The Douglas breeze. (Douglas, Coffee County, Ga.) 18??-190?, September 15, 1900, Image 4

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THE DOUGLAS BREEZE. J. M. FREEMAN DAUGHTERS, Proprietors JAMES M. FREEMAN. AQNES F. FREEMAN Editors and Publishers. CALVIN A. WARD, JR.. Associate. Entered as Secondi-Class Mail Matter. SATURDAY, SEPT, 15, 1900 Official Organ of County. Authorized Aeent for the Breeze. Mr. James McCarty is author ized to solicit and make contracts for advertising, job printing and subscriptions, at Nichols or else where, for the Breeze. The republican newspapers and stump-speakers have sought in vain for some blemish or dark spot in the past life or character of W. J. Bryan. Columbus, Ga., received a train load, twenty-two cars, of Texas oats last week. This is the first solid train-load of oats received in the state this year. More than 3000 people were kill ed and drowned by the storm in Texas last week, thousands of homes were destroyed, and millions of hogs, sheep and cattle perished. The disastrous storms in Louis ana and Texas will help to raise the price of what cotton is made, but not enough to repair the dam ages to life and property that was made by the storm’s fury. Li Hung Chang, the Chinese liar, says he wants to do as the powers intimate, but the empress will not let him. Li Hung Chang seems to be between the devil and the deep blue sea. Women of the highest social standing are among the daily vis itors to the cell of Powers, the con victed accomplice in the Goebel murder. The sympathetic nature of woman will lead her to the grave. There are some capitalists in England who still have an idea that old Confederate bonds will be puid by the United States govern ment some day. They have sev eral millions of these bonds which they guard with zealous care. At noon last Monday Gen. Joe Wheeler, commander of the depart ment of the lakes in the United States army, formerly of the Con federate States army, ceased to be an otlicer in the army, having reached (lie age of 64, the limit for army service. When the American troops evac uate the Chinese capitol, in the face of the confirmed reports of rapine and murder perpetrated up on male and female missionaries, then Arnold the traitor will have been out-classed, and the adminis tration at Washington convicted of having played a leading hand in a grand farce from beginning to end. McKinley’s letter of acceptance of his nomination, blocked out by Mr. llanna, was sent out last Mon day. It is a splendid array of good cnglish language, but it fails en tirely to bring anything to the minds of the American people, ex cept that the present administra tion is fearful of defeat in No vember. Concerning the furies of the storm in Texas last week. Mr. L. B. Carrollton, president of the business league of Alvin, savs : "Not a building is left standing in the town, either residence or business. Stocks of goods and house furniture are all ruined and a total lo^.” \ .1 is a own of jcxx> people am fifteen or twenty stores, some of them three stories high, and built of brick. Mr. Bryan’s campaign, if suc cessful, means trouble for trusts and frauds. Last week the Stand • ' : Cos., president, Mr. Rodg er* refused to let Mr. Bryan’s car be attached to a regular train on an Ohio Railroad, as other roads have been doing, to reach an ap pointment. and he was compelled to pay fare as a regular passenger, although an arrangement to that effect had been made. This shows an whose side the trusts are. and was a lucky stroke for Mr. Bryan is Mr. Rogers' gained for him AMONG THE EXCHANGES. Interesting Items Gleaned From Our State Papers. The public schools of Atlanta opened last Monday with more than 30c x> pupils. The little town of Metcalf, in Thomas county was nearly destroy ed by fire last week. An Albany physician has pur chased an automobile to be used in his extensive practice. Cordele wants the Waycross Air Line, after its extension to Fitzger ald. Cordele certainly shows a strong hand. Mr. Louis Pendleton, formerly of Valdosta, more recently of Macon, is now one of the editors of the Philadelphia Record, a leading Democratic Journal of that city. Valdosta’s new artesian well turns out to be one of the finest in the state, with a fine stratum of sul 'brr, and a flow of 300 gallons per minute. Macon’s street fair begins on October 30th, and promises to be one of the most interesting exhibi tions held in the state for a long time. The Glynn County Pickett is young, but it talks out in meetin’ like a man. Both the editors are live wires. The population of Atlanta, by the late census, is 89.872. There are several suburban villages, how ever, which if counted with above, would swell the population to 120.000. The recent census shows that there are 25.000 more women