The Dodge County journal. (Eastman, Dodge County, Ga.) 1882-1888, September 08, 1887, Image 2

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THE JOURNAL. ft. S. BURTON * - - - Editor. Official Organ of Dodge County. Official Organ of Telfair County. * THt/lUDAY, SKPT. 3. 1887. UE> ERA L r« ENE> T.U EVTS —or the— ■ GRAND 'JURY DODGE COUNTY, term, 1887. The grand narovs tor ... the August Term, 1887, of' Dodee Superior Court. respectfully submit the following gen oral presentments: The county ofDodgo is in a prosper ous condition : in point of population, wealth, fine crops and public quiiity, we stand second to none this much favored section of Georgia, Our public , roads thoiv were not as oughly examined as might be. Few things contribute more largely to the profit, comfort and pleasure oi the oil izens than good, roads. They give evi deuce of thrift and j rosp< l itv, demon sIrate a high order of civilization, and are a. standing invitation to and population to cone and abide with us. If we. hope to sue «'rv now sparse districts peopled t»y the better class whose presence J so desirable*, we must show them good roads. Men of energy ami thrift are not apt to locate in a region whore -life and limb are imperiled in plying their vocation not to moidu n tnc - s »ustill tied i»v broken vehicles and o\ ervorked draught animals-—losses destructive to the profits in products for market. ()ur present progri ss in improving foad. is too slow. The average man s pow¬ ers of endurance are not equal t. the nigged highwa;. > be is now compelled to travel over. The fad D, the Stale is behind the age in the matter >f good roads. <>itr road laws are either ii udequat ? 1 or tin \' are not euf< "We find the road:- in J'ark. * * II s >ad dialrict, in Jones’ tv.;;* dis 1 rict. i I*a\\ tin-.’ ro T district, in (Mutuirey ro l cii-tri m to b. hi .T raid- fair < <h ; but th 1 ('5(1.*, in the 3'lth d trier, and in Mit in*] If (ii-tri- t 1 1 nd it Lee's di '#5 t arc in : dition, aim >s( . I omn.end that tin * r:d I \ uiissionei's ! roau it ! ! i good condi: i n within the next -i dtiys, and for failure to p* : ti n m fhi duty that the I e lea it wi’! .. directs. i Wc her 'by rentrn a i u t pI', s. : t •' s. a! Goody, (1. A. L m a . u r 1(1 !/. \\ Sapp, road commissioners of ?h. iD’.tU district, lor misappropri ino uud a j.* plica on < f monies Tmiing into their hand from i< faulting ;tui hands < i from dm s im H : M htp ; a: mde« Ik c I ,( i t uti (A t rseerv t« the i lu | o n.r jN.r.iL ‘’ll default* }:, an*» r* . , tret. * Wt n coiuiiiet: i that t In i misu at 'I it t ion the r .! ! I road from t 1C (,"d flar - i •Toim !iatnllev’ r Our p’t 'll ' t-l ntgi ( 'i.anii- - ’., .**\vnmp, and tnr fun i i'C. ,, .m t he ri vi t ; road, ai verv bad condition, and : we ree.unniv mi that < Irdinai\ i t-> t hem repaired at oucr Our public In 11 ings ha '.a }„ cm . y a mined i > v a <• nopetent cornu t tee. ■ from ir body, and 'hey report the 1 • 'iil in 5 •rv good c.*nTdiou --clean ami i : !'r**e iV"!n anv oilcn-ivi I >doi>. i l 1*1 *2 and *1 rei’ornuieinl heddsng; i M *' neu also recommond that iln* Ordinarv . purcha. i* suingiu • hunks tor »acii cell. ‘ \V< find t< 1 k*u m go* X i row¬ dition, an r clou 1 et> of | lower fi.xir, and •omniend v they be tIt*.