The Dodge County journal. (Eastman, Dodge County, Ga.) 1882-1888, February 23, 1887, Image 4

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Mi w ai > W* . iP' r ’i * *’ ' 8 * RELATIVE ... i GARDEN. t« m j Sr ’IP the 0bio U, ^ e / 8ity ’ * iBgS the ell microscope, known from and his especial- invert!- s ‘SSSftak SS«fir^.OT 1 , or before extensive morbid changes produced, is U feasible to toat _a. If the infection has taken piece through the digestive canal it may be worth while to try an emetic of now dered white hellebore. From two to site fifteen of grains, the hog, according to the age flad would be about the dose. It may be- given in a boiled potato, If neither or the on the surface the of other a little milk. tnittilihen. one nor is volun the hog is far gone and may M up as a bad case. If one dose not caose the ahimal to vomit, in >atj about minutes, another one may be PpNMftly give* Jb. followed1 half an hour. This treat be by a few doses of SSSd. Oelwnel, also to be given with n boiled Of Other medicines tried, he • . "xhate had the best success srith car fcolib Mid, and have obtained good re •ulte-**tluit is, • prevention of a plain outbreak of the disease—by giving once a day from eight to ten drops of a U5 per ceht. solution of carbolic acid for every 100 pounds of live weight in the aoittt&oa—ten water for drinking. Iodine in a watery grains of iodine and twelve grains of of iodide of that potassium to one ounce water—and given in small doses, haa also proved to be very effoc this tive, but the damage done to tha pig by Iodine treatment becomes very soon apparent been tried, Hvpophosphate and has given of favorable soda has auo results. It may be given in doses suffi ciently be disiolv& large in to loosen the bowels, and the water for drinking. ‘ Tha most obvious physiological effect of carbolic acid upon a hog is a reduction .e»,1r .wlwjugu. gl L to ansr. xzxts.'s ami jllTZu^T s: ti: C y been I.m U ferontble. If, however, the orW already prrvnded hr the di-c«« terms, Existing, or if inn ortant morbid cham/ea be?x are nothing whatever can because nocted of the carbolic acid treatment, the propagation l.asalca y taken place, and the a id most asuredfy, can Neither not repair the existing morbid changes. can any other medicine. For disinfecting cheanor purposes we h ive, however. id* Substances than carboli' at for instance, chlorido of lime and a one per mille solution of corrosive subli mate.” Dr. Salmon, Chief of the Animal Bu reauof the United States, says that for duinfecting, corrosive sublimate, one to 75,000 parts, will kill the bacteria of swine-plague. drinking should The solution not used for bo freely sprinkled over the lot, yard, or pens in which the •rs kept. is Sulphuric a id, one to 2,000 parts, also recommended. If- _ MFiZSZ?**? •"«* «*«««. Not—. otswoki is the most 0x P profitable er JjoeDt, _ Ior mutton nDd wool. ,1 fcoaw aairymen save the last fourth of >» dk from the cow in a separate and pour it directly into a cream inr. “ ! ' Avoid top ventilation in the poultry houso. It will cause croup, swelled head, closed eyes and other ditiicul ties. Tho standard for a good cow is said to be 500 gallons of milk a year, and of this there should be ten 1 per cent, of ersam. An An authority auinoTity savs gays augnt slight elevations elevations are are safer places for the grape than bottom lands, on account of tho early and late frosts. Plant trees for wind breaks if you livo in thiuly-wooded districts. They will serve as useful protectors of crops and stock. w With . proper care and skill a well re B(Ctod nock ot the right kind ot sheep can bo mode to pny lDu per cent on thetr coat every ,c.r When a horse is taken into the stable, tired, muddy and sweaty, he ought to •tend to hay at first, be gently baihed in SMibu <, , r rab,,odwi,he,o ‘ , “ th. AgoodCoylr cellar .“ret d keeping the air o, and wholesome .a white w„h mad. of good whiio 11m. and water only. Lime m whitewash greatly pro motes the complete oxidation of effluvia in the cellar air, ' After fro*t v has pinched . , , the ,, • grasses tboy are no longer sutheient for cattle that must be kept in good flesh, not for giving milk Add enough grain, and the grass will iserve much better to maintain good condition. In preparing food for stock, such as cooked vegetables, chopped feed, etc., always season with salt. I.very animal craves, and mu't have, a certain amount of saline matter introduced into its sys tom to onahio Itto thrive. In no other country 111 the world are the feathers of the barnyard fowls so recklessly wasted as our own In France no part of the fowl is wasted, unless perhaps, it be the intestines. The feet and heads are used at the chenper rest aurants to give body to their soups, etc. It is advised savs the Cinrinnnti fc S l 2!SL , 2rS , i fc i? J r- We iiik ii hottw to .How thorn to k bow tome JSncsi killed hv 7 frnat ’ RtC,dent * Zr ° r Care LZ ’ Boot! corn intended for next .eneon ahould bo thoumirhlv perfectly dried orit will nor answer. If «lry it will endure ▼arv severe cold hut if containimr th/«tr. mnoK «ier I. IUoompo.ition melT cold weather will injure tha warm plmS nra it mu, Md hue it up in . dry •rent tamperatare A Mw the luxury in the Midi. Is Un. i. now on market. onion;\s It called the ®P^ Spenlah odorless i7 U im| ortedfrom n ‘ ^Ti^i and m looks l T closely * 1 * reeemblw t0 tw f^, Te the ordinary n on. They are ewcet find h? eaten ot as offensive apples at any times with little* * .