The Dodge County journal. (Eastman, Dodge County, Ga.) 1882-1888, July 27, 1887, Image 2

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L J 1 T/^ T fl ^XT A T * i\ RTOX, • * « Editor. “ i: 1 Organ of Podge ('aunty, il Organ of Telfair County. ” uf»«<’rTl»tlon It a tew. oill Us.................... f? 00 1 H 1 00 ntlis. 50 1- ate** «l" Adtrrllsiilg. h one insertion ........ $1 no Eloquent insertion ... f.o i,one month............ 2 50 a, 1 lire** month*......... 5 00 . i, six month* ........... <»* < h, twelve month........ ou ter column, twelve one month months So 0 (, tarter column uo ill column, one month.... , lo 00 ill column twelve months . lio 00 •1 it mu om* month.......... . 15 no dumn twelve incut 1 m...... . loo 00 All bills for advertising are duo at any time upon presenta¬ tion after first appearance ol advertisement. Aildress all letters to the Dodge County Journal or R. S. liL’RToN, Editor. WKDNKSflA Y, Ji:l.Y ’. 7 . 1887 , LETTER FROM LANDSRERG. „ ...V.,JulyL. ,, , , n .i.i'fuitn kn'ai. . » ■' 111 1 ''_ m not, nH yet,received an y cm -ation from Land'herg, '. which was named in . ........i oUim, , . the drummer. fhonpl. , I . huve ii.'ver .net htnv, y”t know lie is a!>ig.«,..led,jolhl,dlow,and I an, lor Jnm I'M last and all thetnue H <• will soon have completed a neat o nmtrych.irchi-nvhic 1 ), all evangel u-al protest ant* will be permitted to wov hhip . Almiglit\ lt . , (iod. 1 Iioxtiuivh 1 wi lih'ssmg . fo the , coiumumtv, . prove J a ai lins . little ..... “burg (situated in Mont- , iromerv fountv) ooasls rt a first-elass .... 11 Is . and •/ litre . store, L’< grocerv con ' Mr. Iicdmond, he iteelerk, . , know* po ’ ’ just . . 1 to please , eustomm m >w s. Mr..I. L. Grade, the senior . member , of „ the . firm of Grade x ( o., . is a go * ihcml enlleman, „ ji stru t member . ot , the .......... Methodist clmr- . li, *i strong . tulvo- . ^ «ale ot all moral , . imiuovements that (-■ltd to advance the . welfare ol our ount\, ami . lias . (lom-and . . . f.tiil -mi- doing * is y all „ . m hi* power to help the Masters Mr. . 1 . I. McMillan, a member of the same firm, i* a high-toned, Christian* hearted gentleman, a member of the Presbyterian church, and a ready and v\ illing labon r in the Lord's viuevand. Mr, Henry .Simpson, woodsman for said firm, is also a member of the Presbyterian church, and ever s*amls •ady to extend a helping hand in be¬ at f of the same cau-e, M . Herring.also woodsman, though riot connected with any church, is a gentleman of good parts, and a staunch friend (o suffering humanity. Mr. David Pierce, the distiller, and fat, jolly folio r, is a 1 1 t Methodist elm li, and i. I In would make a Sunday school superin teudent lUl'g hould ~ »lh II 11 iple 3 1:1 ve jpne. 1 ri'ti - as Mrs. l ^ . Herring, Mr*. Mrs. Fierce, an oriran • kin d would prove a 1, to both old and W put the m ment f v school at Oak . U. ( lark a* sti n r, II y Muni m, w )u preaches ■, is our j or. ami his hold rtiio) re admired by t 1 \ ( with my friend, Mr. 1 , id i little motherless 1 1 bereavement. The l\ L »ore her nllliction w ~ ination and died cu z. All id he done bv medical skill. I attention 011 the part of her 1 lm .band, loving sisters and t YU t , could not <tny the craven 1 is ter Redmond was f t Missionary Baptist d ubtlcss at rest. As I 1 mends watched the dU y 110 doubt recalled the 1 ‘iveth Hi- beloved sleep." 