-roughly disinfected ll k.' H a ! (>nr c,*>unt’ oiiici'r.s have p< rl'onned thf ir limy, as v iii be seen b\ rel’mi-nce f to t! f report f the spa •omniitlee •M’k lillted l>\ t he asi and jury. ! 1Z hereto at! U' i I The <>m id 11 < * .appointed at the j last term *>f t! ■ cmirt t-> examine the nooks a nd , on m i's *) t' the county efii errs, lutvo uttemled to ti.: tt duty and report : c. II. ! i I'.. l.K) IT’S | *, ; Xsy 2s. ’ -6 '15* tiit r» i from tx r * 1*5 Jan 13, ’ v 7. By unit paid i! a-. p» r veiiei DM % $ t .'S jr. Jaii la, *S7, Bv a on $! 5 . 0 .) rec’d al ’.»> P* r cent. * i : i Jan 13. ’ST Vy ■am’ .•r.'vi - On $ 15 s .2 ’ at 2 ] _ jii-t *’» *i*. 4 ftf> Jan 15. By anu overpaid on final 81 I ! •» *»' Jan 13. By }>*ilane» t re a -urcr N;<;! l >3 !*., •plfl :**; * *»RoNURs kU.M'. \ 112 21. I I '» .‘AI mi hand $ fti ;;; I Jan !"\ ’ >- 7. By : unt ]>;»!.1 *>ilt i:s 1 'i' voucher.*. ' Jan 15. * v unit emu's * i $27.00 at ;t; * per ..a nr .is — - , 27 fts ' Jan 15. By l»a! t i uroi 8 'ipp... m 6.7 t *1 l AM Tt'i;v RUN *. \ ng 21 . ’-ii. I ti S 5;*ft -i** ! N*pt 5*> ” j from Hill.' ’J;', M. I ll'.ft.l tJ* Y **C J.m 15, ’S7. V 1 out ;*» p* l' \ Jau 15. By $266 — 2 *. a* ?! r * t Jan i? I’o -- tit **« III s $ 1000 . 6 :) at ?» i i r t ; Jan I’i. Bal pa i bud 6i INCDDE-XTAfi FWND. <* IVc Auk 2t, 80. To bal du hand $ 15 4!) IS. ’SO. To amt rec’d ' from tax collector..... 300 00 Jan 15, ’87. By amt paid out as perr vouchors .... 267 90 Jan *300 lfr. By amt corn’s oh at. per cent..... 7 50 Jati If*. By amt corn’s on *207.90 at. 2 *£ p«*r cent... 6 69 Jan If*, jtv 282 (M* bal paid treas¬ urer Sapp ............ 33 4') 315 43 315 49 Aum.WT.wllSi mi « rec '“ 29 40 ,,al * l5 > ’&*• By amt paid out a« p**r vouchers .. 249 no <* 51 Jan la. Hr amt corn’s or. *249.50 at 21, per ceut 6 01 •—— 247 02 Ju : l 1 'V I |j’ hHI l | n ( li 240 65 4>7 67 4*7 67 I UIU.IO Bt 11.1 >1X0 KLN1>. j A up 21, >6 To bal on hand* 185 74 | l>cc. tax 13. collector To amt rec’d irom 511 94 i .. . j Jau 13, ’87. I5v amt pil'd out *:«s n,*r vouchers Cl3 69 j Jan 15. i*.y amt coin’s on j Jan $511.94 By at '2% por cent J 2 *9 ir>. ami coin’s on $613.69 at 2'•>' per cent... ^ 611 83 Jan 15. Bv eat pair! tr* us¬ urer S»pp .......... 35 85 j 697 68 697 6s j r iLriats’ mxr*. •vug 2!, 's'. To i»aI on hiiml$ 28 J 97 I Dec i:>. 'I <» mat lee’tl from tux • oib ctnr....... 436 00 Jan 15. ’87. By Hint paid <mt as per voiiclu rs .. . 546 23 Jan 15, By ami enitPs on . $K>6 id 2‘ s per cent .... 19 90 ! • }5! Bj Hint cole's on $•>46.25 at 2 1 -j per «t.u. i;h ot • 3Ve >2 ; Jun 15. By lei! paid tiv-ris um* 8 >pi' ..... Jk. 716 97 716 4 i 7 KI'M> vr NI>. < Iia 21 , > 6 . To bal Oil luunlf 399 86 / *i»i t. If amt. rec’d irom Ordjii: r> . 219 to % 7 •pt 26. To >»ii. t r'eY: from * >el.aBi 126 53 net IS. To :r it rec’d fi?»in Jim I Hd.acy ,v iUstiop . 331 50 15, ; s 7 . By *t,nt paid out a? per vouchor- : to w. Jan 15. B > amt ioiu’s 1 ; $767 I - * 2 ]- s ;.i r ceil| ’,7 67 J III r>, :: amt an • n $146.70 at 2D !>(■•• cent * 1 *1 * Jen :;> By VtHI i uif r 6 aa 945 12 i h.?7 0 ! 1107 oi ’ W'.ft-KKV FUNO. , i'i > bn i mi lia nd $ 19 97 ei. . !’*y nit paid ♦*r \ou fi 62 J ,t a si. a. t S el. 26 ! - i ; a! pnir tr. a- I . * j*. or 16 97 !6 97 f r ’ i \ i r, t A't'KL'Iv—H Kll’Sit! i'UN'O , . To U re. 'd ! ! Vo I u Pt acocj-. tr. (surer $ j;*2 65 Aug 26 . Bv :: i :i I'i U I ert-rs P of) ‘ nut con l t *.v y <: 1 .2 15 i ; •*»1 • O N 1 j .1 ,i I; ! U. t ; , t <*• •* ur r r >-J tv | ■ ,..t , *i I rein ; t pH. O *,i I K I'.Y .llilf Cf,n. H ; 111 \ ! g V c > S>s3*a5 ;>* Vf per >.