The Dodge County journal. (Eastman, Dodge County, Ga.) 1882-1888, March 02, 1887, Image 3

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THE JOURNAL. K.S. B UKTOft, TON, * . • • Editor, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8, 1887. Mr. L. F, LoRfi, or Appling county Ih authorized to receive , ahd receipt for sub BcTlptionH to the I>0 dor COunty Journal. D,, t ECTOR Y. HlfEMOIlIC* 1Kr,da ’ ni « ht In ««» I. O.cS.'l*. nights Replar at 7:30 mcetinjra o’clock. 1st and 3d Tuesday 9 RsllZions. Epihcopai..— f'crvices third SAbbath in eftch month at 11 o’clock a. m. and 4 p. m. in Masonic building, by Rev. H. It. Stuart Martin. The public are cordially invited to attend. Baftibt.—R ev. I*. A. Jessup, pastor, Bablmth* preaches at Kastman every 2nd and 4th in each month. Also at Central Point on the second Sabbath and Saturday before in each month* Conference with the Kastman Baptist church on second Sal*, in each mouth. MKTHontNT ErisdorAL Cuuuni South. —Preaching everv Sabbath at tl o’clock a. In., and 7 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednes¬ day evening 7 o’clock. It. Sunday J. Strojtier, School Sup’t. meets nt9}£ o’clock a. m. Rev. T. 31. Christian, Pastor. m •JOUR N ALETTES. JndlclonH Advertising t’reates many a new business, Enlarges many an old business, Revives many a dull business, Rescues many a lost business, Saves many a failing business, Preserves many a large business, Bkcukem success in any business. Court week. C. C. Smith, of McVille, is at the fcTpla arts. Foster King, of Atlanta, is at the Uplands. .Judge II. K. Ilincs, of Macon, is at the Uplands. Editor Bcvcvly is among us talking up the News. I). C. Bacon, of Savannah, is at the Uplands Hotel. Hon. Walter T. McArthur is in at¬ tendance on court. Mr. Jeff I). Peacock, of lluwkius viiie, is attending court. Judge Chas. 0. Kibbee, of ltawk Insvillc, is at the Uplands. The Esloy is tlie cheapest, most du¬ rable and best toned organ nianufao tured. Mr. Chas. L. Simms is in town in the interest of the Savannah Morn¬ ing News. The Telegraph is ably represented Ibis week on our streets by Mr. Ja S# Cal la way. Mrs. II. M. Morris and maid, of New York, are at the Uplands Hold for I he season. Mias Clara Latimer will accept the thanks of Mrs. Journal tor a choice lot of box plants. lion. Win. Pitt Kastman passed hominy in Macon with his daughter, M rs. J. M. ()gdcn. Kditor Woods is on hand Ibis week picturing loom* people the superior claims of the Dispatch. Miss Mary E. Jones, of Quitman, is visiting our town, the guest of her tinnt, Mrs. 0. II. Murrell. Mrs. A. L. Hobbs, accompanied by her children, is on a visit to the home of her parents in Telfair county. Rev. R. 1). (ientry’s new house is nearly completed, and will be occu¬ pied by the family at an early day. Megrath’s Old Antler and Ro¬ anoke are the host whiskies in Geor¬ gia for the price. Macon, Ga. if. IT. C. Kastman, of Boston, who has been at the Uplands for the past ten days, left for Fei naivdina, Fla., Mon¬ day. F. M. Turpin and C. I>. Pearson, two leading Insurance men of Macon, Ga., are at tho Uplands for a few days. A good time coming for tho young people! At tho oyster supper and festival Friday evening in Masonic bunding. Send your job work to the Journal offiee. We nro prepared to execute it in a creditable style and at leasona bio figures. Mrs. J. S. Wilcox, of Temperance, returned home on Saturday last after a short visil to the home of her moth¬ er in our town. We are picased to notice the safe re¬ turn of I)r, Herrinan and party from their New Orleans trip. A pleasant visit is reported. Miss Fannie Clark, of Chauncey, re¬ turned home oil Saturday' last after a few' day’s visi t among relatives and friends in our town. Miss Gertrude Holzendorf, who for some weeks lias been the guest of Mr. C. R. Armstrong, of Eastman, has re¬ turned to her studies, lie suro to attend the oyster suppor and festival given by the ladies of the Methodist Church, next Friday eve¬ ning in the Masonic building. If in want of an Ester, tho most reliable organ manufactured, instruc¬ tions how to purchase will bo given by applying at the Journal office. Miss Eddie Bryan, of Indian Springs, returned home last week af¬ ter a short visit to our town, the guest of the family of Dr. Jas. M. Buchan. Our good neighbor, Mrs. Dr. Har¬ ris Fisher, has placed tho Journal household under renewed obligations by continued acts of neighborly kind Bess, Any one finding a medium sized watch charm, with a stone on one side and a dog engraved on the other, will be liberally rewarded by leaving the same at this office. The young folks hereabouts en masse participated in a candy pulling at the residence of Mrs. McKinnon on Thursday evening last, at which it is reported all hands enjoyed them¬ selves immensely. Messrs. L. 8. Evans and Ed. John¬ son, two of Chauncey’s most popular young men, and staunch friends of ♦he Journal “old man,” were in town on Sunday last, wearing their usual beaming countenances. Cards arc out heralding for the 15th inst. the marriage cf our young fel low-towsman. Mr. \V. F. Harrell and Miss Missio J. DeLamar, of Hawk iusvillc. The Journal, in advance, would offer congratulations. The fences, sheds and outbuildings surrounding Mr. Henry Coleman’s residence, have recently' been treated to a fresh coat of whitewash. .Good idea. general attention be direct¬ ed to the cleanliness and neatness of work of this character. "We are sorry to announce that Mrs. Carter, of Surrency, who is visiting the family of Mr. Lemon, in our town, is quite sick, and trust that under the 1 skilful treatment of attending physi¬ cian, Dr. Jas. M. Buchan, that she will I soon be restored to health. Attention is directed to the adver¬ tisement of A. W. Dean & Co., who have fitted up a first-class blacksmith and wheelwright shop in Eastman. These gentlemen arc fullv prepared to meet the wants of the public in any ¬ thing needed in their line. The attention of our readers is di¬ rected to the advertisement of T. W. Bond’s restaurant. Parties when vis¬ iting Macon will find Mr. Bond the t proper gentleman to call on when hungry or thirsty. Hero you will find the very best and it properly prepared and served. The boys are preparing tor a grand lot of fun on Friday evening next at the skating rink in the way of a mas¬ querade skate. The price of admis sson to the fun is ten cents; doors open at 7 : 30 sharp. A good crowd and lots of sport is anticipated. Si iK’e predictions are not out of or der ftve rise to say that under the l • ion oi ]miIm!C allairs coming . under , 4l tlie juH r n.-«o» m- ti.o : „™.......... or the Oconee circuit the mdicntor i»oiiits to our pro*.,,, flhh* as heir to the judicial mantle of (his KM.1.....shall have been called upon bv the legislature to . honor „ v , the ..... supreme bench . ot *. Georgia. ., . Dodge Superior i'oui’t. Dodge Superior Court convened on Monday morning la-1, Judge C. C * Kibheo presiding. The grand jury was organized by electing Dr. E. 11. Bacon, foreman, i and after an able and Instructive 1 charge from bis Honor, Judge Kibbec, retired to the grand ju*y room to wrestle with the vagrants throughout the county and oilier violators of law, as well as to look to the interests of the people. | • ^ (i notice in attendance Cols. Pate, Marlin, Jordan & Jordan, ot Haw k [insvillc; Spence, of Cochran; Eason & Smith, of McVille; Cheney, of Lumber City; Hines, of Macon; King, of Atlanta, together with the local bar. Judge Kibbec . presided on Monday, and disponed of quite a number oi cases. Oii Tuesday, Judge James K. Hines, of tho Middle Circuit, presided toi Judge Kibbec tor ihe purpose ot trying the cases in which Judge Kib bic is disqualified. Judge Hines has made a favorable impression upon our people and tlie bar by' bis courte ous demeanor, prompt ruling and ra pid dispatch ot business. Cases having been set for each day of the tveck, there are very few peo pie in attendance except parties and witncsscs. Tho dockets ate very heavy’, and it will require a rapid dis ; patch of business to clear them. The “llandliM" Come to man. The “Bandits,” a social organisa¬ tion of