1 of death has been in our t took Mr. and Mrs. Fiona ’h lit clii home to the land V V 1 • Then it dew to t r >» nud Mrs. John G 1 j'V cold hands 00 ing little “Sip,” and her soul wh •e sorrow never comes, and I il parents weep no more. It ■ed Mr. and Mrs. John \V. 1 i little hoy, who was sick >rt y days, from his sutlcring*. But not, fond parents; yon have ties that bind you to the Fatherland. I tit sorry to learn that “aunt 11a cha ’’ McMillan is in very feeble health. The old citizens arc gradually disappearing from life’s stage, and we will not see their like again. A few months ago Mr. Wm. Bridges was taken very ill, and kindred and friends gathered about his bedside to see him die. But “uncle Billy” rallied. Though eighty-odd years of age, lie lal>ored hard last year—even splitting rails, lie is a member of the Mission nry B«i>fW a dovoul rf.rU tian, and is only waiting for the Mes ne tiger. The health of this immediate com " ?>* {ronorallv ’ good 14 . !V*i* time. • L.iLriof-.i . r *' . • • ■ ■ 1 . Ii •• 1 ■ ’ : • • • hopeful of abnndaut harvests. Whilst we haven’t much frame here¬ abouts, j$nch as the bear or titter, yet the fox, rabbit, opossum, catamount and deer abound. Anion# the promi¬ nent nimrods ot this section arc i». F. and A. F. Clark and Frank Morrison. The yelping of hounds is music to their very souls. Whenever one of them pulls the trigger, “old Betsy’’ is sure to do the work. Bartow killed two deer at one shot not long ago.— Beat this, ye nimrods, if you can. Mr. Daniel N. Me Kao is MOW 11101 ’ elmiulising at Oak Wsilkee bridge, having bought out Mr. Thompson.— lie has our best wishes for success. We are going to have a new militia district, but I know not, as yet, who will be tlie ‘squire. More anon, Bill Jknkixs. LETTER from spring hill. Spring IIii.l, (la.. July 2.1. The yearly meeting of the Primitive Baptist Church conics off at Bethel, one mile from here, ou Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Lowry Clements was baptised into that Church on Satur i lay by Rev. E. W. Dilborn, pastor. The congregation was large on yester¬ day, and the Itev. M. Sikes preached an able and instructive sermon from John, 14th chapter, 15th, lGth ami 17th vcrsos T , |0 Ij0| ,,. s , upi , 0| . was , mp . luken of nml l’cct washing practiced , „, 0 „ lc ,„ bci .,. We al . e , iaa to .. note that the congregation was very orderly, except too ranch e oing out , u ,d comin,; in during the services, a IlrivMo , v |, k . h Mr . S ikcs al lll0 beginning, and he stated loo that cry i„ B ba , ll<M never disturbed him. W(J ;l , c l0 S(!C m „. a ,„ ow . citizens, • n. lions. John T , McRae ,, and , Wal- ,, , r ter , .. ,,, J. McArthur m t.n are ... touting . in with ... Col. C. C. ,, Smith c . .... and lion. Tom Ka¬ s0n tel ... fair, . to . aid ., . the i I ‘ > °* in extension of r the Ainenctis, Preston it Lumpkin j ,, R. ]»,. ,, r fiotn „ Alibcville, ... IVtlcox countv, * toMeViltc. m It is stated that work , on ,, the Mcv ,..u illoend , will .mi begin . . in the ,« next sixty • ... . McVillo ,, ,, uavs. mav vet grow up , . to . be , ^ a nice . ..... little citv*. At t l a mcct * . held , , , at . MeVille Xf ..... the 2ist, ,, ilon. | mg . on , ! ,. Walter r , T. McArthur .. . . oflorcd , resolu a | tion .... welcoming to the town of Mo i » ‘he the Amorieus, J'rcston ik r I.ump I «... kin L. ., It., and . ollenng . . all necessary depot , , . grounds , aim right . , . of „ i way t h rough MeVille, and to do all in their power to secure the right of way through the county. lion. Tom Ea¬ son was appointed canvasser to secure the right of way tyul solicit subscrip¬ tions. Rain has been pouring heavily,with thunder storms, for a day or two. Fodder pulling is upon us. Land to plant