The Dodge County journal. (Eastman, Dodge County, Ga.) 1882-1888, March 09, 1887, Image 3

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The. . 4 ; - K.8. BtKTON, . . • • Editor. III l.r 5 3 I'll fsx. ass: s£I. Su* tfs- •*< rr.r 2 A - o 2 s f! * B ► oiit* 6 roii? » MtUoilic. toonffat 7 1 o'cli!?f^ Prlday "^t in 6aoh Kellfflou*. Episcopal.— bervieeS third Sabbath in Pftch month at 11 o’clock a. m. nnd 4 p. m. In Masonic bulldiiitf, by Rev. H. 11 . Stuan Martin. The public are cordially invited to attend. Baptist.—R ev. p. A. Jessup, pastor, preaches Babbaths in at each Kastman month. every Also 2nd at olid 4th Point the Central belore on second Sabbath and Saturday in each month* Conference with the Kastman Baptist church on second Sab¬ in each month. Methodist Episcopal Church South. —'Preaching every Sabbath at 11 o’clock a. m., and 7 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednes¬ day Sunday evening School at 7 o’clock. meets atflW o'clock It. ’ J. Sup’t. a. ra. Stroller, Rev. T. M. Christian, Pastor. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9, 1887. JOURNALETTES. U. S. deputy marshal TV. H. dem¬ erits is among the attendants on court. Dr. J. C. Montgomery, of Chau ncey, Ivas among us Tuesday—handsome and clever as ever. There is some tally of re-organizing the brass band in our town. Wo’vo got the brass—instruments. Our friend, O. II. Briggs, is now oc bupyitig the Breituug mansion, and it could not bo in better hands. Rev. Mr, Whiting,of Ilawkinsville, was in the city yesterday. His many friends here were glad to meet him. The Christian Sabbath School is well attended, and Mr. W. B. Whid don is a most efficient superintendent. Tho “bootblack” character at the rink on Friday evening last was a complete “take-oil’.” lie is a good one. It is rumored that the matrimonial vows will be taken by a charming young lady of our town at no distant clay. Megrath’s Old Antler and Ro¬ anoke are the best whiskies in Geor¬ gia for the price. Macon, Ga. if. Mr. Jas. R. Giddens met witli the misfortune to lose a line cow a few days since, by a burning tree falling on her. Send your job work to the Journal blflco. We are prepared to execute it in a creditable style and at icasona bio figures. Our triend. Mr. E. R. Carr, has erect¬ ed a neat fence in front of his resi¬ dence, adding much to the appearance of his homo. Our Amoskcag correspondent has failed to remember us tins week. We regret this, as these dots are quite an acquisition to our columns. Mrs. J. M. Arthur will accept our thanks for a lot of choice flower cut¬ tings. Mrs. A. is a great admirer ot flowers, as her garden sliows. If in want of an Kstcy, tho most reliable organ manufactured, instruc¬ tions how to purchase will be given by applying at the Journal office. We aro not. responsible for the ideas advanced by our correspondents, and our columns arc evor open for the dis¬ cussion of matters pertaining to pub¬ lic welfare. Mr. A. B. Moore and wife, nee Miss McKinnon, have removed to Eastman, and arc occupying rooms at (he Sex¬ ton mansion. The Journal heartily welcomes them. Our town is now blessed with ser¬ vices regularly every Sabbath at both the Methodist and Baptist churches, at which there arc always largo and appreciative congregations. Mr. Duncan L. McRae, the popular traveling salesman of the wholesale grocery house of Tinsley & Smith, was circulating among us this week sup¬ plying the wants of our merchants. The social at the residence of Mr. II. G. Miller on Thursday evening last, was well attended, and our young people are loud in their praise of the hospitality of this good fami¬ ly* Tho receipts of the entertainment at the Opera house, on Friday eve¬ ning, were quite satisfactory to the boys, and there is some talk of having them to repeat tho performance at an early day. Tho death of lion. Edward Brei¬ tling, in our town, on Wednesday last, cast a gloom ertrer us all. Whilst the sad event is regretted, the cause of the same docs not lie at our door—do use the expression. Weave pleased to note the improve¬ ments on Uozar avenue, prominently among them those on