The Dodge County journal. (Eastman, Dodge County, Ga.) 1882-1888, August 18, 1887, Image 3

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THE JOURNAL. «.». IH’BTONi • - ‘ Editor, >lr. I,. F. fx)Rn, or Apptin^ county is Autliorixod , to receive ami receipt for sul>. scriptiouM to the DodomCouxty Journal. directory. Ulnssailr. jsssr w. 1,1 ‘" ridaj ' " i8hi “ c “" KeligioNM* MKTiioni ht Episcopal Oilmen fkHvrii. —rroaclihig and every Mnl.lmtli at IIo'clock a. iii., x p. m. Prayer meeting Wetlnes uay evening at H o'clock. It. Sunday 1 School meet* atOU o’clock a. m. . , Stro/.ler, liev. Sup’t. T. 31. Chkimtian, Pastor. !APTl«T.—Ilov. 1». A. Jessup, pastor, preaches at Kastman every *2 in 1 and 4th Snohaths in each month. Also at Central Point on the second Sald.ath ami Haturdav lH*lore in each month* Conference with the Kastman baptist church on second Sab¬ in each month. Colored t harehes. Trinity 31. K. ( iiimcii,—Preaching every llrsl and third Sundays at II a. in., *J p. in and S p. iii. Sunday-school evert' hit inlay at U a. m. Hkv. W. A. IIolmkh, Pastor.'Mi TTinc Titl»le. rASSKXOKH Tit AIMS. Noll C. It. Nortli I .muni 00 > * No I.T South li — > 2 No In North K. K. *r S No 15 South • 11 44 > 2 LOCAL Fit Kin NT.-. No *24 North hound - 0 ‘27 - 2 No *20 South *4 - 11 iii > 2 b’o. 14—4*11111101) hall—stops at Lumber < i s', Karttmuti mill Cochran. WEDNESDAY, AlHJ.'.lS, W, JOUfiNALETTES. Fresh bread at Pendleton Bros. —Col. Jas. Bishop vi si toil Atlanta Ihis week on professional business. Choice caudles, crystalizcd fruits, etc.,at Pendleton Bros. No ‘ndd Uock.” Smoke “Daily Bread” cigars. At Pendleton Bros. avoidably —Our Dempsey con(riontiou is un¬ crowded out of this Issue. — Mr. Itobt. Harris, of McClonny, Flu., Is spending a few days in East¬ man. —Don’t forget the drama, at Licteh’s opera house on the 15th of September next. — Mr. Joint Roil wick, of Lumber City, was in Eastman on Friday and Hutimlay last. — Eastm in now has a population of about 1.200, and is the most progres¬ sive town in south-east Georgia. —Miss JSallie Bacon returned on Friday la*t from a pleasant visit (o relatives in Albany, Ga. —Mr. M. A. Killian, of the Empire Mills, was in to see us on Monday last. —Miss Winnie Thomas, ol Dublin, fq*ont Sunday lust with rclulives in Eastman. —Ml-s Rubv Bacon, of Savannah, is visiting the family of Dr. E. 11. Ba i* mi. at A moskeag. t’oiisiiliters say that Pendleton Bros, keep the best cigars and tobaccos in town. —We learn that Mr. John 'Burkett, engineer for Mr, Si n. Betts, at I Jenin* 8 jy, died on Saturday evening last. —Mr. J. B. King has returned from !I.i\vkiu»villt’, ami will be pleased to i sec tho-c In need of anything in the jewelry line. —Prof. R. J. Strozicr and family huvti reliiniwl Ifom ;i pi’otoiijgvtl visit , t.i rebitives in (ncen cminty. —Rev. Mr. St anbury, ot Aniorieti*, assisted by Rev. J'. A. Jestip, pastor, j is conducting a glorious revival at the Baptist church in this place. --Mrs. -i M. .. - \ r f Low , o! , t has , . h, our town, ; taken charge of the hotel at Grcsston, ! h itcl will coml.ict tlie sumo in first- ! <1 t«H Myl<\ — YY'c regret to learn that Mrs. J. \V. Lee bus been quite sick for the pa^t week. YVo trust she may soon recover. —Come out to-night to the skating < tttuival at A moskeag Hall. The fair will be aiiiu*intf, and t lie music und refreshments superb. —Dodge Superior Court will con veiic here on Monday next, Judge C. C\ Kibbcc presiding. Rallies interest cd will bear this fact in mind. —Col. John II. Martin, ot Hawkins vlllc, was in Eastman on Saturday last. looking after his legal interests in this section. He was accompanied by Mr. Kim-hen, a worthy citizen of Pulaski county. —Mr. Joe Taylo**, living across Gum creek, has ju<t purchased a new steam engine, and will soon be prepared for ginning the new cotton crop, Mr. T. is one of Dodge comity’s most success¬ ful farmers, and wc need many more just such. —A colored man living on the jiciitiiic works of Ashburu & Co., a lew miles ti*oin Eastmm, died a most wretched death on Friday last. JIo liad been sick for several weeks with fever, and was a raving maniac when the fatal hour came. Ilis struggles for life were tearful. —Win. Clay, a colored chap, one of « gang of thieves who have been raiding Macon