The Dodge County journal. (Eastman, Dodge County, Ga.) 1882-1888, August 25, 1887, Image 3

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r TIIE JOURNAL. N......... IKS. HI LTON, * . ■ • Editor. Mr. t.. F. Loan, of Appling c >untjr is , authorized to receive and receipt for suh •erlptious to the I >qni j kLoi ■ nt v J» MKXAI,. * DIR ECTOR Y. !H UMOiilc. . Hoaular meet lug 1st Friday night iu cadi mouth at 7 o’clock. Kcli-lou* KiMHCWAiTciiiruciiSorTii. Mk momsr Preiieliing every Salih.itli at 11 o’clock a. “v ;! h 1 n'V 1 'as o’;?io,‘.i % r u "“‘ li "- W,Hll,,s - K Si.miay_s ,K f,ln> liiT: -btH>! UmVoiuistun-, meetH’ atin; o’clock a. m. ’ Pastor. I’ At-nsr. -Rev. P. A. Jessup, pastor. preaches Ut Kastman »-vcry ’Jud mid -III. ItoitliHin each ni.mili. Also at Central Pop...... lie-Heenml SatdMtli mid S.ttiinlav l.<-|.n-o Ineat-h month- i |'i)i'-*ri nee with tho Kastman impti*l e'tureli on fn-li in each mmitfi. Pohiml Uiin-i-tu's. TlMNITY M. K. < Pi- :v-h: cvi-rv lit-st and third r*n tnl:i \ *-at II a. m •'* l». m amt s p. m. Sisn*i.» v 1 )• y Mimlay at!) a. in. Ukv. \V. A. lt.u mks, Pastor. li'.M-al I'iim* Tahic. I’A sK.SiiKli ’litll NS, XZ‘/Z o o 0 o 11 la Id l,» « Smith South North . It, No; U th hound - !•: H lit •jot lit I.! I* -1 a - \ :,t ‘m At I.OCAl, 1 k mo ll l'.«. o -J| North hound - !• :il a S _ o soulh -* - II :.i v S No. II eiuinoit I,all stops jit I,urn r • *ity, K i^tin '.11 mii I ( ochraii. Tnl’UMKW, At <i. IS.-', — JOUFJN ALETTES. 'Try F’endletoii bros’. line pickles. Fresh bread :ti I'etnlh-loii bros. — Wc are gla<l to '.ate that Mrs. \V. Lee, who has been critically ill for some time, is improving. Smoke “Daily bread” cigars. At Pendleton Pros. Choice candies, crvslalized fruits, Cle.,tit Pendleton bros. \ >“o!d stock.” Consumers sav that Pendleton bros. keep the best cigars and tobaccos in town. Messrs. Thomas A. Judge and L. (’. Kith-brew, of Dempsey, are in at¬ tendance upon court this week. — Mr-. Adams and two children Macon, are vi-iting Mrs. E. A. Smith, in \\’c-t End. — Mrs. Dr. Harris, of Greensboro, ini., is visiting her daughter, Mrs Stro/.ier, of our town. — Mr. T. S. Dempsey, a former eiti /eii of on r eon lit y,Imt m*w of .1 ackson, b;t.. < s iu Eastuian this week. M - ;u'(* glad t<» note that Mr--. Hd ward s who has been tjuile irk for the - t few days, i> recovering, ^ is, Mamie J. Chn-liau, t>f Sa¬ vannah, is visiting her bi’ollier, Rev. T, M. ('hi'Mian, of our town. May her -lay among n- be pleasant. —The in-ide painting ol the Ilot.-l DeEieteii is truly heaulilnl, and shows that Mr. b.ddwin is an artist of rare (ah-id. I ! I mt child of Yi •. an Mr-. P*. Ii. I ' dim it. of *u;* low it. h: 1 -ti v -re! d tys, but is better at pie i-t. - -R -v. T. ('. !i ivkiti, Male Evange . I t, w t-in E.i-tniau la-t S.tnd.'.v and pivj: to a I m ;re ttiou at I h>- 1 Li pi -I eii it fell. -Mr. \V. T. McDaniel i- lm'ob 1: around on crutches, nur-ing a gam - <t, tie r. nil of hoing hi- loot iu trad ol garden truck. — Mr. M. E. Everitt, telegraph oper¬ ator at Dubois, was in Ea-tman on *3un«hiv la-t. lie .-ay- lu * likes his new j home, "but it is so lonely.” —The “negro dude" at the City Dru;„ Store i > tin* admiral km of all. It i really an ingenious pic of median i in. - --M ;'s. J.>hn A. Wo »ti • -1 and (’ul* dren, .»t M<> itgonn*ry conn . who h - I lecn -pendin - oine time u ith Mrs. J. W. Gr ;tli it. ol oil r tow ti, lelt tor t heir h * in.* on atnrday la-t. — We ie t 1 r. *1. N . ot Frazier, w; wa - iu E i-t man 11*: week, -i-’ts a nu inner »I cei l I || :Ue is to the curative powers of tl.e water- of his spring. Our young friend, Mr. Johnnie boliannoii. ha., been quite sick for the pa-t w-ek. but at piv-ent is conva¬ lescing. \\ «> tiu-i lie will soon be out jigain. lie is being attended by Dr. Ilerrman. — Mi--e- Ruth and Stella 1 trr. - cotupanicd 1 v tlieir aunt, Mi-s M:i -- ( , ik'dding, left for Atlanta I'liday la-t, and \i ill re-i>le there in the future.