The Dodge County journal. (Eastman, Dodge County, Ga.) 1882-1888, September 08, 1887, Image 3

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nTTTTT .LXX.EU t/ Y *0 V/ ITT? U 1 ST A T * THURSDAY, SEi r. s, \ .w, ! '■"r g ' - gy • m m I, pi—II -jm**r-* * mwm m JOU»N ALETTES. v Try Pendleton Pros’, fine pickles. W. Ashbur: > t.aviitg *i°" lc repA “’ 8 n tl \° • pl ;V: d '- j ,^oniumern say that , I eiidwton I.ros. the best cigars and tobacco;. m °' rM ' -Mr. .Tohnutc B<ma:mon . . | ^ abou, I s^H^aiii ilni'^ l, P am * » 4 1 or-a scrums j Of several weeks. IIU; many friend ; arc rejoiced at this fact. MUs Abbie M< t he oflu-ten. ^ postmistress at (Jkouhc). is v. siting hcr bistei, Mi 1 *;. A. >,)unc,(’. " M i town. —Mi Th ma Adams i * * )!lt >mcrv county, is b.»re for tl" m r >se of catering her ■ a tighter • - l»il in 'the Hast man .• cademv. —Mr. Andrew Mu mini I that tv he n be couiempl.U i. 1 >n will let the public i »\v. i< i meantime lie trusts dc* g 1*1 'L*r of the town will take a rest A! r.-j. t i. U. Arm-trow. tr: sopie time at the W \ J 11 >'orlh (ieoi’j and tin* M »< • J 4 finds that tmio 'irag- } Jy without her. Mr. Henry I’m s I r ' tu from tlie northern u i*kd**. w iivlias 1 i «i I WjS M !% lii 11 ; liter goods, (live tee for vour-clf. • •-.Mr. John H } * r ’ r i" i » ; A 1 <>., <U Ma. oi I >pp* d in t(» a \ n liM l •il l I), and ! a*, man i iad. >< I ca *et lltert F 11 : i i iimi ii Mnmb v I; 11 It d Ml i ) P ( l in i * t i 11 i- in 1 i llctou hi 1 \ i -• toll r 1 u m lli!> i i m i M I l \\ tl i i t > i I i I; f > * i 'A \ i i t 11 ! )» 'i * t * il "i i l t r t w r A bi \v. i *v ;i a 11 II i ra 11 clior I 10 t has an \ 11 v ,v-,uil! ’on ltd t n u l i t \ -Mr W i a re d his i an Hie lion o I r I I 1 \ I hr eai Iuinr’.-, et „i i a ovsti r m "•in ( t , Mr. R 11 f* imi i i i u I 1 I till SI 1 v t y, o mils uficr.t v m. !•: i'. v i t. I IVof. cOUipOs" I " ) ni ii pleasant cm id 4 ;n •:vorv par r r . mine v/as ITIC > < t t 1 » I vas s, a VT;l it a turns were al.*o of l t inten •: nature, and elicited t id atLftit'.ni the large ui 1 u ti .1 singing of UW ( : a l deportmeut ■ nt -.erri es . f tho even’.:tg,^t*i t to ? uxlitie is a c ue : i —Wc leant through a reliable source thatooue J. D. Adams, purporting to be a minister, and hailing' from T.imi- j ber City, (as he claims) is making j himself rather obnoxious, and quite : conspicuous among 'lie good people of Twigg S ( omry. He claims to be a man . mean*, owning a span of Uovwjs Rt 11 “' fonner place, and enjoying the U( .q Uan ,tanco of all. II« claims to be noyears old, and is altogether too ‘-fly” with the young ladies— being very dc ■ i5! . ons nt exchanging photos with one j whom ho had met only a few hours i previous On i* informant is prepared j tl , vouch for the above statement, and j furiiier slates tliat Lumber City ha« ’ (|0 resident jbe who sports in a black” livery turn-j ()l q ,, s “stranger pur-- j port, J ,r> leave the matter I 11 , ( h (t d V*o r •ceipi of mi article entit'<:d *' 1 he B< tot ! .eaves,” which ndi ed air elegant piece of cotnposi t ion t U'ora in t length the beauty Oi 't, but as it is a lit- ^ i* Him •ti<tn, it *s i»<*ttersi nted f<*r the coluiuii-. of such a paper than, for! ours purely local ami po! tical. The 1 i v 1 i ♦ ! Oil the wri -1 fee's commami ! . — Out K i | j i* I l.'om i r] i i upon tlm ! g ;a ■ u or i of a neat, new , '! I i l"il i ir ’ I! ? in the r the store of Mr, Henry Paris. I ))\VII >n • : to one fellow-! U'\\ t ( !!. A?urrcM, (w I v Mist ! is the prime t r in t!ic r lit"!