for the past year, was arrested by marshal Skelton in this ’ place l oil Fridav ' * last. " Mr. Skcl ton , is ever on the alert for evil , doers, , and the arrest of Clay showed clearly Ills lino detective qualities. An officer cam© from Macon for tho prisoner, and hciicw* languishes in the Bibb county jail, mt* —Mr. YV. F. Harrell has commonc cd Hie erection of a handsome five 100,11 ^ °" 101 ”«=»'■ “•«« m * etery. The contract for Ihc election of the building baa been given to Messrs. Julian & Richards, amt will be completed within a few weeks. Mr. Harrell is a gentleman of exquisite isisto, as ltU selection of a building * teitc attests. — ....■ paTn«^or°ia^r i? l tiie° ?, | '* I^ook g P ai ’i ,, tf_ n< > l»U excel lout paper, tho tv Joubnai,. -The local or home nows departmeut of the Journal Is not cx (A In* enun^JiniT.Tai’ 61 *# ^ oor *fl ?; an ^ lma pm^rasSvu TowIm!, Iho livc which it is published.” Thc above complimentary lines arc clipped from the Ilatvkineville News, aml to Bro. Beverly wo make our po Mlct*t bow for the same. They arc ap predated highly, front the fact that they come front one competent to judge of correct journalism -Mr. A. L. Hobb. tl.i. week moke, «'«-> hi. promkc lo extend »n invlta. lion .0 all to vl,It «„d examine 1,1. handsome stock of new goods at his new stand oil County lioadi It is sufficiont to say that an inspection of his goods and prices will emplv repay one for tho trouble incurred and In surc a purchase. Mr. Hobbs is no less dieter than long, while his prices will l>o tou nd within rcadi of the shortest purse. —The following letter from W. A. W right, Compt rollcr-Ocnerol of Geor¬ gia, to Mr. E. G. MsDufflo, It. T. R. of Telfair county, explains itself. It is complimentary to Mr. M., and show's him lo no an excellent officer: McDuffie, Atlanta, Ga., Aug. 4, 1887.—E. G. Dear Sir: Youi'digest for 1887 received, and I can truly say there is not a handsomer book in this office; and I find it as correct as it is pretty, while the increase in the re¬ turns are very gratifying. Vory res¬ pectfully. W. A. Wkioht, C. G. In addition to tlie licuvy loss sus¬ tained along tho Oomulgco by the re¬ cent flood in tho loss of stock, wo arc informed that tho naval stores mami facturee arc sufferers to some eonsid -emWeExtent. Among the unfortun¬ ate, we learn that Cupt. A. Y. Beaton and Mr, McDonald, of Wilcox county, each lost in tho neighborhood of 1,500 barrels of rosin. It is claimed that the river was higher than ever known by that “oldest inhabitant.” —The laymen’s meeting at the Bap¬ tist church, commencing on 20»h iiist.. and continuing until tho 28th, prom¬ ises to be a mo-t interesting occasion. The programme of exercises is full, and tho public at large is invited lo attend. -■Our country friends who abend court next week wil.i find John>>n, (lie restaurant man, fully prepared to teed and sleep them. Ilis prices aio low and his faro firsl-elass. —Mr. John T. Wall has purchased the new residence of Mr. I) F. Phil¬ lips, on First avenue, and will remove therci next week. Mr. P. has car¬ ried his family hack to Macon.. —Miss Sallie Leo Hudson,of Schley comity, who has been spending a slio l while In Eastman, visiting friends, left yesterday for MeVIlie. where she will remain a few days before return¬ ing home. —The change m our date of Umic to Thursday is for the convenience of our legal advertisers and correspon¬ dent*. Read leg slativo notice, providing oi RptcM ,0 ‘ u aw or hn e o county. Most certainly all arc agroon that an improvement in our public roads would prove a god send. j. W . Nut*. I, a*aln wearing ilie .mile of a Imppy l'.i (her. Tho little chap will vole with his good father, some day, we trust. —Our f riend, Mr. J. C. Rvals, is un doubtodly Ini-* the happiest (lutiiililci* man extant.— Jiis ilo a new little lit home, and the new railroad from Al> bnville will soon pass very near his home and store, in Pond Town, —Mr, II. G. Miller, our undertaker^ w. s absent Iasi week, visiting bis old ft lends in Johnson county. YVo tr.iot his visit was pleasant. —YY'c oce per legal notice in thceol uuiu:> of the Baxley Banner, applying >or the opening up of a second c-las* public road, that our old friend, Judge Tillman, is now Ordinalyot Coffee c ocnlv. — r : lie Inf. <>t babe of Mr. and Mrs. J. mes Cullen Rogers, of neared m , n t i’cd on YY'cdnenlav lad. “Of bueh is the kingdom of Heaven,” should » )C . ou-olatioii dveetto tne bciey ved t> ..ieiite. —Mr. E. R. Carr, of our town, left 0 n YVod.rsday la t for Atlanta, who.e he will leuiain a week or two. Ho bus been in I* cblo health tor quite a while, and we tui t liis visit w ’l be beuefi' ia] to him. —Miss Agnes Norma mi, one of our lovely vomig ladies, left last Wednes¬ day on a visit lo YY'..shington, D. C.