The Dodge County journal. (Eastman, Dodge County, Ga.) 1882-1888, April 06, 1887, Image 3

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3 JOURNAL. '£== K.8. BURTON, • • t • • Editor. b. t. IArd, of Appling county , la author I sod to receive And receipt fbreub •ertptioos to tkeDoikiiecouxrv Journal. DIR ICTOR ft \ fa neon Ic. bouth . {tegular meeting 1st Friday night in each at 7 o'clock. KviacovAiL—service* fellalatiDi month third Sabbath In each at It o’clock a. m. and 4 p. m. In Masonic building, by Rev. H. B. Stuart M.vrtln. The public are cordially invited to attend. Baptist.—R ev. 1*. A. Jessup, pastor, preaches at Eastman every 2nd and 4th Sabbaths in each month. Also at Central Point on tho second Sabbath und Saturday before In each month* Conference with the 'Enatman each month. Baptist church oti second Sab in J#KTHODrST EPISCOPAL CflX’RCII SoUTlt. —Preaching every Prayer Sabbath at 11 o’clock a. in., and 7 p. m. meeting Wednes¬ day evening at 7 o'clock. (Sunday School meets at o’clock a. m. It. J. btrozier, Hup’t. Rev. T. M. Christian, Pastor. I,o<*ni Time Table. l'AftMKNOKIl TRAINS. S 0 14 North bound j. 48 to 13 South 44 « 35 No 10 North «« — 53 No 15 South u I! 51 LOCAL KRKIGHTS. No 24 North bound 10 10 > S No 23 Sou til •« - 12 50 - X 1 WEDNESDAY,“APRIL «, 188". JO.URN ALETTES. SHERIFF’S "NOTICE. Sheriff's Office, } • Eastman, Ga. f April 1, 1887. { Editor’s fees for any advertising emanating from my ofileo will be re¬ quired in advance. J. T. Rawlins. Sheriff I). C. —The I*. G. in G. is now in Eastman —ko Frank Brow n says. Mr. Philips and family have moved Into their new residence on 1st aven lie. —Mr. Wiblo Walker of Cochran is spending a few days in our town, the guest of Dr. J. D. Ilerrman. —Miss. Ruth Carr, a student ot Wes¬ leyan Female College, is home on a short visit. Mrs. I). C. Bacon and Mrs Osborn, of Savannah, are visiting Amoskeag, guests of Mrs. Dr. E. li. Bacon. —Col. A. N. Sexton and his lovely daughters, Misses Amanda and May, of Normandalc, were in Eastman on Friday last. Tho brass band is on a boom. The horns have been ordered, and the boys await their arrival with fast boating hearts. —Miss Hal lie Wise, of Amoskeag, is visiting her aunt in Savannah. We Avis*h for her a pleasant trip, and safe return. AVe regret to learn that Mrs. J. W. Bohannon, of our town, is quite ill. It is hoped that she will soon rceov er. Mrs. Lenimomlof our town will re¬ ceive the thanks of the Journal household for a bucketful of nice honey. Mr. It. Newman left on Sunday last for Savannah, to lay in his spring stock of goods. He will have a hand¬ some display fervour inspection upon his return. It is now in order for some one to Htep to the front and explain as to tho projector the joint stock artesian well company. Quite an enjoyable occasion was an¬ ticipated at the skalixg rink on Thursday evening last, but the weath¬ er being disagreeable, the occasion was postponed until Tuesday, the 5th List. There is a steady influx fo our town’s citizenship, 'flic latest arrival is at tho home ot Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cooper. And now William can be heard humming the air “it’s nice to be a pa of a bouncing baby boy.” Tho boys ot tho State Press are hav¬ ing their dusters laundricd, ami sav¬ ing up stamps for the purchase of a new spring collar to assemble at the coining annual convention called for Valdosta May lilh. Wo have resol¬ ved to be on hand, provided, however, that wo can meet the proscribed re¬ quirement of dress. —Mr. G. P. Martin, formerly of Chauncey, is now in the employ of Churchman, Williams & Co., near our town, in tho capacity of “woodsman.” Mr. M. Ih tho right man in the right position, and will prove an acquisition to this popular firm. — Wo have just finished a neat job of work—note heads, envelopes, etc., for our former fellow-townsman, Mr. A. P. Harrell. Peter is now’ “holding down” the western portion of our county, in tho carpenter line, and a better man could not be in charge. —Our efficient marshal, Mr. A. M. Skelton, is certainly the right man in tho right place when it comes to hav ing the streets and pavements put in good order. He is justly due the thanks of our citizens for the admira ble style ( in which he has Worked our streets, and the construction of a new pavement iu West End is a piece ol work truly worthy of mention. —The ladies of the Baptist church of our town contemplated giving a .... raintiea^ trA _, in m ihe tne way wav of o a festival . at the Uplands on Friday evening ncxt > but we are requested to state that thc affair has been indefinitely postponed, We re<Tot this “ as wc feel assured that * ith M«. k Bacon, »n.l other la dies of Amoskeag in charge, the occa¬ sion would have been one fraught with pleasure, and a grand success in every 1 out ticuUiA I Railroad M«e|iB((. In pursuance to the published call of thp Mayor, Eastman a largo number of the citizens of assembled at the court house last Friday for the pur¬ pose of taking some action looking to tho bringing of the Savannah and Western tail road to this place, when built.; The meeting wits organized by call¬ ing lion. John F. DcLaey to the chair, and requesting E. B. Milner to act as secretary. On itiotion a committee of live wa> anpohtled to take whatever action in the premises they may deem necessary. The committee consists of Messrs. W. W. Ashhurn, W. N. Lictcli, E. II. Ba¬ con, Henry Colcmau and John F. De Laov. On motion the town papers were requested to publish these proceed¬ ings. On motion, meeting adjourned sub¬ to tho call of tho committee. E. B. Milner, J. F. DeLacy. Secretary. Chairman. A Petrified Frog. Mr. James Bohannon, received on Friday last, (All Fools Day.) tho fossilif 11 rolls remains of wliatis known as a ‘‘bull frog.” Jimmie is not aware of the, donor, but appreciates the “Api*fl Fool.” STI 10 frog is almost in a state of petri¬ faction, and is a curiosity worthy of a place in any museum. The little jum¬ per is perfect in every respect, sits in a leaping position, but his closed eyes and month, shows that lie was un¬ earthed at a groat depth. Denial Yoticc. We are requested by Dr. W. L. Smith, the popular dental surgeon of lluwkinsviile, to state that he will be in Eastman from the 18th iust. to the last day of the present month, with office at the Hotel I >eLietch. Dr. >S. is a fine dentist, and those needing his Services should give him a call. Don’t forget the date. Tlic Hold Del.ietcla. The new addition of four commo¬ dious rooms, suitable for the use of families, to this popular hotel of our town, is about completed, and will add much to the appearance and com¬ fort of tho same. In this connection wc would state that under tho pres¬ ent efficient management ot Mrs. W\ N. Lietch and Mr. W. W. Pendle¬ ton as clerk the house is rapidly growing in popular favor. There may be more efficient, courteous gen tlcmeu than Mr. Pendleton in the ca pacify of hotel clerks, but wc have yet to meet them, and the Journal herein commends him and the house to the traveling public. Ntirgcon lor the l T , .11, A. Asso ciatlon. Dr.»?. David Ilerrman, of our town. i ias iust rct . civ(!(1 Vln ids eomn Si i-ion is Surgeon dent Association for this immediate district. The headquarters of this pop¬ ular body are in Chicago, with ex Goiernor John M. Hamilton, of Illi¬ nois, ns •President, and Hon. T. M. McCauley as Secretary. Tho appointment was quite a prise to the Doctor, but the honor i worthily bestowed.and we can a-suro all interested that the duties of *he office will bo faithfully performed. A Converted Jewish Kahhi. liev. Julius Magath, a converted Ilcbrcw Christian minister, will in the reception of a Jewish in to the Presbyterian Church at Macon. Ga., on next Sabbath. Thus the work of Christ Jesus the Lord moves on. We arc informed by Rev. Mr, Chris¬ tian of the M . E. Church here, that Rev. Mr. Magath will visit Eastman at an early date. Wc feel sure that the liberal, broad-minded Jewish peo¬ ple of this city, will, with all others here, give Mr. Magath a cordial wel come, and take pleasure Hi hearing him preach the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Dentil of tin Infunt. Wc regret to chronicle tho death of little Bessie, aged about two years, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. B. WiggS which occurred at Tompkins, Ga., on thc22d ot last month. Mr. and Mrs. Wiggs arc former i/.ens of our town, and their relatives and friends here would waft them a sigh of condolence in their hour of af¬ fliction—assuring tho fond parents that “all is well,” and that the substance, now lost to ifs,isbut a beacon light to illumine their way to the realms im¬ mortal, where peace and joy ever await those who keep his commands. AmoxIuuigN Fire Fugiiir. Wc stated last week that the en terprising proprietors of the Amos Ueag Lumber Works, of this place, were negotiating with the Atlanta fl re department as to the purchase of a s t C am fire engine. • qq ic trade has been consummated, an( i th e elegant engine, Silsby No. 2, arrivcd licrc C n Friday