the premises of our new-comers, Mrs. Mugridge and family. Mrs. M. is a great ac¬ quisition to our town. Eastman's youth and beauty were out cn masse Friday night. The fes¬ tival was a monumental success in ev¬ ery particular, and the rink enter¬ tainment was uot lacking in interest. “Bluo-oycd damsels lent thriir charms* here, too, and merriment reigned su¬ preme. East Thursday night tho residence owned and formerly occupied by Mr. Maternc, in the eastern suburbs of the town, was destroyed by fire. Ross between three and four hundred dol¬ lars. No insurance. The fire was supposed to have originated through th« egrelessfcesH of the tenant. The resident bnikling of Mr, IX F. Phillips in the ofisierti portion of todrn, Is rapidly Assuming houselike pro{k>rllons. Wlion completed It will present quite * creditable appearance. Ftorii Mr. Jerry pisbatoriai, jSoweii, who Is an thoritydri shielding matters we team that In the waters of the Ocmulgoe were never hotter than now. Ho sdys that fishermen are just scoops ing them up by the net full. We learn that our genial friend, Mr. C. C. Hereford, of Cochran, has accepted a lucrative position with the Empire Lumber works at Frazier In the person of Mr. H, this company has a Valuable acquisition to their corns of bosses. While not the most euphonious since it is tho most expressive, Carry all is what wo will call the vehicle that conveys to town every Sabbath morning a goodly number of our Amoskeag friends in attendance on religious services. We aro indebted to our kind river kinsman, Mr. Mat Bowen, for a choice lot of green sugar cane seed. On the principle that “one good turn deserves another,” Mat, after donating and de¬ livering tho cane, “done the handsome thing” by planting them for us. If you don’t think there will be some rare sport at tho Journal domicil next fall, just wait and 6ee. The enlargement of Hotel de Lictcli will commence in a few days, with Mr. T. A. Judge, of Dempsey, as con tractor. This addition will add much to tho appearance of the building, and tho rooui9 will be largo and commo dius, suited to tho use of families de¬ siring board. The fact that Mr. Judge has the contract of this work, is a guarantee that the same will be done in a skillful manner. Work on the large mill of the Em¬ pire Lumber Co., near Frazier, under the immediate supervision of Mr. Jas Gilmore, civil engineer and superin¬ tendent, has been begun, and will be pushed with vim. Wc arc glad to learn in this connection that Mr. Gil¬ more has purchased a nice farm on Gum Swamp, anil will ho a permanent citizen among us. Wc have a hearty welcome for all such as he. Wo are truly sorry that engagements of a business nature prevented us trom attending the dedication of the new town hall at Chauncey, Monday last. The exercises of the occasion,were, wc learn, most appropriately carried out. Rev. J. D. Anthony was present, and made the affair most interesting, while Mayor Mullin presided with his usual dignity. Chauncey has a noble Mayor, and his people appreciate the fact. , - ■ ------------ » - 4 » mmm ~ ■■ ■■ ^ llodae finpcrlort'ourt. Judge Illncs presided in our supe¬ rior court until Thursday last, when Judge Kibbce resumed the bench; since which time the civil docket has continued uninterruptedly. Among the most impoitant cases disposed of were the cases of Joana Lee vs Annie E. Griffin, and same party vs W. !*• Eastman ; ejectment, a verdict in fa¬ vor of the defendants in both cases having been rendered. The criminal docket was taken up this Dave Reaves, (col) who is now con¬ fined in jail for murder, will be tried during the week. The grand jury, who arc a body of cxr.cptionably good men, arc working industriously, but are finding few in¬ dictments, and we aro informed by Solicitor Smith that there is a great falling off in the amount of crime in the. county. The civil docket of our court is yet heavy, but with theextraordinary dis¬ patch with which Judge Kibbce is dis¬ posing of the business, it will not be long before lie will have the business of the court fully up. The thanks of our people are due Judge Ivibbee for the system allowed of setting cases, thereby not requiring the attendance from day to day of all who may have business in the court. Very few attorneys arc in attend¬ ance this week except the local bar. SudUc Death. It is . our painful . - , duty , . to . record ... the sudden death , .