— hlie will p.obabtv Ije absent for sonic ,iaic, ami we trust her stay may be nlca-mnt indeed, —Mr. J, L. Stephens, overseer of our immediate section of road. It;^ just put j„ licw R c * in .rout of the Hotel Du. i iclcli. and oilict »vi*c improved that rowing. Mr. i* one of the best •*bosses” on the, and we trust lo -oon note his promotion. —Mr. E. M. Everett, our telegraph i opciator, is *i»cnding some lime in ihc office at Dubois, while the opera tor at that i place is dff on a tour of rc realton. Mr. r E ... s absence is puiutitl , 1 to liis many ti iends iicre. all of whom join n? in wishing him a pleasant so journ ill tho village named. During Mr. Everett’s absence, Mr.-Pen dteion is manipulating the wires here, — Maj. C. R. Armstrong and Cot. S. D. Eason, of out* town, represented I^* 0 w «■ '«- ««••• AKricutlu. rat Convention which met in Canton j last ^vcn:k. They have returned, and ; report having enjoyed the tr’«p hugely. — Mr 1). F. Phillips a toriticr citi i zen ami merchant of Eastman, but | now of Mkeon, sjicnt a day or two of week here, visiting his family. ---- ... j I j In thin Lsuo will be found hi — an ,cre * t,h 8 ,el,er our I raveling cor * c’^poiicletu, “ft. 8. f. He writes from ! 11,0 «»’«»<* old county of W alton, and j ° ,M ‘ ,,ctl 1,01,1 ,lim wil ] come from the “ <JI ' , :NurU ‘ S ' a ' c -” Ile *W* a flu ,ca(,y pc*!, ami his many friends * 11 wetiou arc ever glad to read * n ® writings. “ Ml% Jo,c P h Lawrence, of Dcmp * c * v » wa ® 1,1 **'0 city on Friday lash Mr * La ' v, ‘ e ' RC proposes, at*an early l1ay » lo mako 1,10 circuit of several counties, and during his trip any fa ^' X . a V"' >»* ""L “‘howrt **W?f to uta receive b >’ »'«> reeelplfor the JoonxAL. —Don’t forget the grand priec skat carnival at Aitioskcag Ilail to " °noof the most ci» * ovab, ° occa * ,on8 of tho heated term, and tl,osc ' vho to attend will rc ® iiet ,t * Death of Mr*. DeLacjr. One of tli 3 saddest events in tho his¬ tory of KaMmati occurred on tho even¬ ing of the 9th instant, when Iho gen¬ tle spirit of I he dearly beloved Rebecca Hall DcLacy winged its flight from earth to Heaven. "\Y*o can recall no single instance when more genuine regret and sym¬ pathy were manifested than on this occasion by this entire community — There was no jicrson more generally esteemed than this amiable and dig¬ nified lady. Having been associated and identified with tho Methodist church, and every institutiou connec¬ ted with it, os well as every other laudable undertaking in the town, tor theso many years, she had unusual opportunities for large aeqiiuiuiancc and .... friendship, which gavohernn feigned pleasure to cultivate and 1m prove. The outpouring of the people to attend her obsequies gave evidence of (lie he high lug. rcirml legal dm in which winch she sl.e was was held by all .like. In these her Baptist, Episcopalian and Presbyterian Mend. participated, and contributed with melancholy iilcasurc to tho perfect ar rangementof tho last sad funeral rites. When wccontemplatc the virtues and usefulness of this lovely life now closed in death, ami tho cruel late that so ruthlessly snatched her away from the loving licans around her, wo arc tempted to bewail and cry out against this awful visitation. Oh, death, thou hast the right to the bold, to the ambi¬ tious, to the high and to the haughty, but why this cruelty to the humble, to the meek and the undeserving? But a few months since and site was going about hoi 1 benevolent and domestic tufinsir.Uiotie, contented amt with scarce a thought o( the griu. , n0 , w j cr . a „d now !o be stricken € i 0Wll | n u, 0 inhlst of lile, wemav e? • * L ^ a * ,n *' woes are more than we can bear! Wlion II,c kiu» of tenors Ms ibrk (hallows over tn, anil wo sought , . to . stay . . his . relentless . grasp, visiting