The Dodge County journal. (Eastman, Dodge County, Ga.) 1882-1888, February 23, 1887, Image 3

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THE JOURNAL. WL 8 ; BURTON* * - - Editor. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2 S, 1887 . i -----«► _, t ~, Mr. L. If. Loan, of Appling countjr, ta . autW>rlsed to receive atod receipt for aitb. script ions tot ln> DobuKCttUNTY Journal. DIRECTORY. IHoNoatr. Regular meeting 1st Friday night in each month at 7 o'clock. I. O. O. T. Regular nueling* 1st and 3<1 Tuesday nlidits at 7:50 o’clock. HellglotiM. KViBCOrAL,—Mtrvlccs third Sntdmth in rnn-li month at 11 o’clock a. in. and 4 p. in. in Masonic building, by Rev. If. H. Stuart Marlin. l*he public are cordially invited to attend. lUrTiHT.-Ilrv. P. A. Jessup, pastor, preaches SabontliH at Kastman every 2nd and 4th in each month. Alan at Central Point on the second Sabbath and Saturday Indore In each mouth’ Conference with the Kastman Haptiat church on second Sal> In each month. M KTitonisT Episcopal Church south. t-l’reaehing every Sabbath at 11 o’clock a. in., and 7 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednes¬ day evening at 7 o’clock. R. Sunday J. Scrwler, School meets aUR2 o'clock a. m. Miip’t. R*v. T. M. Christian. Pastor. JOURNALETTE8. Hend your job work to the Journal •office. We are prepared to execute it in a creditable style aUd at icasotia bio figures. tf m want of an Estey, the most reliable organ mariiifat-lurcd, instruc¬ tions how to purchase will be given applying at the Journal office. Megrath ’8 Old Antler and Uo nnoke are tlio best whiskies in Geor¬ gia for the price. Macon, Ga. tf. The Estey is tho cheapest, most Uu i’ablc and best toned organ manufac¬ tured. The family of Col. ft. A. Stnith is domiciled in their elegant new home in West End. Mr. J. J. McCall, of the firm of Mc¬ Call & Trent, of Wayeross, Ga., saw Titakcrs and repairers, visited our town yesterday in the interest of his house. We learn from Dr. Fisher that the twd young children of Mr. Samuel Nicholson, who have been quite ill from measles and uttbtidiug troubles, are rapidly recovering. Itev. Mr. Military preached at the It apt ist church last Sunday; lie is en¬ gaged at present in teaching at Chauncey, where In* is very favorably regarded tts a young man of much promise. Mr. B. it. Folsom, our busy harness maker, will be absent from town for ii few days only, ;ts matters of impor¬ tance require his attention elsewhere; liis We look for bis early return ;is services are in constant demand. Mr. Louis Mugridgg has lately pur¬ chased a good easy-going nag and substantial wagon for farm purposes; Il<' has made many improvements on Ids place on IIo/'ur avenue, and is des¬ tined to be a successful agriculturalist; Frof. Thompson and his charming young wifi*, xkk Miss Julia Stewart, paid Eastman a flying visit last Sat¬ urday, returning to their home in Forsyth on Monday. Their many friends gave them a hearty welcome. As will be noticed the Journal has been awarded the town printing of Chauncey for the ensuing year, for which the Honorable Mayor and Board of Aldermen of that thriving little city will please except our grate¬ ful thanks. Kev. T. M. Christian and lady liaVfc recently returned from a short trip to St. Mary's, and were gladly welcomed by their people, who were pleased to listen to an able sermon from their pastor, at the Methodist church lust Sunday. The reader’s attention is directed to the advertisement of Mr. It. S. Johns¬ ton, wherein he proposes to provide for the wants of the fatigued and hun¬ gry. When you feci like appeas’ng the pangs of hunger call around and fcee Mr. Johnston. Parties in r.ccd of furniture polish— and all arc who are not prepared to repeatedly replenish their supply— will find an excellent article at the furniture store of 11. G. Miller & Co. It is prepared and put up by Mr. Miller, and is consequently pure amt fresh. We had the