The Dodge County journal. (Eastman, Dodge County, Ga.) 1882-1888, February 16, 1887, Image 3

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THE journal. *.*. BURTON, « . v * Editor. WffDHESDAV, FEBRUARY !«, 1887. Mir. L. f. Loan, of Appling county is authorized , to receive and receipt for sub¬ scriptions to the Dodoscounty Journal. Dill ECTOR Y. 9fti ■le. Regular meeting 1st Friday night ill each mouth at 7 o'clock. I. o. a. *r. Nights Regular meetings 1st and 3d Tuesday at 7:30 o’clock. ■tellftlotan. EeiftcorAi..—services third Sabbath in each month at 11 o’clock a. in. and 4 n. m. in Masonic; building, by Rev. H. B. Stuart Martin. Tho public are cordially invited to attend. | BAmsr.—Rev. P. A. Jessup, pastor, preaches Sabbaths in at each Kastman month. every Also 2nd at and Central 4th Point on the second Sabbath and Baturday before in each month* Conference with the Kastman Baptist church on second Sab in each month. Mkthodist Episcopal Church South. —Preaching and 7 every Sabbath at 11 o’clock a. day m., evening p. m. 7 o’clock. Prayer meeting Wednes¬ at R. Bmtday J. School meets at9>$ o’clock a. m. Bcrozler, Bup’t. Rev. T. M. ('hristian, Pastor. JOURN ALETTES. Send vour job work to the Journal office. We are prepared to execute It In a creditable style and at reasona¬ ble figures. If in want of an Estoy, the most reliable organ manufactured, instruc¬ tions how to purchase will be given by applying at the Journal office. Nlograth's f>cst Old Antler and Ito attoke are the whiskies in Geor¬ gia for the price. Macon, Ga. tf. The Estey is the cheapest, most du¬ rable and best toned organ mamifac (ot*ed. Yellow jassanilnc, violets and early hynchiths are in bloom. Mr. James Bishop, ji\, is attending the Supreme Court ill Atlanta this week. Col. B. R. Calhoun is, we regret to say, confined to the house with tho mumps. We aro plea«cd to nofo the appear nnee of Mr. W. W. Harcll on our streets once more after a short illness. Mrs. Douglass, of Talhotton, mother of Mrs. James Bishop, jr., of Ihis place, arrived in Kastman last week and is visiting her daughter. Wc understand that there arc a few eases ot measles in mild form in tho city. Nothing, however, ot miy seri OU 5 importance. Thc Hcv. Mr. Burke, of Macon, prcaclied :tti able sermon at the Meth church in Eastman on Sunday las! to a very appreciative audience, Mr, M illie Waite has enclosed his bouse lot with a neat fence, which greatly adds to the appearance of the place, improvements arc being made on every hand. J “ d * n K - of ,h " J,i,UU<! Circuit, «ill .......... ul J)ml K * Sup. rior, durlii;; llio llr.t three day. of the . oinii. K .cion, trying (how ra.o. in whirl, JudK* Klbbco i.diHqoahlicd. Dr. J. D. Herrman and mother, in rompauy with Mr. Henry Paris, left Eastman yesterday morning for New Orleans, where they expect to remain until the 1st prox. We wish for them a pleasant trip and a safe return. Mr. Sam Page, of New York, who lias spent several winters in Eastman, is tt present at Valdosta, and his friends and acquaintances iu this vicinity will he pleased to leur 11 of his improved health, us per private ad¬ vice. Hon. Waller T. McArthur shed tiie light of Ids smiling counte¬ nance among our people yesterday, returning on the noon passenger train to attend the wedding at Chauncey, of which we have heard some incidental Mention. Mr. William Gilmore, of Chase City, Va., arrived in town yesterday. He will Ikj well remembered as a for¬ mer resident of Eastman in its early slays, at whicii time ho was acting as supervisor on tho E. T., V. & G. R R, then the M. & B. road. s The members of the Baptist church of Eastman uro making a move in the right direction by beautifying and adorning their church grouuds with shrubbery and flowering plants. Nothing more adds to the attractive¬ ness of a city thau a neat and well kept church yard. We are please to note tiie rapid im¬ provement of Mrs. L. M. Peacock, who has been quite seriously ill for •ome weeks. Mrs. Peacock will shortly visit her father, Mr. Sauls, of