The Dodge County journal. (Eastman, Dodge County, Ga.) 1882-1888, February 09, 1887, Image 3

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u m • 'Si x — f u* ILH. j** • • • • Editor. ■ WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 0 , isrt. , Mr. L. F. Loud, of Appling county in authorized to receive , nmi receipt for st|h acriptioun to the DoBOk county Jounsr al. DIRECTORY. ItlnNonfc. v8S5f. tal Frlday mBhl 1,1 '• acb ! I. O. G. X. 3,1 Tucs ^ UellutouR. EkocoPAL.—J wnrloes third Sabbath in eaci, ,„ont h at It o’clock a. in. and 4 p. m. in Mason id building, by Rev. II. B. MtilArt tollttcml 1>Ulil c arc> cor dially invited preaches llAi|TiMT.---Itev. at Kastman P. A. everv Jessup, 2nd and pastor, 4th Sabbaths In each month. A*lso at Centra] i 01 ut on the second Sabbath and Saturday befon* in eaeli month* Conference with the hast 111 an Baptist church on second 8ab in each month. Mkthodist Episcopal CttURcit South. —1 reaching every Sabbath at 11 o’clock a. in., and 7 p. in. Prayer meeting Wednes¬ day '-.Sunday evening at 7 o’clock. R. School meets at 914 o'clock a. tn. J. Sclwlor, Sup’t. Rev. T. 31. t.'HKisflAN, Pastor. JOURNALETTES. Bond your job work to tlic Journal office. We are prepared to execute it in a creditable style and at roasona bio figures. If in want of an Estcy, the most reliable organ manufactured, instruc¬ tions how to purchase will he given by applying at the Journal office. Megrath’s Old Antler and Ro¬ anoke are the best whiskies in Geor¬ gia for the price. Macon, Ga. tf. The Estcv is the cheapest, most du¬ rable and best toned organ manufac¬ tured. Mrs. DeLaey has returned home from a Vi-il to the home of her father in Appling county. The Journal acknowledges courte¬ sies at the hands of tlic K. T., V. & G. railroad authorities. Mrs. George Curreil, jr., of Cochran is on a visit to the family of her moth¬ er and friends in our town. The general managers of the B. & W. railroad will accept thanks for courtesies extended the Journal of¬ fice. Rev. and Mrs. T. M. Christian left last night on a few days’ visit to St. Mary's, the home of Mrs Christians parents. Tl.e Methodist pulpit in Eastman will be filled on Sunday next, morn Jug ai d evening, by Rev. J. W. Burke. of Maeou. Mr. '* * ( ft.,,... ^Uohhm u ill .u, cut f Iu* heartiest kind of tlianl s of the Jouu N\i; family for a nice lot of elioiee grape cuttings. Dodife Superior Court two Weeks from Monday next, 'rake notice, all ye interested, and govern yourselves accordingly. Already do signs of life and activity begin to make its appearance on the surface hereabouts by the opening of tin* Uplands. Clever Rowe Price 5 vas eiivulat ing among 11 s on Monday. Rowe has a hoM of friends in our town who are *ul w a vs glad of an opportunity of shak Sng his hand. Mr. A. L. Hobbs is rapidly pushing his new restaurant building to com¬ pletion. It will be open to the hun¬ gry next week, and will he in full blast court week. Captain nml Mrs. John L. Day, of Lumber City, ntiutbcrnmong those de¬ tained for a few hours in our town yesterday morning. They were en¬ roll to to Macon. The family of Mr. H. G. Miller hav¬ ing moved into the >building recently Vneated by the Joi^jnal family, Mr. Philips is. now q m-upying the Asa Sapp residence. Mayor Milner i.- showing a com¬ mendable disposition to induce the vagrants around town to go to work. Our streets will ere long show the wisdom of this policy. Lon Skelton is filling the trust re¬ posed in him as marshal of Eastman, to tho satisfaction of all. Ho is always on the lookout for violators of tho town ordinance, and goe^^kit. iuwariably bags his game when he Quile a serious ae<7 occurred last Friday evening a (tile n^' build¬ ing iu process of erection ov Col. L. A. Hall. A Mr. A^lams of Cochran, one of the workmen, fell from the roof a distance of about fifteen feet and was very severely if / <^t fatally in¬ jured. He was carried to his home in Cochran, Saturday morning. AY<* had a pleasant call on Saturday last from Mr. M. F. Amorous, the general manager of the Atlanta Lum¬ ber Company. This company con¬ trols an immense business among