The Dodge County journal. (Eastman, Dodge County, Ga.) 1882-1888, August 03, 1887, Image 2

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ul 4 $ t * v X. S. HL K'lON, .... Editor. OSiUtil Orgun ot Dodge County, Official Organ of Telfair County. MrtY.«c*rf»tl<ra NniCE. Twelve moilt(is. .................. . »2 00 Wt months . ...................... . 1 uo Three months............. ....... " h ll atew «/l‘ IdTfrtDlns. Cbifl I itch one insert foil . .. .. $1 00 Kitoh »tn>ae<iumit iaserttuu r) One inch, inch, one three month mwtbs'.. r........ .. 2 50 one .. 5 00 One inch, six months......... „ ' 00 Due ♦Jno Inch, twelve month..... .... 10 On quarter column, one month.... « o0 One quarter column twelve months J15 00 One hall columis one month 10 00 One hall column twelve months... 00 00 Whe culUimi one month.... 15 INI Dim column twnive months Ibt) Ol) All bills for advertising are duo at any time upon presenta¬ tion after firwt appearance ol advertisement. Adilrcss-all letters to the port go County Journal or 11. rt. BURTON, ' Editor. WEDNESDAY. AUli !l. Is-T, i*rn Point* from I'ctcrNburg, PiSTfirisniJko, Oa., Aug, 2. Eoitok JouitNAT.: I send you the mu losed items, not to gratify a morbid ambition to figure asa newspaper cor¬ respondent, for I am totally unfit for etich a position, but simply to let your I'ORucrs know what w going on in (his part of the moral vineyard. Everything seems as serene as a marriage bell, and picnics arc here, as «’iswhere, the order of the day. I had ihe pleasure of attending one a few days ago, at tlie home of Mr, Hugh A. Galbraith. As Bill Arp would say, "there was ice-cold lemonado to quench the thii'at—for you know it was hot.” Mr. John Decs, assisted by Mr. Frank Bell, who supplied the fair ►ex with the cooling beverage, attend¬ ed to tho stand in his usual happy ►tylc. After tho wants ot the ladies had been supplied, the gentlemen were served ; alter which aii that felt so inclined, repaired to a well-shaded plattonu and tripped tlie light fantas¬ tic toe until dinner was announced. And such a dinner! Why, it was plain to the most casual observer that it was enjoyed by aii present. As 1 looked on at the young people, t lie memories of by-gone years crowd¬ 'll :tiv brain. But the picture of a young man wooing a young lady in¬ variably makes me feel young again. Were I a poet, I would woo from the muses an odo on tho iatc of tho av¬ erage old bachelor. I think, however, that some of the old bachelors me going to try married life, if, forsooth, ttie building of houses is any sign. Messrs. John and Hugh A. Gal¬ braith, Jack Mathews, Kvandcr and Zion Fivcash and Deter CMfFlon. all ►ingle men, contemplate erecting frame residences in the near futuic.— My little fat friend, Pete (Jlifl’ton, has a comfortable home already, but no witc, notwithstanding ho wants and Is limiting one. I think he will suc¬ ceed. Well, boys, you all know I wish you unlimited luck. Wc have two churches iu this neighborhood—Centre and Rock Spring. 'Idie Rev. John Wilkes is pastor in charge at the former, and is a good faithful worker in the Master's vineyard. Brother Shepherd, whom 1 have never had the pleasure of meet¬ ing, is pastor in charge at Rock Spring, and is much liked. These arc churches. The Baptist brethren have an organization at Rock Spring also. Brother Patillo, the Lvnngcli-t for the Mt. Vernon Association, L their pastor, and is ae I’omplisbiug much good. There are Sul,Iwlli Miliuol* at Iwtli diuretics, Mr. John L. Mathews is tin* cflbdcnt Mijicmitcndent iit Centre, but who the superintendent is at Rock Spring 1 do not know. This section ot country iu well tim¬ bered, but Messrs. Clarke & Co. are playing havoc with the ranging por lion of it. This is also a plendid farming •country, but it lacks cdueational facilities. It sccinstbat this vital ques¬ tion is sadly neglected. If the people can only get a three months school on the .State fund, they seem satisfied. Thi* is generally the case throughout the country. Mr. C. W. Sparks, a graduate of Men or University, a ripe scholar and excellent teacher, is conducting » s. hool at