— Mrs. E. Ih Garr wil’. leave in a few days. ()ur citizens, as a unit, regret to lost’ 1111 - (* \ • el It - n t t a iii ily a m 1 w 1 11 ever cliert-h a loud romembrauco ot their 4 * itizen-hip here. —Our fellow-citizen, Mr. W. L. Lee, wa- taken -uddenly and very seriou-ly il! on Saturday night la-t—falling prostrate to (ho lloor ju-l as he reach¬ ed his home. Dr. Ilerrman was sum¬ moned, and gave him relief, He 1., belter at this writing. ; —We regret to slate that Mr. John Ken wick,of Etiinbi-ft ily,who is at pre¬ sent spending some time in Eastman,is quite ill, at the residence of M r. David Lovett, lie is stitiering w ith acute dysentery. IE- many friends here deeply symiuiihi/.e with him iu his a til id ions. —Mr. J. N. Jones, a prosperous, on torpri-iug farmer, of near Frazier, was iu the city this week, and gave us a pleasaut rail, lie speak- in glowing ! terms ol the wouderlul spring on his plantation, and -ays some of Hie cures ««»<>« I'.v 1I10 water, tlicreof arc Iraly surprising. Pendleton bros’. "basket*’ istliolar g'jst cake of soap on record tor a nick¬ el, and the purchaser stand- a chance to got a ban I • mt-- lemonade set worth I 2 .IK). —Tho large*!, heaviest man we have seen lb* many days, was in Kastman on # 6aturday last—Col. R. Rucker, Of New York, who was ill 1 his section in the interest of his oil bnBinc.B. Mr. Ifc wnghs 330 hut moves around with great ease, Cl» nsidcriug his immense “corpora lion. lie left on Sunday for the mountainsot Tennessee, stating that he must seek a cooler clime, lie is a very genial gentleman, and if our Henry Colcthar: was somewhat stouter, they would make aline plot ure of “after taking.*' —Mrs. Julia D. Ilorscford, eorres ° niic 1)a,Uls ^xas Mercury nn<1 »«vc«-a> popular papers of the \orth and WV>t. is spending 1 a week Hus ... city, and pleasant , 111 gave us a call last Fridttv. Hlie has an exten * . . . literary work and S,VI! experience in we tind her prodm-tions bolli intcr c-tmg and instructive. She tiny have occa-ion to speak of our town hi the future, and we h ud that her Xortb t*rn Incuds will hear that wo have a healthlui climate, and a heartv wcl conte for thorn as well as for her. —Our ellicient marshal, Mr. I.on Skelton, is over doing s<pnothing lor the good of the town, for (lie pleasure of the boys, and the general welfare ot id!, lutt he done the crowning act of kiii'ln *} s s to our hand hoys on Monday afternoon last, when ho improvised a hand wagon for their use,and hitchi ng l;i- pairof horses,(which are chargers) thereto, drove them over the city, the boys • ig sweet music ;i« they went. Mr. r. ebon is a good o r, a good citizen, a kind friend to j and our people appreciate him t) . such. —The fall form of the fourth annual e.-don of tin* East man Male and ]•’(* male Academy will commence Mon¬ day next, with Prof. R. J. Strozior as principal, and Mb Fannie Harris as ssistant. This institute i.f learning ranks among tin- best iu the State, and v. e cordially commend it to the pat foli¬ age of parents and guardian s. —The infant .‘.on, Leon Albert, of Mr. a ml M - *. F. J. Meyer, of our town died on Thursday last, aged about three mouths. The little fellow was the pride of (he household, and the sorrowing parents have tho sympathy of their many friends in their bereave mont. Tho lathe was interred in Wood lawn reim l cry. Mrs. A. E. Robinson and her adopt¬ ed son. Mr. George Kendall, of Iowa, :uv ix-re prospecting, with a view to local!ng and engaging in business. We cordially welcome them,and trust that they may bo sulli uontly prepos s I.' s (. 1 with our town to settle among us. “ X. (’.to b. W. Ik,” IS t!ic reading on the golden head of an eU*ganl cane ju-t received by Mr. b. W. Pendleton, mr worthy railroad agent her The i: 1 in.’-oine gift ejtmelVotn M ' oleinan, a- a t**!,«»11 uf his preebition of tho recipient. —Mr. Joe b. Ring, our jew«r!er, h .-Iiown us the beautiful silvei Lad = <• -tar j'nd 1 * IV M tit) which be proposes to pre-enl to the best younge.-t skater ,-t the approehiug skating earnivttl ;it Hail. Tl»o design of the badge is unique, and luily iliu-lrctcs Mr. King’s exquisite taste and line work uia n-hip. —’I’liero is ;i fair attendance of our country Iriends upon court this week, and during our short talks with them we fiml that everyone lias “the best corn crop iorycar-.” Cotton is some what damaged, but- a good crop will be made. Wo truly live in a favored -pot. —Mr. Joe 13 . King has moved his Jewelry lm-ines- itito the store of Mr. J. T. Wall, v.’he e he i- nieelv fixed up to ser/o all v j ij r j. in his line. He is a genuine arti-t in n pairing’ jcwtlry, watches, clocks, firearms, sewing maeliincs etc., and we commend him to our people. Mi- '.iniiia S. Lurch, one I!awkinsville.’s beautiful young d es, who ha been -pending some time in (’hanm-ey, was in Eastman for