The Douglas breeze. (Douglas, Coffee County, Ga.) 18??-190?, September 29, 1900, Image 5

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R. V. DOUGLAS, nsKusit, - ~ - ©a, We cari 7 on e of the Largest stocks of Whiskies, Wines, Brandies, etc., in Brunswick, or;Southeast Georgia. We buy in large quantities—therefore have the inside on prices, W e can fill every order, because we have every line of goods known to the trade. The PUREST PRODUCTS of the still and vineyard. Our specials: MURRAY HILL CLUB, LEWIS’ 66, CARSTAIR’S INVINCIBLE. FAMOUS YELLOWSTONE. Also handle complete line of straight whiskies. Jug orders a specialty. We pay special attention to the jug trade. Prompt attention given to all orders. Agent tor the Acme Brewing Company. R V. DOUGLAS, 206 Bay Street. RACKET STORE. DOUGLAS. -GA Any article of merchandise in my line, Matting, Carpeting, Rugs, or anything else needed will be ordered for customers. Ward Avenue, in Front of Breeze * SR tUnfcsi Banking Company * IN CORPORATE!) 1898. J. h\. ASHLEY, President, B. PETERSON, V. President. C. E. BAKER, Cashier. DIE/BOTORS J. J. LEWIS, B PETERSON, J. M. ASHLEY, J. S. LOTT, HENRY VICKERS, J. W. QUINCY, DAN. GASKIN, Sr. The accounts of individual merchant and corporations solicited If our wife was an independent politician and was running for an. office we’d boycott her, sue her for divorce and run away with another woman before we’d vote for her. ffl WINE OF CARDUi | uj| has brought permanent relief to a mil- H Bfl lion suffering women who were on their | Eg way to premature graves. Mrs. Mitchell $ g| was fast declining in health, when Wine a H of Catdui performed a “wonderful cure” B ill her case. She suffered with the ago- a fig nies of falling of the womb, leucorrhtea gp B and profuse menstruation. The weekly B gS appearance of the mensesfor two months B Slipped her vitality until she was a phys- sjg B ical wreck. Her nervous system gave yg B way. Then came the trial "of Wine of B H 8 Cardui and tho cure. Mrs. Mitchell’s Ka B experience ought to commend Wine of B MR Cardui to suffering women in words of n| |WINEofCABBI]I| jp is within tho reach of all. Women who B Em try it are relieved. Ask your druggist SB Ijs for asl bottle of Wine of Cardui, and do B H not take a substitute if tendered you. jg| K Mrs. Willio Mitchell, South Gaston, N. 0.: Kg “Wine of Crtrdui and Thedford’s lilack- fob f# Draught have performed a miraculous euro Ea B b J aiy case. I had been a great sufferer EH wi with falling of the womb and leucorrhtea, Ug B and my menses cam© every week for two B y months and were very painful. My bus- E 8 PS band induced mo to try Wine of Cardui RS Eg nnd Black* Draught, and now the leucor- re H rhoea has disappeared, and I am restored to 'ySSrewf Watches, Jewelry, Clocks, Guns and pistols, repaired and work warranted satisfactory by M. M. Knight. ' CITATION. GKC. TtO I A—. Coffee County. To whom it may concern : The heirs of t l lO estate of John hott, late of saiil comity cleeoasiu!, are notified to appear at the ot lio;- < f tlie ordinary of said county on the first Monday in October next, for a settle ment of the estate, according to law. Tlii Util day of Avigu.-t. 1900. -M. C. CLAYTON, Adni’r. Citation. GEORGIA—Coffee County, A. J. Jones administrator upon the estate of Aar Cm Brown late of said county deceased, having made appli cation to me in due form for leave to se 1 ! the lands belonging to said estate for the payment of debts and distribu tion, notice is ..ereby given that said application will be heard at the regu lar term of court of ordinary for said county, to be held on the first Monday in October 1900. This Sept. 3rd 190f\ THOMAS YOUNG. Ordinary. Dissolution Notice. The firm of Peterson & Wilcox, here to! >re existing between B. Peterson an: T. P. Wilcox, both of Coffee cour,- t has hat .•<•.,>. ived by mutcral con sent. Mr. T. P. Wilcox assuming ail ha -Cities of said firm and will alio collect ali dues to said firm. This Sept. 29, 1900. B. Peterson, T. P. Wiecox. The Markets. Sea Island cotton 19J to 20. Short cotton 91 to lo.Jc. Spirits turpentine, 36 tp 361)0. Rosin $l3O to $2.30. Fields' Alinstrels. For the accommodation of par ties desiring to attend the perform ance of the celebrated Fields’ min strels of Waycross on the evening of October 4th, we will run a special excursion train from Wad ley’s mill to Wflycross on that date. Will leave Douglas at 6.00 p. m. and arrive at Waycross 8.00 p. m. Returning will leave Waycross at 11.30 p. in.. Fare for the round trip only one dollar. The next house of representatives in Georgia will be democratic, and democrats don’t