Centre. The community will bo well paid iu the ecfcction of Prof. Sparks. Miss Annie Prust, who bails from Long Pond, is teaching in the neigh borhood of Messrs. M. t>liarj>e and J fj. Mathews. Mv old friend, Mr. Peter, lias the finest crop iu this section, and as good as there is in tho county, alt things considered. By way of digres ►ion, he raised a family of eleven el.ll.lm., all of whom'are rWing, without a doctor ever making Ins home a professional visit. I congratulate von on the improve ment in your Joint sal. It is un dotibltdly tlie l>eat luca. piqier I . know of. A l*rocliimittfon. Be it known now and hereafter, a* before, that wc arc bem (quarter* for 1 cot 11 , meal, chops, ute. We guarantee ! ottr U** in ices never to be bigber “hr than Ma <«“ ^ A I xauh.x. ■*± iliiU. • '.‘; : .o Hill, Ga'., Ah#. 1. T Editor Journal : VV« wore pleased \ i lo uiO€t vviili lion. Toil Eason, of Me Villc, a few ikye ago on the public highway (o McArthur, and wero do iighted to hear him talk in his earnest way of ihc certainty of a new railroad coining to McVillo. Tom lias tnanv friends in Montgomery and Telfair counties, .and lie retains the confidence of the people as well as any yotmg man of our acquaintance, and probably bet ter since his debut into public life.— lie ought to get married, and we hope he will. lit company with Tom wo were re ttncu coi vctl in in that mat usual usual hospitable nosp.ranio mannei maimer for which lion. Walter T. McArthur is noted at his home, where we took dinner and ►pent several hours very pleasantly. Miss Ida Willcox, of Crisp, Ga., paid Spring IIUI a visit on Thursday last. She came up from Lumber City, at which place she was visiting the fami¬ ly of Capt Eli Wilcox. She expected to attend the district conference at Jcaup, ant! also visit her uncle at Da¬ rien before returning home. Mi*s W. is a graduate of Wesleyan, and will take a prescribed course in tho Van¬ derbilt University at Nashville, enter¬ ing about flic first of January next.— She has a host of friends, and adds to tho list everywhere she goes, being of a genial, fiicndly deportment. Mrs. W. T. McArthur left Monday last for Gainesville, Ga., to enjoy a purer atmosphere and spend a while with a brother, who is living there. Col. I*. 13. Cheney was quite sick for a day or two last week. Capt. J. A. Phillips and family will move to Lumber City tiiis week. The new dwelling which they will occupy is said to be a very comfortable one. The daughters. Misses Ida and Sada, are college girls at Wesleyan. Miss Ophelia Ityals, of Spring Hill, is attending the district meeting at Jesup. Also, Mrs. Samples and Miss Mamie Anthony. Prof. Hines has been confined to his bed, quite ill, for several days. He is much better at this writing. Messrs. James McAllen and William Anderson arc both said to be very low and not expected to live many days.— They have cancers of the face, which havo bullied the skill of the plaster doctors. Mr. James Mitchell, of Bill, has the finest crop of corn and cot ten that wc have seen. Jim is a widower of good anpearnute, and rumor says he is to be married soon. In certain neighborhoods of our county scabies, or itch, is raging, and travelers who arc not fond of scratch . ing would do well not to stop too long or ylccp at such places. Itch, when neglected, spreads easily and rapidly Bill Jackson, a very competent col¬ ored carpenter, has^ tken the contract to build the Metfmdist church here, and harvhegim the work. Wc see from the Montgomery Mon¬ itor that C. A. McRae has applied, as dinary guardian of Wm. order A. McRae, to the Or ; for an to sell the real estate of the said Win. A. McRae, a lunatic. Mr. Will. A. McRae has been in the asylum- for several years, and, wc re¬ gret to say, wiih no prospect of ever recovering. lie owns a very well un¬ proved place here, a plantation on ihc Ocmulgce river, above Lumber City, and soirte wild lands. His wife died over a year ago, and his children arc nearly all grown—the youngest being hlgb’trp it» the teens. We arc having too much rain, and on account of it fodder pnlRng lias been stopped. Judge J.