Laurens county, whose health has been failing . for several years, and who is now in quite a critical couditiou. Rev. Chas. D. Mallary, of Chanu cey, supplied the Baptist pulpit in Eastman last Sunday night, preach¬ ing a most effective discourse, which is highly spoken of by those who were present. We learn that arrange¬ ments have been perfected with Mr. Mallarv whereby he will preach at this church regularly two Sundays la every mouth, during the absence of Mr. Jesup. ■npsrtaat Nattce. All person* now indebted to the undereiguod will please come forward and make settlement at once, as it can be mote satisfactorily settled with him thfth officer*. L. M. Curry. Chauncey, Ga.. Jan. 5th, 1887. Oar C'aaaty Officer*. That Dodge county is at the ent tfnid most ably officered no one can deny. Our much respected Ordi nary, the Hoii. J. J. Kozar, hat most ably and efficiently admiuklered the affairaof this office for four connect! live terms, and the present prosperous condition of the county’s finance* is an evidence of his ability to handle the difficult and intricate details of the business of his office in a masterly manner. ■ The Sheriff, Mr. J. T. Rawlins, is a very popular and deserving officer, who, having satisfactorily filled this important office during the last two terms, was lately re-elected for the en¬ suing term, and has furnished the strongest bond ever given iu Dodge county. Mr. Jas. M. Sapp, the newly elected County Treasurer, has long enjoyed the respect of our people in private life, and his many friends now rejoice in his elevation to this prominent po¬ sition which lie will fill iu a credita¬ ble manner. Mr. J. C. Raw Hr a, who for many years has been the careful and compe¬ tent Clerk of Superior Court, will still be found in charge of the records iu his convenient and well arrahged of¬ fice in tlie court house. Mr. Jas. R. Giddcns. who has re¬ cently been elected to the responsible office of Tax Receiver, is very favora¬ bly regarded iu this connection, hav¬ ing always been considered a.s one of our jnost upright and trustworthy young men. The affairs of the Tax Collector’s office are ably managed by Mr. Baldy Ryals, whose long experience as Dodge county’s tax collector in the faithful performance of duly, has made him appreciated by all. The duties of Coroner of this county arc not very laborous yet, as every¬ where else, they arc very important, and Mr. H. M. Guldens acceptably fills the office. Last but by no means least, conics Mr. James Hartley, the veteran Sur¬ veyor, who has Ii 6 ld a commission as Surveyor, of cither this county or some other iu Georgia, for a continu¬ ous period of over forty years. “Un¬ cle Jim,” as he is familiarly known to the boys, has an eve that is true as a die, and no matter how blind is the pathway in the forest, or on religious subjects—lie maketh no mistakes. Ilyiunenl. On Wednesday, February Dili, at the residence of Mayor Miiiliu, Chauncey, were united in marriage |,y jj,p |» ev , j # jy Aulhon.v, Mr. RoH. E. Hightower, of Florida, and MibS Mattie Jmu*Harrison, the hcauti fill and accomplished daughter of Prof, fioorgn Harrison, of Thomaston, formerly of Eastman. The Journal extends its hearty congratulations to thc happy couple, and its sincere wish that the Fates may bestow upon them a long and cloudless married li/e. G*ih1n Ml i Parti*. Iivh .2 »..vwh*ro iu tl.c v , ci||I , v of Cham.ccy who wbh (o maIe0 m ,vanta>t*o,., herein, ii. the „ 1)0 of a ,. v goo(U or glw . cric , t wiH , lo , yc „ to cn „ at oncc upon Mr . u . A . Curry, who has recently purchased tho entire stock of goods formerly owned by Mr. John Wilcox, which ho proposes to close out at cost with¬ out delay. Don’t fail to take advan¬ tage of this (splendid opportunity to secure bargains. A. Departure. Last night Mr. Itoliert Harris, who has recently been in Hie employ of Dr. Harris Fisher, left Eastman for McOIennv, Florida, where he has made a business connection, and where he will make his future home. Although having lived in Kastman but a few mouths, yet Mr. Harris has made many warm friends here who will greatly regret his departure, and whoee pleasant wishes will attend him. II. Cl. miller A Co. We would respectfully ca’d the at¬ tention of our readers to the adver¬ tisement of Messrs. 