Macon, Ga., numbering about twenty, arrived in their special car in Eastman on the 9:23 train Saturday evening. Tlie object of tlie trip was a visit to their lormcr King and worthy brother, Mr. John Winter, now manager of the Uplands Hotel, who organized the order and presided over their deliberations during his residence in Macon. Mr. Winter met the party at the station,formed them in line, and un¬ der his command they were marched with true bandit regulaiity and pre¬ cision to the hotel where elegant quarters had been prepared tor then. The “Bandits” spent a night and day most delightfully with their for mor ruler, and on departing expressed themselves highly picased with the climate, the people and the peerless Uplands Hotel of Eastman. They re¬ turned to Macon Sunday night. F. Ac A. .VI. At the regular meeting of Eastman Lodge F. & A. M. to be held next Fri¬ day night, a full attendance of the members is earnestly requested as bus ( iness matters of importance are to be j considered. J. T. Colcobd, W. M. Eastman, Ga., Jteb. 28,18$7. New Quarters. On Tuesday next the pioneers, J. W. Burke & Co., will move their pianos into their now building, which lias just been added on to tho rear of their store on Cotton Avenue. This gives an immense store of nearly two hundred feet long, and arranged with all modern conveniences. Thus they will have one department alone for Pianos, one for Organs, one for fram iiig pictures, and still another ‘or gen oral stock, stationery, art supplies, sheet music, small musical instru inenls, etc. All combined, forms one of the largest and most attractive stoics in the South; and, in the lan¬ guage of an enthusiastic and admir¬ ing friend, we say may tho Pioneers long wave their banner.—Macon Tele¬ graph, February 28th. We are glad to hear of tlie success of tliis old established house, there is certainly no better in the country— perfectly reliable, and it’s a pleasure to any one to deal with them. They handle the boil make of Pianos and Organs—hence there is no trouble, no dissatisfaction after buying, as is com¬ mon with music houses handling un¬ reliable instruments.—Milledgeville Union and Recorder, March 9th. We can attest tho truthfulness of the above, as we have known tins bouse for a number of years, and in obtaining a warranty from them, it is almost like having a government bond—it reduces it to dollars and cents—so different from the majority of traveling agents and sub-agencies that have recently been established all over the country : their sole motive is to make all the money possible—even if they have to sell an inferior instru¬ ment, and to-morrow they arc duping the innocents in some other clime.— Monroe Advcrtizer, March 23d. How much easier one feels, and how much more contented, when they arc sure they have got full value re¬ ceived for thicr money. We arc all | familiar with J. W. Burke & Co’s Music House. Macon, Ga., and if you want a good Piano or Organ, write them for their special spring prices. An Elegant Home. ^ One of the finest m 0 Southern Geor bl' 1 »8 that just built by Gapt. John L, a ° " Uni ^ Cl 1 J ,,cl * l,,( ,n3n “ * “? cro, .‘ l ‘ e l eo|,,us Aecon.n.o.lal.on i Line of Steamers, that t plv 1 the * j ™^^ri, * # n .* ;itrwort M ";°a | ; f a ',‘ . W rcanv » r ' y • j ! 1 Z | ra ndas. that surround I he house, giv . it .... the ot and . coinfoita mg air a cozv ble Soiilhern . . home. Capl. ,, I>av fur- „ I is | lushing ..... it elegantly . and , . lias just se | looted for his parlors one of those 11 perb ujnight pianos from the Pio neers, J. \V r . Burke & Go’s Music House.