, one im mediately over the run. A scarry horse, shying from the open gap may go over the opposite side before bis driver realizes the danger. But the most imminent condition is hidden. It is the stringers of the bridge, some of which are de cayed through, and only await a heavy loaded wagon to give them a sudden jar, when team, vehicle and load will all go crashing into the river with perhaps loss of life and destruction of property. The Condition of this bridge has not been reported to ps bv excitable people, but has beau personally In, spected In the writer and we advise everybody to go over it with great care and as many as possible to avoid it. The county commissioners know the condition of the bridge, but like every other pilbljc interest in Coffee county, repairs tlieiuon aiu being deferred as long as possible in order to save money. If one person should be drowned there it would cost the county as much as anew bridge, j’his js |als<‘ econo my, Gentlemen of Authority, end we beg you to have it fixed at once ■>—not in thirty or sixty days, but commence the work within a week. In the proceedings of the Drey fus trial the words “dossier” and “bordereau’' appear frequently and contuse those who do not under stand what the words mean. A “dossier" is simply a file of papers ; a “bordereau” is an itemized mem orandum. The bordereau in the Dreyfus case contained many items about the French evolutions, about guns, about the drill and numbers of tilings essential and non-essen tial, but none that any military man lias yet said would convey any use ful information to the authorities of Italy, Germany or any other nation lying near to or remote from France. Congressman Brantley, so some of our exchanges say, savs he has every reason to be encouraged over the outlook tor democratic success in the next presidential election; and that he believes Mr. William J• Bryan will be nominated by ac clamation.—Black shear Times. ** ‘ V. \ ... . . j ;1 f:-j 2*- s •—. • V mm I m "Sj : /.Sv rJLJ ? -fvjt Jiff sit iiJ_ .el. m r PH The Fall Term of the SOUTH GEORGIA NORMAL INSTITUTE! OPENS HONDAY, SEPT., 18th, 1899. Instruction given in Primary, Intermediate, High .School and Nor mal Departments, Book Keeping and Music Tuition: Primary. $125 per mouth; Intermediate, $150; High School, $ 2 50 per month ; Book Keeping, $3 00 and $4 00 per month. Music, 300 per month. Motto: Thoroughness'in every detail of in struction. For further information apply to G. G. CHILDS, Principal, Douglas, Ga. Avery & McMillan, Southern Manages [or FRICK CO., s 1 and L3 South Forsyth St., ATLANTA, GA. Engines, Boilers, Saw Mills. AND ALL KINDS OF MACHINERY. Best Saw Mill on Earth. (' orn Mills, Feed Mills, ('irealar Fairs, Fair Teeth, Grain Separators, Fair Teeth Loehs, Steam G< tremors, Engine and Mill He pairs, and Mill Supplies. All kinds Pit. Dogs. far send FOR circulars. Hunter, Pearce & Battey, Savannah, G-a. COTTON 4- FACTORS, Manufacturers High Grade Fertilizers, Experienced and Ex pert Handlers of Sea Island Qotton. Money loaned to Cotton Shippers on Satisfactory Security. FOR BALR ~ FARMS and FARMINC LANDS, Cheap, Easy Payments. CITY OF DOUGLAS LOTS, Cheap, Easy Payments. t-JF Call to see us. If we havn’t what you want we will get it for you - WARD & HILLI ARD. Real Estate, Fire and Life Insurauee, Abstracting. All kinds of Legal Blanks for sale. # Man Tailored. _____ ,'eC'' v " \ “ UP TO DATE FASHIONABLE CLOTHING Y/v-'V jiff . ... .... . f ~ - ~ - , [iO] 1 [QflifiQ in the very latest seasonable :j( S-~~ F / Tfxv iiuuluD modes and styles handsomely %F y designed and made. Ferfect fitting v- 4-S aits - Ski rts-Waists. * Muslin Underwear, Corset Covers, Underwear. Hosiery, Etc, Agents for the