The Douglas breeze. (Douglas, Coffee County, Ga.) 18??-190?, September 15, 1900, Image 5

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R. V. DOUGLAS, wmirxoK, - - - ®&, We carry one of the Largest stocks of Whiskies, Wines, Brandies, etc., in Brunswick, orjSoutheast Georgia. We buy in large quantities therefore have the inside on prices. We can fill every order, because we have every line of goods the trade. The PUREST PRODUCTS of the still and vineyard. Our specials : MURRAY HILL CLUB, LEWIS’ 66, CARSTAIR’S INVINCIBLE. FAMOUS YELLOWSTONE. Also handle complete line of straight whiskies. Jug orders a specialty. We pay special attention to the jug trade. Prompt attention given to all orders. Agent for the Acme Brewing Company. R. V. DOUGLAS, 206 Bay Street. RACKET STORE. DOUGLAS. <3 A Any article of merchandise in my line, Matting, Carpeting, Rugs, or anything else needed will be ordered for customers. Ward Avenue, in Front of Breeze r’ . —. 4 Gbe tUnicn Banking Company ♦ INCORPORATED 1898. J. M. ASHLEY, President, B. PETERSON, V. President. C. E. BAKER, Cashier. DIRECTORS J. J. LEWIS, B PETERSON, J. M. ASHLEY, J. S. LOTT, HENRY VICKERS, J. W. QUINCY, DAN. GASKIN, Sr. Accounts of Merchants and individuals Solicited. The accounts of individual merchant and corporations solicited MONUMENTS! TOMBSTONES; IRON AND WIRE FENCE If you are in need of anything in this line, call on or write me, at Douglas Breeze Office, Douglas, Georgia. J. M. FREEMAN Notice to Trespassers. GEORGIA —Coffee County. I‘urties engaged in fisning or hunt ing, in any manner whatsoever are warned not to trespass on lots of land 248, 259,304,305,306,344 and half of 260. in the first district of Coffee coun ty, the property of E. L. Pickren. Parties cutting or hacking-timber, getting out shingles or boards, hew ng sills or cutting ties or trespassing n any way will be prosecuted. Sept. l‘,ot—3ods. T. P. WILCOX, Guardian Watches, Jewelry, Clocks, Guns and pistols, repaired and work warranted satisfactory by M. M. Knight. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE Union Banking Company, DOUGLAS, GA., At ctose of business September sth, 1900. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts 556.205.10 Banking House .$7,007.83 Furniture and Fixtures $1,990.29 Due from banks and bankers in the State $9,025.30 Due from banks and bankers in oth er States 5706.70 Currency 51.189.00 Gold ®BIO.OO Silver, nickles and pennies $1,468.78 Checks and cash items _Aijßo9jA4 Total ! $79,262.94 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $18,400.00 Surplus fund $2,100.00 Undivided profits, less current ex penses and taxes paid $2,770.72 Individual deposits subject to check $32.59891 Time certificate $13,299.06 Cashier’s checks $94.25 Notes and bills rediscounted, bills payable, including- tin:; certifi cates representing borrowed mon ey 510.050.00 Tota I, ... $/y. 262.94 STATE OF GEORGIA, COUNTY OF COFFEE. Before me came J. M. Ashiey, president of The Union Banking Company, who be ing duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is true condition of said bank as shown by the books ci file in said bank. J. M. ASHLEY. Sworn and subsceibed to before me, this ICth day of Sept., 1900. JL C. E. >fKER, N. P. Coffee County, Ga. The entry into womanhood is a critical time tor a girl. Little men strual disorders started at that time soon grow into fatal complications. That female troubles are filling graveyards proves this, Wine of Cardui estab lishes a painless and natural menstrual flow. When once this important func tion is started right, a healthy life will usually follow. Many women, young and old, owe their lives to Wine (3 Cardui. There is nothing like it to give women freedom from pain and to fit young women for every duty of life. SI.OO bottles at druggists. Miss Pdla M. Strayer, Tully, Kaiu "I have suffered untold pain at menstrual pe riods For a long time, was nervous, had no appetite, and lost interest in everything, in fact was miserable. I have taken four bottles of Wine of Cardui, with Thedford’s Black-Draught, when needed, and to-day I am entirely cured. I cannot express the thanks I feel for what you have done for me.” For advice In cases requiring special dlrec tlons, address, giving symptoms, the Ladies’ Advisory Department, The Chattanooga Med* icine Company, Chattanooga, Tenn. lii Job Printing Neatly Executed at This OTtlce. OUR LOCAL AFFAIRS. OUR LOCAL AFFAIRS. Bring in your order for election tickets. The state and county election J comes off on October 3rd. And when you vote put in a tick-1 et for a straight party-line man. W. O. Pstxson will buy all your seed cotton, get his prices before selling. The water-melon crop lias been exhousted. The supply on hand is small. And the hogs continue to die. Meat will he meat next year at a good price. Gaskin & Davis s it, and sells it for less. ha Several parties from Waycross out at the Spring. We have a sly notion of annexing that town alter a while. Wait for Paxson’s new Dress Goods. Mr. Wooten is in New York buying them now. B. Peterson’s