1!. G. Miller k Co., of Eastman, who keep constantly on hand a large supply of household tur nilure, sewing machines, etc., and are also fully prepared to furnish upon the shortest notice anything acquired iu the line of coffins ot* burial caskets. This otters to tho citizens of Eastman and su iron tiding towns a convenience which will be appreciated, as ft re¬ moves the necessity of /sending to distaul cities for such articles as are lrequeutly needed without delay. AiBMMtkeciw Vppeaiii. Hon. L. Johnson, of Johnson ville, spent the day In Amoskeag Friday. While here he purchased the locomo live Augusta, from the A. I* Co. Mr. J. T. (Jolcord Kpoul a few* days in Savannah last week. Quite a pleasant little party came off at the Atnoskcag house Wednesday evening. Dancing was enjoyed, a little moonlight flirtation, and a jolly little supper ■■■ were the incidents. The bard» ot olden days dreamed and sung of the brave deeds and noble ftrnines* of their doughty knights, but the modern harper sings the praise of Wisdom and soeks to be •H bul having made baton. «U:y ho is forced to suocumb. This mis¬ fortune befalls him in the shape of an attack of the measles, which will delay him until, perchance, some more for¬ tunate Adonis wins the coveted prize, The H«iitKOf«rKla Immigrant. The second issue ot this paper ap peared on our streets last Saturday, and a most readable paper it is bi¬ deed. Its object,that of dissemminating in formation, regarding thi* section ot Georgia, in remote parts of the Union, Is a most commendable one, and the Immigrant should receive the hearty support and co-operation of ail our citizens. Whatever works for public good, indirectly causes private bene tit. Three thousand copies of the pres¬ ent issue of the Immigrant, sent pro¬ miscuously over the North and West, cannot fail to open the eyes of some inquiring ones, and produce a very favorable impression of our impor¬ tance in many localities in which wc have iiitherto been unknown. The only way to start immigration in our direction is to publish and ad¬ vertise the advantages of our country. Other sections of the South are alive to the imjiortanccof attracting North¬ ern and Western capital ami energy to their doors, and wc are much, grat¬ ified to know that we have among us public spirited gentlemen, possessed of both brains ami money, who pro¬ pose to place our county and city in the front rank of progress. Arrived. Hon. Edward Breitung, family and servants (nine In the party), arrived at Eastman last Sunday morning at six o’clock, having left Chicago Fri¬ day night, and traveled iu a special car via most direct. Upon arrival here the tar was side tracked and the party remained therein over Sunday, as Mr. Breitung was suffering from a seriom attack of asthma, aggravated by a severe cold, and his physician, who had accompa¬ nied him from Chicago, thought it imprudent for him to lie removed from the car. The Breitung mansion, though cn tirely finished, was not ready to re reive the party as the furniture, pro visions, ctt., which were shipped from Chicago over ten days ago, from some cause were delayed and hail not yet arrived. We sincerely trust that Mr. Breit¬ ling’s illness will he of short duration and wc cordially bid him and his family welcome to Eastman and to tlie hospitality of its citizens. A Hue liesf Mauufuetory. The nionufuctiirc of pine leaf into a to !>o used in the arts, as far as known, is pursued only in North Caiudina. 'I’hc works arc built iu j ; Cronly, a station on the Carol ilia Cen l»*al railroad, wventoni miles from 1 Wilmington. r t’hc daily product is j curled pounds pine of pine leaf hair ami | straw, sold to furniture and carriage manufacturers for atufl ' iuff ‘'usliions, chairs, sofas, etc., while fin* latter is used exclusively for mat tivsscs. and in no |.rc-i»arcd an to pa serve the balsamic odor, for which Miedieiual virtues are claimed. In the process of manufacture an oil is dis¬ tilled, called pinole uni, that is consul ered valuable for its curative proi*er ties. ,. 