*.- »•« fts ait yy; ' ur : . n nj> J ia: r *..*.' ,* » I tax ••' t - id '*• Ut \ MC Si. ; . An.. *. r\ .7*d v D$*nt 7*6 \ mr ^ 5 Bv Siam f*Otl 5 S * 2 ‘ hi 6 at VU •% ! « r nt )*X±\ < Aug 20 . To c.;5i <■'! i d f.7 *-9 s>; • . N ex'!*. 1 M’M*. : J’lli 1 5 T. a ia i iv ’■*! fr.<n. i f’> ;!*'• *' 1,, f S'.fsU! »w ! \ llg By a It i I" r v hi* diet’s . 9 .T> i \u. .*■•!. Bv cc n s at 2 - j. per eciu D.t ft 71 I Aug 20 . I ai •m hand •" *'•*' j • -t U 7'3 40 | .fill. FUND. * Jail la. T>** an 2 rc.'M l’lciu r* acock, treasitre.’ A im: 20 To /. ’ v. • bi *T in collecio’* i tax Aug 20 Bv amt p It a- i* vouchers \ ug 2 '. By amt «v*'n : $072.37 n» 'ii v*r *'t , \.u'2o. By com <«r. •$ 2 .‘i!,»uat 2 's p* r 251 ‘do i A i:y 20. ’i o 1 i or b.,ncl :•-.! 12 • I MS *12 SIS 02 t rrm.u m:iLi*ix(.s i unr, I • I’o a , it r' o d from i'. •*’\.ti * asuru’ . $ 53 -3 i > * r* •; * cl from oilteft.r e * 6.5 by amt paid out 00 I r VullC s : s Ill j A -•* 4 20. By amt cm’** .'n *■: 0,6.3 at 2 1 .* n t l 77 ' . A lie 20. Bv .1 t . V OB .? 111 .ftft ar 2 T P**r c.-at 2 s 7 3 ’ft 5» | .'.ii : (i : *6 j 126 aft 1265ft! r \r i’ERs Dr. : Jan 15. To an.! ror'*l from i’cfico.**, ti easuier . t ^ Aug 20. i'*> ami re V: from tax code'tor 571 75 $ 717 90 i ( ( *. Aug 20 unit paid out as per vo hi Aug 2<V By \mt et ni's on $571.75 at 2 V, per « rent li 29 ■ Aug 20. By amt coins on $6 n1.7o at '!'■ . per edit 17 i*l -1 : 713 0?» ; Aug. 20. Tb bal on ima.l 4 s 5 M * f 717 9o , I FUiH.l llh tV S I>. Dr. < L*<! ;1 Aug 20. To amt overpaid per \ balance 2 85 $ 14 85 Or. Aug 20. By amount paid out as per vouchers $ 14 20 Aug 20. By amount corn’s on $12.00 at 2)2 per cent 8 Aug 20 By amount corn’s on $14.20 at 2 b, per cent 8 $ 14 85 EOAl> FUND. I)r. Jan 15. To amount rec’d from Peacock,treasurer $ 915 12 Cr. Aug 20. By amount on hand $ 945 12 WHISKEY FUND. 1>I*. Jan. 15. To amt rec’d from Peacock, treasurer $ 0» Cr. Aug 20. By amount on hand $ 03 coNSOLiitATiOx c. H. peacock, TitEAS* II? KR. Dr. Aug 21. 'SB. To total amt on hand to date of last exam¬ j ination $1812 0 J Jan 15, ’87. To amt rec’d from tax collector 4325 55 j Jan Solicitor 15. To amt rec’d from 10 00 I Jan 15. To amt rec’d from Ordinary road fund 219 10 Jan 15. To amt rec’d from Del.uey tc Bishop 45S 05 $6884 79 Cr. < .»an 15. By amt paid out as per proper vouchers $3650 89 I Jan 15. Iiy amount, coin’s on ! receipts $5042.07at 2j» per | cent iA* do Jan 15. By amt coin’s on dis i bursement $3675.70 at 2 ;ji ' per cent 91 89 j Jan 15. I»y amt overpaid on in idge * o fund Jan 15. By amt paid Jas. M. 8 ajip, treasurer 2991 15 i $ 688.1 79 CONSOLIDATK-\ a M.s.\rr ,treasurer Dr. Jan 15. To amt rec’d from Peacock, treasurer $299I 15 Aug 2d. To amt rec’d from tux collector 19*J3 02 Aug '20. To amt rec’d from (hdiuarv. 12 on $4990 .17 t.y, Aug 2*T By amt ptvid out as per roiichera $.025 51 Aug 20. By ainouutcoin's on $20!'5.02 at 2hi percent ;50 jo Aug 20. By amount corn’s on $30*25.50 at 2 ! « percent 75 63 $3151 26 Aug 20. T o oal on hand •f 18 47 76 Aug 20 ro toss a nit <»V( •rpaid ou ped¬ dlers tit mi A ng’20. Total amt ou ham! to dalo 181! 