pleasure last week of fneefing with Mr. Jas. Cainway, who was among us in the interest of the Macou Telegraph. Tho staunch old Telegraph is in no danger of losing anything Horn its well-earned envia¬ ble reputation by (lie addition of Mr. Callaway to its corps of representa¬ tives. Mr. Benjamin Harrell, living near the line of Laurens county, is recov¬ ering from a very severe case of plu ro-pnctimonia, as Is also his brother, Master Jimmie Harrell, who has been sutiering from the sarfie troifMc. They are both sons ot Mr. Ijcnmcl T. Har¬ rell, and were attended during their sickness by Dr. Harris Fisher. Via. gi«[H‘-viue special: We under¬ stand ihut our esteemed friend, Mr. Fofter Armstrong, of Jesup, has been fortunate enough to find his tender af¬ fections reciprocated by a most irmia* bio young lady, and we hereby extend our congratulations to Foster, whose fastidious taste would make no selee tioin hut the best, and also to the lady Who has wisely chosen. Mr. Anthony Murphy, of Atlanta, one of the early saw-mill men of Dodge county, In spending a few days at the Hotel de Lietch. Preparations iihj being made to fence the vacant Idt adjoining the Ho¬ tel de Leitrh. No Idle lahd th allowed around this flourishing house. Mr. W. W. Thomas, the man with the paint brush, is visiting his lumfi* in Eastman. Strange he is absent, sti much in Twiggs county ami else¬ where. Marrtf.ii.-—O n Thursday, February 10th, by A. N. Powell, Ksq., Mr. W. N. Norris and Miss MolUc K. Eth¬ ridge were married in I>odge county. Happy wishes. Mrs. H. M. Libbv, of Portland Maine, is the guest of Mrs. O. H. Briggs. We sincerely trust the salubri¬ ty ofour Southern climate may be ben¬ eficial, and restore her to the perfect bcnlth which site is seeking. Wo arc pleased to learn from par - 1 tics best informed, that the new rail¬ road from Savannah, will, in all probability, bo surveyed directly to Eastman, and that the preliminary survey is now in progress. So mote it bet Dodge county superior court oon voiies next Monday, when all of our country friends and their cousins will l>c in tow n. Not much criminal bus¬ iness. Only two dark-skinned gentle¬ men in jail, one of whom is held for murder, the other for simple larceny. We understand that the patrons of the (south Georgia Immigrant col¬ umns are already receiving responses to their advertisements. This is a very natural result. If you have property of which you w ish todisposc, advertise and sell it. Mr. A. J. M. Smith, of Washing¬ ton. D. C., who has lately been visit¬ ing friends and relatives in Telfair county, his former home, passed on the up train en route for the Capital, to resume his duties in tlie govern¬ ment department, in which he is em¬ ployed. Last Friday Mr. Brcitung and fam¬ ily took possession of their elegant new house. While they have been greatly inconvenienced by the delayed transportation of furniture, etc., yet they are quite as comfortably situated as the unpleasant weather and Mr. Breitling's ill health will admit. With the return of sunsliiue we sincerely hope for the gentleman's speedy re¬ covery. Our young friend and lively East¬ man merchant Mr. Win. F. Harrell, left for Macon on Sunday last. Now, “Billie,” why start for Macon on Sun¬ day? Fearful of not reaching there before Monday, eh ? We heard it ru¬ mored—and yet’tis not all a rumor. And in this connection, there is also the other “Billie” Harrell, who wc hear, at an early day, is to be—(con¬ tinued in our next.) Within the past week it has rained, and rained, and rained, a fact wliich we would most respectfully call Iho a I tent ion of the able editor of the South Georgia Immigrant, and trust that he may be equal to the oc¬ casion in the next issue of that valu¬ able sheet, and spread his wings in a double leaded editorial on flowers, mocking birds and beautiful sunshine. We feel that the honor of our locali¬ ty, as regards weather and climate, is perfectly