- M. Wall is quite sick, and is being tenderly nursed by Mr. Sitnc on Sikes, who U a close neighbor and ; a warm friend. Hon. N. M. McRae loft yesterday ror Tliomusvillc to sec his son, l>r. T. B. Moliue, who has been seriously ill for two months. If the doctor ifs able to travel, his father will bring him to his sister’s (Mrs. Bush) at Towns. Tho drug store at Lumber City is a beautiful one, and is well stocked. Mr. J. li. Clements is the clerk* ! Wc are glad to see Billy Ityals, whom ; wc took charge of at 4 years old, moth j erless Lumber and fatherless, doing well at City. He has-a good imputation lor truth and morality, and ho w’ell deserves it, too. He has a nice lady Tor a wife, a beautiful home to live in, and a Christian mother-in-law to give them counsel. J. C. li. In Brief, and t<rthc Point, Dyspepsia is dreadful. JMsordcred liver is misery. Indigestion is a Toe to good nut mo. 'The human digestive apparatus is (meof the most complicated and woa derful things in existence. It is easily put out ot order. Greasy food, tough food, sloppy food, bad cookery, mental worry, late hotir» r irregular habits, and many other things which ought not to bo, have made tlie AnKi kran people a na dyspeptics. ".A"-'" .* V1ow !'» 5 * r s . this sad business and making the American people so healthy that they < ’ au tn i°. v their mewls and lie ha|>pv. 1 / C, U ‘‘ , l r /r , ‘ '7,*° ••«l»|dnc8s with out „ I health. 1 , But Green s August Flower brings health and happiness to the dyspeptic. Atk vour druggist #or a* bottle. Seventy-five cents. _ ta gi^atirc ... Notice. Notice is hereby given that application will be made to the legislature of the State Georgia, at the adjourned session in Ju ^ ,r passage of an act authoriz count \. iya.-it DOME SHERIFF’S - SALES. lvT kirsi Tue^lay . in {September, 1987.! " il1 solti before the court, house door Gal!'during . tbs first Tuesday in September, 1937, the fol One house and lot with all the improve meats thereon lying in the town of East¬ man, said lot containing one halt acre, more or less, bounded on the north, west and east by lands of Wm, Pitt Eastman, said house and lot being the same now oc¬ cupied by Jus. Bishop, Jr. Levied on as the property of James Bishop, Sr., under ind by virtue of an execution issued from he superior court of Dodge county in la tor of Pitkiu & Thomas vs said James Bishop, Sr. Also at the same time and Eclipse place will be sold sills one with (1) 25 horse power valves, irons engine No. on sawyers for . 2 saw mill, three (3) independent and aim- to ultnneous i at diet head blocks, complete haw , un<\ wood work for saw frame, car riage and ways ami eighty (80) feet of 11* inert 4-ply gum belt. Levied on under and by virtue of an execution issued from the superior court of Dodge county in favor of Frick & C’o. vs J. (J. Powell & o. et al. Levied on ns the property ot K. D. Griffin, surviving co-partner of ihe firm of J. (J. Powell <fe Co. Al-»o at the same time and place will be sold one eight-horse power Eclipse traction engine wi%h steering attachment, link mo¬ tion and water tank, the same being the engine used by James Bishop, Sr. in levied run ning under his grist by mill virtue in said of county. execution is¬ on and an sued from the superior court of Bishop Dodge eounty in favor of Frick & Co. vs it (irimsley, et al. Levied on as the pro¬ perty of James Bishop. Sr., surviving co¬ partner of the firm of Bishop & Grimsley. Also at the same time ami place will be sold lot of land No. S2 in the 14th district ol* Dodge county. Levied oik under and by virtue ot an execution issued from Dodge superior court in favor of Chesapeake Levied (inane Co. vs Daniel M< Cranio. on us the property of Darnel .WeCranie. Also at the same time and pines wgl bo sold one bay horse with white streak in face, both hind feet while, and one top bug¬ gy and harness, levied on and to be sold as the property of J. 1. Waite by virtue of a ti fa in favor ot the Metallic Burial Case Co. vs said J, I. Waite issued from tin* su¬ perior court of said county. Also at the same time machine and place will be sold one three-saw