**r »n breath. fe make Colman’s superior Rural, hams and bacon, ’Brm*wi(fe’Oats mm . corn should be or barley, the or perhaps at rate of one-half O, of one of the latter to the A ground the proportion thus together. of tender, Such IMU streaking the fat, which is rJft* *** * 11116 quality of ESSftodL l^oirnw sweet-scented (daphne indica, pot Is Ki^nHur, too though warm. aa A a “ «v- u« sfSBMUffiBjasKa Jtmahi mencement, and will be more likely to they so. By lUbl? being plunged Suffer in earth are sot to from bsrasat- * 4 wufb * Lmo ” _ ' “ RnlM oie * J* ft.- or *w“IW. Rnl1ill -- 0 Country Gentkman gixes the fol , - rules by way of suggestion for c ®“ ntr 7 residents, farmers and others w lntond to erect dwellings in the . , P™ 1 8 : ,P 04 ® a g ? od , #pok for the . . house— . t dr with good drainage—and “ ea possible, ‘ “7: T* with nd a good Surface prospect, should land • ca PV trw “*. water ra ° °“ m 0vr ®T y direction. 8 * CX tf* provision . for pure water if not v b ^ wells and springs, then with filtered rein water. Many lose their lives by us- 1 lace the house where it will be most » c <*“‘ble from be all #arts the of the farm, of as near.y as may for convenience pe owner and his men in their constant la „ . . .. . , C ? „ , e * be well lighted, with dou >le glazed j wmdow j *» a “ d always kept dry and clean, u0 ** a ** er net-d eleaning. 1 et the cellar exteud under the whole h °uf«. * or pr 9 ^ v .‘ n *, b ® lmbers from ro “' nff ’ • nd , .* e ~ °™ i »8 the room. w°! d i°“w y 3 ?“ n * «* ^stwed. ", P £ C ?. 8 * *»***"»"" 8b Wltb ™ ld wo ■ **" ° d ii^ » b et 1^5 W “ . r B pa f es bo * a utsl ? nd s mteno ; *' P , la *tenng, ^ f b fh the additional j j 5f . security of using building . paper or brick, and use “ they th ° CheapC8t -trengtheners me c«“ ar _nas not P®ricct natural . . taro it to keep the cellar free from damp “° ^*‘“ a zz 0UtMe on » etefr-lepdlnge to .trike each end other nerer when piece o,lened. them Bodrooras shou d be large enough to aVoi or closet . d p [ a dtmr ® in B thti bed *2*^ a window }1 f nt y °J, closets should be provided, a ° d baD « the f 08 ®f do or 6 ° that the 010801 ma y receive h « ht from f tho n e aresfc wl udow. A..joining the ...... kitchen, dmmg ... liv or , insfroom, should be a small room acces ? ible fro ™ ; jUt8ide » for workingmen to ! to ea7e wash their y hands. bo ° 18 Rnd , overcoats, and Iq t ie country, avoid basement kitch en8 ' and i )lacc kitche n . living room and i common bedrooms all , on one floor, for re ^. lo deaden >l ' r ?“ ,, the a floor . between . the , cellar i and room above, nail flooring on the ower 8 : des of th ® j°i 8t8 - P la ^ on this J W0 ( > r t.hic-c inches of concrete and then Jay the floor J Jus will exclude sounds, 1 prevent rising exhalations from fruit S3^S»- fi “ d pr0 " ■‘ ddUi0 "“ - Kitchen windows, being in constant use, should bo hung on weights; nud they should always be on opposite sides, to give full light and free ventilation. A s<juaro or rectangular home gives the most room for the same amount of outside walls; but some exception must be made in order to obtain light and side J ▼situation. Avoid receding angles in . roofs as much as possible, as they are a frequent cause a ® e ‘ , ’ asll » y ac ^® f,sl b* e verandas , may , be ? H, C ^ tb bl *? 1 001 ,n 8 8 » to P revcut darkening . windows. i latcd A 1Ing^li ceiling to rooms poorly venti- | height, is not so good as one of moderate 1 but well ventilated. A ComauclieChiers Funeral. the other daj, old Otter i I.clt, n H the ono of the ! greitest of the Comanche chiefs, sue- J cumbed to tho grim reaper Death, and it wtis all i:i his honor. He knew ho was going to dio, end just fire minutes be- ! fore he breathed his hit they hell him erect wav costume. end rigged Huy the old painted ; hief him in hi. best rod j as as a sunset, sot his war bonnet on his head, wi^nrii tie I up his h dr in beaver skins, i ra " o nJ rr'“ , , ri J&W toward t the « doctrmes of , Brig bam Young, only he ron.ented himself ' a e 83 n l l ra ^ e 5 " 1Vto8 ,n ^ ac ^» bruited , himself . , to five. The way these , took on wueu the chief was no more Taking was sharp a sight butcher never to be forgotten. knives, cuts' they Jid slashed their faces with lnmr deen £ they werc cover d with blood also , utthemselves in other places, aud thi . n beat their bleeding bodies ami I pulled their most’dolpful hair, and all the while ut tering the and plaintive cries. They then burned everyth! g