safe in his hands. lid nil Attend. "Wc have b«cn requested to an¬ nounce that there will he te meeting of the Woman's Foreign Missionary So ciety held at the Methodist church on Friday afternoon next, (25th) at 8:30, at which it is earnestly requested there will lie a full attendance of the liiomhers, as there Avill l»e an election of .officers and other matters of im portanee to transact. Liite*. While it will afford us much pleas¬ ure to notice the society arrivals and departures in Eastman, and we shall make haste to attend to every single instance of the kind which the Jour¬ nal’s friends may see fit to inform us, or that may incidentally come to' our knowledge, yet wc do not wish offense to be taken, in case of failure on our part, from lack of information, to herald these matters. The duties of our office are many and varied, a close attention to which precludes tho idea of onr going out on a society lnfirt every day. it JleaiiM Bunibcsn. On last Saturday the Journal frl’ flee was the happy possessor of a rare curiosity in the sbai>c of a forkt-d tailed lizzard, which was contributed by Mr. John »S. Litingston. It was our intchtion to have the bird stuffed and placed in the Journal's museum for public exhibition, but Monday niorning, while “Son” was attempting to train him for the circus, the lizzard having fast+il over Sunday and not appreciating the young man's Efforts, slid for the wildff of Gum Swamp quicker than greased lightning, leav ing us to mourn his departure. What under the snii the e^Cathre could have to do with two tails, any frtore than a cat, is what we Cannot understand, However, we are inclined to think that the finding of this monstrosity at the present firne is ominous. It may have reference to the war cloud in Europe, to the tangling up of some heavenly constellations, or, most likely, to the J Eastman boom. Take warning and buy laud. Another of our old eitisens has pass¬ ed away. This time it is Dr. Burch, who has for many years resided m the lower part of our county. He was fonnd dead in his chair last Friday night. Supposed to be a case of heart disease. Dr. Burch was 76 years of age, and leaves many friends. Aaalller Mew Saw Sibil. The Empire Lumber Company, of Chattanooga, Teun., of which Capt. ,T. C. Anderson, formerly the gcutle nianly superintendent of the Georgia Land and Lumber Company, is presi¬ dent, has recently made an extensive purchase of timber from Hon. W. T. McArthur and will at otlce commence the erection of a large saw mill Of 00, 000 feet rapacity near Frazier, at the old “Few” mill site. The business of Dodge county grows apace. Ntr. J«hn H. Pitts. We noticed yesterday on tlie streets of Eastman, Mr. John H. Pitts, the en¬ terprising naval stores merchant,-whose headquarters are at Lumber Citj\ Mr. Pitts has thus far succeeded in building up a flourishing trade, and gaining for himself a highly credita¬ ble position in the business world. Much credit is due this gentleman for opening up to the turpentine men of this section an eastern market, which is making a strong competition with the Savannah naval stores trade Experienced IVorkmea. AVc would again direct %i»eeial at¬ tention to the advertisement of Messrs. Normand & Meyer, builders and contractors, and in so doing wc wish to sj»eak from personal observa¬ tion that these gcnllciueu arc finished mechanics, and as a consequence tho public need not expect them to com¬ pete in prices with every individual I who perchance may be the fortunate possessor of a rip saw and a claw hammer. They execute their work in a workmanlike manner, and charge therefor only reasonable compensa¬ tion. AmoNkong Appendix. The many friends of Prof, and Mrs. C. A. Thompson were pleased to wel¬ come them home for a short visit last week. They returned to Forsyth Monday. Mr. Wilson and family arrived hero from Savannah Saturday. Mr. Wil¬ son will take charge of the books of the Amoskcag Lumber