melons lor market will be in demand about here another year. The health of the neighborhood is good. Miss Lorie Clements is vidting'rel¬ atives at Monticcllo. Mrs. Eli/a Clements will spend the summer with her daughter, Mrs. Du¬ ma*, at Monticcllo. J. (J. R. LETTER FROM STUCKEY. Stuckky, Ga., July 2 <». Editor Journal: Everythinggocs on smoothly in this vicinity, and good crops will be harvested. Ml*. Kent docs not run his grist and saw mill now, but is devoting his cn ; (j l>0 time to farming. -Mr. Hugh Alorrison, a very practi¬ | cal and successful young farmer, lias ! a most promising prospect for an abundant yield, so ho informed your (ol i osjioudcut 1 . . feu r day . s ago. He 11 is • one Of the few voting men in this 50 tion .. who , devotes , himself wholly , .. to . agriculture. j, Hugh “ is «t liandsonic fellow, r and , why 1 i ho docs i not ,i hunt . a partner for life is an enigma to me.— Perhaps he is waiting for better times. Mv old friend. Daniel Morrison, is I the largest sheep owner iu this sec¬ tion. lie also runs a farm, and knows exactly how to make corn, oats, cane, j potatoes, etc. Messrs. John Morrison. ! Dixon, Saramons, an,l others Unit I | ! could mention, arc also good farmers. The Sunday school at Morrison's church was in a flourishing condition some time ago, but from some cause unknown to mo it is now on the wane. I regret this, as it was a medium of much good. Mr. Willie Davis attends to the post otlice at Stuckcv, while “uncle Ken¬ neth" runs the store and takes care of the farm. They arc doing; well. Had wc progressive spirit enough our nice country church (Morrison’s) would soon ho painted, a boll hung ;u; 1 ore winter begins a stove would be fixed up therein. Then services j could be held in cold weather with a j degree of comfort. 4 I Though in feeble health, Mr. Angus Galbraith bears up well for one of bis j years. When the summons comes he I w i 11 be fou mil rcady. His wife had an j operation performed not long ago by j Dr. Green, of Atlanta, and she is now enjoying good health. Mr. Josephine Chirk, who has been quite ill, has recovered, under the skillful treatment of Dr. Martin Mor¬ rison. M. J. I>. DK. J. B. MITCHELL, PliySiCiail 311(1 SUTaeOH, ** 7 I Goers hU professional services to the peo i denee p ,f ’ <,f of Bodge county, otlice at the resi B .il.Harrell Calls promptly at r night. July27-ly CITY RESTAURANT. It. $. JOHNSTON, Prop. •Heats at all Hours —ALSO DEALER IX— Cigars,Tobacco, Confectioneries Meals 2*» Cents. Lodging 25 Cents. Third Ave., 3rd Building, EASTMAN, GA. No pains or expense will be sj ft -ed to so candiicl this house as to meet the approval of its patrons. Grate! 1 tit for past liberal patronage the proprietor s.olieits a continuance <>! the same. June 22 - 2 hi. Notice to Contractors. RIDS will be received until August 1st, ls*7, for grading from (three) 3 to 0 (six) miles of railroad tramway. Also for driv¬ ing (t»b) sixty to ( I**)) one hundred piling. Protile of work can be seen at our office. A.MO.NKKAti LUMBER CO. Eastman, ua., July 3, !S87. 4t. OIK141A |, XITK i:. Sheriff's Office, ) McRaeG a., June 13, 1887.) Notice is hereby given that all advertis¬ ing emanating from my nllice will hereaf¬ ter be published in the Dodge County •Jogkxai., a weekly newspaper published in Eastman, Dodge count v, <ia. K. A. McRae, Slieritf Telfair County. Police. The uudersigned having purchased the entire interest, of J. F. itaiford in the lirm of Baldwin ,t Co., they will continue the business in the same linn name. C. D. BALDWIN, J. 8 . SHLNGLKR, Eastman, Ga„ July 10th, 1887. 