they had, their two tepees, furniture, clothing, of clothing and all—even tho biggest part 1 the they wore. There was a big crowd of bucks present at the obeo- I fashion, quies, of course, ami, as is the Indiau j honor they slew ten head of horses in of Otter Belt’s memory. Among tho horses th- y killed was a favorite te ,m °f 'i r - Press Addington, on who-m j ranch Otter Belt resided. Press won’t bke it when he bears that th- trotters arc deft d, but when Indians need horses g ' ' ‘ (leja,) -------- Th * 0f a11 P'*c«s in the world Paris is the place in which it is easiest to gather a hew York Time * correepondent of the . Americans are wont t0 I ai i' 81 tbe 8low \ f °o ted messenger boy ! and th e absent-minded car conductor, «>“’"owher. i B the wido unirerse .re *“ e pe°P‘ IS?. c bo unanimously in favor of | l0 L te T i “ *“ ,h » Fren ' h capital. Inc snopkeeper stands on his T'iT \ i' tbe hack k • u- kj .. rush for the point at which the presence of a dozen persons indicates that some thing or other it to be seen. A crowd of 1,000 men, women and children can be gotten together in five minutes in any part of the town. — — ------- Dr - E - O. Janeway, of New York city, acting on the suggestion of a country practitioner, patients whose has given frozen did milk to stomach 1 * not tolerate >ce cream, and speaks highly of its use “ fevers. _____ The Martha’s Vineyard IbnM says: A business man whpdom not advertise 18 ,ike a b®^ rowed Wlth on « oar ■kora. Many go out for wool tad return Wp UNO - wjultht 41 •55T**; Her. - .4 Tw* _ Sharp . r pSii Bast 1 jAgiM JPJI?* a* &*%,£ 2L”* r2 r el &"s^s^riS5ffir2 occasion required. The vromon caused to be published in responsible papers genteelly written and cleverly constructed adveriisements,mak ing it known that a young widow with £1,000,000 sterling in her own right, or a rich young girt who had made a false step, was desirous of formiing a marital alliance with a gentleman of the right stamp, who could appreciate the situa tion and who had means sufficient to warrant that oa his side the m rriage was not anti rely a speculation, Several Frenchmen were In turn ihtro duoed to Eveline Happy as a result of forth these advertisements, the and she was put as young widow or the inch young of the girl, according to the inclination suitor S he engaged herself to a number of these men, managing to keep alive their ardor until the had exhausted their ability to make presents, and successive ]y married several of the more wealthy ones, bie, and securing the best settlement possi wedding mauaging to escape with all the presents c.nd other personal property obtainable within a few hours after the ceremony, It is learned that Miss Rappy played this marriage trick with great financial success on more than one rich adventur er in England before she sought new victims in France, and it is said that all of her numerous dupes in both countries ^ ave been f h w ^ h social or po ii t |. 0ftl ^ sitjon thftt they have be en ashamed poTce to 8 ek redrC89of any n^e kind The p^rson do not mention the of the who has brought the career of the two 5rST«5“i55is5W WO men to an end in Paris but when f^" d n ^ t“th» tei ■ rau * “ io P • -f* When rijl" MU. Rannv realized that *?* „h, w ■* R P , ,soner sue broke down and made tailsTf^U^LrexX^’tSii^th^datll n^meaSh*^ sum. ^ and hM^SSidue^M™ 1 iS for L d * wy J ’ who ’ she 7 ' controlled h er. - Spotters on the Cars —- • I was talking with the president of one of the surface roads the other day, says a New York correspondent, and the conversation turned on the subject of “spotters.” People who ride in horse cars do not as a rule know that during each trip of a car a “spotter” is one ot the passengers. Jtmaybeaman or a woman who fills the position, and either he or she psys his or her fare just the sume as the other passengers do, and nde the number of blocks assigned to them by the superintendent pf the road proiitable, for they receive fifteen "cents J or a round trip on the short line cars and twenty-five cent, for the round trip from Harlem to City Uall. “Yon would be surprised,” said my how friend, the horse car president, “to see position many applicants we have for the of ‘spotter.’ Why, we employ on our road at present a poor clergyman, a fashion w-riter and several other men an d women who, you would think, could earn good wages elsewhere, but they come to us and we employ only the best. Of course, we cannot employ a ‘spotter’ for any length of time, for so 80on a8 one 0 f them becomes known to the tne drivers umer8 or or conductors conductors then then his his n«e use fi fulness ceases. ,1 Haven t we faith . . , enough in our men to trust them? Certainly. But we have to take precautions, and w?? ” “ to put ‘ 6potter,! , °” tch ^potters. - From all of which ^ I gathered that there are other wheels in a railroad com* panv besides those that bear the cars. ________ ** Tha B, Beat * t Jan.,.... w™..i.