The Douglas breeze. (Douglas, Coffee County, Ga.) 18??-190?, May 24, 1902, Image 1

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THE DOUGLAS BREEZI VOL. XIII. STOCK OF CLOTHING AT COST. I am offering my ENTIRE STOCK OF CLOTHING at rCOST, as I am going out of the Clothing business 13 and any one wishing to 1 buy clothing, call and see what I have to of fer. I have $2,000 or $2,500 worth good val ties. Come and see me. □.PETERSON, Douglas, Ga. DOUGLAS SUPPLY CO. Successor to W. 0. Paxson, Carry a full Hue Family and Farm Supplies, Dfy Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Etc., Nothing old and Stale. P l/PPIlf hinn Bought tjp sell, and bVul Übllllly to sell floods the prices must be right. f§i 0 Let ns know yonr wants we do the rest. s* / 1 0/ / /ft 5 Cg).| DEALERS IN ' U/IPfIIAI/IPP Paints, Oil, Glass, Brick, nul UWai U, Lime, Cement, Etc. Planet Jr., vjj Cultivators' . I the best on \ earth. . J#’*' Plows and farming im- , plements of S2U Jg -\ ■ every dis- ~ M cription. Call and examine our stock* Wau-Meu-ttolmes Go.. R. E. Lee, Manager. Douglas, Ga Douglas Supply Cos., Bank Building, North Side. Douglas, Ga. DOUGLAS, GA„ SATURDAY MAY, 24th„ 190?. Gasping for Breath as he Sees Defeat in June The sanctimonious hypocritical editor of the Waycross Journal, among other complimentary illus ions to the Breeze pens the follow ing : “The other epithets used by the Breeze, in the same issue, only emphasize the fact that the editor cannot carry on a high-toned cam paign for his own candidate, and cannot enter into controversy with out slinging mud. This being a well known characteristic of the Breeze, nobody expects any better of it, and ah it says, is taken cum grano sulis.” Again, Johnnie, we affirm that we have no desire to carry on a high-toned campaign in favor of Guerry, a very low-toned man, in our estimation. If we had used the same language of which you complain against Mr. Terrell or Mr. Estill you would have thrown your hat in the air and cried bravo, bravo! hit him again. Your fellow fraudman, Sam Jones, says “the hit dog yells.’’ This, then accounts for the yelling in your last issue. But if Mr. Greer wants to know why the Breeze opposes Mr. Guer ry so bitterly we will tell him, in a few words. Up to the time of Sam Jones’ visit to this place, well known to Mr. Greer, for he was here, we had treated both candi dates opposed to Mr. Estill with due consideration, but after Mr. Jones’ visit to this place, and the outrage perpetrated upon our peo ple, with the full knowledge and consent of the editor of the Way cross Journal, who was in Douglas under the pretense of attending a Sunday School convention—anoth er fraud, we were convinced that the Guerryites would stoop to any thing to balster a flimsy cause, therefore, since then, we have hand led Mr. Guerry with gloves off. As< for slinging mud the charge is not true, but with a repetition of visits of similar character from Mr. Jones and Mr. Greer we shall not be responsible if there is some rotten egg slinging. It will be noticed at the close of the quoted paragraph above that John Greer says something about us “takin’ sum grano salts.” lie’s a fool. Let the physician take his own medicine. If any one needs “salts” it is Greer, for he is billions, his liver is out of order and his head is full of green mud. Negro Man and Woman Disappear- The repor* from Willacoochee was rile last Saturday evening that Chippie Washington, a well knowfU colored b.a ber formerly of j and Ella Bryant, a colored women of Willacoochee, were, on Friday, jointly given a commitment trial on a charge of arson, viz., burning of the store of B. F. Summerlin, j n Willacoochee. There being suf ficient evidence, both parties wijre bound ovei to the Superior CotW of Coffee county, and in default o | bail an officer started with them t jail in Douglas. When about on ■ mile out of Willacoochee the office' was overpowered by a mob of blacLj men or white men blacked up foi-' the occasion, and the prisoner taken from him, and a® yet their fate if j unknown, no one having seen then*? since. At the point where the f were taken is a very large bay swamp. 