4t •Homo Loaned On Farms and Town Property, IX BIBli AND ADJOINING COUNTIES. ELLIOTT ESTES, July 13-ly. f»GL Cherry St., Macon, Ga Georgia Salt Spring Water. Natures Great Remedy. -CURES DYSPEPSIA,BLADDER, RHEUMATISM and alt Skin Diseases. The Macon Salt Springs Agency have fa¬ cilities tor supplying this wonderful wa¬ ter in any quantity desired to parties in Eastman or other towns, at Macon prices. Address for particulars, SALT SPRING AGENCY, Box 437, JEjY“A Macon, Ga. July pply at this office for circular s. (i-lm. Xav Store . Spot Cash. PENDLETON BROS. y Grocers 5 Conieciianers RAILROAD AVENUE, Have just fitted up in apple pie order a full stock of choice Groceries, Confectioneries, To¬ bacco and Cigars. (IQy’Coino and s*n* how cheap these goods are sold for spot cash. Eastman, June 15, ’87. tl. Telfair Sheriffs Sales. For First Tuesday in August, 1SS7. Will l»c sold before the court door in the town of McRae, said county and >tatc, on the first Tuesday in August next. during the legal hours of sale, the follow¬ ing property to wit: Lot of land number 41fi, in the 8 th dis¬ trict of Telfair count>. Ga., as the proper¬ ty of H. I). Byrd to satisfy a ti fa from a justice court of the 33sth district <«. M., in favor of Geo. M. William* vs said II, D. Byrd. Also the time < at same and place 15 acres of lot of land No. 173in the 10th district of said county, levied on as the property of Joint M. McNetd to satisfy a ti fa from t ho .‘vHith district G. M. in favor of A. H. ilen u . y . ,- or u.euseof K. F. Tuttle vsr.aid John M. McNeel. D-vi»** made and returned to 1^7/ me by constables cf said county 1 July 1st, ’ * E. A. McRak, u uul Shoritl Telfair County. ~ Citation for Dismission, (i Four, i a- Dodge Countv : Whereas W. J. Tr'po, guardian of Amanda petii'ion Tripp, duly* represents tVk’d,that to this fuliy eorrrt in hi* lie has < x *’ {« cu,0t sho"™^ l i'! s trust as such guardian. I hi* | guardian should not be discharged from his said guardianship and receive letters dismissory on the first Monday in August, 1887, at my otlic-e. liven under my * band oilieiallv, July 5, 1887. Jons J. Kozak, July G-lt. Ordinary 1). C. Citation. Georgia—D odge County: To whom it may concern. Susan <’. Bonds, administratrix of the es¬ tate of John J. Bonds, late of said county, deceased, has applied to me for an order discharging her from ia r*and for let¬ ters of dismission, and bv this citation all person* concerned are i^quhred to show cause against the granting ot tbe dis¬ charge. if any they can, on the first Mon¬ day iu September,* lsxj, at my otlice in the court louse at Id o’clock a. m. Tin* DeLacy May HI, iss7. John J. Rorau, Applicant's & Bishop, Ordinary D. U. Attorneys. Juncl-ttm. Letters of Dismission. Georgia—D odge Countv. Whereas, James C. Fletcher, adminis¬ trator of W. \V. Humphreys deceased, ap¬ plies for letters of dismission from said estate, all parties are notified to tile tht-tr objections, if any they have, in time pre¬ scribed by law, or said letters will be granted. May zu, 1887. John J. Rozar, May 5.3m. Ordinary D. C. LIVERY STABLES, LUMBER CITY, GA., E. T. SHEFFTALL, Prop’r. and I ,TaSS5SryS thoroughly prepared kKA to turnish ex¬ cellent turnouts at any hour, day or night, on the solicit shortest *haro pobsiblu notice. 