~ “ Wrest.]Inrr In T»r>an l> t l n tniirntmpna thatlastfrora 6 o clock ”he ‘M.^3“, first nrUe” MlU ^. Sorakichl aland with “ the crack ^5 fTT wrestlers of S’,,. Tanan?” ^ b u d p p hv8i “^\ ail allv y weftkcr vreftKc r t tuan u a _ tne th g° nnnA od ones that ., he stands no show at all them I he best wrestlers are Adata and Umegatani of Tokio They’re ; boat “ b, 8 88 £ van L « wia ’ but a great «« al stronger 1 ok o, Osaka and Kioto ar8tb e 8 re i lte8t "porting centres in Jap f n There , is good reason for Soraaichi’s . ? uer hor nearly thiee centuries wrestle ba9 been the prevailing sport of that country. Professional wrestlers bred ^Tha^.^oTon'^mdon/thS: uozen genermmns there J*. as developed a class of brawny athletes, Dig of bone and large of stature, giants in ®Y e 7 r o»l»ect physically. Against 8 ” ch fsdowe Horakichi stands a small •bow One feature of the Japanese wrestler that strikes an American at first glance is the Aldermanic paunch into . ring with »uch » .rounf girth .. Japonic wrestlers terry would be laughed oil the stage. The average da P will weigh form L0 to 180 pounds. None of the .mt wre.tlcr. .c«le un<ier 2 , '° pounds, and ail stand head and shoulders 1 above non-athletic citizens.” ------- Boston h» . pytnn»ium exclusively for the use of women. It has six bowling " ! " > a -tenni. court, . gymu»«ium hall, u running track of twenty laps to the hot and eold w.ter bith. etc. It p'* projected by Miss Mary Allen, who ^ ‘ ^ The BerUintng af the Had. The beginning of disease Is a slight debUfty or disorder of some of the vital organs, the Fto.nach, the liver or the bowels usually. 1'lure are dyspeptic symptoms, the liver is troublesome, the skin grown tawny and mw hes thy looking, there arc pains in ths right s.d j u throu ;h the right shoulder Mad e The climax itr often an utter prostration of tha physic if the difficulty al energies, Is met perhaps in time a fatal with Hcetetter’s issue. But Motnach Bitters, which is always effective se a early remedy, and it should be resorted to at an hend stage, there will be no reason to appre¬ those mjurio is subsequent effects upon the system often entailed by entirely cured diseases. Far bet er is it, also, to employ * 111 $ *-afe remedial agent in fever and ague, and other malarial complaints, than quinine »s<i ot ter potent drugs, which, even When they do prove e 1 actual forn time, ruin the stomach and impair the general health, t M» feet Foot in Front* ^saas^BftSS s He stretched his head, th< ;ht a mo ment, and i^pfiedto hi mi s’da It is a terribly suggestive incident which Mr. G. R. Sims mentions to hav¬ ing fant school. occurred The in teacher a South London In¬ the parable of the Prodigal was Son. explaining “All his clothes are gone,” said she; “what must he do for food?” The qu ion oas three promptly and-a-half, answered drawing, by a little evident¬ girl of too ly, on her sad experience—“Why, pawn his little gal’s boots and * tings.” ■Sr Oem , nlssionor or Deels for aa the States, Mr. F. Reardon, Baltimore, Md., write# that ho suffered for a kmziim mV ttl> rhonma* thro, whl h y elled to no treatment until ho applied St. Jacobs Oil. dertook Two smart citizen%of Evesboro, ft. J. un¬ to p'ay a practical joke onacolorvd man. side and by concealing rushine themselves him. on the road¬ out at Instead of run¬ ning, their intt-nded victim seized one of the men and beat him almost todeath. Ex-Congi e s nan Weaver, Postoflice Depart¬ ment, Wa h ngt n, D. C., considers Kd bar Cr ngh Cure a r :n;arkab!e agent- It contains no d&ngeriU; narcotii s, and coats but twenty-five esn.s “ Your presents is desired at our Christmas celebration,” was a boy’s letter to his uncle. Chicago clergymen sincerely hope that the bast is on its last legs. A dime museum man eats live frogs, pats them in his hopper as it were. * is Being en irelv vegetable, no particular cars re .u r. d whre us ug Dr. P.orce’s ’‘Pleasa it d Purgat ve Pe lets.” They o?eia e without stnrlwince t the < ot st tution, diet oroccu p tlrn blond, For d'/.z sick hrn !»• he. con^tloation, from im. bure ness ioar is the stomach, bad taste i 1 mouth, bilious at¬ tacks, paiu in region of kidneys,internal fever, bloat* d feeiing about st > i.ach. rush of b’ood to druggists. head, take Dr. Pierce's ‘’Pellets.” By Sangman County, (Ill.,) has just paid a wolf bounty, the first in twenty years, l.«— .r h..„ di...... p” “mtfme » rule, do not treat th. *°<=o«*»fn"y. Dead wnhont a mo meat s warning. This is an untruth. Warn rafb^rt 8 ^ 60 ^ thou “ Qds Ever v unuatu - - ral heartisymptom - mdicat* the need of that -Pacific, Dr. Kilmer s Ocean-Weed ^ ags. y ’ the one remedial * smcj of A lady writes: “Nearly two years ago I was badly afflicted with Heart D: s ,a*e and dropsy, with prostation of the nervous svs thTn aVdTeem would be dizzy, and faint, and cold such i death coldness it would seem to freeze my e ^7J^ it ^ ,8, 1 was so weak that I had to be u Cdii n fcK? «fL°L be ?.i limbe fiS^fJ?