last. The niachmc ....... is m fine trim . . (as the ire ( boys say; and the organization o a | competent fire company is thc next proper caper among thc boysot the mill. If we are in order, we would suggest tho naino of our friend Wear ; cr, as captain. His commanding ap* j oearauce and stentorian tones com men d him, and if thc Doctor and ge mal “Jake” will second us, Mr. W. is elected. Ung may thc Amoskeag Lumber Works prosper. For a good hand-made gents shoe, call on John II. Barrett, Lumber City, Ga. The Rlfht Kind of Backet. Mr. Editor: While Mr. Gentry’s remarks at the railroad meeting caused a good deal of morriment, they were, at least a shot in ther ight direc¬ tion. You lurty have all the rftilroads in the State center here, but if we have nothing else they would not help the place one particle. Wc arc right in the heart of the lumber belt of Georgia, where alt kinds of lumber may be obtained at a reasonable price, amt it some enter¬ prising person would take hold of it. right here is the best place in Georgia for a sash, door and blind factory. Wc have a planing mill and variety works here which furnishes a very large sec¬ tion with good moulding, brackets, etc., yet wc all have to send some¬ where else for all our sash, doors and blinds. There was used right here in Eastman, during the past winter, articles of thi9 kind to the value of several thousand dollars, whilst throughout the country, in the adja¬ cent territory to Eastman, there was a great deal more used. Now, if we could manufacture all this right here at home, it would not only keep all the money here, but it would also give employment to a good many bands, and thus increase our population, which would, of course, help our merchants and help to pay our taxes and improve the town. And again, a good furniture manu¬ factory here would pay better an in any place in the South. Lum¬ ber is cheap, and fuel is cheap, and if wo get the new railroad here, there is no reason why wo should not sup¬ ply Hawkinsville, Dublin, Mt. Ver¬ non, and all points on both the roads, with all the furniture they might want; and if in the right hands could also supply the larger cities, who now depend upon getting all these tilings from the North and West. While a brick yard might not prove to be a paying investment here,owing to the fact that we have no suitablo clay convenient for making them. there are a good many other things that would prove profitable. A wool-canling factory would pay a good profit on Ihe investment, and a cotton factory rightly managed would also prove a good investment— not to say anything about a great many other small enterprises. In Perry, Ga., some time ago, a few persons, as a matter of experiment, bc » an to manufacture curry-combs. A r? ,)(> ^ many laughed at the idea of such | a thing, but to-day they are selling all ; they can make, and expect in the future to not only add to the curry comb manufactory, but to embrace in it a great many other novelties ; and now while I would not say a word against building as many railroads as \ | we can get to come here, yet I think j ' vl,al "C need most is manufactories, ,, " ,U "T ral ^'^ucnee-just lh ° as C ° mC sure - as a I cfiect ( will always follow a cause, and j every one knows there is no effect without a cause. I may say more on this subject in 1 the future, but what I want is for our j monied id if men they to do think not over wish this thing, a, to engags themselves lit them cucourmre m hur» wlu> do. ! The Naval Stores Convention. A Ye arc under obligations to Hon. ! V‘ tIo,inao,, » 1>rcsitlu "t 01 tl>c ^ av *d : ,Sl 01T 3 M ai »» { 3c t u re i-s,’ A ssoe 1 at ion ol 1 01 ,u, < 11 ai | lnvi a 1011 ? A tc ! 1 i a f » , * ,ec 0 " a 1 ) ? < ’ 0 0 u u a ’ * | JcSU|> ’ 0,1 tl,c Ilth ,,,sL This is a protective association,— protective against the high rates of shipment now charged by the various lines of railroad in Georgia, and to j , ‘down” this business fhev are sue j ciedirg admirably. The Associa | tion is headed by gentlemen beyond j P. reproach—lions. Brautly, and L. nuclei* Johnson their and minis- A. \ tration the association is bound (and justly too) to reach the end in view. To substantiate the movement of this j body, such papers as the Atlanta Con j stitution, Savannah News, Jackson | villc (Fla.) Timcs-Union, New York ; Herald and other leading journals of j this country, give a cheering word to the work in question. To further ! show the wide-spread fame of the Naval Stores Manufacturers* Associa¬ 1 tion ' of Georgia, the