1 a ol the public patron igr 1 anti guai ontee m return therefor perfect 1 sattstaction. inquire lor me at Uj® E. I. *tore sHEl-1 of H.tynes ALL, July 11 -omo. „ i 1 % R O V K SI ON A L CARDS A! J. F. DeLauy. • r . Bishop, Jr DcLacy St Bishop, ATTOHNEYS AT LAW , EASTMAN, GA. £TT Practice in tbe-State and Federal courts. OCU4-1 v LUTHER A. HALL, A T T O It y 12 X-AT-L A H . EASTMAN, Georgia. Practices in the State and Federal Courts. Halt fee in advance. (E 2 J“Oftk , s on 2 d tloor ill my brick build ngs on West Railroad avenue. Nov. 17. tbWa. CL CL SMITH ATTORNEY AT LAW, Me T 7 He, Georgia . April 29, 18*5. lv E. I). GRAHAM, Jk., ATTORNEY AT LAW AND SOLICITOR n i:<ll 1TY. BAXLEY, GA. April 28, ’ 8 l»-ly. HARRIS FISHER, M. O. Physician, Surgeon» flccoiicher. Ollioe at “Eastman Drugstore,” cm Railroad Avenue. Residence corner Church street and Fifth avenue, Eastman, Ga. [fell DR. J. D. HERRMAN. ritACTITIONElt OF MEDICINE and SURGERY. -:o: Otlice at the City Drug Store of Herrin an & Herrman. Residence, corner 1st ave¬ nue and Countv Road street, Eastman, Ga. ’ Apr 11, *7-tl _ DR. J. I. BUCHAN & SON Physicians and Druggists, EASTMAN, GA., /"VFFKR their Professional services to V/ the people of this immediate and sur¬ rounding counties. One or the other can lx-found at their office at any time. All calls Patient* promptly a‘distance attended day or night. at visited by special contract. All chronic and privatediseases, cither of inaleor female, a specialty. Nocharge tor consultation. immediate reply. If by ‘All letter send stamp for consultations and letters private. A good supply of drugs are kept constantly on hand, including al o the new remedies. mchl 2 tf DR. J. C. MONTGOMERY. Eclectic Physician, CIIAUNCEY, GEORGIA. Chronic Diseases of "Women, Impotency, cialty. Sterility, and all private diseases, a spe¬ General practice proniftly attended to nr A full line of drugs and medicines kept on hand all the time. Calls answered aUJI hours dar or nii'iit. Dr. W. L. Smith, DENTI8 T. IIawkinsville, G A. Olliee in Pulaski House mch2-t£ Joe II. l. itttf Watchmaker % Jeweler EASTMAN, GA. Mr. King has made arrangements to spend two weeks in each mouth in Eastman for rhe purpose of repairing watches, clocks, jewelry, sewing machines and musical in¬ struments. 5 Tl 7 *Dlfiee in the store of Harrell & Smith, Third Avenue, 2nd door west ol Railroad Avenue J 11 no 15-tf Jc I*. Porter , EASTMAN, GA. Practical House Painter mining, Paper hanging, giH^eg, graining, kalso etc., also done in the best style m the art. Correspondence solicited, and es¬ timates on work furnished on application. HVrTcrius low and work guaranteed. May 11,’87-Gm. ML. JT. Fashionable Barber, Eastman, Ga. Having removed try :TncW to tlie front rooms of the ouihliug known as Gary’s shoe shop, .......................... l ask a continuance of the pub jj,. j.ntronage. Easv chairs, dean towels, sharp 9 l,»rn rnaors. razors, an,l anti nart.rnlar particular attention as sured. Hair cutting in the latest style. The call. leading shop of the town. F. Give me a \Y. Fain. Meh, 234 f. 0EO. C. NORMAND. EKANCISJ. MEYER. Ill&Il CONTRACTORS — :and: — BUILDERS, EASTMAN, GEORGIA. Having located in Eastman lor the pur¬ pose of plying our vocation as carpenters and builders, wo respectfully solicit a share of the public patronage. Having an experience of over twenty years at satisfaction our back, we arc ail prepared Work intrusted to guar¬ antee in to our hands. We are prepared to furnish plans and specifications upon application, and in the event of being awarded the job make no additional charges therefor. solicited. Work of the city and country fpb. 2 6 adjacent . mj-p HOLMES’ SORE CURE. Mouth Wash and Dentifrice. ('ures Bleeding Gums, Ulcers, Sore Mouth, s«ro Throat. Cleanses thoTcctli’and 1‘uri lies thoBreutii; used and tecommended by leading dentists. Prepared Dentists, by Drs. J.l*. W. lt. Holmes, Macon, Ga, F 01 all druggists and dcntisU* ESt>K^ii6iiK U U A* 4M JUk Ji Cochran* fall term. OpCti.s September 3(h, closes December 2>kt, 1887. SPRING term. Op.bns January ?d, tlofies Juno iftth, 188 * Tuition per month $2. 