the mills of this section, and our people are ever glad to welcome the genial manager on his occasional visits to our ton 11 . It is with •pleasure that 5 \'o note tho pYfcffenve in Eastman of Mr. J. Day Stewart and ftrmilv. of Amcricus, formerly * „ ■ one of a oiivuvoinlncnt : , citizens*. ... Hu* j*len,nnl elm!, ami (lie jfrip nt hi* hand, reminds us happily of Eastman’s tarlv davs. We shall be proml to wcl come Mr. Stewart once more to eiti zenship, .. and . Miicerely . .... trust that the day i* not far distant W*h<*n we ►hall Jbe able u* do h*. H of grand and traverse ju roi-s fd Pebniary term. - Mr. U* B. Murrell returned homo yefiteriy morning from his visit to Brunsoick amt Camden County. Sec 1 tico elsewhere of Shcriir J. T. Raw Hit toi this issue, whereby the Dodge ounty Journal is made the official rgrin of Dodge ronniy. Neig jor Murrell will please accept thanks >r his kind remembrance of Us, the wliiji sliap visiting of the lot coast of fine section, in a nice oystej* in the skill. The family of Mr. Wm. Cooper have removed their citizenship from the country to town, and are occupying flic reshcnce formerly occupied by the famiy of Mr. D. F. Philips. Tlic Xctliodist Sunday school of our town is *apidly growing in interest and comcffucnt proportions. The roll of nicm'icrsliip on Sunday last showed up clgli y scholars in regular attend¬ ance. In compliance with behest of the governess of the domestic department of the Journal, wo acknowledge tbanks for some choice pear and grain* cuttings at the hands of our kind neighbor Mrs. Dr. Harris Fisher. Mr. J. Clayton Clements, of Spring Hill, dropped in onus yesterday morn¬ ing while awailing the cleavage of the R. R. track that lie might continue his to Amcricus iu attendance on the State Agricultural Conven¬ tion. We learn that the turpentine still of Mr. C. B. Parker, of Longview, was burned on Saturday morning last. We are not informed as to the amount of damage sustained, but understand that it is considered the work of an incendiary. The lumber and turpentine men along the line of road, gcnerly, arc quite vigorously complaining at the present tunc ot the inadequate supply of cars furnished them by the E. T. V. & G. It. R. for the transportation of their produets. Our river kinsman, Mr. M. E. Bow cn, and Marshal A. M. Skelton, Indi vidually and collectively, have placed us under many obligations bv the do nation each of a fine brood porker. May they live to a state of ripe nui tufit 5 % and neither throughout the race of life ever be known guilly o! a more hoggish act. Whilst the Atlanta Constitution is a welcome daily visitor to our sane turn, the pleasure of its visit* would he muchly enhanced bv a disposition on their part to '’render unto Crcsar the things which arc Uasor’s” in the make-up of their Georgia News »»>»• lMine, gentlemen, we bosserh ingly repeat our appeal to forbear giv in ^' our competitors credit for IhJ,.,- our pro Tho fmiui'iwy «r eurrences, brethren, begins to make it so mow hat galling. Among those detained over in our town yesterday morning by tin* nlii olf of the freight train near Dubois, was Dr. II, 11. Cary, of tin* Georgia Fish Commission. In conversation with the doctor we found him not on ly a polished and genial gentleman, but remarkably well posted in fish culture* Ills narration of the habits, mode of culture, etc., of the shad and carp were highly entertaining. The doctor was on his way to the agrioul tm-al convention. It was the good fortune of a Jorn xal reporter to be present at a grand hop given on Friday evening last in tin* spacious hall of J. C. Forsyth & Co., at Temperance, the which we un¬ hesitatingly pronounce one of the most pleasurable occasions of the kind we ever at (ended, AU participants unite in returning thanks to Messrs, Forsyth & Co., for courtesies extend cd, Sir. and in according much praise to James Brophv, the company's courteous and efficient business rep vesentative, for their enjoyment. Look Out lor District N. *. Con¬ vention. The Sabbath school workers of the State of Georgia, have for conveni¬ ence and thorough work, divided the Slate