and consulting tho eminent }„ medical skill, nml while ad tci'ing the palliative treatment pro* scribed, wo could but admire tho hc roic resignation with which this sy mclrical character bore up under the dread approach. Her friends came, kind, solicitous and generous friends, whom she loved, tendering and per¬ forming 1 heir gentle offices—cooling her fevered brow, preparing nourish¬ ing delicacies, following the directions of the attending physician, and ihroughall the weary hours— ‘•Watching Her breathing her breathing and low. through the night. soft As in her breast the wave of life Kept heaving to and fro*” But the sequel proved— “Our very hopes belied our fears, Our fears our bones belied; We thought her dying when she s’ept, And steeping when she died.’' And thus she passed to Ilim who giveth bis beloved sleep” forever¬ more. Never have wc beheld eo pleasant a countenance, such a beau li tut expres¬ sion, " and such graceful composure! “ Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God,” is the divine promise, and we feci sure that this 08cfu - . C1,n3t,a,1 . . ... ,hls r fcct . lai, . . » P c, v ’ - and this fond wife and mother, is iu the possession of the rewards ot Hcav cn. Wc know from her own words that she died in the full assurance of ’ know that ( . ’ Nouc--none o^eArlh'above^er! As pure in thought as angels are— To know her was to love her.” *** 1 — - Tl,,i Fi» *.t Itale of ihe on Tiie first bale of ucwcolton, of 188/, planted, picked and packed in tins section, was brought into town on ! Friday last, bv Mr. Jesse Rogers, who , 9;^ ,,d went tor ets per ^und. | yi r . Rogers is ouc of our most pro- do. grequve 0(>ito tanner*, and, this year, be I all hindrances, w ill gather tween 45 and 50 bales. F*n* many mort' i-ist stit h farmers Mr. Rogers, our euiiniy s ands in j need. -fcr ruggrr s: A €loo«l Man (*«■«. ’ Died, in Eastman, on the litli in*:.. Mn L. L. Peacock, in. the Goth vear j his age; Fcacocock i Mr. was fdrtticrly a res! of Inviuton. Wilkinson eomtly ^ Gai, but removed to t’.iis place about six months ago. lie was the father nine children—five boys and four girls—and was blessed with the lege of living 4o see all of them grown, Messrs. C. It., L. M. and E. J. Pea Csck came to Eastman several years ago, Uiid embarked in the tttcrcuiitilc business, in which they llavc been siu gularly successful, and are tanked the first business men of the city J and it was a profound pleasuie to the aged father to be among his sons and daughters, and feel that they wore sober, industrious, and most of them adtite members of the Methodist church. Mr. Poacodk was an active ac ceptable and honored member of the M. E. Church South for Uluny years. He had a genial, pleasant taco, which indicated peace of heart and mind ; and as a neighbor, father* husband, citizen, there arc but few better. He lias passdcl to the great bey<nd,aud we shall sec hint no more in the walks of this life. lie leaves an aged wife and iii no children to mourn his irre¬ parable loss. But they mourn not as those who havo no hope, but Teel indeed that their father has entered into the rest that roumins for the children of God. May we all meet him In that bliss ful eternal homo of rest. From Frasier. Fiiazikr. Ga., Aug. 12.1887 .—Edi tob Journal: Considerable interest , lias , l>cen created ... in this .. vicinity ... by a number of loiters that have recently appeared In your paper, and a great . ea o suiptisc las eon occasioned by one over the signature ot “ Hero a,u ICIC > 11 ,as ce, i a general* y understood fact‘"thu community that Mr. Martin was Super nlondent ' C l * l,, " bor Wor ^' Tl lls fact r , your Cochran correspondent tries . to Ilesai i mprove s l .a Mr. Mart,., saws lnm J?°) a , ! .° " 11 ^L c 10 . 1111 ” 8 ' ’ ^ u,, dcr *"*'! Mr. a 8 Jet- '\ e \r . bill just as any other contractor or buyer of lumber would do, and Mr. Martin, as part of his duty as Super intei,dent of tho Empire Lumber Works sees that it is properly filled. Mr. Mtfrthi haa bcen°en«rtging skilled workmen, such as sawyer,, inspectors, etc., for tho opening of the mill. This looks very much liko the actions of a Superintendent. Nickle. tiraliw 1 rout <Jrc«N<ou. (iKMSTos, Ga., Aug. 12.