The Dodge County journal. (Eastman, Dodge County, Ga.) 1882-1888, July 20, 1887, Image 3

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•THE JOURNAL. ; t~T-: —--------- H^K. MT^ON. . . - - Editor. Hr. L, F. liORri, df Appling coiinty , is outliorized to receive Ihd.recctpt for siib •oripUons to the DouciWoi S t v .Toi:nx a l. directory. NommIc. ReirulAr * itjo«Hnsr 1st Friday ' night in cacti muutb at o’elot k, Mtlfglou*. RmH.iuIim kn.rSm’iir'uMMraiii in *:»<•!< month ^v4TSiS* a'Iho StSSl Ef™ ,S nt Oiqral Knutmun Haiitist church dti Second Sub M M>moDtsTErtscor alCHUR ni8di*tn n! --Preiif’tiinir every Sabbuth at it o'clock duvMVpJinlc 'it t u’HoH nuM ‘ ti ’ 1 ^ " ednes R. Minduy s hoot meets utt»ij o’clock a. to. J. **tio«ii>r, tsup nnisitAf? 1’ iKior l.ocnl Time Talili 1 . 1‘ASSKXffXK TRAINS, W! i ,.1» rtli liouiid > ax £ li - / til •2 ■ 2 / • II > s i. oca i. KiiKfonrs. itnl ^ M ,V> - M V 14 minnii ball tops v‘ n,n,M ‘ r ami C'oC It nr _ WKI>M^S|>AY,./[TLV -»<>, |H«*. JOURN ALETTES. notice of Miss Marie Red n a i r column. leruioinet 1 "indi UK l tin e part N 4 " " H> 1 ter eour re dusty. I t I again slate that we are i no w r pottsible for *hc express- | w 1 ntiments of our eor* j to be fig i n ve seems pass: utir country just at thi; I tirdav was the hoi test for many years. Martin is visiting tho eorgia. She will spend t th relatives at Stone Ye wish her a nice time. i . Hall, accompanied , I IV If., of Graham, Friday last, and nave j l. mitli, one of the ting ladies of Jack i visit, to our town , lativ Mr. and I I tid«on, Sell lo ; Mi us Risltop V i ll V friends ■ ; , ted to again i 1 laughter, 3?iss IV \ arc visiting , Mr. and Mrs. L. 31. ! rounding the tirade- ' •cutly been thorough Mr. Julian, adding | 1 an f the; n Ruehan i qumt d n, enjoying' a brief I r hoi in the (?onor I v returned Kunday Ir. It. I hart, of I ngiewood, to tu day last, ami spoke f.t the picnic to v ilage to-day. >u* I aiiD, and may Hob got li f Hie fun. Milton, of Johiisonvillc, u n [ us 1 week on tv bus- i i s vi ID w just returning j borne t visit to Mrs. Milton, j w pet ug mie time at Indian i r operating her w’astcvl i 11 T enlng exercises ot Amos i house, on Wednesday . 1 l.anpv occasion- ... 1 i'olk’j" .luocc (ao.l tin pcs, JO, I hms a-noul ous hi In the rcircsimicols of 11,0 j mi c 1 St ulctrant and boon Miss | na Ridmp, after filling ' t f scliool-tuistress iitTur ist three moutliSj nan re* i nunc at Eastman. - )n I f tr most amiabh t gent \oting ladies, and vc I st I ion at home mav be in I I ,L Wood, of Tcnnillc. (.in. » mv* i on Saturday last. He Ling, with a view of loca¬ t ls, and engaging in the iiudnctis. Wc would glad* Mr. W. for lie U an nppa lgb business gentleman, t< n is in need of a few more u indebted for an invitation i grand bnrbceifo and reun <;|d soldiers of Laurens and tiding counties, to be given Did < ii Friday next. 22d imd., i i i prevents, wo will lie i gala time is expected, a - <1 invited to participate n tv i of the day. r c of tire teachers tlio Christian Sabbath «!lv desired next 3itn l- > btrsiucss of impor come forii them. A more t Ianco of the members of at ea< li Sabbath school sired . T. Rogo , who lias been t time traveling in r he e a few days ago, i i in- a short time with t 31 r. I , ‘ as nal contributors, :fc*nt forcible pen. many friends boro were sojourn glad to n meet him, and trust his is ohl home may be indeed pleas- —The hotel DeLietch will soon rc celvo Die flhi.lilnglonchca orihc pain ass&s'iarrsas «** .......