London Eng. ! Times wishes them god-speed in their work, while an echo from Austro Ilungary, deled Wier, March 5th Isavs: “In the face of the fraudulent way in whieh the Naval Stores business | i has been done on the other side, in the last few years, a Protective Asso¬ ciation would be a blessing to all European houses engaged in the trade.” The language quoted is significant, I and will be appreciated by our friends j on The this Association “side.” put the Jouk ^can ! nal down on their “side,” and is ever open to the discussion of tlic subject in question, A Four-Legged thicken. Mr Bobbie McKinnon> is thc pn0 . . { } d cbick-a-biddie. | £, |ich «, iapp0tt01 rforth- in his hen nei . v a f ew days since. The superflu i our limbs of this fowl are well propor lioncd, and facilitate the movements ot thc feathered “animal’* in a large degree. The average reader often hears of tliese freaks of nature, but seldom secs thc curiosity. This is a genuine >" chicken, with of four legs, and “ » Good _ , calico—fast t . „ colors—at , , . cents , o per yard at John II. Barrett’s, Lumber Citv. Ga At Hotel Del. let cl*. Jackson Cady, Indian Orchard, Mas9.; A. N. Wilson, Savannah; Al lcii N. Sexton and wife, ^ortBandalc, Ga.; Geo. P. Bussey, F. B. Stubbs, Chaunceyj John R. Dillon, Ga.; J. A. Barry, S. C.; E. M. Davis, Atlan¬ ta * B. P. Bailey, Macoirt W. W, Pcmblc. Savannah } W. it. Pope; Ma coti; L. S. Johns, Macon; J. F. Greer, C. 1). Baldwin, Savannah; J. W. Hudson, Grcsston; Itobt. Hccht, Ma¬ con ; K. R. Bengham. Macon ; A. C. Benedict, Detroit, Mich ; F. Kirk, Au¬ rora, III. J J. E. Mallory, Macou; J. W. Philips,Godwinvillc; L. F. Woot ten, Godwinvillc; A. W. Taylor, Stimmcrsville. S. C.; Dr. Johh F. Powell, Grcsston; G. C. Stevens, At¬ lanta ; C. C. Lea, Gresston ; Th.omas Jefferson, Ellaville, Fla.; D. L. Mc¬ Rae, Clem E. Williams, Macon ; J. J. McKnight, Dodge; Jim Gause, Ma¬ con ; E. J. Jackson, Monroe, Ga.; E. S. Law, Thomasville, Ga. We Regret to Lomc Him. Mr. O. II. Briggs, who has been a resident ot our town for the past few years, left us yesterday for Augusta, Ga., where he has perfected business arrangements with Messrs. F. II. & F. B. Scofield, proprietors of the Plant¬ ers Hotel, of that city. Business relations have brought us in close contact with Mr. Briggs, and we know whereof wo speak when we say that he is a high-toned, intelligent gentleman, and the heading of this article but feebly exprescs the senti | ments tend of our people. May success at “Oliver” in all Lis undertakings, is the sincere wish of the Journal, end wc herein commcml him to our friends of the “Queen City” of the South. Fire Isi the Country. On Thursday night last the dwell¬ ing and kitchen ot Mr. Elisha Yaun, living in the northern portion of this county, was destroyed by fire. Some of Ills household furniture was saved, but Mr. Y. being a poor man, the loss J falls heavily upon him. Situation Wanted, Any railroad authorities or saw mill I proprietor desiring the services of a locomotive engineer and valuable man around machinery, with an experience of eight years, will do well to address J. K., Box 50, Eastman, Ga. To insure insertion matter intended fortlie columns of the Journal should be in the hands of the printer Tucs j day morning. —Two hundred and thirty cars of j lumber were shipped from*Eastman J during the month acity of March. rapidly Who ; says we are not of grow ing importance? -Tt is rumored that Elder Thomas M. Harris, the noted Christian divine, , of Atlanta,will conduct a series of ser | vices in this place in the near future. 1 In behalfot oureitisrens, wc again wei come Him to our place, Wc learn with some considerable degree of pleasure, that the County I Commissioners of our sister county of i Telfair have resolved to have built a j conclusion two . story bl is . it timely, . k com and . t hollsc coukl . hardly Thcir ‘ have been wiser. ! | —Mr. J. .1: McKnight, of Inglewood, ‘ was j n lown on Monday, and gave us a pleasant call. Mr. McK. is the still cr for the onlcrprislng naval stores firm of JL B ishart, Bush, & Co., and isa gcntleiftait with whom it is a pleas ure to meet. ! —While booms arc booming, and j it isa good tifne to boom things, prospective East man ought to boom the railroads—to Savannah and Abbe villc. These arc important lines, and j we trust our citizens may take some i decided steps to secure them to our town, — The family of F. J. Mover, * Esq., consisting _ ot .. Wife ... and , two . children, . , arrived here on Friday * last, and the ,, old , , man „ (who . , . has been . here , lor „ some months) is now more cheerful.