made in districts, one of which is of the counties ot Dodge. fair, Laurens and Montgomery, form¬ ing the 8 th S. S. District. This dis¬ trict holds a meeting ot representa¬ tives from these several counties at our sister town, Chauncey, beginning Friday night before the third Sabbath in March, and will continue till Sun¬ day night. and A grand desiied occasion it promises to be, it is that the counties all bo thoroughly organized and well rep¬ resented by their best Sabbath School workers. A full programme will appear in a short time and thoso selected to re¬ spond with papers or speeches in¬ formed of their subjects. Let it he known that tliis conven¬ tion is wholly undenominational and all one lor once. Amowkcaa Appendix. Mr. M. F. Amorous, of Atlanta, visited Amoskeag Friday. Mr. D. C. Bacon, of Savannah, spent a short time here last week. lie templates spend ing a while his in Ea«t man for tlic liciielit ot health. lie will stop at the Uplands. addition Amoskeag, in to its other attractions, will be quite popular with the young gentleman, ladies. as we now have two more young Miss Wise will make this her home, and. Miss Ma ggj c Uod^c#, ol JJftwkin.THIe. is sp*t 11 * 11 ngome time with her cousin. Miss Annie Barrett. Mr. Editor, Amoskeag plonw say that the buildings at white-wash, are receiving and a fresh coat of not i “push-cart, ’ etc., which is ri)un n g a a most ludicrous ami incongruous idea. ! Ft., We regret to annomice the death of Mrs. 11. P. Redding of our city, which occurred on Thursday mdrninglast. Thff fttnerai sermon was preached at tlic Methodist church on Friday by Rev. I)r. C. W. Smith, of the Wesleyan college of Maeou, assisted by Rev. T. M. Chrifitnin. Dr. Smith had been a particular friend of the deceased for many years, hud j>einformed tliis last sad office for tlic dead in accordance with her ex¬ pressed wish during her last sickness, as he had previously officiated in the same capacity at the funeral of Mrs. Redding’s husband several years ago. On Saturday morning the sorrow¬ ing family with many sympathizing friends, accompanied the remains to Macon, which were there laid to rest i in Rose Hill cemetery. Mrs Redding wn* a loving mother, a kind friend, and for many years a consistent member' of the Methodist church. A suitable obituary will be prepared for the columns of the Jour¬ nal* Death on the Rail. At 4 o’clock on yesterday morning two freignt trainsjcollidcd near Dubois, with fatal results, the particulars of which seem to he as follows: The south-bound freight, No. 21, followed its orders to hold the main line at Dubois, between the switches, and wait for tlic extra north-bound frieglit to pass oil the siding, 'in due time the last mentioned train ap¬ proached, but unfortunately its .en¬ gineer had dropped asleep, and the fireman, who was a new man, and not acquainted with the road, did not stop to change the switch, consequen¬ tly the train kept the main line at full speed, and the col 1 isio 1 ifoccurrdl, mak ing a total wreck of both engines, The occupants of tlic south-bound engine, noticing that the on-coming train did not stop, had bare time to jump anil escape harm. The engineer of the extra, S. G. Wil Hams, was injured severely about the head, and his right arm was disloea ted. The fireman, John Carrol, bad l‘i s h'g crushed below the knee, and a » (, gro assistant fireman, named Mose Johnson, who was working his ride to Macon, was instantly killed, 1,1 response to a telegram to East lna, b the up-morning passenger train was delayed at Eastman, its engine was dctatched, and on it Dr. T. J. Buchan was conveyed <0 the see 110 of ,,H> Rc< ’blent. Dr. Buchan amputated 1,10 tinman’s leg, and attended to the ^gineer’s injuries, returning to East >»an on the noon passenger, on which I f n,u "f also «>»voyod the body of t!l ® (U ‘ atl to 1,,H hom<; iu 15ax_ e '’ The wounded me,, were carried to l.o.