Co. The mills shut down Monday and Tuesday on account of the inclement weather. The planing mill is being enlarged and renovated,a larger l>oi! er replacing the old one, and two new , large and , convenient ... sheds erected , for storing lumber ready for market. l'«r(y*fiirc Hooks Free. Fortv-fivc charming books consist mg of stories, poem*, recitation*, ar¬ chitecture. poultry raising, and many other subjects given to every sub , scribcr to the Montezuma Record, ITico $2 per annum. Send for speci¬ men copy, and list of Books. W. T. CHRISTOPHER, Montezuma, Ga. That Relied Bnzzard. The belled buzzard spoken of iu the South for years, says the New York Sun, was shot the other day at Tunis, Texas. The bell was well toned, of brass, and about two and a half inches across to base. It was j hung to the bird by a eojiper wire j twisted around the neck. There was no chaffing, the skin bofng protcctod b >’ abundance of down; 1809 was seiatehcd on the narrow, flat top ot .® ^ ,c — aitvillc News says *** ^ IC s,,,n,nci * °1* 18(39,which cor ,es l M,,I< ^ with the above date, Ed. Ivong, who lives three and a half miles south-west of Georgetown, this coun¬ ty, became possessed of a young buz¬ zard, Which, for a time,he kept around the hoifse as a pet. Ho tied a bell ou the bird and marked it as above dc scribed. When the buzzard got old enough to fly It went away, and Mr. Long has iicvfcr known anything of it except occasional mention of it iu the papers as being seen in various States, principally in Arkansas and Missis¬ sippi. Mr. Long feels positive that the buzzard referred to ffbovc by the Now York gun is the identical buz¬ zard which he once owned. Mr. J. C. IWairchard, of this city, formerly of Georgetown, who has kept track of the history of the bird, is of the same opinion.—Iloopeston (Ill) Chronicle. A $20 Bible Reward. The pfrtilishers of Rutledge’s j Monthly oiler twelve valuable rc- 1 wards in their Monthly for February, among winch is the following: Wc will give $20 to the pcr 9 ontell ing us Which is the middle vcroc in the New Testament Scriptures, (not the revised eddilion), by March 101b, 188^. Should two or more correct an sWerrbe received, the reward will be divided. The money will beforward ed to the winner March 15th, 1887. j Pcrsrns trying for tiro reward must send 20 cents in silver or postal notes,' (no postage stamps taken) with their answer, for which they will receive the Monthly for April fn Which the name amt address of fhfi winner of the fe#ifrd and the correct answer will be published, and' rn Which sev¬ eral more valuable rewards will be of¬ fered. Address, Uutlkge Publishing CoMrAX v, Easton, Pa. THE NEW RAILROAD SAVANNAH to EASTMAN! Which will soon be biiilt direct td Eastman from Savannah, Will run through the best tiitibered belt of Yellow Pine in the State. Along the line of said road there will be numberless Saw -mills and Turpentine Dis¬ tilleries, all of which will piirehase their supplies direct from Lietch & Morgan, WHOLKSALM DKALKlt!* IN Hay, Brain and Provisions. fbr Who the buy cash, direct Whit’h froth the Northern and Western markets in carload lot enables them to compete with Savannah, Macon. a«i Other wholesale iliarkets. ffeb 2 -vim-j-i[ Heatistryi My friends and patrons in Eastman and vicinity are notified that I will lie in Eastman from the 14th to the last day of February. Office at Hotel de Lietch. Feb. 2-tf W. L: Smith, Dentist. Notice. AM persons now indebted to the undersigned will please come forward and make settlement at once, as it can be moic satisfactorily settled with him than officers. L. M. Curky. 4 * Ciiauncey, Ga.. Jan. 5th. 1887. City Restaaraat. The good people of Eastman and country surrounding are notitied that 1 have just opened up in the Prince DcYounk'* build¬ ing a restaurant, which I propose to con. dxet In tirst class style, furnishing my ta pie it properly with the prepared, heat the market and providing affords^ and patrons wtth comfortable sleeping my ments.and good beds. apart¬ Meals, 25 cents. Lodging, Respectfully, 25 cents. It. S. JOHNSTON, Feb. 23. 