* ^ swelled so sion!f loiTtimS 8 ^^ mv and eyes were so bloated thaU here would be dl over my BRiJ eyes; 1 ould physicians live gave me up to f, 2 kSoTN^ < rWavr^Vv^ but a lew we^-ka M . Gilmer’s’Ocean I was induced to trv Dr. Weed Heart Remedy. So rapid and com I * )lete did tb « medicines effect a cure that it 3-rF^ 1 goaHtogVe of hMhbTl r oot o, “hee^fluiy th. grave. all letters wUl answer sent in regard to what your "l?' 1 excellent Remedy has done for me'and °\w t n y 7^ leS? luainta l i? ttlrvlUe C0 ”„ Wayi ™ » 0o N Y Dec'2d ’ writes ' «. A Druccist “Express one-half Ocean-Weed Heart Remedy (quick). Mr. 1. Turner says Ocean-Weed- is holping his mother after throe of our best Physicians had failed. The above is for her.” E. T. Webb, Jaokson, Mich., Dec. 18, lS8fi. A druggist writes: “I have sold your medicines for several years and used them in my family with the best of satisfaction. I always recommend them with perfect confi¬ dence—their sales exceed that of auy y other kind I handle.” D. J. Palmer, Union, N. Y.. Nov. 10, 1880. W. W. Wescott writes: “I was troubled for several years with a nervous difficulty of the heart. I 'suffered .nt nsrly from palpi tatio ?> very irregular pulsations, with the best country physicians, but grew worse. I used your Ocean-Weed HeartRem cured me, and I can cheerfully and coneoientAqualy recommend it to anyone '“StofD^nd«. ' ' w N ' T v " Th. ’.bov. Almonte war. ren t to Dr. KU m « r & Cto. unsolicited, and are a fair illu* tration of many received daily, showing the efficacy of their remedies and the gratitude C TT ,od ? d ‘ timony $5,00(46. published by us we will pay 1 7 you 5 Kilmer&Co. If your Dr. droggtst Kilmer. does not sellit, send di rect to He will send 6 Bottles for $5.00 and prepay all express chargee to your nearest express office. GivefuUnam^ ExpreS office, County and State, also ofhce - - A New York politician’s definition of an honest man: “One who will stay bought/’ n a » e.^meJ n*i~- iri—t. ^T-s ...j a, . . 1 . after with Hypophosphites. It is a^ palatable as milk, and easilj digested. Thsrapidity with which dalicata people improve with its useis wonder ffoS^l^^SSSi^riHSS ch itis, it Is uneq-a’e i. Please read; “I used Scott’s Emulsion in a child eight months old with goo 1 results. He rained four pounds in a vary short time.’’-Tuo. Pkim, m. D„ Ala hama. “Money is tight.” No wonder. So much of it guvs to the saloon. . *'^„i, iwrod y oui B>™» S^5*fiSASTS ; * «. Zllr^By I a rmati^aud iSgS nl-eration. mihplactmoatand " ^ 10 °“ The woman who neglect* The her husband’s shirt front, is no longer wife of his bosom Whatbver name or desi&nahon is given to state of tbe liver is at fault. Eiiminato tie gKw Sri'SEsi'*i? 25? BS tersia th© s&fe&t and mo:4 erlective remedy {S.’S^Sn/'TffiTiJ?iSSTSSfiS the public, trial is its bist before a recom A Tribute ta American Genina Were tha reoent awards at Liverpool and Ed¬ inburgh ot silver meda l to Seabury & John son. Pharmaceutical Chemists a d proprie¬ tors ot Be son's Capcine Planters. These plas¬ ters are endorsed by 5,000 reliable physicians and pharmacists remedy for coughs, as tho rolds, only rh-rumatism, external Ac. Beware of nostrums advertised by quacks. The Dnty ef State Legislatures. Legisltion should be effected in every State regulating the sale and use of the many poi¬ sons resorted to by worn 1 in their despera¬ tion to obtain beiautlfnl complexions, while there exists in Dr. Harter’s Iron Tonic every requisite necessary t > accomplish endangering the orvect life. without injuring health or Soldiers and widows Mexican War can gei pensions now. New law. Write at once Flenner A Co. Attorneys, Waahineton. D. C If afflicted with sore eyes use Dr. Isaac Thomp- bottle son’s Eye-water. Druggists sell at Sec per •tag the papers are full of Aiecdotes re¬ ia lating to the General, related end by the following “When one of them, Bismarck:. on tine eve of war even Moltke became talkative, ana when #0 inarched 187 0 he it once grew ten years pleasure ger, spoke in champagne with vivacity, took and Choice dgirs. and lost all his the pedantry ac had quired while rest ng on laurels he of gained in 1866. Daring the battle ful Konigsgratz, for houxt, when victory was doubt¬ .Bismarck approached Moltke, tormented by doubts and fears as to the result of the terrible straggle. Moltke sat silent on his black steed. He was observing the course of the bat¬ tle, and it was impossible to attract his attention. But Bismarck had a little case in his pocket containing two cigars, one goality. .of excellent, He offered the the other of Moltke, inferior case to and without speaking the General took it, examined tne two cigars, and chose the good one without thanks. Bat Bis¬ marck understood him. He put spurs to bis horse and cheerfully returned to his post, for, thought he, if Moltke is still able to make choice of a cigar with such ealmness of mind it means that all is going on well.” Cansamptlen. yearly Notwithstanding aui-cuxnb tha great number who which to this