The Douglas breeze. (Douglas, Coffee County, Ga.) 18??-190?, October 13, 1900, Image 8

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SfctendU Chance for tVounfi Ladyor I Gentleman. The Breeze is in correspondence with Richmond’s Business College for young ladies and gentleman, at Savannah, whereby we expect to have one or more tuitions in short hand, type-writing, penmanship or book-keeping to dispose of. borne one anxious for such a course wili lose nothing by writing us for terms. Some girl or boy who needs help prefered. Again Swings to Bryan. The vote of New York state i# cast alternately for the -candidate of the two great parties, with the, regularity of the swing of a penciii-' lum. Thus history records it: . * To Seymour over Grant in 1868. To Grant over Gr'eely in 1872. To Tilden over llayes in 1876. To Garfield over Hancock in 1880. ; To Cleveland over Blaine in 1884. To Harrison over Cleveland 1888. To Cleveland over Harrison 1892. To McKinley over Bryan 1896. Raise Broom Corn Broom corn is quoted at SIOO per ton in Illinois. Georgia quo tations are not at hand, owing per haps to the fact that there so few factories in the state to consume this commodity. Why would not the raising of broom corn be profit able to Georgians? Even if there are no home factories to consume it, would there not be a profit in it to ship it to Illinois at fioo per ton? It seems that there would. Georgia farmers should look into this matter. Every new industry will put money in the farmers’ pockets, and money in the fanners’ pockets means prosperity in the country.—Moultrie Observer. Marstonfor Coarreu. Mr. W. H. Marston, a promi nent republican and G. A. R. man of the colony has been nominated by his party to oppose Hon. W. G. 'Jrantley for congress. The campaign will be a short one out Mr. Marston has decided to make it lively while it lasts. He tells the Enterprise that he was un decided whether or not to accept the nomination until he noticed seme distasteful references to his candidacy in some of the papers of the district. He has determined to make it as interesting as possible. He is a contestant for the place held by post master Huggins, what effect if any his candidacy will have on that contest we can not say. At any rate he has time to pre pare for his Waterloo October the 6th.—Fitzgerald Enterprise. DESERTED BY RELATIVES. Eleven of McKinley's Kinsmen Who Are Supporting Bryan- President McKinley appears t<> have been deserted by his own kith and kin. So far tlie returns indi cate that only “brother Abner” remains loyal to the political for tunes of the republican Itnperator. Mr. McKinley has relatives of near and remote drgree in many parts of the country and these al most without exception will vote this year for Mr. Bryan, although most of them supported “Cousin William” in 189 b. Several weeks ago there appeas ed i list of McKinley’s relatives who had repudiated their kinsman. An additional list has been furnish ed by Wm. W. McKinley, of Kos iuski count)’, ludianna, who vouch es for its accuracy. The list fol lows. Preston 11. McKinley, of Harp er county,lndiana. Dr. L, D. McKinley, of Topeka, Kan. Wm. W. McKinley, of Kosiuski county, Indiana. B.H. McKinley. Delaware coun ty, Indiana. W. J. McKinley, Delaware coun ty Indiana. John W r . McKinley, Delaware county, Indiana. Samuel McKinley, Delaware county, Indiana. Thomas McKinley, Delaware county, Indiana. James McKinley, Delaware coun ty Indiana. Robert McKinley, Delaware county,lndiana. George McKinley, Delaware county, Indiana. These are all relatives of presi dent McKinley. William H. and B. H. are first cousins; W. J. and Samuel are second cousins; while the others are third cousins of the Canton man. One of them is post master in his Indiana town, while all are prominent and reputable (citizens. They declare they can not vote for their relative and will last their ballot in November for Bryan and Stevenson.