The Douglas breeze. (Douglas, Coffee County, Ga.) 18??-190?, September 01, 1900, Image 8

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CITATION. Wf GEORG lA Coffee County. K. Wright. affmi.strator upon the estate of Jl. K. Wright late of Haiti county deceas e t having made application to me indue 1 rin for leave to .sell the lands belonging ti said estate, for distrihnt on. Not ire m hereby Riven that said application will lx* heard at the regular term of the court of ordinary lor said county to he held on t ic first Monday in (September 1900. Witness nty hand and official signature tliisOth day of August 1900. Tll<)K. YOUNG, Ordinary CITATION. < - >K( )UOT A —Coffee County. r •left Wilcox a resident of said state, hav ing duly applied to be appointed guardian | of the person and property of Johnnie .1. Phillips and fsamuel i> Phillips minors j over the age of fourteen years and of Pres ton P. Phillips a minor under the age of ! fourteen years, all of said minors resident in said county. Notice is hereby,.given that said application will lx paused mi at ihc n<‘xt court of ordinary f'TTsaid cothity to he held on the first Monday in Septem ber 1900. Witness my hand and official signature this "tli day August 1900. TliO.S. YOUNG. Ordinary. CITATION. < ■ EOHGIA —Coffee County. C. 11. Tison having made application to me indue form, tone appointed perma nent administrator upon the estate of Martin Holt, late of said county deceased notice is hereby given that said applica tion will be heard at the regular term of tlie court of ordinary for said county to h lield on thi first Monday in September 1900. Witness my band and otlicial signa ture this 6tb dav of August. 1900. THUS. YOUNG, Ordinary. CITATION. • GEORGIA Coffee County. Sarah A. Gaskin, having mj>(lc ap- me in cue form, to he ap pointed permanent administratrix up on the estate of Simon P. Gaskin late of said county deceased, notice is here by given that said application will lie heard at the regular term of the court of ordinary for said county to lie held <ni the first Monday in September 1900- Witness my hand and official signa ture, this August htli 1900. THOS. YOUNG, Ordinary CITATION. GEORGIA —Coffee County. T. P. Wilcox having made auplica tion t<? me in due form to be appointed guardian of the person and property of Pearl Pickren and Myrtle Pickren minor children of IC. 1., Pickren. No tice is hereby given that said apylica tion will be heard at the regular term of tlic court of ordinary for said coun ty, to be held on the first Monday in September 1900. This bth day of August 1900. THOS, YOUNG, Ordinary. CITATION. GEORGIA Coffee County. Elijah Tanner. Sr., administrator i S Ilenry Hargraves, colored, having made application to me in due form to be discharged from said administra tion, notice isgivin that said applica tion will he h< ar 1 at my office on the first Mondav i ll November, 1900. This bth day of Augm-t loot) THUS. YOUNG, Ordinary. CITATIf >N. GEORGIA Coffee County. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has applied to tile Ordinary of said county for leave to sell land belonging to the estate of John W. Tanner, for tlie payment of debts and for distribution. Said application will lie heard tit my office on tile first Monday in Kept* niher next. This bth day of August. 1900. iIEiIKY 11. TANNER. Jk. Admr Kst. John W. Tanner. r.vTION. tiKi iMSIA- dice County. Ilerry H. Tanner. Jr., Executor on the estate of Penelope Davis late of said county, deceased, having filed his petition for discharge, this is to cite all persons concerned to show cause, if they can, why, said pe tition should not be granted as asked for at tny office on the first Moudjm iu November, .1900. This A' oh,, I'Vtp. 90ds THOMAS YOUNG Only. CTTATK 'N. GKt IRGIA Coffee County. W. H. Merritt having made applica tion to nie in due form to be appointed permanent administrator upon the estate of Lucinda Merritt, late of said county deceased. Notice is hereby given that said application will be heard at the regular term fof Con gt of Ordinary to >o held first Monday in September. This Aug. 