The Douglas breeze. (Douglas, Coffee County, Ga.) 18??-190?, July 21, 1900, Image 8

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> JP* JttffATION. Georgia- toffee County: Application having been made to me by 1). \V. Melvin for letters Of guardianship of the person and prop erty of Willie Davis, minor child of Richard ft. Davis, these are to notify all persons concerned that I will pass upon the same at my office in Douglas on the Ist Monday in August 1900. This July 2, 1900. Thos. Young, Ordinary. CITATION GEORGIA —Coffee County. W. J. Smith, a resident of said State and county, having duly applied to be appointed Guardian of the person and property of Daniel Varnedoe, Eillia Varnedoe, Minie Varnedoe, Minors resident in said county, notice is hereby given that said application will be passed on at the next term of court of Ordinary for said county, to be held on the first Monday in August, 1900. Witness my hand and official signature this July 2nd, 1900. • THOMAS YOUNG, Ordinary CITATION GEORGIA —Coffee County Lewis Vickers having applied as Executor for probate in solemn io. i.. ( >f the last will and testament of John K ickers, late of said county deceased, you, as the heirs at law, of said John Vickers are hereby required to appear at the court of Ordinary for said coun ty on the first Monday in August next, wl'"i> said application for probate will 1 ’ajeard. THOMAS YOUNG, Ordinary. CITATION. GEORGIA —Coffee County. Merry li. Tanner, Jr., having made application to me in due form to be appointed perananent administrator upon the of John W. Tanner. Sr., late of said county deceased, no tice is hereby given that said applica tion will be heard at the nest regular term of the court of Ordinary of said county to he held on the first Monday in August, 1900. Witness my hand and oflicial signature. This 2nd day of July 1900. THOMAS YOUNG, Ordinary. CITATION. GEORGIA Coffee County. Application having been made to me lor the appointment of Quitman Cook as Guardi hr of K. 1,. Pickreti and his minor children, and it appearing that tiie said E. 1,. Pickreri by reason of insanity incapacitated for the looking after his estate, notice is hereby given that if no good reason is shown to the contrary, letter of Guardian-ship will lie granted said Quitman Cook as pray ed for at the next term of said Court. This July 4th, I'HK). THOMAS YOUNG, Ordinary. ADMINISTRATORS SALE. GEORGIA Coffee County. Will be sold before the court house door in said county, on the first Tues day in August next, between the legal hours of sale, the following property to-wit: Fifteen acres of land, off of west corner of lot No. 239 in 6th dis trict of said county, also, twenty head of cal tie and four head of hogs. Sold as the property of Hester Tanner, late of said county deceased. This July Ist, 1900. J. W. Tannkn, Administrator. EXECUTOR’S SAEE. GEORGIA Coffee County. Hy virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary of said County, will ho sold at public outcry, on the first Tuesday in August I'HfO, at the Court House door in said County, between the usual hours of sale, the following real estate, to-wit: Got of land Number two hund red and forty-seven (247), lying in the First (Ist) District ol originally Ap pling now Coffee County, said State, containing four hundred and ninety (4'k)) acres, more or less; said realty being sold as the property of James Hinson, deceased, t'ermscash. This 2nd dav of July, 1900. ELIZABETH HINSON. Executrix of James Hinson, Deceased. ADM INI ST R A TOR S SALE. GEORGIA Coffee County \\ ill be sold before the court house door in Douglas, said county, between the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in Augustnnet, the following property to-wit: One lot of land No. -no, 6th dist of said county. Sold for benefit of t.;e heirs of the estate of Lovett Harrell, late of said county deceased, and in obedience to an order from Court of Ordinary of said county. This July 2nd 1900. DAVID KIRKLAND. Adr Est Lovett Harrell. I City Court Sheriffs Sale. <.KOKGIA Coffee County \\ ill be sold before the court house door in the city of Douglas, said county, between the legal hours of sale to the highest bidder for cash, on the first Tuesday in August next, the following property to-wit: Four head of mules described as follows: One utediutun size black horse mule, about ten years old; one brown horse mule, large size, about ten years old: one black horse nude medium size, about five years old, name ’ldas; one mare mule about five years old, brown colored. Also one ballance log cart, about six