4t 11. W. EASTEKLINO,. Practical Jeweler & Watchmaker, KAKTM AN, G EORG T A. Work solicited and satisfaction guaran¬ teed. OlHue on country road. tub 10-Gin GF.O. C. NORMAND. FRANCIS .1. MEYER. inn i mu, CONTRACTORS — :axd: — BUILDERS, EASTMAN, GEORGIA. , Having located In Eastman for the pur ) . i*o$e of plying our vocation as carpenters and builders, we respectfully solicit a share of the public patronage. Having an experience of over twenty years at our back, we are prepared to guar satisfaction iu all work intrusted to our hands. We are prepared lo furnish plans and specifications upon application, and in the evenly additional of being charges awarded tlio job make no therefor. Work of the city and country adjacent solicited. icb.’2.0mj-p Lumber City LiveryStables Steele Bros. Prop’s. We would inform the public that we have fitted up and stocked, in connection "hh our regular nmil and hack line, n FIRST-CLASS LIVERY STABLE, where the public will find us prepared at all times to furnish good turnouts. JCrWe make a specialty of TAKING CARE OF STOCK, and respectfully solicit the patronage of the public. ian26-2ni DR. J.OL BUCHAN&S0N Physicians and Druggists, EASTMAN, CJA., /YFFKIt their Professional services to V-r the people of this immediate amt'sur¬ rounding counties. One or the other can be found at their ortiee at any time. A1I calls promptly attended visited day or night, Patients at a distance by special contract. A11 chronic and private diseases, No charge either of male or female, If a specialty. letter send for for consultation. by consultations stamp and immediate reply. Ail letters private. A good supply of drugs are kept constantly on hand, including al o Ithc new remedies. mch!2tf JOHN I). ASIITON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SWAINSBORO, GA. Practices in Middle, Augusta ,and Occo nee Circuits; in the Supreme and Fed oral Ccmfw. may 5, ’86—ly. V?. H. 9HUFELT, PRACTICAL JEWELER AND WATCHMAKER, CHAUNCEY, - GEORGIA. Work solicited and satisfaction guaran¬ teed. IdTOffice in the Sanders old. Nov.24.-4W. 4 . H. CLAY, r tsiiioM bm: bakiimi CHAUNCEY, GA., Desires to inform the public that he rras opened a lirstclass barlier shop in Chauncey,' ainl solicits the patronage ot the same. Competent workmen, sharp razors, clean towels, easy chairs, Hair cutting a specialty, and done hr tho latent ay t.tiie far | 21 tfleo’ East Tern., V.&G.R. R. Georgia Division. Time Card Taking Effeet ^December 19, 1886. Read Down. Read Up. P m a m 3 45 12 01 Jv.... Atlanta... 2 25 10 30 7 05 3 20 ar.... Ma< on.... 11 25 7 30 7 20 3 25 lv....Mdcon ... 11 20 7 15 7 25 4 00 .....Mb thirds..... to 48 6 35 8 00 4 08 ...Adams Park... 10 40 6 25 8 Vi 4 20 ..Westlake. 10 27 0 U 8 38 4 45 . ..Uochran. 78 5 40 8 56 5 03 ... Dubois.. 5 18 9 %\ 5 n . Kastman 9 23 4 49 o at; 5 34 (iodwinville 9 14 4 37 9 47 5 42 ... .Chauncey. 9 04 4 27 10 14 6 03 ......Mcltac... 8 43 4 02 10 20 b 14 .....McVille. . 8 88 3 52 10 56 6 ?7 ..Lumber City 8 09 3 24 11 15 0 52 ....Hazlehurst. 7 54 3 07 1l 30 7 04 . Gralmin.. 7 42 2 53 11 37 7 11 ,1’ine Drove 7 35 2 45 11 55 7 24 .. .Baxley... 7 22 2 GO a m 12 2») 7 43 .Surrency. .... 7 02 2 06 — 10 8 25 ar.....Jesup.. 9 20 1 15 - in am ............... .... p in a m .S. K. A W. CONNECTIONS. Leave Jessup .........1 30 am 8 42 a m Arrive Jacksonville. Wayeross ... .3 06 15 12 9 50 a m < fc ...6 For schedule* and other information call Oil 4. J. GRIFFIN, A. <*.!’