6tn, 1900. THOMAS YOUNG, Ordinary. Administrator's Sale. GEORGIA Coffee County. Will be sold September 4th, UkXl, be fore the court house door in Douglas, Ga,, for cash, an undivided one-half interest in that part of lot No. 1 in the 7th district of Coffee county, lying south and west of branch known as j the Still Branch, and containing 75 acres more or less thereof. Said in terest being the undivided interest of the late David F. Williamson, deed. SARAH A. WILLIAMSON. Administrator; I - ~ CITATION. GEORGIA—CofTt o County. l'o whom it may concern : Thv heirs of I tlie estate o**J-thn Lott, late of said county I tjeceaactl, are notifie I to appear at the *t~ tioe of the ordinary f aaiii county on the first Monday iti October next, fur a settle ment uf the estate, ecortling to law. This (sth dav of August. lfkki M C. ( I.AYTON, Adiu’r. Builder. lain in the carpentering business ' an honest living out of it. hence if v - Nig building done bo sure -eint. i\ oil let it to any j ’ •,i strictly i with pleasure. JAS. A. CARTER. N. F.GOODYFP BlacKsiaUh s&eeliTlgfct, u't'j \s. - Georgia! a. is, Um -ntr c. u, etc., etc. Mon>.Shoeing A Specialty. 1 Petition for Charter. GEO KG i A —Coffee < lounty. To the superior court of said teounty: Tlie petition of B. Peterson, Charles I). Adams W. O. Paxson, T. Tanner C. E. Baker, Daniel Gaskin, tir. T. li. Marshall, Joliu Mel,can John M. 1/itt, Sr. W. F. Hib bett, M. Ashley, William Vickers, Hr. Jesse Ixitt, J. 8. "Lott, Elias Lott, It. H. Hmith, and others, all of this state and county shows: lit. That they desire, themselves, tlieir associate- and successors, to he incorpo rated for a period of twenty yearn, with the privilege of renewal at the end of that time, under tlie name and style of “The Merchants and Farmers Warehouse Com pany.” 2nd. The place of residence of said cor poration shall be in the county of Coffee aud state aforesaid, and its chief office and place of business ill the city of Doug las in said county and state aforesaid. ii The business said corporation purposes carrying on is that of a general warehouse business, and more especially the engaging in the business of receiving, storing and safely keeping cotton, wool and other like articles and things and to conduct such a business and in such a way as is usually carried,on by warehouse com panies. ■ltii Petitioners desire the privilege of building, renting or leasing, such ware house buildings, or other buildings of any kind, shelters, yards or such other like places as may be deemed necessary or de sirable by sanl corporation for tlie propel storing, care and protection of the cotton or other articles, goods or things intrusted to said corporation, or as may lie deemed best for the successful transaction of the business fo: which said company is to lie ■ and said corporation de sires uie i i„:.i generally to lease, purchase and hold any real and personal property, and to sell, exchange, encumber or other wise dispose of tlie same whenever in tlie judgment of the board of directors it may be to the advantage of the company so to do. sth. Tlie main object of the corporation will tie to promote and protect the interests of the farmers an 1 citizens generally by offering and affording them safe and ade quate warehouse privileges for tlieir cotton, wool and other products or articles, and in tli is way aid them in getting better prices for tlieir said cotton and otiier products; witli the further object of securing for tlie members of the corporation reasonable returns from tlieir investment. oth. The capital stock of said company shall be fifteen hundred dollars, divided into one hundred and fifty shares of ten dollars each; with the privilege of increas ing tlie same by a vote of two-thirds of tlie stockholders at a duly called convention, to an amount'not exceeding twenty-five thousand dollars. 7th. Petitioners desire to have and use a common seal; the right to sue and he sued; to plead and lie impleaded, and to have ail the privileges powers, duties and immunities which the laws of (ieorgia give, grant and guaranty to all business cor porations. 