feet high with six inch tires, one wheel six feet sis inches high, four inch tire: com plete set of chains for two double carts one hub and three four inches tires also six complete sets of harness for same. All the above described projv erty levied on and to be sold as the property of 15. H. Smith, under and by \ irtueof a mortgage foreclosure issued from City Court of Douglas in favor of & Lewis against B. H. Smith. This July 3rd, 1900. W. A. J. Smith, Sheriff City Court, Douglas, Ga. Special Tape's. ’ This is to give notice to all parties, that the Special Taxes for six months ending December 31st, 1900, are now due; and all parties subject to pay special taxes in the City of are requested to pay same at once, or in default thereof—executions*will be issued. Bear this in mind aid save cost. July 10th, 190 ft. W. A. H. Davis, City Clerk. Sheriff’s—Tax Sale. GEORGIA—Coffee County. Will be sold before the court house door at Douglas, said county on the first Tuesday in August 1900, between the legal hours of sale to the highestr bidder for cash the following described property to-wit: One half acre more or less of land situated lying in the City of Douglas, Georgia, and bound ed on the north by Sellers street, on the east by Pearl street, on the south by lands of Mrs. Nartcy Rudolph and on the west by lands of B. Peterson, and being a part of original lot of land no. 192 in sixth district qf Coffee coun ty Georgia, and known as the Wood cock house and lot. Said property levied on under a fifa issued front A. W. Kinsey, tax collector of Echols county, Georgia, against Phillip Sel lers, for his unpaid tax for the year 1898, said tifa having been duly trans ferred to G. S. Baxter & Cos., levied uu as the property of Phillip Sellers. Written notice served upon T. S. Hart tenant in possession. Property pointed out by plaintiff’s attorneys. This July 3rd 1900. W. M. TANNER, Sherilf C. C. Sheriff’s—Tax Sales. GEORGIA—Coffee County Will be sold before the court house door in the city of Douglas said county, on the first Tuesday in August 1900 between the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder, the following property, to-wit: 100 acres of lot land number 1168 In the first district of Coffee county. The same being all of said lot except 300 acres owned W. 0. .Smith and 90 acres owned by Dicey G. Smith, Raid property levied upon and to be sold as the property of.l. I). Bennington under and by virtue of of a tax fifa issued by T. b. l'aulk tax collector of said county against said J. D. Pennington for bis state and county tax for the year 1899. This Julyfith 1900. Also at the same time and place 245 acres of lot of land number 159 in the sth district of Coffee county, the same being all of said lot except 245 acres owned by 8. I>. Harper. Said land levied upon and to be sold as the property of James Story Jr.,under and by virtueof a tax (Unissued by T. L. Paulk tax collector of said county against said James Story Jr., for his state and county tax for the year 1899. This July Otli 1900. Also at the same time and place all of lot of land number 247 in flic Ist district of Coffee county, containing 490 acres. v Said land levied upon and to be sold its the property of J. ft. Fllis, administrator estate of J. W. Ellis, under and by virtue of a tax fifa issued by T. 1.. Paulk, lax col lector of said county, against said J. ft. Jillis, administrator for bis slate and coun ty tax for the year 1899. This July Otli 1900. Also at the same time and place, 245 acres of lot of land number 27 and 245 acres of lot of land number 28 in the 4th district of Coffee county, the same being all of said lots except 245 acres on each lot owned bv Daniel Newbern, said lands levied upon and to be sold as the property of Wm. Pus sell tinder and by virtueof a tax fifa issued by T. b. Paulk tax collector of said coun ty against said Wm. Fussell for bis state and county tax for the year 1898. This Ju ly 6th 1900. W. M. TANNER, Sheriff C. C. Sheriff Sale. GEORGIA— Coffee County Will be sold on the first Tuesday in August next, public outcry, before the court house door in said county, within the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder, for cash, certain property, of which the following is a full, complete description. 