advertisement will appear as soon as the cut for his new building arrives, about Octo ber Ist. New stock of Millidery Goods just in at Rudolph’s. Fall and win ter styles. Luther Paxson has returned from Darien, and says lie couldn’t see the town for the niggers. Miss Tip. Douglas is at Rudolph’s and can fit up a dress or sell you a hat ot bottom prices. Wait for Paxson’s Clothing. Mr. Wooten has gone to New York for it, and it will be new and stylish. Episcopal services Sunday morn ing and evening, at the methodist church. All are cordially invited to attend. Lige Vickers is selling water melons at ioc a piece. A dose of calomel and three quinine capsules go with each melon. Gaskin & Davis has the nicest line of groceries in the city and they sell them cheap too. Friend Cribb, of Wilcox brought us the largest and longest stalk of green cane last Saturday we have seen. He has a fine crop, and this sample was not selected. Mr. Gus. L. Brack is now deputy clerk, in the office of Superior Court, vice Alex McDonald who resigned to go to school at Athens. Gus will make a good deputy clerk. Mr. B. Peterson is building an addition to his gin and grist mill his business having out grown his present premises. B. Peterson goes to bed early, gels up early and is mighty hard to catch as a rustler. Some of the negro nurses around Douglas are very careless with the babes entrusted to their care. We have seen three of them in a race across Ward avenue when it seem ed that the little fellows would be thrown out of the carriages and crushed. A rumor is current in town to the effect that Mr. J. M. Ashley is building a large two story house 55x52, out at his place three miles from town, and it is also hinted that he will get married about frost time. We have been expecting him to jump such a game as that on 11s, sooner or later. This is a secret, is told you confidentially, and you must not breathe it to a soul. Mr. J. T. Brown, the tree man I who has been here for the past j week, has succeeded in getting an j order from the city council for 200 of the Carolina Poplar, wich he [ sells. This is one investment that will not be regretted. The trees .will be set out this fall, and war ranted to live. A fine lot of linen and cotton noteheads, envelopes and linen type-writer paper just received at this office. We can give you as nice work at this office as you will get in southern Georgia. We want ill the job printing in tiie county, out we are not drumming for any in other counties that have print ing offices. Any other man that does shows a grasping, graveling disposition, smacking loudly of hogishness. The Buck Hotel, Douglas, Ga., Conveniently Located to Depot and % and Telephone Exchange. Patron age of Country People Solicited. Under New Management. GEORGE WOOTEK Lessee. ftF* Correspondents jumped us this week. From Douglas to Savannah and return on Monday 17th inst. for $2.00, over Air Line and Plant System. Tickets good three days. Building up the Town. Mr. B. Peterson is making ar rangements to commence building three or four collages for tenants. Mr. Frank Sweat is building some now and will put up five or six before he quits, four or five rooms each. Mr. Tim Tanner is building a large barn on rear of lot purchased from W. W. McDonald sometime ago. lie will also build an addition to the iron house, where Williford now keeps, for a market. 500 pairs shoes at new york cost at Gaskin & Davis. Barbecue and Fish-Fry. There will be a barbecue and fish-fry given out at Mr. Dennis Vickers’ on Saturday, September 22nd, and everybody is invited to he on hand. There will he plenty to eat, speeches, Ac., to amuse and make the people enjoy themselves. You are invited. All kinds of fruits and Vege tables at Gaskin & Davis. Will Speak in Douglas. We are pleased to state that Hon. W. G. Brantley will address the people of Coffee county, at the court house in Douglas on the first Monday in October. Mr. Brantley is well known here and the an nouncement that he will he here is sufficient. When you come to town don’t fail to see Gaskin & Davis in the new brick block next door to the “Jew Store.” Citation. GEORGIA —Coffee County, A. J. Jones administrator upon the estate of Aaron Brown late of said county deceased, having made appli cation to me in due form for leave to sell the lands belonging to said estate for the payment of debts and distribu tion, notice is aereby given that said application will be heard at the regu lar term of court of ordinary for said county, to be held on the first Monday in October 1900. This Sept. 3rd 1900. THOMAS YOUNG, Ordinary. Gaskin & Davis sells everything in the grocery line at lowest mar ket prices. EXCU RSION From Douglas to SavannaH!! Monday, September. 