—Dublin Courier-Dispatch. Senator Beveridge should chal | ngb Mark Hanna to a joint ue ' ife. Hanna says there are no usts, while Beveridge says there e lots of good trusts and now and *\ At 3 bn.! Wi hita Daily R. V. DOUGLAS, BmrapwiOT, * * - ox. We carry one of the largest stocks of Whiskies, Wines, Brandies, etc., in „ Brunswick, orJSoulheast Georgia. We buy in large quantities—therefore have the inside on prices. t We can fill every order, because we have every line of goods fli'e trade. The PUREST PRODUCTS of the still and vineyard. Our specials : MURRAY HILL CLUB, LEWIS’ 66, . CANSTAIR’S INVINCIBLE. FAMOUS YELLOWSTONE. Also handle ycbtliplcte line of straight whiskfr-. Jug orders a specialty. We pay “special attention to the jug tratle, Prompt attention given to all orders. Agent for the Acme Brewing Company. R.*V. DOUGLAS, 206 Bay Street. RACKET STORE. DOUGLAS, GA Any article of merchandise in my line, Matting, Carpeting, Rugs, or anything else needed will be ordered for customers. Ward Avenue, in Front of Breeze —i. - -- ■ - - —— • ♦ Gbe {Union Banking Company, ♦ INCORPORATED 1898. J. M. ASHLEY, President, B. PETERSON, V. President. C. E. BAKER, Cashier. DIRECTORS J. J. LEWIS, B. PETERSON, J. M. ASHLEY, J. S. LOTT, HENRY VICKERS, J. W. QUINCY, DAN. GASKIN, Sr. The accounts of individual merchant and corporations solicited Healey Mothers Few matheri art htalthy, because their duties are so exacting. The anxiety of pregnancy, the ahntk of childbirth, and the care of young children, are severe trials on any woman. But with Wine of Cardui within her grasp, every mother—every woman in the land -can pay the debt of personal health she owes her loved ones. Do you want robust health with all its privileges and pleasures? Wine of Cardui will give It to you. mm\ strengthens the female organs and invig orates weakened functions. For every female ill or weakness It is the best medicine made. Ask your druggist for $l.OO bottle Wine of Cardui, and take no substitute under any circumstances. yip s. Uwuj Crus. Cornier, Mich.i "When I K ecmmaiced mun g Wine of Car Jut 1 w.w hardly able I to wulk acrost the liousr. Two week* l walked S 1 lull a mile and picked strawberries. when fny 1 other child w* horn I suffered with Libor pain* 24 9 hours, and had to rude him on a bottle because i had p no milk. Alter using the Wine during pregnancy 9 this time, I **vo birth iaat month toababy Rtrl, and M j was in labor only two hours, with but little pain, 1 ! tsid 1 have plenty of milk. For this great improve' 9 ment it my health l thank God and Wine ol Cardui" 9 I’or advice in rases requiring directions. 9 f address, giving symptoms, "The Ladies' Advisory I Department,'* The Out' B Suicided Because He Thought He was in the Way. Owensboro, Ky., George Brooks, the oldest farmer in the Whites ville precinct, committed suicide last nignt. He retired at 8 o’clock. He took off the feather bed, roled i' up and placed it in a corner of the room. He put a clean sheet on the mattress and clean pillowslips. He dressed himself in his best suit, tied a white cord around his ankles and took 25 grains of morphine. He then tied up his jaws with a white cloth. On being called for breakfast this morning his son found him dead and ready to be placed in his coffin. His hands were clasped across his breast, with a note in his fingers, which read : “Today was my birthday. lam eighty-five years old. I came into this world on this day and have been here long enough. lam in the way and it is best I should leave the world.” Six Months for Forty Cents. During the campaign subscribers will be taken for six months for I’ORTY CENTS. One year for SEVENTY FIVE CENTS. No subscriptions taken at tin's rate after November loi. It you want the paper ibis is yotir chance to get it at reduced price. Currency or postage stamps taken. You can’t t ike it at 6 mes for ,|(v nui then Go to the City Grocery for fresh groceries. E. L. Davis, mgr. Watches, Jewelry, Clocks, Guns and pistols, repaired and work warranted satisfactory by M. M. Knight. Deafness Cannot