50 acres more or less of lot of land no. 514 in the sixth district of said county, situated in the south east corner of said lot of land, and bounded as follows, on the north by lands of Mrs. J. H. llagley, Moses Kirkland, Jr., 11. M. Tanner and A. J. Meeks, and on the east liy original land line, and on the south by original land line, on the west by original land line, Mrs. W. W. Cason and Mrs. S. W. Sellers, said fifty acres of land ly ing on the south side of Waycross Air Line R. R. Said property levied upon and to be sold as the property of Mark Hall to satisfy an execution issued I from tile city court of Coffee county J in favor Of David Kirkland, Jr., ad-j ministrator on the estate of Eovett I Harrell, deceased, and against said Mark Hall. This July 2nd 1900. W. M. TANNER. Sheriff C. C N. F. GrOODYE’R Blacksmith and Wheelwright, DOUGLAS, - - GEORGIA I am fully prepared to do all kinds i of work in tuy line. Such as making and repairing buggies, wajjons, road carts, timber carts, etc., etc. Horse-Shoelttfc A Specialty. D ,J Mashburn & Son. * BROXTOX, GA. HARNESS I AND SADDLE MAKERS. I Fish, Beef, Hutton &c. The old market will supply everybody with beef all the time, tish two or three times a week, and mutton and chickens when we can get them. Give us a trial. All sales delivered. J. H. AiOORE. Sheriff’s—Tax Sale. GEORGIA —Coffee County. Will be sold before the court house in Douglas, Coffee county, Georgia, between the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in October next, three acres in the southeast portion .f Pear son, bounded on the north by street on the east and south by lands of Jeff Kirkland, and west by lands of Jeff Kirkland and Mrs. Martha McLendon, being a part of lot of land No. 32 in the 7th District, to satisfy a tax exe cution issued by T. L. Paulk, tax-col lector of said county. To be sold for taxes due thereon for the year 1899, together with interest and costs, pro vided the said taxes, interest and costs cannot be made by renting or hiring the said property. This July 2d, 1900. W. M. Tanner, Sheriff C. C. Notice! Sale! Will be sold at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash at the Court house door in the City of Douglas, between the legal hours of sale on the Ist Tuesday in August next, the fol lowing property to-wit: —The brick and other material composing the old jail of Coffee County and wire. At the same time and place will also be sold the land on which said building stands consisting of '/i of an acre fronting on Sycamore street and extending east to an alley, 74ft thence along said alley 74ft thence west 74ft thence south 74 to point starting the same being in lot 2of block 135 in plot of said City. By order of the Board of County Com missioners Coffee County this July 3rd 1910. Geo. R. Briggs, Clerk. ANNOUNCE M E N T S. For Representative. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for representative from lids county, subject to the action of the Democratic party. C. A. WARD, Jr. For Senator. I annonuce myself as candidate from Senatorial district composed of Clinch, Cof fee and Ware counties. Ifeleetedl shall serve the people among whom I have lived all my life with an eye to the “peoples good,” and as the representative in the .Sen ate of every man. previous party affilia tions and creed-making no difference LEMUEL JOHNSON. For Clerk. T hereby announce myself a candidate for tiie office of Clerk of the Superior Court of Coffee county; subject to the Democratic primary, and earnestly ask the support of the citizefis of the county. JILES J. LOTT. For Clerk. 1 respectfully announce my candidacy for the office of Clerk of Superior Court, subject to the Democratic primary. J. It. OVERMAN. For Clerk. i hereby announce myself a candidate for office of Clerk ot Superior Court Coffee county, and respectfully ask the support of the people. JNO. D. FRIER. For Fax Assessor. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Tax Receiver of Coffee county, spbject to the action of my friends. H. ELLIS, Garrant, Ga. For Sheriff. I take this method of announcing my self as a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Coffee county, subject to the democratic primary. if elected I shall discharge the duties of the office fearlessly without favor or effection. . W. VV. SOUTHERLAND. For Sheriff. The many friends of L. S. Guthrie here in- announce him as a candidate for Sheriff of Coffee county, and ask the support of the yeomanry of the county. For Sheriff. Gentlemen, 1 am a free and independent candidate for Sheriff of Coffee county, und ask tiie citizens of this county to vote for me. If elected 1 will be your devoted ser vant. W. H. WILCOX. / /man-tailored^ ISuits - Skirts - Waists | Wrappers. - SOLS AGISNTS tX)K— ,i \ KABO CORSET. IS VIHHDURWEtR,/ ETC. FOR ~ Men, Women, Migse^GirlsJßoys^jhildren. “There is no collection of finely