. A. B. 5V. WRENN, Gen’l Pass and Ticket Agent. CENT’L RAILROAD Savannah, DecemJier 19, ’6. On and after this date, passenger trains will run dailv unless marked f. which are daily except Sunday. fhe standard time by which these trains run is the same as Macon city time; Lv Macon 2 35 am 9 lo am 5 2 o pm 8 35 j Ar Atlanta 7 2o am 1 oft pm f» no pm 12 15 take Pass,mgers train leaving for Thomaston and Carrolton at 9 lo am. Lv Macon lo 25 am 0 27 pm Ar Columbus 3 o2 pm 6 5o am Passengers for Perry and Talbottom take lo 2ft am train. Lv Macon 0 45 am 6 oft pm 9 .V* am Ar Albany lo fto am lo 08 pm 2 45 pin Lv Macon 9 5o am 6 oft pm Lv Smithvillc 1 28 pm 2 5o am ArMontgouiery 7 o9 pm 7 3o am Passengers for Fort Gaines, Buena Vis¬ ta, Blakely and Clayton should take 9 5o am train. Lv Macon lo 85 am lo fto pm Ar Milieu 2 os pm 3 oo am Ar Augusta 4 45 pm 6 15 am Ar Savannah 5 oo pin 5 55 am Passengers for Sylvania, Wright,sville, Satulersville, take to G5 am train. Lv Macon f2 40 pm ArMilledgv’Ie fft 24 jmi Ar Katonton 47 13 pm Lv A Manta 3 am (! 35 am 6 50 pm Ar Macon 6 35 am 10 10 am 5 40 pm Lv Columbus 11 15 am 10 20 pm Ar Macon 4 04 pm 6 25 am Lv Albany 4 50 am 3 57 pm 11 55 pm Ar Macon 9 05 am 8 21 pm 5 05 pin Lv Montgomery 7 40 am 7 15 pm Lv Smithvillc 1 40 pin 5 42 am Ar Macon 4 05 pm 9 05 am Sleeping cars on all night, trains between Macon and Savannah. Savannah and At¬ lanta, Savannah and Macon, and Macon and Colum>»UB. Tickets for all points and sleeping ear berths on sale at city ollice, Hotel Lanier and T. depot ticket office. J. IlOGK, G. A, WHITEHEAD, T. Agent. G. P. Ggent. A. C. KNaPP, Agent, Macon, Ga. HARRIS FISHER, Physician, Surgeon ^ Accoucher. Office at “Kastman Drug Store,” on Railroad Avenue. Residence corner Church street and Fifth avenue, Eastman, Ga. [feb E. I). GRAHAM, Jr., ATTORNEY At LAW AND SOLICITOR IN EQUITY. BAXLEY, April 28, ’86-ly. WASH ROACH, A TTORNEY AT L A Wj SAVANNAH, OA. Will practice in the Tattnall, courts ot Emanuel, Seriven, Bullock, Montgomery, Liberty and adjoining counties. may7 ly J. F. DeLacy. J. Bishop, Jr DeLacy & Bishop, ATTORNEYS AT LAlV , EASTMA&, GA. JCrr Practice in the State and Federal courts. octl4-ly LUTHER A. HALL, A TT O R NE Y-AT-L A W, EAST3IAN, - bEohaix. Practices in the State and Federal Dfib-s J IitH % Jd floor L n in my bnca , build ... on ngs on West Railroad avenue. Nov. 17. 6-mo. O. O- ^ niv fc3 JNaLT-Ci jrTmTT A t TOR N : E Y AT LAW 1 J * DTcVillCt Gcoraitl. April 29, 1885, IV T, H. BROVVNK, Painter i Grainer . rAXiffr 3 * ... . _ X PAPER X BANGER, x Eastman/ i {iJXTtClA'. ** r y.mVflatnc ?nd?factloi). Siruuk, Fterlia * W*st* By. Standard Time ]*** utwl are run ,,y Central ij, 5l 10 00 1MK CARD Iv... ^ger 8 T .....gavammh ... iftfllA Trai IN .pavanunh a EFFECT nt ou FAST this i .., .., MAII,.. NOV. road .ay ay 11 11 wilt B'b 55n ls.sK. rtf td». tyt m n D 80 a p m m lv. •..Jacksonville. ...Waycross..... .,D ly 9 15 U 4 40 nl lv. 7 Ou a lit 8 50 p I 15 a tn p nt nr. ......Tampa......,ly6(Wpm PLANT STEAMSHIP 1JNE; Thus. ThurJ lv. .Tan*pn .ar (Fri. Sun. . Wed. 1 ri„ 1] i )Tues... lT)iurs p in Sun arWeyWestlv .’."pin Sut 1 liars. ...p Sat..f i {Mon sit *?"•.:• ar., iTImrs Jm a,n > L\iun iS^SSiS 9 SSiSBL Yort lu NEW ORLEANS EXPRESS. 7 06 am 7 58 p m SS tl “ am u! L V v 1 B iS® k ? hen ....... r ar « ; ■ 22 Hput n 9 o0 • • • • • 51 r > p in a in ar.....\Vnvcross... 1 v 5 or* p uj * S'* a m I''......Callahan... nr II?! I? 57 J, m !2 M pmlv... Guitmap..... lv 2 28 p 1 22 p nt nr.... ThoinasGIIe... Iv 1 4.5 p m 3 35 p m ar... Bain bridge... .lv it 25 a m 4 04 p m ar. .Chattahoochee 11 30 a m 3 Pullman 42 j> ra rtr..... .Aliiatij. ..... lv 10 W) afli buffet ears to and from Jaekson ville and New York, and U* and from Jack sonville and New Orleans via l’eimacola, to and from Jacksonville and Louisville and via Thomasrilie, Jacksonville Atlanta uiid Nasbvillo, to GlhcirifittU KXritK^S. Via Jcsup. EAST FLHKIDa 3 I ;Wpm 20 lv.....Savannah.... ;«r li 55 a \\\ p m lv.... .Jefitifi...... lv 10 21 a Ifi 4 21 p in Jv... lUncKshear lv f> 34 a m 4 40 .. p 111 ar.....Way cross_____lv » 15 a 111 6 57 p m nr.....Callalmn lv 7 33 a m 7 35 pm ar.. .Jacksonville lv 7 00 a ni 5 ... 00 p in lv .. h 55 a m 4» 41 p m lv.....Callahan .ar 811am 7 58 p m lv.... Wsivcross.... 