17th, Round Trip only $2 00 A Special train will leave Douglas at 6 a. m., September 17th. Fare for the round trip only $2.00 Tickets good for Three Days. The last opportunity of the season to visit Savannah. F. M. HAWKINS. Traffic Manager. Lost, Pocket Book. In Douglas or between Douglas and Saginaw, on Tuesday, August 28th, my pocket-book, genuine ’gator hide, medium size, containing two Colum bian silver half dollars and one five dollar bill, also one note for S2OO. against Dr. W. F. Sibbett, with cred its on it. The finder will be suitably rewarded by delivering same to this office, or to 2t. P. SELLERS. N. F. GOOD YE’K Blacksmith and Wheelwright, ! DOUGLAS, - - GEORGIA | I am fully prepared to do all kinds ■of work in my line. Such as making and repairing buggies, wagons, road j arts, timber carts, etc., etc. \ Horse-Shoeing A Specialty, j D ,J Mashburn & Son. BROXTON, GA. HARNESS m SSBDLE H#*£Rs. t_jtil— w. o. Paxson will t*V all your seed cotton, get his prices before selling. A Republican Trick Discovered. Gov. W'm. G. Stone, chairman of the democratic executive com mittee with head quarters at New York, has discovered a nicely ar ranged plot of tiie republican party to import negroes into West V ir ginia and Kentucky, to carry those countries for McKinley this fall. They are to be imported by rail road companies under the guise of being laborers, and will work on these roads until election day when they will be voted, after which they will go to their homes. The discovery of this piece of trickery, practiced before, will be frustrated, and may he the cause of bloodshed, for the depiocrats do not intend to he imposed upon and cheated out of their rights in that way.” Mr. Stone savs. You can go to Savannah and re turn on the 17th, for $2.00. 'rick ets good for three days. Cheaper than you can walk. Mistake Corrected. C. F. Melton was not a pardner, as stated in these columns,* with W. 11. Cockran, in the beef busi ness. He was only an employee, and not responsible for any of the debts, owed by Jones or Cockran, so he states. Watches, Jewelry, Clocks, Guns and pistols, repaired and work warranted satisfactory by M. M. Knight. Finley's Card. To (he brothers and sisters of (he Smyrna Association: Much has been said, and is still being said in regard to myself, and connection with the Association. In the first place, it is asserted that I declared a non-fellowship with the Smyrna Association which is palpably false. In the second place it is reported that 1 declared a non-fellowship with those that would not wash feet. This in part is false. We say in our articles of faith that we believe in the ordinances and ex amples that Jesus Christ, denomi nated, (The Lord’s Supper and washing the Saints feet,) we in the next breath say we don’t be lieve it and will not perform the rile, we then become to be liars, and that is the class that I have de clared a non-fellowship with—■ “Tlie Liar.” There is one charge that I am ready to plead guilty to, that is, contending for the faith that was once delivered to the saints, and contended for by some of the Smyrna Association. Now in conclusion, feet washing cuts no figure with me, hut your lying does. Rev. 22, 15. Yours to serve in the gospel. A. B. FINLEY. No more “fussing” because you can’t get nice Dress Goods and Trimmings. Mr. Paxson Inis sent Mr. Wooten to New York to buy the finest goods he can find. Says The Mormons Have Stolen His Wife and Children. A special from Fitzgerald last Saturday, says : “Yesterday a horse with a bug gy attached came up to Mr. Tom Howell’s, a prominent farmer liv ing near Ocilla, this county, and from the looks of the horse it was thought he had been without an owner some time. Mr. Howell, with his neighbors, at once insti tuted a search for the owner of the rig and some hours afterwards a white man was found wandering through tiie woods in a demented condition. From letters found in his. posess ion it was learned that the man’s name was J. M. Word, ol Macon, who represents the Excelsior Med icine Company of Waycross. Mr. Word (it may he Ward) told Mr. Howell that the mormons had kill ed his wife and children and wen then after him. Mr. Howell took him to Willacoochee, where lie was turned over to the authorities to receive proper medical treatment. Before parting witii Mr. Howell he gave him his watch and chain and requested that lie send it to his wife at Macon. The rig was iden tified as belonging to him, and it is thought with good treatment he will pull through his present con dition.” For Men Only. The ladies will please not read this. Mr. Wooten lias gone to New York to buy my Fall and Winter Stock of Clothing and Overcoats. Every piece of iny Clothing therefore will be brand new stuff, and his selections will enable me to please and fit every man and boy who comes forclothes. W. O. Paxson, Paxson’s cheap store, Douglas. OITATK N. GEORGIA —Coffee County. To whom it may < oneern: The heirs ot the estate of John Lott, late o said county deceased, are notified toappiarat the "i --tice nf tiie ordii.a- v of said jonn’.y on tht first Monday in OctOlur nex:, for a settle ment of the’estate. aei ordin <to 1 w. This Gth day of Aegust. 