—Macon TeDgra ph. I3»imci<ic. Last Saturday morning, at the still of J. P. Williams & Co., in Dodge county, about twelve miles from Eastman, win enacted a tragedy, which resulted in the sudden extin ,(> tion of a colored man named Bob j Richardson, at tlie hands of a peace j j . llK ] well disposed young named Henry Horton, under the fol I iowin ,r circumstances : It see ins that Richardson, who was , 0 f a troublesome and disagreeable I disposition, bad sought a quarrel with Horton some lour weeks previous on I account of a woman of bad character, whom Mr. W. I*. Hartman, theauper , intendent ot the turpentine works, j j, at ] driven away from the place * ; Horton succeeded in avoiding a con fl| c t with Richardson until about a j wec j c a jr 0i when tlie latter entered Horton s house, and attacked him with a razor, inflicting several ugly wounds, besides cutting his roal com plctclv off from him, at which Ilor i j 0 „ and continued to do his ut j most to keep away from Richardson, who, even affer promising Mr. Ilart man not to further interfere with Horton, again started on the war¬ path last Saturday morning, at which i time. Horton, standing in his cabin t | 00l . an j , 10 (j n <r Richardson’s ap i proach, razor in hand, ordered him to stoj). No attention being paid to the command, Horton brought his shot¬ gun to bear and fired, lodging a charge of buck-shot in Richardson’s head, causing instant death, Horton remained on the place, and awaited tlie action'of the coronor, yvho was at once notified, and whose jury, after thoroughly investigating the attend¬ ing circumstances, pronounced tlie verdict of “justifiable homicide.” Two IIuMbumU at One Wed dins:* Once is about as often as most men care to attend their ow n wife's wed diug reception or are even allowed that privilege. Not so, however, with a certain resident ot Dodge county who was granted an absolute divorce from the partner ot his life at a recent term of the Superior court. It ap pears that a week ago last Friday niglit, the divorced lady saw fit to again embark on the uiieertahi, and oftentimes tempestuous sea of matri¬ mony, and the night following the newly married couple held an infair which was attended by the ex-hus band, who heartily enjoyed the occa sion. and who extended his congratu lations to the blushing bride and hu* baud number two. Oysietf Mapper and Fe«tkvs»l. The ladies of the Methodist Church arc to give an oyster supper and festi¬ val next Friday evening in the spa¬ cious furniture store now occupied by H. G. Miller & Co. This entertain¬ ment is given for the benefit of the Methodist parsonage. These good, earnest ladies are determined to make 'this entertainment a grand success, and those whff give ihcili a call may be sure of a pleasant evening. Those who w ish to help in this worthy cause and can not attend, will upon their order, be served with what they wish at their homes. Doors open at six p. m. Nnnday Mcliool Convention, Programme of tlie District Sunday School Convention of liie 8Ui district at Chauncey, Ga., March 18, 19 and 20 . Friday night at 7:30, sermon by Rev. J. I). Anthony. Subject: The Bible Authority for Sunday Schools. REPORT OF TELFAIR COUNTY SUNDAY SCHOOL. Satin iky moining at 8..j0: O on mi 1. lie Sunday School a placo for the syuipa thy and work oi every Christian—C. I). Mallarv and J. W. Shelden. REPORT OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY SUN¬ DAY 8CUQOLS. The benefits resulting to every church and community through a well organized . , c Sunday , 0 School , , Jas. Bishop, Sr. and Hon. C. C. Smith. 2:30 p. in.: The Bible in the Suu day School—W. B. Whiddon and L. A. llall. REPORT OF LAURENS COUNTY SUNDAY SCHOOL. Danger Signals in llie Sunday School—D. T. Dough try and It. J. S t rozier. Saturday night at 7:30: The Sun¬ day School Teachers Responsibility— Papers bv Misses Fannie Harris and ! Fannie Harrison. I REPORT OF DODGE COUNTY SUNDAY SCHOOL. Miscellaneous suggestions. Tact in teaching elaborated and il¬ lustrated—John Colville and R. E. Stanley. The incentives necessary to a suc¬ cessful Sn inlay School—Paper by Mrs A. T. Wiggs. II o’clock: Sertuon to teachers—E. jj jj j Sunday afternoon: Miss meeting ! conducted by Chauneev Superintend * 1 . convention .. winch , . . . striellv , . „ i it is is ,imi f,,r " ,o | building '"= of the Sunday School inter ! 