*! but Foi. Pol tin ’.S’ thr w i'ridie and ii n :s« W i, iicccss to V . Mr. I i! ' on v n r;uatier > > !' en to tl C gclle/al pi' itmenfs ot gratri urv. | SSI!i*, WO V .voided that t ' i r t 1 mi I cv a. tax ( ono-tent !i I I'tf tl iM< sclmoi 1 i taiioy ; ten in the ml for t maguani MM 4 V, l pool nv imb hi 1 • ■ i i r w ( t*i lent < i I I i i I r " he alert ( tV r l U sc O! <■( 1 nui ii o. wi Ml lit V ,;te i t 111 - r I f i \ j* M iss y\\ r[ p ■ nn»m_ of Current's, , I • ram by of Mr. Joi n n. < hi- ])i O I « !-fi 1*2 < i a-tuiau cotton maiket 1 i a 11 widi i >(iii M idd t \ ! I n ? o i r fcvi UL I on i H f i ( n i ir. hi i I \ v -l t Ml i i t. i I < U 1 n i\ w r: i j 41 n I’ll' i i t nun \ t ii • a -<-v i I i <* i at I 7 t >*. id i C - \ n l ”<■ ti nil. i y i plov. i ] ! iUM > I I i ( i n i g t I 4 i • reiiotind ma n i n t lm ght embra kin* out j ng him se i.i was V l 1 i I • I rexpoi tl nit ■« d 1 no-HU ■ i. 111 t'°‘ i was | 1 IF 1 until i U sj.'ty morning, i t, v p;> ay—con XI i I rd-uTo; k ) A >l Ins su 4 - ti ,ut’> vv i sadugsR 17 ends a lit Vt ) ' ,V wife and five small < ) V' - VIV hv of l Ulir.iv t it 1 u’SIC OL’ASa I ircn r :nt i r»H h (»I * j»t S ti} ; ni nit x t ii nv f i i in r \T l i ! Acftll ,s a-- tluiviu l V ■jt' nv. si. fit In 1 'ifi-:' i 1 New I r. • I nit I mu m ! . i 1 4 ifwiliods d ^ 1 it n a t my home, 1 lu pc . , 1 •aim diu n>v •"• “ Xll i Vi •(*— 1 t r en 11 at i ’ 1 u > t i- >f. Sir ’• r IF - )H > t } - > . 1 BJola Bur^Sarv 1 The burglars seems l<» have been j on the rampage last Friday iiight.*— j Xhey visited foul* residehecs in town,! so ;nr as heard from—calling first, it secure upon. Mr. Liovd Smith, where they found the bed-room windows up. The trout rooms are occupied respec lively by Mr. and Mrs. Smith, and Messrs. J. W Harrell and G. W. Eth- j ridge. The first named gentleman j placed his cvery-dav apparel upon a chair, near the open window, when I he retired, {having first taken prccau- ! tionarv measures in removing his cash : from the pockets of his pants) and ; next morning it was found upon the j window sill of the room, Ins val- j liable pocket knife and other trinkets \ missing, midnight rogues liicn | to the room window of the ! voung gentlemen above named. Here again the rogues made a "waterhaul” -getting muhtug but a couple <>f knives and some lire-eraekers from the pockets of Mr. Harrell—he, too, imvlug U*ft his pocket-book in a. safe place, lli.s gold watch.ami chain were 1 angiug upon the wall near the win¬ now, but were lett untouched. Mr. « it bridge's clothes wore not molested, although Ins pockets contained •f 3 od. Mr. H C. \>winnn wa r * also visited the same night, and laehing the mom w indow of Mr. 0 . (*. Brown, tiie burglar opened the closed blind and was peering into tiie room, when t J?! uct: upam awoke and a-ked who was there The awakening of Mr. Brown caused tho would-be encak-tliicf to decamp. .Mrs. Herrman’s home was also vis¬ ited, but the pre ence of a burglar uji oii the promist*» being timely tliseov- _ cred, lie left in <;uiet order—taking nothing to reward him for Isis com m The premise- -j of Mr. Janu M. Bapp was next visit 2 I, it seems, and here, finding hie house secure, they retired to tiie nt Utn jiateli, where they Indped themselvco. \ s we have often said, something mild he done to chcci: this midnight W’ha t i S the remedy j Let m (it Him-il act in the matter. Mr. If. Coleman was a victim <>l l bingiai#on .Sunday night hvt \ * utranee to thedu idling w;m ii t ! bv prizing open the