- ■■ ■ ■•' « I.I M* Pendleton, Die house i« steadilygrotf in«r in popularity, and even now the hole! IMMoteh is known far and wide as a pleasant) hospitable, home-like place.for the traveler to stop. —}‘rot. Willie Peacock, the populiti ! misic icacl,cl '' of M:i<ron, l.tfS aI >°'it determined to pcrmancntlv lc V tlc »« *»« a-> many inf.ric scholars as be can well to? inucli encouraged it t * l ,° 0,, *l°ok. i*e is an excellent id st.'uctor, and wc bespeak for liiui a *iDors*I patronage. *—Our cstberticd young friend, Dob h. Hcrrman, of MPiile;!tinm, is an a j» plicant, before the Governor, for the position of prosecuting attorney of the eotultr court of Macon county. ’Lias is abundantly qualified for the posi "• a,1< ‘ the Jot*itx a f, y'ould be glad to 800 hi,M n <l t ajipuintment. Young man keep cool—keep your cool. In fact let every body with their cousins, uncles rtnd auiitd, keep cool next Friday night by going to the lec cream festival at (lie l ’planus hotel. —We are glad to learn that Mr. Alfred Muri-Ii, of Lanrens county, who has becti Seriously ill lbr several days, is improviiig. no i« quite a<i vanned in years, and is well and fa Vdrabty known throughout thi s see tion of country. —-Mr. John Wall, our popular grocer, nresented us on Arondsty with some of the finest peaches we have seen in a long while. They were grown on his plantation in Twiggs. Thanks, Jdhn, for your kind remembrance. —Mr. W. W. Willoughby will please accept our thanks for a very line wa¬ termelon, presented us on* Tuesday last. Mr. W. is a good tanner, and always raises the biggest and best of everything. While the thermometer stands be tween UJ and 1(XJ deg, Dr. Hcrrman Informs us that his elefk, little HarHy I.ns lo wear a l.cafv overcoat wMIe serving customers at bis arctic soda fount, the atmosphere surrounding Fe¬ ng so intensely cold. -—Miss 31 a tie .Johnson, of Jolmson villc, who lias been spending a few days in Eastman, the guest of 3ftsscs Ruth and Flella Carr, left on Friday last for Indian Springs, where she will remain through the heated term. —3IUs Carrie Love, of Quincy, Via •t who has been spending some time ... \|. , .' kil [ ! ( , t | u #< ’ ot- own, caves o-mglit for home. ‘: S /; 1 n Tl :un!a,,, ° }f y > " C ,,ls " ,<>mav - — Mv. J. W. I fig “= U ‘ ° !V. ,U two little daughter •S o * 1 t ’ 1 are guests of the Hotel DeLietch, in our town. Wc wish them a pleasant urn. The ladies of the Methodist parson age aid society will give an ice cream festival at the t’plauds hotel, Friday evening, 22nd Lot everybody Milne. It will ho the biggest affair of Ihe season. Mi. Albeit St ro/.ier, w ho is imw feacliing school near (Tiauneex, was rlMkitig l-am.s with his liicnds here on Saturday last, lie is a most -om potent instructor, and we are glad to learn that lie has a flourishing school. —Several important items crowded out of this Issue. We promise our readers a larger paper in the ucgr lure. Only indulge us, friends, for a liitie while, t;’l we can catch a ,ic w hold. “ ,/<!t J- 181 " 1 - 1 " * R»"a»l 5 0, ">S •"»“ sllsll,il1 * |tcir I'cpu'ati 0 " by seeing that ' "00k Holies arc Ircatfsl "cooiiy ,H ' xt *' '"iHav t.i-fiit at the Uplands wi,h l’ lol,,v ,,f ,oc mnm - c "' — Ihe management of thc^ Hotel f t !,.py y j [ )0 ibstclass' bifiL c i\ fro m Lrunswiek, and tliosc wishing a neat htlir-etlt or clean shave, should call on him. Mr. Joe It. King has returned from Ilawkinsvillc, ami will be pleased to H(>c °ld customers and many new ones at his place of business lit tl:* store ot Hamfll Smith. — Misses I* annic Solomon and Lucy Wimberly, of T w iggs county, arc iting the farrfily of Mr. Is. 31. Peacock, of our town. — Mr. W. A. Shipman, of Channel y, was in town on 3Ionday and gave us a pleasant «an. 3lr. John 31. McNeel, of McRae, was on a business visit to our tow n IhC week. 3 'oticc. Parties in any manner indebted to me on account of •‘The Kastman Times,” can settle (Ire amount of their indebtedness, in my absence, with L. 31. Peacock, Esq., who is authorized to receipt in my iiamrc. Respectfully, July 20-tf. M. L. Burch. A Nfeeded Enterprise. We learn that 3fessrs. W. L. and k () t Peacock, of our town, coirtem pj a tc starting a broom factory in this pj acc a ^ a „ early day. They will also have in connection with the broom fgctorv a department in which chairs am \ mattresses will be repaired and I made good as new. A broom factory is an industry that should be encouraged friends in our town, aim wc wish our yctmg success establish- tu ; ti ic ', r would enterprise. induce Sucli farmers an tocul I ment our tivatc and’ raise broom corn, which