-,- «l«y both rorf.lo,) on the evening train, accompanied by Dr. Blanton, of Chauncey, the regular surgeon of the E. T. V. & G. If. R. No particular damage was done to the trains otherwise than the destruc¬ tion of tlic locomotives, and the wreck was soon cleared. Hold ilrljctcli. This very deservedly popular house of Eastman is at present in a flourish¬ ing condition, and is overrun with hoarders. The hotel is particularly noted for its fine table, which is under the immediate charge, of the proprie¬ tress, Mrs. W. N. Lietch. 31 r. A. M. (’alder attends to the office affairs ill a creditable manner. I.offer from GraItam. Ghaham, Ga., Feb 3,1887. Ed. Journal: Alter a silonee longer than Zaelia **»*th*s I come to you with a lew lines, though news is as scarce as lien’s teeth, Our farmers are all busy hauling guano, cotton seed, elc., making pre¬ parations tor farm work, while our merchants arc alike busily engaged supplying tho guano,selling dry goods, groceries, etc., and laying in immense stocks of spring and summer goods# Mr. J. J. Davis, a well known and highly esteemed fellow-citizen died a tew days ago. The deceased was an efficient sgIioo! teacher and stood high in the estimation of all for his many noble qualities of head and heart. Your correspondent is just back home from an extended visit among relatives and friends in Wilkerson and Baldwin counties, the place of his nativity. This is our first visit to the dear old red hills for fifteen years, and you can well imagine, Mr. Editor, the changes wrought by the lapse of time. We saw many of bur old play¬ mates and school-mates who had grown to the state of manhood and womanhood during our absence, and as a consequence had grown out of our knowledge; but an acquaintance was renewed, old ties of friendship re¬ established, and your humble scribe hospitably entertained, and made to feel that ho was among friends. Wc visited the former State capital, Milledgcville, which is one among the loveliest little cities in Georgia. The old eapitol hall stands erect in its stately and magnificent appearance. It . used , lor „ the college ...... hall of that ,s now city. Wc also visited the Lunatic Asy¬ lum. This grand establishment is a , smht . „ ami . of „ much iitlcrcal to those who have never beheld it. It contains 1,2(>0 inmates besides the of flcials. We hope the many good people wo met may live a long ami joyous life, and at last die crowned ivith rightc ottsness. L. THE NEW RAILROAD FROM SAVANNAH to EASTMAN! Which will soon he built direct to Eastman from CC i, will mu through the best timbered belt of Yellow Pine in 11 Alongthe line of said road there will be numberless Saw-mills l*D is tilleries, all will ...... * „ of which purchase their supplies direct from Lietch & Morgan, WHOLESALE DEALERS IX Hay, Grain and Provisions. Who buy direct from the Northdfu rind Western markets In carload lots, for the cash, which enables them to compete with Savannah, Macon, and other wholesale markets. [feb2-vim-j-i[ GRAND AM) TRAVERSE JURORS Drawn for February Term, I8s7, of Dodge Superior Court. GRAND JURORS* J T Thompson "Wm Studstill J W Phillips W A Morgan I) A Lister C B Murrell M A Burnham .T D Peacock M A Walker Joseph Reaves J T Rawlins J T Lee J E Walker Eli MuIIis C II Peacock Wm Regans Berry Hobbs D C Cravey E II Bacon J I> lvnox J 0 KvaU B F Clark J A Coleman >1 A Lancaster I) T Douglas D AV Floyd T W Weeks T J Buchan Baldv Ryals J C Livingston. TRAVERSE JURORS—-FIRST WEEK. J B Peacock John B Wilson John Martin W D Hargroves M J Long W P Harrell J L McCranie AV J D Taylor Janies Newman W P Rogers Hamp Ilolms AV F Lord Wnght Zachariah Harrell, sr John McLeod, fir. Rooks Wright Weeks S A Mitt hell John Wilcox A E Holder George Reaves J D Phillips TJ AVare J AV Sasser A A McLeod Wright llurch jr J I) McLeod G W Wilkinson A C Phillips I) G Purvis DC Williams L A Barren 11 J Jump J L Davis A II Griffin J C AVilliams W 1) Parkerson TRAVERSE JURORS—SECOND WEEK. G AY Rawlins J D Reaves A J Ivev James Reaves AY W Thomas D T Ghlditis AY Ii Rogers Chas Newman 11 G Miller Daniel McCranie James Martin 1)J AY Childs AY 1) McArlhlit* L M AVoodward J S Rob tick J C Rogers G AY Evans sr I) S McEachin J B Mitchell Ciillin Reaves J AY Harrell J 11 Thompson CNMullis .1 M Martin J B Swearingano Levi AV' Evans Richard Peacock R R Evans AY I) McCranie So! L