Be Cured. By local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed con dition of the mucous lining of the Eus tachian Tube. When this tube gets inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its norma condition, hearing will he des troyed forever, nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is noth ing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that can not be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. Cheney & Cos., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. Notice to Trespassers. GEORGIA— Coffee County. Parties engaged in fishing or hunt ing, in any manner whatsoever are warned not to trespass on lots of land 248, 259,304,305,306, 344 and half of 260. in the first district of Coffee coun ty, tlie property of E. E. Pickren. Parties cutting or hacking-timber, getting out shingles or boards, hew ng sills or cutting ties or trespassing any way will be prosecuted. Sept. 1900—3 Ods. T. P. WILCOX, Guardian Dissolution Notice. The firm of Peterson & Wilcox, here tofore existing between B. Peterson a; .IT, P. Wilcox, both of Coffee coun ty, has been dissolved by inuteral con sent. Mr. T. P. Wilcox assuming all liabilities of said firm and will also collect all dues to said firm. This Sept. 29, 1900. B. Peterson, T. P. Wilcox. Citation. GEORGI A--Coffee County. J. W, Brooker administrator upon estate of C. G Brooker, having made application to me in due form to be discharged from said administration, notice is hereby given that said ap plication will be heard at the regular term of the court of Ordinary to be held on the first Monday in December 1900. This Sept. 3rd 1900. THOS. YOUNG. 90ds. Ordinary. Citation. GEORGIA—Coffee County. Linnie W illiams Administratrix up on the estate of B. F. Wall late of said county deceased, having made applica tion to me in dne form to be discharg ed from said administration, notice is hereby given that said application will be heard at the regular term of the court of ordinary for said county to be held on the first Monday in December 1900. This Sept. 3rd 1900. 90ds. THOMAS YOUNG, Ordinary. All kinds of fruits and Vege tables at Gaskin & Davis. Watches, Jewelry, Clocks, Guns and pistols, repaired and work warranted satisfactory by M. M. Knight. KIMBALL HOUSE, Pearson, Oa. C. P. Holzendorf, Prop. RATES, $2.00 PER DAY. Special Rates by the Week or Month. Livery la Connection. Stylish Rl(t Furnished at nay Hour •'/Its -7*t- 9,5-PROFESSIONAL PROFESSIONAL CARDS. JOHN H. O'QUINN, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. DOUGLAS GA. Office near Bank Building, opposite B. Peterson’s brick block. H. O. SNOW, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. DOUGLAS, GA., callspromptly attended. Office Sibbett Drug Cos. quincey & McDonald, * Attorneys at Law, Douglas, Ga. Offices in Bank Building, THE CITY BARBER SHOP, ARTHUR BROOKS, PRO. In front of Bank Building Douglas, Ga. Carries a nice line of cheroots, cigars, &c. Everything clean and cool. Your patronage solicited. J. R. BRADFIELD, GEO. M. RICKETSON BRADFIELD & RICKETSON. Physicians and Surgeons. Broxton, Georgia., W. F. SIBBETT, Physician And Surgeon, Douglas, Ga. Calls promptly answered day or night WARREN P. WARD, Attorney At Law, Douglas, Ga. Will practice in all the courts of Coffee County and elsewhere by contract. F. WILLIS DART, Attorney At Law, Douglas, Ga. Office in Court House. R. A. HENDRICKS, Attorney At Law, WILLACOOCHEE Ga. Collections and Criminal Laws a special ty. Office hours in Douglas, Ga., from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Third Monday in each month. C. A. WARD, Jr. Attorney At Law Douglas, Ga. Prompt attention given to all busines Placed in my care. Office in court house LEVI O.STEEN, Attorney at Law, DOUGLAS, GA. Solicitor City Court. Office in Court House. All business entrusted tome will be promptly attended to, receiving most care ful attention. Special attention given to collections. DR. J. A. MONTGOHERY, Dental Surgeon. OttiGe in