a few hours mi Monday la-t. —Miss ATu-c Fuller ot w in-ox coun¬ ty, who lots been vi-iting iriends here for some t me, returned home la-t Tltur-day. 1 ler depart ure i- regret¬ ted l>y her newly-made friends in Ea-tman. — While our country friend- are >•» town this week, they .should not 1 ot gei to v t - t l t he I *a i bet s 1 iop < • 1 . I. fain, and get ;i neat hair cut and shave. It will improve your ap pearance. Iricuds, and your wives and sweethearts will love you better. —Our farmers should read the ad vert i-emeut of Mr. I.. F. II mson, offer l.. g for M.IO I^n>» Im-UH, or (ieorgln rai.eil ru^t*i>rouf Bred oal £ . This is a rare opportunity for those needing Ml 1 oat Read Ins notice. — The .for ns a 1. job ofib e has just received a large lot of material, and those warding anything iu this line, should call on us. — Miss Nora Whiddon, who has been absent for several weeks, visit ing relatives and friends in Johnson and Washington counties, returned to her homo here one (lay la* 4 . week, We tru-t her vi-il was a pleasant one. D01T1 forget that Pendleton bros. U re keeping bread fresh from tlie S 3 a vauuah bakery ut the low price of 25 .•outs for tom- loaves. —Mrs IE J. Sjapp and her sister, Miss Huinphreys, of our town, aie visiting Clumm-ey this week, Wc wi -h them a plea-ant tilin', I'uitou market I M * 1 1 1 at Pc u< I let on ' T« lion*. «,’. 5 *ai»s V. <’. the A. j liiblH-c, C. 4 Scull li stsitl Toni j j (While there is no measure and less po ! etrv in the following lines, th«*v ne vert lie -l"-..l--h,, sctimrw^fU., :.mUorj i Proud Mould he the Empire !st:ito j Ufl*cr gifted son, Anthony I’nic; ! Along whose path may pleasures lie, . l.'usuliivd as is the summer sky. I Judge Kihoeo now of the Circuit Court, Is surety n mau of the notilcst sort; Holding the scale with an eveii hand, ministers the law fair land. i Far his defeat, we were strongly bent, I ,5ut muv lor lb;U «’« do , A,ul ,,mv m; '- v Jut ^* o1 ' tlie Cour ^ i ’ 1 ! l.oissr continue to hold the fort. j but when the ermine he .‘ires with, | .May it fall to ('. ('. Smith; j Than whom while the sands of time shall ( run. tteorgsa can boast no Holder son. And never yet did manly f.-rni, Ki>nt.iin a In-.a t m-ue I i te- Mini \\ .1 nr.; And ‘ from the Iran - < -'the direst foe le’d ellv drive *ii - and v.oe. it his neighbor - liimsdf. And spurns t-> own ill gtitieu pelf; T!ic ]tc,» v he'd Imlp in every land, W ith v illiug h.-iirt and open liaml. j The handy work he isoftlod, A Nor no! did P-r mail 1 tin-eartii ne'<-rtrod; i »i , • t of man screen, Froi 1 lew, a heart t.n pure and eieuu. ^ r, d tile 1 brave and u e yeoman, *‘ to marry s u: iod woman: And tin 11 lie could, !-.,t!i l.ooks audio-. , bay and hrin to the aii is and hoys, but, r.s time is short, 1 must, alas! From the noble So.ith reluctant pass; And may guardian angels close attend, The fijMuv walk of my uohle fri.-ml. "W - l.ev l- ecu while- blessed with rca '° !1 ’ ! 1 i.rge-t the tiie- aad tried Tom Kasim; And may his life |,<* :i grand su.-ce -s, In all Unit brings true liappim-Ms. ; And may his journey of life he made, In palace ears with comfort laid Never stopping, day or night, Kxcept jit stations ot pure delight. ! Amt when lie, tired and out of breath, I < 'll :t m**. s to stop at (lie depot of death; : May lie liml ! right angels there, ; lo guide him up the golden stair, -Mat may his name he written well, On the register honk ut (loti's hotel; And may fnrevir it's pages fair, Tell that lie’s a hoarder there. i\. < PL I.LAKI*. MeVilie. da., May g’kh I fly mciiertl. At tiie residence of Mv. \\ r . p,. ,, d’J (near East man, )llie brid C*s fat her. on tho iSili in>t , Miss Lula F. Sapp and Dr. John F. Powell, <d Gross ton, <«;• ’’ were bound together in t'ie marriage vows by Rev. ]*. u \.. Jessup, ot our town. Tiie bride was presented in a beau t it ul marriage out iii, and wan Hilly (-harming, i'he Doctor looked spleit didlv in a handsome suit appropriate for the occasion. r i i.e «!:uncr was well served, ample and rich. Altogether, it a very ;idt restiug time. Tho I Joe} r took Ids lovely brido to Gre-ioti, h; ; pla.-e of I'lisim-s-:, n liero we ray God's blessing may re.