Peacock AY F Swcaringunc Ciillin Rogers R A Wynne AYm Norris AY B Parkerson S M Daniels. Dciilisli-y. Mv friends and patrons in Eastman and vicinity aro notified that I vviil bo in Kastman from the 14th to the last day of February. £®~(>iliee at Hotel do Lietch. Feb. 2-tf AA\ L. .Smith, Dentist. lnipurlanl Notice. All persons now indebted to the undersigned will please come forward and make settlement at once, as it can be more satisfactorily settled with him than officers. L. M. CURltY. ChauNcey, Ga.. Jan. 5th. 1887. UEO. ('. NORMAND. FRANCIS J. MEYER. ■Ml i Silt, CONTRACTORS ;and: — BUILDERS, EASTMAN, GEORGIA. Having giving located in Eastman for the pur¬ pose buihlers, of our vocation as carpenters and we respectfully solicit a share of the public patronage. Having an experience of over twenty years at our back, we are prepared to guar¬ antee satisfaction in all work intrusted to our hands. We are prepared to furnish plans and specifications upon application, and in the event of being awarded the job make no additional charges therefor. Work of the city and country adjacent solicited. leb.2.ftntj-p MACHINERY! 1 pr. TWIN ENGINES, 7xl4-inch cylinder. 1 ENGINE, 10xl6-5nch cylinder. 2 LOCOMOTIVE BOILKJ& AND STACKS. 1 NEACY FRICT’N FEED WORKS. 1 SAW MILL CARRIAGE, WITH BOSS DOG, 40 feet long. 1 STEEL MANDREL and BONES. 2 INSERTED TOOTII 58-in. SAWS. 1 SAW GUMMEK. Lot of SHAFTING and PULLEYS of various sizes. £&~AU for sale either for cash or lumber. Address, A. B. STEELE, Fcb.2-3m. Chauncey, Ga. I have secured ihe exclusive light to the Block Pile at Auicskeag, and am prepared to deliver tire wood In any quantity. Ord¬ ers solicited. f. a. bond. January 19, ’ 87 . 4t East Terni, V. & G. R. R. Geolr 0 z a Division. Time Card Taking £ffe$t December 19, 1886. ? Read Up. 2 05-r m a m 45 12 01 lv... 2 25 10 50 *1 05 cc 20 ar.... Macon... .lv 11 25 7 30 *1 20 rt 25 1 v.... M aeon.... ar 11 20 7 15 -1 25 00 .....Bullards..... 10 48 G 35 Qt (Ml 08 .. .Adams Park .. 10 40 0 25 3C 13 20 i Westlake..... 10 27 011 I 3ft -r 45 ..t'oehran. 10 ' 2 5 40 .. X 50 03 . Dubois.. «; 44 5 IS .. * 23 tr: 23 GodiVinville..7. Eastman 0 23 Ii 4 49 C 30 c 84 !J 4 87 C ti »?^ 42 .Chauncey. 9 04 4 27 C 14 c 03 ......McRae... 8 43 4 02 3 20 o 14 .....MeVille.. 8 33 3 52 C 50 37 ..Lumber City... 8 09 3 24 11 15 52 .. .Hnzlehurst.... 1 54 3 07 11 30 04 ......Graham..... 7 42 2 88 11 87 11 .... Pine < 1 rove.... 7 35 2 45 11 55 24 ......iia*ley...... 7 22 2 30 a in 12 20 7 13 .. •Surreney. . 1 02 2 06 1 10 8 25 ar .. Jesup... .lv 9 20 1 15 a in a m .............. pm am S. F. & W. CONNECTIONS. Leave Jessup..........T 30 a m 8 42 a m Arrive Waycross ....3 go 9 50 a m ( % J acksonville. ...0 15 12 For schedules and other information call on J. J. GRIFFIN, A. G. 1*. A. lb W. WRENN, Gen’l Pass and Ticket Agent. CENT’L RAILROAD Savannah, December 10, *o. On and after this date, passenger trains will run dailv unless marked t, which arc daily Sunday. The standard time by which these trains run is the same as .Macon city time! Lv Macon 2*35 am 9 lo am 5 2o pm 8 85 Ar Atlanta 7 2o a Hi 1 o5pm 9 oo pm 12 15 Passengers for Thoiftaston and Carrolton take train leaving at 9 lo am. Lv Macon lo 25 am ft 27 pm Ar Columbus 3 o2 pm G 5o am Passengers for Perry and Talbottom take lo 25 am train* Lv Macon ft 45 am ft o5 put 9 5o am Ar Albany lo 5o am lo oS pm 2 15 pm Lv Macon 9 5o am 0 o5 pm Lv Sinithville I 23 pm 2 ;*>•• am ArMontgomery 7 oft pm 7 Go am Passengers for Port Gain’ s, Hucna Yis ta, RlaKely and Clayton should take 9 5o am train. Lv Macon lo 35 am lo 5o pm Ar Milieu 2 pin 8 oo am Ar Augusta 4 45 pm G 15 am Ar Savannah 5 oo inn 5 55 am Passengers for Sylvania, Wr.ghtsviile, Sundersville, take lo 35 am train. Lv Macon + 2 lo pm Ar.Milledgv’le +5 2t pin Ar Katontou f 7 13 pm Lv A t lanla 8 oo am ft ;»•> am G r>ft pm Ar Macon G 85 am lft 1ft am 5 40 piu Lv Columbus 11 15 am 10 2ft pm Ar Macon 4 04 pin G 25 am Lv Albany 4 5ft am 8 57 pm 11 55 pm Ar Macon 9 05 am . 