1 he mattresses .. are sold ,, , largely , for hospital purjioses, and a large trade for all the products of the fac¬ tory has been established in the north¬ ern states aud Canada. Carders, looms and spinners have been added, and the fibre Is converted into carpets and mattings, which will be l»oth useful amt healthful. The natural color is brown,, like the dried straw, but tho. j fibre takes and holds dyes as well as j any fibre, ami lrnttcr than most, and rail be blenched nearly white. Adrertislng Their Advantage. Wise indeed are those who appre * eiating the inquiries now being made in (hc North about this section, sec } n g number of persons looking in ■ this direction for a place to settle or 1 f 0| . a „ investment of cupital, make known the advantages, attractions and resources of their town or coun¬ ty. It is a time whcii enterprise and energy tell, when those who “hide their light under a bushel” are left far behind iu the race. As those States have advanced most in the last two years that were best represented at the World’s Ex positiou so arc those towns advanc¬ ing most to-day which are making themselves and their resources best known to Northern capital. Ala¬ bama, Tennessee, Arkansas and Mis¬ sissippi have been making groat strides forward, because they appreciate this fact and because they have advertis¬ ed themselves thoroughly. Georgia has this yet to learn, and j ! it would seem that her legislators arc disposed to learn it. What the | State ought to do and does not do ! ,UU! »t b v counties and cotn . ! muni ties. With united effort it can | be done at a very liltte cost to each j one and with great profit to the com¬ munity. The tide has turned Southward, and those communities in the South * which would attract population and ( wealth must be up and doing. Teo » pic are not apt to go where they' are j no j invited, nor are they apt to go on i voyages without a map. An entcr prising community, like an enterpris >*>£ merchaut, advertises its adv&nta- 1 il thereby aUracts people to - Amff,c "* Kecord * r - In another column will be found ylio canl of Mr, II. W. Easterling, practical jeweler and watchmaker. He is a skilled workman aud his charges are always very reasonable- THE NEW RAILROAD from: SAVANNAH to EASTMAN! Which will soon be built direct to East man from Savannah, will rnn through the best timbered belt of Yellow line In the State. Along the line of said road there will be numberless Saw-mills and Turpentine Dis¬ tilleries, all of which will purchase their supplies direct from Lietch St Morgan, W IIOLF.S A LB DEALERS IN Hay, Brain and Provisions, Who buy direct from the Northern and Western markets in carload lots, for the cash, w hich enables them to compete with Savannah, Macon, and other wholesale markets. [fcl> 2 -vim-j-i[ Jok* WarufrYAot Brad. Why mourn you—theCraft? for John War¬ ner’s not dead, Though bis body lies pulseless and still; That, missile which forced its tierce way through the head No real John Warner could kill. John Warner’s not dead—though the cas¬ ket is dumb. But has gone ou a mission of love, With his t'ompass and Square, with bis Level and Plumb, To his work in the Grand Ix>d -p above. John Warner’s not dead, but will often re¬ turn, Ami oft in our Lodge will appear, And o’er his cold ashes which lie in the urn. Will whisper the Word in our ear. John Warner’s not dead- bv each hope in my breast I would swear on this spot where I stand, Thai stnse the hist sun sank in silence to rest, 1 hayp felt the Strong Grip from hi* hand. David Barker. Denlislry. My friends and patrons in Eastman and vicinity arc notified that l will la* In Eastman from the 14th to the last day of February. at Hotel de Lietch. Feb. 2-tf W. L. Smith, i>e»»tist. OEM. C. NORM