cron would prove quite a source of revenue to them. .Success to the cn- AmiMkeac Appendix. Tlio “Old feoH»*” bail, which w»i ^“warsT-a'is ?,»i. *4 I.oi.oror '!.' C. a: Thorn [>■ hent, which somewhat iletracicd from tile pleasant pastime of dancing. . the md.sic furnished by the Haw kinsville band, led by Prof. Jacoby, was perfect, and its soothing strains put new life in those who hud not trlppcS II,o light measure for years, and thcVld folk** fairlv excelled them ! ly ^vos. and Everything del ight full passed blit it oil coukt amootl,. liot v, j have been otlisrwise, being umter the j nb’.nagcment of the general nianager, | j j who spared completosuccess. nothing to make the oc ca$ton a | with Fair rapid ladies feet and chased handsoihc the happy cavaliers hours ! \ i [ away, which sped too soon, and we j were tempted to say— | “(>h, stay; oh, stay: ijL^hU’uMu^luTtbaM^V" 'tis pain I To break its links too soon l” [ ■ It is not often that wc meet such an J array of pretty girls and charming i young rrleti. Eastman can well boast of the many charnulfg yt/tilig ladles from abroad who graced with their ! presence thegcenc,and the“only young ! man in town’* had many rivals among them. , Tb»*killing youne man from Atlanta, j Who wishes to «ay instantcr. | That the p. e. in < i. u as not the g. nt all, l>ut, oil, it is the w, who was the bulb of the ball. 1 Refreshments wore snrrnd w iil. plenty of iec-cohl lemonade anu ice water to cool the inner man. Wc must not forget to mention the lighting of the hall, which was in | j charge of-Mr. Eullei Davis. A bright I row or lamps graced Ihe street lvoitt. ing tlie railroad, and the bail was \ lighted by largo patent lamps which i threw a soft, pleasant light over the ! same. The hall lias a splendid floor ! for dancing and skating. i Too imuTh cannot belaid in honor 1 of the generosity of the A. L. Co.j and particularly the general manager, Mr. J. T. Colcord, for the gift of this ball for the purpose for which it was de . l*'«« for «.c ..ecrarary ro ' teation and pleasure needed here. It is true a small amount was subscribed, j but the largest share was given by the Amoskcag Lumber Company—only |P7 being contributed, and the build¬ ing costing tlfK). It was built under the immediate supervision of the gen¬ eral manager, to whom all praise is due for bis kind consideration of the wants of the people; ami we would suggest that justice and common cour- ! tesy alone would prompt those wisli- i iug to use it to consult him who was t t) imme(liu(c meails of the Amoskcag opera house being built. Rrof. and 3lrs. C. A. Thompson left Wednesday for Roston. They will spend the summer in the green hills of Y’ermonf. Miss 3Iarie Joiiiison, of JolnisotH vilie, visited friemts hole, last w«*ek. 31 r. E. II. Ramos and J. ?*. Galla gor, of flic E. T. V.& G. R. Ih. visited i Amoskcag last week. Mr. 31. Y. Amorous, of Atlanta, and j Mr. Maurice Hertz, of Ciuuimvy, 1 w'ero present ftt the old folks bull. J The jru.cai manager gives two j j pom-g pest at .dinner during the heated 1cnn< aiul it is llllfhl) ' . appreciated bv | n ]j j ( | ' lcminiscciice8 0 f the war, now that the honors of that time rs liicl lowed by the lapso of years, aro pleas aut to read, and to those who were participants, deeply interesting. 3Ye yverc kindly permitted the pleasure of reading a few articles regarding the battle on the Salkabutclicc river, uiTC1 ..„ j, rWgCt g. c. The papers wt . re haiolcd to u, by l/c. K. i!. IVt Three articles are given—two from a federal standpoint, and one the j confederate version ol’ the affair. : DarHcuIarly interesting it is to us when we find that our genial friend, Dr. E. II. Racon, is the colonel com manding the forces. It is written with all the glow and cnthusrair* that pervaded the heroes of the lost cause, an q jj ie g( >cne j s presented so clearly, wc geetn to sec and feel the des perate courage of the lit llo band of heroes as they contested the approach of the enemy, and realize the gram! heroism of the gallant colonel and his brave command. Lvcile. An K...crpri»lBR Farmer. ii i * . | 1 Us> ,,u 3 ( _ 1 ) nC ^ ° ,° U1 oC 1 [ ‘ inH , ° A on gomei> eoini 1 1 has this year planted two crops * corn, ’ with, what you might ... say, ,, the „ same seed. , He TT planter , , , the first - . tune .. m March, mi early maturing val '' cl ? of seed, the production of which bo gathered ........ and again planted part , of c it .. I r June. T Tr- IIis prospects < c for a second ~ i m crop of corn as well as tor a general crop arc vciy flattering indeed. 3fr. Adams used to be identified with this section of country when Dodge was yet Pulaski, and his reminiscences of j those days arc quite interesting. Ifis | many friends in remembered, Fiodge county, will by be ; whom lie is well I glad to hear of the success he is mak Ling at farming. Ile has a heap of the j old pluck and game no »8 left yet, so much of which he possessed in his ! yoirrger days. ,T. O. E. 1 A l*roclitnrsition. j Be it known now and hereafter, as i ■ before, that wc arc headquarters for corn, meal, chops, etc. We guarantee j our prices never to be higher than 3fa on prices, but almost always lower. M \ RTl V fc Pf ACOCK. The l»o** trop. If there be nnj one (liii, a which we ™ HWo™, ~T« .till[, e tftfteftttsate d.dy ind«-e last to visit j|,c farm of itozar, Ivin- immediatelv * on our town’s sUrburbs. ltathcr distrusting’ oiir jud-ment on matters of tlic kind because of a fori v-otld vears absence from the farm * we wore heeled for ll,c occasion bv’ having having” a!oi*«» with in frieml p. who, once traversed ba* and’ forth, up and down, and lengthwise and across fl freshly-plowed hundred acre lield‘ncatb the seorchiny ravs ot a noonday July sun: boasta of seldom erring in ti decision as to the vielil thereof. j In the tfatnpoosc necessary to arrive ! at a conclusion as to the probable bar vest our company was indispensable and as a riiattcr ot cdual significance j wo found, its we laboriously brought ! up the rear, a growing disposition to advance opinions, the which, however c»-1 ’ much t j, oy mav have smacked of aggcralion as we classed in turn both cotton au'd corn in cleaner ami more I healthy condition and better fruited |j ian any average wc Iin.d ever before seen on upland, was nothing short of a candid verdict. Concluding our tebr cf investi«r a - lions and poobug our estimates we ^vorab’e the Jud<»e with aiivtliim*' like seasons, two-tbirds*of twci,»**-flvc bushels of coin and b bile of ; Cotton per acre. ! It was further resolved by self- ; a constituted committee ot Mr. E. and ,!,e writer, that if, with .so cfegabl a j Home, adorned will. Cod s best bless- l '"S* ,liaH t A good wife, and stir- 1 •’ounded by so many evidences of Prosperity, the Judge is not r happy ,na, b then one need cease to seek for happiness in the acquirement ‘ cf this world’s j AiUcliee II;»f<*Ii«‘c I*iClii<*. Agreeable to previous* announce- j moot the good people in the neighbor hood ot Autehec Hatcliec academy | gave a picnic on Tluisday last, on which occasion quite a number from I Eastman ately Were in them attendance, County fortune j among School Commissioner Coleman, accompanied by a Jot itNAi. representative. It being our first visit in this dire I’¬ tion for near a decade of years, wc* were naturally observant, and noted with ! pleasure evidences of prosperity on ! ■ dhei baud in the matter ot new iuntts and creditable improvements of old j one.-. Luxuriant crops, telling of j P‘ ,;lcc a,,d l» l en , y, aH neaUy and sub *a„tiallv invito the eye from CV( ' l ‘> Hlroction, while pleasing signs •‘mrroiimling comfortable homes speak nmnwtakably rl contentment within. Finding upon arrival quite a con¬ course of peoples already assembled wills interest centered in lho exercis¬ es of l'rof. Lupo's school, wo at once ! , repaired to the school house, where, notwithstanding the packed condition I ofthc buiiding, we found comfortable seats m waiting. The exercises. I consisting of examinations in spelling, reading, history and matlie muties, was quite creditable, ami evi-1 deuced strict discipline on the