The Douglas breeze. (Douglas, Coffee County, Ga.) 18??-190?, July 28, 1900, Image 8

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bo .heard at thencjjt regular Triii of-tlle court <>f Ordinary of aid county to bo held on the first Monday in August, 1900. Witness my hand and official signature. This 2nd day of July 1900. THOMAS YOUNG, t frdinary. (STATION. GEORGIA -Code • County. Application having been made to me for the appointment of Oititman Cook as (Juardiua of E. U. Pickren and his minor children, and it appearing that the said I?. 1,. Pickren by reason of insanity incapacitated for the looking after his estate, notice is hereby given that it no good reason is shown to tile contrary, letter of Guardian-ship will be granted said (juitman Cook a ■ pray ed for at the nest term of said Court. This Jnl v 4th, 1900. THOMAS YOUNG, Ordinary. AOMIN IST RAT< ) RS SACE. GEORGIA ColTec County. Will be sold before the court house door in said county, on the lirst Tues day in August next, between the legal hours of salu, the following properly to-wit; Fifteen acres of land, oil' of west corner of lot No. 239 in oth dis trict of said comity, also, twenty head of cattle and four head of hogs. Sold as the property of Hester Tautier, late of said county deceased. This July Ist, 1900. ' J. W. Tan nek, Administrator. EXECUTOR'S SARK. GEORGIA - Codec County. itv virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary of said County, will he. sold at public outcry, on the first Tuesday in August 1900, at the Court House door in said County, between the usual hours of sale, the following real estate, to-wit: Uot of land Number two hund red and forty-seven (247). lying in the First (Ist) District ol originally Ap pling now Codec County, said State, containing four hundred and ninety (490) acres, more or less; said realty lei 1 sold as the property of James Hinson, deceased. l'cruiscash. This 2nd day of July, 1900. KT . 1 Z A BET II HINSON. ICxecutrix of James Hinson, Deceased. A I>MINIS I'K A TOKS SAI, K. G‘ KOI A Coffee County ’ ill i sdd before the court house in i>o:u !a ..and county, between •ii soeal lion - s ( sale on the first 'I '\sAti in August n \t, the follow ini; nc.■j.-enysto-w t; One lot of laud No. I ■ Vl l ', Oth v* county. Sold f.*v ! '■ otit .>? t r heirs of the iat;r c of j ai.d H o!>edicuee\o ;r; j (• tn Com i of 1 ’rfHpary of said county. ] 1 itsiiilv.'.iid 1900. DAVID KIRK DA ND. Adr Kst Lovett Harrell. ! . S. * i City Court Sheriffs Sale. GEORGIA Coffee County \\ ill be sold before the court house j door in the city of Douglas, said county, ! between the legal hours of sate to the highest bidder for cash, on the lirst ] Tues. .y in August next, the following property to-.\ it: l our head of mules I described as follows: One medimnn | size black horse mule, about ten years I old: one brow n horse mule, large size. ; about ten \ ears old; oue black horse I mule medium size, about tive years old. i name "Lias: one mare mule about five ' years old. brown colored. Also one j baliaoce log cart, about six feet high with six inch tires, one wl. : 1 s' - feet sis inches high, four inch tire; com- . plete sfctof chains for tivodoublecarts. I one lipb and three four inches tires. j also 41X complete sets of harness for j samei All the above described prop- ! erty levied on and to be sold a., the | property of B. H. Smith, under and by : virtue of a mortgage foreclosure issued ; from City Court of Douglas in favor of I Lott A- Lewis against B. H. Smith. This July 3rd, 1900. W. A. J. Smith, j Sheriff City Court, Douglas. Ga. WF • '-j‘. TCS? '."