91 $1996 D Tan i roi, Old; 11 pry lev tax for JS s ’ 6 . $67 id 28 ■ Dr. ; 'Aug 29. > 7 To amt ''oFceted ou state U i! I C" t\l Ii ly ti! .V V. s for !S 86 $6766 25 Aug 26. To ami roll {«,! from <»!her sonm 7 02 \u_ 2u. To air.t allowed bv I (4rdinary in-joivcat lit J 'j!' ) '* >•' » <f> 02 $6756 29 ( r. . Aug 29. f ami pa id county re; ■ l *r*i An r* 20. Bv amt coin's ou $6713.27 Aug ]0. Bv amt p:ii<l tax ri c* : \ cr pm* vouchers 112 IS Aug 20. By rant insolvent i $6697 32 | Aug 29. r.v •: ai tje ’uUIlt\ ; t date o 8 9i , $*‘> 7 r .6 2 D ! herewith find latcmcnf of the • 1 TAX ’ oI.LLi.KiR— R. KVAl f. Dr. | Aug 2d, \°7. ’J'o ami levy iiy Oi\l inn rv $67 lb 28 Aug:’ 1 ’. T" *v»Jlc*’tcd not on digest, 7 02 Aug 20 . To so.:t duo canty 1885 I‘»n 86 f ! ; *\ug T. amt paid ! By treas- j rc«e ipts $6318 07 I Aug 2 (*. By amt paid J. Bo- | haiinon. tax receiver li 2 LO , Aug20. By amt paid com¬ ; missions 223 55 ! AngliO. By amt insolvent list 43 03 i <4 motif in lianas of nil' _ O'? . so* ...» j Aug 20. l y and ti fa agv.iiud A. 'Vi. Kawl is V) 88 i -Vug 20 . Bv mat <■ fa against • M. }•>*•: cl . 1 — 3o — • j Aug 20 . By ai at ii *a agnimt I’nil’.: or .'Tvs 53 10 $6x63 if ; 1 C ;.ruK c r T f. i. 1*51. rr-cr , Have examined all the hooks and records in the oJiiec of the **Ierk of the superior court, and *'■ in! tlicin neatly, handsome].? and coiroctlv kept: rc- * licetiug much credit unon that offiecr. H is files of new: patter as require*! By f law*. Reports no niu's or forieiturc ! funds, ami ail eases recorded up to' present term of the couth :• *ili.:ft . Have ext’mined the shcritf's i oc ks • and find them correct. cus i ... ,c oi - no newspapers as require*! by law* RF.CEIVEP.. Have examined the digest of the reeuvor for D"., and find it coi' reel, but rcarct to timl a decrease of th untv f’i:i)lSAl:V. »*« womim I .he Wk. ami : the ordinary-;- 1 wenty-l wo ■ ks and find them con-cot, ami all maUeis tiropcrlv n conic*!, and a year ] y u e 01 ,, thc , count} nc wsj.a per as re ‘ . quirt'd l.v* law. .s * u oo i. e *j m m : s* s i o x k rt. Have examine t the county ?ehool : c, jih'v no, m**!ii'fs ‘ STATEMENT. ' To amt rec’d from the tax collector #tate quota for 18W5 .....f............. *1096 38 To poll tax I8S6 ......... 1190 00 By amt paid to teachers as per proper vouchers $2123 54 By amt paid late school commissioner.......... 1.90 00 By office expenses...... f> 00 Aug 20. To bal hand $2278 54 on .. 7 84 i $2286*33 $2286 38 Respectfully submitted, Chas. R. Armstrong, C. B. Murrell, Committee. The docket, of the Justices of I lie Peace and .Votaries Public were amiued by a special committee from m " MY- "'ho reported that they found the dockets of Iho Justice,of the Peace and Notaries Public and j Oflleio Justices of the peace of the j several districts which were submitted tor inspection, correct. The dockets of the .Justice and Notary Puhlieof Ifcaw Jins’ district were not presented for examination, and wo recommend that they show cans.:- for their failure to ex ; hibit their dockets, at the next term of this court. Wt appointed 5V. B. M luddon and fi I** Aiinstroug , a spet ial . , committee . ; - • to examine the books of the countv officer, rind make iheir report (o the next term of the s, U ,erio, eoun, and ... that they , be , paid ;. $lo .. ^ : ! e,vh for such service. e have, placed on the pauper list | Mrs. Shannon, at $4 per month from date; Junes Stevenson, $4 per month Daniel Smith, $4 per monill from date ; Boh Walker, $5 per j | month the for two