part of the teacher, and diligent application j by the scholar. Rut the crowning ct- ‘ fort of the dav was the concluding ad dress of 3ir. Coleman, in winch after complimenting patrons, teacher and I pupils upon the success with which j thcif labors arc being blessed, the Commissioner urged them on to re¬ newed efforts, picturing to them in vivid colors the eventual rich harvest from the seed now being sown. I Rut “school is dismissed for dinner,” J and in this a table of ample length j i and breadth, bountifully spread with substantiate and etceteras, prepared after the approved style of the good* wives, sisters and daughters of the neighborhood, all did ample justice, attesting thereby their unitedindorso incut. The day’s pleasure?? were brought to a close by a match game of base ball between the Autehec Ilateliees and Wild Cats, in which the latter c v ub was defeated by a score of over two to or.c. •foliitwonvJlIe JotUHgi** JoiissoxviLi.E, Ga., July 18. Eiht-1- J.-uhnai,: Kail,, rain, ram! Croquet has gone out ot fashion. Mr. I«. Johnson was taken with a severe attack last week, and for a time was Quite • ill- lie is almost cntirclv recovered, wc aro glad y to chrome lc. Mrs. Fuller and her daughter, J> 3Irs. G „ 0 ,„„ f thi . wcck V- w- VVw hot.- l v 7 will be with , us again soon. The wreck on . last . Monday . was qultc a wrcrK 11,0 ct,, c 0,1 n luc i * ’ . of n ‘.° l contused . ‘ ittel H ,c ac ot f u Cnt and T7aS ,° loco- m a mass cats ; ! motives. The trouble originated by some one maliciously leaving the switch open. As yet there is no clue \ to the ciirrtinal. i 3tr. 3Iiltoi?, wl:o recently spent several days at the Indian Springs, i lias returned. Miss 3fario Johnson is now on a visit to Eastman, Indian Springs and Jackson. Our community was quite caddcncd op fast Wednesday by the death of >Fr. Stssonis’ youngest child The burial services were conducted by Rev. Mr. j Hickson, * The eastern portion ot our county icceivcd a rain on Monday night last^Vrom R,.«>dv ‘t„i„ Nnrlnew Zi IUkov S pk ,«s «a tr 11 --i ^ * r lv> {r a l ® ™ c,arK u onnof ^ as,in ^’s ; ; * fcnr J-JJ’-’Vi- spcm “ , ° a ,la ?’ s V1 .. b l *| 0,) 3 »cie. Tl,c Reedy Springs prayer meeting ronli,u,os of interest. It 0(1 is '»'W>l.v and much .jiltemlwlliy good is evidently lire unconvert- being On July 22d there will be a rc*n»ion of ex-confederate .soldiers in Dublin, f °do'ved by a mamniolll barbecue, to w * uc * 1 l,, c plcss of the State and cor , ’ eK I ) ° ,, Hciit8 generally arc especially invited. Ample arrangements have * ,CCI5 aiu ^ maefe ior the accom of visitors. A 1 one time it was thought the blue an<1 1,10 S rc v ,1U ^ each shown their . wiUingncsa to forget and bury the * )ast a,H ^ *' rtast together t?f the growth 1111,1 P«*ospc!pUy of cur glorious union. Tllc Houth * M P a »Ticular. oucouraged this fooliiijr, and at no time refused to mect thcil ‘ » r »> , lhern brethren in re l,nio »b a»d always gave them a hearty welcome when thev crossed the Ma son and Dixon line, and often visited battle fields and laughed with them CVC1 ' fl,n:,v «^urences during the bii to,,,ess - Rut now that those northern scou,, drels have shown their trcachor 0l,8ne,,s *«« l in will toward the “Solid Rv kicking up about (he re turn of confederate flags to the States from which thev were captured, I am in favor of letting the rascals alone [VV: ^ ec -‘ ,|,! *ati"g our re-unions with soatberu born veterans and to 1,0 " 1,110,1 rcslsl ll!ai:lt lho llu ‘ ceitful enemy may offer. TIl °. v linvc D*iblitdy imposed upon ng 0V( ‘ l * the struggle, and like true loyal citizens we have said noth i'»g; but when wc listen to the fiery specche:; cf the low-lifed Yankees in regard to their returning the flags. when they call us rebels, and say we seceded without a cause, and that it cost them millions of money and oceans of IMoDd to whip ns back, etc., who can stand no such false and un called for insults and keep cool? One bloody shirt orator said that lie was willing to fight the same war over rather than see the flags returned.