terrible and fatal die eai>e, is daily winding its fatal coils •round thousands who are unconscious of its deadly Discovery’’ presenoe. Dr. Pierce’s ‘‘Go den Medical will cleanse and purify the blood of scrofulous Impurities, and cure tubercular of con the sum iption (wuich is only scrofulous disease Send 10 oents in stamps and get Dr. Pierce’s complete treatise ou consump¬ tion and kindred affections, with numerous testimonials of cures. Address World’s Dis¬ pensary Medical Associatisn, Buffalo, N. Y. There are 18,000 operatives in tho shirt, cuff end collar trade of Troy. Daughters, Wives aud Mothers. Send for Pamphlet on Female Diseases, free, securely sealed. Dr. J. B. Marchisi, Utica, N.Y Soldiers ai d widows Mexican War can get pensions Planner A now. Co., Attorneys, New law. Washington, Write at D. once. C. disease, Imprudence is the messenger sent to invite poverty and other evils. Peculiar Te Itself In many Important particulars, Hood’s Sarsaparilla Is different from end superior to any other medicine. Peoullar In combination, proportion and prepara¬ tion of ingredients, Hood’s Sarsaparilla possesses the full curative value of the best known remedies of the vegetable kingdom. Peculiar In its medicinal merit, Hood’s Sarsapa¬ rilla accomplishes cures hitherto unknown. Peculiar In strength and economy—Hood’e Sarsa¬ parilla is the only medlolno of which can truly be •aid, “100 doses one dollar.” Medicines In larger and smaller bottles require larger doses, and do not pro¬ duce os good results as Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Peoullar In Its “good name at home”—there Is more of Hcod’s Sarsaparilla sold In Lowell, where It Is mode, than of all other blood puriflem Peculiar in Its phenomenal record of salee abroad no other preparation has ever attained such pepo Urtty In so short a time. Bo sure to get Hood’s Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggists. #1; six for * 3 Prepared only . by C. L HOOD A CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. IOO Doses One Dollar OPIUM HABITSttlUSSi W pain or self-denial. Pay when cured cu Handsomo hook free. Dn. C. J. Weati HKRJJY, ousas UiatS w llllvi Pill® Rheumatio En ?- ,iSh Remedy. o 60 Ut f n< o,.i.... .i.oo, so«.. Pensions MEXICAN U^fpena aions. So'diers New and L Widows iw. Fi LENNEB can no : Oo., Pension Attorneys , all wars, Washington, D. O. IlifGOLDEH "WHFlet c : this advertisement ARQ 05 be your Y WMHHp “fiiiii... ’itrrv! fprr HOMESl SAILING FROM THE m FOR ALL FRAGRANTFLOWER LftND nil ' BALMY FIPR1DJ\ iiii THE .) ?tFREIGHTED WITH COMfORl POOR MANS f 1KEALTH&PROSPERITY. ! LOVELY-ST-ANDREWS-BY-THE* SEA. iCHANGE . THE ;20.000 W ftlCH MANS FREE\1 bOPPORTUNJTY ACRES *r >s‘ mi lllHIHMHl v - llllllliii^ I ■ Wz Si k\> florid a rorr nUmt9 AND I H ItLib M ■ ■ m 0 RAN 8 E GROVES v.-- .a WITHOUT MONEY AND WITHOUT PRICE. mA 1 toe IOO Orange t drove »« Tracts s of “ 40 89 acres “ each, t 400 * s “ 10 *• : n 800 * * “ 0 S t lOOO 1 M r “ V/% ■ i 500 City Building Lots. oco i IN 2 % to 40-ACHE TRACTS ALL FREE. -’i it. ment Every PROFIT Is Word important. of BY this IT. ‘Don’t Advertise¬ It is miss for YOU t.Cah in this day ot tie eptlve ert li.p wa desire to Impress what that this aanounceinant mean* exactly it savs: that arery applicant can secure, ab¬ solutely above dlvDians free cf any eharge for the land, one or the or valuable Florida property. No trick! No jut sling of words! It aaans exactly that—nothing less nothl :«r more. OUR METHOD! NOTE ITS FAIRNESS! We hate ju*t Issued a large sheet of detailed houses, house P ans, Illustrating nine different style* of C costing from $300 to $1,500 each, which this mpany Is prepared to build for lta patron* at St. Andrew’s Bay. In order te defray at least a por l.on of th* very large cost of advertising, getting tip these de.'-lgnt, and executing a legal Warrant 7 ing Vced for each applicant, we will Charge35c. for Diall¬ this sheet of House Plans to applicant*. . T The plans are worth $5 to an • one who win ever desire to build a house. They are all new and fatten up Pians expressly for us. that If you select from the Hong any one -uits you, we will bald th • > ouseon your property, and rive you Jive years’ terest time to pay for cost the of house, the ‘'harrinpyou house. 5 percent, in oa the If you do not on re With a broader bu lines* policy than u characterized any other southern cu poration, we have steadily appre¬ ciated the relative holding value of land and people. We are for our awn hrture; profit certain the halan-e lands to offered ba sold frea in the Is ns air to %11 who np ly in time. A little more than one year ago the Bt. Andrew’s L’oy Uailroud til Land Co. acquired control of upward of l.tnds 300,«OO ln tne acres State of of the Florida, most desi.-able si situated around about tho beautiful b ty of St. Andrew’s,on’h<-s rs uthwe'tGulf uiiiwe'itxu coast, 1 afore the war the tne town town kno'.t Known as St. / ndrew’s Bar was the home of many wealthy r®o Is. w o had sought tha shores of the beautiful b;<y as a loca¬ tion wherj eouid be found in their TAXES time property will be worth $t 0 u per acre. OUR REFERENCES. Thoee who have don* bnsl acres each. Spo<.