kite’uct (I’ll 11 *, T his building, and dining iv t n< tiie mam dwellin and doors leading to Hie diifevcnl -leeping apart nit nt s were unlocked, it 'CClli.s and the sneak thief or thieves entered one of tnese rooms mid took i in ret com a mad iron safe, contain- 111 ti* a Don f coin. The safe w s Ion DM til" In t lie, r r >1 xlr. M. \\ yum s place,broken<,-»»<**i with an axe, and the contents * rota filial tho theft was committed l.v soju a 1 Red ^ ith ihe an gcmeili ul tie* i - w 7 apparent :;no sus ! cav upou t wo of t!u i i a Al. t u.icr r> lh 1 ic v \y i j < * r i t i i J rc t i " i in utrt. «l tw< i 'I sough t-Jor ir w t ; i ith, and it the ".mi wish of < a - citizens that they ho CM ip i . a term of yea rs. » <Ft« ?**.«» iVoi’i hJiauiuiej. I : ih Johnson !un two : et *•! mined !) ; <k and ^am. Fast \ some one through tun, reported i the grand jury that he fuwDMk and Johnson stretched on the ground with \ of cards scattered around them, a <1 »■ wcet-scented lit tried t ) it t a bill against the hog •S i'.il gambling ii v llarrol a nice clever lellow > it ho next time he mistakes the i* for me one else, as 1 did t Ti <lay, i if will be uallengeu to a <itio! with cannon. Sore eye- and ‘•ore Hir< at are pr \a iit throiighoul our section, but there A > ca - - t div-htlievia. Pi of. Alai la rv resumed s last Monday. Eight bales of cotton sold here i t .Monday from Air. Harlow Clark's j I.. AI. C *- was the r. Hamilton w p lord, a vain;d w horse last week. Mrs. L. M. Curry is on a visit to J Cc.Uur county. Mr. D. AY. English brought us an Irish potato a few days since, that measured eight inches in length. A fire at Godwiusvilie a few days ago, burned a lot of lumber for Balk com ,Vr Co M. Hertz has soid .his entire stock goods to Mr. J. AY. Callahan, of Mr V illc. Tiie goods will be shipped to the latter place at once. Mr. F. is a gem a t f-.r'-'t gentleman, a brother of our Andrew, and v-'e wFh iim sm. CfjS-J Mr. Hertz is an enterprising man, a member of our town council, ■ :k. we arc glad to ki - v,v t!uu he will .soon enter into a new cr old of bnsincr * I have for free distribution, o hundred attics of Col. Cajoles E!i tro Magmetie Annihilator. warranted to kill on sight, any man who x*. ill stand Of 77 over vet; v tovdd - while you are riling, ^ chi; i 77 of resin In is mouth. Also, it wi!!. and ought to. knock into the last con tnrv any coon or any other nuisance that will draw an old diseased accor dlan irmro. than one second during his or her natural life, 1 t is worth one thousand dollars a bottle. K. Magst-. Frc bread at Pendleton Bros. r«; : market Reel at l endktci 1 ; Resolution* I pon Use Heath of; Mm. J. I’. j , Eastman*, G\., August 28 , 1887 . ; To the Methodist Sunday School: We, the undersigned committee a;> -1 pointed to prepare and report rcsoln tiotw touching tho death ot Mr». Ice- J becca II., who departed this j Hie August 9 th, ISS 7 , beg leave to sub- | «>it the following preamble and rose lotions: v j Since it has pleased God in his inn >’»*<: wisdom and providence to send IDs messenger Death into this school, j a,J d take away Mrs. R. Ii'. DeLacy. " ho has been many years a meet -“l and "beloved member and Ir.aciicr, hleutifind with every laudable under taking inaugurated to promote t . • >< -'st interests and upbuilding of the j ‘ hurch, Su ■ :a\ - > ( hool and com mu td k v - and whose example and teachings ^ cv<?r li vo and wield a potent In flucnee for good. I bereforc, he it. by the. Eastman Methodist Sunday s School, | Resolved, That while