■'-v'?;;.;: : * 'll" lih'lii r AVI i'll If (| ng I>ri|M-rly, 10-wit: 100 acre i n vsa,,| nmnl)er ::x in thefirs; ffi.-trut olfec county. 'J lie same beinjr all of tot .except IXX) acres. ovvnc<l W. ( Smith anil IX) acres owned by Hirv-v f\ Smith, said property levied upon and lobe •sold as the property of,). I). IVrmiuirton under and hv virtue of of a tux li fa issued by T. b. I’liulk lux collector of said county titraiiist Raid ,1. I). I'cnninglon for bis -ui!e and cdunty lax for the year I.ShS). 'J'ltis July U)i Kxio. Also at tlie same time and place 215 • acres of lot of land number 150 in the sth district, oi (.'ofl'ee county, the same bring all of said lot except 215 acres owned by K It. Harper. Said land levied upon ami to be Hold as the property of Janus Blorv Jr., under and by virtue of a tax Ufa issued by T. b. Paulk tax collector of said county ayailisl said James Story Jr., for bis state and countv tax for the year 180!). This; July IStli IIXX). Also at the same time and place all of 10l of land number 217 in the Ist district of ('ofl'ee county, containing lix) acn s. Sa;,| land levied upon a-nd to be sold as the properly of .1. I!. Kills,, administrator • state of ,1. W. Kilts, under and by virtne of a tax Ufa issued by T. 1,. Paulk, tax col lector of said countv. ayainst, said .1 R. Kills, administrator for bis state and coun ty tax for the year IsUSI. This July bill UXX). Also at the same, time and place, 215 i acres of lot of land nil ill her 27 and 215 acres of lot of land number 28 in the 4th district oft 'nlTce county, the same beitiy; all of s id j lots except 2-15 acres on each lot owned by | Daniel Newborn, said lands levied upon and to he sold as the property of W m. bus sell under and by virtue of a'tnx Ufa issued by T. L. Paulk t; \ collector of said coun ty against saiti Wm. Russell for his state and county tax for the year 18J8, This Ju ly .4 h UXX). W. M. TAXXIiII, Sheriff C. Sheriff Sale. GEORGIA- Coffee County Will be sold on the lirst Tuesday in August next, public outcry, before the court house door in said county, within the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder, for cash, certain property, of which the following is full, complete discription. 50 acres more or less X f lot of land no. 514 in the sixth district I of said county, situated in the south east corner of said lot of land, md bounded as follows, on the north by lauds of Mrs. .1. 11. Bagiev. Moses Kirkland, Jr., 11. M. Tanner and A. .1. Meeks, and on the oast by original land line, and on tile south by original land line, on the west by original land ! line, Mrs. W. W. Cason and Mrs. S. W. Sellers, said fifty acres of land ly- < ing on the south side of Waycross Air Line R. R. Said property levied upon and to bo sold as the property of Mark Hall to satisfy an execution issued from the city com of Coffee county in favor of IJavid Kirkland, Jr., ad ministrator on the<i late of Lovett Harrell, deceased, and against said Mark Hall. This July 2mi I’MO. W.'M, TANNER. Sheriff C. C N. I’.CiOODYE'ii BlacXsmttb and Kheclsrlg'at, DOUGLAS, - - GEORGIA I am fully prepared to do al* finds of work iu my line. Such, as making and repairing buggies, wagons, road carts, timber carts, etc., etc. Horse-Shoeing A Specialty. i) .1 llasliburu k San. LIL XToX. GA. harness AND SADDLE MAKERS, Fish, Beef, Hutton <Scc. 1 hr old market will supply everybody _ with beef ail the time, fish two or three* times a week,and mutton and chickens wheu we 'can per them. Give us a trial. A. sales delivered. J. H. MOORE. • Sheri ft’s-Tax Sale. •.k RGlA—Coffee County. "will be sold before the court house Douglas, Coffee county, Georgia, k men the legal hours of sale on the k J'uesday in October next, three . T ,'. the southeast portion f Pear 11\ided .]