in the city of New York than men. Blakely Reporter : “An Alabama man killed his sister’s husband, the other day, because the husband had abused the wife.” According to the laws of nature he did right, but in the eyes of the law he is a murderer. If it is a just law, it is a hard one, that a man must give up his sister or his daughter to the brutality of a fiend, whom to pun ish for his cowardice is to endanger his life or liberty. Still, it is a poor man, a sorry brother or father that will let a scoundrel abuse his sister or duughter, law or no law. Mark Hanna says the action of President Rodgers in refusing to carry Mr. Bryan’s special car over his railroad is the most unfortunate occurrence of the campaign for the republicans. He says it reminds him of a mistake Blaine made when he was running for President which elected Grover Cleveland, and will require a great deal of work to ob literate. It is an ill wind that blows good for no man. Only horses, men and monkey* sweat through tl*** pores of the body. The corn belt has one of the best crops of corn now maturing which It has ever grown. A lent tool Is always out of order. Men will not care for others’ property as they will for their own. Never Indorse a note for your broth er-in-law, for the cluances nre you will have to pay It few yxmr wife’s sake. Anew pattern of 1 mower cutting a swath 10 feet In width and 30 acres of grass a day Is claimed to run just as easily as the old four foot machine. We do not believe that docility and gentleness can be licked Into a dairy cow. A cow which has to be licked should be fired from the dairy herd. Argentina will export not far from 75,000,000 bushels uf wheat this year, and It is produced there at a smaller cost per bushel than in any other coun try. It Is always a difficult matter to undertake to change the food and the religion of men. A scrap may always be looked for when the attempt la made. It Is the working heu that lays the eggs. The heu that plays the role of my fine lady nud is not compelled to scratch for a living Is ready for the pot any day. When conditions are such that fruit trees make much new wood, they will not the next season more much fruit. Hank aud abundant foliage and good crops of fruit seldom go together. A cautious old Kansas granger said he was thankful to the I.ord for the big wheat crop, but daclined to ex press an opinion on the slate of tbfe country until he saw how tta? corn turned out. Don't pay some separator uSH for 1 lie privilege of diluGuß^^HHH| > - V. , -ouc r tl.e ere: 11c 1 a:. • 11 v - - - ■ ■ off tu* PEARSON PARAGRAPHS PENCILED. A Revival at Mt. Zion. Hamilton Sears on the Wing. Politicians With the Jug. and a Row at a School House. Pearson, Ga., Sept. 13, 1900 —In our immediate settlement all is well, and doing well. Rev. Jno. F. Smith of Ilomer ville and Rev. F. 11. Poston, of Douglas have been conducting a protracted meeting at Mt. Zion church. They were ably assisted by Rev. Gellispie and Rev. James Vining. A few members were added to the church leaving it in a revived conditian. “How beauti ful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things.” Mr. Hamilton Sears passed through this section last week see ing the people and informing them of his candidacy for treasurer, in his good natured way. He left many “Hamiltonians” behind him. We have been looking for a few dots upon Sunday school work from our worthy president, in the Breeze. We like to see politics handled by citizens, but we are sorry that so many grasp that handle that sticks to the side of a jug to run politics. The Red Bluff annual meeting was largely attended by Clinch and surrounding counties. A few days ago at the closing of Mr. Wm. Smith’s school over in Clinch, the patrons met and car ried their dinner, expecting to have a good time. About eleven o’clock a difficulty arose between some drunken boys resulting in a row in which Mark Walker was seriously stabbed in the back. The row was so exciting that everybody took their baskets and hurried home. Such are the results of whiskey. Misses Tabitha Pearson, Lena llolzendorf, Messrs. Charlie Du- Vall and Dr. Isler gave us a call Sunday afternoon. Miss Pearson informed us that she would return ito school at Milledgeville next Wednesday. E. T. Douglas Does Differently- Nearly every little town, and large ones too, advertise their schools and solicit outside patron age, but Douglas does not do so. If a man in the country or in some other town wants to know if Doug las has a school he can’t tell it from the columns of the paper supposed to carry such an advertisement. Abbeville, Arab!, Vienna, Fitzger ald, Cordele, Ocilla, Tifton, and nearly every place in southern Georgia, have schools and they have their advertisements in their papers, too. Douglas should