— Mr. ,, M. and , family „ will occupy the Eastman cottage, recently vacated by Mr. ... Btuggs. I u , behall , ... ot o our citizens ••• we extend to Mrs. Meyer a cordial j welcome, and trust that she may be delighted with her new home. —^fr. and Mrs. Turk Moore gave another ot ,, then . eujovablc .____ 11 eutci 011 c taininents at Lietch’s opera house Friday evening last, and were greeted bv a goodlv audience. Tlie music for the occasion ,* was furnished • . 1 by t A 1 , uot. . GraeiT and Messrs. A. P. Lane and Nathan Coleman. , lne r . music 01 e tne ., , latter, ’ on the violin, wasreallv good for of „, his . and . . one years, was immense lv cnioved •' bv liis numerous friends - ’ present. —Mr. Averv, * ’ who happened 11 to the sad accident of getting liis left leg crushed by a timber cart some weeks ago, near Eastman, left for his home in Eutonton on yesterday. The un¬ fortunate man has been under the skillful treatment of Dr. J. D. Herr man, but amputation of the injured limb grew essential, and Dr. Jeff done the job in a most scientific manner— sending ® Mr. A. to his home sound and well, but minus a leg. Dr. Ilerrman is (juitc successful in his surgical oper ations, and we predict an enviable rep utation for him as a physician. * - Ladies’ button shoes, the very best, i cau bt . found at John II. Barretts’, Lumber City, Ga. THE NEW RAILROAD PRO M SAVANNAH to EASTMAN! Whieh will soon be built direct to Eastman from {savannah, will run through the best timbered belt of Yei’.ow Pino in the State. Along tire line of said road there Will be numberless Saw-mills and Turpentine Dis¬ tilleries, all of which will purchase their supplies direct front Lietch & Ulorgan, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN’ Hay, Brain and Provisions, Who buy direct from the Northern and Western markets in carload lots, for the cash, which enables them to compete with Savannah. Macon, aiid other wholesale markets. [feb2-vim-j-i[ Amoskrag Appendix. Mr. Loring Miller, of Savannah, was in Amoskeag last week. Rev. G. B. Culpepper, of Macon, spent Sunday and Monday last with friends here. Miss Laura Knowles is on a trip to Forsyth, visiting Professor and Mrs. Thompson, who'gavc, at Merrroc Col¬ lege, Friday nvc. last, a brilliant and successful concert. Mr s. C. T. Osborne, much to tlic re¬ gret of her many friends here, returns home this week. Mr. Law, of Thomasville, civil en¬ gineer, arrived Tuesday, and will aid in surveying the new tract of land for the A. L. Co. The newj'steamf engine’ for Arnos keag has arrived. The general man¬ ager,Sahyavs; alive .toTanyllnng that will tc:id 4 to'add“to'the'prospcrily’and success of this, vast business, lias long seen the ^necessity of .’providing a more effectual means of protection from fire. The'cn^incus handsomely finished, furnished’with rotary pumps and with 500 feet of hose. Large cis¬ terns arc being constructed with capacity of 00,000 gallons of water. A 11 engine house and tower will be creeled. The engine will be christened at an early day. due noticed which will be given. All are on the qui vive to know who will be chief of the fire department, but presume that the “old man” will hold the trumpet, and all (he boys will have a chance to “run ' V1( l machine” should occasion re¬ quire. Lucile. En joy I-He. "What a truly beautiful world we live in! Nature gives us grandeur of mountains, glens and oceans, and thousandsof means of enjoyment. We can desire no better when in perfect health ; but how often do the major i|v of 1)coplo feel l5 ke giving it up dis hoartc „ cd . discouraged and worn out w|th a.sease, when there is no occa fcIon for this feeling, as every sufferer ( . an ca? ;jy ^>t) satisfactory proof that Green’s August Flower, will make them free from disease, ns when * ,,,rn * Dyspepsia and Liver Com plaint ar« the direct causes ofsevcnlv- 1 >CI f, c’*d, of such maladies as Biliousness, Indigestion, Side Head ache, Costivoacss, Nervous Prostra tion, Dizziness of the Ilcad, Palpita tion of the Heart, and othev dislress ing symptoms. Three doses of Au gust Flower will prove its wonderful effect. Sample bottles, 10 nts. Try it Don’t forget when you want the worth of your money in goods to call 011 John II. Barrett, Lumber City, Ga. or Slrayrii. I will pav tt literal reward for one setter (Tog, aged about JO months, white in color, with liver colored spots on bc>tli sides.