- 1 upon them, and wish lor them a long and happy life. j , Zi: il. | Near Ea-tman, on Thursday night j, aliutit ! L o'clock, Unit! Raifin-d Altno'-.d, infant L m of Mr. amt Mrs. .S. .S. Kemp, aft an illness of about six weeks, of fever and bronchitis little fellow was aged 1 ) months and 0 days, and wa- the pride and joy of his fond parents and relatives. Tims is added another gem to heaven and earth loses another sweet babe. '1 he bereaved parents have our heart leit sympathy. I < ’»iii jiliiiioiinti'y. j The following complimentary let ter from Comptroller-General Wright to Mr. J. R. Gidden tax receiver of ottr county, e xplains itself. It is in-' deed a coniplimeut to he ajipreciated, ; and one worthily bestowed. Mr. G. is really a fine officer for one of his | years, ijee the Comptroller-General's letter: ■ Atlanta, Ga m Aug. 1 .—Mr. J. R. G idiiens, R. T. R. Dodge county— fK-arSir: Your dij-cst for 1 has been received, and upon examination I find a correct!v and handsomely ar ranged book. 'The decrea-e in return- I i< t he oid v del rad Ion. Wishing you belter luck next term. 1 am, Very respectfully, W. A. Wm.iitT, Compirolier-< lei.era!. i (taf-uillis fl-OIll Gni>-rov, Ga.. Aug. 21 th 1 S 87 — Miss Lula F. .Sapp, tiie daughter ot ! Mr. Win. b. Sapp, ex-sheriff of Dodge ,(-011111 valid Dr. *1. F. Rowel 1 , foruicrl y of Atlanta but now a rising voting physician of this place, were united in j : j] 1( , imp- bonds of matrimony the 18 th in-t. at 11 o’clock a. m. at tiie re-i- 1 donee of the bride’s father, about four miles from tin’s place. After which ,!.«•«« «m.l will, a ,l, li,iou S dinner p.vparcil by tile pai'Cllls of the : bride. The couple arrived here the same afternoon about 0:30 o’clock p. ; m. where they will make their home. [ ! The presents were numerous and 1 hand-omo. Mr. G. V. Gross arrived home Wednesday night, the IGth mst. from a short visit to Atlanta. Hon. Mr. Henry Coleman county school commissioner of Dodge conn ty, and his daughter, Miss Essie, ; made a short to our town Jsatur day the iUtli in-t. Wo were glad to »ec them and hope to have them with us again soon. Convict, j Z 1 ' 1 i<Hiaiu.inon. .___ ~ . be it known now and hereafter, as ! ; "‘j 11 .»•« boa.biua.tcrs 'for i \ corn, prices meal, chops, etc. be higher 55e guarantee 1 in- never to tlian Ma u pn •<> ■ ' aliuo-t alwavs lower. \t m: -tn A E: a* n. Recent Meeting of Intcrettt. In response to the emjuiry, “What’s the news from your churches?” pro¬ pounded, by the reporter, to Rev. I*. A. Jessup, of our town, replied: “I was in a meeting, a few days ago, of con¬ siderable interest at Delhany church, lasting four or five days, resulting in sixteen additions and an awakening of membership. “Also, one at Central Point, resulting in twelve additions, with a general spiritual outpouring in the eommu nity. “Daniels' church, under IJro. Dil worth as pastor, has just closed a se nes of meetings of much good, with ten or twelve accessions. The possi bilitiesof the «ast iv;c named churches, "“/ «Jur •—» ( hauncey 01 church has «»■ had add- , <•<] to it within the past three months brotbnm «i S .c«, oad, Hscfulm:,, iii.ll piouiisc’. llv tiio way, '.i.Oinn-l. just I'amtol Us new bus!*,mg in a very neat and attractive of it one of the neatest ami W CHI,..., of wmvh.i, ... J.,.* .itiiiK-fliatc section. I m.-l.l ad.I jusl here that mud iiaunccv Sunday school is in a flourishing condition, while tho music is most ci gauf. •* It is a little singular that of the twenty-six meinbers added to the Kastman baptist church recently, twenty came without any protracted service. Many features of the Kastman church are one hundred per *-»*nt in advance of former years, but it is much Fretted that so lew of the old mcm I.ershiiM-o-opc-alc will, the church in their good wook. We had with us last week, Rev. G. T -.- 1 '" 1 wh -'T 1 , 0 -aul "there every s„„l„,„s I,Men or is ioivcd to sa\ that his preaching is the clearest presentatioii of the situ pie gospel truth that it is possible to ‘•SVC. This week we have Rev. T. T. boy kin, Slate W S. Evangelist, and Rev. Dr. GwaUnev, President of Shorter Female (• Allege. There is •on side ruble in.cred shown in the servi ami a proml-c of good work is apparent. “lie last of this week we are tolujer; a Laymans .Meeting’, which piomi ses to be one of great protit. 4 '!o*i:s'* - oi* Rcdu-l Sj-Jioo!. I’i'oin an eye witness we learn that the closing exercises *.f bethel .school, Mr. C. W< Uawliu--. principal, on Eri day last, were admirable carried out. In fact, it was asurpii.