29, at a ' no Chauneev, *”«"•« Ga. 18 > 19 : ! ,W ‘ '«* 01 «>»••«« «=»> *» be represented l>v ten or twelve of ,, their , best , ^ Sttmtav School . , workers. . See u that each county comes up with 1 good _ T reports . c front quarter. , Let T t everv j no community be without a Sunday School. Let each one send a small contribu¬ tion for the printing of minutes. i I h<* $loot*e t aiiRiyi l The fun-loving people of our town and community were entertained last evening at the Lietch Opera House by a concert given by Mr. Turk Moore, the blind guitarist and vocalist, and j hi- accomplished wife. The perform¬ ance consisted of choice duets, accom¬ | panied by the guitar, solo singing by the Professor, and recitations by both himself and wife. The Professor as a humorist, is a good one, and got off several local hits that brought down the house, while the elocutionary se¬ lections of Mrs. Moore were rendered iu a nlost excellent and pleasing man¬ ner. They promise lo appear on the boards with us at some future time, on which occasion they may expect a I good audience. I Aiuookrag Appendix. j Mrs. Culpepper, of Macon, is visiting ji Cr mother, Mrs. Harper, of Amos* i ica<> -. J Major D. C. Bacon is floating i around testing the virtue of our dc ! iighlfti'l clinlatc. Mr. II. P. Smart, of Savannah, Mr. M. V. Amorous, of Atlanta and J. J. McCall, of Waycross, were in Amos keag last week. An imp at our elbow suggests this play upon the names of the firm of the Amoskcag Lumber Company r Though some may think we’re not very “Smart,” Bac(k)ou” “Still we. 11” never go our true and ti ied friends Corn bread “Col(c)ord” and “Bacon.” Hodge C’oiiiity huuday School Association. A meeting of the above association j is hereby called for Sunday, March 13, at 3 o’clock p. m., at the Methodist church in Eastman. As business o£ importance will come before the body, it is earnestly desired that all the schools be represented by delegates. R. J. Strozier, President. Forty-live Hooks Free. Forty-live charming books, consist j j n g 0 f stories, poems, recitations, ar¬ , cUiteeturc, poultry raising, and many j other subjects given to every sub scribcr to the Montezuma Record, fq-jee .$2 per annum. Send for spcci ■ mcu copv , an a ij gt of Books, j >y. T. CHRISTOPHER, Montezuma, Ga. ilr. Geo. Currell, jr., of Cochran, visited our town tliis week, aud re turned home to-day, carrying with him Mrs. C. and baby who havc been on quite a visit among us to the home of Mrs. C's. mother. THE NEW RAILROAD SAVANNAH to EASTMAN! M Inch will soon lie built direct to Eastman from Savannah, will run through the best timbered belt of Yellow Pine iu the State. Along the line of said road there ill be numberless Saw-mills and Turpentine Dis¬ tilleries, all of which Will purchase their supplies direct from Lietch & Morgan, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ay, Grain and Provisions, Who buy direct from the Northern and Western markets in carload lots, for the cash, which enables them to compete with Savannah, Macon, and other wholesale markets. [feb2-vim-j-i[ Deni 1» try. My friends and patrons in Eastmail and , vicinity . . . are notified . . that I will . be [ u Eastman from the 14th to the last day of February, Office at Hotel de Lietcli. Feb. 2-tt W. L. Smith, Dentist. IiuportaiU .Police. All persons how indebted to the undersigned will please come forward and make settlement at once, as it can he moie satisfactorily settled with him than officers. L. M. Curry. Chauncey, Ga.. Jan. 5th. 1887. City Restaurant. The good people of Eastman and country opened surrounding are notified that I have just up in the Prince DeYounk’s build¬ ing a restaurant, which 1 propose to eon dxet in tirst-class style, furnishing my ta> jde it properly with t lie prepared, best the market, and providing affords, and with comfortable sleeping my patrons apart¬ ments and good beds. Meals, 2ft cents. Lodging, 2ft rents. Feb. Kespeetfullv, R. S. JOHNSTON, 23. 4t II. W. EASTERLING, Practical Jeweler & Watchmaker, EASTMAN, GEORGIA. Work solicited and satisfaction guaran¬ teed. Office on country road. feb [0-3n j (JM r JTSS —: AND:— WHEELWRIGHT SHOP. A* IV, Dean & Co., Props. „n,,V Fvstmvn Gforgi\ The t, . public w is hereby , , informed f , that . we . 