00 , $.‘ 5 .no or $5.00. Board with the principal, per month, 112 Students thoroughly prepared for the Jt*. * nior class in the universities. Address. July PA LEM ON J. KING, 13-2m. Principal. Tiros. Jefferson. Wm. Jeff hr sox. THOS. JEFFERSON & SON, Mill Wrights, -AND Setters of all Kinds of Machinery ■o Building Saw Mills a Spe¬ cialty. Builders of the principal large mills throughout the Southern States of Missis¬ sippi, Florida, Alabama, Louisiana, Georgia and to the proprietor*of all which they refer by permission. iTiTCan be reached by addressing in care of A. Martin, Lock Box 513, New Orleans, La., or the Empire Lumber Co., Chattanoo¬ ga, Tenn., or Scddon, Ala. JuneS- 2 m. E. CROCKETT. Iron Foundry, MACON, CEORCIA. Manufacturer and Dealer in Engines, Saw Mills, Cane Mills, Cotton Presses, Gins and Machinery of every description. Repairs made on short notice. npr 20 -f> m INGRAM HOUSE, COCJIRAN, GA. J. A. INGRAM, Proprietor. Meals, 35 cents. Lodging, 25 ” The patronage of the public solic¬ ited. Nov. 18-tf. 31cLeod House , Lumber City, Ga., John D. McLeod, Proprietor. rates of board per day, $2 00 Special rates lor families and perma¬ nent boarders. A LIYEKY 8TABI.K Is run in connection with the house, at wh'e-h can be secured, at all times, ex¬ cellent turn-outs. For the accommodation of parties sport¬ ively inclined, the proprietor lias rigged out and placed on the waters of Ihe Oc mulgoe River, just at hand, handsome Beals suitable for rowing and fixli ing purposes; and in connection therewith keeps on hand a good supply of fishing tackle. fel>25-tf. HAYNES ALLEN, DEALER IX Fancy and Family Groceries, DRY GOODS, SHOES, NOTIONS, ETC. Lumber City, Ga. The trading public of Lumber City and neighborhood are informed that I am"at all times prepared with a choice stock of goods in my line to supply their wants on as good terms as they can secure at any store south of Macon. I also run a first-class Barber Shop in connection with my business, in which 1 am and prepared, barber, with a fitted thoroughly competent reliable up with good ra¬ zors, easy chairs and clean towels to serve niv customers after the latest fashion. Fresh watermelons on hand at all times, and happy. as a consequence the darkeys keep July(5-3m. BEST OF .ILL. OUR SUMMER OFFER. Just a Little Cash down to Hi ml the Itargau. Only a VAtlle. See. Pianos, $25 Cash Cash ami Balance Balance November November 1 . Organs, $10 and 1. It KYI EMBER—Soot cash prices. July, No advance. August or No September, interest. and Buy pay in June, when crops come in. Purchasers pay freight and deduct same from last payment (we assume it). The security required is in¬ variably the signing of our usual Lease Contract, retaining to us the title in in¬ strument. And What if Crops Fail ? Well, we will fix you there too. Listen J If when IwiVember 1st comes we‘will you cannot pay the cash balance down, let you complete payment under either of our One or Two Years Installment Plans. In this ease vanced the price its regular of instrument time price will under be the ad¬ to plan selected, and you will be required to sign a new Lease Contract, and make such small casii'payment as is called for under the plan selected. Thus: If you have bought Arion Novem¬ piano, style 3, at