<: n it by ..tret on : J. :. K l,:l BL B | H ■ . ) TA- V* , f f Douglas, Bs. Ml ‘"'S'. ~^P ■F B fronting on y vHAI-jy*. - cast to -Av > -.-Wr . ,'% J r, %' r ■ ' WF U NC E M ENTS. For Representative. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for representative from this county, subject to ihe action of tlie Democratic party. C. A. WARD, Jr. For Senator. I anrx niici* myself as earn!Mute from Scmiorial district composed oi Clinch, < '<f fee Ware comities. If elected I :-h:iU s< r. c the penult; iiniong whom i nave lived till niv lift* with a:i eye to tlie go<<l,” and an the repres--:;ialiv€ :n me sen ate of tvery man, previous; parly adiiia tionsand creed-making do dilTereimt LK.ML Gh JOilNs.uX. For Clerk. I hereby announce mvself a candidate for i lie ottiee of fieri: of tlie Hupei ior Court of (‘ofl’ee county: subject to the Democratic primary, and cumftHly ask the support of ihe citizens of the county. JILES .J. LOTT. For Clerk. I respect fully announce my candidacy fur the office of Clerk of .Superior Court, subject to the Democratic primary. J. R, OVERMAN. For Clerk. 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for oilieeof Elerk ot Superior Court Coffee county, and respectfully ask the support of ii ie pt - iple. J NO. i). ERIEII. For Tax Assessor. I hereby announce myself a candMalc for the ohire of Tax' Receiver of Coffee county, subject to t he act ion of mV friends. H. ELLIS, Gar rant, (ia. For Sheriff. T take this method of announcing my self as a candidate for tlie office of Sheriff off’olTeecounty, subject to tin* democratic primary. If elected i shall discharge ihedpties of the oHioe fearlessly without favor or eflection. • W. W. SOI THERLAND. For Sheriff. The many friends of lx. S. Guthrie here by announce him as a candidate for Sheriff of Coffee county, and ask the support of the yeomanry of the county. For Sheriff. Gentlemen, I am a free and independent candidate for Sheriff' of <'otTee county, and jink the citizens of this county to vote for me. Ifeleetodl vyiil be your devoted ser v Ullt. W. H. Wl KODX. X / LADIES’ \ /MAN-TAILORED N : Suits - Skirts - Waists \ Wrappers \\ —so t.H AGENTS I OH— j \ kai. o coitse r. / %V VIVs ’EIIWEAK. / V ETC. FOR Men, Women, Misses, Girls, Boys and Children. [TTeRE is no collection of finely designed Jl and constructed Clothing in Georgia equal to ours. We excel, as always, in QUANTITY, QUALITY and PRJCE.^^. Spring aqd Rummer pui, Underwear, Negligee Goods and 1 flfliflO nannrtmtm Unrivaled South. Belts. Girdles, LUlllbO iidjJu lilbil Buckles, Neckwear, Underwear, Etc. \ * \ MAIL ORDERS wT|m i >^:'o. a o?"uh privilege ot examining h'ffire paying. ’ 1.1. ISI Hit SAVANNAH. GA. KIMBALL HOUSE, * Pearson, Ga. C. P. Holzendorf, Prop. RATES, $2,00 PER D A Y. Special Rates by the Week or Month. Livery in Connection. Stylish Rigs Furnished at any Hour W 'y • fiy .'i> - ' !/v> , i. t ‘G 7V, V. - .2 .■1'.,..-.”. ,-T”;, ,C' v sit PROFESSIONAL CARDS. $ " -V, -Vii- —1.,“ —/1—,.,' 1,7 —l. /l 5! JOHX H. O’yUINN, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. DOrOJ.AS GA. Office near Bank Building, opposite B. Peterson’s brick block. H. O. SNOW, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. DOUGI.AS, GA., Callspromptly attended. Office Sibbett Drug Cos. quincey & McDonald, Attorneys at Law, Douglas, Ga. Offices in Bank Building, TIIE CITY BARBER SHOP, ARTHUR BROOKS, PRO. In front of Bank Building Douglas, Ga. Carries a nice line of cheroots, cigars, Ae. Everything clean and