of months; and we strike 1 names James Kvals and Mrs. i Bateman. \\ c appointed a committee from our • •'’•lid also eommittoo of citizens to visit the convict camp in this cotm L)~j a?ul tb.eir report is hereto appended. . Is Kl’ORT. \*c, On committee appointed by the - hnnojabk, tnc giand jury now inses ; sion, August term stijieiior «>1‘ court Dodgiscounty, reject fully present the v> .o.Mug upon. On the mo c the 24th instant we n ", and find the Onbiwing: Thern are at the Gre-sfon Lumber f. unpanv5s works emplovod, tiily-tive convicts, to-wit: four white men, fifty negro men, and one negro woman.— L lie general physical appearance and bodily health of the convicts at the time of our visit was favorable. T here 1 were only tiiroe of tlic number oil’j <hlt y- rhese were snfiering from ! e'^'ht injuries and sicknesses, and were | going about the premiss. | The sanitary condition of the immo- ! >n and sleeping quarters was [ r ‘lnphaticuily bail. i lie. odor of a privv I »• V*» ry where y.Ves. ni. This a,*ems to an c more from th construction and anarigoment tliau frmn want of diii ;u n * on ihe } art of the management; i Dili th»* ward of chuiiiiincM in ai! the I auhmittrd 1 uion i i our mspe wit- iii-i-t remarkable. This coul * t-e ; '’hang. I by • mpfyii.g and wasl teg the atul removing the con- ; t ne qnarir-rs reserved,fVn hospital • purpose . excepting tin* ; oedding. ] vt ’ f un whole- : some. i The provision for medical ntte.nnou ! i.= exci Bci.f An educated and c ■n- , seiep*.-:v" uhysician exerts liimselt • continually to preserve the health and jjvyc p( toe rick. The sick record an 1 has "‘ Ki mortalitv imlicav- I’nat he | e.vt’cllent fuccoss. j The food ' supply, as wc found if, was ■ simple, well cooked, and in g-od van- ! ctv V\ e have reason to hc.i’ve ; muf we saw the ordinary fare of the prison. t DI.SCIPU.VE. i . \ 6 m. n uia ,mploycfi in the ; woods, ar.r. work by* tasks, ci: ttiag j ^«>*’ks. .1 im --quiremeutsof these arc j very mod era tc. The rcunaimliwork- J ; mg n<v undei ,. a. .},- the }eol ...... the iir ’’Captain,” . . . „ I .... or . overseer, upon the mill grounds.' arc ! compelled to fixert themselves to the j I maximum of their ability ; in special I ! * nst ‘ancos far beyond a vigorous re qtdrement, to dm extent of causing ' r I sutlcnng not cm _______,, unplattiu . , . in tbo crea- j ijor. of the penitentiary system. ! In tl’-ia onncetkm we wish to sa y j that flit* < k\ tm.-l.ances ailcndi.’.g tin* death, , ,, on ■; t t; , ’• -o.Ji .a . tut., . oi , convict . i i'et* r Biji'ger'.*'cail ' lor investigation by • . , . 11 " - \U ci winch is Vfcspf tfully . iib. mi.tcd. B. S Burton*, II. C. Newmax, i R D. Gentry, t From the Grand .Tuvy. . , Harris Fisher, i G. Vv r . Powell, j S. H. Lowtiier, j . ITcm the people, i Kastman, Ga.. Aug 25, 1357. ! j In pursuance *>f the ve^ommendation of the committ**, we made an 5nve.«ti- i -ui. „ ur !*.,, *u 0 (g...i:,,j tn „ 1 • a c, >< it- ..... * » *1 to make application to the Governor 1M a-** ti.. ’ drd A liv»-1y i vorv * i o the u(i -be**- - j ifi* of certain comicts who Wt re , light , . , be ,. - oro oi 0 . a.