5 57 a in 8 45 pmlv... Honien i 1 le. > 5 10 a in 0 00 p nt ar .. . Dupont..... > 4 55 a m 3 20 pm lv.....Lake City ar to 15 a m . 3 55 p m lv. . .GainesvHlo... ar 10 or, a m 7 20 p m lv . .. .Live 6 40 a m ® lfl ,m I v ......pu|K) 4 50a m 10 oi p ill lv-----\ ablest 4 05 a in 10 34 p m 8 35 a m 11 25 p m ar...TlioinasviUe 2 50a m 12 50 mar.....Camilla......Jv . a li 89 a m 1 55 a ni ar... 12 50 am 1 „ iiiijuiu , , ours to find from Jiuokson* ville and St. Louis via 'I'liomasvillo, Al¬ bany, Montgomery, Nashville and Evans¬ ville, and Cincinnati to Jacksonville via Jesup. Pullman tow and Montgomery sleeping cars to and from liar via Gainesville. ALBANY EXPRESS. 8 45 p m lv.....Savannah ar II? 10 a in It 25 .,. 1 30 p ni 3 20 a m a m 11 80 a m ft 25 a m ar-----Callahan Jv 9 05 p in 6 15 a m ar Jacksonville Iv 8 !5p m 8 15 p nt 1 v Jacksonville .nr 7 15 a m 0 .. 0.) ... p m lv , Callahan ar 5 25 a in “ J JO a a m mar....— ,v • • • Wayeross......aril 10 00 20 p m p m 6 40 a in ar.....Live Oak 7 90 p IN 10 Oft . a m ar... .Gainesville .. .lv G 55 p m 10 15 am ar.....Lake City .lv G 20 p m .. 3 45 a m !) 35 i» m 5 27 am lv.....Valdosta lv 8 3o p m 0 10a .... m 7 55 p in 11 i 10 Jo a a m mar......Albany......Jv ar... .Thomasville.. .lv 7 oo n m Stops all 4 oo pm at regular stations. Pullman bullet sleeping curs to and from Jackson¬ ville and Washington, and to and from Jacksonville and Louisville via Tliqmaf* ville and .Montgomery, PuIliAnn buffet cars and Maun boudoir buffet cur via War cross, Albany find Macon, and via Way cross, ville Jesup aria Macon, between Jackson¬ and Cinciunatti. Also, through pass engor coaches between Jacksonville and Chattanooga. JESUP EXPRESS, 3 45p m lv......Savannah.. .ar 8 30 a ni 6 10 . p m ar •••■ ft 25a ^ u 8tops . at . all „ regular and flag stations. Tickets sold and steeping car berths se¬ cured at the passenger station. R •LKMING. hakdek, G. S ill P. A. B WVstmt ... K U N and SW Ml. IC Ml. TY-TY ROUTE. 50 MILES SHORTER TUAN ANY OTHER ROUTE BETWEEN WAYCKOSS AM) ALBANY. On and after Sunday, November Hth 1886, passenger trains will run as follows FOR THE WEST, NORTH AND SOUTH. Mail. Express. Brunswick, via. R.&tfMv 0 00 am 7 50 pm Pyle’s*0 27 am*« io pm \V 9 54 am 8 48 pm ay lies 32 am 9 23 pm 8 29 amlo 27 pm Sold a tier vi 8 11 nm!G*40 pm M aycross............. }ir «j or, -nun t( m Savannah, Callahan..............„rll via «k*w aril 55 am 6 to am Jacks onville,via 26am 5 25 pm s rtw art2 00 in 6 Jftain Jacksonville,via s F aw lv 7 00 am 8 jlTpm 7 .‘13 am 9 Oft am Savan nah, via 8 f a w lv 7 06 am 1 3o pm Wayeross. Pearson................lv11 via. u aV. lvlO 00aiff IT So pm Alapaha...............1\12 15am J2 48 pm Tv Ty................iv 2 30pm 03pm 1 Main : 3 11 am Williifgaa : ............J.v 2 VSpn, 3 26 am S 2 44pm 7........ Davis 3 00pm ........ 3 25 pm i 45 an. Blakely, via c n 7 20 pm 55 pm' Macon, ..... .. 1 8 24 pm 0 04 am Atlanta, Marietta, via cun-----nrhj 15 am 1 05 pm via w m a .. .ar l 24 am 2 39 pm Chattanooga,..., Louisville, via it 6 5 55 am 7 07 pm n. ..sir 40 pm 6 30 am Cincinnati, via Cin 8o ar 6 43 ptn 6 40 nm FROM WEST, NORTUjAND SOUTH. Mail. Express. Cincinnati, Louif'vilic, via Ciu So lv 7 oft am 8 10 pm via i. «fc N ,.lv 7 50 am 8 40 pm Chattanooga via w * a lv 9 08 pm 8 oft nm 1 28 am 12 53 pm Macon Atlanta, via c i« 2 25 am 2 00 pm .............iv 6 15 am 6 10 pm Columbus ........11 GO am Blakely .......... ,....lv7 20 am Darin..................lvll Albany, via b a w.. lvll 00 amlo 10 pm Willingham;........... 25 rfm'........ lvll 41am ........ Sumner..............;.Ivl2 IG pmll ]3 pro T,v Ty ................ Ivl2 G2pm11 28 pm 2 11 pm 12 43 am 3 30pm I 43 am Wayeross ..........fir 4 49 pm 3 00 am Savannah, via s F * w ar a 58 pmil 55 am 6 57 pn> 5 23 a th Jack.son ville. via swwar 7 35 pm 6 15 am Jacksonville,via -r—;------j—— a fa - W -——-j--- lv 2 0ft pm 8 lft am ft. 47 pin 9 05 pm Savannah, ............1 v• I 30 nm 8 45 pin i Wayeross ............. lr 5 ft Oft G2 pin 3 15 am j 5 51 pm*3 41 am j liobokoij pm *;i GO am Waym*ville'......... Jamaica lv 6 53 pm 4 5-5 am 7 33 pm 5 35 am Pvle’s Marsh 8 00 pm*6 05 am 8 28 pm « 40 am ,Stop on signal. Tickets at the station, Purchase and sieve extra fare collected upon the train. The mail train stops at all B. & W; sta¬ tions. , . V;. Connections mndife nt WnVeross' fo and from Western all points on Savannah,, Florida and Railway. palace sleeping Pullman and Mann bou 'nTjT-fv Tm T * 1 ’"* First-class' Atlanta. ear through between Bnuid wick and J. A. McDUFFIE G.P. A. F. W.ANG.IER. A.O.P. A. A- A. GADDI8. V. F. .* G. M, O- X. m . m (lild i i&n Ciirej, B10O3 PUiilFIER AND TONIC IT 18 THE ORIGINAL I TIIE OI.DEST A.TI) THE BEST. J f Not a Core-All, 0 . L C. IWt trouble cure every due nifment, but it will cure' every to impure blood. It is lent appetiser aiuj aid to uigosMon and for Frilialc t'oi , lain Mjp^ajats, It.C’cr* A NOtfe OF WARNING. ssssv i J), ° ? nIy original, genuine oM w large Soljl,by bottles; leading druggists at $1.50 for small bojttles, $1 . 00 . THE O. C. Co,4 , bnltl , . ij. 4 aA., A in Eastman bv Anderson Co. Ira J. Lamb Will edntiutic to run i BLACKSMITH, -Carriage and Wheelwright: fmov — IN TIIK TOWN OK — < II VIX Ei, and promises to give satisfaction both in good substantial work^atidjlow firiccs for the oiish. I will ask tlio public to let mo sav fills to ahead ilium: to 4 have not business got any with. surplus'capital I run my am com. polled to run upon what I can make from day to dav, and if 1 don’t get the cash for, my work I will lmvc to quit. I have made a • e\v rule fi oini the lirst. day of January. 1887, ask to run no more accounts, Please do I not have saul me for above, credit, I as you scefroui what am compelled to stop ancl 1 tlumk hope they the will public continue for past their patromf^c favors. Ira J. Lamb, January 5 3-m , McLeod Housci Lumber City, Ca., John D, McLeod, Proprietor. RATES OF BOARD PER DAY, $2 00* Special boarders. rates lor families and itertna*’ limit A IJVliltT NtAillii Is run in connection with the house,, at, cellent which can turn-outs. be secured,' at all Mines, ex¬ For the accommodation of parties sports ively inclined, life proprietor has riggea out apd placed on the waters of the;Oc dtuljtree lloitts, ltiver, just at hand, handsome ftrtip suitable for VovrimM and i ua purposes; and in connection t here witty keeps on liana >t gi/ofl supply of tlshing tackle. feb25-tl‘.‘ Sale, TF’oodf —AND— j ni^rT(i g '^ . ‘ ♦ i f. m m >1 . m ___ w LIYERY STABLE W, L. WILCOX, ClfAUNCEY, * - GEO. have Th-? established public, is myself hereby notified tnat ( Chauncey in business, and permanently that I will keep at on hand at nil times the very l»esi mules and markets, horses,purchased 1 direct frqm the wests era which am prepared to sell at figures stables as low as the lowest. fit , Jlv are o|w*n to tho public all times, taken where turnouts of can bo secured mid stock care at a moderate rate of charges. 1 most respectfully solicit the patronage of the public. W.L. VVfivCbX. aug H-3m. Gf.o. 8. Jones. Gko. Bbihiit. GEO. S. JONES & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS —AND— G E N E 11 A L ♦ t COMMISSION 'MERCHANTS, AND DKALKR8 IN Produce, Provisions, Lime, Plaster, Cement, Lnthe; Cor. Cotton Ave. and Chefry St.', Nov. 17. Cin. 31A CON, GA. . DR. J. C. MONfGOlHERTrf Eclectic Physician, CHAUNCEY, - - - GEORGIA Chronic Diseases of Women, Impoteccy/ StcriHty, cialtv and all private diseases, a spe * , attended . ... practice promptly to; kept t2T A hand full all line the of time. drug* Calls and mcdlcioesf answered? on tall hours"dar or nivbt. Mrs. J.V.LEWIS, mflantua - •flaMii’n EASTMAN, GA. Fine Silk and Worsted FresseS a specialty. <> e »deDien's Spring aBd Sam* taer Wear Cut and Made to Order; f , • .' ^1 Ani»lv nt the resD»mj6o of B. R. FolJjKffj * spr H,’W*F/