The Douglas breeze. (Douglas, Coffee County, Ga.) 18??-190?, September 16, 1899, Image 8

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llr .\riiT' r> W' 'JltiNr ~ ■PfllWedo Weel% an enormous am#*. The year of a presiclemial cam paign however, it is regularly read by near t\v* million people. Not only Republicans, but people of all classes, in every section of the United States read it for political information. For thirty years it has been a regular visitor in every part of the Union and is well known in almost every one of the 70.000 postoffices in the country. It is edited with reference to a national circulation and people of all politics take it, because of its honesty and fairness in the discuss ion of til public questions. It is the favorite family paper, with something for every member of the household. Serial store -, poetry, wit and humor; the Household de partment (best in the world). Young folks, Sunday School Les sons, the Farmstead, the (Question Bureau (which answers questions to subscribers), the News of the Week in complete form, and other special features. Specimen copies gladly sent on application. Only $ 1 a year fof the Blade and the Breeze, to cash paid up subscribers. Those who owe us, can pay up and renew and get both papers for price of the Breeze, for the next 60 days. Bright Boys Started in Business. The publishers of the famous big illustrated weekly news paper, Pknnsvi.vania, Gbit, are now placing representatives at every post otlice in Georgia and they de sire to secure the services of capa ble hustling agents in each of tin following towns of Coffee county : Broxton, Douglas, Kirkland Leigh ton, Nicholls, Shepherd and Wil sonville and in such other towns as are not already supplied. The work is profitable and pleasant. A portion of Saturday only is re quired. Over 5, (km) agents are doing splendidly. No money whatever is required. Everything s furnished free. Stationery, rub ber stamp, ink and pad, advertis ing mutter, sum pit* copies, etc. Papers are shipped to be paid for at the end of each month. Those not sold are not charged for. Write to (Jrit Publishing Cos., Williamsport, Pa., and mention the Breeze. Cen. Joseph Wheeler may be on his last military campaign. The fearless little general is not apt to remain in Manilla while there are l'illipinos to be whipped, and if he gets close to Aguinaldo he will have a fight that may cost him his life.—Dublin Ifispatch. Yes, brother it might cost him his life, but Aguinaldo will have one ot the toughest “scrappings” he ever has experienced if he should happen to meet with (Jen. Wheeler. Captain Alfred Dreyfus has been re-convicted, by the unjust judges of French justice. Croat Britain is on the eve of a war with the Boers.' Every true American who hate.* injustice should boycott the Paris exposition, by not attending. The Irwin County News an nounces that it has not joined the newspaper combine but is still do ing business at the old stand. Evangelist Moody will be in At lanta during the State fair, and will be a drawing card. Admiral Dewey is at (Gibraltar and will sail direct tor New 5 ork on the 11th inst. .To-day, in the eyes of the just world, France has condemned her sell, as incapable’ of dealing out justice to an innocent man, who has suffered the tormenting of the damned, tor the past live years on Devil's island. The town of Rochelle had anoth er lire last week, the residence of Mr. L. !•. Mance. lncendiaryism is suspected. Leading men of New York, financially and religiously will form themselves into a committee for the express purpose of seeing Pres ident McKinley and asking him to make a personal appeal to Presi dent Loubet. of France, for justice for Capt. Dreyfus. .v-.