for edging lumber, levied on and to be sold as the pro¬ perty of J.T. Anderson by virtue of an at tachment li fa in favor of Curtis a Co., Manufacturing Co. against saul J. T. An¬ said derson, issued from the superior being court of eounty, said machine at the saw mill of Churchman A Williams near East¬ man in said county. Also at the same time and place will be sold one gray mare mule named Cora, lev¬ ied on and to be sold as the property of July favor i/mg of J. by J. virtue Taylor of a mortgage li fa in against said July Long, issued from the superior court of said county. T. August 3, IfeffT. J. Rawmxs, Sherilf 4*. (J. Telfair Sheriff’s Sales. For First Tuesday in September, 1887. (iKOKcr a—T elfair County. Will be sold before the court house door in tho town of McRae, said countv mul .State, on the first Tuesday in September next, l'nllowing during the legal hours of sale, the property to wit: 15 acre*, more or less, of lot of land No. 17J, in the 10th district of Telfair countv. Levied on us the property of John M. Mc Noal. Bounded bv lands of D. M. McRae on east, west and south, and on the north by K. T. V, .X G. li. It. Will be sold to sat¬ isfy a justice court ti fa issued from 240th district of Telfair county in favor of W, II. Register vs John -M. McNeal. E. A. McRae, August 3, *87. Sheritl Telfair County. MSliST or OUR SUMMER OFFER. Just a tic Cash (loan to ltin«l tin* Itargnn. Only a Little. See. Pianos, $‘25 $10 Cash Cash ami Balance November 1. Organs, and Balance November 1. KF.JIF.YII! UK-Soot cash prices. No advance. No ititer»*st. Buy In June, July, August or September, ami pay when crops come in. Purchasers pay f.eiuht ami deduct same from last payment (\v«> assume variably it). Tho security required is in¬ the signing of our usual Lease Contract, retaining to us the title in in¬ strument. And What if Crops Fail? If Well, wo will fix you there toe. Listen! when November 1st comes you cannot pay the cash balance down, we will let you complete payment under either of our One or Two Years installment Plans. In this case the price of instrument will be ad¬ vanced to its regular time price under the* plan selected, and you will be required to sign a new Lease Contract, and make such small cash payment as is called for under the plan selected. Tints: If yr-u Lave bought Avion piano, style 3, at cash price, $250, and on Novem¬ ber l wish to complete purchase on our One $275, year deduct plan A. the time price will be the $25 you have paid, and it leaves a balance of $250, pavable $0*2.50 cash, $02,50 in three months and $135 Nov vember 1, 18SS. Seven other methods of payment, are also given at your option. No risk is run in buying under our sum¬ mer oiler, as in event of hard times pur¬ chasers can fall back on our easy terms as if they had originally so purchased. That’s lair, ain’t it? We wait vour order aiul will do oitr best for you, A\ f u RvaD, agent for L. «fc B. S. M. II. in Dodge, Tel¬ fair, Laurens and Montgomery counties. Meltae, Gu., June 21*. ’b7-tf. * CITY RESTAURANT. It. S. JOHNSTON, Prop. •Heals at all Hours —ALSO DEALER IN— Cigars Jobacco. Confectioners Meals 25 Cents. Lodging 25 Cents. Third Avo., 3rd Building, EASTMAN, GA. No pair.a of expense will be spared to so conduct this house as to meet the approval of its patrons. (fratefui for past liberal patronage the proprietor solicits a eoMtinuatjce ot the same. •Mine 22-2in. New Store, Spot Cash* PENDLETON BROS., Grocers 5 Coniectioners RAILROAD AVENUE, Have ,iu^t lilted up in apple pie order a full stock of choiise Groceries, Confectioneries, To¬ bacco and Cigars. CiUGoine and see how cheap these good» are sold for spot cash. Eaotui.tu. June 1-5, *t<7. tl. iitr.iM « T - F 1H&+CY J. Bishop, Jp. i DeLacy & Bishop, ATTOItXMYS AT LAW, EASTMAN, GA. , jfST Practice in the State and Federal courts. out 14-1 v LUTHER A. HALL, ATT O It IT FY-AT-KA W 9 EASTMAN, GEORGIA. Practices in the State and Federal Courts. Halt fife in advance. JQJ'Offlcs on 2d floor in iny brick build ngs on West Railroad avenue. Nov. 17. 