1 have at considerahlo expense built and lor the accommodation of the public. ( of the 'TtS! wants people, we flatter ourselves i SSk "At ftft c respectfully solicit the public patron- 1 ago. A. ft\\ DEAN AGO. Mch2-3m. Dr. W. L. Smith, DENTIST, II.YWKJNSVILLK, (j A. Office in Pulaski House. meli2-tf. GEO. ('. X OHM A N 1>. FRANCIS J. M EVER. ; s IP j j ”1 I CONTHACTORS — :axd: — 5 EASTMAN, GEORGIA. Having located in Eastman for the pur¬ pose of plying our vocatfon as carpenters and builders, wo respectfully solicit a share of the public patronage. Having an experience of over twenty years at our back, we are prepared to guar¬ antee satisfaction in ill 1 work intrusted to our hands. We are prepared to furnish plans and specifications upon application, and in the event of being awarded the job make no additional charges therelbr. Work of tho city and country adjacent solicited' lob.2.0mj-p DR. J. EL BUCHAN & SON Physicians and Druggists, EASTMAN, GA., /"AFFEll their Professional services to the people counties, of this immediate and sur¬ rounding tine or the other can be found at their office at any time. All calls Patients promptly distance attended visited day or night. at a by special contract. All chronia and private specialty. diseases, either of malcor female, a Nocharge for consultation. I1‘ by. letter send st amp for immediate reply. All consultations and letters private. A good supply of drugs are kept constantly remedies. on hand, including meh!2tf al o Jthe new JOHN 1). ASHTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SWAJNSBORO, GA. Practices in Middle, Augusta ,and Occo nee Circuits; in the supreme ami ’86—ly. Federal Courts. may ft, W. H. SHUFELT, PRACTICAL JL WELLR AND WATCHMAKER, CHAUNCEY, GEORGIA. Work solicited and satisfaction guaran¬ tee!. jkjfOffiee in tbe Sanders old. Nov. 24. —3m. J. H . CLAY, FASHIONABLE BAKBEK CHAUNCEY, GA., Desires to inform the public that he tins opened a firstelass barber shop in Chauncey, and solicits the patronage a rp^-aTors!’clcan towel" eal?cd'ah”! done Hair cutting a specialty, and jiltflco iu tho latest styt.tbe * fill* East Tenn., V. & G. R. R. ____ •* DlVfSiOtt. „ , Off/iff Time Card Taking Effect December 19, 1886. Read Down. Read Up. \> m a m 3 4ft 12 01 lv .Atlanta.. .rtf 2 2 ft I 50 7 Oft 20 ar . Macon.... lv ssec”- 2 ft 30 7 20 2ft lv Macon ...dr 20 lft 7 2ft 00 ... Bullards 48 3ft 8 00 08 ...Adams Park .. 40 2ft 8 13 20 Westlake..... 11 8 39 4ft ......Cochran..... ' 2 40 8 56 03 Dubois...... 44 18 9 23 iiC 23 • • •> Kastman..... 23 4 4!) 9 30 34 .. .Godwmville.... « it 4 37 9 47 CO 12 .,. X’hauneev..... xs 04 4 27 10 14 0.3 ......Mcltae."...... ce 4.3 i- 02 10 20 - 14 .....McVille...... 7c IS ^ 10 56 c: 27 ..Lumber City... -j. ft’t 11 15 -l-l-IC. 52 ... .llnzlohiirst.,.. 11 30 04 Graham..... .| 42 n 1137 55 11 .. ..Pipe Drove..,. -i 3ft 4ft 11 24 ......Bay Icy...... —i 22 30 a m 12 20 0C-) 43 .Surreney. .. 7 02 2 00 1 10 2ft ar.....Jesup .. lv 9 20 1 15 u m P m P m a m S. K. & w. CONNECTIONS. Leave Jessup ... ... 1 30 a ill S 42 m Arrive ftft’ay cross ....3 00 9 50 m 4 4 Jacksonville. ...0 lft 12 For schedules and other information call on J. J. GRIFFIN, A. G. P. A. B. ftV. ftVRENN, Gen’l Pass amt Ticket Agent. CENT’L RAILROAD Savanna it, December to, On nml after tin's date, passenger trains will run dailv unless marked +, which are daily The exceut Sunday. is standard the time Macon by which these trains run same as city time: Lv Macon 2 3ft am 9 lo am ft 2o pm 8 3ft Ar Atlanta 7 2o am 1 oft pm 9 oo pm 12 lft take Passengers for Thoinaston and Carroiton train leaving at 5) lo am. Lv Macon lo 2ft am 0 27 pm Ar Columbus 3 o2 pm 0 fto am Passengers for Perry and Talbottom take lo 2ft am train. Lv Macon 6 4ft am (» oft pm 9 fto am Ar Albany lo fto am lo os pm 2 4ft pin Lv Macon 9 fto am 0 oft pm bv Sniithville I 23 pm 2 ft*- am ArMontgomery 7 o9 pm 7 3o am Paspcngerr for Fort Gaines, Buena Vis¬ ta, Blakely and Clayton should take 9 fto am traiu. Lv Macon lo 3ft am lo fto put Ar Milieu 2 os pm 3 oo am Ar Augusta 4 4ft pm 0 lft am ArSavannah 5 oo pin ft ftft am Passengers for