\ of Mrs. T Law, of r the .. wes tern portion .. ofthis e ... countv, . which ,• * sad i event occurred i on Irutavlast. Mrs. _ Law was the consort i of c » Rev. T. m rt G. t> B. Law, „ , late deceased, , . and . was a , lady , ’ of „ many admirable traits. oi She was aged , lady, , . ... living with ... an T, an ini married s . son, and , the facts * . at ’ tending i * her sudden demise, ■, . . if r wo . have f learned i .i them corrrctly, .1 arc as follows: r .. Mrs. Law T had . i attended .. i j . to hcr . , household . ., affairs - , for - the dav , 111 . question, .. and . . had . laid . ... her . and , H sewing B spcctacles aside, .. preparatoiy, . . seeming ly. to retire. Her son came home in the early evening and found his mother lying prostrate on the floor-lifeless. Upon a table near was a half-emplv bollle of camphor, and her death is supposed by so,no to originate from an over dose or inecssive inhalation of the fluid. Others attribute her sud den to heart disease. A good lady .s gone, and to her bereaved Uvea . our , kmd . v sympathy ___.. _______.. goe s out. isodgre Caarttf saaday Mclioot Amoclatioa. A meeting of the above association is hereby called for Sunday, March 13, at 3 o’clock p. m.,* at tho Methodist church in Eastman. As business of importance will come before fhe body, it is earnestly desired that all the schools be represented by delegates. It. J. Strozif.k, President. Vlie Maaqaerade RkatlaK C'aur» '*****• Tliis plcasitii .... occasion was <• the evout bf the season^ to say it was imniens^ly enjoyed l>V the large crowd present, but half, expresses what should be said. The Opera and house while was ferowded ihfe markers to standing wheeled room, by, tho roars of laughter eiit orit: The characters were well personated and the cdstu iner* corresponded nicely. We append a number of the best skaters, but cannot get tHe characters represented: Alfred Mumford; Alonzo Burton, Charley Bond, M. E. Everett, L. O. Peacock, Will Coleman, Guyton Fisher, Will Marshall, Charley Wil¬ liams, Robert McKinnon, Frank Brown, Flemming Latimer, Iteppard Colcord. Mr. Breitling’s Death, We regret to chronicle the death of Hon. Edward Breituug, which oc¬ curred at his new residence in East¬ man, oii Friday morning March 4th. Mr* Breituug, a distinguished citi¬ zen ot Michigan, was born in Germa¬ ny, fifty-five years ago, and came to America in 1848,where his indomitable courage, and practical business sense, at once asseitcd itself, and ho com¬ menced the foundation of tho colossal fortuno which he subsequently at¬ tained. He moved to Michigan in its early days, and was one of its foremost pioneers, engaging himself in the de¬ velopment ot the vast mineral resour¬ ces of that slate, in which business he was continuously engaged to the time of his death. Ho was a man of marked character and ability", and was popular among tho people who knew him best, having served several times in the State legislature, and twice represented his district in Con¬ gress. Bcin^, an extensive traveler, he vis¬ ited all of the noted Southern resorts of America, and finally selected this place as the place in which to locate a permanent winter home. While on his way to Eastman he was delayed by business, in Chicago, where lie un¬ fortunately contracted a very severe cold, which, In connectiorT with bron¬ chitis and an ashthmatic troublo ot which he had long been a sufferer, placed him in a very dangerous con¬ dition. Ilis family became alarmed, and consultation of eminent physicians was called, who unhesitatingly de¬ clared that his remaining in Chicago forty-eight hours longer would cer¬ tainly result fu death, and that his only hope was in immediate removal to Georgia. In accordance with' this decision a special car was produced in which, in company with his family and one of the consulting