ad vertise, and let it be known that she is the only town in this section that charges no tuition for resi dential students all the places men tioned above have fine schools and competent boards of teachersJbut none of them advertise absolute free tuition for resident pupils. Is the Normal Institutue an educational institution? If so does it propose to educate its students to believe that there is no virtue in advertis ing? It looks so to a man of ob servation, and while we have done all in our power in the past for its establishment, it has snubbed us completely. Gone to Athens. Alexander J. McDonald, who has been with us in Douglas for some months, and who had friends by the cord, left last Monday for a quick visit to his old home, Pen dergrass, Ga., after which he will enter school at Athens. Alex is a clever, good hearted boy, and there is no young man of our acquaint ance whom we’d sooner see succeed in life than him. If there is any thing mean about him he has kept it well concealed as we never found it out. Deafness Cannot Be Cured. By local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is bv constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed con dition of the mucous lining of the Eus tachian Tube. When this tube gets inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed deafness is the result, and unless the iuflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its norma condition, hearing will be des troyed forever, nine cases out of ten are caused is noth of m u o, Petition for Incorporation. GEO KG IA —Coffee County. To the Superior Court of said county. The petition of George Dole Wadiey, J. K. Wadley, and J. M. Ashley, shows: Ist. That they have associated them selves together for the purpose ot forming a private corporation and desire that they and such other persons as may hereafter be associated with them, their succcessors and assigns, be incorporated under the name of The Wadley J,umber Company, for a period of twenty years with the priv ilege of renewing their charter at the ex piration of said term. 2nd. That the object of their association is to erect, buy, lease, and operate steam saw mills, planing mills, dry kilns, and all and singular such other appliances and machinery as they may see proper to erect and operate in connection therewith, for the niaufacture of lumber, shingles and building material of all kinds, amt to con struct mnintain and operate tram roads for all purposes incident to said business and to purchase and own all necessary cars and locomotives therefor, and to stll lease or otherwise dispose of any such mills or manufacturing establishments and the products thereof, and any such tram roads and the equipments thereof as aforesaid; to buy, lease and own lands and timber, and to use, sell, lease or otherwise dispose of the same, and also to purchase, own, use, and sell livestock, carts wagons,tools and inipiiments of every kind and all such other property as may be necessary and legitimate to carry into effect the purpose oi the corporation or for securing debts due the said company; also to purchase and keen such supplies and carry on such gen eral mercantile business m connection therewith, as they may deem proper; and to borrow money issue notes, bonds and other obligations therefor, and to secure the same by collaterals, personal security, mortgages, deeds or otherwise. 3rd. That the capital stock of said com pany shall be $20,000.00, divided into shares of SIOO.OO each all of same to be actually paid in, with the piivilege of increasing the said capital stock from time to time as the board of directors may direct to any sum not exceeding $150,000.00, and to de crease said increase 1 capital stock in the same manner to any sum not less than the sum of $20,000.00 aforesaid. 4th. That the said company may organ ize by electing a board of directors com posed of such number as may he determin ed upon by the stockholders, and the se lection of officers, agents and employes and at such salaries or for such compen sation as shall he deemed proper and nec essary in carrying on business of said com pany, with the right to make such changes therein from time to time as may be found expedient, and also to have and use a com mon seal, and adept such by-laws and rules for the government of said company, as are not inconsistent with the charter thereof, nor in conflict with the constitu tion and laws of this state, or of the United States, ami to alter the same at pleasure. stli. That the place of doing business and carrying on the operations of said company, shall be at or near Vickers on the Waycross Air Line railroad, in said county of Coffee, with the right and priv ilege of keeping and maintaining the prin cipal office thereof at said place or else where in