Sylvania, Wrightsville, Sandersville, take lo 3ft am train. Lv Macon 12 40 pm ArMilledgv’le fft 24 pm Ar Eatonton f7 13 pm Lv A tlanta 3 00 am 0 33 am G 50 pm Ar Macon 0 3.3 am 10 10 am 5 40 pm Lv Columbus 11 lft am 10 20 pin Ar Macon 4 04 pm 0 2ft am Lv Albany 4 50 am 3 57 pin 11 5.7 pm Ar Macon 9 Oft am 8 24 pm ft Oft pm Lv LvMontgomery Smithville 7 I 40 am 7 15 pm 40 pm .7 42 am Ar Macon 4 Oft pm 9 Oft am Macon Sleeping cars on all night trains bet \> eon and Savannah. Savannah and At¬ lanta, Savannah and Macon, and Macon and Colum uis. Tickets for all points and sleeping car berths on sale at city office, Hotel Lanier and depyt T. ticket office. J. HUGE, G. A, WHITEHEAD, T. Agent. G. P. Ggent. A. C. KXaPI*, Agent, Macon, Ga. Harris Usher, Physician, Surgeon anif AGCOuclier. Offioe at ‘-Eastman Drug Htore,” on Railroad Avenue. Residence corner Church street and Fifth avenue, Eastman, Ga. [feb E. I). GRAHAM, Jr., ATTORN E Y AT LAW AND feOi.iciTOit ix i:qi;iTY. BAXLEY, GA. April 28, ’80-ly. WASH ROACH, a t r o st a b: v a t k„ a w, SAVANNAH, GA. Will practice in the courts ot Emanuel, Scriven, Bullock, Tattnall, Montgomery, Liberty and adjoining counties. may7 iy INGRAM HOUSE, COCHRAN, GA. J. A. INGRAM, Proprietor. Meals, 35 cents Lodging, 25 ” The patronage of the public solic¬ ited. Nov. 18-tf. Lumber City Livery Stables ! Steele Bros. Prop’s. We would inform the public that, we have fitted up and stocked, ami in connection with our regular mail hack line, a FIRST-CLASS LIVERY STABLE, j J j where all times the to public furnish will good ttnd turnouts. us prepared _ . at j j jQTWe make a specialty of TAKING CARE OF STOCK, ! and public. respectfully solicit the patronage of i the jau20-2uj S smyrn* m Stfefji * " oat l urc ruu by Central rill MB CA III) bt EFFECT 50 V. 14 . 188 «i JL Passenger Trai is on this road will run as follows; . west India fas r mail. READ DOWN. RJtAD UP. 7 oo a ni lv.....Savannah . . .ar It 55 p iii JO oo 30pmI a pi 1 v.... Waycross.... Jv 9 lft a m i2 y....J acksonville..Jv, t 00am n| 4 40 p m IV. • I 15 a 8 50p PLAiqLSTEAMSHIP m ar,.. v ..Tampa...,..Jv8 00put Ttaurj LINE. Tues. lv..Tampa Fri. Sun. ni , Sat p inf j Tups.. p Wed. Fri., IF * Thurs. Sut,' Tliurs. Sun p mf arWeyWestlv Mon ... pni Mon Sat.,| , , , jThurs.Sat., amf , ar.,Havana ... .lv |Mon... Pu iHinan ■ outlet Nmv am and l Washington. cars York to Tampa ampn to . NEW ORLEANS EXPRESS. 7 00 am ly.....Savannah. a r 7 58 p ni 8.42 n m lv.......Jesup. .ar 0 .6 p tu 9 34 a m lv... Blackshear Rr 6 22 p m o 9 50 m a m ar.....Waycross... Jv „ 5 Oft p m J' 12 JJ u * 9i*... .Callabnm ... 1 v 2 47 p ni no m a j*.... Jacksonville 1 v 2 Oft p m ‘ n m J lv......Callahan... v • • • Jacksonville. .. .ar 7 3ft p m ' ar 0 57 pm I- j«SS lv.....(Quitman J:::::®.-;:;;:',; 1 22 J» in tv 2 ‘»s n m pm ar... .Thoinasville.'. lv' 1*45 3 3ft p m ar . .JlahifirJflgo.. IV 11 2ft 4 04 .Chattahoochee am ]> m ar lv tt 30 a in 3 42 p m ar Albany lv 10 30am m.i 1 honusville, Atlanta ami Nashvillo, aml Jacksonville to Cincinnati via Jcsup. E AST FLOE IDA EXPRESS. T 30 j) ni lv... .Savannah .ar 11 ftft a 3 20 lv..... .Jcsup..... .. m 21 p m lv 10 21 a m 4 p m 1 v.... Blackshear lv 9 34 a in 4 4<) p m ar.. vv y 10 a m 0 57 p m dr Callahan lv 7 3,3 a m 7 . •'> 00 ■>•) p in lv nr.. .Jacksonville lv 7 00 a ifi p m .Jacksonville. ■ , .. 8 j o 41 p m lv .Uallahan 55 a m . . ar 8 11 a m ; T 58 p in lv ftYaycross... ar 6 57 a m 84:> l‘inlv llotnerville.. lv 5 10 a m 0<)(, l" nar ■ Dupont r , lv 4 55 am 3 .....Lake 10 15am '2 i IS 20 P pin J” \ lv v - Gainesville... .Live Oak ar 10 0 40 05 a ni . . •ar a m .1! 10 1M M p l> 111 in ! lv-----ft v .....P° 4 4 50am 05 ni 0 34 p in 1 v... Quitman.......Iv a 1 2.» Ihoinasvil 3 ;IT» a in p m ar... V .. lv 2 50a m PinOainar.....Camilla 1 . ,. lv 1 .30 a in I .».) ulman a m »r buffet Albany:.... .lv 12 50 a ni \ die and St. Louis V'arsto via and Tliomnsvilln, from Jackson-. l.any, Montgomery, Nashville Evans,' Al \ die, Cincinnati and ana to Jacksonville via Jcsup. , Pull in ah filecplngears to and from Bar-., tow and .Montgomery via Gainesville. ALBANY EXPRESS. 