AND. FRANCIS J. MEYER. nisi I i t ) CONTRACTORS — :.vxn: — j | BUILDERS, EASTMAN, GEORGIA. Pairing loeutod in Eastman for the pur¬ and pose of builders, ptving our vocation an carpenters wo respectfully solicit a share of the public patronage. vears at our back, weave prepared Utguar | ^ , (| l ^ ,u,tion in ,,u wwrk in,n,hted j ! event *,^££ of being 0 ^ awarded the job ju.dTn'ihc make no additional charges therefor, Work of the city and country adlacent solicited. lch.2.6nij-p Lumber City Livery Stables Steele Bros. Prop’s. Wc would inform the pubtfc that wc have fitted up and stocked, in connection with our regular mail juid hack line, a ! FIRST-CLASS LIVERY STABLE, 1 1 where the public will find us prepared at all times to furnish good turnouts. (QT'Ve make a specialty of TAKING CAEIl OF STOCK, and respectfully solicit the patronage of the public. jan26-2m DR. J.BL BUCHAN & SON Physicians and Druggists, KAMT.H4N, GA., /\FPKR their Professional services to V/the people of this immediate and sur¬ rounding counties. One or the other can be found at their office many time. All calls promptly attended day or ni^lit. Patients at a distance visited by sjieeial contract. All chronic and private diseases, either of male or female, a specialty. No charge for consultation. If by letter scud stamp for immediate reply. All consultations and letters private. A good supply of drugs are kept constantly remedies. on baud, insluding mchlStf al o ltlic new W. H.SHUFELT, PHACTICAL JEWKLEJl AMD WATCHMAKER, CHAUNCEY, GEORGIA. Work solicited and satisfaction guaran¬ teed. r^-Qllioc in the 8anden> oid. Nov. 24. —3m. J. H . CLAY, I'AtfHIONABLE CHAUNCEY, GA., Desires to inform the public that he has opened a firstclass barber shop in Chauncey. and solicits the patronage ot the same. Competent workmen, sharp razors, clean specialty, towels,*easy done chairs, Hair cutting a and in tha latest stvt.tlie far j 21 tftco U. W. EASTERLING, Practical Jeweler 4 Watchmaker, KASTMAN, GEORGIA. Work solicited and satisfaction guarau teed. Office on country road, fco Ifi-*m East Tenii., V. & 6 . R. R. Georgia MHvimon. Time Card Taking Effect ,December 10, 1886. Read Down. Read Up. ]i in a m lv... 3 45 12 01 2 25 10 50 7 05 3 20 ar.... Macon Iv 11 25 7 30 7 20 3 25 lv ... Macon ar 11 20 7 15 7 25 4 00 .. Bullards 10 48 6 35 S 00 1 OS .. Adams Park . 10 40 6 25 K 13 4 20 .. ..Westlake.. . 10 27 G 11 H 5* 4 45 ......Cochran. . 10 02 5 40 S 50 5 03 . .....Dubois.. . n 41 5 is 0 2.3 ft 2J4 . ... Eastman . » 23 4 40 0 30 ft 54 .Godwinviite .0114 37 9 47 5 42 . .. .Chauncey..... 0 04 4 27 10 14 0 03 . ... ..McRae.. 8 43 4 02 10 20 0 14 . .. .McVitle. 8 3 52 10 ftti 0 37 . ..l.umlier .Uazlehurst... City... 8 09 3 24 11 15 0 62 '. .. . 7 54 3 07 J1 :») 7 04 . ... Graham ... . 7 42 2 .Vi 11 37 7 It ...Pine Grove... . 7 35 2 45 11 55 7 24 . .....Baxley..... 7 22 2 30 a m 12 20 7 43 .currency. . 7 02 2 06 1 10 8 25 ar.....Jesup lv 9 20 1 15 a in a m ........... p ni am 8. K. A W. CONNECTIONS. lieave Jessup....... 1 30 a in 8 42 a m Arrive Jacksonville. Wayeross . 3 06 9 50 a ui “ ...G 15 12 For schedules and other information call on J. J. GRIFFIN, A. G. P. A. B. W. WRENN, Gen’l Pass and Ticket Agent. CENT’L RAILROAD .Savannah, December 19, ’6. On and after this date, passenger trains will run dailv unless marked f. which are dailv The except standard Sunday. time by which these trains run is the same as Macon city time: Lv Macon 2 35 am 9 lo am ft 2o pm inn 8 35 Ar Atlanta 7 2o am 1 oftpin ft no 12 15 l’assongers for Thomaston and t.'arrolton take train le.-iving at 9 lo am. Lv Macon lo 25 am 0 27 pm A r Columbus 3 o2 pin G 5o am Passengers for Perry and Tat bottom take lo 25 am train. Lv Macon G 45 am 6 oft pm !) 