— We are willing, and will meet them at Rail Run any tube the ladies of the North wants to enjoy a basket picnic alter we retreat. Our fathers fought for what they believed to be right, and their sons willlong remember thccause forwldch they died. The war spirit Is fl.oro uglily aroused ill this section, and there will he the grandest demonstration made in Dub¬ lin on the 22d inst. that has been made in the South since ML Captain Jack Adams has been stirring up Reedy .Springs for the past week* amt more enthusiasm L manifested than at any p C i iod of our grow th, n. s. t. McUac -lloitiioiiS. McR-ar, < • a., July 18. Eintoit .Titkxal: Your corrcs P« ,,llc, 't a P«»'t • ot Dro days and bight at Lumbei Citj,ou a business tri l» ,ast wcck » cvery-thing in R ,a * growing town moving along very : Tl»e merchants seemed to be doing a good trade, and seemed per Fcellv happy. 3Vc witnessed the launching ot the “Lumber City, a new boat being built by Capt. John L. Day, and is so constructed as to run on very tow water. The 3IcLuod wc found filled to over flow with guests. This is one of the best kept hotels on the E. T. A”. & G. R. R. and Col. Joun D. McLeod, its gentlemanly proprietor, is one of tLo most congenial men in Georgia, MissRosaRyalsisathomcin3[c Kao, spending vacation from Monroe Female College in Forsyth, Ga. She will return ia September as an in rtructrcss in the college. 3fr. Willie Wilson, of Savannah, spent a few days in McRae week | visiting his mother, 3irs. L. P. Jones. Kcv. II. M. Morrison, our pastor, is j running a protracted meeting at 3Ie- | Villo this week. | 3Yc are having very warm weather now, mT :l 7s getting very dry down our way. Mr. Porter, 3Icssrs. TVaff, Rootbc & | Cos. stiller, has been quite sick for | several days, but is much better now. I \fo visit Atlanta this week and hope to get something . that .. . will ... . be , I j interesting to . write about . . next . week, . ; Chantfc of KiiKiness. 3fiss Marie Redding, having t?is posed of her business in East man to 3lrs. Carnes, takes this means of tliankil ^ tbc ?0C( t people of Eastman ■ a|ul c i KCW h er e for the liberal patron j ^ a<r(J extended her by them during the j gix yeai , s and agking foP hcr ; cessor a continuance of the same. She feels assured that 3frs. Carnes will give entire s’rtisfacticn in all the branches <sf her Imsiness. 3Irs. Carnes will make a specialty erf inantua making, and can compete 1 suceesstully with those in larger busi- . | ness centres, having recently made i two elegant reception dresses, cost in •' ■tifty dollars each which were pra j nounccd by a gentleman just from New York to be equal in artistic design and finish to any costume of same val uc put in that metropolis. 'I ; r r in l Suvlttg* from toward. ~ «* 4 '«• «iBrasafe „ ........... . of nndor niany obligations for l,es rcce,vc( ^ ! Last night wc spent a very plea'.am time niuti the hospitable root ot Mr. -mmes UaU. -Undo Jim" U fidl of ramiuisccnsos df the good old days . gwo ^ and ,f you ,vanl lo c.ijoy a „oou iau B n .1 on oug it to bear hmi tell ) |-, °L su ^ ct ft*. 0 l’“b' duiingcomt * ,. tl,n . Ilolinesvillo zcni .^ *• V* ,ias ut >t been was enjoying at its ' | ro ^ ( iea 1 1 *V‘ s0,ne Out still ho lo,( 8 l| l 1 "ondci fulli, and ia able to look after bis affairs pretty closely— considering his agip It s will-power tliat does it, sir, and he possesses right now, at the age of 78, more energy and vim than you will find embodied in most of our 2-> vcar-olders. May the remaining years of his life be as pleas ant and happy as your correspondent can wish them. Mr. O. E. Collar, after an abseneeof some dozen or more years from his old home in Michigan, has Done back, but only on a visit, wo are glad to say, tor w0 cal1not WCl1 s P a «'« such men as l,G - Ms\y his filry up north be jilcas a,,t ’ 0,1,1 hU vo [ ui '" 10 thcsUrtny south be wuhout accident. Anothei ot Mr. Quince . Coleman s n,ulos <liG<l on Tbuwdny with what is supposed to be glanders. The disease, woai ' e to «ay» i# u°t making any headway, being to Mr. ( eie* ,uan s stock only, and no new cases a,non £ them. The citizens are alive to the situation, and are using all neccs »ary precautions to prevent the disease from spreading. Mr.’J. lv. Clark,of Savannah, is on a visit to his extensive lumber enter prise in this county and Tattnall.