*c ia much good newspapers cost* too to give a list of tdl who havo re eelved free property-** of eur bands. Each oau the fot lowing disposed, list can testify. tho absolute If he is so to fidelity business. of No oar c-orrrsprurience nieth'vU of has passed hetweea say of and this e*ee. except - the liver, KMiwy, yield raaifly to the - • - ’ • ■irrma It is pleasant te the taste* tones «» the system* restores and preserves health. It Is purely Vegetable, sad eaaaot MB to prove beneficial, both to #14 aai yeaag. s a Blood hitterit is sapsrieato sQ others. Bold everywhere at dl.ODa h et tt e. ®(QapcinE)o 3 POMU ITER ,1 HI (beat Award* *f Hrdal* In Lumps and iurlMi The neatest, quickest, safes-t an 1 most powerful remedy Lumbago, known for Uheumatmm, Pleurisy, Neuralgia, and all aches Backache, Weakness, cold In the chest and pains. Endorsed by 8.U00 Physi¬ cians and Druggists of the highest repute. Benson’s Plasters promptly relieve end cure where other plasters and greasy salves, liniments and lotions, arc absolut -ly useless. Beware of imitations under sim-lar sounding names, such as -Capsicum,” -Cap uol ,?-« C “i p8 lc,ne ’ n ‘* they are utterly wortklees and Intended * 1 to deceive. Asa fo* Benson’s ahd *^^ A EU^™ , ^^'oifN T SON , 8 f' l roi)'rletors. New Tork. J.P. STEVENS &BR0. JEWELERS. Atlanta, Ga. ■end for Cntalegns. ATLANTA SAW WORKS. Maoufsctursrs of snd Doalsr* in Saws and Saw-Mill Smiles. Repairing a Specialty. Agmits for L. PoWEB A OOMTA Wood Large CAtaioffUG Oa. for Atlanta, WHETHER YOU WANT A iMSMBm It will pay you to write to PHILLIPS & CREW, ATLANTA, GA., For Catalogue (free) and Prices. Mention this paper. npiiiMSSiSi U I I U III B. M. Woolley, M. D„ Whitehall Emaamaammaammm Street. Mention Atlanta, this Ga. office * 5 ^ paper. •" i Illustrated Itook ^jjj 1 ^ ^ i I Box CP/ //^ry^^^cationattfoidsiuitii’eSciMioiotiJa.*!. Can get the most Practical Bu 81Q09B Kdu / 010 djh | P* Flat top No. 7 Cook Htove for *oS; • - faDSSIM Hab,t Cured.Treatmentsentontri»L U s I U IB Humane Remedy Co., La Fayette, lad. to have a house entirely built you are aot obliged to yourself do so. you being left rree to decide for without yon^avjfa la any ^ouee wajMtffectlna^th* built 8 ID.of tbe' he property •heet'of or nok With House Plans will be sent a numbered FREE LAND WARRANT fn a sealed . envelope. Upon tie _ reeelpt full yon tho will _ ___ open ; l>Lnks. th* envelope, that sign Warranty your name Deed tn be on made In proper ! so a cam yoiu name, and return the same to us. A 4 *e<l for the piece of land called for by the Free Land Warrant , charge will be of Immediately kind will executed be made in for your the name. Fre* Land No any absolutely Warrant-the &c^ property will be free. If nro you send for the House Plans be returned to you. I LUGAL flfill POl U JLUN7 Ally PI IfLIlBd IIOS Five sheets of Hons* Plana and five Free ','istrfbuted Land Warrants will friends, be sent te receipt any address, of $1 for te the he among for fifteen on for $3; twenty jfouso Plans; ton $ 2 ; for TO BE READ IN CONNECTION WITH ABOVE. highest lights of pc: Fiorlda f. ctlon home. the peculiar During de¬ a th* war the town was bombarded by a federal fleet and neart.v swept out Of existence. The Inhabitants n< d. aban¬ doning lorrband their .hiitterrd homes to the until about pill ge of the e emy, and not ten ye ars ago was there any at ten > t made to reoccupy the town. ThW C< ntpany bt ean at t ve operation s a Utt.e more than a year ego. Since that lime there ba been the mo.-t remn-kable “boom” created f ir St. Andrew’^ Bay t-at ha. ever been known ln the Flower State. I ast winter mere than 5,00) visitors from all parts of th* country reached that point and ln quest dwelling of Florida homes. Busi¬ ness houses have been erected by the hundre I. Pt perty se the necessaiv forms ot busi¬ ness ln applying for and re *2^ *J*JSSKE»’55jL]SS5 / r *r. at our hands, in on# dog • •ne*& M. He ann, Tyrone, Fa W, a. Klnsloe. Lockhavem. Pa Salem Hill, Schrnlev, Pa £. T. Murphy, B. Knowles. Huntington, Bnuiford, Pa W. Vs J. H. Baxtrcsser, Mhidiefn, Pa W. L. Colvin, Beatrice. Neb Frank A. Snell. Ansonla. Ct A. Jarrett. Hutchinson, Minn cured at the berinntng of th* “boom” has been sold for from $26 te $500 lor ordinary settler’ has Building Lots. Every “old rea laed a h ndsomsooia potency his lands in at disposing fancy prices. 