cool. Your patronage solicited. J. R. nUADFIEDD, CEO. M. RICKBTSON J six AD LILLI) & RICKETHON. Physicians and Surgeons. Broxton, Georgia. \Y. F. SIBBETT, Physician And Surgeon, Dougeas, Ga. Calls promptly answered day or flight WARREN I*. WARD, Attorney At Law,, ( la. Will practice in all the courts of Coffee County an ! elsewhere by contract. F. WILLIS DART, Attorney At Law,, Ga. Office in Court House. B. A. HENDRICKS, Attorney At Law, WILI.ACOOCTI EK, GA. Collections and Criminal Laws a special ty. Office hours in Douglas, Ga., from da. m. to sp.m. Third Monday in each month. C. A. WARD, Jr. Attorney At La w Dougeas, Ga. Prompt attention given to all busines Placed in my care. Office in'court house. LEVI OSTEEN, Attorney at Law, DOUGLAS, GA. Solicitor City Court. Office in Court House. /<r- aii i msiness entrusted tome will be promptly attended to, receiving most care ful attention. Special attent ion given to collections. DK. J. A. MONTGOMERY, i Dental Surgeon. Oltice at Buck hotel. Will gladly advise with those desiring dental work. Both operative and prosthetic work guaranteed. “PERFECT” 'V Is the only word that describes our i j Mammoth High Grade Stock of Fashionable and Correct ! SPffIUS AND SUMMER u& mums / m e irs*X /FINE HATS. \ j Negligee Shirts, j | Pajamas. \ SWELL SECKH EAR j \ UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY. / % THIN GOODS. J? Ns Etc., Etc. W anted! All people to come and have a look at our work, and to give us their orders for any kind of Picture they may desire. V e make Small or Large Photos, also do Enlargin OUR PRICES are as REASONABLE AS FAIR WORK WILL PERMIT, and you would not find it necessary to go to a larger citv to get your HAB\ or FAMILY PORTRAITS taken. As long as there are any babies to make pictures from us long will that be our specialty. We also are prepared to give lessons in drawing and painting. Respectfully, CREEL & JANTZON. DOUGLAS, - - GA A WORD X.. ♦ ♦ Sc listen! Do you want some GOOD PHOTOS MADE ? If so, you are the one this is for. 1 want your trade, and if COOD WORK, low prices and PROMPT ATTENTION can secure it 1 am 0. K. Mil EEetes FMty Larger Sizes Equally as Cheap in Proportion. ALL PICTURES GUARANTEED. You will find me at Post Office. J. H. BOONE, HAZLEHURST, GA. Nichols Bottling Works, I). W. Job n son j j\'I dnager, NICHOLS, - - - GEORGIA. Soda-water all flavors. Ginger-ale, Coco cola, and Iron-Brew. Good service, prompt ness, fair dealing and special attention to mail orders. Waycross Clothing ♦ STORE * Waycross, Ga The best place in Georgia for Clothing, Ha ts Shoes and gents’ furnishings. i Good Reliable, Goods at Prices to Suit tlie People. * When you go to Waycross be sure and call at The Waycross Clothing Store Waycross, Georgia- Builders’ i HarduJareT We buy our HARDWARE in the Builder’s Line Direct From One of the Leading Manufacturers, and we can certainly Save you some money, (besides give You better goods than you get Elsewhere) if you will let us figure with you on THAT BILL. DON’T Buy It By Piecemeal, Know you never in tended to, but figure up just What you will need to complete the job, and we will make you a RATTLING GOOD ESTIMATE. JUST Remember that we carry a full stock of the Best White-Pine SASH, BLINDS and DOORS. WATT-IIARLKY HARDWARE CO., Plant Avenue, - - Waycross. Georgia. §\jfan 3]lacf\ine ar\cl xSFoun<ir\j, *3* CiD. Swiai), 3rci\ ar\ci 3c) rass Gastir\g a Specialty, Special Attention to Boiler -Work, All Kinds of Machinery Repaired. £ooorr\otiv' l es 9c)uift cu>cl Good Second Hand Saw Mill Machinery for sale. Reasonable Prices Paid for old Iron and Brass. 9c>TUT\elf Street,