— Missing about 20 days ago. Anyone re¬ turning said dog to me will be liberally re warded. J. J. Harrison, (ja. Meh 011 near Eastman, The Angnsla, Thomasville and Gulf Railroad Company. "VTOTICE LN is hereby given by the publ a tton of the following articles of s sociation of the formation of' a Coin pa 11 v and «f the intention to apply for a charter for the same, for the purpose of construct ing, building, maintaining and operating a railroad for public use, in tlic conveyance of persons and pro])erty, by virtue of an act of the General Assen blv of the Stale of Georgia, entitled “An Act to provide a general law for the incorporation of rail roads, and to regulate the same approv September 27th, 18SI, aiul incorporated and codified in the code of Georgia of 1882, under section 1089 (a) and the sections thereafter ami amendments thereto. the .(I) The name Thomasville of said company and Gulf shall Kail- be Augusta, principal road Company, with its office and residence in the city of Auguste, county of •Richmond and state of Georgia. (II) Said railroad is to be constructed, ^ ville, Thomas, in in the county of said stat* of Georgia, and theuCC to the state line, tbroujgh the state of F'lcyritlu. (HI) The length of said railroad will be about two hundred and titty miles in the following s t«te of Georgia, and will pass through Richmond the counties to wit: Burke, Jefl'vrson, Emanuel, Johnston, Lau rt ., ls> Dodge, Wilcox, Thomas Irwin, Berrien, thence Yorth. t’oiquitt and and to the state line, and through the state of Florida to the Gulf of Mexico. (IV) The amount of the capital stock of said company shall be three millions and five hundred thousand dollars, divided into shares of one hundred dollars each ag¬ gregating thirty-five thousand shares. (V') The number of directors who shall manage the affairs of said company for the first year, and until others are chosen, shall be’ four and the following persons shall constitute tr*e board of directors: Robert M. Mitchell, Augusta, Ga., Wil¬ liam T. Gary, Augusts, Ga., Thomas War then, Warthen, Washington New York count}*, New Ga., «eorge W. Stetson, City, ( yi) That shall the board be composed of directors of less of «aid company not than three nor more than thirteen mem bera. — y • £ m * FREE! r PREUABLE SELF-CURE, ut A favorite prescription of one of the moat ed end siieeessful specialists In the U. 3. (now retired) for the cure of Xeriwus M>*biUtv, JGamt Jawfctad, seeled velope/V-we. T Vs ai rs * »m» and lleeay. Seut Inple. n en Druggists can SUiU Adflren DR. WARD & CO., Louisisns, Mo. D0S8S SHERIFF’S SALES. For First Tuesday in May, 18S7. Will be sold before the court house door hours of sale! on'the llrstTueidav^in jiav, j 1887. Lot of land No. 4 <i and S3 acres in 1 southwest corner of No. 134 in loth Dis- 1 j trict, by Dodire county, bounded on the south lot 133, west by land of Kmma V. Mor fran. well, north the and property’of ea'st-by landof Gadi Iliits the as defendants J. J. Frazier, one of in fife, niul served writ ton notice of the Je\y v. ith J. I). Fausett tenant m possession. Levied on anil bv virtue of execution in favor of Kerclmcr and (.’aider llroMuvs. Frazier and Hines, and J. J. Frazier, : :s sued from the Superior Court of Dodge county, this March 20th, 1887. Abo at pie same time and place, east half of lot of land No. 178 in the lOMi District of Dodge county, containing tol 1 , acres, levied on as the property of Prince Dc*j 011 k under and by viltue 01 a mort gage fi fa issued from tho superior court of said county in favor of \V. \X. Asit burn against said Prince DeYonk. I’ro]»er ty pointed out in li la this March 28th,;, Also at the same time and place wiH he fold District lots ot of Dodge laud Nos 252 tv, and containing 229. in the 202,’i bah com acres each 11 ore or loss. Levied upon ])'!: fi fa W issued from K. tnesuuenor H* Harr. II court to sat of Lfy Dodge one '■Vlh Also.',;; lss- " • " . Uo.roll. Jliis March the same time »»,l«ill he sold, one 25 h. engine, No. 2149, belong mg to the brie saw mill. Levid on as tin* . property of I*. T. Ktliridgc, to sutisl’v » mortgage li fa issued from the HUtierior court L. Hester of Dodge county in favor of Missouri vs. 1*. T. Ethridge. Said is at the saw in ill throe miles below Chaim eey. This March 29,1887. Also at the same time and place will ho sold one half interest in lot of land No. *293 in the Kith district of said county, contain ing 2023£ acres more or loss. Levied on as the property of L, A. Hall to satisfy a tax ti fa for State and county taxes lbr the yen’* D. 1888. Lovettv, Levy made and returned