8 24 pm 5 05 pm Lv LvMontgoinerjr Siuithviile 7 40 am 7 15 pm J 4ft pm 5 42 am Ar Maeou 4 05 pm 9 05 am Macon Sleeping ears on all night trains betn een and Savannah, Savannah and At¬ lanta, Savannah and Macon, and Macon and Coluiii*»UH. Tickets for? all points and sleeping car berths on sale at city office, Hotel Lanier and J. depot T. HUGE, ticket office. G. A, WHITEHEAD, T. Agent. G. P. Ggent. A. C. KNaPP, Agent, Macon, Ga. SUCCESSFUL no¬ Farmers —a how THEY HAVE 5 Succeeded. THE NAMES, RECORDS, METHODS AND RESULT’S OF ONE THOUSAND OF THE BEST FARVl KRSS IN THE SOUTH, TO BE PUB¬ LISH ED IN THE Weekly Coastitutioa! The Most Valuable Sketches for Far¬ mers Ever 1’rintcd. Actual Re¬ sults and Details of Each Far¬ mer’s Plah Urinlod. Subscribe at once ! The sketches will begin in a week or two. A WEE ’S READING TREE FOR SIX GOOD FAMILIES. Send your name and the name and address of live of your neighbors or friends on a postal card and get free for ydtlrself and each of them a specimen copy of THE GREAT SOUTHERN WEEKLY, The Atlanta Constitution •‘Uncle Remus” world OUR famous Sketches of the old Plantation Darkey. THREE “BILL ARP’S” Humor - j ous Letters for the Home HUMOROUS! and Hearthstone. “Betsy: h a.milton’S” YR1TERS. adventures told in the “Cracker” dialect. War Stories, Sketches of Travel, News, Poems, Fun, Adventures, “The Farm,” The Household, Correspondence, A World of Instruction au<l Enter¬ tainment. Twelve l’agcs. The Brightest and best Weekly. Pleases every membei of the family. SEND A POSTAL FOR A SPECI¬ MEN COPY, FREE. Address “Thk Constitution.” Atlanta Ga. Bill Arp will write letters, 2G on farming, for WfcRKLY Constit u rfox dur¬ ing theyear. These letters are exclusive¬ ly for Thk Constitution. WASH ROACH, ATTORNEY AX E* A IV« SAVANNAH. GA. 5Vill practice in the courts ot Emanuel, Scriven, Bullock. Tattnall, Montgomery, Lil*crty and adjoining counties. mayT ly Savannah, Florida & West’n Ry, Standard [All trains of this road aro run by Central Time.] rpIME X Passenger CARD Trai 1 N EFFECT this NOV. road will 14,1880, is on run us follows: WEST 1X1*1 A FAST MAIL UKAP DOWN. J<KA1> CP. 7 o<5 a in lv.... Savrtnnali aril 55 i> in 10 (Hi a rii 1V Waveross. lv 0 15 a in 12 30 1 * m lv... Jacksonville.,.lv 7 non in 8 4 5ft 40 [) in lv . . Sanford lv l 15 a m p ni ar. ..Tampa .lv s 00 |) lilt TLA NT STB A MSI II V 1,1 X K. Tiies. Thur.) lv. .Taipptt .ar ;Fri. Sun. . wed. • • Fri.. • • P ml J ] fues... p ni Sun inf iTIuire.But.. I liurs. ...p Sat...I ar Wey West lv IMon pm a,n ar.,Havana .lv )Mon ffllurs.Sat., 1 1 ullman » .. ani l and rampa yutlet cars New York to Tampa I to Washington. NEW ORLEANS EXPRESS. I 7 00 am lv.....Savannah.....tir 7 58 p m ili a a ,n ni J lv... v - • • • Blackshear.... • • 0 .6 p ui ; 2 ;>0 * ar i> 22 p m .» a m nr.....Wavdross... h 5 05 p m II 90 a til dr... Call ah am 2 47 pm D 00 m ar... Jacksonville .lv 2 05 p m 7 85 lv... .Jacksonville, . a in ar 7 85 p m 7 38 a m lv......Callahan ar 0 57 p in 10 15 ui v lv.....Wav cross .... nr 4 40 p m 11 00 a m lv.... IIomcrvilie ... 1 v 8 55 p m 11 15 a in 3 4u p m 12 04 p m 2 fiG p m 12 34 p m 2 28 p m I 22 pm ar....Thomasville... 1 v 1 45 p m 3 85 [» m ar... .Rainbridge... .lv 11 25 a in 4 04 p m ar. .Chattahoochee . .lv 11 30 a m 3 42 p m ar......Albany 10 30 a m Pullman lmilet cars to and from Jackson¬ ville and New York, and to and from Jack¬ sonville .and New Orleans via Pensacol i, to and Jacksonville and Louisville via TUwmasviHe, Atlanta and Nashvillo and Jacksonville to Cincinnati via Jesup. EAST FLORIDA EXPRESS. I 30 p m lv... ..Savannah .a r 11 55 a rvi 3 20 p m lv.......Jesup.. lv lo 21 a ivi 4 21 pin lv... Rlackshcar .. lv 1) 84 a in 4 40 p m ar.....V* ayeross.....iv 0 15 a ni 0 57 p ni ar.....Cal!;;ban lv 7 88 a in . 7 J15 p in ar.. .Jacksonville 7 Orta m 5 00p m lv ...Jacksonville s 55 a m 5 41 p m lv.....Callahan... .ar 8 11a in 7 58 p m lv.... Way cross.....a 5 57 a in >S 45 p m lv.... llonierville. 1 5 lo a in 0 00 ]i m ar.. . Dupont ... lv [ 55 a m 3 20 p m 1 v . .Lake Cil.v. ar 10 15 a m 3 55 p ni 1 v.. Gaincsi iI lo ar 10 05 n m 7 20 p in lv . .. Live Oak .ar G 40 a m 9 10 p ni 1 v .. . Dupont ... ar 1 50 a m JO 01 p m lv .. Yaldosta lv 4 05 a m ... 10 84 pm lv.....Quitman... ... 