-, tin a..e. na a* cc . i . ough an investigation as we were able t< make, wc find . that one „ Betel ,, Big ”*.b rv. or about the iOrhof July, 1887. , v,m.l uLmercifclly whihpc.l by VC 3. lirvant, the whipping bos. of suiil camp; and while avc believe the 1 lmnisbmtnt was excessive, vet vve i were unable to hud an indictment pro- I ferred far im.ider. Lut wo feel justi lied from the evidence to lvommend lii.s j remnva! as whipping Vjots, and direct , rlv rierk f thi: court to forward a 0 - i'-rcseutmcnt to the i principal keeper of the penitentiary and also a copy to the Governor. In view of the fict that under the present law (he committee appointed to visit convict camps are required to .perform that duty during tke session of the court in which they are appoiut ' cd, and also required to report tli< are j result of their inspection and invesfi ’ ? u ^ on to Hie praud jury at and during j j j the term of the court in which they j are appointed. i ; And, whereas, the fact that such a | ; visit to the convict camps will be made ] i rtum'K the session of the is well k,! °" n t0 tho? ° h,,vin S lll,! 1 th ' :m '"' ‘ vs to 111 P>»pare m *l'*-'«*ny advance onubllng tor such I Vmt otf,lll nd I thc J* r “P" law h - v m ' onmu ' lhat tout m ‘ m '' *° I tll ° ' umlult!ct '-uippCinU'.1 by 11,0 l01 ‘< ! man of the grand jury section 4812 of j the code, addenda, be authorized and ! empowered to act in vacation between j (ho interval of courts, and make the inspection and investigation required j l by law without notice to the lessees, \ managers or other persons exercising i authority over the convicts, and report in writing tiie rest tit of their in.spec- j and . investigation . i<< . the , grand •, . i i non i jurvot . the court next succeeding their : ! i •' l l’P“ 1!Un "' nl ■ i *•' > w< >”* iv-ona.mtmcni | ' of Aaron 1 city :-s ehainiun ol the | . . j eoi.Mut In view eamp. <T‘ tnc irtcrosi: of growing ; ■ our people in favor of the public j I school system, w; recommend our { i j Senator and RepunjtMitaiivi to intro- j ! j i I dure a bill authorizing the Ordinary j ol Dodge county to U-v a t \ of one j tenth *>f one per cent j purposes. We fix the per dh n of grand [•I’ll traverse jurors and bail ills :.t $2 loi - 1888, 1 i T.^pon the vrt.ojt o( (be committee i 1 examine 1 he books ol' the cTli." ;, rt f . the county, we find from the digest of y 10 'fax hV.ceiver that the taxable j property of the county fiori iSSfJ has 1 ‘ diminished $37 389 . and wc reeoiit- t ' moi:cl that tll0 asscssment shu.ll be n«.f '• less than oik* hundred dollars per lot j for wild and unimprovee. iends for : [y'S 7 . Wc return our thanks (r i ; . SoMci- ! r for his kind utt' mi on and instruc tions to this grand bodduring it , ; laborious .session, and being his i:i-t ! tea*in of •O, WfJ muci succr in all ids i’u(;ir< p 1 To his hom.»r, Judge i\ i i return ourgnttetul thanks fori s .mi n v acts of kindues-• to thi- gr:u;d b >d\ ; during the tevL. of tho >U"t. Illl'l >V t wish him a napry ion; amt ons life, and in’l’D orti. mi t • honor and success. \V» (commend rhor tb-*si i . marts ».* pu'.'lLhed the • i!» I \ \ a \* J uhn *■:. Sot JIeimlm v, Foret * ii » . fi: l*J r., *. * < !( lard i l biilirs, r " ■ n ; i. '..."ham'ut, J *. ! -KTs ip. 1 . \t fi . »; ■ ,L !«*"• C/U ?U*5 : • ar ll : *, 11 . ' I’. \..i'l:>i\ Ii. i >. 1 .. id I*. J. J. h mtuf . » t' um 8 ru:;ur u i\<n- t i A gust Term. I,' .7. I "pen com im udat if>u of t i < i rund .Tu t 1 »\- the co \ lea; , : I atm dug- g.-ncra! pre sen If p-ihlished :u ti e- Dt»i V JoUl.’N'A * . i . !v nsm.i, . S. D. ( . MI '2 U, .sol. !. n. A tru. extract from i! M ’*>t !U! t f*S of .Dodge .Superior Court. •*pt. 2. 