Bank Building. Will gladly advise with those desiring dental work. Both operative and prosthetic work guaranteed. Citation. GEORGIA —Coffee County. N. S. Boyd administrator upon the estate of J W Boyd having made ap plication to me for leave to sell the lands of said estate for the purpose of paying debts of said estate, and for distribution among the heirs. Notice is hereby given that I will pass upon the same, at the regular term of the court of Ordinary to be held in and for said county on the first Monday in November 1000. This October 1 1900. THOS. YOUNG Ordinary Notice to Debtors. The firm of Peterson & Wilcox hav ing been dissolved, the accounts of the late firm belonging to T. P. Wil cox, notice is given that the accounts are in my hands for collection, and parties owing the late firm of Peterson & Wilcox are notified to call on me and settle same within thirty days, after which those not settled will be placed in the hands of a lawyer for collection. This October sth 1900 HENRY SAPP, Jr. CITATION. GEORGIA—Coffee County. Berry H. Tanner. Jr., Executor on the estate of Penelope Davis late of said county, deceased, having filed his petition for discharge, this is to cite all persons concerned to show cause, if they can, why, said pe tition should not be granted as asked for at my office on the first Monday in November, 190<X This Aug, 6h„ 1900. 90ds THOMAS YOUNG Ordy CITATION. GEORGIA—Coffee County. Elijah Tanner, Sr., administrator of Henry Hargraves, colored, having made application to me in due form to be discharged from said administra tion, notice is given that said applica tion will be heard at my office on the first Monday in November, 1900. This 6th day of August 1900 THOS. YOUNG, Ordinary. Wanted! All people to come and have a look at our work, and to give us their orders for any kind of Picture they may desire. We make Small or Large Photos, also do Enlargin OUR PRICES are as REASONABLE AS FAIR WORK WILL PERMIT, and you would not find it necessary to go to a larger city to get your BABY or FAMILY PORTRAITS taken. As long as there are any babies to make pictures from as long will that be our specialty. We also are prepared to give lessons in drawing and painting. Respectfully, CREEL & JANTZON. DOUGLAS, - - GA A WORD X ♦ ♦ Cos You, Hfstcn! Do you want some GOOD PHOTOS MADE ? If so, you are the one this is for. I want your trade, and if COOD WORK, low prices and PROfIPT ATTENTION can secure it I am O. K. Bn&ti Plh©U:<o)3 s©ir FSfifty Larger Sizes Equally as Cheap in Proportion. ALL PICTURES GUARANTEED. You will find me at Post Office. J. H. BOONE, HAZLEHURST, GA. Nichols Bottling Works, D. W. Johnson, Manager, NICHOLS, - - - GEORGIA. Soda-water all flavors. Ginger-ale, Coco cola, and Iron-Brew. Good service, prompt ness, fair dealing and special attention to mail orders. Waycross Clothing. 4- store ♦ Way Gross, Gfa The best place in Georgia for Clothing, Hats Shoes and gents’ furnishings. * Good Reliable, Goods at Prices to Suit the People. * When you go to W aycross be sure and call at The Waycross Clothing Store Waycross, Georgia. Builders’ s Hardolarel We buy our HARDWARE in the Builder’s Line Direct From One of the Leading Manufacturers, and we can certainly Save you some money, (besides give You better goods than you get Elsewhere) if you will let us figure with you on THAT BILL. 43 rn S3 ts DON’T Buy It By Piecemeal, Know you never in tended to, but figure up just What you will need to complete the job, and we will make you a RATTLING GOOD ESTIHATE. JUST Remember that we carry a full stock of the Best White-Pine SASH, BLINDS and DOORS. WATT-IIARLEY HARDWARE CO, Plant Avenue, - - Waycross, Georgia. ary 9Tlaci>ii\e ai\<J 3* oui>clrVj, ©. £To *W. Proprietor. sroi\ an<i 9ch* ass ©asttng a Speciafhj, Special Attention to Boiler -Work, All Kinds of Machinery^Repaired. £ocon\otn?es 9c)uift ai\<i Good Second Hand Saw Mill Machinery for sale. Reasonable Prices Paid for old Iron and Brass. Sc)rut\ef{ Street, (jDaVjcross, oa.