—M. W. S. Bryant, captain of tho camp at UiU place, left lure Sunday, 7tli iust., vinit lit, linuio in Alpine, A!a. Mr. T fJ ( ,„ lbb , |fts Miccccikll hliJ1 a . Ctll>ln5lK » Mr.C.Jsane.vcellnntgcn tleman, ami will no doubt fill the po »*tion very nicely. YVo hope Mr. Bry ant may enjoy his visit. Mr. and Mrs. G. V. Gross arrived home yesterday f.otu a visit to Day ' ton, Tenn. I Dcmpscv Everett, of Thomasville j Ga., who was put in the penitentiary, ami consigned to this camp, for volun tnp y manslaughter, in tho year 18S5, ■ mid wIlO himscpvod fllmnt iwo in was released on the 11th inst. Mr. W. R. Dobson left last Thurs¬ day for his new homo and business at Longview. YY'c trust that Messrs. Dobson and Smith may succeed in their new enterprise. Convict. I 4 ew DcvelopiHenlu. Mr. J. L. Stephens has comment ed between Eastman and Dempsey tho erection, of what he proposes to moke, a neat and commodious residence. He has been “boss” on this immediate section for the past two or three yea rs, and has proven himself one of the best—if not the best, that ever Ihc Supervisor placed on a section. It seems as though Mr. Stephens* good judgment was in the ascendancy when he bought (of YV. B. YVhiddon) that tract of land surrounding (he rcHroad shanties,oil which he is erect ing the above mentioned dwelling. Mr. S. U what i« called a pioneer in this neighborhood, as it is but spat- c Iv cleared, notwithstanding (hat the l..nd is of the best nature (brown peb¬ bly) and there is plenty of it for sale in that «*om uni idly. In Brief, and to the Point. Dyspepsia is dreadful. Disordered liver is misery. Indigestion is a foe to good nature. The human digestive apparatus is oucof the most complicated and WOtl , derful things in existence. It is easily J P u ^ * ou Y of to order, °^’ lou ^ <00 ^’ S, °IW rca3y 1 food, bad cookery, mental worry, late hours, irregular habits, and many other things which ought not to be, have made the American people a ua- 1 ion of Green's dyspeptics. lint August Flower has done a wonderful work iu reforming this sad business and making the ©Vijoy their mcahfand'be Jiapp C v. Remember:—No Green’s happiness wiili out health. But and August Flower brings health happiness Legislative Ifstice. | Notice is hereby given that application j will 1*6 made to the legislature or the State ^ t of (ieorgia,at 1*^8,. the Rae adjourned soasiou autjioiiz- iu Ju Jy* for ©7 aii act 4 j C(»Ullt>*. * '’r : . -avg-.^ j Liiuhi from hosanvill«, BTom our traveling eorro*pondmi\] Loc;anvillb,Oa., Aug. 16—Logan ville is in Walton county, and Walton county is (he home of some of Goor *,«■» cuny Governor*, oolong then 1 Governor YValtott, for whom thccdtin was named. Gunipktn, Oulr|i«it| \ and McDaniel were born in this coun tv, and Boynton married a lady raised i here, and is now a resident of Walton. At the prohibition election for the ! i ouirt.V on the 13th of Jttly last. Logan vlllc went fot‘ ilic right, but ttic conn tv gave moro than seven hundred for liquor. Damage to this comity by the recent rains is estimated at $200,000. Other counties have suffered equally as much loss, “and still it rains.” Fish and mill-ponds hate been swept away, and large carp arc being caught ill small streams as they run down. On my way here I came through Jones and Jasper counties. The Ma¬ con and Covington railroad passes through both these counties, and cars are now running to Mouticcllo in the latter. Ffortl Montlecllo the road turns and will go to Madison and Athens, in¬ stead of Covington. One week more, with |favora ble weather, and I will be in Carolina. 'W'o have had a fine trade on Seeds this year, and our old customers all renew their orders and put in extras, The demand for Dr. Clark’s blood and liver pills is active, and Ramon’s lte lief and nene and bono oil are still selling rapidly on their own merits; Planters’ horse and cattle powders im¬ prove the appetite, aid digestion, re storo vitality, Increase vigor, and only sell for 25 cents per pound packages, m.. v ,| j,,,. ft. L . M „, (i of ^ „ visiting relatives bore Hon. John W. Gr'ftiu. who lived in Easlnian when he was assassinate.! In Florldai and whose fainilv still lives 1 o .v„. was raised within a rcw nl n 0H of lh | s ,,i ac0 . Yesterday I mot Sir. Albei t Camp, wl|0 w .„ in Eastman last year with Mr. Mcrrctt, tho ve.e.