The Douglas breeze. (Douglas, Coffee County, Ga.) 18??-190?, October 07, 1899, Image 5

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Wilson s WaydP( E. F. Martin, Manlq The place to have all your PHOTOq Done, from a LOCKET PICTURE tol TRAIT. All work guaranteed not to faS Largejot of picture frames just recei^J WILSON’S WAYCROSS sflf Waycrospj Opposite First National Bank, on Gilmore, Street. The ! City Drug Store. Our Mammoth Soda Fountain Is in full blast, cooling the thirsty with the best Soda water ever dispensed within the city. W. W. TERRELL, M. D., Proprietor. Fresh Groceries at Tim’s I don’t mind advertising my goods bcause my store is the neatest and completest in town. We keep everything in the grub line. New and fresh groceries received every day. B. Peterson & Cos. T. S. KIRKLAND, Manager. Bank Building, DOUGLAS, GA. LET’S GO GUNNING! We have a big line of SHOT GUNS. Some new ones just come. A single barrel one makes a nice present for a young man. Single barrel Shot Guns $6.50. Double ” " ” $10.00., New’Club Paper Shot Shells, empty and loaded. Pow der and Shot in any quantities. Pistol and Rifle Cartridges, Primers, Reloading Tools. Suppose you have heard of the many advances on all Kinds of iron. That Stove will cost you more money every weed you put off buying it. Come In and Inspect Our compete line. We can sell you one, and make price right. 'Watt - Hatley Hardware Cos., WAYCROSS, GEORGIA. Way cross Clothing • store v Waycross, Ga The best place in Georgia for Clothing, Hats, Shoes and gents’ furnishings. * Good Reliable, Roods at Prices to Sait the People. * When you go to W ay cross be sure and call at The Waycross Clothing Store Waycross, Georgia- JOBEMTING !"~n* 1 1™. an Order. Is the place to buy your DRUGS, SODA WATER, CIGARS and all SUNDRIES usually carried by an up-to-date Druggist -' ALL STANDARD PATENT MEDICINES, STA TIONERY, PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. ■ -■* The Prices will Make you Smile Everything Neat as a Pin. prosTtrv - V r \'’• 1 \ ’ Ar 1 .AW, Ifi UI.AS. ItA. Court. in Bank Hi rnirti-tfil i.i mu will he S- 1 ‘‘ 1 "1 1 i I". ru.T , v iiu; I!'. '~t vnru- Sj.uui;,: aucrition i;iveii t,> - Hpns. HBlTr A. WA KM >7j uT ’ HIbBI Attoknkv At Law HffiW' Douglas, Ga. attention eiven to nil tm ‘ness in my rare. Oitiue over Union a" M. in A A! it Wtr Al IOIIMAS Arl. AV. . Douglas, Ga. Offices in Bank Building. § mF jTj. WALKER, Attorney At Law, r Douglas, Ga. •Practices in all of the counties of tdic Brunswick and adjoining circuits. All jraines entrusted with me will hare my prompt attention. F. WILLIS DART, Attorney At Law, Douglas, Ga. Office upstairs Union Bank Building. w. F. SIBBETT, Physician And Surgeon, Douglas, Ga. Calls promptly answered day or night. W. W. TERRELL, Physician And Surgeon, Douglas, Ga. For seven years has made a special study of diseases peculiar to women and children, both in private and hos pital practice. g. w. McDonald, Barber And Hair Dresser, Douglas, Ga. Prompt attention. Sharp Scissors and Razors. Opposite City Drugstore. GEO. M. RICKETSON, - Physician And Surgeon. Broxton, Ga. Ab Artesian Well. The Breeze has no money to put into and artesian well, if it had, so much would not he said in these columns on that subject, but the work should he done, because we have enough faith in the project to believe such an expenditure would be fruitful. Anything that would bring people here to live, for edu cational and healthful purposes would be beneficial to the town. All enterprises of a public nature that will benefit the masses, such as schools, churches, artesian wells, libraries, good lights and a rigid, though just municipal government pours money into the pockets of every citizen by the enhanced value of property and the general growth of business in every line. At this particular time there is nothing we can think of that would do as much for Douglas as an artesian well, and there is nothing more needed. Spain’s Greatest Need. Mr. R. P. Olivia, of Barcelona, Spain spends his winters st Aiken, S, C. Weak nerves had caused severe pains in the back of his head. On using Electric