physicians, he arriv¬ ed in Eastman on the 13th ult. but too ill to be removed from the car for four days, and although slightly ral¬ lying for the time being, yet the dis¬ ease was too deeply seated for perma¬ nent recovery. Two physicians from Macon, one from Jacksonville, and one from Eastman were called in con¬ sultation by Dr. J. E. Ilcqucmbourg, of Chicago, the distinguished attend¬ ing physician, and all that medical service could suggest was employed in the case, hut without avail, us he was beyond human aid. While the bringing of Mr. Breitling from Chicago lo Eastman did not save his life, yet his physician consol¬ ed the family by saying that his life was prolonged at least three weeks by the change. Amputated. Mr. Wiii. Avery, whose serious mishap wc mentioned a few weeks ago. the same occurring from falling under a timber cart, submitted to the amputation of the injured leg, last Wednesday, (2d) inst. The operation was performed by Drs. Buchan, Fish¬ er and llcrrm'an. Mr. Avery stood this serious work with great forti tudo, and is doing well at preseut. llroWueJ in( Gum I.osr Lake. From Mr. Wm. Walker wc glean the following particulars connected With the drowning of a sixteen-year old 80,1 of A,lam 5ft ' ls0n - a wo11 known old colored man; On Monday afternoon „ of .. last . week , „ the unfortunate _ . hoy and a brother, „ • ’ two . hi9 , left their . home years senior, ’ for . WUlcox countv. . Having r . succccd- . * cd ... . . the Ocmulgec river „ . in crossing their further progress was impeded , ° by , Gum „ Log r lake; , . hut , determined , . , J 4 proceed and for „ / in some manner, lack , of . a better mode of „ conveyance, thev „ breasted , the lake ^ for a swim . of # J two , ’ or three miles across. They con turned , to thus ... propel . themselves . uu til , overtaken , , by darkness, , , when , they .* * climbed a 4 tree and spent . a most . ralscr ! \ b,c , , "'Sht . , hallowms , ,, . for ~ holp and S lou l cot .* D »v finally dawmng and , snecor of ' sort stghl they agan, plunged »to the lake and started back for tho ^nk, from whence they heard the frmndly wh.stlo of a steamer passing °P but, completely he "«mhod w„h cold they had scarcely B ‘ rocli lhc T ” !., - vouu * or “ f the two sank. The elder, unable to ^ ^ |h> ^ ttmn t0 6avc him . self/ swam ahead, and by dint of ex traordinary exertions succeeded in reaching the bank, and was forlrinate iy rescued by Mr. Charlie McLeod in an almost frozen coiftlifion and rt crossed to this side of the i*ivcr. Returning home he told thri storf of hie fearful adventure anil the unfor tunatc fate of his brother, when a party immediately went in search of the body 1? Ewtos Journal .—Thouifli it baa been uiy good or I ill luck to beat ilrbumi cotisiderkbiy over this un friendly world, and in so doing 'have somewhat closely observed- nidtttlrs and things around rite While coming in contact with all sorts of people, with their multiplicity of ways do¬ ing things, I am prepared to assert that seldom In the course of niy check¬ ered experience have I been the re cipient of such disconrteous treat merit as at the passenger depot of Codirftn a few days since, and it. too. at the hands of oho occupying a posi¬ tion of beneficiary, whose compensa¬ tion, one naturally would presume, depended in a large measure on his manner of deportirig himself with the traveling public. After spending the day in the place above riiciitioned, your correspondent, desirous of returning home on the south-bound passenger train, repaired to the depot at the proper hour, and the evening being cool, of course ask¬ ed permission of the “man in charge” to enter the “waiting room,” but was refused, and of a necessity remained without With several ladies* shivering for a considerable length of time, whilst awaiting the arrival of a de¬ layed train. I deem such conduct uncalled for, ungentlernanlv, and the railroad au¬ thorities should look into the matter. To be entertained at any depot, whilst in wailing for a night train, is a pri¬ vilege due to the traveling public, and one granted by all gentlemanly j! agents. A. F. fiurgical