The Douglas breeze. (Douglas, Coffee County, Ga.) 18??-190?, September 16, 1899, Image 5

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Waycross, Georgia, Postofficl| Manufactures Soda w ater, ORDERS BY HAIL OR ’PHONE WILL PROPER ATTENTION. Write for terms mi*. w 18 0 Is the place to buy your USUQS, SODA WATER, CIOARS AAU m and all SUNDRIES usually carried by an up-to-date Drajgist Pi hr m vl IV W ALL S TANDARD PATENT MEDICINES, STA- U WT TIONEUY, PEfILL PENCILS, Drug g StOl’fi S ces U<Uc you Smile mmfUmnS BvertiU> ‘ n Na > ij "-- ♦ Our Mammoth Soda Fountain ♦ Is in full blast, cooling the thirsty with the best Soda Water ever dispensed within the cilv. W. W. TERRELL, M. D., Proprietor. \IiIIMIIiIIIIJIIJIIiIIIIIIIIiIiIIIJ 111 J 1 J iIM 1 Ii 1 1 Ii I 1 1 Il 1 I M ; II 1 i I I II I Fresh Groceries at Tim’s I don’t mind advertising nty goods bcause my store is the neatest and completest in town. We keep everything in the grub line. New and fresh groceries received every day. B. Peterson & Cos. T. S. KIRKLAND, Manager. Bank Building, DOUGLAS, GA. gg . _■. | - - . :——. BEST AND CHEAPEST HOUSE PAINT. * BSASURVS RAILROAD WHITE. 4 ioo pounds of Sailroad White at 6.V cents per pound - $6 50 Thinned with 6 gallons Raw Linseed Oil, 55c per gallon 3 30 $9 80 This gives you 10 gai.lonr of White Liquid Paint for 98c per gal. which will positively wear longer, go father and is whiter than any pure or combination Lead on the market Monarch Ready Mixed Paint, Wagon and Buggy Paint. Brushes, Varnishes, Colors in Oil. Dont put off much longer buying that / a T > N A 7 l We have a few left at near old price. JL V JL—*/. Watt - Harley Hardware Cos., WAYCROSS , GEORGIA . Waycross Clothing * STORE * Waycross, Ga The best place in Georgia ifrr Clothing, Hats, Shoes and gents’ furnishings. Good Reliable, Coods at Prices to Sait the People. * When you go to ll ay cross be sure and nt/l at The Waycross Clothing Store Waycross, OGorgin narTSTErey STORJO, IttfiES'SW SSS’27''STX J :E3S, wrjES'vsr Giooris, furniture* * furniture. * We have everything you want in I urniture to fit up your home. Everything New and up=to-date, and prices AWAY BELOW COi’L PETITION. WE BUY IN SOLID CAR LOADS Hence we can a fjord to sell cheaper than others. GIVE US ATRIAL J. R. Whitman & Cos. PUNT W6YCROSS, 31. v! ■ •' "'L' l '; Smith. Ml oacli 1 tv an jg j ■ m ,'i K "' l ■ ,: Ti.v He :: in foul-illOct"! 1 su^^^^K in in Octubcr. W. 1!v Supt^^Bfcowtl bi ri 1 mid fourth Monday sft^Brfmber. Pierce Court: —First Monday in May; third JKnday in November. Wayne Sepefior Court: —Second Mon day in f?ay‘; Fourth Monday in Novem ber. Glynn Superior Court: —Third Monday in May, and fiirst Monday in December; to continue for such time as the business may require. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. LEVI OSTEEN,’ Attorney at Law, DOUGLAS, GA. Solicitor City Court. Office in Bank Bitilmxo, /JW All business entrusted tome will be promptly attended to, receiving most care ful attention. Special attention given to collections. quincy & McDonald,* Attorneys at Law, Ollices in Bank Building, Douglas Georgia. F. WILLIS DART, ATTORN EY-AT-L A W. Douglas, Ga. OFFICE UPSTAIRS UNION BANK BUILDING. WARD & CRAWLEY, attorneys-at-law, Douglas, Ga. Prompt Attentiou Given to all Busloess Placed in our Cure. Office Over Union Bank, J. J. WALKER, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Douglas, Ga. Practices in all of the counties of the Brunswick and adjoining circuits. All business entrusted with me will have my prompt attention. * GEO. K. BRIGGS. —ATTORNEY AT LAW — DOUGLAS, - - GA. Strict attention given to all business A. S. Hall. E. K. Wilcox HALL & WILCOX, Attorneys ami Counsellors at Ijuw. DOUGLAS, GEORGIA. Will practice regularly in the court of Coffee and ail joining counties. Proiup attention given to all busiuess. w. F. SIBBETT. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Uoaglas, : : On. Calls promptly answered day or niaht. 1)11. IV. IV. TERRELL , I‘hysician and Surgeon. For seven years lias made a special study of diseases peculiar to women and children, both in private and bos pitai practice. Douglas, Ua. 6-23-95. Wkbols Ifletmon, /18. 5). DOUGLAS, GEORGIA. All calls answered promptly day or night Olfice in store house opposite courthouse square. m '—BARBER SHOP .-x H. PKTERSON, PropreU.p. COLUMBUS WASHINGTON The Dandy IJarber. George M. Ricketson. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Jirojcton, Georgia. ADMINISTRATOR’S SAGE G Kcl kc. IA Coffee Count v. Pursuant to an order from the Or dinary of said county, will be sold before the courthouse door in said county, oil the first Tuesday in Octo ber next, within the legal hours of sale, all the turpentine and saw-mill timber on land belonging to estate of H. E. Paulk, late of said countv, de ceased. This September Bth, 189 J John Paulk, Administrator estate H L Paulk j von laßSwe Episcopal ! preacj ler j as t Moffnay evening? |, Youths’ all wool suits, gray and bfo/yn plaids at $5.00. J f J. A. Jonhs, b Waycross, Ga. ‘/pen before the 20th, instead 18th. Oil cloth in white, black and figu red, the best quality made. J. A. Jones, Waycross, Ga. Have you attended camp-meet any this week r Go out to-morrow. One hundred pieces calico, blue, rod tuid all colors at, 4c, 5c and 6c per yard. J. A. Jones, Waycross, Ga. Preaching at the Methodist church both morning and evening last Sunday. Work on the new brick building is progressing rapidly. Men’s black clay- worsted suits a< $6.00, SB.OO and SIO.OO. J. A. Jones, Waycross, Ga. James H. Jones, of Waycross, was in in Douglas the first of the week. Last Tuesday was Sheriff’s sale day, and some property was sold. Col. Warren P. Ward went dow* to Jacksonville last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Quincey have re turned from North Georgia. Find legislative notice in another column. Rev. J. M- Bolen and wife, of Bickley iwe at the camp-meeting. Dr. and Mrs. T. S. Kirkland, of Kirkland, are out at the camp ground. Camp-meeting services began at 7130 o’clock last Tuesday evening. Mr. C. C. Buchanan, of Way cross, is a visitor at the camp ground. Douglas is a very dry town at this time of the year, as fat as the weather is concerned. Bros. Whiting and McDonnell, of Waycross, are attending camp ineeting. Mrs. Geo. Wooten and her two little sons, George and Innis, of Waycross, are out at Gaskin’s Spring attending camnineeting. O. Rudolph, this place, wants to sell out his millinery business, and will rent his store to the pur chaser. Reason for selling, Mrs. Rudolph’s bad health. Miss Katie Kirkland, is in Doug las, visiting her sister, Mrs. B. Peterson. Rev. M. C. Austin and wife of Waresboro, are out at the camp ground. Unbleached sheeting yards wide and heavy quality at yd. Bleached of same at 14c yd. J. A. Jonhs, Waycross, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. T. IL Marshall, of Willacoochee, were in Douglas the first of the week. The residence of Col. W. P. Ward, on Gaskin avenue will he one of the handsomest in Douglas, when finished. Mr. P. Sellers is finishing up the interior of his residence. It will be a handsome edifice when completed. A young man of Broxton, was bound over to Superior court Mon day, for kissing a young lady of the same place. Tax-collector T. C. Paulk will he in Douglas on Sept. 18, for the purpose of of collecting State and county tax. Brad Watson has so arranged as to have one of his clerks at camp meeting during each -service. Hope they will each he benefitted. Misses Florence and Mildred Wooten came up from Waycross Tuesday, and are out at Gakin’s Spring camp-meeting. Hosiery Specials—Boys’ and Misses heavy ribbed hose fast black 4c pr., men’s hall hose extra heavy pr. Ladies’ fast black, double heel and toe, 10c pr. Mens’ seam less hose, double heel and toe, 10c per pair. J. A: Jonhs, Waycross, Ga. Puff's something in the \vnL|f. For men only—Three specials in men’s pants Black and colored pants, SI.OO Brown, mixed, good pants, $1.30 All wool hl’k, clay w’rst’d, $2.25 J. A. Jones, Waycross, Ga. Yes, friend, Mrs. Freeman is at home on Gaskin avenue! Guess she can keep Air. Freeman “walk ing a chalk line,” now. He has played the role of a bachelor long enough, a-liem! Some one who has two or three hundred dollars to spare, can buy a good, well selected stock of millinery, and rent the store in which the goods are stored by ap plying to, or writing to O. Ru dolph, Douglas, Ga. Bishop Turner, of Fitzgerald, preached at the Methodist church Monday evening, lie expects to establish an Episcopal church at this place. Buy you a hat in the most cor rect style from the Alisses Doug lases. The editor has been in Waycross packing up and removing the job printing office to Douglas this week. Therefore, the editorial de partment was left entirely with Miss Agnes. Have y-ou seen the pretty Golf hats at the Alisses Douglases? Brad Watson will have a free mail service put up at Gaskin’s Spring during camp-meeting. Any one wishing to send mail via Doug las to any point