said state, and of doing business any where in said state or elsewhere through agencies established by said com pany or otiierwise as may be deemed best. Wherefore your petitioners pray that that they and their associates may be in corporated for the purposes aforesaid, un der said corporate nome, aud for the term specified, and that they and tneir associ ates, successors and assigns, may have all such rights, powers and privileges con ferred upon them as are usual and inci dent to corporations of like character. And petitioners will ever pray. J. L. SWEAT, Petitioner’s Attorney. GEORGIA —Coffee County. Clerk’s office superior court of said County. I, D. W. Gaskin, clerk of said court, do hereby certify, that the foregoing is a tru copy of the petition for charter oi the Wad ley Lumber Company, this day tiled in my office. Given under my hand and official signa ture, this Sept. 12tli 19U0, D. W. GASKIN, Clerk S. C. C. C. Gardeners and Truck Growers WUJm SAV 5 < 2figy M B r*SuYi*Q Bknctnb Biwnu Onion Seed and Skts, Valentine ai n> Refuses Beane. Matcblbus akd Money-Maker Tomato, Ktc., Btc. EVERYTHING FOR THE SUMMER AND FALL. GARDEN. ONLY HIGH GRADE TESTED SEED OFFERED. OTjifMl Cea>Mad Seed Bad Nursery Meuse is tl , South. YBM FOXOXA MPMKRIM 1 Addeene THE CRIFFINC BROS. CO.. AUP TXcnAOOB. BKD FARM*. | Cetelogne fjee. Jacksonville, fra . ANNOUNC E M E N T S. For Cl srk. I hereby announce myself a candidate for office of Clerk at Su nerior Court Coffee county, and respectful ly ask the support of the people. JXO. D. FRIEK. For Tax Assessor. 1 hereby announce/ myself a candidate for the office of Taxi Receiver of Coffee county, subject to tin* action of my friends H. 'ELLIS, Garrant.Ga- For Sheriff. The many frieiiicis of L. S. Guthrie here bv hffm as a candidate for Sheriff and a-k the support "V ,V* ’ ■ ’-v'i-lB ’ fttl; J)- J V . r an > ' '■ hus.-e-; T. GOTTLIEB S j NEW YORK BARGAIN STORE j Keeps customers moving onward and goods i moving outward by moving prices downward. This is our tirst summer in Douglas, Ga. We are here to stay and compete for trade. When you examine our FALL and WINTER DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, CLOTHING, SHOES, DOMES TICS, HATS, CAPS and NOTIONS at such astonish ing low prices, you will be less inclined to believe vour own eyes. Our Mr. Gottlieb buys direct from the firs hands for spot cash. There is NO MIDDLE MAN OR DRUMMER expenses to put on our goods. The customer receives the benefit. We are closing out our SLIMMER DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, SHOES and DRESS GOODS at 25 PER GENT LESS To maKe room for our Fall and Winter stocK daily coming in. You can return every article purchased at this store that fails to be as represented and your money refunded. It is useless to quote prices. Come and ex i amine for yourself. Yours to Serve, I N. E. ORY, Mgr. T. GOTTLIEB, Pro. Sheriff’s==Tax Sale. GEORGIA —Coffee County. Will be sold before the court house in Douglas, Coffee county, Georgia, between the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in October next, three acres in the southeast portion af Pear son, bounded on the north by street on the east and south by lands of Jeff Kirkland, and west by lands of Jeff Kirkland and Mrs. Martha McLendon, being a part of lot of land No. 32 in the /th District, to satisfy a tax exe cution issued by T. L. Paulk, tax-col lector of said county. To be sold for taxes due thereon for the year 1899, together with interest and costs, pro vided the said taxes, interest and costs cannot be made by renting or hiring the said property. This July 2d, 1900. W. M. Tanner, Sheriff C. C PERFECT” /mAN-TAILOREd\ ■ .u -u. . - ... . . 1 Is the only word that describes our jlSuits • Skirts • Wsists| Mammoth High Grade Stock of | Wrappers. I Fashionable and Correct \KABOCOKBET / SPRING AND SUMMER xrg'y am i ms FOR Men, Women, Misses,_Girls, Boys and Children. | HERE is no collection of finely designed X and constructed Clothing in Georgia equal to ours. We excel, as always, in QUANTITY, QUALITY and PRICE.. . J .. "sKKsy j&lfy, Underwear, Negligee Goods and Furnishings. IflftlOQ nOMirtmont Unrivaled South. Belts, Girdles, LuillUo UuPtllllllolll Buckles, Neckwear, Underwear, Etc. MAIL ORDERS IX ir.1,1 ri nnn /fINE_HATs\ iI. LEVY 1 1. feted \ UNDERWEAR. HOSIERySI SAVANNAH, GA. CITATION. GEORGIA—Coffee County. Elijah Tanner, Sr., administrator of Henry Hargraves, colored, having made application to me in due form to be discharged from said administra tion, notice is given that said applica tion will be heard at my office on the first Monday in November, 1900. This 6th day of August 1900 THUS. YOUNG, Ordinary. TOMBSTONES Made of Italian, Vermont or Georgia marble, as good and and as cheap as any one. Apply to THIS OFFICE.