Bitters, America’s greatest blood and nerve remedy-, all pain soon left him. He says this grand medicine is what his country needs. All Amer ica knows that it cures liver and kid ney trouble, purities the blood, tones up the stomach, strengthens the nerves, puts vim, vigor and new life into every muscle, nerve and organ of the body. If weak, tired or ailing you need it. Every bottle guaranteed, only 50 cents. Sold by W. W. Terrell, druggist. The Griffins Brothers Cos., Jacksonville. The Breeze is in receipt of a cir cular letter from the above named firm in which it is informed of the removal of the office headquarters to Jacksonville, from Macclenny, Fla. It is already known that these gentlemen are the most ex tensive nurserymen in the south, have all kinds of fruit and shrub trees, vfiies, flowers, etc., beside* they have a first class poultry es tablishment, from which eggs art sold for hatching pure bred fowls, of which there are more than twenty varieties. Write to them, after reading the advertisement. American Guild. A chapter of American Guild was organized in Douglas last Monday night with about twenty two or three members. After or ganization the following members were elected : C. C. Childs, Governor, T. P. Wilcox, Post Governor, T. J. Davis, V. G. and D., D. W. Gaskin, Sec. and Treas. W. W. Terrell, Med’l ex’m’r., N. T. Creel, Warden, J. W. Williford, General, C. C. Childs, Chaplain. The chapter will be known as Douglas Chapter No. Wood ! Wood ! The public is informed that I am pre pared to furnish Stove Wood, Fire place Wood, of any length or size. I am also prepared to do draying at any time. J. H. MOORE. r l Ordinary b court The Misses Douglases have hats from 50c up to $6.00. Tuesday was Sheriff’s sale day. Reading matter on every page this week. Fashionable hats arriving daily at the Misses Douglases. Buy one. B. T. Allen, of Pearson, was in Douglas Tuesday on legal business. We are having delightful weather now. Get a hat trimmed in the latest style at the Misses Douglases. “No water, no water” is the con tinual complaint in this section now. Mrs. M. J. Summerlin, of Pear son, was in Douglas Tuesday. She came on legal business. Wiley Vickers was in town Mon day, and looked as natural as a run down shoe. Have you seen those beautiful fall and winter hats the Misses Douglases are selling? If you are in need of any job printing now is the time to get it done. Mr. M. Kirkland, of Kirkland, was in town Tuesday to look after legal business. Pretty new belt-buckles just re ceived at the Misses Douglases, only 25c. Dr. J. A. Montgomery, of Thompson, Ga., is now located in Douglas. Mr. Wilkins, the Buck hotel man, is a hustler, and the hotel is growing more popular every day. Mrs, M. L. Goodyear and her daughter Miss Ira, of Waycross, are out at Gaskin’s Spring. Mr. J. S. Lott, of Shepherd, came into see us Monday and gave us an order of job printing. Some of the boys and girls are grieving because there will be hut iittle syrup for candy-pulling. The Misses Douglases are ex pecting you to cull and look at their fall millinery which is arriv ing daily. Work on the residences of Messrs. C. E. Baker and F. W. Dart is progressing nicely. Col. Sellars has had the cupolo taken off his residence and had it otherwise improved. Mr. G. F. Wooten, Brad Wat son’s clever clerk visited Waycross last Sunday and returned Monday. That clever old friend of ours, Micajah Vickers was shaking hands with friends and talking about le gal affairs in town last Monday. Bro. Poston preached a very in teresting sermon last Sunday. His theme was on the "second coining of Christ.” S. W. Hitch, Esq., ofWaycross, was in Douglas on legal business Tuesday. He reports Mrs. Hitch’s condition as improving. All kinds of dress-making, latest styles, and as cheap as good work can be done by the Misses Doug lases. Dr. T. J. Kirkland, of Kirkland, Ga., was in Douglas last Monday and put an advertisement in the Breeze. He does work cheap. Douglas is like all other rapidly building up towns, infested with some people that expect to live without work. Latest styles, md every color imaginable in ribbons at