-i. retn :. tvOss oome hand and one font • z!SH| l-oss of both eyes Loss of one hand or one foot. . . . 834 1 Loss of one eye. . . 500 1 Weekly Indemnity 12.50 PREMIUM. 13 7.5 WARD & MILLIARD, Douglas, Ga. Agents, Ten New and Original Songs Which Can be Had Free. What will the great metropolitan papers do next r This is the ques tion someone asks nearly every day. But there is one which leads all others, It has gainec) the sobriquet of “America’s Greatest News paper” by /just such • remarkable pieces of enterprise as t he one which has just now attracted the atten tion of the press all over the coun try. Last week the New York Sunday World announced that it would give away an album of new and original music, consisting of ten of the up-to-date class of songs that are now so popular, such as songs of sentiment, “coon” songs, “cake walks,” etc. These ten songs the Sunday World proposes to dis- tribute one each week, with every copy of the Sunday World. When it is considered that the average price of new music, written and composed by popular authors, is from 30 to 45 cents, the unparallel ed enterprise of The World in giving the song away with a big Sunday newspaper, for which only five cents is charged, is apparent. The World requests that we pub lish the following announcement : A Music Album free. From Sept. 3 to Nov. 5, the Sunday World will issue weekly a song in sheet music form, with handsome colored cover. The entire set will be mailed, postage paid, for 50c. Remittances received after Sept. 3 will get the back numbers and each new number issued, Besides the song, The World will also send its colored Art Portfolio, which is a marvel of journalism; its Sunday Magazine, which equals the month ly periodicals, and its Comic Weekly, which excels every comic weekly in the United States except two, and in its comic scope equals these two io-cent publications. Write a postul card to the Sun day World Music editor, Pulitizer Building, N. Y., for a list of the songs. SEND US YOUR NAME and address, together with the names and addresses of a number of your friends who are interested in any sort of poultry, for a ER ICE sample copy of Tim Ckougia Poui.tky llkhaim), anew, up-to date and interesting monthly poul try paper. Send to TltE C KOIK.iI A Pol! MU Y 1 lie H All), Blakely, Ca. Big line mens’ hats, new shapes hjul lowest prices. , J. A. Jones, Waycross, Ga. Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine. ,n' v' .w }]ir Rotary Motion and B^^Bea^gs. Agents Wanted in all unoccupied Territory. WHEELER & WILSON, M’F’G. CO., Atlanta, Georgia. For Sale by H. PETERSON, Douglas, Georgia. rt'wsf* Mflfet to .1 IC -ioners of Coffee coRHHBiat all 1 Sol sons subject Jo the I'nPretcomc 1 ward at once, pay the license andr\ ister or t..ey will be prosecuted. \ By order of the Board, this Aug;. l\ 1899. GEO, R. BRICGS, CleiT a SHERIFF’S SALE. GEORGIA Cofi-kk County: Will be sold before the courthouse door, in the town of Douglas, said State and County, between the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in October next, one half acre of land excepting a strip of seventeen feet reservation on the west side, in town of Pearson, bounded on the north, east and south by streets, on the west by land of estate of li. E. Wright, to gether with improvements thereon known as the Summerlin Hotel and Livery Stable property. Levied on as the property of Mrs. M. J. Sum merlin, to satisfy a fi fa issued from the Justice Court of the 1130th District, G. M., in favor of Dr. C. W. Corbitt. Levy made and