celebrated KABO CORSETS. all colors and styles /%, & Bor’s and Chins’ ' h-> , r ij Clothing and Furnishings, Hats, Hosiery! f'Jl f '• 'F \ Neekwear, U nderwear, Shirts, Etc. If X ': ;v 0 Moil’S SBJPIISS. I I I•. ,'TtV \ In usual superior abundance. Suits., I \ fk Fine Neckwear, Underwear. Negligee I ' \ ‘ Soft tind Straw 1 /. I f \. \ Pf| |1 Shipments with privilege of ex- j L\j ! V\ 0 O.U amining before paying for them. *1 jtiJjjr Goods Biilit or Manor Boot B. H. LEVY & BRO., SAVANNAH, GA tm & co., DOUGLAS, GA., Hpf Fresh ami Reliable GOODS. >5? Hir Prices are D o w n. Note these prices and come and examine the goods at oftce : Clothing that has been selling for $12.00 per suit now 7.00. Common, every day suit* of clothing, all sizes, S4OO a suit. Gentlemen’s Ties, a nice assortment, from to 23c. Ladies Diess Goods, from 3 to 20c per yard. Gent’s Negligee Shirts, 30c to $1 00. Finest Assortment ofßibons in town, Any kind of Hat at almost any price. White Homespun, 30 yards for OXE DOLLAH. : Laces and Embroideries at Your Own Prices, in Profusion. Lap Robes that were $i oo now 50c. Umbrellas, cheap as dirt. GROCERIES. In Family Groceries and supplies we lead on prices. Good Green Coffee, 11 pounds. $1 00. Good Rice 5c per pound. Sugar, per pound 5U Bacon, 7 1. Country Lard 8c per pound. We have the best Lamps for the least money in town. We chajlertge tin* world. Tin Ware at your own price, or anything else in our line. D. J. CRAWLEY. DEALER IN 9 Brick, Lime, Cement, Plaster, Hair, Sand, LATHS, SHINGLES, &C. WAYCROE S.- GA. The Douglas Abstract Company. Makes Abstracts of Title to all bands in Coffee county. Buys and Sells Real Estate on Commission, Lends Honey, &c. Legal Blanks of all kinds for Sale. Headquarters for anything connected with Deeds, Mortgages, Land I itles, Sic. Come to see us L. C. HILLIARD, Manager. * Springs- Near Douglas, Georgia. Unequalled as a health resort. Rates, of Board low. Fishing and Hunting excellent. Good Recreation. Address JOLL GASKIN, Douglas, Ga. THE PRUDENTIAL WAiIiLIT AIHICA Is the Leading Insurance Company of the United States. Its Policy Contracts are brief, comprehensive and unsurpassed !>v those of any other company. ' J RECORD OF 1898. Total Assets, over - - a - S2B 88919(142 Ineonie iver '* - - $17,480,000,000 New hisuram-e wwppn - - - $1(4,000,000,00 Paid Policy Bolder#. u Hate Over - - . $30,4504)00,00 Number of Polioics in Force Nearly $3,000,000. Some of the Advantages, of The Prudential Company. Premiums Low. Occupation not Restricted. Investment Excellent Extended In surance Long Periods. Security Absolute, Residence and Travel Ynrestmed Cash Loans Liberal. Cash Surrenders (iurranteed. Policieies Incon testable after two years. Paid up Policies Large. Policies non-forfeitable after three years. Full particulars regarding various forms of policies adapted to your own age can be secured hy addressing the General Agents, stating Name, Address, Occunatfon and [late of birth. HOOD ALL .NTS can secure desirable contracts for unoccupied territory by addressing the General Agents, HOl'K INS & HINES. Savannah, Ga. * The editor of the Breeze strongly commends the Prudential insurance Company! Ward Si Hilliard, Local Agents, Douglas, Ga. THE ULMER WAGON AND BUGGY WORKS, J. P. ULMER, ft&NAGER. BLACKSMITH, WHEELWRIGHT and HORSESHOER fainting * and * brimming / keep the Ulmer wagon on hand at all times at 326.00, guaranteed. 1 hare firsi-class workmen employed, therefore 1 guarantee satisfaction in all mg work. Send me your old buggy to make over. UNDERTAKER. I keep a first-class Hue of Coffins and Caskets and Ftinerai SuppSe* aird will attend funerals and look after same. xJ. P. ULB^ •>rd,-r Torn. . . The Reliahe Erich Engine .