6th. Petitioners desire that the manage ment and control of said corporation shull lie vested in a hoard of not less than seven directors (said hoard may he increased to not more than fiftß"n members at any reg ular annual meeting of stockholders before die election of the hoard for the ensuing year) from which a president, vice-presi dent a secretary and treasurer shall lie elected by said board. The same director may fill, at the same time, the offices of secretary and treasurer. The term of office of said directors shall he for one year and until their successors are elected and qualified 9th. The board of directors may appoint a general manager, or such other ■ nicer or officers or cmployccys as may lie deemed necessary for properly conducting said business. Such officers or employees to be provided for, they arc deemed necessary, by flic liy-laws rules or regulations of the company, and their powers aud duties therein defined and also their terms of office and salary or remuneration. 10th. IV! ilioiin'rt deni re the right to adopt any and all by-laws, rules and regulations that may he deemed necessary for the guidance and government of said cor poration. and of its olHcers, agents and employees. 11th. Petitioners allege that all of said eup'tal stock will he bona tide subscribed for 10 percent thereof paid in before said corporation shall commence business. 1 ‘th. Your petitioners will file this pe tion and publish the same aceoading to the statutes in sue case made and pro vided and a f ter having complied with the low, they pray for an order of incorpora tion as herein set out ond petitioned for. And petitioners will ever pray. F. WILLIS DART. Petitioners’ Attorney. Filed in otlieo July 24, 1900, I*. W. GAS KIN, (Turk Superior Court Coffee county. (1 iCUKtI iA—Coifee County. 1. I>. \V. Gaskin, clerk of the superior court of said county, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct copy of the original application for the charter of "The A!* rebuilts and Farmer’ Warehouse Com pany.” as appears of file in this office. Witness my ollleiul signature and seal of said court, this July 24th. HXK). I>. W. OASKIX, Clerk 8. C. C. C. (la. Rule Ni Si. t Foreclosure Alisa Bell Graham < of mortgage vs. / in Coffee ru- FaiuiieGooge& \V. R. Gopge \ perior court i March term ( 1000. It appearing and being represented to the court by tlie petition of Mias Belle Graham that on the first day ot July iSt)7 Fam ie (looge ami W. R. Gouge executed and delivered to said petitioner a mortgage note i*i certain real estate lying in said county described as follows, one dwelling house and lot, situated in the town of Broxton, (la., and known and described as follows, bounded on the north by road leading from IJaz’ehurst to Broxton mid on the east by lands of Jesse Lott on the south by lands of Jesse Lott on the west by Braxton and Shepherd load. For the p'urpose of securing the payment of a eer tain mortgage note for the sum of one hundred and eighty-one dollars and nine teen cents $1 SI. 19. Executed and deliver ed by the said Fannie (looge and W. It. (looge to said Miss Bell Graham on the first day of July, and due on the first day November 1597. stipulating for interest from maturity at the rate of 8 per cent per annum, and 10 percent attorney fees. It is ordered that the s.,id defendant do pay into this court by the first day of the next term, the principal including attor ney fees interest and cost due on said mort gage note or show cause why thev should hot pay the same, or that in default there of the aforesaid mor gage note be fore closed and the equity of redemption of the said defendants, therein forever haired, and hat service of this ru.e be perfected on said defendants according to law. This March ’.fwth 1900. JOSEPH W. BENNETT. J udge Supr. court B. C. D. W. GASKIN. Clerk 3. C. C. C. !) .J 'UsiilHirii & Son. }'.n( X I ON. GA. 1 lARXIiSS AND SADDLE HIKERS. Sheriff’s—Tax Sale. GEORGIA—-Coffee County. Will be sold before the court house in Douglas, Coffee county, Georgia, between the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in