can drop their letters in this mail box, which will he in a Convenient place, and they will be delivered free of charge by a trusty person to the postmaster at Douglas. Go and see the latest style in hats at the Misses Douglases. We think that the city officials should make an ordinance against bicycle-scorching on the public thoroughfares of our town. Riding on a bike without a bell in the day and without a lantern or hell at night i$ prohibited in every town that we know of except this one. Now, Mr. Walker, see that they get a bell and lantern. The Misses Douglases have just received a lot of the most fashion able felt hats, for fall wear. NOTICE, BRIDGE BUILDERS! Will be let on the first Monday in Oct. next to the lowest and best bidder the building of a bridge over Seven teen Mile Creek at what is known as the Raccoon Ford. Plans and specifi cations may be seen at the office of the CountA Commissioners Douglas. The right to reject any and all bids reserved. Cone by order of the Board of Cslin ty commissioners- This Sept 4, 18‘f‘L Gro. R. Bkicgs, Clerk. REPORT OF THE Union Banking Company, Of Douglas Ga., At 61ose of Business, Sept. sth, 1899. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts fit,766 0a Banking house $ 7,007 83 Furniture and lixtures.... 1,972 29 8,980 12 t Due from banks and bankers in tlie State 11,228 69 • • “ “ “ not in this State 4,704 06 CASH : Currency $4,735 00 Gold 710 00 Silver, nickles and pennies 331 70 Uncollected checks and cash items.... 4,379 51 10,156 21 Current expenses 1,664 86 Taxes paid • Total $48,570 82 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $ 18,400 00 Undivided profits not earned to surplus Exchange $ 501 61 Interest 1,080 00 Kents 626 82 Profits and 1055.... 2 50 2,210 93 Individual deposits, viz— Subject to check.. 25,591 52 Time certificates. 2,283 00 Certified checks. . 49 17 Cashier’s checks.. 36 20 27,959 89 Total V 48,570 8 State of Georgia, Gottee Gountu. Before me came C. E. Baker, Cashier of the Union Banking Company, who being- duly sworn says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said Bank, as shown by the books of file in said bank. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 9th day of Sout., 1899. D. W. GASKIN, S. C., C. C., Ga. Rev. Afr. Poston, of Douglas, passed through Waycross last week enroute to Homerville. Little Wilbur, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Gassctt, has boon very ill with fever. Air. and Airs. James AI. Free man and their three daughter#, Alisses Dollie, Mattie and Euola, left Thursday for Douglas, their future home. Stalnaker. Double Dally on tbe Air Lina, The Air Line Cos. has scored one more point, and put Douglas on speaking terms with Waycross two times a day, except Sunday. The following schedule goes into effect on Monday the 1 ith : Lv Douglas 700 am. Ar Waycross 0 10am Lv Waycross 1000 Ar Dougins 12 10 pm Lv 1 louglas 130 pm Ar Waycross 3 -10 pm Lv Waycross 430 A r Douglas 0 40 pm Train leaving at 10 00 am, arriv ing at Douglas at 1 30, carries the mail. Sunday train leaves Douglas 7 00 atn, arrives Waycross 9 10, re turning leaves Waycross 4 30 p tn, arriving at Douglas 6 40, J. A. Jones. Few other men in this section are making such a splendid effort to attract the public eye as J. A, Jones, the big dry goods and fur nishing merchant of Waycross. Mr. Jones has carefully studied the situation and finds that Coffee County carries a large trade to Waycross and he is making a lib eral effort to securo this trade. People who goto Waycross will do well to read Jones’ big add on the first page of this paper, and if you don’t go just send send him your orders and he will give you asj'air treatment as if you were in his store. Miss Bell Harris, the new as sistant to' Prof Childs, arrived in Douglas yesterday, from her home at Knoxville, Crawford county. Miss Harris is a bright little woman and will be a strong addition to Douglas society. She is domiciled with Mrs. Tim Kirkland. Aliss Turrentiue, the music tauab er for the South Georgia Normal, arrived to-day. She will board with Mrs. Tim Kirkland. Liked hii Ststloaery. The following letter explains itself : Mes 9. Freeman & Daughters, Douglas, Ga., Gents : Your hill of job work of and. inst. to hand and checked out ull O. K. Inclose you will find check for $37-75. to cover invoice, lam more than pleased with tha work The checks are the best gotten up checks I have ever had. In future I will give you my entire work in this line. Yours &c., B. 11. Tanner.