cash complete price, $250, and on ber l wish to the purchase on our One year plan A, time price will be $275, deduct the $25 you have paid, and it leaves a balance of $250, payable $02.50 cash, $02,50 itt three months aud'9135 Nov vetnber 1, 1888. Seven other methods of payment are rui#in also given buying at your Option, No risk is hard under our sum¬ mer offer, as in event of times pur¬ chasers can fall back on our easy terms as ifthev had originally 'Ve wait so purchased. That’s fair, ain’t it? your order and will do our best for you, A. !.». Ityals, agent for L. & B. S. M. II. in podge, Tel¬ fair, Laureus and June Montgomery 25), ’67-tf. counties. Mcltac, Uu., •jzimt **w**%t r^yfug>»i_ii iw ht,NRY COLEMAN, { Dry Goods (’lothing, IloOtsand Shoes, 15ats and Caps, Noddies, Bridles, Crockery Ware Highest Market Price paid for Country Produce. •• -' Hides a Specialty. I\. R. Avenue, July 13th. THE NEW RAILROAD H’lR.O im: SAVANNAH to EASTMAN! Which will soon be built direct to Eastman from Savannah, will run through the best timbered belt of Yellow Fine in the State. Along tins line ot said road there will be numberle** Saw-mills and Turpentine Dia ti lie ties, all ot which will purchase their supplies direct from Lietch & Morgan, WHOLESAlfS DEALERS IN Hay, Grain and Provisions, Who buy direct from the Northern and Western market* in carload lot*, lor the cash, which enables them to compete with Savannah, Macon, and other wholesale markets. ffel>2-vim-j-i[ 1865 . ESTABLISHED 1865 . OLD AND RELIABLE Safe and Livery Stables. A Large Stock of Horses and Mules Kept Constantly Hand. From the Cheap to the High-Priced. -• v^> > H. & M. WATERMAN, HawUlnsmlle , €fa. As wo procure our supply direct trow the West in carload lots, we are prepared nt all times to furnish saw-mill and turpentine limns with first-class mules at the lowest market rates. We make a, s|M-< iiillj in (liis trade, information, or order* by mail will receive prompt attention, Meh' ----- 9 "Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Sash, Doors, Blinds, Paints, Oils, Glass, BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES AND PAINTERS’ TOOLS. Lime, Plaster, Cement, Lath and Brick, Locks, Hlnges r And a full lino of Builders' Hardware , Agent for Averill Mixed Paint, Empire Mixed Paint. Plastic Paint, Johnson Kalso-' mine, Aiahastine, Fireproof Oil, Lubricating Oils, Norton Door ( 'heck. Our stock is very complete, and consists of the very best character of goods nmnn factured. All have been selected with extreme care from first hand*, enabling u« to otter special inducements to buyers of goods iu our line. T. V. HI RKK, 20-3m. No. 188 'l'liird st., apr Mucon, tin. Saw Hill, Corn Mill, Flour Hill, ' ‘T J e v v: -85s » *3 tap rst-w-m, fM A taZZl Water Wheel, Steam Engine, OR Mill Supplies of Any Kind. Don’t forget to send for cur large Catalogue WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY. Best Saw Mill iu America and Prices Very Low. Now is the time to buy. Let u®‘ hear from you. A. A. Ucl.oaChA Uro., Founders and Machinist*, Atlanta, ticorgia. Private Boarding House FOURTH AVENUE, EAStM A.N, • CKA.. •o Mrs, E. Indiana Johnson, PROPRIETRESS. Ratos Ohe Dollar Per Day. -o This house, located within convenient distance of the depot and the business por¬ tion of the city, is first-class in all its apartments and is prepared to furnish the public with the best the market affords. May U-3uir- WATCHES I Before you buy a watch write to] ’ LANIER & YOUMANS, i If afteross. Ga., for their prices. Yen Money/ m They WU1 Save apr27-fim- ♦