1 \ »i t-i ;i in It 25 p in nr.. .Thomasville ... 1 v 2 50 a m 12 50 a m ar.....Camilla... 189am 1 55 a m ar......Albany... lv 12 50 a in ... l’ulmaii bullet cars to and from Jackson¬ bany, ville and Montgomery, St. Louis Nashville via Thotnusviile, Al¬ and Evans¬ ville, and Cincinnati to Jacksonville via Jesup. Pullman sleeping cars to and from liar tow and Montgomery via Gainesville, ALBANY EXPRESS. 8 45 p m lv.....Savannah ... nr O 10 a rri 11 25 pm lv........Jesup.. lv i.- 20 a m 1 30 a m — 30 a m 6 25 a m ar.....Callahan ....1 > 05 j» in G 15 a m ar... Jacksoin j!le .. .1 15 p in 8 15 p m Iv.. .Jacksonville ...a - 15 a in 0 05 p m lv.....Callahan.....a u 25 a in 2 00 a m lv... Waycross. ar11 20 p m 3 20 a m ar... 10 00 p m G 40 a m ar.....Lite Oak 7 2ft p m 10 05 a m ;tr... .Gainesville... lv 3 55 p mi 10 15 am ar .Lake City.. lv 8 20 p m 3 45 a m 1 v... .. Dupont ar 9 35 p m .. 5 27 a m Iv... . Valdosta I v 8 30 p m .. G 1ft a in lv... . Quitman . lv 7 55 p m 7 15 a ni ar... Thomasville lv 7 00 i) m 11 10 a in ar... . Albany. .. lv 4 00 p m buffet Stops at all regular stations Pullman ville and sleeping Washington, ears to and from Jackson¬ and to and from Jacksonville and Louisville via Tiiomr.s ville and Montgomery, Pullman buffet cars and Mann boudoir buffet car via Way cross, Alimov and Macon, ami via Way. cross, ville Jesup am. Macon, between Jackson¬ audCineiunutti. Aiso, thioU'iii pass¬ enger coaches between Jacksonville and Chattanooga. jesup ?;x press. 3 45 p in 1 v . . .Savannah..... ar s an - m G 10 p in ar ......J esu p......, lv 5 25 U 'i Stops at all regular and Hag stations. Tickets sold and sleeping ear berths se¬ cured at the passenger station. WM. J'. HARDEE, G. I*. A. R LEMING. G. S B RUNSWIC and Western R R . TY-TY ROUTE. 50 MILES SHORTER THAN ANY OTHER ROUTE 11ETWEEN WAYCROSS AND A LI! A NY. On and after Sunday, November Mth„ 18 sg, passenger trains will run as follows’ FOR THE WEST, NORTH AND SOUTH. Mail. Express, Brunswick, via. u.*tw lv (1 (HI am 7 5ft pm Pyle's*G 27 am*8 lft pm 9 54 am 8 43 pm Way lies 7 32 am 9 23 pm 8 29 a in lft 27 pm 8 41 aml0*40 jun Waycross............ ar 9 or. am 11 15 pm Callahan....... Savannah, via s v a vv arl I 55 am G lft am ... arl 1 2ft am 5 25 pm Jacksonville,via s k*w arl2 fto in 0 15 am Jacksonv ille.via s v &w lv 7 OOmn 815 pm 7 33 am 9 05 am Savannah, via 8 vt w lv 7 eft am 1 8ft urn U^ay cross, via. ft *V W. lvlft Oftant II 80 pm Pearson.... 1 v 11 15am 12 4s pin Alai aha ,. 1 v 12 30pm 1 15 am Tv Tv...... lv 2 08pm 3 11 am Sumner lv 2 Ispm 3 2ftam Willingham . It 2 41pm ..... Davis ,1 v 3> ftftpm ...... Albany..... .ar 3 25 pm 1 45 am Blakely, via c l u. ar 7 2ft pm... Columbus.......... .ar i inn Maeon,............ .ar 8 24 pm ft 04 am Atlanta, Marietta, via C u n. arl 2 15 a in 1 05 pm via w & A ar 1 2t am 2 3G pm Chattanooga, Louisville, vi .ar 5 55 um 7 07 pm a l & N ft 40 pm ft 30 am Cincinnati, via Gin So ar G 45 pm G 40 am From west, nortthand south. Mail. Express. Cincinnati, Louisville, via Cin So lv 7 55 am 8 10 pm via i,A n. ..Iv 7 50 am 8 4o pm Chattanooga via vv & a lv 9 ftf> pm 8 o5 am 1 28 am 12 53 pm Atlanta, via U R rt.....fv 2 25 am 2 Oft pm 31 aeon . C 15 am 0 1ft pm Columbus. ... ... 11 3ft am Blakely ..... lv 7 2ft am Davis........... Albany, via B * w.. lvll OftamlO lft inn lvll 25 am YVillinghain. ... lvll 41 am Sumner............... Ivl2 13pmll 13 pm Ty Alapaha Ty.......... .......I \12 32 pir, 11 28 pm ....... 2 11 pm 12 43 am Pearson........ 3 8ft pm 1 43 am W ayeross...... ......a r 4 49 jnn 3 Oft mu Callahan Savannah, via s K i w ar 5 58 jnnil 55 mg Jacksonville,via G 57 pip 5 25 am s f*w ar 7 35 pm g 15 nni Jacksonville,\ia s Vk\v lv lv 2 (>5 pm 8 15 am Callahan... .. 5 47 pin 9 05 j>m Savannah, . 1 v 1 80 urn 8 45 pm Wayeross .. .....1 v 5 05 pm 3 15 am Scbiatterville .. 5 32 pm*3 41 am Hoboken . .. 5 5j pm*3 5ft am Wnynesville........ ..IV lv ft 53 pm 4 55 am Jamaica......... 