Operation. Mr. Frank Ivey, a joung man em¬ ployed at a turpentine farm near town, happened to a serious accident on the 14th of February last. lie was working on a “tram road,” and in some manner fell from the engine, the same passing over his right leg, crushing this member and rendering amputation necessary. Tins opera¬ tion was performed yesterday by Dr. J. D. Herr man, anil we are informed that the same wfis very skillfully done. Eastman can boast of some of the best physicians in Georgia, and Dr. II. is making an enviable name in his early life. Tile Femival a Nuccesst The snug sum of 153.90 fooled up as tho result of the festival given on Friday evening last under the auspi¬ ces of the ladles of the Meth¬ odist Church of our town. We are informed that the amount thus realized will liquidate the remaining indebtedness on the parsonage, which has been built and furnished by the efforts ot our good ladies alone with¬ in the past three years. Bravo! Would that the men of our town heed the good example herein set them. Married, In Jessup, Ga., on the evening of Feb. 23, 1887, by Rev. A. Clark, at the residence of the bride’s father, Mr. G. Fostci Armstrong and Miss Susie Massey. Mr. Armslrongis an Eastman young man, a noble son of a noble sire, and his many friends here herein join us in wafting our best wishes for him and his lovely bride a life unalloyed ot trouble. KDflt Avenue. We have been requested to call the attention of the proper authorities to the further opening up of Sixth Ave¬ nue. This is a beautiful thorough¬ fare, anil the good people residing thereon should receive this merited work. From the summit o* - West End, the Baptist church, Uplands Ho¬ tel and otfr beautiful court house, Would stand out in bold relief if the unsightly swamp intervening was cleared away. Let this matter be at fCridcit to, and thus add to the beauty of our town. Mica. Mrs. Eliza Reaves, consort of Mr. Joseph Itcavcs, died of mcningctis at her home in Pond Town district,' on the 4th 111 st. in the 57th year of her age. Mrs. Reaves’ maiden name was Rountree. She was born in Telfair county, but had lived for the greater portion of her days of usefulness in Dodge, where she leases a husband, six children, and a host of friends to mourn' her departure. She was a member of the Baptist Church, and lived the true Christian’s life. The Journal to-day is 011 a solid basis, and the same is attributable to the fact that Wc have “acted well our part,” attended to our own business, regardless of wliat others have said. This shall be our course in the future. The press dispatches of to-day an¬ nounce the death of Rev. Henry Ward Beecher, which occurred in Brooklyn, N. Y., yesterday. McLeod House , Lumber City, Gaf./ Jobs D. McLeod,' Proprietor. RATES OF BOARD PER DAY,’ |2 00 Special rates Atn families and perma¬ nent boarders.' 7 — A LIVERY Is run in connection with the bpusc, at cedent which can be secured, at all times, ex the turn-outs.. accommodation of For parties sport¬ ively inclined, the proprietor the has ringed out am! placed on waters hand, of the Oe mulgee River, suitable just at handsome Boats, for rowing and fi»lt • ing purposes; and in connection therewith keeps on hand a good supply of tackle. fcb254f. I THE NEW RAILI m SAVANNAH to EASTMAN! * I» *' ** * * | V I * • *** ( » ^ Which will soon be built direct to Eastman from Savannah will run through the best timbered belt of Yellow Pine in the State. Along the line of said road there will be numberless Saw-mills ancLtwrpoiitiuo Dis¬ tilleries, all of which will purchase their supplies direct from Lietch & Morgan, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Kay, Grain and Provisions, Who buy direct from the Northern and Western markets ih carload lots., for the cash, which enables them to compete with SaViinnah, Macon and other wholesale markets. [feb2-viin-j-i[ Important .Notice. All persons now indebted to (he undersigned will please come forward and make settlement at oiiCo, it can be mote officers. satisfactorily settle*! witli him than L. M. Gurry. Chauncey, Ga.. Jan. 5th. 1387. €ily Restaurant. The good people of Eastman and country surrounding are notified.that I have just opened up in the Prince DeYriUnk’s build¬ dxet ing a. in restaurant, tbst-class which I propose to con ple with the best style, market furnishing my tu¬ the affords, and it properly prepared, and providing my patrons with comfortable sleeping apart¬ ments add good beds. Lodging, Meals, 25 cents. 