we denloro i the de.atii ot our-Imparted fru i and sister, and realize tho diflieuliy if not the impossibility of supplying {lu place she has left vacant, and w bib, i we deep dhi/e with her hns band sir chihlren in tlu-ir sad be ''eavement, yet we how humbly w. siiTm: -si vc !y to the will of Him w! do* tli all things well, and we earnest H* 1 o pure Clivi-tian life that has si ~ 1 it last beam of never fading i n -' ]it lov<: >“ this world. ma v 1 „. l, io hallowed means of leading man; mortal =ou!s to Heaven and to <l-od Resolved, Thar, these resol ! )US )0 recorded in the minutes on a page set apart for that pin nished the Donci: ( i L > for puhlication and t ual g : ven to flic £ row sir n husbani aim et : I re as a ;.es nv of the m er sympathies of this school W. L. Pi-.avx k } Mhs. M. ih ssi: 1 J Foir Miii ‘ J Rj.silOl J y . Adopted by a rising vote F. A Smtti*, R J. becrctai’. Fu 1 I ! f From J i si u. (: a „ t Ki •! r> i a .1 < C’ *. •>e- tip, ( t Rail ro lied, i boom 1 )n Tbursd mug JiO flCSlip Literary Soi ly as rc-ovga?-,I 1 and t'.iu following oiiM'er t Iccte.l i Mr. J. F. P lover, t si •nt M lfemmie Little, vice it; Mr. J j Pearce Hmith or rc'.arv v • ss Fab , Ware, treasurer ■ Mis« Floy Caswi (» f iSomerville. : who ha- been spending s r a 1 w o (. with Mrs \\ T !» T wdv , town, retu (. . lU.M.i, o iuo a t. Miss Mc>f iMa* i • ut -------- ' > M Iv a ic \\ a r» Mr. J. li (\ ! i il i w visited Jes ): ♦ ii it (-m- of . t -s I i * ’ t V 'Hill g I, Mr. Will Su inter ;as \ * 1 li ), V V I * file >ibaO.Wfa 4 I 1 / * i: i. Tiie. ione- tali n i v .v 111 .-uroly come mi at Amos .r iLa!! It irht ? fimi'sci hi 111 j rea.dim s, the skaters u ao< i 11 im •• ml j their skatcswell oiled, t tie ■ alia; lu a t ue most i’Ujoya: o*‘ the kind e\v; he tv. iit’fi v-ikments or a I inds will be at hand, amt in tli: CO I i cftion in arc req; sb l to ask t! : hid! ot i.he town—luOftC w ho d T 1 a contrihut sumeiiii ng in ;i i oi luxuries to st th*. ... ( i t tm. st ore oi M r. Jo T. IV all. mac .> I«— frit t ucr-se >aht. tuoir iiasivet •o that the comiuittec may know t i donors, ml r< .•I’ll to the iituc. Air. Toe I » . King will cautiously . this matter. As is well known. Hi i s ■liter'.an incut is given for the Uc i i:t ot t ; East man Cornet Band, and it o, lioj *t that every friend of il organ./at ion i ! 1 oinc out and bring their ( US V ami fric; Iri, Don't forget the date moskcaj; A ppendix Miss J'iuby Bacon, mueh to ‘he re¬ ' TR'Ot of her many friends, returned onio Mordev Mr. Ilal Ba ii visiled A moskca g Sunday. Mr. M. V. A 11 rotis, accomparied ) \ > ^* 1 ‘. >. AY. 1 ?. Harvey, <5 Detroit, : Micii, spent a dav in As 3 sag last ! week. Mr. ilarvry is mnected with the Michigan Car Works and this company purchased the first lot o lumber shipped west ‘by the Amos i keag Lumber Company, AYe regret to state that Mrs. Dar¬ , ! per is en’ serious!v ill. Air. A. L Bond was quite severely hurt hi the planing mill i uesday. A plank tlew from the r. striking him in the .vtomach and seriously i hiring him. Dr. C. T. * ■itij.ier was here a gave him prompt aitouii !. (.apt. K. 3 . Law, having finished surveying tiie route .>i tho tram road, ha <r. returned 2 me to Tiioinasvt’dc. slight p 0 "C urred Friday. A shanty caught, but the dames were easily extinguished a.s the fire* engine was promptly on tin sce ii 0 r.d fur nished all the water needed L. . Don't forget that Pendleton Bros, are keeping bread fresh from the Sa .y rv it e of iZ .•eats r loaves. ( hoicc candies, crystalized fruit.