-etoscechil dren who had never entered a school until this term, able to spell so cor reelly. They were also well advanced in arithnu-tie. T!ic reading tlieirTecitalions class was alike proficient, and were indeed fine. The straiig- r who visits this classic sp d, is struck with the picture.-(|tie scenery around. '\o place in Dodge county i- so well arranged lor school purposes as thi On this occasion the people brought their dinners, and a table was erected in a shady grove on a lull .-lope. The table was heavily laden with all kinds of edibles—meats, breads, pics, cakes, melons, and lemonade in profusion.— In fact, everything was complete, and it was indeed a fine dinner, It is remarkahle what interest tho people arc hiking in educating their children. ..... .... An amusing scene presented itself which is worthy of special mention. This is the home of our venerable and honored citizen, whom Our people have twice seen lit to send as their repre sentative in the lower branch of the General Assembly—Ron. Nicholas Rawlins. Tho venerable old genfio man sat In a chair, with it.large tin jian on his knee-, -aid ve.s el holding at least a ne:-k, wh'n-li was tilled with chicken pie and assorted cake-, eating away with all his might, asking all around him to help themselves—sur¬ rounded also at the time by a large number of hisown children and graml children. ii was certainly a pleasure to see tliom enjoy thein-elves. '1 !iis p’uice contains a line spring of water, which is one of thebe-t, if not Tin; be-t in tin*, county. Take it all in all. this occasion was a grand success. We ton ml the peo¬ ple happy over their line prospects for an abundant harve-t. hi tin* afternoon the Autchee Hatch¬ er and Wild (’at ba-e ball club- cross¬ ed bat-, in which the latter club was victorious by a score of lb to 12. Got: UKSl’ON PENT. In Brief, anti to the Point. Dyspepsia is dreadful. Disordered liver i~ misery. Indigestion is a foe lo froo.l mat.,ra. The human digeslivc apparatus is one of the mod complicated and woii dorful things in existence. It is easily put out of order. Greasy food, tough food, sloppy food, bad cookery, mental worry, late hours, irregular habits, and many other thing- which ought not to he, have made the American people a na¬ tion of dyspeptic Flower but Green's August has done a wonderful work in reforming this sad business and making the American people meals so healthy that tnev can enjov their and be liappv. lie-member:—No happiness ^nt health, but Green’s August !‘em Sc'vcnly-.ive 5c liCi AX x-our“dru‘'-Tst cents." for a Wille. ________ (’osion ’'£su*I*«*b. T|l ., K aol.»:.i. cotioi. market closeil >e-teiday , /0 (-ith) , 1H1 w Good Middling*-’ c. 'Hddiii T;.« NIaW I’air. There was an enthusiastic nicciiii" of the Macon Board of Trade on Hat in-doe a. hivt -i t, and « n .l .» a . new departure 1 , .tom ,. the usual proceedings, in reference to tho coming State Fair, w*as made by M.-.jor J. F. Hanson. He made a line fcdtlrcs. before .ho body. II,. s aM .he cty of Macon had left nothing tin done to make the State Fair a grand success—all hotels and boarding houses would afford ample aeeommo dations—they have secured reduced rates of fair and transit, and in many other ways ollered great induc-ciiients to visitors. 13 ut Major Hanson struck the key note, the vibratory motion as it wore, when lie said that the sue j cess of the Fair depended upon i r* have, tor a number of years, given t lie count! ..IvcrtkiW v press no rceo-miti Z >n Uu" -is .* ,bo ’ b ivc I:cji( *,vh«t .!.« mu.., on | .ubjoc-t, for Oi.-v led that thov on-ht i to-be paid for adverlisii.g the “free show.” j U'orj-m T„,,c is but ..01 a coo,.,,, wook.y ... j of the Stale Fair .vliaMvoukl spoak wall \ J purely out of State pride, but they cannot anyi 1,1 to -boom” it week after week gratui ! tou>lv anymore tliau a lur-ibe nuan j can furnish lumber for the erection i a new poultry house, Mr. Hanson’s remarks were well : Fried, and he is eminently correct, j ibr the success of the State Fair attributable to ibr country press ;tl wa . vs - From the eouutrv comes thi; erotvd. drawn thither through the ! medium of the count that'carry'the’11101V- rv weeklies, 1 they arc the uaos ey. ! Mai. Hanson spoke in the interest ! lis0 th( , „• , V „„ K | l.o a "real sue cess. To Maj. llattson the weekly j press tions. of Georgia are under obliga¬ and perhaps the board of Trade will heed his word ’■i. « A 3 s- Sr a e .'Sd esi times. .M< Rak, L a., Aug. 