25 cents. Feb. Respectfully, it. S. JOIINSTON, 23. 4t II. W. EASTERLING, Practical Jeweler & Watchmaker, EASTMAN, GEORGIA. Work solicited and satisfaction guaran¬ teed. Office on country road. feb I0-3m BLACKSMITH —: and:— WHEELWRIGHT SHOP. A, IV. Dean & Co ., Props. Eastman, Georgia. have The public considerable is hereby* informed that we at expense built and equipped a first-class blacksmith anil wheelwright shop in the town of Kastman lot* the accommodation of the public. With first-class workmen, the best of material and a full knowledge of the wonts of the people, we flatter ourselves that we can meet their every want as re¬ gards good work and charges therefor. We respectfully solicitthe public patron age. A. W. DEAN & CO. Mch2-3m. Dr. W. L. Smith, DENTIST, IIawkinsville, G a. Offiee in Pulaski House. moh2-tf. GKO. C. NORMANI). FRANCIS ,J. MEYER. 111 4 Kill, CONTRACTORS — :and: — BUILDERS, EASTMAN, GEORGIA. Having located in Eastman for the pur¬ pose of plying our vocation as carpenters and builders, we respectfully solicit a share of the public patronage. Having an experience of over twenty years at satisfaction our back, we are prepared to guar¬ antee in all work intrusted to our hands. We are prepared to furnish plans and specifications upon application, and in^llic event of being awarded the job make ao additional charges therefor. Work of the City and country adjacent solicited. leb. 2 . 0 mj-p OR. J. M. BUCHAN & SON Physicians and Druggists! CiA., /^VFFER their Professional services to the people of tlfis intmediate and sur¬ rounding counties. One or the other can be found at their office at any time. All calls promptly attended day or night. Patients at a distance visited by special contract. Aiichronio and private diseases, either of male or female, If a specialty. by letter send No charge for for consultation. stamp immediate reply. All good consultations of and letters private. A supply drugs are kept constantly remedies. 011 hand, including mehl tf al 0 (the new 2 JOHN D. ASIITON. ATTORNEY AT LAW, SWAIN8BORO, GA. * I’ractices in Middle. Ang'nata ,aml Occo nee Circuits; in the Supreme and Federal Courts. may 5, ’8G--lv. F mm ; alls) *■ Si? W. H. SHUFELT, Practical jeweler AND WATCHMAKER, CHAUNCEY. GEORGIA. Work solicited and satisfaction guaran¬ teed. |jl3ro<Uce in the Sanders old. Nov'. 21. ~ 3m. East Tenn., V. & G. R. R. Georgia Division. _ • Time Card Taking Effect .December 19, 1836. Read Down, Read Up. p m a in 3 45 12 01 < ... 2 25 c 50 7 05 CO 20 = ... Macon.... lv 11 25 i-ht 30 7 20 C5 25 < .... M aeon.... ar — 20 15 7 25 4*. 00 .....nullarrts..... oooo 48 35 8 00 4^ 08 .. .Adams Park 40 25 8 13 .. rf-* 20 .....Westlake..... 27 it 8 3» 4- 45 . J'ochrnn..... t.2 if: 40 8 rat il 03 Dubois...... *cr. •14 IS .. 0 28 23 .Eastman..... 23 4!) 0 20 Si 81 ...Godwinvillo.... r.^ 14 87 0 47 C7l 42 ... .CluumeeV..... 04 '21 10 11 o 03 ......Mcltae....... xxxt-i-1-1- 48 -r 02 10 20 14 .....MeVille...... 33 r: 62 10 r»o a 87 ...Lumber City... Of) ct 21 11 11 30 15 Ct 52 04 .. ......draiuiln..... ..llualebursti... ct 07 -1 42 ti 53 11 87 -1 11 ....Pine drove 85 45 11 55 -4 24 . Baxley. 22 ti 30 a m 12 20 l 43 Surrency 1 02 2 0C< ^ .. *-* 10 30 25 at* ...Jesup, lv 9 20 1 45 p ci p m a m S. K. & W. CONNECTIONS. Leave Jessup..........I 30 a m 8 42 a m Arrive Waycross ....3 00 0 50 a m <» Jacksonville. ...0 15 12 For schedules and other information call Oil J. J. GRIFFIN, A. G. P. A. B. W. WRENN, Gen’l Pass and Ticket Agent. CENT’L RAILROAD BXVANNAif, December 10, Y». On anil after this date, passenger trains will run daily unless marked t. which are daily except Sunday. The standard time by which these trains run is the same as Macon city time: Lv Macon 2 35 am 0 lo am 5 2o pm 8 35 ArAilah’ta 7 2 o am 1 oft pm & oopm 12 1 ft Passengers for Thomaston and Carrolton take train leaving at 0 lo am. Lv Macon lo 25 am 0 27 pin Ar Columbus 3 o2 pm (> 5o am Passengers for Perry add Talbottom take lo 25 am train. . .. Lv 51 aeon 0 45 am 0 oft pm 0 5o am Ar Albany lo 5o am lo 08 pm 2 45 pm Lv Macon 0 3o am 0 oft pm Lv Smithvillo I 23 pm 2 5* am ArMontgomery 7 oO pm 7 .