6-uio. O. O- SHVTTTlEi' ATTORNEY AT LAW, McVilte, Georgia, April 23, 13%, lv E. ll. GRAHAM, Jr., ATTORNEY AT LAW AND &OI.XCITOII IA iqniY. BAXLEY, GA. April iS, ’SIM)-. HARRIS FISHER, M. D. Physician, Surgeon ^ Accoucher. Office at “Eastman Drug Store,’’ on Rnilr<>;ul Avon nr. Residence corner Church and Filth avenue, Eastman, (<u. [IV h UR. J. D. HERRMAN. tkactitioxek of MEDICINE and SURGERY. -:0:- Office at the City Drug Store of Ky^riiimf «V Hei rnavn, Residence, corner 1st ave¬ nue and County Road street, Eastman, (ia. Apr II, N7-ff DIi. J. B. M1TCIIELI* Physician and Surgeon, O - Otters his professional services to the peo¬ ple of Dodge county. Office at the resi¬ dence of Bvll. Harrell Ualls mvnnptly at* tended day .'/r night. DR. J.M. BUCHAN & SON Physicians and Druggists, G.V8TMAN, U\, 9 /"\FFEit their Professional eervioes to V/the people of this immediate and sur rounding counties. One or the other can lie found at their office at any time. All calls promptly distance attended day or night. Patients at a visited liy special" contract. Alt chronic and private diseases, either of male or female, a specialty. No charge for consultation. If by letter send stamp for immediate reply. "All consultations and li tters private. A good supply of drugs are kept constantly on hand, including o the new remedies. mchiatf DR. J. C. MONTGOMERY. Eclectic Physician, UIIAUNCEY, GEORGIA. Chronic Diseases of Women, Impotence, cialty. Sterility, and ail private diseases, a spe¬ General practice pronq tly attended to KIT A full line of drugs and medicines kept on hand all the time. Calls answered al all hours dar or night. Dr. W. L. Smith, DENTIST. II AWKtNSVILLE, Ga. Office in Pulaski House iucU2-tf. Joe It. Kina Watchmaker 5 Jeweler EASTMAN, C.A, Mr, Kitts bits ttffure'arEnlfgeittettt^ttspcttft two w'cekH irreach muntfi in Kastman fur the purjHtSe rtf repairing watches, clocks, jewelry, sewing machines and musical in¬ struments. StA’Office in the store of Harrell & Smith, Third Avenue, 2nd door west of Railroad Avenue Junelo-tf J. If. Porter. EASTMAN. GA. Practical House Painter mining, Paper hanging, gilding, graining, kalao etc., also done in the l«*st style m the art. Correspondence solicited, and es¬ timates on work furnished on application. §ljf"Terms low and work guaranteed. May ll, ’S7-Gin. W. IF 1 . IFIAIIN, Fashionable Barber, Eastman, Ga. Having removed my stock to the front rooms of the building known as Gary’s shoe shop, I ask a continuance of the pub¬ lic patronage. Easy chairs, clean towels, sharp razors, and particular attention as¬ sured. Harr cutting of in the latest style. The leading shop the town. Give me a call. W. F. FafSf. Mch, 23-tf. LIVERY STABLES, LUMBER CITY, GA., £. T. SHEFfTALL, Prop'r. X X would inform with the public stock that I am tit— tgd up good prepared and vehicles, and thoroughly to furnish ex¬ cellent turnouts at any hour, day or night, on the shortest possible notice. 1 solicit a shore of the j.'oMte patronage and guarantee in return therefor perfect aatisfactiou. Inquire for me at the store of JIavnes Allen. K. T. sUEFTALL. July ll-3mo. Citation. Gvcmor.v—Dodge County r To whom it may concern. Susan C. Bonds, administratrix of the es¬ tate of John J. Bonds, late of said county, deceased, has applied to me for an order discharging her from her trust and for let-* tcr» of dismission, concerned and bv this citation alf persons the are required to show cause against granting ol the dis¬ charge. if any they can, on the first Mon-' day in September, at' It) o’clock 1NS7, at my office in the court house a. in. This M ay 31. 1 Sn7. John J. Uozar, DkLacv * Bishop, Ordinary D. C. Applicaut’s Attotneys. Juut l-3m. } » i • This space is reserved lor A. L. IfOftfkS, who will tell tfr* readers of the Journal next wc«*k alxnit it. *»q*|iifc*i. i*,...»