7 XI pm 8 35 mu Pi le’s Marsh .1 v 8 on pm*ft 05 am Brunswick..... . ar 8 28 1.111 0 lft am .stop on signal. Purchase Tickets at the station. Mid save extra fare collected upon tlx* train. The mail train stops at all B. A 55'. sta tions. Connections mad’' at 55’avoir r to and ms from all points Railway. on Suvanuab, Florida and Western Pullman palace sleeping through and Mann between bon. doir coaches upon trains Jacksonville and Cincinnati. First-class car through between Bruns ick and Atlanta. j. a. McDuffie, _______ g.p. a. F. W. ANGLER, A. G. P. A. A. A.GADDIS, V.P.&G.M. W. JUm t £** W (Old I Inn Cure), A . calSM VEx,..’ f ABLE BLOOD PURIFIER AND TONIC IT IS THE ORIGINAL I TIlE OLDEST AND THE LEST. iiam m Not a Cure-All, 0. L C. l>«mT cure every ailment, hut it, will curd every trouble due to impure blood. It ift lent appetiser and aid to digestion, and For Female 4 tom pi u I it In, a C'errf tnlh t urci A NOTE OF WARNING. O. T. C. is the only original, genuine Old Inman ( me, and no other preparation is made by the recipe which we own. TM 1 Z O. I. C. lo« i'KRKV, .Sold in Kastman by U. Anderson * Co. 4 Ers. J. V. LEWIS, eWmUtw - JtSahcr* EASTMAN, GA. ' Fine Siik and Worsted r resses a specialty.’ Gentlemen’s Spring and Sum-* mer Wear Cut anc* Made to Order. Anply 2nd Avenue. at the residence of 1L R. Folsom; on apr m, >80-t . McLeod House, . John Lumbar D, City, fca., McLeod, Proprietor. RATES OF HOARD PER DAY, $2 00 Special rates lor families and peniiiw nont hoarders. A K.IVFItV STARLE Is run in connection with the house, at which can be secured, at all times, ex collent turn'Out*; For the accommodation of v-mrtics sport-' ivdy inclined, the proprietor has rigged out and on the waters of the Cto¬ rn nl gee River, just, at hand, handsome IConds. suitabb* lor rowing and AmH' ing purposes; and in connection therewith keeps tackle. on hand a good supply of tishin^ fe!»25-tr. DR. J. C. MONTGOMERY. Eclectic Physician, CHAUNCEY, GEORGIA Chronic Diseases of Women, 1 in potency $ entity. Sterility, and all private diseases, a spe-* General practice promt tly attended to* JOl/ A full line of drugs and medicines kept on hand nil the time, (.'alls answered t all hours"day or night. EDWARD BELL, Tonsortal •ftriist* A.’-umruN JToube. Gt nlJonien wishing a hnireef shampoo shove, or any work done known to the art tonsui’, will Grid me at the Ashburn Ho¬ tel prepared to sene them in first-clasi? style. EmvAiu> Hull,. Oat G-tf. JOHN D. AblL-ON, ATTORNEY AT L A WV S WAINS BORO, G A. Practices irt Middle, Augusta ,and Oceo Courts. nee Circuits; in the Supreme and Fedora! may 5,’8G- ly. ____ Sale, Peed —And—; f f I A CC /ifiPPWw* t! X: f! !' -i i, W wj •> ly-CAn u.v ...-"t LIVERY STABLE* W. L. WILCOX, CHAUNCEY, GKO. Tic.' public is bore notified taut J have established my* permanently at, Chauncey hand i business- ... < . that 1 will keep on at < S the very best mules ftftd hor-f s pin - iiasv’d direct from the west¬ ern markets, which I am prepared to sc 11 at tigures as low as t lie lowest. My stables are open to the public at all times, where turnouts can bn secured and stock taken care of at a moderate rate of charges, 1 most, respectfully solicit the patronage of the public. W. i*. Wilcox. aug il-Gin. 3 . H . CLAY, V A W in I 0 3 A IS S, K ISA UIIlilt CHAUNCEY, OA., Desires to inform the public thal h <5 Chauncey, has opened a firstclass barber shop it* and solicits the patronage! ot the an mb. Competent workmen/ sharp razors, clean towels,-easy chairs* Hair cutting a specialty, and done irt the latest styt.thc far j 21 tfleo W. H. SHUFELT, Pit A CTJ CA L J E lVJJLH H ANI5 WATCHMAKER, CHAUNCEY, C EORGIAv 55 ork solieitod and satisfaction guaran te.’d. Eirofflcft in the Sanders old. Nov. 24. —3m. DR. J. M. BUCPU &S 0 Nf Physicians and Drngglsts, EASTMAN, GA., /^VFFER their Professional services t<f V^tbepeople01 counties. this immediate aad sur-’ rounding One or the other cart be found at, their office atuny time. AH calls promptly attended day or nDht,’ Patir nts at a distance visited by special contract, All chronic and private diseases, eitherof’ inaieor female, If a specialty. Nochargefor consul immediate tat i*»r. reply. by letter Rend stamp for All consultations and letter* private. A pood supply of dnigrf are itbe kept eoastantly remodicsv on, b >J. including al new i