-enary W -.M> tau#UUI.e eta*, there last sum , nc ,. t He a native of this tow n, and is a good, .lever fellow. nv'c\nld< K . J ' ’ co'u'iily^ '! ^ ^ 4 / i.Voih Iho presentappearance of he WCl|H l w511 be Uoro on expenses 10 , , cvc , lt | dl , v ,. n , hx lft poming *? t0 ^ .® ut * , a, “. 11 “J? ^ c: ; pc ei'To'-‘'wJui!n'l!e,toud . "roll b'"' A Methodist meet’ng is being con ducted here by Rev. Mr. Plunk... end I am attending every service. A* Sam ,Jones would say- -Mr. Pharis has ci ""” ( ' a "l> I"'™ 'bewa j aEincra ,cr * ‘" a are S 0,li beginning "K l lre ">' to ri»c. lmll,,1 . v > alKl ‘ v * ‘‘ Aotf.-s from A;)inclcss. Na.mki.kas, Ga., Aug. 1(>. Kdit-iU Jm uNAi.: Your correspond¬ ent was sorry you was forced to leave his cOiilribulhm of July 28. I know I am totally unable (o write for a paper, but would like to give you the news from this enterprising little place cverv week. Wc have several good schools near bv. rnd one turpentine still. YY’e also have one saw and grist mill. I congratulate you on the grow.hof your paper, and trust you may contin¬ ue to prosper and put in come real good work for our country. Un last Friday night about dark there was a severe local storm about five miles from this place, which dam¬ aged cotton a great deal. Mr. J. S. Thomas had his etore-housc unroofed. Mr*. Corder, a very old lady, of this place, is very ill, ami is gradually get¬ ting worse, llcr recovery is doubt¬ ful. Mr. YY r . A. YY’ilhcnngton has raised a mammoth pear this season, which measured 10 1 * inches in circumfer¬ ence. A tremendous rain fell hereon Mon¬ dry last, accompanied by very vivid lightning. The annual Methodist quarterly meeting is now in session at Buck j Horn, about six miles from this place. Times are unusually dull, but crops f'' c vc, 7 -‘“V 1 * ‘' buul vq r> Q m y, YV'eavcr, ot Dublin, who is working tor the Centennial Gin Company, was through here this week, and we learn that he was successful lu getting a number of otders. YV. II. J. 31 a sonic Notice. Friday evening next (lUtli) being flic last meeting for Ihc masonic year the attendance of every member of Eastman Lodges urgently requested, as business of an important nature is to be transacted. By order ot ihc Lodge. M. J. T. Colcoi-d, YV. E. B. Mi LN EU, Scc’v. L«gi»latlvc .Notice* Notice is hereby given that a bill will be introduced in the General As¬ sembly of Georgia, at its present ses¬ sion, of which the following will be the caption, to-wit: “A bill tc be en¬ titled an act to provide a special road law for the county of Dodge; to pro¬ vide for the collection of the proper funds, and the disbursement of the aamc.amt fjw llicsclcctionot theprop cr road officers for said county, and puriwses.” * for other _ . A Proclamation. Be it known now and hereafter, as Irefore, that we are headquarters for corn, meal, chops, etc. YVe guarantee our pl iers never to be higher than Ma¬ con prices, but almost always lower. Martin & Pjbacocb. fisae - » lli MrtNWIck l>]slrktt'«^ti>reBt*«* Ed tTon JontxAL: Knowing that iOU are always ready to publi h in yovv valuable paper any boms of liiteicst ‘o the church j and thinking thrt yollr rmmy i-eadcrs would be Interested iii ro.,ding siuh items, I stffidyoti tt short com hi r,do. Bon coucerniiig the lintiis wick Di .ltict Conference, which coil von-'d In Jeaup* Ga.j .fitly 28th, and •oc oUicd through the following Sun J ‘*y* Om‘ worthy Prodding Elder, Rev. J*is. 1). Anthony, was not in his best plight for business, having left a very .K'k child, to attend the CJoiUeiSsnce, and beiilg Unwell himself; however, he )>-.**' i*tcd with Ids usual g..c‘e. and, ‘hrot’gh •>*> M'opii te committ-'d iho - owgldy i.a. tig: **d the vatiotts muc: e;is of »e elinrch in .he d’st.icf. Sevc o* ‘ne pi e. ciiers were an o i;, o e oa of sick'd* aiid t» om V .'ous v.'U'.e a number of tho dele g <?s did not in tone 1 ; yet we had af« ? r i 7 irescnli'iioii * out nearly every ch Reports sltow that the clatr.h is ag .> 1 e ive througliout the di-t.let.