‘lo am a Passengers for Fort Gaines, Buena Vis¬ ta, Blakely and Clayton should take 0 5o am train. Lv M aeon lo 35 am lo 5o pm Ar Milieu 2 os pm 3 oo am Ar Augusta 4 45 pm It 15 am Ar Savannah 5 oo pul 5 53 mil Passengers for lb Sylvania, Wrights ville, Sanders ville, take 35 am train. Lv Macon +2 40 pm ArMilledgv’le fft 24 pin Ar Kiitonton f7 13 pm Lv A tlanta 3 00 am 6 35 am C> M pm Ar Macon t> 35 am 10 10 am 5 40 pm Lv Columbus 1115 am 10 20 pm Ar Macon 4 0 4 pm 0 23 am Lv Albany 4 50 am 3 57 pin JI 65 pm Ar Macon 0 05 am 8 24 pm 5 05 pin Lv LvMontgomery Sniithville 7 I 40 40 mil 7 15 pm pm 5 42 am Ar Macon 4 05 pm 0 05 am Macon Sleeping cars on all night trains between and Savannah, Savannah and At¬ lanta, Sitvanhail and 31 aeon, and Macon and Columbus. Tickets for all points and sleeping car berths on sale at city office, Hotel Lanier and J. depot T. ticket office. HUGE, G. A, WHITEHEAD, Ti Agent. G.P. Ggent. A. C. IvXaPI’, Agent, Macon, Ga. Physician, HARRIS riStiEft, Surgeon ^AcCouCher. Olhce at “Eastman Drug Store,” on Railroad Avenue. Residence cornet'Cfftirch street and Fifth avenue, Eastman, Ga. [feb E. D. GRAHAM, Jr., ATTORNEY AT LAW AND AOUCITOK 1 * BAXLEY, GA. April 28, ’86-lj*. WASH ROACH, A T TORNE Y AT I. A W, SAVANNAH, GA. Will practice in the courts ot Enmnnel, Scrivcn, Liberty BuIIocTl Tattnall, Montgomery, iy and adjoining counties. may" INGRAM HOUSE, COCHRAN, GA. J. A. INGRAM, Proprietor. Meals, 35 cents. Lodging, 25 ” The patronage of the public solre iteil. Nov. 18-tf. Lumber City Livery Stables Steele Bros. Prop's; We would inform stocked, the public, that we have fitted up and in connection with our retfuTar mail and hack line, a FIRST-CLASS MVfiir gTAMJC, where m puf/lle wftl find «, prepared nt all tiiAes to furnish good turnouts. I2r>\ irTTWn e make mai'» a a snpH specialty iltv of ot TAKING CARE OF STOCK, and public.' respectfully solicit the f jun2G-2m atronage of the ' nin m '• .T-i ' [All train 5 Standard Ti no**** SUM | * . ■ v M rrtiMK X CARD, Passenger'mil is on this road Will ra " as follows.: - i WEST INW • A FAS 'V f MAIL. mm RKAPDoWN. . . **ADU»I 7 oo am IV.....3uvani)kh ... ar 11 ft5 p m 10 oo a m lv.... . Waycrtas.....Iv 0 15 a m 12 80 p ill-tv.... lv.......Hanford......iv Jacksonville.. Jv 7 00 a m 4 40 p ni I 15 a in 8 50 p PLAJh* m dr.......-Tampa,...,, BTBAMSttti* UtfB, Jv 8 00 p m Tuos. Tiiur.i Iv.. .Tampa. .sr Frf. Sun. - s «t n m Tuea.. > m ... Wed. Fri., 8mi p m I Ours. Sat., ■.> jThurs. Sat.* Mon . • a m ” * ar.,Havana..I y (Mon... am ...... B 1 j N ow OfebSANS EXPRESS. 8 * y! 42 a rti iv::;:»a5Bte;;;.-S lv .....Savannah ar 7 68 p nt »*»• “ S!5 }J 0 50 S1® a m nr.....Waycross.... ipillaham lv 5 or, j, m 3 il'‘• .Jacksonville • ... l v 2 47 n m ?SJSto:.*:: 7 r am , SSSK2! ..Iv 2 or, > m # ::" iggs Ilbiamlv......Dundilt i„ i 7t*:* ul 12 84 p in Iv.....<ju itiiyi ™ L 12 l 22 n v 2 p m ar... 1 45 i> m 3 4 35 Q4 P m «r• • • halnbrldge... lv n 2 ft a m p m ar. .Chattahoochee Iv tl 80 a 34 „ ., m - I ,mar 10 8.) am s via Thomasville, Jacksonville to.'Cincinnati Atlanta aid viaJesup.’ NashvVllo EAST FLORIDA EXPRESS. 4 40 1' 1,1 iir .....Waycross.....] v » if, a m ssur.siT.v.^ ?8:a l 45 u m lv ,V ‘' • i7* I,, ;r TCr ml,L °% ‘' ftr Iv 5 5 57 10 ft • • ' a m 0 0 00 00 p ill n ai Dupont • • ■ l v 4 6ft .. . a m ..... 3 Iv .....Lake,City.... .ar 10 15am 2 J) p b \ 11 n ! Iv v ’ • • Uainesvillo... nr 10 05 a m ' 0 40 a P lv......Tupont..... m nIn lv.....X l (l,,8ta nr 4 50 n m a ..... lv 4 05 a m 1 10 34 34 pm lv... Quitman......Iv 3 85 1 23 p m ar.. .Thoniasville a m 12 .