fo me bv Also >he constable. This March 29, i 8 Sf. at Same time and place will be sold, eight ( 8 ) tra n wheels and carriages, one (l) pump, and one ( 1 ) set of four eon cave train wheels, at the saw null of Jus. Bishop, sr., msaid county. Levied on mi dor a superior court fi fa in favor of Pitkin Thomas vs. Jas. Bishop, sr. This March 29, l.v. 7 . Also at the same time and place will be sold lot of land No. 199, containing 20214 acres more or less, in the 19th district of Dodge Hardeman county. Levied on as the property nf West, to satisfy a tax li for State and county tuxes for the year Lovett,’constable. J.evy made aril returned to mo by D. This March29, 1887 . Also at the same time and place will bo sold lot of land No. 2*5. in die I9ih district of said county, containing 20234 noros more or less. Levied on as th<> propertyof J. M. Few, to satisfy a tax ti fa for State and county taxes for the year lss<;. Low made and returned to me l>y D. Lovett, consta-i ble. This .March 29, 1887. * a T. B* ^ ixs, Hit r D. (’. CEO. <’. NORM AND. FRANCIS ,J. --I ■ 1 11 ) / CONTRACTORS j — :a V t>: — BUILDERS EASTMAN, GEORGIA. j I 1 Paving located in Eastman for tiio pur- ' of builders, plying our vocation as carpenters ! I. of the public we patronage. respectfully solicit a Having TT an experience . of over twenty at our back, we are prepared to guar¬ antee satisfaction in all work intrusted our bauds. We are prepared to furnish plans and of being upon application, and in tin* awarded the job make no charges therefor. Work of the city and country adjacent te r >. 2 .fimj-p LUTHER A. HALL, A TT o n js n Y-A T-L A IF, EASTMAN, GEORGIA, Practices in the Suite and Federal Halt fee in advance. dTOfiieson 2d floor in my brick build on West Railroad avenue. Nov. IT. 0-mo. C. G. SMITH at law, Mr,Ville, Georgia. April 29, 1885, iv HARRIS FISHER, M. D. Physician, Surgeon flccauchsr. Office at “Eastman Drug 8tore,’’ on Railroad Avenue, Itesidence corner Church street and Fifth Eastman, Ga. rich F. DeLacy. J. Bishop, Jr DeLacy & Bishop, ATT Oil XT YS AT LAW , EASTMAN, GA. 3437” Practice iu the Stat^ and Federal j courts. octl4-ly I W. IF. FA TIT, Fashionable Barber, I Eastman, Ga. Having removed my stock to the front rooms shop, of I the ask building continuance known as Gary’s shoe a of the pub¬ lic patronage. and Easy chairs, clean towels, sharp razors, particular attention as¬ sured. Hail* cutting in the latest style. The leading shop of the town. Give me a call. tY. F. Fain. Mch. 23-tf. F £t; Savannah, [All train* of l •oad are rub by V Standard Tilite* Y4 Kritecr ijwi mans oauu xor. •JL PassengerITrti mon L thisroad will run as follows: >■ , WEST INDIA Tlii f MAIL. read nows. v....,.Savntittnh . . A i , Mp 7 00 a ui 1 II »u 10 oil a in lv.....W'ayei-o^ 9 15 » >•» 12 40 30puilv....Jacksonville...IV I 7 00am 15 4 p in a m 8 50 1 » in nr........Tampa.......Jv 8 (M) p M PLANT STEaMSRIP LINE. Tues. Thur.i lv.;Tim*pa . .ar (Frl. Sun. Hat ... p mj [ • (I’ue*.. p m Wed. Fri„ jThurs.Sat., Thurs. Sun . ,.p in) arWey Westlv (Mon ...put fcnt.j (Thurs.Snt., Mon... Pullman anif ar.,Havana Jv (Mon... am putl'et ears New York to Tampa anil Tampa to WasDingtofi. NEW ORLEANS EXPRESS. 7 (XIam 7 58 p m 8 42 a m fi .6 p ut 9 34 am iv... .BlackshCar .. .ar 6 22 p m 9 50 a in ar.....W arcross.... 1 v 5 05 p m 1 ( 2fi a m ar.... .-Catiaham ... lv 2 47 p m 12 00 in ar... .Jacksonville . .lv 2 05 p m 7 35 a m lv... .Jacksonville, ar 7 35 p m 7 S3 a m lv......Callahan... .ar 0 57 p m 10 15 ut u lv.....Wayeross ... ar 4 40 p m 11 (K) a in lv... .Homervjlle .. .lv 3 55 p m 12 11 04 15 a m 8 4 np m p m 2 50 p m 12 1 34 22 p U 1 ly.....Qititiii*n......IV Thomasville... 1 2 28 p m p m ar.... v 1 45 v In 3 85 p m ur....Bainbridge., .Cluttaliddcliee 11 25 am 4 04 p ni ar. ..iv II 80 a m 'IJ .* ullman 2 ,, "* «>*•.• lmf.i v** t cars A l^X*• toand •• from ■ J. v . 10 Jackson- 30 am Y 80nvii * 11*-*.*»*itl ’‘ Now York, Drleans and to and vjn Pensacola, from Jack t ', nn “ t( r ] n !J, *i ( ? lioniasvllle, 4101,1 *'acksonviU AtlaiHil 6 ami and Nashvillo, Louisville a . Jacksonville to Cincinnati 111111 via Jesup. KaST FLORIDA EXPRESS, I 30 p m lv... .Savannah .«r It 55 a iri 20 i> in j Iv , .Jesup. .lv 10 21 a m . 4 •>[ 1 , U1 v IMaekshe ear lv 9 84 a m .. 4 40 > m ar . Way 9 15 a m b .*7 p 111 ar .Callahan.. I v 7 33 a m . 7 8"> p id nr Jacksonville lv 7 00 a m 11 m ! v .Jacksonville. 8 55 am *• . .Callahan ! *' 1 v 111 lv . .ar 8 11 a m ! 7 58 p m lv.... Wav«*ro«w ar 5 57 n m i j 8 0 99 4.5 p m lv... Iloniervide’.'