8 4o p m lv.....Savannah ur 0 10 a m 11 2ft pm 1 v........ .Jcsup lv 3 20am 1 30 a m ar.....ftft f ay 11 .30 am ft Aft a hi aV ./ Callahan 9 05 p m 0 lft a m ar Jacksonville 8 lft p m 8 lft p in tv . Jacksonville 7 lft am 0 0i>p in 1 . 5 2ft am 2 00 a m Iv.... 11 20 p m 3 Jt a m 10 00 p ni 0 40 a m ar.....Live 7 20 n m to Oo a m ar... .Gainesville... IV 3 5ft p m 10 15 am ar.....Lake CityIy 3 20 p in 3 45 a n> Iv..... 9 35 p m ;! b fj. 10 a 51lv m 1 v .....' aldosta .... 1 v 7 8 ftft 30 p m ‘ };»h in . 7 p ni tl lo a m ar Albany......l 00nni .tops at all . regular stations.. v Pullman, 4 00p m butM Kleeping cars to and from Jackson V 1 ^nd Washington, and to and from Jacksonville and Louisville via. Thuuuis Mllc and Montgomery, Pullman bullet cars and Mann boudoir buffet ear via Wav. erdstf, /IbiTiiv and Macon, uric’’ Via Way cross, 11caiuU'iiiciunatti. Jcsup ana Macon, between Jackson vi Also, through pass-, engor coaches between JacksyiiviHe aud Chattanooga. / JESUP EXPRESS. 3 4ft p in 1 v H 30 ani 0 10 p in ar .... Jesup .......1 v ft 2ft a n stops at all regular and flag stations. Tickets sold and sleeping ear berths se¬ cured at the passenger station. It R U NSW ICR Western and H R. TY-TV ROUTE. 0\) MILES SHORTER than any other ROUTE RET WEEN WAYCROSS AND ALU A NY. 18,80, .ui!- 11 passenger 111,(1 ilftor trains Su,, <h»y» will November 14th,' run as follows Full THE WEST, NORTH AND SOUTH; Mail. Express, 1 Brunswick, Vie via. uiw lv 0 oo am 7 .30 pm Jamaica s*0 27 am»8 10 put Waynesville........... 9 54 am ,8 43 pm Hoboken lv 7 32 am 9 23 pm 8 29 am 10 27 pm 8 41 aml0*40 pm 0 Oft am 11 15 pm Callahan. Savannah, via sf*w aril ftft am 0 10 am Jacksonville,via ,............arl s faw arl 2 1 20 am ft 25 15 pm oo m 0 am Jaeksonvllle,v iu a v *w Iv 7 00 am 8 15 pm Callahan...............iv 7 33 am 0 oft am Savannah, via 8 F & w lv 7 00«m 1 30 mu Pearson................1 Waycross. via. » & w. Ivfiflioam”l?’30pii< 1 15am Aiapaha, vl 19 48 puf 12 30pm 1 lft am y 1 2 03pm 3 11 am Sumner ................1 v 8 18pm 3 20am Damh 2 44pm .. .. Albll ... ..........Jv 3 00pm ......... » 3 25 pm 4 4ft am ( Blakely, via o r k .. ... ar 7 20 pm Macon, : ........ l 55 pm Atlanta, via 8 24 pin 9 04 am Marietta, cru ... arl2 1.7 am 1 0.3 put via w & A . . .ar t 24 am 2 30 pm' ('liattnnooga,....... Louisviile, ar 5 ftft am 7 07 pm via & n. .,ar 0 40 pin o 30 ani Uiiiciiinati, via t’ia So ar 0 4.7 pm o 40 ant FROM WEST, NORTH.AND SOUTH. Mail. Express, Cincinnati, Louisville, viaCin 7 ftft am 8 10 pm via l .fc n. .Iv 7 .70 am 8 40 pm Chattanooga Marietta via w & a Iv 9 05 pm 8 05 am . 1 28 am 12 53piu Atlanta, via a it 2 2ft win 2 00 pm Macon ■ 9 le uni 0 10 pm 30 am B lakely .... 7 20 am ....... Davis............ Albany, via a a w 1 v 11 00 am 10 10 pm' Willingham....... .... 1 v 11 23 am ........ ... hit 41 am ........ Sumner......... ... I M2 13 pm 11 13 pin Tv Ty............ .... lv 12 32 pir. 11 2* pm Pearson........... Aiapaha .......... 2 11 pin'12 43 am 3 30 pm 1 43 am Waycross......... __- ar 4 49 pm 3 OOain Callahan.......... Savannah, via s F * w ar iAft^TpinllNTA li 57 am Jackson nr pu* 5 2.7 uuc£ v ille, via 8 fa War 7 85 pm o loam* Callahan Jacksonville,via s faw lv )v 5 2 47 <*3 pnT8l.3lim ............ pm 9 05put S avan nah, ............ lv 1 30 pm 8 45 pm Sehlatterville.... Waycross .......... v v ft ft <g> pin' 3~fiTam 32 prn*3 41 am lfolM)ken . ....... .Jv ft ft| pm*3 50 am' Waynesville Jgmafcu .... lv 0 53 pm 4 5.3 am ......... 7 33 pm 5 85 am l’vle’s Marsh..... . J v 8 oo nui*0 05 am Brunswick..... .ar » 28 pm u 40 am ; • *su>p Purchase on signal. save' 1 R-kefis at the station, and extra fare collected upon ihe train. The mail traio stops at all B'. & W. ata tions. UannectiaiiA made at Wavcross to and. from Western all polnls Railway on Savannah", Florida and doir Pullman eoaC^s palace sleeping through and Mann bou¬ 11 upon trains between Jacksonville uikI ^ ibuijHintl, ^ First-class ear tlm.'ugh between Bruna wieSfand Atlanta. . F. W. ANUIEK, J. V. MCDUFFIE, A.G. P. G. P. A/ A. A. A. UAPDI8, V. r, * G. m