1.887. J. ( . LIN’S, ‘ . . • . D. ( DOUSE SHERIFF'S SALES. For **;rst T.’rsdav in October, IS37 i .*< ■ •hi befo r_ tin* town of Ta i-)od,!.*.•. c at - * v, Bn,, durinrr ?>;•• legal hour- of sale, on t!>•> lowm.giJronS’ty ! ! , '"' t-r ‘ U “‘ ..-wJn ’ 8 )nt> <>t^ht,-!)(n*He pow.*r l*>l !]>.*»<* traction ci.,..:e with -meiiug attaeluneut, link mo ti.-.n mui water tank, t u ; earn,* being th< ( -nuiue used by James lhsimp, Sr. in mr, ring his grist mill in raid county. on under ;u.d bv virtue oi an execution i KlH '4 from the mii*| i;i( ( cui't of I)oila** KrimslVv, et ail Bi.-hri,.. Son •2 A: on Cu. :•?, vs the Bide pro- p I )0r,v of 4niio s id-., surviving Co ■ partner -*f Ihr* lirm of Bishop ,«•. (iriuefiev. amso i . v land x-s. m, m. i g m. V> R 1,1 Section 5ft together being oblong av Tn V: *.~>wn'‘r!r mwnin p’o,/. ? ! ''° , p , ty, (ia., containing 21.S75 s**uare feet, and om el ling .S'lis** iiiv,l a.iii(\irt-c.'(itc •" 2 au laii Iinprovemim’ii tbereoin tafi propertj *»i u . >. b Rite to satisi'v one superior court-ft fa in favor of W. Lietch. property d. -eribod in fi la. e T, K.mvu: i , eherilt 1 ). r. Teliair Sheriff’s S?iss, For First Tuesday in October, IS^t, (tKokgia—T elfair County. Will be sold hefojv the’eourt house doer in the u/.vii of Moltae, said f uniy ami 5*t.{»*u, during **n t?:• tii'st Tuesday In «•.•**',I- :r next, the legal hours of sab , the following property to wit: Fifteen aev* s of land, the same being part of Lots of land No. 17a and 171. in the by : .ViV:;f,'!-' l A south and west lands .jt l> A!* j and on the north by the L. J’. V. AG. LL B., I and known as formerly the ol i«< where<u» Miss SI. j | M. Maloney reside i. sold us the. property of John M. McNeai to satisfy two 1 j u . t ; ( . e ca.i't li fas issued from the iis.r: *t G. M.. of Telfair county one in fa- . vorof W. If Peciater v* .John M. MaXeal, i the other in fav r of A. fi. Ileiibw for u-se • af v E. F. Tuitlo vs Jo! n M. McNeai.^ \ .*.. *|yag''06A:g‘!gi:g‘V-^,V.:'’7b^i of C- cr.rsrc Bivv- i. i * satisfy a .iustie *••••'.rt r ...... . ..... *k. MoRar, a. Angm-t 23. >87. Shor n* T elfai r County, n r e. \f*i EWAN * . - y w ** 1 -* u w & f M 1 u M ” M V1LLE (J v. Prii .tici.s in tii courts of the Oconee and 8 r cireuitn. claims. Npccial attention giv. • n to •■~Y. !- lodcrai ‘ion of W*Ji slur* l.-ly proc¬ ure-m tile 'Ourtu. hunt - A. L HOBB? COUNTY 1 ROAD STREET > r A JbttStHltt'ih .. to m V. —D E A LEIU, IX— C 4 tr* i BKffiUt e and Fancy Dry G BOOTS, SHOES. HATS, Family Groceries, Tobacco, ( •• FRUITS, CONFECTIONERIES, &c Having ju^t returned fr::rn niarkut wifli a m; 11 f just siK’li general merchandise as tiio ti’toii; u i ;» now ask the public to give me a call, fouling assurei can make it greatly to their interest to share their t» with mo. I hoop only (he (Vd.-lumt e nd yureyt gemh. MIG : 1 ‘ ustoiuers down v,eight mid Oil! mensure. $^ 1 ?^ I an. in th*‘ eotf<>n rmirki t. t:n 1 an 1 , prepare * 1 to pav the hi - e for cither pad,a d oi in the > oil. •) ant your bides, eggi - • *r, road w:!! give you ii.en-i'or u r i t r:•. r as mu Ti as the i hank you for past liberal patronage, 1 hop** t«>merit a c ntlll’.'q same. v'ery respe. t odlv ? angl?-.'iiu, A. L. HO P»j>'w v> Iho trim nr t, blow ■\ml h t all tilt; people know—* ? sj&Zt'.