returned to me by S. A. Kirkland, L. C. Tenant in po session notified in writing. This Aug. 22d, 1899. WM. M. TANNER, Sheriff Coffee County. Broxton School. Prof. .1. A. Me whom will reopen school at Broxton, Sept. 18. An able assistant is n readiness, when the school demands it. Boarding pupils can And cheap rates by investigation. Come and make arrange ments before hand, in order to start at the first of the term. For further information apply to .1 A. M KWllOltN, Broxton, (ia., Jehhk Lott, Cli’rm’n It’d Trustees, Broxton, (ia. Notice. Willacoochee. Ga., Sept. Ist, 1899. There will be a bill introduced in the next session of the General As sembly- of the State of Georgia to repeal the high iicense whiskey law of Coffee county, as passed by the General Assembly, October 2nd, 1879, amended August 18th, 1881, and further amended September 4th, 1883—and to create in lieu thereof a dispensary-for the town of Willacoochee, Georgia. j R. A. Hendricks, I Jefferson Wilcox, Committee. -[ R. S. Ford, j D. E. Gaskin, ( J. R. (Jvennan. MONEY To PAT€J*T Good Ideas may be secured by ouriiMil. Address, THE t,A IENT RECORD, Baitinittre. Md. Hubscrliitluus to Tlie Patent Record ei.uo per'&u'num! Notice. Georgia Coffee County : Notice is hereby given, that an act will tie introduced iti the next session of the legislature of Georgia, entitled. ;m act to repeal the act approved the loth day of December 1895, creating the Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for Coffee county, and for other purposes. INCORPORATED 181*8, J. J. LI£WIS, President, B. PETERSON, V. PwHident. C. E. BAKER, Cashier. IDIIRzEOTO JZ® ■J. LEWIS, B. PETERSON, J. M. ASHLEY. [•. S. LOTT, HENRY VICKERS, J, W. QUINCY, DANYG ASKIN', Sr. I'he accounts oi individual merchant and cerponitmimoiioited W. B. FENTON ft fiORMNY C ja . ... Aft T - c ' V- 'A' ‘ - fe' -y-*N . • : I/.om *■'.--- fe e t .s v ?; A.' v.Q ' /'• z a mb ■ V w SPU'CUI ATTENTION GIVEN Til REPAIRING OE HCVfcEf GUj p^jOLS. Wilson's Way cross Studio. E. F. Martin, Maftager. The place to have all your PHOTO&RAPIC WORK Done, from a LOCKET PICTURE t© a ;$v 10 j*Oß= TRAI F. AH work guaranteed not kg Large lot of picture frames Jfc vt receiyad. W ILSON’S WAYIJROSS S* U&iO. Opposite First National Bank, onGihnoVe, StfSfet. 1 Will lie sold door, in DougUgs, first Tuesday in Octfobo. a vfcn the legal hours of sale, to W 1 '' bid der for cash, :he to:k>i.siu*prop*rty to-wit: Lot of laud sixty-five in the seventh district otfKSd coi*ity r . also lot of fcmd No. and fourteen, in the sevwth district of said county, aid lets obtaining four hundred and ninety acre's each. Said property levied At and to be sold as the property of M. Kirklan'd under and by virtue of a ffjjgissped from the sity court of Douglas, against said M Kirk land in favor of Ida A.Tvishols. Levy made and returned to me fey Vf. A. J. Smith, Sheriff City of Dou^as. This September 7th, IS9T - Wffl. Tannkk, t Sherri. SHERIFF'S SALE. GEORGIA, Coffee Comity. Will be sold before the courthouse door in said county oh the first Tues day in October next, between the legal hours of sale, to the highest bid der for ca*.i the following property to-wit: Eot of land Nb. sixty* five in the seventh district of Also lot of land No. one httnoretr and fourteen in the vsvelith district of Coffee county, Ga. Said lots contain ing four huudrad ninety acres each, Said property levied on and to be sold as the property of M-. Kirkland under and by vir jde of .1 -ifa issued from the City court of tjgrgias against said M. Kittii&nd favor ofM.Fersts Sons A Cos. Levy made.