0 ' — w. On to Cordele NexFSunday- i The first train through fNJj) Waycross to Cordele .over the .11 lantic & Birmingham leaves W&J cross next Sunday /morning atfi o’clock, arriving at Douglas It 9.41 ; at Fitzgerald at 10.37 and t Cordele at 13.2c* The fare f>r round trip from Nichols and 111 stations between that placw aid Chatterton $1.25. Douglas, andj ill, stations between that place iid Ashton SI.OO. This means.frjunl the stations mentioned to Cordele, and return. Returning leave fjpr-- dele at 5 o’clock. “Whom the gods would desjfeoy they first make mad.” John <fjeer, of the Waycross Journal is mad, and says the editor of the Breeze “cannot carry on a high ist ed campaign.” If carrying on a'migh toned campaign means to support Guerry and enter into an agreement to defraud the people of Douglas as John Greer and Sam Jones did on a recent occasion, (had the latter fraud to make a speech in favor of Guerry when they paid to hear a lecture) we do not wish to engage in it. SIHON W. HITCH, FOR JUDGE SUPERIOR v udat^' mon W. Hitch, candidate for Judge of the Brunswick Cir cuit, yUjf was admitted to the bar soon after the war, studied law un der IV. tuicle, the lion. John C. Nicholls, and has tlierefore been prac- perhaps one or two exceptions, a larger number of years, tb ; lf'ah\y other member of the bar of our circuit. I? was for two terms the efficient Solicitor-General of the Circuit, which is the onjy office of importance he has ever held. Col. Hitch, is not only an able, experienced lawyer, of unblemished character, bug is possessed in an eminent degree with that judicial temperament a o administrative ability which specially qualifies him for the judges .g 0 of our circuit, j,Moreover, he resides at Waycross, the most central a easily accessible place in the circuit for the convenience of the bar a- Q j people generally. In electing Col. Hitch no mistake will be made. j. The Wuyeross Bar Endors-iument: The undersigned practicing attorneys desire to express to the peo ple of this judiikil Circuit their unqualified endorsement of the candi dacy! of Simon '(\Hilli for Judge of the Brunswick Circuit. . Iln this exlnimouf °f °ur confidence, wc would emphasize some of the reasons f a [ 0 [ endorsement. Jle is, in thought and language ofea 1 i; by tr;-.ini£ et y thodical; in hearing courteous and thoughful of ethers. Incha >anc fl lonst rvative, impartial and honest. Mature iri qxpiprience, wit id that is both clear and logical, with the power Of readily liras i I analyzing'’legal questions. Withal, coming as rfieady measuri Jto the true definition of a jurist us any lawyer within Hie bou4NK Be circuit. For these and other reasons, we feel tilia. you can |e him presiding officer of our courts. (Signed) Jidon A. Wm. S. Branham, J. Hill Spence, If. F. Jeffords, J. L. Sweat, John C. McDonald, John T. Myers, W. BHMStiA'd, K.. C. Cannon, Lee L. Sweat, W. F. Craw ley, A. If. Corf^^M firaiut Jury Endorsements < hir fell* . jHf an, lion. S. W. Hitch, being a candidate for • for this Judicial Circuit, and the candi * ■ having llicen endorsed by his home county grand jury, oner and! our pleasure to endorse and commend Hon. 1 fa* ch as and well qualified for said high and hon m. Neither Icandidate has aeked our endorsement, hut we our duty, msjtfs our pleasure, to make this recommen- L W. John A. McDaniel, Daniel B. William H. lka,|S, J - e rt n." Murphy, William Guy, Thom- W. Little, Otvitt' .Lanes* K. Bihh, Thomas L. Brown ’ T Charles 11. Andrews, Benjamin ■r James, Wiilim M*i}£ Jacob J Widernan, Alexander B/ T >avis, Beorge Easmi, John'. W.l f* il - 4,n < rider S. Lee, Joseph M Jtiaig. [ In Ware Aprd tern lI90;> / W. jv. SOU^ RLAND ’ SHERIFF. a® n * c^ c int 0 f the county the general pubf; C) on ly in Cof iee county, but, j n our sister counties, and over state. Last Sun day in the sheriff of a south /.’i&'irgia county said “he regarded Southerland, of Coffee county, a per fect gentleman, fearless and efficient He shows knowledge of Now, that is from a brother sher iff, and it is a recommendation that ; carries great weight. Sheriff South erland deserves re-election, and wo are pretty certain he will be, for s ,L-\ there is yet to come to us a com plaint fronjtany parl'-rtf against him. He i si,a Iso fair att&Ajust, ' and we have known him sevei. times tg scss#out his just -md equitable costs to favor unfortunate liti gants wh<§ (Were not fcd with an overload of this world’s goods, against wlfn the cjfitr.had gone. 4' We hive said hc bugHito be re-elected because h$ seems to hav® the welfare of all of the people at heart, governed by a spnse oft ’ ‘v and pleasiie he treats all tjie same, without difference. If L 1 11 favorites vfe happen not to be.amo'bg the number therefore, found it ol . He is a'democrat, but he is liberal enough in hille to allow other people to diiler politically with him. e [Anything else 1 hat. we may say of him would do little good, the people know hint as