allow “indepen dents” to caucus with them, nor do they held independents to pass a bill. Vote a straight party ticket or nothing. Go to the City Grocery for fresh groceries. E. L. Davis, mgr. “Bettie and the baby” are demo crats, and you know it, your old friend, and if you cant vote her and the baby’s way help Bettie’s father—he’s a pop, and as good a man as ever swigged a bottle. Treat the family square. Watches, Jewelry, Clocks, Guns and pistols, repaired and work warranted satisfactory by M. M. Knight. “Low rates to Georgia State Fair at Valdosta, October 29th, November 4th, via the Plant Sys tem. One fare from points in Georgia, Florida and Alabama, plus 50 cents additional for admittance. Militaty rate one cent per mile each direction, 20 or more on one ticket. 11. W. WIIE.NN Passenger Traffic Manager Savannah, Ga.,” Deafness Cannot Be Cured. By local applications, a■: fhey cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. I Deafness is caused by an inflamed con dition of the mucous lining of the Eus tachian Tube. When this tube gets inflamed j'ou have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its norma condition, hearing will be des troyed forever, nine cases oufof ten are caused by catarrh, which is noth ing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will'give One Hundred Dollars j for any case of Deafness (caused by i catarrh) that can not be cured by Hall's j Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, 1 free. F. J. Cheney & Cos., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. Notice to Trespassers. GEORGIA—Coffee County. Parties engaged in fishing- or hunt ing, in any manner whatsoever are ; warned not to trespass on lets of land 1 248,259,304.305.306,344 and half of 200. i in the first district of Coif'ee coun- ! ty, the property of E. L. Pickren. Parties cutting or hacking-timber, getting out shingles or. boards, hew- ' g sills or cutting ties or trespassing “xany way will be prosecuted. Sept. 900—30ds. | T. P. WILCOX, Guardian The Buck Hotel, Douglas, Ga„ Conveniently Located to Depot and jBE 1 * 1 . and Telephone Exchange. Patron age of Country People Solicited. Under New Management. GEORGE IVOOTEN, Lessee, Job Printina Neatly Executed at This Office. OUR LOCAL AFFAIRS. Vote early next Wednesday. Vote straight next Wednesday. Vote a straight party ticket next Wednesday. Vote the democratic ticket sure pop next Wednesday. Luther Paxson is threatening to committ matrimony again. J. A.jCarter builds houses, barns, fences, chimneys and stove-flues. Vote a populist, if you cant vote a democratic ticket, next Wednes day. J Rev. Mr. Morgan preached at the Baptist church last Tuesday night. W. O. Paxson will buy all your seed cotton, get his prices before selling. Bananas, Apples, Raisins Apri cots &c at the City Grocery. E. L. Davis, mgr. George Wooten, Mr. Paxson’s right hand man has returned from New York. Stay at home next Wednesday, rather than vote anything but a straight party ticket. Mr. F. A. Aspinwall, late of Patterson has opened family gro ceries at Turk’s old stand. Pull Dick and Pull Harry, but put in a ticket that will count for democracy next Wednesday. The first Epworth League Confer ence meets at VVaycross on October i2th—l4th. The programeis good. Three candidates for Sheriff next Wednesday. Two of ’em will want to know “where lie’s at” next Thursday Remember “Bettie and the Baby,” next Wednesday. Be true to your principles, and shoot your vote straight. Peterson mends bicycles, rents bicycles, and rides bicycles, and Airs. Peterson runs the restaurant. Go and see about it. Airs. Alattie Freeman Kempton, Jack and Cricket, are visiting friends and relatives in Douglas. Rest of the family are expected to-day. If our father was on earth (and we honor and revere his name) and was an “independent” we would vote against him, next Wednesday. Stand by your party. t We printed tickets for the inde pendents at same price we did for the populist and democrats, and we have treated them on the square, but we can’t vote for the boys. Goods bought at the City Grocery delivered anywhere in town free. E. L. Davis, mgr. The Breeze for 3 months, egets. The Breeze for 6 months, qocts. The Breeze for 12 months y=;cts. No reduction in subscription af ter November Ist. Frank Applesacks, ’round at B. Peterson’s, wants to see you about that winter suit. It has come, go and see if it fits. Air. W. P. Ward, of Douglas is on prograrne of Epworth League, Waycross October 12th, for an address. It will be a good one—as he doesn’t know how to make any other. Gov. Candler will be in town next Monday and will make a speech. Well, that’s