the Miss es Douglases’ millinery establish ment on Ward avenue. Dr. Powell has notified Ordinary Young, that he has room at the asylum for the lunatics now con fined in jail. We receive reports daily about the woods being on 'fire. It is supposed that it is caused by hunters smoking while out hunting. O. Rudolph, this place, wants to sell out his millinery business, and will rent his store to the pur chaser. Reason for selling, Mrs. Rudolph’s bad health. There is one thing needed in this place, and that is water. We have drank so much red mud recently that we are turning brown like a brick. Some one who has two or three hundred dollars to spare, can buy a good, well selected stock of millinery, and rent the store in which the goods are stored by ap plying to, or writing to O. Ru [dolph, Douglas, Ga. ington county. / Full upper and lower set of teeth, $16.00. T. J. Kirkland, D. D. S., Kirkland, Ga. Mrs. Geo. F. Wooten and little son were in Douglas last week, the guest of Mr. G. F. Wooten, at the Buck Hotel. Messrs. Ashley and Baker who went to New York to Dewey’s cel ebration returned Thursday at noon looking wiser hut sadder men. Col. J. J. Walker, our genial mayor, has gone to Ocilla, where he intends to locate and practice law. Douglas loses a good citizen and a polished gentleman. Bro. Jessie Lott, of Broxton, was in Douglas Monday. Glad to know that he is sufficiently well enough to be among his friends again. Mr. Gus. L. Brack has been elected secretary of the Methodist Sunday school to fill the vacancy caused by the removal of Col. J. j. Walker to Ocilla. Remember the Breeze will he a sixteen page paper next week. Every man that has anything to sell should not fail to speak for space. Don’t think that we can’t put your advertisements and job print ing in good shape, because we can. Our Waycross Job Office is in the same building with the newspaper out-fit, and no one in this section has better material. It is the opinion of the Breeze, and others, too, that much of the fire in the woods is caused by hun ters’ paper wadding and cigarette smokers. You know if a boy can tout a shot-gun he wants a cigarette between his lips. “Best on the market for coughs and colds and all bronchial troubles ; for croup it lias no equal,” writes Henry R. Whitford, South Canaan, Conn., of One Minute Cough Cure. W. W. Terrell, Douglas, Ga., 11. Meeks & Cos., Nichols, Ga. Waycross Journal: “Lawyer O’Steen, of Douglas, was in Way cross a few hours Wednesday af ternoon.” He is a Solicitor, why couldn’t you have said “Honorable,” as well for him as others. DeWitt’s Little Early Risers permanently cure chronic constipa tion, biliousness, nervousness and wornout feeling; cleanse and regu late the entire system. Small, pleasant, never gripe or sicken— “famous little pills.” W. W. Ter rell, Douglas, Ga., 11. Meeks & Cos., Nichols, Ga. Waycross Journal: "Work on the Douglas court house, which was suspended on account of the drouth, has been resumed.” Yes sir but they have to haul water from the creek, two miles from town. E. E. Turner, Compton, Mo., was cured of piles by DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve after suffering seventeen years and trying over twenty remedies. Physicians and surgeons endorse it. Beware of dangerous counterfeits. W. W. Terrell, Douglas, Ga., 11. Meeks &Cos., Nichols, Ga. Waycross Journal: "Misses Dol lie and Agnes Freeman came down from Douglas Monday and spent several hours in the city.” Yes, it’s a hard matter to keep girls satisfied. When they lived there they had a "hankering” to come here, now they "hanker” to go there. Chester H. Brown, Kalamazoo, Mich.,.says: "Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cured me of a severe case of indigestion; can strongly recom mend it to all dyspeptics.” Digests what you eat without aid from the stomach, and cures dyspepsia. W. W Terrell, Douglas, Ga., H. Meeks & Cos., Nichols, Ga. Our old patrons in the job printing line are informed of the removal to Douglas of the Freeman & Daughters job printing estab lishment. Send on your orders, we pay express charges to Way cross, and give you same prices