5o am Ar Albany lo ao am lo oS pm 2 45 pm Lv Macon 9 fto am <i o5 pui Lv Smith ville 1 23 nm 2 fto nm ArMontgoincry 7 oh pm 7 3o am l’assemrers for Fort Gaines, Buena Vis ta, Blaaely train. and Clayton should take 9 5o am Lv Macon lo 35 am lo fto pm Ar Mftlen 2 08 pm 3 oo am Ar Augusta 4 45 pm 0 tft am Ar Savannah 5 oo pm 5 55 aiu Sjuidersville, Passengers l\>r Sylvania, Wrights ville, take to 35 am train. Lv Macon t2 40 pn» ArMiUedgv’le tft 24 pm Ar K.i ton ton f7 13 pni Lv A tlanta 3 no am G 3 ft am 6 50 pm Ar Macon 0 35 jon 10 10 am 5 40 pm Lv Columbus 11 15 am 10 20 pm Ar Macon 4 04 pm 6 25 am Lv Albany 4 50 am 3 57 pm 11 55 pm Ar Macou 9 05 am 8 21 pin 5 05 pm l.vMontgomery Lv Smillivillc 7 40 am 7 lft pm 1 40 pm 5 42 am Ar Macou 4 05 piu 9 05 am Sleeping mid cars on all night, trains between Macon 8avaunah. Savannah and At¬ lanta, Savannah and Macou, and Macon and Columbus. Tickets for all points and slecpiug car berths on sali“ at city olHcc, Hotel Lanier and depot T. ticket office. WHITEHEAD, J. HUGH, G. A. T, Agent. •G. r. agent. A. (J. KXaPP, Agent, Macon, Ga. SUCCESSFUL —AND— Farmers IlOW THEY HAVE j Succeeded. TIIE NAMES, RECORDS, METHODS AND RESULTS OF ONE THOUSAND OF THE BEST FAR V1ER8S IN THE SOUTH, TO BE PUB¬ LISHED IN THE Weekly Constitution! The Most Valuable Sketches for Far¬ mers Ever Printed. Actual Re¬ sults and Details of Each Far- * mcr’s Plan Printed. Subscribe at once! Tho sketches will hc^tn in a week or two. A WEE -S READINC FREE FOR SIX GOOD FAMILIES. Send your name and the name and address of five of your neighbors or friends on a postal card and get free tor yourself and each of them a specimen copy of THE GREAT 80UTHERN WEEKLY, The Atlanta Constitution •‘I'nclk Rbmus” world OUR famous Sketches of the old Plantation lhirkey. THREE “BILL ARP’S” Humor ■{ ons Letters for the Home HUMOROUS* i and Hearthstone. I “BETSY HAMILTON’S” WRITERS, j adventures told iu the l “Grjicker” dialect. War Stories, Sketches of Travel, News, Poems, Fun, Adventures, “The Farm,” The Household, Correspondence, A World of Instruction and Entcr tain incut. Twelve Pages. The Brightest and best Weekly. Pleases every mcmbci of the family. SEND A POSTAL FOR A SPECI¬ MEN COPY, FREE. Address “Thk Constitution.” Atlanta Ga. Bill Arp will write 78 letters, 26 on farming, for Weekly Constitution dur¬ ing the vear. These letters are exclusive¬ ly for ThkCosibtitutioji. WASH ROACH, A r ro “v™ A aT. A , Will practice in the courts ot Emanuel, Scriven, Liberty Bullock, adjoining Tattnall, Montgomwy, aud counties, jr.ay71y Savannah, Florida & Vesta ly. Standard [Alt trains Time.l of this read arc run by.Central rpiMK A Passenger ( A Kl> Trul IN* F.PPK<’TNOV. this 14.1SSH. as follows: is on road wit! run WEST INDIA FAST MAIL. 8 50 ,) 1'LANT.STKAMSit m ar .‘.'.Ta^paVV.W 1 OU J*. m I V LINK. T ..... luliT' pm Mon amf ar.,Havana | S “m 1 Hitman Jv and lampa pullet cars New York to Tau.mi to>Vasbington. NEW ORLEANS EXPRESS. 7 CO a in Iv.....Savannah .ar 7 5K p ni 8 42 a iu lv .Jesup. •nr 0 .0 p 0 34 a la 1 y.. Bhicksbear .. ui 0 50 Wayeross ar a 22 p m a in ar.. . 1 v 5 05 p iu It 30am ar;,. ( allahum lv 2 47 p ni 12 4Hi in ar Jacksonville , , lv 2 05 p m 7 35 1 . 7 3'! a m Iv v Jacksonville ar 7 35 p m a m . .Callahan ar 6 57 p m 10 15 m v Iv .Wayeross ar 4 40 p m 11 . 4M» jv m lv, IJnmervillo Iv 3 55 pjn 11 T5 a in lv ,. Dupont... lv 3 40 p in 12 04 p in lv .Valdosta Iv 2 50 p m . . 12 34 ptn lv (Quitman lv ** 2 * „ 1 22 pin ar, Thomasvi I It lv 1 4.'. J.... > m 3 33 p m ar Rainbridge. 1*11 ar. 4 04 p in or .Chattahoochee 1 v 11 3d a ni 3 42 p m ar Albany lv 10 30 a in Pullman Imrt'et ears to and from Jackson¬ ville ami New York, and to and from Jack¬ sonville and New Orleans via 1'ensncnlu, to and from Jacksonville and Louisville via Thomusvillc, Atlanta and Nuslivlllo and Jacksonville to Cincinnati\iaJcsup. EAST FLORIDA EXPRESS. I 30pm lv... .Savannah .ar 111 55 a m 3 20 p m lv JeMIp. Iv 10 21 a in . 4 21 p m lv „ I .lacks , hear . lv !l 31 a ni 4 to .. p m ai- .\\ u\ cross. Iv i» 15 a ni G 57 p in ar . .Callahan I v 7 33 a in 7 35 p m ar Jacksnin ille 1 v 7 oo a m 5 00 p in Iv .Jacksoiiv ille •sir 8 55 ji ni 5 41 p m lv . .CalI u ha u .ar 8 Hum ... 7 5m pm lv. . Wayeross... ar 5 57 a in 8 45 p m lv. llomerville. Iv 5 10 a in 0 oo p in ar Dupont lv 4 55 a in ... . 