^0 tti ar.....Camilla .. i v 2 50a m ni a lv 1 30 a m 1 • • Pulmnn i».) a in ar......AJbanv'..... bullet |y j-> \q ,, m yitle oiid St. Louis cars to and from Jnckson Imny, Montgomery, -v!:t Thoniasvillo, Al and Clnciunati Nasbviile and Evans Jesu > t0 Jacksonville via Pullman sleeping cars to and faun Bar¬ tow nnd Montgomery ALBANY EXPRESS* via daiueaJH| It S5 4, P p m »» lv v .....Savannah ......Jesup... ....jHHPp 0 a in 1 30 d hi ar — ... lv 3 20 a m 6 . ■ 11 80 a m 2 j a m ar.... 9 05 p m lv 8 Iflp ,h 2 (K) a m lv... Waycross...... nr 11 * 20 pm 3 -0 a m 10 00 p ni 0 40 a m ar... ...Live 7 20 p m 10 0 ;> a in at*... .Gainesville.... Iv 3 55 p m 10 15 am ar.....Lake 3 20 p m 3 ;['] a 111 \ v .....-Dupont, 0 3% m J 10 a am m . lv... lv .....Valdosta .... lv 7 8 5 30$ ftp ni lo a m ar... .Thomasville.. m , .lv 7 OOnni 11 10 a m ar ......Alliany...... 1 v 4 00 p m l.urtct , sleeping n t all regular to stations, and pull mail '»d.‘Washington,, cars from Jackson, Jacksonville V f ! and Louisville end to nnd from viUc anil Montgomery, .t! a , Thomas- lmflil and Mann botidoir J’Ullifinii cars buffet caM'Ia Wav cross, Albany and Macon, and via Wav4 cross, ville mid Jesup GincinnattL ano Macon, betweeto Jackson-' engor coaches between Also, Jacksonville through pass-, and Chattanooga. JESUP EXPRESS, o 4.) p m 8 30 am 0 10 p mar 5 25 a ** stops nl all regular and flag stations. Tickets sold and Sleeping car berths so cured at the passenger station. WM. P. JIARDEE, G.r. A. R. ' ' LEMING, G. 8 B 11 UNSWIC K Western ... and it. It. r TY-TV ROUTE. 00 MILES SHORTER THAN ANY OTHER ROUTE BETWEEN WAYCROSS AND On ALBANY. itfid after Sunday, November 14th* 1880, passenger trains will run as follows' FOR THE WEST, NORTH, ANI) SOUTH. Mail. Express. Brunswick, Pyle’s*<» via. li.&w lv « 27 00 am 7 50pni Jamaica am *8 10 pm 0 54 am 8 43 pm 7 32 am 0 23 pm . 8 8 20 41 amlO 27 pm' " ainl 0 * 4 « pm 0 05 amli 15 pm Callahan. Savannah, via ti f & W aril 65 am 0 10 an/ ............ ftr ll 96 am. 3 25 pm .Jacksonville,vias faw ar!2 oo m (5 15 am Jacksonville.via s v aw lv 7 00 am 8 15 pm Callahan.............,.} V 7 ys ;> o 5 WIU Savanna h, via ska w lv 7 00 am 1 80 pm Pearson................lyil Wayciose. via. to & w. IvuToonm iTsb pm Alapaha...............Ivl2 lftain 12 48 pm Jy Ty ..................Iv 2 30]>m 1 15 am U;r 1 2 03pm 3 II am W M , • .............. V 2 18pm 3 20 am Davis..... lv 3 44pm......... Alban 00 pm ......... y...... 3 25 pm 4 45am Columbus... Blakely, via c u 7 20 pm Macon,...... ... 1 55 put, Atlanta, 8 24 pm 0 04 ant ., via c it!2 15 Marietta, via am 1 05 pm W & a .. .ar 1 24 am 2 30 put Chattanooga, Louisville, 5 55 am 7 07 pm via 1,4 n. 0 40 pm G 30 airf Cincinnati, via (Jin G 45 pin G 40 am FROM WEST, NORTHjaNI) SOUTR^_ Cincinnati, Mail, lixpress. ; via Cin 7 53 am 8 10 pm Chattanooga Louisville, via 1 . & N. ,.lv Iv'ff 7 50 atn 8 40 pitf via w & a 06 pm 8 Oft a fn^ >Lw-» Atlanta, I 28 am 12 53 pm via c tosip 2 25 am a 00 pm Columbus...............iv........lisoani*' Macon 0 16 am f 10 pm, Blak ely ...............Iv 7 20am Mlt .. . . Davis..................1 Albany, via B 4 w.. . Jvll iloumjb lojim - vl 1 23 am .... .... Willingham............Ivll 41 am.......... {y ................Mi 18 pml! 13 pm Lv.................Ivl2 32 pm 11 28 pm *2 11 pm 12 43 am Pearson.............* Wa 3 30pin 1 43am ycross ^ .......... ar 4 40 pm 3 00 am Callahan........... Savannah, via sn War 5*58 pin 11 65 am ur (i 57 pm 5 25 nm Jac ksonvi lle,via s rav ar 7 35 pm 0 15 am Jacksonville,via a f*w 1v~ 2~(«5 pin h jft ain Callahan;, S 5 47 pm 0 03 pm ava turn h,............ iv 1 30 p m 8 45 pm •Waycross.............if Sehtatterville...........!v 5 5 05 32 pm pm*3 3 15 am Hoboken...............Tv 41 am 5 51 pm*3 50 u nt WaynesvlUe........ lv 6 58 pm 4 55 am. Jamaica 7 33 pin 6 35 am Pvle’ 8 oopm*o 05 am; Brunswick 8 28 pm 0 40anf *Stop on signal. extra Purchase fare coltccL-d Tickets at the staling, the and save mail upon train. Tire train stops at all B. & Wi sta^ f KBS™ mile **”*"*’ at Waverpw Ftorid |« ,*( * (loir Pullman palace sleeping tbiv.ugh and Mann betweeif bod ojion trains Jpcksobville itad Cinebmatl. ^ bet VeteB 6run/ wick umt^lnuta! 1 ” 0 ' 1 ' F. W. ANG11.R, .1. A.McDUFFlE, A. G. P. A. G.P. A. A. A. GADDIS, VP* Q.W