-:, etc., at Fcr.dlcto’t Bros No “old stork.'' DodgcMupcriwr C'ottrt. I Bodge Superior Court, which had ' been in session Cm* two weeks, ad-j on Saturday hist, but will convene again to-day (Thursday) at ; noon, and will take tip the case of the State attains! W. Sh'Bryant. During the two weeks oi court Honor, JudgeKibbee,dispatched bust ness in bis usual rapid lieving the jail and disposingof a large amount of civil andcrintinal business, Wash Mathis, oh, convicted ot steal ir.g a mule, and John Moore, also ( , found, guilty of high way robbery, ; were, each sentenced to four years in <!to penitentiary. Amoirrother minor aseson tlio rritmnal docket, that of r ank 1 'orcst, charged with illegally j handling ii.-nuu >« ^s disposed of. lie w as found guilty, a'nd-eut^- ed to pay a fine of jK 1 .T 0 , which lie did. 't’ho.]>rvra urimnu, of tiiegrau 1 jury. refieeliir ti e prosperous condition of; the county, were read Friday a fit r noon, and that body was discharged. Marriage is» abiv !• iiisf CpI.J. B. Mitchell, of jl.iw kiiiHville. Mi i B Ilosfonl ot 'i’err Haute, led.. \v. - re united in marriag in the former nv < n ihc even 5 ng 1,1 the 2 d*at the residence i-f Jud'^e ( Ryan—the Judge lying the sa ered kuo*. Fob A*, is the father of Airs, \\ r . iV Daub*!,of Eastman, and » most ex - ( iiont yotit leman, und one of on via. bio i. gal ability. tis bribe (the third"’ is a western ot u ep learning and rare culture, was in our tow u a lew weeks ago. •tod gave us a pleasant call—repre t |tc, a s \ raveling ( 'orrespomlent * in cr tnc 1 *. iding ii ws papers in the west*and .hmiHi-sv t>,‘. If, <cems tlia.t her visit to tiii.s section was brou:. ! it a limit through some procou I a tion. in the way of a eorres ) nee. ict wee n the m >w happy upon meeting . Ii other r I " iuutivj a-. ! miration :>. ( use V l erst si^iit"- a i v wore ppny man i i i (O V So ( ( 1 \ I i >r a u i i lb UiU'V.)-, ;d. ? \ l r r 1 M t ! \ ;l oil’ : I 1 * bn H Fay.or r r ( (’ t h ’ •onnty. will eug in tl s a w Ml i - I ]('*>.>* .'l f Ml! ( 1 <i.i font lemon have I • l S 0i duect ti*. u the foundry, a new i mrla He sir m saw mill and ures, an \\ ; { J ate the sat nt rnss (kin ■ i W ?.;; w 7 will be to a er tiH.-'lnnilH r for 11 i ar .e bridge to he built icross tin er 2 *k near itald win >V (V.s tn;*p( ^ •ork's, and liii »! lunittlj A ( portable m ( t v V from twelve ft ecu lVc! of lumber ; i ( i iX’Vl U u ii i It* !* jM’l *><)• >1 I>!(M y ■: re.-!:*•, .. i <1 ; i' I u t u f! Im v li i a ni vtTV hum limit r tin gins or ji w c v all < <i i ■r, km \ l-’Ci'L so, i t o a. r i lie h .list h s in variou uireel ions, as a g r. i! dc e I of cot * on i s now ready for toe am* the cotton field S arc V. • _ I 4 ti Will) i Ot (t)I Mr. \\ \ \v • l eringtou will soon have his gin roadv for work The p.eople of :! i r u r it. are making proparatimis mi ti, soeiation vei Friday, Haiti \ <t Mimiav next. I t i )k they ai to 1 i ve a good a.-sociation at R. t \ infs church. ty % la cegam ( c ti miav school ai thi> place. A \ t(>w have one at Mf. Carmel an ! one l our school home, tlie former in the morn ng the batter in tin: afb'rnoon I h j iaicer - t { for the benefit of tliose k Iso live so far f iitircii This county, the •till? v 4 Lauren•. \> v;ovkio <4 ior l^roiiiohio)), ihou^h i 1 i Oh; i ffui If ilievo is own an ole lion r t erect. - r. .T. G Thomas a; ul 'Ii>s ?d:n*v J. A. turd wer united. in thi u>1 ' e.mis of m a trin ly t htirsuav cv miig at 4 p. n * •> Ft r \ t Greer ollb'iat la W Is es U) you, John I hear i y ;t. tnor tiii.t our u nt )>a per. tl i /. going t<’ l " i 'J ! imp. v,n a four page. Hurrah for the. tdi • r it the Ga/e?k. i \\ lilies -te "CSS of veliv lert aki ng. I t’ fl py* »I Ln Brief, and to tin* Fm.uR DyspepsI? is ‘f ii ir 7 T liver i- irdsery. fm gC.'H.r 1 to good nature. 