designed A and constructed Clothing in Georgia equal to ours. We excel, as always, in Opting agd gnift Underwear. Negligee Goods and Furnishings. Ties Med * IIAII HDnrUQ receive special atteution. IIIMIL We ship C. O. I*., with privilege ol examining before paying. iIBIB SAVANNAH, GA. KIMBALL HOUSE, Pearson, Ga. C P. Holzendorf, Prop. BATES. $2.00 HER DAY. Special Rates by the Week or Month. Livery In Connection. Stylish Rigs Furnished at any Hour CARDsT'f s* msmsm JOHN H. O'QUINN, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. DOUGLAS GA. Office near Bank Building, opposite B. Peterson’s brick block. H. O. SNOW, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. DOUGLAS, GA., callspromptly attended. Office .Sibbett Drug Cos. quincey & McDonald, Attorneys at Law, Douglas, Ga. Offices in Bank Building, THE CITY BARBER SHOP, ARTHUR BROOKS, PRO. In front of Bank Building Douglas, Ga. j Carries a nice line of cheroots, cigars, ; Ac. Everything clean and cool. Your patronage solicited. 1. R. BBADFJELD, CEO. M. RICK EPSON BRADFIELD & KICKETSON. Physicians and Surgeons. Broxton, Georgia. W. F. SIBBETT, Physician And Surgeon, Douglas, Ga. Calls promptly answered day or night WARREN P. WARD, Attorney At Law, Douglas, Ga. Will practice in all the courts of Coffee County and elsewhere by contract. F. WILLIS DART, Attorney At Law, Douglas, Ga. Office in Court House. R. A. HENDRICKS, Attorney At Law, WILI.ACOOCHEK, Ga. Collection- and Criminal Laws a special ty. Office hours in Douglas, Ga.; from 9 a. m. to sp. m. Third Monday in each month. C. A. WARD, Jr. Attorney' At Law Douglas, Ga. Prompt attention given to all busines Placed in my care. Office in court house. LEVI OSTEEN, Attorney at Law, DOUGLAS, GA. Solicitor City Court. Office in Court House. All business entrusted tome will be promptly attended to, receiving most care ful attention. Special attention given to collections. DR. J. A. MONTGOHERY, Dental Surgeon. Ottice at Buck Hotel. Will gladly advise with those desiring dental work. Both operative and prosthetic work guaranteed. “PERFECT” | Is the only word that describes our Mammoth High Grade Stock of Fashionable and Correct SPRING AND SUMMER mm Si ;ms /FINE HATS.\ i Negligee Shirts,] \ Pajamas. * J InWGLL SECKWEABjf \ UNOERWEAR, HOSIERY, M THIN GOODS, J Etc. W anted! All people to come and have a look at our work, and to give us their orders for any kind of Picture they may desire. We make Small or Large Photos, also do Enlargin OUR PRICES are as REASONABLE AS FAIR WORK WILL PERMIT, and you would not find it necessary to go to a larger city to get your BABY or FAMILY PORTRAITS taken. As long as there are any babies to make pictures from as long will that be our specialty. We also are prepared to give lessons in drawing and painting. Respectfully, CREEL & JANTZON. DOUGLAS, - - GA A WORD X ♦ * Cos Vou, listen! Do you want some GOOD PHOTOS MADE ? If so, you are the one this is for. I want your trade, and if COOD WORK, low prices and PROfIPT ATTENTION can secure it 1 am O. K. Must Mn<D>H:©& f©ir FJffty C/snnts, Larger Sizes Equally as Cheap in Proportion. ALL PICTURES GUARANTEED. You will find me at Post Office. J. H. BOONE, HAZLEHURST, GA. Nichols Bottling Works, D. W. Johnson, Manager, NICHOLS, - - - GEORGIA. Soda-water all flavors. Ginger-ale, Coco cola, and Iron-Brew. Good service, prompt ness, fair dealing and special attention to mail orders. Waycross Clothing ♦ STORE 4 Waycross, Ga The best place in Georgia for Clothing, Ha ts Shoes and gents’ furnishings. ♦ food Reliable, foods at Prices to Suit the People. * When you go to Waycross he sure and call at The Waycross Clothing Store Waycross, Georgia- Builders’ § Hardware! " We buy our HARDWARE in the Builder’s Line Direct From One of the Leading Manufacturers, and we can certainly Save you some money, (besides give You better goods than you get Elsewhere) if you will let us figure with you on ''A THAT BILL. 51 0f §1 51 DON’T Buy It By Piecemeal, Know you never in v tended to, but figure up just \ What you will need to complete ' the job, and we will make you a RATTLING GOOD EST I HATE. JUST Remember that we carry a full stock of the Best White-Pine SASH, BLINDS and DOORS. WATT-H ARLE Y HARDWARE CO., Plant Avenue, - - Waycross, Georgia. Svjfcin COorSts ai\cl 3*ounclrVj, S". IjD. Proprietor. sroi\ an<J Sc) rass ©astit>9 a Specialty, Special Attention to Boiler -Work, All Kinds of Machinery Repaired. £ocon\otWes sc)ut ft ai\<i oKepatre^, Good Second Hand Saw Mill Machinery for sale. Reasonable Prices Paid for old Iron and Brass. Sc) runoff Street, Qa.