— Tilings are going on lively at this seat of industry under the able manage men t of 31 r. Lc Riot. On Friday we were down at the large turpentino farm of 3Ir. J. Ik O’Eerrv, where we found everything booming. 3Ir. O’Rcrry’s friends in and around Eastman and Cochran will be glad to hear that Jesse is getting along as well as the most sanguine cf them couid wislu and he richly de¬ serves success. May prosperity smile on till lus efforts. While there we had the pleasure of meeting your fcllow countymaii, 31r. F. E. Long, who 15 in charge of the woods I hey could not be in better hand s. Crops arc line in this section, plenty of rain for several days past, and an abundant harvest is looked for. The health of this section is good, and the people are cheerful and con¬ tented. J. O. E. tiols from iH'mjwcy. Dkmtsky, Ga., July IS. Hot and still heating! 3Ir. J. S. Letts has been quite sick for several days, hut at this writing is improving. 31 r. C. J). Rail has, for fhe pad week. been on the sick list, hut he is on the mend—able to run dow n to Eastman last Saturday, spend a few hours with the boys, and spin a few yarns. Messrs. Letts’rind .Starrs’saw mills each shut „ On Sat , urday last, were n on account of the colored hirelings having a school examination at old Dempsev. 31 r. Rollie Smith h? having a store . muse. cie< mu ns ioiik. p au. a oc Dempsev, where he will sell goods. Everybody is wearing a pleasant smile, especially our farmers. The bright prospect of a bountiful harvest in the fall, a revival in business gen¬ erally, and the good time just ahead ’ . enough to make buoyant and is us boastful. The blacksmith cf Mr. Lefts and hD tram-road engineer had a little “set-to” here last week, but neither party re¬ ceived any severe injuries. The smith smote the engine man over the crani¬ um with a monkey-wrench, and this put vi f pt. ictus c*n further hostility S, There has been no response to om humble pleading for honey, nor has our longing for beans been supplied, Those honey strd bears folks don’t have much sympathy for the hungry purr. This v-*p have learned from ex perience, and take sweet comfort from the negro's version of tbc beati¬ tude—"RlcHcd am Vnn what don’t spect nothin’, for he will never be dis ai»pointed.” 3Iisses 3follir aod Lizzie Anthony and 3liss Nellie Ruehrin arc on a visit to Mrs. Lampkin, out near the river, We wish them a pleasant tii/X* ind a big mess of fish, too. Plow Boy. Give Them r Chance* That is to say, your lungs. Also all your breathing machinery. \ iiy wonderful machinery it is. Not only the larger air-passages, but the thou sands of littie tubes and cavities iug from them. When these are clogged and choked with matter, which ought not to be there, ’ your J lungs ° cannot half do their And they > do, they work. what can not do well. ^- a R cold, coug i, cioup, j i.< inno ma, catarrh, consumption or any <»t j thc head ; fami and | v - lung ot - throat obstructions, and nose all and are bad. AH ought to begot rid of. There ,Syrup, winch any druggist will you at 75 cents a bottle. Even if everything else has failed you, vou ma >’ depend upon tins tor renaie Ovtn Your Own IIomew. jsrrrssxss ... . 'fit - mi. 0* - MM ihthn j whono\vr he dwns a home. He if more pntriutic, and in many way* a . better c!ti>en than the man who sltn ; ply rents, ami who Wrts but little it any ; asstiranee of bow long it will be be (ore he can be dfdered to move, to which may be a, Med in many eases the saving of ihore monev. Ot course “ ?"«" ,*<•».» o.