— Ne. i lv cvciy charge was repre-enicd as in a healthy condition ; aiid some of the pastors made vei c itmj report* indeed. We make si»eeial mention Of tiic report of Rev. T. M. Christian, of the Eastman church, which was one of the best reports made, l.iistnian lias iudec 1, been greatly blessed, both inja good, live pa*tor, and a womlerfr’ * r i v'v d. Ill this, we rejoiCd tijih the good people of that favored little 1 t v. Several other pasto s had line ;e poP one of which was <:»e pastor at Jtsup, of whom wc m ’< have some tldug to say further on. There have been during UiO fOnfer Oiiec year 418 accessions to the ehmeh in the district; Sunday schools have increased in numbers and also in in terest and efl’cetiveness. We are glad to see that this l.ilpo.taut interest i, growing upon out* iM»oplo, and hope that the lime Is not distant whet, eve rV family in tile di-trict will he On engaged in the great Sunday school work. The cause of ,cm,Kranee is making progress. Clra.ifying result, have at tended the local o)>tion laws now in force in nearly every county in the d-stnet; and the sentiment in favor ol prohibition cCdiis to be constantly in < leasing, not only among church mem¬ bers. but among all the lovers of law and good order. Good citizens who ate not members of '.lie church are waking up to the importance of co¬ operating with tho ministers aim churches in the enforcement of these laws for the good of society and Int j inanity, The ausc of edutahoil is taking J*<glicr grounds in the estimation of the people generally, ami a sentiment in favor of well qualified teachers, who are moral and religious, is get¬ ting fast hold upon the minds and lie ..t s of our pedp'e. This i« import¬ ant to the churth as well as sociefv. anti 4ve ti i'sttiic interest in the cause of educu ion wld r; piulv increase un¬ til in the near future we shall have a good school in every community, and the youth of our land shall have the opportunity of acquiring a liberal ed¬ ucation. The finances of the di*tr : ct arc grad¬ ually improving, but arc yet below what they should be, when we con¬ sider tlie ns ources of ihis section >f • oiiii.iv, and the incicase of ta .atik* property. Thcspiii: of l ; beral*ty lo the cause ot Christ .should keep ]*a -o with thelin; ncial Improvement of our country and people : t* that our houses of worship be made more commodi¬ ous and comfortable ?tnd every inter¬ est of the church well sustained. The observance of ‘ he Sabbath was brought prominently before the con¬ ference; and this important subject preity thoroughly discussed. Our peo¬ ple, as a rule, observe the Sabbath, vet there are some g*-avc exceptions. Sun¬ day travel on the railrords. ami espe cia'Jy Sunday excif.sions, stems to be a glowing evil. Some of tbc roads seem to be putting a premium ujk> i this Kith of Sabbath-breaking by giv¬ ing excursion rates o:i Sr.»'dav in an inducement to the people to take their trips on Sunday, cither fc* pleasure or necessity, they should devote the day to rest Irom sc.i'iihtr cr /ep aud to thc wors.iipof Gotl. Mr, Editor, I lh r.k om* newspaper | men should coiue out squarely on bis Mibject, and use vlic infitteuee of fieir papers to discourage titi.t c’dlpra* ti ■ * On Friday night of the conference. thvrc , . was a vow lactM-.g held in the interest of ,;o YYo iuui s Mio*'onary Society, prc .’ded over by Rev. G. C. Clark, of Valdosta. Mrs. RuUo.ree. of ;hc s.tmc city, read a very interesting essay on the “Reasons for tiie existence of the YY'oman’s Mission a.y Socictv,” and was followed by Mrs. A. L. McLain, in a lecture on Chi¬ na. iu which shCiBpoke very touching¬ ly and eloquently*of her observations and experience in China several years ago. The preaching was good. Rev. YV. F. Lloyd, of YY’ayeross, and Rev. T. T. Christian, of Savannah, ca ll jweaehcd an excellent sermon. Itcv. G.C« Clark, | , VllUlos . a , and ft;-. C. W. Smitli. ot t I Macon, each . preached , , several hue sor I mon-. IVe-ident Rufus YY r . Smith, La Grange Female College, delivered ait excellent address to the Sunday i , ( :hool Sunday afternoon, 1 Altogether, wc had a Very time in Je*up. Everybody | { cheerful pastor of an.t the h*ppy. church in Rev. Jcstup, T. W. --—---TwrmriiliijrtT'riiir pi . ! ed good 1 louses for tin* preachers, dcldjf i g'tr« and visitor*, and the kind peoi j ference !