1900. I M. C. CLAY FOX, Adnt r. October Sheriff Sales. GEORGIA —Coffee County. Will be sold on the first Tuesday in October next, at public outcry at the courthouse door in said county, within the legal hours of sale to the highest bidder, for cash, certain property of which the following is a complete de scription: Fifty acres, more or less of lot No. 527, in the sth district of Coffee county, bounded north by lands of Gray A Gatchell, east by lands of Frank Cadv, south by original land land line, west by old tram-road run ning north and south, known as the old Kobert-Roberts place. Said prop erty levied on as the property of Jas. J. Roberts to satisfy an execution is sued from the City Court of Douglas, in favor of Pioneer Guano Cos. against Cain Williams, L. W. Bradford, J. Roberts, and J. J. Roberts. Said prop erty being in the possession of R. R Roberts. Levy made by W. A. J. Smith. Sheriff of the City Court of Douglas, and returned to me. This 3rd day of September 1900. W. M. TANNER, Sheriff. October Sheriff Sales. GEORGIA —Coffee County. Will be sold on the first Tuesday in October next, at public out-cry at the court house in said county within the legal hours of sale, to the highest bid der for cash, certain property of which the following is a full and complete description: One hundred and thirty acres more or less of lot of land No. 529 in the sth district of said county, lying and being north of Brunswick & Western railroad, bounded north by land of J. W. Roberts, east by lands of James Lott, south by Brunswick & Western railroad, west by lands of James Brown. The place on which L. C. Taylor now resides. Said property levied on as the prop erty of L. C. Taylor, to satisfy three Justice court titas, issued from the Justice's court of the 1020 district G. M. said county. One in favor of J. M. Burkhalter, Jr., for $38.14 principal besides interest and costs. One in fa vor of 11. F. Summerlin, for $25.00 principal besides interest and costs. One in favor of B. 11. Gammage for $17.00 principal besides interest and costs. Said property being in the posession of L. C. Taylor. This Sept. 3rd, 1900. Levy made by W. H. Lee, constable of the 1026 dist. G. M. Coffee county anil returned to me. W. M. TANNER, S. C. C. Administrator’s Sale. GEORGIA Coffee County. Agreeable to an order of the court of ordinary for said county, will be sold before the court house door, for cash, on the first Tuesday in October 1900, between the legal hours of sale an un divided one half interest in lot ot land No. 57 in the 7th district of said county, to wit, the west half of said lot of land containing 245 acres, sold as the prop erty of H. E. Wright deceased for the purpose of distribution. This 3rd day of Sept. 1900. R. WRIGHT, adtn’r. Citation. GEORGIA Coffee County. Sarah Tanner having made applica tion for twelve months support out of the estate of Jno. W. Tanner, Sr. de ceased and appraisers duly appointed to set apart the same having filed their return, all persons concerned are hereby required to show cause before the court of ordinary for said county on the first Monday in October 19(10 why said application should not be granted. This Sept. 3rd 1900. THOS. YOUNG, Ordinary Citation. GEORGIA -Coffee County. Mahala Arburthnot having made application to me in due form to be appointed permanent administrator upon the estate of Mary Ann Chaney late of said county deceased. Notice is hereby given that said Application will be heard at the regular term of the court of ordinary for said county to be held on the first Monday in Oc tober 1900. This 3rd day Sept. 1900. TIIOS. YOUNG, Ordinary. Citation. GEORGIA -Coffee County. .1. W. iirooker administrator upon estate of C. G lirooker, having made application to me in due form to be discharged from said administration, notice is hereby given that said ap plication will be heard at the regular term of the court of Ordinary to be held on the first Monday in December 1900. This Kept. 3rd 1900. TJIO.S. YOUNG. OOds. Ordinary. Citation. GEORGIA Coffee County. Mrs Maud Hinson has applied for exemption of personalty and setting apart and valuation of homestead, and I will pass upon the same at 10 o’clock a. in. on the 24th day of Sep tember 1900 at my office. This 3rd day of September 1900. TIIOS. YOUNG. Ordinary, Citation. GEORGIA Coffee County. Einnie Williams Administratrix up on the estate of Is. I‘‘. Wall late of said county deceased, having made applica tion to me in due form to be discharg ed from said administration, notice is hereby given that said application will be heard at the regular term of the court of ordinary for said county to be held on the first Monday in December 1909. This Sept. 3rd 1900. 90ds. THOMAS YOUNG, Ordinary. Citation. GEORGIA - Coffee County. Henry Moore administrator upon the estate of Aaron Moore late of said county deceased, having made appli cation to me in due form for leave to sell the lands and timber belonging to said es ate .or the payment of uebts and for d.stribution, notice is hereby given t lat said application will be heard at the regular term of the court of ordinary for said county to be held on the first Monday in October 1900. This Sept. 3rd, 1900. THOMAS YOUNG, Ordimr . Atlanta Journal and the Breeze one year for $1.25.