and better work than you can get elsewhere. Mr. Wa<?h Lott lias on his farm 12 miles east of Douglas some Egyptian cotton which lie has cul tivated very little since and with no fertilizer, is now bearing a rich yield, some of the stalks having as many as 240 bolls on them. The stalks come from the old stubbles yearly without an.y replanting and the lint is between a long and short [cotton with black seed. \TedricV(ia\ evenihj^WtjH at the bride’s parents at SheSy LS Mr. E. I’. Fillingin and Lott were united in marriage, Mr. Dickinson of Broxton offici ating. Only , the relatives of the bride and a few close friends of the family were present. A splendid repast was served after the cere mony and the guests made merry till a seasonable hour, when the bride and groom, accompanied by some of the party, repaired to their I util re home at Pace’s still, a mile away. Mr. Fillingin is a native of Green county, Ga., hut has been living in South Georgia six years. And has been in the employ of Pace, Lott & Cos., four years and by his energy and pluck lias work ed himself up in the esteem of that firm. ALss Lott is the lovely daughter ot Mr. Seward Lott, of Shepherd, and on account of her many charms is held in high esteem by all who know her. The young couple start life un der bright auspices and the Breeze extends hearty congratulations. Local Legislation. Notice is hereby given that at the next session of the General Assembly of Geor gia, which will convene on the fourth Momhi in October, ISOS), a hill will bo introduced creating anew charter for tho eit) oi Douglas, of which the following is the caption : An act to create anew charter for tho city of Douglas’in the county of Coflee, and to consolidate and declare the rights of said corporation, to authorize and em power t lie mayor and aldermen of Haul city to purchase or build, establish ami maintain and operate a system of water works, electric lights and sewerage for the city of Douglas; to hold an election on a day specified as now required by law to determine tlie question of creating a debt against said city by (lie issuance of bonds to provide for the assessment and collec tion utan annual tax on the property in sanl city for the purpose of paying tho principal and interest on said bonds, to conies additional power upon the Mayor and Aldermen of said city of Douglas and tor other purposes. Fish ! Fish I Fish I The old Moore Mill Pond, seven miles south of Pearson, will he let off about the 24th and 25th of Oc tober, and the public will be allow ed to enter the pond for taking fish at 12 o’clock m. Admittance will be one dollar each day. Come every body. F. M. Guest, P. O. Leighton, Ga. B. H. Levy & Bro. There is not a firm in Georgia that is better known than B. H. Levy & Bro., of .Savannah. Their store is recognized as headquarters for latest styles in general furnish ing goods, for men, boys and chil dren, business suits, dress suits, school suits, etc. For the ladies they have silk and flanel shirt waists, man-tailored costumes, etc. You can buy by mail order us well as in person. )an Broadwau Enolisti las just returned from New York. While there he made Large Pur chases of goods that are arriving daily. Don’t fail to see these goods as the prices will astonish you. New Ideas iti Venetian and Whipcord suitings. Dress Goods of Every dis cretion in endless variety. Silks, Satins, Velvets, Braids, and Jeweled Trimmings. fl fljiliiijei'y JDejsaftttfeijt Unequaled by any Country store, and not surpassed by any in the South. This de partment is in charge of Miss Eunice Gordon and Miss Ger trude Schriever, two of the most expert milliners that money can secure ; and with our inexhaustible supply of Feathers. Ribbons, Hats and Novelties Right at band, you can get what you want, and not be compelled to take what you can get. Clothing, Ladies’, Misses Gents’ and Youths’ Shoes, Hats Umbrellas, Hosiery, La dies’and Gents’ Furnishings. Carpets, Matting, Rugs, Crumb-cloths, Shades, Cur tains, tapestries, tinware, glass ware, table and pocket cutlery, etc. If you don’t see what you want, ask for it. £). B. English, Waycross, Ga.