3 20 p in lv Lake City. ar 10 15am 3 55 p in 1 v Gniiicsv ille ar to 05 a m 7 20 pm lv .....Live Oak •ar G 40 a in ii. o in n * in lv !' p... Vl° nt ♦ i,r ** . u l " * ’ ‘ir ...... ni •>! ? lv 4 05 10 i " ‘ ^ ..... a m I- ,n 3 35 a in 11 11 -o . p m ar 1 hoinnsville lv 2 50a . Camilla in t 51 Ul ar • • • lv I 30 a m , r .... ,n ! ’, r Albany lv 12 50 :i tn i lunian outlet cars to and from Jackson and . t. Louis via Thomasvilie, Al , .‘.'D , Montgomery, Nashv ille and Evnns * ville, and Cincinnati to Jacksonville Jesup. Pullman tow and Jlontgoniery sleeping cars to and from Bar¬ via Gainesville. ALBANY EXPRESS. 8 45 p in lv.....Savannail ar G io a in 11 25 lv.......Jesup . p m Iv 3 20am 1 30a in ar.....Wayeross. lv 11 30 ji n\ 5 25 ji iu ar < 'allahan .lv f> 05 p m . H 15 a ni a r Jacksonville lv 8 15 p m 8 15p m lv. Jacksonville ar 7 15 a in b 05 p m lv.....Callahan ar 5 25 a in ! j- a m Iv Wayeross.. ar 11 20 p m 20 .. | •» a m ar Dupont.. .. .lv 10 00 p in G to a m ar. • Live Oak 7 20 pm 10 05 a m jir. Gainesville... Iv 3 55 p m 10 15 am ar . ■Lake 3 20 p m 3 4->a ni 9 35 pm b !? *J to 7 a a m m lv... Jv .....Valdosta..... Quitman. lv Iv s 30 p m Li 1 humasville. . 7 55 p ,n j a in ar.... lv 7 oo n in 11 10 a m ar ... A Ibany j v t »m> p m 8tops nil .. at regular stations Pullman buttet sleeping curs to amt from Jackson V •'"d Washington, and to and from Jacksonville . and Louisville via Tliomss vilie mid Montgomery. Pullman butfet ears and M ann boudoir bullet car via Wav cross, Aliianv urni Macon, and via VYitv cross, ville juulCincinnatti. Jesup and Macon, between Jackson¬ engor coaches between Also, through nass Chattanooga. Jacksonville and JESUP EXPRESS. 3 45 p in !v .....Savannah......orK 30 am G 10 p m ar „.....'jesup........1 v ft 25 a n v Mops , at „ all regular and flag stations. Tickets sold and sleeping car berths se¬ cured at the passenger station. WM. 1*. HARDEE, ’ G. P. A. R LEMING. G. S B RUN SW IC K Western ... and JK, II. TY-TV ROUTE. Ob MILES SHORTER THAN ANY OTHER ROUTE BETWEEN WAYCROSS AND On and ALBANY. after Sunday, November 11th 1SS6, passenger trains will run as follows FOR THE WEST, NORTH \r AND SOUTH u U1, 3Iail. . Express. , _ Brunswick, via. n.Aw.Iv (> 00 am 7 50 pm Jtunaicu \ Vie s Marsh..........i Iv v -o 9 27 54 muss Hi pm M aynesvlllo,.......... ............. am s 43 pm Hoboken lv 7 32 am 0 23 pm 8 29 am to 27 pm W 8 41 aml0*4« pm aycross............ : ,r 9 oft ttmli 15 pm Callahan..... Savannah, via he* vv iU 11 55 am 9 10 am ... aril 2G am 5 25 pin Jackson ville,via a Ktw arl 2 00 111 0 15 am Jrtcksonviilc.via s v aw Iv 7 »S> nriTs F.Ypm Callahan...............iv Savannah, 7 33 am 9 05 am | v ia s v a w lv 7 00 am l 30 jun 1 Pearson Wayeross. \ia. u ,v wTTvlo 09am 11 30 pm ...............Ivil 15am 12 4s .>m A laps ha...!2 30pm 1 15 Jim T> £»»V, fy..................Iv u,r ...............Jv 2 03pm 3 11 Jim 2 18pm a 20 am 1 2 44pin Davis , Albany................ 3 00pm Blakely, ; nj! 2 **, pm 4 4 -, , uil via c R R ar 7 20 pm Columbus......... •ar 1 oft pm Macon,............ .ar 8 21 pm 9 04 am Atlanta, . , via mu.... ar!2 15 Marietta, am 1 95 pm via w * A .. ar 1 24 am 2 36 pm 5 55 am 7 07 pm Louisville, via l * n .ar 6 40 pm G 30 am Cincinnati, viaCin So ar G 45 pm 6 10 am FROM WEST, NORTHLAND SOUTH. Mail. Express. Cincinnati, Louisville, via Cin So lv 7 55 am s 10 pm via r. A; n .lv 7 50 am 8 40 pm Chattanooga Marietta via w k \ ly 9 05 pm 8 05 am .......... .. .lv t 28 a tn 12 53 pm Atlanta, via c u u .. lv 2 25 am 2 00 pm Macon ..... .. Iv G 15 aro G 10 pm Columbus....... ........ll 39am Blakelv ....... lv 7 20 am ...... Albany, via t$ t w.. Ivff YMUjimio To pm Davis.........: .....1 v 11 25 am ........ Sumner......... Willingham..... .....Ivll 41 am ........ .....Ivl2 13 pm 111 13 pm Ty Alnpaha Ty..... .....Ivl2 3.2 pic 11 28 pm .. -----Iv 2 11 pm 12 43 am Pearson.. 3 30 pm 1 43 am Wayeross ! ar 4 49 pm 3 oo am ____ w~ar ft~ftft Savannah, via s F * pml! 55 am G 57 pro 5 25aiu Jacksonville,via » f*\v ar 7 3ft pm u 15 am Jacksonville,via Callahan............ s raw lv 2 Oft pm 8 15 am lv 5.47 pm 9 05 pm Savan na h,............ lv*! 39 pm 8 45 pm ft ft Oft 32 puwTlft am Hol*oken 5 pm*3 41 am . 51 pm *3 ftG am Waynesv rile......... 1 v n m pm 4 5ft am 7 33 pm ft 3ft am i Pi le’s Marsh...........l v '8 00 pm*6 Oft am 8 28 pm 0 40 am fStop on signal. Purchase Tickets at the station, and save extra fare collected upon the train. The mail ■ train stops HH at all B. & W. sta¬ tions. Connect tuns made at Waveross u> **' Mm * h ' hlorid, > n " d | Pullman palace sleepiug and Maim WhSt«r ins First-class car through between Bruns wick and ATlaata. F. W. ANGrER. J, A. MCDUFFIE, A. G. P. A?. CL r. A. A. A.GADDIS, Y. P.AG.M. O-I (obi ii Ian cure), A „ w aEUV VEv,i**A*UG ! B1009 PURIFIER AND TONE IT IS THE ORIGINAL! THE OLDEST AND THE BEST. Not a Care-All, o. l C. Don't cure every ailment, but it will cure every trouble due to impure blond. It is R.MY«17SSSSfeftfAJt leal appetiser and aid to digestion, , ^Efe and l>r l eniuln Uamptaiafa, n.L'er Helm Bure. A NOTE OF WARNING. <». I. < . IS the only original, genuine Old Indian Cure, and no other preparation i* made by the recipe which wc own. ! s °bl by leading chiigglsts at JlTftO for , h'»tlles; small bottles, $1.00. Till: O. I. C. i I'KKNY. «A., Sold in Eastman by U. Anderson & Co. Ira J. Lamb Will continue to run a BLACK SMITH, -iCarriage and Wheelwright: j shop ; - IN THK TOWN OK — «ii trx i v,' mid promises to give satisfaction favth i* K”'" 1 s, ibstantiiil vvork^aiuljlow prices for the cash. r ' vl,l n Hk ,h< ‘ I’G'dic to let me say thlsto . : , 1 . have not got any surplus capital «hcail to run my business with. I am oom pci led to run upon what I can make from day to dav, and If 1 don’t get the caab for uiy work 1 will liav’t* to quit., 1 have made « new rule from, the first day of January, 1887, to run no more accounts. Please do not ask me for credit, as you see from wbilt I have saul above, 1 am compelled to stop credit. 1 thank the public for past patronage and hope they will continue their favors. Ira J. Lamb, January 6 3-iu, McLeod J£ouse y Lumber City, Ca., John D. McLeod, Proprietor. RATES OF BOARD PER DAY, $2 OO Special rates lor families and perma¬ nent boarders. A LlYFiltY M'l’AKf.i: Is run in connection with the bouse, at which can lie seemed, at all times, ex¬ cellent turn-outs. For the accommodation of parties sport¬ ive]}’ inclined, the proprietor lias rigged out and placed on the waters of the Oc mulgee River, just at hand, handsome Beats, suitable for rowing; and Unk¬ ing purposes; and in connection therewith keeps on hand a good supply of lisliiug tackle. feb25-tf. 9 —AM)— ill i p i I IpIJR it LIYERY STABLE. W, L. WILCOX, CILAUNCEY, GEO. 'flu.' public is hereby notified tnat I have ii.m* usummjsiicu established myself mvsc-ii permanently pcrmancnriv at at I 1 ' h «Miru;*-y in Dimi "ukh »nU (but I will keep «n hand at all times the very lies* mules | and markets, horses purchased direct from the west¬ ern which I am prepared to Sell at Mv figures stables jim low as the lowest. times, where are open to the public at all turnouts can lie secured and stock taken care of at a moderate rate of charges. 1 most respectfully solicit tiie patronage of the public. yv. L. WILCOX, aug H -8m. Gjko. 8 . Jon ks. gko. Bright. GEO. S. JONES & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS —AND— (i E N E Ii A L COMMISSION ^MERCHANTS, AND DKALKUSIN Produce, Provisions, Lime, Plaster,Cement, Cor. Cotton Ave. and Cherry St., Nov. 17. Gm. MACON, OA. DR. J. C. MONTGOMERY. | Eclectic Physician, I , CHAUNCEY, - GEORGIA . Chronic Diseases of Women, Impoteney, 1 d*lty. Sterility, and all private diseases, a spe w - . General practice proffiftly attended to. > 63T A Bill line of drugs and medicines i kept on hand all the time. Calls answered tall hourslday or nUrbt. — TJ Mrs. J. V. LEWIS, | wflantna mftaUer v :;‘ • - EASTMAN, GA. Fine Silk and Worsted . , f ress a speaalty. Gentlemen’s Spring ami JXier Wear Cut and Mf to 0 rd«r. Auply at the rwf 0. Rr ca 2 ul Avcuue, /