-i J 4 ' 9Z*£'4 >r I t •V vo pruptirod to gin their cotmn ns oi vote! V I • , J.J.W . V id. enr thrv.o excellent gins to turn out 25 bales j < r ,J a v, in .di* "Ntcii-iv<* preparations for Mi is reason, and believe’.v* ‘ .'•*d v.i in nay in SVjrearass (Soorgia. Wc also have wavon »ea1e*i. upoii • r- s may weigh' llieir tt.aded wagons 'and knowhow much si- t < •o'laht t. I. the gin. «.»ur price IVn* ginning is as ever-- nesitive, e!ie i: ; c siipcrlatiy(., ciieit) St. 25 o rsr fOQ -8 yds. bagging and 5 ties tot r Vi. i »'• to cu or: m (jnciity and (lunntHy w< to )>'* as n i as tha 1 .x st. n; ;i i . a p *ti!ers doubt it we e.t ready > tea . Bring n- you: 'j "< .'ill * ; 'Mi*.haul l(*Yel b< tn make it to advantage. As o r ,', i ;r ( jii'li, ^ sii. I'll, a: 1 Ktc, S[)(>cia] j'.tooition in to th. : ■ ■ ; e.j* i-ui.. IS(*. V.'e _ k et’s of low prices family gr ••'.(•-s, thus ;l..e, t-t *. 1 ’.nnkiiur vo i lei v.avr nasi liburol patronage and hoping Vein's to n>**i it a " >n*d u vuv, .V.'U'tin vi,. S’c; , ‘.ic. HE(S R ' ft I $ w \ ft : -V ,lrv Goods:, £ iothing, Bools and Shoes', lints and Caps, Huddles, lirids j 4 /rockery W XT ”» W } Iit)j/test Market Price peel j Conn tru Prod ace. 3BCa.c3.0S4 Specialty U, Ti. A ® ) ESTABLISHEr.*, IM OLD AND RELIABLE £i \n Vfs'Dl^b'i AMA I; p J A Large Stock ol i'i 0 W v. Horses and M ti Coastantly Hand. front Chose to the Hirti Pi-ksd a m K E? ii K 1 SK l¥Si ; Ha wk9 ns r i lie, As we proc _ re our savv-rAill supply and direct turpentine lroiv the firms West with in carload ’ots, we ar* - prerat !| at! times t> f r ish; mules at t.:c <1 market by mail rates. will receive Wc make attention, in specialty * 1 st this trade. Information, or N ( prompt * citation fer tiv*>t :• Georgia— _ l‘*» ail.whom nod.go_ n County: e«.ncern | may B, _ I*. Calhotin, ns *:oi _ os *;‘td Co,nUv * b.Hers \ n * im - term m.niimstJatnm applied t* , n t b>r permanent W o. late ; or* the estate e; . it. i>nuteit, ol said countv, deceased, and i v. i.l u p9 n ' a;-,iv,i.*atiuU on tuo In'«t .-Oiuiay m 5 >r ':'g , c ' , \. 1 '^f'.’. ut iny 0lii0C * in Lastmuu, at . ■ . n under n.y harnDdHeiuliy , ...... tins , oOth ‘*| August, lboi. J OIIX J. itoz ar, * ■ ’ - . ________________* 5 “ri 2 ‘. u : 1 • t g%tre%y*i ivf Adminkfrai * irx»*i ® /i’o all whom ;t may cor.cfrn, t safd duo form applied of to administration the undersigned ou.tlm permanent ‘-statu letters of said deceased and I will pass upon said application c.n the first Monday hi October, 1887, at my office at 10 o’clock a, in. Giv.m under ray hand and official signa turc this Augutn 27, 188h John J. Log ir . Ordinary D. C. Road Notic«. J gbcroia—P t*tlge County.* A. G. Williiim.soii undo, there puhlid luive application for a soeosnl Alusa ncing where lot's line oi iMM 1;J an( j i» ,' n the 15tb district of said od 1 an( j thor.eo in a westerly direction and] tho lots lines between N<>’s. 18 . 1!) and 76, 7ft in the said district to wlucj the 7 wood knot, road in said county* i )ee „ marked out by the ConuuiBh and a rep( rt thereof made on UtS fit tliyul> All persons are notified new road will on and after the M fourth . next, be finally c| J cd if no new cause be shown to the i'.v- This 23d ot' 1887. - : the dav August JoUN 4. Ko/.A. Aiicv. 85-4t. Ordinary ii «M onew Ijoane t Oa Farms and Town Prop IN BIBB AND ADJOINING COL’N ELLIOTT EUli July lS-ly. Cherry 6 t., Mao|