-ono,„y to lay up a * s ulhcient amount ot moiii'y to pur eliase and pay for a hbnic j but this very tact., it properly carried out after the home is.acquired, may be the in¬ strument of furnishing the means to commence. !tmt i>rosecttte a busine SS Upon your o\v il responsibility. True, it will require a deal more economy, perhaps, than wo are now practicing, j Rut the question with every man, and j especially if he is the head of a family, is, can he afford it? That is,' can lie ! afford to live up on his wages as fast | as he earns them, without laying up ; anytJiing for the future? If he is the j head of a family, lie i* obliged to pay ! rent, and it does not require very many | year-of reid paving to make up an ! ameum sutiieient to purchase and pay | tor a eomtbrlabio ;homc. You have to j l» a .v the rent. This you say you cun no| avoid and he honest. Well, you i rannot la-honest with your lamily un less you make a reasonable attempt to provide them a home of their own in ease anything should happen to you, And the obligation to do this should be as strong as the one to pay rent or provide the other necessities for the comfort of your family. When you own a home you feel a direct interest in public atlairs that otherwise you might consider were of little interest. Ib-Ugious. There will be preaching at Isham’s R ,! ’' ‘■elioo! house, in this county, R* i • 31 1 . ( oietnan.tii^aptjstilivinc. °. ?1 Saturday botorc the fitli Sunday in July- in’t, (*n Sunday following, at Uo’clock a. m.. thct*c will be singing, and at 11 o'clock there will be services again by the same divine. After ser¬ vices the crowd will partake of a bas¬ ket dinner, At. o’clock p. m., Sun¬ day school services will be conducted by Supt. W. ,J. 1). Skelton. Tbepub lie is cordially invited to attend the services of each d*y. *'sfof Williams. ‘.Macon Telegraph, 17th. Some time ago two men named Trammell and Williams were arrested near Ilawkinsvillc for the murder of ".li old man named Johnson. Williams made his escape, and Trammell was tried and acquitted. A reward was offered tor Williams, and he was cap¬ tured a few davs ago in Selma, Ala. Yesterday sheriff Sappould, of Ala¬ bama, was in Macon with Williams on his way to Ilawkinsvillc. Mfnn: to i>i:isToacs. Having disposed of mV entire stock of goods in Eastman, and will leave city in a short time, I take this method of requesting all those indebt ed to me to come forward and settle of. once. Mav’e li 11 >dino. Eastman, Ga., July 2d, 1SS7. Notice to Contractors. iStl/S tCII l>e received unlit August 1st, ISst, for grndiny from (three ) a to li (six) iciles of railroad tramway. Also lordriv iua' ( an. 1 sixty to (too>ottd luuuired pilinir. l’^olile of work mm he sm-ii at our office. AMOSK KA(i IJ MHEU CO. Kastman, <«a., July 8, ]SS7, 4t. OITTU A I, AOTIt'K. 31cltAK(ia., CJIKUIFK .S OriTCK, Jitiif 18, 11SS7 . Notice is hereby given that nil advertis ing emanating.from imv office wilt hcroaf'-' ter he published in the Uoihik Coi;,stv Joi knal, a weekly newspaper published in Eastman, Hod ire eountv, <ia. E. A. Me Uak, Sherilf Telfair County. Police. The undersigned having purchased the entire interest, of J. F. Itiiilord in the linn of l.aMwin A Co., they will oontinue the i r the same firm name. C. J. I>. BALDWIN’, S. SLUNG LEU. Eastman, On., July 10th, 1SS7. •It Georgia Salt Spring Water. Natures Great Remedy. j ---CURES-- I > V SI ’ E1 ’S U\, RI, A l) 1 > KT!, K11 E E M A TT 3 > t mut afl Skin Diseases. The Macon Salt Springs Agency have fa¬ I cilities ter in lur quantity supplying desired this wonderful parties wa- in any to | Eastman Address or other towns, at 31 aeon prices. for particulars, SALT SPRING AGENCY, Box 487, I JEEFApply Macon, Ga. at this office for circulars. j July <»-111>. CITY RESTAURANT. U. S. JOHNSTON, Prop. •lien/s at all Hours ; —also dealer in— UlgafS, 74 lUbHSCO, a nn n Pnnfontinnnrioc b0ni3Ct!0n6rieS | Meals 25 Cents. Lodging 25 Cents, Third Ave., 3rd Building, ; EAST31 YN, GA. ! Xo pninr. or expense will be spared to so 1 conduct tins house as v. meet the approval ! ot its patrous. Grateful for past Iibend j*ayrouage the proprietor solicits a contimiMice ot the same. .)line 22-2m. * Hoik?/ taunted On Farms and ToNVIi Property, j T N liUlIl A sfy AlSjOfN’IVG* COUNTIES. Elliott estes, T u ;y 1 -Ly ;8i Cherry , M.teon. Oh