............. jfcMfi ill. miat*«>.ii*iiiir HENRY COLEMAN. Dry (woods, Clothing’, Boots anti Shoes, Hats ami Caps, Saddles, Bridles, Crockery Wore. Highest Market Trice paid for Country Produce. Ai' Hides a Specialty. R. Avenue, July 13th. 1805 . established 1805 . OLD AND RELIABLE Sale and Livery Stables. A Large Stock oi m and Mnies | Horses Kept Constantly on|^^ Hand. From the Cheap to the li.; High-Priced. ESI H. & M. WATERMAN, Ilatvkinsville. Ga. As wc prornre our supply direct lrom the West in carload 16ts, wo are prejairefl at all times to furnish saw-milP turpentine firms with first-cknts ^IntorWMrfhwi, mules at the lowest market rates. will Wc make a attention. specialty 1 m tltla trade. or orders l by mail receive prompt Saw Mill, Cora Mill, Flour Mill, •y» - t I 'Uj & 0 ^ • 1 ' — f iJLy Water Wheel, Steam Engine, OR Mill Supplies of Any Kind . Don’t forget to send for our large Catalogue WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY. A “* erl A.*32. AgghhJtSg.^ - — - —....... 11 . . - • - - JitlltkMttf,- OiSeoreiL a. SURE CURE. Komi? Wash and Dentifrice. Bleeding Gums, Ulcers, »ore Mouth Puri! Throat. Cleanses the Teeth and theBreatli; used and lecomn.ended fiv dentists. Prepared'bv Dentists, l>rs. J . p W. R. Holmes, Macon. Ga sale bv all druggists uud deutisu. •Honey Loaned Q® Farnis and Town PFoperty, FN BIBB A'XI) A'D'JOfNMX'O COUNTIES. Elliott kstes, J uly 13-1 y. 001 Cherry St., Macon, Ga -' tfzo, C. NOLAND. FBABC1SJ. METER. J mm m li 1 li 1 * CONTRACTORS — .and; — BUILDERS, Eastman, Georgia. Having located in Kastman for the pur* pose of plying our vocation as earjientern and builders, we respectfully solicit tf flliare of the public ptttronage. Having an experience of Over fwehfy years at our back, we are prepared toguan fintee erftisfaction in all work intrusted to our bauds. We are prepared to furnish plans and specifications upon application, and in tbo event of being awarded the job make m» additional charges therefor. Work of tho city and country ndjacecf soliChcth EBENEZER COLLEGE, Cochran , Ha. FALL TERM. opens .September 5th, closes December 24d, 13S7. SPRING TERM. Opens January 2d, closes June Kith, ltfW Board Tuition per tfiontli ? i. 00, $5.00 or $5.00, with the principal, per month, $12 Students thoroughly prepared for the ju, 5ior class in the universities. Address, July 1* A LEMON J. Principal. KINO, 13-2IH. TlIOS. J F.FFEKSON. Wm. JEFFERSON# TH0S. JEFFERSON & SON, Mill Wrights, AND Setters of ail Kinds of Machinery building Saw Mills a Spe¬ cialty. Builders of the principal large iniliM throughout the Southern States of Missis* unit si|»l»i, Florida, Alabama, tho Louisiana, Georirin to proprietor*of all which they refer by permisRtofv. be reached by addressing In care «it A. Martin, hook Box 513, New Orleans’, La., or the Empire hnntber Co., (Jiattamav ga, Tcnn., or Seddoff, Ala. JmiiS-2m. E. CROCKETT. f rml macon, - GEORGIA. iTaiVut'acfuter and Dealer ih Engines, Saw Mills, Cane Mills* Cotton Presses, Cfns and iVlachlnory of every description. Repairs made on shm-t notice. apr2lAin> HAYNES ALLEN, DEALER IN Fancy and Family Groceries, DRY GfWtDS, SHOES, NOTIONS, ETCV j butuber City , Ga, The trading public of Lumber City rtn($ ttHgbborhoort arc inforiwed that I anf «ft all goods tinves in prepared line with a choice Htock of my to mipplv th«‘ir wants on us good tertwans of they can secure at an/ store south Macon. I also run a first-class Barber Shop in* connection With rr*y tmsiness, in which I and an? prepared, reliable barber, with a fitted thoroughly with competent iors, chairs and clean up towed* rimhI r« easy Iwserva jny Fresh customers after tho latest fashion. watermelons on hand at all times, arid as a consequence tho darkeys keep happy. j u iy Private Boarding House FOURTH AVENUE, EfASTMAlT, • Q-AU ■o -'Mrs, E. Indiana Johnson,:* froprietress. Ratos One Dollar Per Day. •O' This hottwe; locatett Within distance flon of the depof and trie butuiibsf.fMtt* »lj itl* of the city, is first-class in apartments and Is prepared to furnish' tliO pdbltc May with the best the market affords. ll fftn. WATCHES Before y»u buy a watch write to LANIER & YOUMANS, If aycrosft. Ga.. for their prices. They Will Save Yon Money. apr27-(Jin Ittffire/ The undersigned having purchased th«r entire-interest of J’. F, Uaitbrd in the tirm of Baldwin & Co., they will continue uw business-in the saute firm name. BAUD'IN- . C, D. SlIlNGbUt. J. S. Eastman, Ga., July lO’.h, 1SS7.