good ;if he’s got a dollar on his hip he can get the Breeze, and so can you, bud. An Independent candidate, said to us last Wednesday, as he bade us good-bye, “If you can’t say any thing good for me don’t abuse me.” Indeed we will not abuse him, or | any other independent, for they are ! clever, honest upright men. good | citizens, etc., but in political affairs j we believe in a man standing by 1 his party, which ever it is, and never weakning and giviug support j to the opposition. That’s all; no' personalism. The Breeze for 6 months, 40cts. The Breeze for 12 months, 75cts.. The Breeze for 3 months, 25cts. The low rate subscription will continue until November Ist only. None taken afterward, and this re duction is made to push our sub scription to the 2000 mark before Nov. 3rd. Some good men are running independent, and if they are elected will continue to be independent, and the people may go the look in the dictionary for the word. THE NEWS FROM LAX- I Macom is Getting Ready for the Possnm Hunt with Miss Tattler. 1 Mr. Howell has got his gins j started now and Lax is alive with j folks bringing cotton in to be gin | ned. The cotton crop in this sec tion is very short, but the farmers are rapidly gathering what they have made during tin’s fine weather. Our school here will close on next j Friday, at the end of a three months I term. We had to stop a month | short on account of so many of the (children being needed in the cotton I picking. ) Miss Ella Boyd, our pleasant little visitor for two weeks past left us last Tuesday for Fitzgerald, where she will spend a while with her sister, Mrs. M. W. Howell. All the time Miss Ella was with us, Hiram Paulk seemed to be soaring away up in the ethereal heights of the seventh Heaven until he return ed from Hebron big meeting and found her other fellow here ; then he soon learned that he was not “The only pebble on the beach.” He ordered, at once, from J. Lynn & Cos, a hunk of Van-Stan-Strote man wherewith to stick back the pieces of his little broken heart. He may recover, but he’ll never look any how. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Woolard has been very sick this week but is improving at pre sent. Mrs. A. T. Howell visited her parents near Willacoochee yester day. Ye scribe, spent Saturday with her Grandmother and Aunt, Nancy Paulk. John Tucker went fishing Saturday, and caught a quarters worth of snekers. John suffers some uneasiness just at pre sent, that he may have to go to the Legislature yet. Mr. Dan W. Paulk passed through Lax Saturday ei: route to Ocilla, thence to Abbeville, where lie ex pects to re-enter shcool. As “Macom” drives about over the contry roads now, she views with pleasure the persimmon trees red with fruit in the fields here and there, and is just in ecstacies over the possum hunt she and Miss Tattler are to take soon. Macom’s last possum hunt turned out at the end of the chase to be a polecat hunt. Air. Robert Lott, the clever sales man of the Lott & Lewis Grocery Cos. of Brunswick was on his usual rounds last week and spent Tuesday night with us. Air. Qsa Harper and Mr. J. M. Dent seem to think more and more of eacli other. They are together (at Lax) most every Sunday. “AIACOM.” Card of Thanks. My thanks are due and hereby gratefully tendered to the good people of Douglas, who so kindly and faithfully ministered to my dear husband during his last illness, 1 shall ever remember their sympa thy and kindness with gratitude. Respectfully, Miis. V. V. Comas. Rev. Jno. Vickers’ Funeral. Rev. Jno. Vickers’ Funeral will he preached by Rev. D. N. McMil lan, of Baylor, Ga., on the 3rd (Third) Sunday in November, and not on monday as stated last week. Committee Meeting. A meeting of the democratic ex ecutive committee and campaign will he held art Douglas, Ga.,jto Monday, Oct. Ist. All menfSß's are requested to be present. M. Tanner,’ F. Willis Dart, Secretary. Chairman, j Merchant’s and Farmer’s Warehouse. The farmers of the county should remember that the above organiza tion was formed for their benefit, and should give it their support. If you need money and don’t care to sell at present prices bring in the cotton, store it, and take your receipts to the Bank where money will be advanced you at reasonable rates. The Breeze advises you to do this, as cents for short cot ton and a high price for long cotton is in sight, and the farmer deserves all the profits on the sweat of his brow, the toil of his children artd the money he is compelled to pay for labor. /" THE PEARSGN YOUNG LADY Ison Hand To-Day With an Interesting Batch of News and Thinks Ham ilton Sears Will Need Longer Pockets. Pearson, Ga., Sept. 36.