22 . Em roi* JortiN At. : Tiie dwelling ; occupied bv Dr. «!. P. Holmes iu this j place, was burned hist night about 10 o’clock, 'l'he family narrowly escaped being burned. Tho origifi of of the lire i unknown. .... Uhen discovered, . ! the whole store room was enveloped in flames, supposed to have been set on tire by rats, might have been done ’ by a lire fiend. There had been no lire in the store since early morning. Prompt work kept tiie fire confined to tlie dwelling, thereby saving a torri I hie conflagration fov M' K’ao. ■ lloituo.s' household goods were mostly \ (< ^ ‘ l < buuaged condition, except ' lllc taI * los5 kitchen 1,r utenseis, Holmes which had ^ was 21.00 a to- In j [ ' - \ 1 . ,ls ve missing, ^ 1 supposed wl.ieh was alter either Hie j j ! ‘* lc to nave i dropped out in (blowing his clothes ' from the burning house, or some j heartle-s wretch hooked it from his | vo.-t pocket. Jlis loss will amount to j : $IO'J. 0 ’t)or more. The house was the j ; property of Mr. W. M. Robison, who ! bves about two milesahove this place. He had no in.-urance. The hmise wa s ■worth about #.*;>) or # 100, which is a total lo-s to Mr. Robinson. Dr. Holmes' pet dog was burned to death, several | tunes, but would immediately return to flic house. JIc hallowed mourn i fully when he began burn. to , Mary M. Fitts, a young white wo ! man ot ‘ this eountv, was tried befotc the lion Alexander McDuffie.ordina ry, by a jury of twelve last Saturday and adjudged insane, and was card¬ ed to the asylum by bhcrill McRae. Miss Pitts was deaf and dumb. A tew of the elites of MeYillo came ii]> last night and tried to run a pro traeled meeting :it the baptist clnirdi, failing in thi-, tried to run over the new court house, and did succeed in running over Mr. booker’s wheel bar row, demolishing it and scaling Lis palings etc. Come up again, boy a we will be glad to see you all, but put on your spectacles, orconie up in tho day : time, remembering a fellow in love is blind to everything cl-e around him. Our jail has six boarders, five l.ails ' •m M vntgomerv couniv, mostly for SamUlna-*-onlfirv to U.c laws ,.r i this Stale, peace, good order and ! dignity thereof. Work U progressing verv nicely on the new court house. j Miss Edna Frink is sick with ty¬ phoid fever. Brail*.! Mrs Alexander ami sister of wick. G a., is vi-iting the family 0 f | ; | H*’- Hunter, of this place. Mrs. Harris, oi Macon, Ga., is visit | i,,g Uor.UUr, Mr. Goary, i„ Mcliao. A Liii’sc Tree. Messrs. W. J. Defoor and A> E. Harris, of this county, felled a “board tree” (pine) last week, from which tuo\ ha\c ahead} sawn .»,(JOO boards and will get 1 ,(XM) mure. Two cuts made 521 hoards. This tree was ! i certainly one of the “giants of the for est,” but there are many more in this * country of similar dimension. I.cgishuivP Noiiec. Notice is hereby given that a bill ill be in 1 induced in the General A . - 1 sion/of «>« tic., wlileh fo-wii: tile’ following 0 " wifrbe ra r -A bill to bo c titled an act to provide a special road ^ a ' v ^ ol the county of Dodge ; to pro ‘ V f[, ‘l. r tun.-.-, and the otsbui >entent 01 *lie -ame, and t»u- the selection ul Eieju'op cr road ofin er- lor viud aunty, and for puiq 0-. i'ociiran Chlpu. i octw\s, (,’ a Aug. 2 . 3 , . iu woli-.nai. T ,u,. v . < Luring i. the , .»■». . past . j lew days wo i: ive had t!,o pleasure ; looking over thiseounin-a 7 r tin } I fiml that everythin"- newTmWie s I, except If the j iL “ i (• AndJrsou," .he (which did not run SO smoothly—so says Mr. Hightower, when he rolled iu'o the ditch with it, one day last week. The engine mounted the rail, and it turned over with him. It took cousnierable work to put her back on § J the ' track, but there was good work to do in getting her again in running or der ° i While on Ibis round we called to see the M..... rdf.,- , ( - , .J.............. („ i” ! model of workman hi-.\ :t ;»d t p, ;i „ iU!" ii •» ni h.. !X_!“ U £L ^"7 V ^ !' ’ will iako .teru.-of’i- 7 ^ n* I, c ha. |,: U | nothin- to ' wifi-d * JZl \- JZuTL . , , , v i lok . Iml is not lie- •a>e. He also otys that l!u y,!( sscs. Jeiferson 1 j?s\ e the work 1»\ cout ra<-L That is not >. TJ*< :irc only hil’eu !( nm-rititen.l iin- con-truc turn t:f the mill. ”. , that i; ic lias a good fo tuda‘io.1 fo.-saV Jpg v. hat lie did II--. foumlation 'is !:l:c that ol the foolish man, who built house on the sands, -a'id it fell.” He will probably ward p- to explain what a “moss-back” i-;. Cpon this (jitery I will “se*- him later.” 