'J'lie immar digo.sHvo ppa ranis (Micot the most h.r> • i ami w* » i h*rftii iiicgs in existence. *1 iseas put out o! o R-r Greasy fb 1 , lough fr d food, b ;i i kery. mortal w ^ hours, ir *gula; mbits, and ma - othei things which ought not t‘> he. nave trade H.** America people a ua tion of nyspppH •Si But Cro n s 4 '.u^. r T 'lower refornp ha Jl done a wond.ei fill \\ c rk in this sad business - i niakiii tha? i im American people J so heaHhv tnev ■ • i , and , happy. can enjoy tneir me:;is he -it-memoer health. : fivo iiujipincos with out But Give r: F August Flower brings healtli at ! nmincs to th** ',.* •“: x w -,- ' ! . «° *or ■ i.ijiitc. f vt . 111 . v-livc cents. oiiy ke “ Dair gar T *C.iJ,A 4 :i ILLS. Thnt iHill.nuss—TheLuMt oHt. Cochran, wilFaguiii Ga.» Sent. 5 «tvj . Editor Journal : I tempt to write you a tew lines, and ■ this will Ik*, the lafl time^h.r u while, !■ i om what gfling I can see (not hear) eve* j rything is on nicely The‘-Em h as beet) running for the bust three days, in* just in order to gat ’* the ma- I ehiuery good running ore,or—will | commence sa wing th’s week, Well, it seems that vour cut, “Anonymous,is touched up to a lifgli key; it scorns that he has hi tune jiitche i i inuiier than hinvoice can ’.each. i would not write this but the gen tiemaii h s bid me adieu, and i want to sry tlie same to him. He speaks o: ‘‘boot-licks,’’ and savs that l ■ have the job, t did not know that he was cue, ;:ntii he shelved jeal¬ j ousy in bis last letter. I will resign, and let him keep up his old trade, ns I do not want to do any i hing that w ill ( outle t with another man's business. He also speaks of md weakness. 1 know that I am afool, but I have gi 11 enough to know i\ and : souse that is more Ilian .1 can say tor him. “peaks ot ino as a mechanic. Framing that as true, it is far better : than wearing the .solo off my shoes 1 in w : ng from lion A to 1 3, t ry¬ ing to ’’ small pic i / a ■( c. ot' faded inh¬ "'•u to some poor, ignorant woman or child Which then j. the most lion or in—being a mci o or i foot peddler, I will let the public pass tij )• "11 M e hardly think he is any .sales¬ i man, however. Wed, he didn't want to know what a “ moss-back was, nut < as lie is i, man that needs kno ledge, i mint j 1 tell him. any way. A j ii ' iss -back is ! one t ha lout know hut little, and i I lie know J (1 * ! ii( h* a i v < > i > i know it w I I ; and that is th C eo ndi tion of “Anonvnmns." So adieu, Afr. Mo- y we hope for you a Ion 1 III! haiMiV i’le, and that. you may hav success in your tub I dling, and that you mav at last rc ) ( - lu*re \ on cm t v •k l 1 your kuup- fi: i’k and trump no mo t « Main- thank Air. I I tor 1 IP’S g our o oli iie< tin Ii nr j ir* S' < Tui 'i'it v. rj. 1 *l!M,U ' * , \ \ ■ i >• •) FoitiIK I At \\ Ml. Me] J i !< i|S( . near f 'ypns, i n b r ’ ion of (>odgt tint\ , north u on hist Friday. Si l: Ii, r Id o'clock a. m , large crowd of the t ; colored pm,,, *f tin i Kt . ai.hied in V. 11 I M F i f Jell Tin excrci I t. •« 1 H t S 1 i(’( recital ions, Cl i » HIM)! u m-v.-l m Mere was h'O s n gi 11 g 11 v I" huoi, iilUuspi S( .