—As Miss Tattler says that the least said !is often the easiest mended, and ! we will not say why we didn’t - write to you last week. Rev. S. M. Drawdy filled his j regular appointment last Saturday (and Sunday at Union Hill church, jHe delivered an excellent sermon from Is. 1 : 18, “Let us reason to jgether.” Yes, come let us reason together. We would like very j much for the party that miscon strued our last letter to the Breeze in regard to Mr. 11. Sears using the jug in his campaign to look through another pair of “specs.” He must be wearing “political specs” anyhow. But that is O. K. we would advise Mrs. Sears to make Mr. Sears some big pockets to his trouserloons “as lie is sure to have to “tout” our money. Our Sunday school is progressing nicely. As last Sunday was “Tem perance Day” with our Sunday school we were highly entertained lor two or three hours with tem perance songs, essays and recita tions, showing the evils of strong drink. Mrs. Goeta of Goeta’s mill is very sick with typhoid fever at this writing. Our friend and neighbor D. A. Smith, who has recently gone in to the mercantile business at Pear son will move his family to town in a few days. The voters of this section say if they should have occasion to go to jail, they want Dave Ricketson to carry them. The Waycross District Confer ence will he held with Union Hill Congregational church the first Sunday in October beginning Wednesday night before. The Homerville Baptist associ ation will be held at Millwood on the fourth Sunday in Oct. and we understand that our Sunday School convention, will he on the same time. Hope the officials of the convention will see fit to change it, as the two places (McDonalds Mill and Millwood) is only three miles apart. E. T. Election Managers for State and Coun ty Election Oct., 3rd. 1900 Wooten dist., M. Spivey, John Trowell and D. W. Lott. Pickren dist., Geo. W. Taylor, W. B. Cour son and Willis Newbern. Tanner dist., Monroe Tanner, W. R. Cole and Merritt Meeks, Sr. McDon ald dist., A. D. Brooker, B. F. Spivey and Cicero Gillis. Pearson dist., Af. A. Pafford, Joseph Bailey and Hiram Sears, Jr. Willacoo chee dist., J. Q. Hammond, Jesse Pafford and R. A. Hendricks. Phillip’s Mill dist., C. C. Smith, Elein 15. Harper and Hardy Brown. Douglas dist., J. 11. Dent, Dennis E. Sears and Geo. K. Briggs. Neither One Got the Children. In the case of Hiram Mansell, of this county, vs. Mrs. Mansell, hab eus corpus, for possession and cus tody of the children, in the court of ordinary, last Tuesday, the chil dren were given into Mrs- Man sell’s uncle’s care. It is understood Mrs. Alansell lives near the uncle who will have the children in charge. ANNOUNCEMENT. Mr. L. S. Guthrie is not in the race for election as sheriff and re quests the Breeze to thank his many friends for their promises of suppot. lie wants all his friends to vote for 1). P. Lott, for Tax Receiver, in stead of himself for Sheriff. Just a Little Social. A party of young ladies and gentlemen went out to the pavilion last Monday, among them Alisses Ainie Infinger, Loy Deen, Lilia Meeks, Hattie Paxson, Josephine Kirkland and Lucille and Hortense Briggs. Among thp gentlemen the reporter noticed Messrs Luthor O. Paxson, E. L. Tanner, —Roundtree, Cleveland Relihan, Dolph Relihan and Jap McDonald. The afternoon was pleasant and as they chatted and “spooned” each other the hours slipped away in short order. Cupid, however, got in his work, as the party broke up, and a young gentleman said something low and soft to a young lady she replied “I reckon so, dear.” No other casualties. Hunter. Pearce & Battey- Among the most reliable dealers in Sea Island Cotton in the South is the well-known firm of Hunter, Pearce & Battey, of Savannah. They offer all accommodations to cotton shippers that are usual with c< ton factors, and an acquaintance with them assure* prospective bus iness if you handle cotton. They also manufacture a high grade ferti lizer, at low and reasonable terms and rates. Octobc GEORGIA—Coffee Countj Will be sold on tile first Tuesday in October next, at public outcry at the courthouse door in said county, within the legal hours of sale to the highest bidder, for cash, certain property of which tlic following is a complete de scription: Fifty acres, more or less of lot No. 527, in the sth district of Coffee county, bounded north by lands of Gray & Gatchell, cast by lands of Frank Cady, south by original land land line, west by old tram-road run ning north and south, known as the old Robert-Roberts place. Said prop erty levied on as the property of Jas. J. Roberts to