'I’lie remark* we undo about (* v u r \ one “attending to tlteir own" seem to have hit him square, from ........ I think the shot' lit-. I f d does, lie must wear it; it may cramp Ids toes some¬ what hut that will be <). K, when I hey get tramped upon a few more times We dau excuse 1 dm for writing v. hat ho ices, for lie don't know any better. He (old ;t friend of his t he oi her da\ Hiat lie only Avrote wiuit lie did from what lie had been told, and we can * vv through the whole Ini-ines-;. We invite him up to •<-( for liimsdf, and h<- will change his mind. You ad >-.-<• taat .... Ins , . Imimlation . . . is a poor one. Wo only want the honor to rest on those that deserve it, and that is d h-mum Jelierson Son, the ardd led ; and builders of the new mill near I’nr/.ier. These are the facts in the matter. and facts are all that the pubiio want Know. l aim not that have , “Nick- .... tee von a x * *o, „ Inal , has bi-en trying to tel! you something. He states thatMr.Mar tin w superintendent of the wimle “Empire Works.” This we know is "ot true, for the Empire Works” are controlling all the principal mills in Lbs State; and we don't think that Mr. Martin is competent to control the entire mill business of the State, al though he can attend to one mill very well. This eommimity don't believa* wliat “Nit kle” says in regard to the matter, “no how;*’ and we will look over him this lime. "Xiekle” is a piece of money Avith a hole in it, (to use the expression) and we are forced b> think it is counterfeit—is either lead or pewter—for it did not have the ring of pure metal when it fell last week. Let us live in peace while we glide upon the earth, and our prospects for the better la;td wil be brighter. Re-pcetlully. liKKE A.VI) Tueui:. Foiuil v «*E-i a I iiiy; - . lion. I). M. Roberts, tlie able Sena¬ tor from this district, has introduced a a* hicli propo.-e.s to regulate the P*'niing ol the oiheial notiees of the county officers of the State by placing (lie (lis]io.sition of all such advertise monts in the hands of tho board of County Commissioners, where such boards cxi-t, and in counties having no eommi-.-ioners, tlien the disposi tion of the printing is to be left in the hands of the Ordinary, Wonder if our Senator has ever considered or thought of the dictatorial measure this 1111 'i’he m.aetnmnt [of ' u ' h :i hlw v/ouid place the Ordinaries g Co......l..I«..,r, In H.litmloo. dictator;; to the Lhcifi- and the !>al anee ot the county officers, or. in oth cr words, the Ordinaries or Cotmiii sioners, as (he case might he, would have the power to say !o the other county officers, “You shall not use Ihal W" as vollr offl, ial organ; I ■ order you to place jour advertise nn nl.s in the other paper’’ Tho bill introduced by Mr. Roberts, dicmia . become a law woa ,! o S e non. i u i \ upon ic u maites and Commissioners,which few, if any of them, wo opine, would like to as sumc. A more arbitrary or dictatorial mca s lire was never conceived, and it ought have“dieda bousin’."—Hawkins viile News. —There is a gentleman in Eastman, and also one in Clmuneey, who-e names have been on out- subscrip¬ tion book ever since wc launched into journalism in this sect.ion-'-morc than 13 years ago, all the while*, keeping tlieir credit lines lull, This kind cf men will do to tic to, if our friends will pardon the expres —Mr. John A. Wooten, oi Mont gomery county. is in Eastman this week, vi-iting relative.;, lie i- ugeu i-t! pleasant geutleiiiaii am! iii . friend , hare arc av;' Mad ij meet him him : ** 5*, w “ „<* Amonkeng Appcmll*. ‘J Miss Laura Knowles left Saturday will fur a vt>i!% Blaekshuaf, ______ She 1 visit Florida before her return. . j ta?M Ali-s Lottie Harper is at home ' a S - ’ ■ BIuekHlicHiV , 1 No, ' : ! M, ^ I ,,lan v{‘ f • "° . ,Urp “* l ® r ’ “ 1 u|,ra V ' Miss Alilia O’Kelley is visiting relf allVl .' s aiu1 IVicmls iu upper Georgia* j Miss Annie Jlarrctt is visitiug 1 f: if'iuls in Macon. - ; - , i ('apt. F. H. Law, who is locating the tram road for (he A. L. Co., to*ti of some euriositiei that lie found ill | J the elastic region of Gum Swam])—, I what do you think of a hoy, only 12 years > old, weighing 200pound.s,whicli j i> said to bo fact, ami a girl lSveara * ° ing ;il r ut I miles from East | nian. who has never seen a town, or i - u tuS"z «ss i " hv In'did not take her to town, ho i >a’el. well L take the bovs sometimes, j f.o" Ig ........"