October next, three i acres in the southeast portion *f Pear son, bounded on the north by street on the east and south by lands of Jeff Kirkland, anil west by lands of Jeff Kirkland and Mrs. Martha McLendon, being a part of lot of land No. 32 in the 7th District, to satisfy a tax exe cution issued by T. L. Paulk, tax-col lector of said county. To be sold for taxes due thereon for the year 1899, together with interest and costs, pro vided the said taxes, interest and costs cannot be made by renting or hiring the said property. This July 2d. 1900. W. M. Tanner, Sheriff C. C. Sheriff’s Sale. GE< > KG lA —Coffee County. Will be sold before the court house door at Douglas. Ga., on the first Tuesday in September ISOO, between tlie legal hours of safe, to tlie highest bidder for cash, tlie following property, tow it: One acre of land in the town of Nichols, (ieorgia, with all tlie improvements thereon, die same being part of lot of land No. 514, in the 6th dis trict of Coffee county, Georgia, and bound ed on tlie north and west by lands of G. W. liennett. deceased, on the east by lands of W. J. Hmith, and Waycross Air Line Railroad, and better known as the “Hin son property.” in said town. Said prop erty levied upon and to be sold as tiie property of 0. 11. Hinson, to satisfy a fifa issued from the Oitv court of Doug las, in favor of A. I). Candler, Governor of Georgia, and again°t C. H. Hinson, prin cipal and Jo tin Williams, security. Writ ten notice given C. 11. Hinson, and J. F. Cook, tenant in possession, in terms of tlie law. Ibis June 7, 1900. W. M. TANNER. Shet iff. ANNOUNCEMENTS. For Representative. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for representative from this county, subject totiie action of the Democratic party. 0. A. WARD, Jr. For Senator. I annonucc myself as candidate from Senatorial dist rict composed of Clinch, Cof fee and Ware counties. If elected I shall serve the people among whom I have lived all my life with an eye to tlie “peoples good,” and as the representative in tlie Sen ate of every man, previous party affilia tions and creed-making io difference LEMUEL JOHNSON. For Clerk. I hereby announce myself a candidate for tlie office of Clerk of the Superior Court of (dffee county; subject to the Democratic primary, and earnestly ask tlie support of the citizens of tlie county. JILES J. LOTT. For Clerk. i respectfully announce my candidacy for tlie office of Clerk of Superior Court, subject to till* Democratic primary. J. R. OVERMAN. For Clerk. [ hereby announce myself a candidate for office of (Jerk ot Superior Court Coffee county, and respectfully ask tlie support of Die people. JNO. D. FRIER. For Tax Assessor. 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for tlie office of Tax Receiver of Coffee county, subject to tlie action of my friends. H. ELLIS, Garrant, Ga. For Sheriff. I take this method of announcing my self as a candidate for tlie office of Sheriff of Coffee county, subject to the democratic primary. If elected ‘T shall discharge tlie duties of tlie office fearlessly without favor or etlection. W. W. SOUTHERLAND. For Sheriff. Tlie many friends of L. 8. Guthrie here by announce him as a candidate for Sheriff of Coffee county, and ask tlie support of the yeomanry of the county. For Sheriff. Gentlemen, 1 am a free and independent candidate for Sheriff of Coffee county, and ask the citizens of tliis county to vote for me. If elected I will be your devoted ser vant. W. H. WILCOX. / LADIES’ \ “PERFECT” /MAN-TAILORED \ !' .. _. . . ... ~ 1 Is <he only word that describes our ; Suits * Skirts - Waists! Mammoth High Grade Stock of ! Wrappers I Fashionable and Correct \ / SPRING AND SUMMER FOR Men, Wand^Chilten^ rfiERE is no collection of finely designed A and constructed Clothing in Georgia equal to ours. We excel, as always, in and^PßlCE.^^ "/(“dTely Bqd glUtg, Underwear. Negligee Goods and Furnishings. lies Purlin eJ MAIL ORDERS !MI ter) \ UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY, JS SAVANNAH GA. KIMBALL HOUSE, Pearson, Ga. C. P. Holzendorf, Prop. RATES, $2.00 PER DAY. Special Rates by tlie Week or Month. Livery io Connection. Stylish Rigs Furnished at any Hour sis % PROFESSIONAL CARDS. X ; v-iy yuy w spy s>)i> v'o, vl yoy vv?'