satisfy an execution is sued from the City Court of Douglas, in favor of Pioneer Guano Cos. against Cain Williams, L. W. Bradford, J. Roberts, and J. J. Roberts. Said prop erty being in the possession of R. R Roberts. Levy made by W. A. J. Smith, Sheriff of the City Court of Douglas, and returned to me. This 3rd day of September 1900. W. M. TANNER, Sheriff. October Sheriff Sales. GEORGIA—Coffee County. Will be sold 011 the first Tuesday iii October next, at public out-cry at the court house in said county within the legal hours of sale, to the highest bid der for cash, certain property of which the following is a full and complete description: One hundred and thirty acres more or less of lot of laud No. 529 in the sth district of said county, lying and being north of Brunswick & Western lailroad, bounded north by land of J. W. Roberts, east by lands of James Lott, south by Brunswick & Western railroad, west by lands of James Brown. The place on which L. C. Taylor now resides. .Said property levied on as the prop erty of L. C. Taylor, to satisfy three Justice court fifas, issued from the Justice’s court of the 1026 district G. M. said county. One in favor of J. M. Burkhalter, Jr., for $38.14 principal besides interest and costs. One in far vor of B. F. Summerlin, for $25.00 principal besides interest and costs.. One in favor ol B. 11. Gammage for $17.00 principal besides interest and costs. Sgid property being in the posession of L. C. Taylor. This Sept. 3rd, 1900. Levy made by W. 11. Lee, constable of the 1026 (list. G. M. Coffee county and returned to me. W. M. TANNER, S. C. C. Administrator’s Sale. G EORGIA— Coffee County. Agreeable to an order of the court of ordinary for said county, will be sold before the court house door, for cash, on the first Tuesday in October i9OO, between the legal hours of sale ail un divided one half interest in lot of land No. 57 in the 7th district of said county to wit, the west half of said lot of land containing 245 acres, sold as the prop erty of H, E. Wright deceased for the purpose of distribution. This 3rd day of Sept. 1900. R. WRIGHT, adtn’r. Citation. GEC)RGIA —Coffee County. Sarah Tanner having made applica tion for twelve months support out of the estate of JllO. W. Tanner, Sr. de ceased and appraisers duly appointed to set apart the same having filed their return, all persons concerned are hereby requirad to show cause before the court of ordinary for said county on the first Monday in October 1900 why said application should not be granted. This Sept. 3rd 1900. THOS. YOUNG Ordinary Citation. GEORGIA -Coffee County. Mahala Arburthnot having made application to 111 c in due form to be appointed permanent administrator upon the estate of Mary Ann Chancy late of said county deceased. Notice is hereby given that said application will be heard at the regular term of the court of ordinary for said county to be held on the first Monday in Oc tober 1900. This 3rd day Sept. 1900. Til OS. YOUNG, Ordinary. Citation. GEORGIA Coffee County. J. W. Brooker administrator upon estate of C. G Brooker, having made application to me in due form to be discharged from said administration, notice is hereby given that said ap plication will be heard at the regular term of the court of Ordinary to be held on the first Monday in December 1900. This Sept. 3rd 1900. THUS. YOU NO. DOds. Ordinary. Citation. GEORGIA -Coffee County. Mrs Maud Hinson has applied for exemption of personalty and setting apart and valuation of homestead, and I will pass upon the same, at 10 o’clock a. in. on the 2411i day of Sep tember 1900 at ,uiv office. This 3rd day of September 1900. “I HOS. YOUNG. Ordinary, Citation. GEORGIA Coffee County. Linnic Williams Adfniu,i.stratrix up on the estate of B. V. Wall late of said county deceased, liaving inade applica tion to me in due form to be discharg ed from said administration, notice is hereby given 4hat said application will be heard at Hie regular term of the court of ordinary* for said county to be held on the' first Monday in December 19<|0. This Sept. 3rd 190*). 90ds. THOMAS YOUNG, Ordinary. Citation. GEORGIA Coffee County. Henry Moore administrator upon the estate of Aaron Moore late of said county deceased, having made appli cation to me in due form for leave to sell the lands and timber belonging to said estate lor the payment of debts and for distribution, notice is hereby given that said application will be heard at the regular term of the court of ordinary for said county to be held on the first Monday in October 1900. This Sept. 3rd, 1900. THOMAS YOUNG, Ordinary. Atlanta Journal and th.r Breeze one year for $1.25.