- and letumred to me by W. A. J. Sftliith, Sheriff City Coltrt of Douglas. This Septum be* 7th. IfWl. W. M. Tanner, Sheriff' CoffeeCo. !). J Masiira & Son. GA. HAHN Its© AND SADDLE MAKERS. , mmm, essm Dealers fd | BicjdA aM Sundries. A ertt-s for Sifting, Orient, EcDpse, Olive, Anderia. M fcwiord wlids. All high grade wl*fhv how going for $23 and $59. ad v(■ rt i.-■ < . ■ .10 ■. t - to add a prices to pay for ilieir grand display in adverusin tin*' biggest stock in the world, but we do adverlis wmM Siocß of Garni ircliiisi stoie in South Goctvjdi. VV v. huve stiuUod the waut-i of tlio people MtMs of DRESS GOODS SHOES HATS nr 9 * Pf anythin/else usually found in a!• t .-lass store We sell goods cheaper wt than you can buy them any .v here else, \\ ,* ma do it beeau- i e we do our work ( lust Ive-y w icyno * are Lire, and we buv goods is eheap as any one con buy them, so we can and will sell cheaper than others.. All we a.-k is for you to come and sec n before !.living, and if we can t save you 10 per cent then buy from some other par- Ay tv. We are always anxious to show you our stock. Yours to please. I'. 8. Deen & Son. aWMMBWBkJMMIHIi'irTWBIIII'IIIIII 111 IH Mill'. " SVSUB3 'ffW IIH 111 li Will W——H {RSboittalc Drugs and Druggists’’ Sundries. In addition to their well known remedies, Excel sior Blood Purifier and Mopping Oil and Drugs and Druggists’ Sundries, they now carry in stock a Com plete Line of GandieS in tubs, buckets and baskets, also a complete assortment of Penny Can- Ritts. Tobaccos, Cigars, Cheroots and Cigarettes. A trial order will convince you that they save you the freight on your purchases. Remember they sell only to dealers and retail nothing. For the Blood, , hut/(jest ion and Rheumatism take IBZ. JE3* SW IF 5 -* dor Barns, Cats, Braises and all Pains ase CARTER’S HOPPING OIL. ElolSCfoln!ciMediome C#© WAYO ROSS, GEORGIA. MONUMENTS! TOMBSTONES; [RON AND WIRE FENCE If you need anything in this line tell me so on a postal card and I will he glad to make an appointment with you. Do not buy until you see me. J. M. FREEMAN. DOUGLAS and WAYCROSS, GA. Kl MBALL HOUSE, Pearson, Ga. C. F. Holzendorf, Prop. RATES, $2.00 I'ER DA Y. Special Rates by the Week or Month. Livery in Connection. Stylish Rigs burnished at any Hour. Geo. R. Yoiiins & Bio. WAYCROSS, GEORGIA, * We sell Pianos, Organs and Sewing Ma chines on Easy Terms, and De liver them Free. When yon decide to buy, drop us a pos tal card and our travelling man will call to see you. N.F.GOODYE’E Blacksmith and Wheelwright, DOUGLAS, - - - - GEORGIA I am fully prepared to do all kinds of work in my line. Such as making and repairing bug gies, wagons, road carts, timber carte etc., etc. SHOEING a special slf' > . ' v-.’ R -J| " ' 'ii'-v in--: Waycross Air Line Railroad. TIME TABLE, in Effect Feb. 22, '99. Train No. 1 Train No. 3. Passenger and Mail. Accommodation t.v Waycross 8 :30 am 2:00 p, m ” Johnson Mill ■ :15 2:15 ” Waltertown 9:05 2:30 F ’’Elsie 9:20 2:50 F ’’Bolen 0:30 3:05 F ” Beach 9 10 3:30 ” Sessoms 10:00 3i55 ” Granville 10:15 4:15 F ’’Nichols 10-35 4:00 ’’Bell 10:50 4:40 F Ar Dougins 11:20 5:40 Train No. 2. Trail* No, 4, Passenger and Mail Accommodation. Lv Douglas 1:30 pm 7:30 am ’’Bell 2:00 7:50 F ” Nichols 2:20 8:15 ” Granville 2:55 8:35 F ” Sessoms 3:05 9:00 ” Beach 3:30 9:40 Bolen 3:50 9:50 ’’ Elsie 4:05 10:05 F ’ Waltertown 4:25 10:25 F ” Jolulson Mill 4:40 10:45 An Waycross 5:00 11:00 Sunday Acommodation Train mi fare mm® trip. Leave Douglas 8.00 - A. M Arrive Way cross 10.30 AJI Returning Leave Way cross 4.30 - F.M Arrive Douglas 6.50 - P.M F—Denotes flag station. Vrains run daily < xcf pt Sunday. J.K. W.viu.ev, F. M. Hawkins, President Traffic Mgr,