[ .vith mm ii l.v I'm: I fin;’ e a ood 4 run, A bout 12 n II 'I'./C i <s(*ni! P, v- a adu y Ran ,otn <. ai ,n in a | I I V’ bn I c.u i i I nv iiri'i. n*u: i l«>ll v ut i i MM ♦ * i • i rd ’ b t IIV i l of' ! r . rn ■> o i cl, i 1 I I \\ ‘• 4 I r i . I il : * i t i t hi ner i t i . ai 1 rabniid { i mb >t all , kind u i i i i lucnse crowd w 1 ti\ 1 !• •: r« ' j v« ard 1 il I ] i i I'f a'rT* of (!.< \ lain and '(* uns ilv mH in it.,. bount 11 spia ad {♦•ft to i i aiioi i > w ■ r *) A | \ • ♦ \ F'F’I ! II ii t am;o cheer fr no i i crow.! w called to ti >i 4 ' i 4 > olive red a nr*.st inb sting addr fuRi improvement, of I li iiatimn I’a v lie ii'. " l( 4 iy;am [ do in Uk f: t! of ( I I! j'>!!. I he i 1 ,. •( I ofi‘ verv tie * a ml 1 ’.', ' more ordi*rl\ eisevd of |. *. u!■ I not ’om e assembled 1 •)••'<*t’ r. d M. * i fa dil tor tl Iitle-r J ii w lu m C M " exercise- ot. t it Rcsp.-i*1 fu Ii SSc c a * «** S«-r> R.wival sere softhc.M, E.CImivli { il.) comtneiieod ia.-t (W ..........- i (*'•'* siing at Trinity, Kerv'- us w i be ; i [ bv lhc ? r, ssi-ted ti\ Revs A. I > A 11 •;n ami i >. < Fulton. Glad to have the pi aye rsand proenec i* - M nlcresRed in ti ia .iv;;th,a of i SOU IS. W. A. f lot.Mi •b Rrt'tor. i Lf itidla 1 1 *• <• Aoi |<c* , Not i is ! I i wnl be nitroslm er ;; i cue rn i N> ,u-mi>iv of Ge< rgia, ;.i us pro*) n! ><•> I sion, of which t he ful!o\ 11 g V/ i J1 i i the caption, lo-wit i i to oe en titled an act to providt p S|.t cial road aw for the, com -»• i + ' - :n ; to pro i vide for tin <*u > - lion . I ifie ’ > I u nd "A and Hie disbiir.-.cniei:t of t!i s;i e. ami for tin -cfi.'eliun <>l the \■ ro| r road ollli.vrs for said il lit n. t othvi ’ u I'i’v.l'.iii ve «.>« i «•»;, I. ‘RGIA Iionca; i t: vr v Vnt i< i - that at th' pr •,< 14 - -1 • • 11 <;! t |0 < It 1 I ,-v s •I’ll iy Of < A \ I made ?■ •:* tii I \ !- 4 ! "iitit > .v-: Hi .Ul * An A " t pr ■r t! r of the I ll t’ rs ot 1 »o,J ni: t t‘> provM , | D'.i'ty : i iliegai votiii; ten ntin/ vo*<- jltcgally. Aiiprfi\,-’t ] sv. * *; >‘S -b.v ■ Notice. Is 1 soU!°t / Lumber, m‘T Y f- a vy !.-n en tin cantil:. Tram i*ai!rc.:t't un«l otlxer business h^iicfora *-iuTied on in H/> ccmniKs ot i)o( 2 gt and ltjUuii, in *iie iststc >h Teor^if to tho “Norumndale Lumber Company.*' which all Lunib^i* undisputed Coninutiv liabilities yviiI assume ot Messrs. at. i pay Meigs-z pertaining lodge, Co. to said_bus- 4 i< •■, All appointed or other agents here totoro acting tor us in connection with said ess in Ger/cia have no authority to prchent us after this date. DoMjK, Mtiioh ,y Go., per Allkn AL >kxtox, agt uiciuli, G'i., Aug. 4 , FROM «ORTH C 1 ROUXA 4 [Froth our traveling correspondent] f. Pigeon River, N. 0 ., Atig. 2 My first week’s work among tile! mountains Is almost completed. „ Fv in Clayton, Ga., I went aerosd the Blue Ridge, a distance of 30 miles, without taking up a box of seeds.— The road was washed fearfully, and many places c*u the mountain side rr « my < was the most p Highlands is a summer resort on tho Blue Kid go, 30 miles from Waihalla, 8 / ( which is the neaifMt railroad point. 1 lacks run daily, and at this season aro I adi ; ch mv, T)wsite for a town is a good one, being .surrounded by rich valleys and beautiful springs of chan*, cdld water: nil who visit it say they will never attempt it again. Hacks breakdown, mules give out or something of the kind happens nearly* every \ lay. Carts, wagons and bug giv- stand by the roadside, as forsaken by the unfortunate, and speak volumes to travelers, who continually expect to met I with a similar fate. My buggy top was in my wav at tirst, but before I ha 1 t" re far the heavy jars from gul¬ lies