>lc of the well; place entertained the <*>n«> \ Bix>. Ellis is a voting wan »n his tiVst year in the mi ids tic, He has done a tine work in Jesttp, aiid is much belovtkl by his people, The next district ronference is to ltd held hi Baxley. May it be as pleasant and profitable to all who attend it, an the one of which we have just wrfU ten. H. C. B. 4titoskenc Appendix. Walton Harper left Monday for a visit to Blackslieu vi lie will remain it month. A. it, Coleord will till his po¬ sition in the store. Miss Sallie Bacon, after a pleasant visit to Albany, has returned home. Miss KubyJku'on, achanningyoung lady from Savannah, will speudafetf weeks with friends here. Prof. W. A. Shank and family left Sunday for a trip North. Their dea* (illation is Milfon, Pa. Mr. W. S. Waite of Eastman will fill flic position of Mr, Shank as foreman of the planing mill dtiring his ab¬ sence. The spacious office of the A. L. Co* is rapidly progressing and will l>d quite handsome and comfortable when finished, having 12 largo Wifi* dows in the office in the upper story* Thirty-five feet will be added to tho -tore below, which will be fitted up handsomely. The little mill has been shut dofvit a short while to (nit in a slcain <Wl which wiil naturally add to tho amount of work done here. The magnet le influence of black eves is well known, and an ait veil turd which a certain young lady had, a tew days ago with a black snake, would seem to suggest thatoth r be¬ ings, as well as “strawberry blonde/' sometimes succumb to their magic powers. The snake in question glided into (lie house, and the young lady seized the bloom (woman’s weapon) and cooly enquired what lie came there for. lie showed fight and sprang at her and (lien retreated, but in a few moments came back again, and re inuiued luustof of the situation, and then slid quiict.v off lo his haunts. Two Nad OeutliM. There was a large attendance at Hid funeral of Mrs. DeLacv on Wednes¬ day afternoon* Attg< 9th, 1887. Ti.o body was borne from the residence by Messrs. J. T. Coleord, W. B. Whiddon, L.*I. Peacock, J. S. V. Marshal, E. A. Smith and J. Bishop, jr., acting as pall bearers, to the Methodist chill'd, where tho funeral discourse jwus de¬ livered by Rev. T.M. Christian—alter which the large procession wended its way to Wood la wff cemetery, where the body was buried. Many a teac was shed, and many a tribute wa-i paid this excellent lady by her numer¬ ous fricilds. The grief-stricken (amilr have the sinccrcst (sympathy of tbi* community. The death and funeral obsequies of Mr. L. L. Peacock, was another sad occasion. The funeral services weru also conducted by Mr. Christian, from the M. E. Church, on Monday after¬ noon, 15th inst., and a large crowd was present. He was also interred iit Woodlavvn cemetery. Thus passed away a good man, a kind husband, indulgei t father, and a warm friend to al*. In him we lose a Valued citizen, and all join us in sympathizing With the bereaved relatives. Ularlin Jlc ft*eacock. Elsewhere in our columns will l»e found the fall announcement of tho above-named gentlemen. This is in¬ deed a wide-awake firm, just such as pluck success in the very face of rugged competition. YVo :nk those of our farmer friend* who have cotton login to read what they have to say. Their three cotton gins, hoisted on a rostrum as they are, seem to speak defiance to competitors. Their house is so arranged that but lit¬ tle effort is required on the part of tho customer to unload his wagon, lie in the meantime being protected by it roof from the sun and rain. Another advantage is the rapidity with which business is despatched, ° ,,G * cu Gou being ready for the buyer within a half hour after being uu ^ a< ^ et ^ R’ 0,, i the wagon, llicir wag 0,1 ficalof: » upon which cotton can bo weighed in the wagon, will alike bo found quite a convenience. As for corn, meal, chops, etc., they arc acknowledged headquarters for this section. They have disposed of over 10,000 bushels of corn this vear. Thcyalso.loa.liiviMjr iiicr,a .iil« bus. incs., ami when iu need of family groceries, etc., give them a call. NEW FIRM 1 NEW GOODS! S- T- ROGERS, Prince DoYonk’s Building, 3rd Avenue. Having of bought HoMji* out amt the repleuiblical mercantile »vlttl inter¬ est A L. u choice stock of Fancy and Family Groceries, TOBACCO, CIGARS, ETC. I am prepared to ctffef the publk? superi¬ or inducements in isdh tpiabty of good# id prices ilMMCior. 1 Only itn ilo «. visit. convince all that !8&&3i2T I can make it "* )u tftuh' ** Augo-am, J»*T ’ * ’ ....... ' -i J».i