1 1 a Docks portion have ar b*en reefed; hatels built and added to from time to time ; a line of seven boat* ply regularly between t. An¬ drew’s B iy and ether ports; and, alto i ether, he outlook promises that St. Andrew’s Bay will la a ew years bo c me the m at lm ortant city of <he gulf advantage; coast. It possesses deep bay—more overy natural a than sixty-five branches—with miles long with its various filter gul r at once deep tha channels most charming to the useful , and most body of w: ter on the coast; a safe harbor for 1 he fl ets of a SHUT OUT. and at your awn pleasure. Lewis Brindle, Latrobe, Pa Elm'rn K-pple, latrobe. Pa J. W. McCoach, ■ mt* Fe, N. ■ J. A. Davis, Pierce City, Mo Jos. B. Rowley, Olathe, Kan M. Mlnehsn, Our lon, Ark Oeo. A. Copp, PiKhrr’B Hill. ▼* W. F. Brow ton. Cedar Plain, O Wm. C. Sumpson, Golden. Cot F R Ribiet, bhlnn ton, VV. Vn M. J. Lunquest, Blr’.rhatn. Ain Joel P. Keys, Oolwlch. Kan Jno. A. Kramer, Uloomsb’g, Pn And. KnndM-n. tiantcld. Kan Wm. F. Dlrkell-a'-h. Shaft. Fn Pn Mo^e* J4- K R. Knapp. Wa!«sha, Gwynedd. Mian Lcwark, HUltUoro, 14 Mra J. A. Davis, H ft ■N ” w** V s Cc ON a < TONIC enfito* A* wm k ■ > Mi^nonHit u» QKiaxsti. urn Brrr. THE DR.HARTER MEDICINE COMPANY St.Louis* Mo. SODTHERH SEED lor SOUTHERN SOIL Being deairoas of haring imne of our seed plash¬ ed we in every do. there garden in the purer South, or better and stockvwf* knowing, as are no fered in tne United States than ours, if yon will ■end ns 11.00 we will send to any address thirty papers 01 our regular size pickets of Garden Seed (yonr own selection) and a quarter pound of Pride of Georgia Melon Seed. Southern Seed Com¬ pany, Seed Growers, M&OOn, Oa. Send for onv price list of all varieties of field and garden seed. SHO Wc>st». wall CASES . 1 ..- 1 > - DESKS, OFFICE FURNITURE AND FIXTURES* TEtt Tearv ■ ■ ! ini y m PULVER,Z,NG R H ■ 1 JHl HARROW, |^1 °«8MSteMBi4VfaSS PILES kT£iS?T2k r .''92£& Piles [Physicians’ a express, we for only. Jars 50c. by and SI. ta*"® b/urugglsts paid, 8*1.00.] mailed Price per receipt box, of price by or on LAMA R, HAN KIN & LAMAR. Agents Atlanta, Os. •inn e conn aSEtxpBt U|E ssKWSSWS&i;SSEsr-S WANT YOU! t^SSTtVEi " 13 XT SI 1ST TTi SS Education a specialty at MOORE’S BUSINESS best UNIVERSITY, Atlanta. <»«. One at the schools in the Country. Send for Circulars, ENSIGNS Officers’ pay. bounty pro* cured; dcuerters relieved. * 21 years' practice. Succceo^ 1 ' no fee. Write for circulars and Dew lawn. A. W. McCormick X- Son.Washington. D.c: BEND V PHiLLiPsnrna, 4 cents Ky. to BASS & CO., Wand learn to make an article used by every family at one-twentieth the usual cost. © jjtttmtlons NORTHAND procured SPyfAS^ttWSlft; nil ! THDRSTOH’SSlTOOTfl POWDER i Keeping Teeth Perfect and <-Junn llealthy v SIS'*.# BltKWSTEB’sHAFKrV KtIM liOLDEH, Holt y.klieO PATENTS Ootalued. Send stamp for Inventors’ Guide. L. Brs*- 3 ,!, Fateat 1 awyor. Wushlugton, D. C. A. N. IJ .Seven >87. $ 4 ; and twenty-five for $5. No more than twenty-five when he returns tho Free Land Warrants. YOU WILL BK A TRAITOR to your own fall interests and to those dependent on on yeu if you to avail yourself of this Great Fre* Land Offer. Secure It lor your children. The St. Andrew’s bay Kail road and Land C om pa n y numbers among It* officers and stockholders Florida, some m the most responsible and energetic men of Ohio, and New York, who are enlisted heart, hand, 40 an d pocket hook tn this great enterprise. We tmainesa through the Second National of Cincinnati, and refer to two thouaond prosperous settlers at St. Andrew’s. And now we await your pleasure. Address either our Northern Office at Cincinnati, di ^ 0 ^iMiS^^ tNewY0rk> whw# ft “ d# V~ Z:’ . 1‘ 7’ s D <* o a !'^^- . . an _ ^ , £ 0 *’ LINCaNNATI, Si O. .,) i No.iifi YORK, Pnrk l Raw, N. > < NEW Y. Remit by posta’-note, registered letter, or bank draft. Do not send stamps when it can d* avoided. world. fruit, and Xvery cereal species will of vegetable, In Its soft, Italian climate grow to perfec¬ tion ; oysters ln in countless millions—the beet the world—rest la thousands of exhaust less oy -ter beds • timber easily access lute an I sufflt lout In quantity the to fur¬ nish cargoes for years to entire 1 arry ng capacity of a nation’s fleet t a climate that, both winter and sum¬ mer. is th- absolute perfection of earthly del gat: free from malaria, hi re, dry Ln.l, and beautdully lo¬ cated. Th sn are among o her good re as’ ns «hv S\ Andrew's Pay is ths m. st desirable lo ation for a Florida homo than tho State can offer, and why this company has cor.fldence in tho wl Uom of its builntp policy. John Cord, Hanna, IlnS O. P. Fox, Mt. Carmel, P* CL P. Strong. Sullivan, Gloucester, Mass Andrew ” Geo. W. Davis, “ , W. %x S. 1 Darts, VS«TSk,Sg^r Highland Park. Til Robt. C- Morrison. Anch’ge. Kv M. Kennedy, Wabasha, Minn ’ A. B. D; vis. Eureka sp’gs. Ark Jos., Schuyler, Neb. 8a. Paul, IWiaa. Moses Wxier. cor. Isabel and S:*rlcer S;re ts 0s 0 . St a von, »Isabel Street Knnnne City, Mm. 3. A. Sullivan, MaoKueick. Met. Hotel L. K. 714 Oak St Jos. Field, Gen’t Delivery A. Win. ram N. Mann, Alien, 71S 1 enn 8t 7U <. nk Street Philadelphia, Pa. T. MeGrwry. 8 -., Mlfi N. 84 St Wm. it. Bower, 3d &Kri* Are ,T*«. Brown, 717 San-jons St J. P- Hal ics, 1980 MarshaU St A. C- 5oJ Comsaero* Bt Troy, N. Y. Geo. R. Co lins, 1 • Fifth M F IDnlrlci, i« Kurt St W. S. Chatter.yu, 4*7 Third St