.; f pT,.Vvi V* Vvlvx ’iviy. *v!%n <?!<" 'l* JOHN H. O’QUINN, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. DOUGLAS GA. Office near Bank Building, opposite B. Peterson’s brick block. H. O. SNOW, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. DOUGLAS, GA., callspromptly attended. Office Sibbett Drug Cos. quincey & McDonald, Attorneys at Law, Douglas, Ga. Offices in Bank Building, TIIE CITY BARBER SHOP, ARTHUR BROOKS, PRO. In front of Bank Building Douglas, Ga. Carries a nice line of cheroots, cigars, ifcc. Everything clean and cool. Your patronage solicited. .1. R. BRADFIKLI), OEO. M. RICKETSON BRADFIELD & RICKETSON. Physicians and Surgeons. Broxton, Georgia. W. F. SIBBETT, Physician And Surgeon, Douglas, Ga. Calls promptly answered day or night WARREN P. WARD, Attorney At Law, Douglas, Ga. Will practice in all the courts of Coffee County and elsewhere by contract. F. WILLIS DART, Attorney At Law, Douglas, Ga. Office in Court House. R. A. HENDRICKS, Attorney At Law, WILLACOOCHEE, Ga. Collections and Criminal Laws a special ty. Office hours in Douglas, Ga., from 9 a. m. to 5 p. in. Third Monday in each month. C. A. WARD, Jr. Attorney At Law Douglas, Ga. Prompt attention given to all busines Placed in my care. Office in court house, LEVI OSTEEN, Attorney at Law, DOUGLAS, GA. Solicitor City - Court. Office in Court House. JTJP" All business entrusted to me will be promptly attended to, receiving most care . fill attention. Special attention given to | collections. DR. J. A. MONTGOHERY, Dental Surgeon. Office in Bank Building . Will gladly advise with those desiring dental work. Both operative and prosthetic i work guaranteed. Wanted! All people to come and have a look at our work, and to give us their orders for any kind of Picture they may desire. We make Small or Large Photos, also do Enlargin OUR PRICES are as REASONABLE AS FAIR WORK WILL PERMIT, and you would not find it necessary to go to a larger city to get your BABY or FAMILY PORTRAITS taken. „ As long as there are any babies to make pictures from as long will that be our specialty. We also are prepared to give lessons in drawing and painting. Respectfully, CREEL & JANTZON. DOUGLAS, - - GA A WORLD ♦ * Cos You, listen! Do you want some GOOD PHOTOS MADE? If so, you are the one this is for. I want your trade, and if GOOD WORK, low prices and PROHPT ATTENTION can secure it I am O. K. Sfix Bust Ptotos Hw FMtty Gteunta. Larger Sizes Equally as Cheap in Proportion. ALL PICTURES GUARANTEED. You will find me at Post Office. J. H. BOONE, HAZLEHURST, GA. Nichols Bottling Works, D. W. Johnson, Manager, NICHOLS, --- GEORGIA. Soda-water all flavors. Ginger-ale, Loco cola, and Iron-Brew. Good service, prompt ness, fair dealing and special attention to mail orders. Waycross Clothing 4 STORE * Waycross, Qa The best place in Georgia for Clothing, Hats Shoes and gents’ furnishings. * Good Reliable, Goods at Prices to Suit the People. ♦ When you % fo W aycross he sure and call at The Waycross Clothing Store Waycross, Georgia- I Builders’ i Hardware! We buy our HARDWARE in the Builder’s Line Direct From One of the Leading Manufacturers, and we can certainly Save you some money, (besides give You better goods than you get Elsewhere) if you will let ♦ us figure with you on THAT BILL. *3 S3 *3 DON’T Buy It By Piecemeal, Know you never in tended to, but figure up just What you will need to complete the job, and we will make you a RATTLING GOOD EST I HATE. JUST Remember that we carry a full stock of the Best White-Pine SASH, BLINDS and DOORS. IWATT-HARLEY HARDWARE CO., I Plant Avenue, - - Waycross, Georgia. STlacffine CDorfe ai\ci 3* oui\^r\j, ©, 3\ TO. §Vjfai\, Proprietor. sroi\ ai\cl % rass ©asting a §peciaft\f, Special Attention to Boiler -Work, All Kinds of Machinery Repaired. £o©on\otiVes 9c) ui It ar\<i 9\epaire(i, Good Second Hand Saw Mill Machinery for sale. Reasonable Prices Paid for old Iron and Brass. sc)rui\eff (Street, Qa.