™"g !»7 win” “lunmV'Ik.liSJ* """g "!« k»o,v y .v..u;.l k ’.i inn. tliur l.wK So. J s,, > I ole woman keep cm at home, j lie is evidently of . the opinion that ...... ft> "' Id’CILE. W ii Sitl i-awn, ( ’ol. Ja bishop, Jr., ever alive to 11 to lu’vt interests <' 1* his county, visit¬ ed Atlanta Iasi week, hearing a petii- 1101 ' si - m “ <1,1> v,nan >' <>f t,U} fading - rl!iz '‘ ns >" *<>n to the bill intto ,ho creating a Hoard i of <’outily ('oinmissioiicrs tor Dodge county, and after consultation with our immediate representatives, Hons.* I). M. Roberts and J. M. Duehan, and convincing them that it was the wish of Hie majority of the people of the l onnt - v l ' lu f-lmuld not he* come a law. Dr. buchan said ho would be unwilling to put upon the people a law which was evident they did not want, and Senator Roberts consented to withdraw the hill, lienee for tin; present there will he no board i TCounty Commissioners ibr Djtlgu county. Miijici-ior 4 'oui’t. Dodge superior court convened Monday, .1 udge Kihhee jiresiiling. .Mr. Sol. Ilerrman was chosen l’ore mttii of the grand jttrv. Fp to this writing (Wednesday noon) no business of much importance be. b.-en transacted, I hough the bu-i (lf - f ,,e court is bring dispatched with the usual rapidity of our clli eicnt Judge, besides the local bar wo notice fudge A. ( i'ate. Jacob Watson, R. (’. Jordan and M. T. t lodge, of Ilawk tnsville; Jo!m M. Sltihhs, of Dublin; Solicitor Smith, of MeVille; b. b. i C heney, Lumher < 'it v. j Jnbu ii. Powell, of Dooly county,* ! \va., on Wednesdav lnorning, after a, 1 credUahlo . , examination, . * admitted . • . ; , to . (|- t . liar. Giips from Flinum'i*). CilAl’Xi’F.V, G v., Aug. 25 . Mr. J. !». Ivuox and family, of Nor mandale, are at St. Simon's. Gapt.J.C. Forsyth’s family arc re¬ suscitating at I ndian Springs. Col. John M. Stublx, of Dublin, is on a business 'rip to our town. Mrs. E. M. Curry has been confined to her room several days. Mr. Win. Sanders'babe is not ex¬ pected to recover. Messrs. E. M. Curry and A. M. (Ad¬ der are erecting in town a large and complete gin and gri.-t noli. Mr. Joseph Miller, Sr., who has been confined to his bed so long, is slowly improving. . Tiie infant daughter of Mr. W. K. bussoy has been quite sick several days. There is ;t big boy at F. b. Stubbs’, ! to use. This will change their firm to '■dubbs -Son *k Co. Judge A. Curry is m feeble health j j now, spell not having sickness recovered from a su vcre of which lie had | some I ime ago. To:iy bullock was shot in the abdo ne-n la-t Saturday night, and died j |irx . night win the effect of the i wound, W. K. bn-: T • , Esq., hehl an I inquest ov< the bod >. ; 1 wa- thinking the other dav I j v/omd Mkc to be a boy again. 1 can't have tiie fun now I had then. Since then ! have never enjoyed a otr a l »rs(! or out of ii tree, t ::;!(> t vedow ja'-ket nest ot* being down by ;i hornet. An aunt. I ‘J Ircd 1 ' !aiiK, jioniid-,used » ' va ” wt-iglunl over two lum to entertain and in j i (crest -tr;ii). me frequently itii a trunk sometimes *1 that that ! v. “Md do me good again. I have just | ih-Lillil.*™ and Vfi M l CVr “.„ ! ],,,. I'IIM/ etpcigh lr have a stono • bruise on my heel ami the ball of my big toe knocked into a cocked hat and tied tij) in a copperas rag. R. M vo xus. MUSIC CLASS. The undersigned hogs leave to inform the residents of Eastman and vicinity that I now have charge of the music .'■•paMmc.,-oi . tlm , l.a,.man Acadoi-.y, a a. wi a luu.u, ua..s l lciein at once, Having a thorough musical educa tion from tho Conservatory of New York, 1 feel confident that I am com potent to butch the best methods of mod-wu :md classic music, Having made Eastman my homo, I I hope and tnt«t to be sustained in my undertaking. Price —50 cents per Ie ;,-or. For particulars, address or call at 1 the residence of Mr. Paris, Prof. Strozior. the A.cadeiiiy. or upon ai j Re.-pectfully, I Mi TilKltE-A PaI’.IS. i Eastman. Ga., Aug. 25 . 18 S 7 . — 'if. W. F. Moss, a former citizen of Eastman, but now of Tlioma*vilie, Ga . was nuioiig us a few days this '’-au k. Hi- many friends here were ^ utl ,0 a «s a ‘ n mot: ^ —Senator {>. M. Roberts and Rep¬ resentative Jus. M. buchan arc at J' ho for few 1 ’ 1 11 >0 a *Jy-s to aileiKlanc‘J i ut-ou out bupoiior cour •- -r- •