.'.' Iv 5 to a in p in ar.. . Dupont, lv 4 55 a m 1 „ .....Lake , . ” 10 15am 3 55 pm 1 v... .Oainesville... ar 19 05am ! 7 2o p m lv Live Oak... .ar (! 40 am .... 9 10nmlv lv..... xllSZi p ,. 1 ?,? n ? T 1 | p, ni p m Iv.....Quitman......y | 10 34 p m 35 1 ! «>■> ” ’ a,' \l n " , ;u . .V Tlionvmvilio 1 S U ° iv •> ^ JJ 1 50 5.5 . : ,......' ’ . f l 1,1 . m ar \n mi villc nml S|.. J.ouis via Tlr«m„»vill,., Al CK1C,UUatl t0 J^ksoiiVlllo via desup. Pulimau sleeping cars to and frhtn Bar tow and Montgomery via Gainesville. ALBANY EXPRESS. 8 45 p m lv .Savannah 810am i t 25 p m lv ...Jesup 1 v 8 20 n 111 . .. 1 30 a in ar .AV ay cross ..1v li 30 a in 0 '-' r) 11 m ar .CallaHan Jv 05 p m . ... { ] il 1,1 Jacksonville .lv a 15 j) lit • .. l '’' D p 111 lv., Jacksonville ar -..j 15 a m .. 0 1> m lv... . 25 a m 2 09 a m Iv Wayeross. n v 11 20 p in 3 2o a in ut* 10 ou p m 0 *0 a m ar.....Live Oak ...Jv 7 20 p j» 19 05 a m ar... .Gainesville!! ' lv 3 !,!. 55 p p. “ 10 15 am ar p uko Citv , ' , iJ ..... 'L.d •> 1 -, 11111 ,, , 9 35 ;!•:,! a 1,1 , p m 8 30pm ,) - }•* j"a a ni in I ar v.... . I nomasville... lv 7 7 55 On p m. 11 10 ., p m. a mar 4 00 pm !un regular stations Pullman V 1 steeping c’ws toand from Jackson 'r V. asiimgton, and to and from ',-Yi i! k oll «•«> Y Montgomery. {« an< Louisville, via Thomas V ‘ Pullman hullo . s nl,< iU,T1 boudoir huftet car via Waj < ! 1 US!S . , ant J Macon, and via Way " . '’csup ‘Lim’iimatti. ann Macon.between Jacksoii V ,Y <ll tlu Also, through pass . . eosu ‘‘>08 between Jacksonville aiu '~ ,nim; . uiooga. JESUP EXPRESS. „ 4-> p rn Iv* •> 8 30 am 0 10 p in ar.......’ 5 25 a < Htops ut all regular and flag stations. Tickets sold and slee])ing ear berths go. cured at the passenger station. WM. P. IIARDEE, G. P. A. n J . LEM ING, U. H. TN HUNS WIC 5*$ * and r-v TV-TY ROUTE. ,.)() MILKS S IIOKTKR TUAN ANY OTlIKi ROUTE RET WEEN WAYCUOSS AND ALBANY* Dn and utter Sunday, November l* 11 !* lss<1 * l ):l trains will run as follows FOR THE WEH\ NORTH AND SOUTH . Mail. Expr* Brunswick, via. (i 00 inn 7 50 pn* I*Vic’s Marsh..........]v*(> 27 ai 11*8 1U ,,r u Janmimi...............Iv JJ 9 54 am 8 43 i-.i\ 9 7 32 am 9 23 i-m schl'ltp.rvil’h*..........!- .......... Il « t- 1? nm !|V5 ^ l p, ' ‘ Wauwoss ai 0 n (1,> a mil L l>! . - Savannah, ( allalum via, s f & w. aril 55 am fi li a Jacksonville,vias art 1 20 am 5 2 * ; 1 f&w arl 2 00 m fi if, ut Jacksonville.via s f a.w lv 7 0(1 cm a j)! 7 83 tun ^ O t:>. Savannah, via 8 F * w lv 7 00 sun 1 C5 tea Pearson.... Wayeross. \ia. r* & w. IvJLO 00am 11 8e 11 AJnjtaha... .....lvll 15am 12 48 > I!) Ty Ty...... . 12 30pm 1 15 a 1 Sumner 2 03pm 3 ] 1 1)11 Willingham .... 2 18pm 8 20m)! Davis 2 44pm ......... Albany..... . ... ..... .1 v 3 00pm .... 3 25 pm 4 45 am Columbus.......... Blakely, via o hr.. ar 7 20 pm Macon,.............- . ,.ar ... 1 .’5 > >m •ar 8 24 pm 9 04 am Atlanta, Marietta, via <’ hr,. url2 15 am 1 05 pro via w & A ar 1 24 am 2 ! fi pm Chattanooga,...., Louisville, .ar 5 55 am 7 07 pm Cincinnati, viaji.A via ' N..,ar 6 40pm’6 89 Cin ' 80 fi 45 ar pm fi 49 am FROM WEST, NORTH AND SOUTH. Mail. Exj-r-o-s. Cincinnati, Louisville, via Cin 7 55 am 8 l<) j.m via r.& n.,.1v 7 50am s 40 j.n Chattanooga via w 4 \ lv 9 05 pm •* <>.) .00 1 28 am 12 .5 ; on miSv™ «St'S * no 39 am, Davis.............. Albany, via b & w.. lvll 00 ami 1 JO pta lvll 25 am Willingham........ lvll 41 am Stunner.., ....... . I v 12 13 pin!! 13 pm Ty Ty ... ........ I v 12 .’72 pm 1 1 pm Alapnha Pearson . ........Iv 2 11 pm 1 2 U! .i’.i* Wayeross. •... Iv 3 JW) piij 1 13 a la ..... .ar 4 49 pm 8 »K) am Savannah, via snw ar 5 68 pod i 55 am Jaclcscnvillc,via 6 57 pn 1 25 uia « F&war 7 35 pn 1 )> 55 aiu Jacksonville,via Callahan s, fsw Iv 5 St 47 05, pnTn pm 9 05 pm Savannah, I 30 mn 8 45 pm \\ aycross....... 5 95 pm 3 J5 »m Sehiattprville.... Hoboken 5 32 pm # 3 4( am ......... .....Jv 5 51 pn*3 6C WaynesvJHo..... lairaica......... .... lv 6 58 pm 1 55 am 7 38 pm 5 :55 am lh le*s Marsh .... -Jv 8 UOpurtfi 05 am Brunswick________ 8 28 pm t; 40 am ^8top on signal. Purchase Tickets at the station, had save extra faro collected upon the train. The mail train stops at all B. & W. St? tions. Connections made at Wavcrcss to ar.d from all points on Savannah, Florida aud Western Railway. Tullinan palace sleeping and Mann bou ¬ doir coaches upon through trains between Jacksonville and Cincinnati. First-class ear through between Brun? wick and Atlanta. F. W. ANHIEK, J. A. McIUTFFIE, A. G. P. A. G.P. A, . A. A. GADDIS, Y. P. <4 tl J