and rocks relieved me of it, and 1 (lien had nothing to dread. But I rea- bed the sought for citv before id f , and enjoyed a quiet, repose, af¬ ter a ]H‘D h'UpjH-r rit tho Davis House. Ib-re I m**t a. hardwaredrum- 1 1 1 F i fr -m Knoxville, Tenn., and soon in possusion cf his intended mute, which corresponded with mine. AVc did not bug and kiss, but in aom v 'p!'i‘’to ways demonstrated our appreciation of each: other. From Highlands we traveled together, a to to' vther. slept together and had a good time together' generally. Thursday v e arriv* d at V/a\ nesvilla, the county cat of Haywood comity, and also a no t V 1 th ♦ '* I* ;iu' resort. Near the i H-vv od Wlii l t Sulphur Sc, » *.■:•: y magnificent hotel*. A p< nt the ino.-t delightful f " r, r lire. Liv --upper time our labor \\ s o\ r. and we were bo icat'ion, cf which we l'elt i ue iiM \ Our iandiudj’ was one ot . vei known, and we were, Ft lit I i • nioi, im cting a number ? itor -drom various parts of ti-’ d.-ulll t V y pleasant duty rnrui a !iu! girl from South I I ,v 1 1 1 to the best of ■ ii y abjii am .-!..* i Kpressed herself is hein;;' igbh *; a', having met me. Ir ■ i w ii!;’ luv yr frr in tV'nyiiesvillc i 5 unit cr~t h'enm see, then baek across North into y, \ <b Carolina, wo CM I 1 o her horn, ■ i n f’ickous county, 1 wi is acli there again in September, if evcrydt'ng \\< i' s well, and thin eg little girl i. under SI snored vow c at home on this occ sion. Bigeou River is a small town on th mi r i>an\ iiie R. lb, or rathe the i ■stern fiarolina branch of tho !■ iv i*. road. It is tiie home of Mr. "■mat i ; , whom your readers will i -p». if’da r foe O. (I. clock agent, .. } M i i ■J *gc, and perhaps 11 > - i < i "U‘gia, early this i :* iC’-iuer neai* 11 )' b* i auccs.— i i i n of hero i 1 (el < I 1 \ 'I i firm of 11 . , 4 id who In r Mu d the , -■( ft native of tliis count v 1 i; • cr p 11 «re.— : T! i i / I' otbm within iti mi; i many of tho p.-.’pi' I Jce"? staple crow i , n I -fl.OO per bn-i’ici . i 'mi Oat h, tv o rud oHn-i cals < t > \\ 11 here, amt era -(•< ot » i :J.s arc .'ucccssfully t'T( W tl \ x‘» ( ■s a Mctlnaiist church, 30 x ifi ]. ' 1 w< II tied died and seated, tho lumber fl • x\-hi. h |was 1 two from a sin p; 1 p tree- :V.atiling, shiugl *s, seats, et< r b" <■■. ntleman with whom lam stopping this i cr ; vouches for Hie truth of stateuu-ii ’ ind savs ue knew a rg fiamllv b» live in the hollow st n ' mammoth t rees f i i nuuo'cr of vcfii s R. 8 T. . [TJL Tie ^ Social C\ ^ „ 'A Glass, HI "It— BOH BRITTLE'S TRIUMPH. —AT THE— ( O CRT HOUSE, ih 8 ‘ l'i. M, 1887 , (• f TIIE— Eastman Dramatic Society, _c. fail to ;■<’ Jim bac,;■;i>,-rp, an “Rob 4 fitt’ for ie- i jmtnenso. BSTMftN KiG !j SCHOOL I A]J K Fouall A i :i of th*- Kh st ’j’ !e a iid Ft mail*.* Ac ndi c i 1 - lit. will b< Mon fit V Ivt IS| fito f.di term con U .V fi TIL rR’N: J •. "C -ud G ul’. p< r n.ojit'. » i.;ii,I ? ■ :«•! j. r lu-.iuh . 2 0 <) Fourty Grafto. per iiiOnth i ftO Diiriaz ;!.‘ fr.-.d three rn.M.tte fin* public f .i .1 will he (ledacted from these rates, * rMUion »« the Kad of " - somii. rym' ‘•nr be had reasonably in good vuiiiiiics. i ucils ;<re therotuwlv arty^eoHege. eretiarcct fr - tho Junior Clas in We solicit the continued patronagec*t the Wwa * aud section, unci point to our work in tho past as a ’guarantee f<»r the future. Tiie Music Department wilt he in churgft of Miss Theresa Paris, a okillful perform' er and computeot- teacher. liss Fannie Bakiuk, R. -I. .-TR-aziKH, JO As friitcipftL • Sib taut. ' ’.gust . 1,