The Dodge County journal. (Eastman, Dodge County, Ga.) 1882-1888, September 22, 1887, Image 3

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THE JOURNAL. c.r-rc:;.:: R.8. BURTON* • . . . Editor. oar Aireatih Mr. 8**w\RTltoakRS, of Reedf and Hprhie?. m*ipt. !« duly Authorized to receive for the Journal in that aection of country. Any fA'/or* shown him through this medi¬ um will bo appreciated by us. Mr. L. I. Loan, of Applin* Cduntv , is authorized to receive *nd recci|»t Journal. for suti feoripUona to the DoDORCoUNTr DIRECTORY. !tln«onlc. Regular mijeting 1st Friday night in each month at 7 o’clock. ItelialoiiA. -v M sailU.Vti«*ViTT”^!?>^K V*t ni., and ft j». m. ’Prayer meeting AVetlnes ^tSSfOSi It. J. Ktrozler, Kuii't. .. .............. BaPTIOT.—R ev. 1*. A. JesHiip, and ami. pastor. th preaches at Kastman every 4 SttSlfJhlSLftAS month* t'onft with the U-fore ineafli rence second Sah* Kastman Baptist church on 5 " eUC * "Colored CliurrhcM, Trinity M. K. C'hi’rcii.— 1’rcachinj? np^^^md'S^m iuloliy-Hchool W. IIoi.muh, m'“y Kimday ut» u. in. Hnv. A. ,MHU ’ r ' l.ocnt Time Table. FAHMKNOKR TRAINS. Js'o I t V. B. North hound - ‘2 f)0 A M Nr Cl South 4» - 12 M) A M No Mi North 44 12 12 I* M No to South 44 - It !t A M LOCAT- FHKIC.MTS. No 24 North hound n 27 A M No 23 South li hi A M No. 14—cannon hall—atopg at iiUinhcr i'ity, Kiistmau ami Coi-lintn. ” THURSDAY. SKIM’. 22, ISs". —■-V" JOUR N ALETTES. —-“Oh, 1 do love to make folks hap !>>•” —Theso are splendid “turn over mornings. —This is the month that ’possum*, Vimuions and oysters begin to turn. Pendleton Bros, have just received a fresh supply of crystalized fruit*. —Miss Amanda Sexton, of Norman dale, was in Eastman on Monday last, Visiting friends. —Many a man has ruined Ids eve M..1.I n ,u,Wino-room ° ' lookin'- ” fur work. — UomoQibcr tHat now is the time to prepare your land for small grain, if you wish to make good crops. Lookout for flue northern apples at Pendleton Bros. They arc now on the road. —The new portable steam saw mill of Taylor, Peacock & Peacock lias ar* rived, an 1 will be pul in position near Eastman in a few days. —Some of our people raise too much corn, but they raise it in a goblet. And some raise too much rye—in the same way. —Mr. A. J. MumfJrd, now of llnw km-<\ine, spent Sunday last in East man. lie is delighted with his now home, and -.peaks in praise of the good people of I lie town. M r J. S ( . .Marshall, of Eastman, i»:is a position as one of tin- tain teachers in the Academe. I a lady ef culture and n'liueiti ’ii!, and knows j.isi how to “leach the young' idea to shoot.” —A bill for llie protection of gain'', song and insectivorous birds in the county of Telfair, passed theL'gi-la < lire one day hist week, and became a law. — No circus in Georgia in October— not even at the Macon Fair or the At Janta Kxpocilum. .That’s ctrange.— AVo don't think there is one in the Hotilh. Had you thought ot n ? —Quito a number ut Chnuncey’. gallant vonng gentlemen attended the entertainment here on Mondav eve iting la-t. I'hero were also present noveraI ladies of the same place.— Chaunopy is alway to the front on j m LI it* occasion *. —Sporting men will soon be rub bing up their guns for the tall earn paign, There are large numbers of quail, doves and other small game in this section—so our rural friends say. —Mr. \\k A. Burney, the brick con¬ tractor of this section, but now em¬ ployed at the Empire Mills, was in East man again this week, ilo is la mdiarly known as “ Burney, the brick nian.” and the appellation is good, for he i* an expert in the business. — AVe do not remember ever >ccing so much interest manifested in the tauae of edueatton inoureountv a* hu 1mm lor the |«wl y«ar or >-o. This is as it sliouhl be, for edueUion is the Jiopc of the country. Air. 11. Cob-man. our efficient school commissioner, has been largely instrumental iu giving the educational interests of Dodge county a grand impetus. —Mr. Daniel McEaehin, a popular young citizen ot Graham, was in L Eastman on Monday last. AVe learn from Mr. AI. that he will at an early day, open up with a good stock 01 tner chaudiso in Lumber City, and wc be sneak for him a libers I patronage from the good jieople of that section, lie is a most excellent young gentle¬ man, aud we trust success may attend him. —The State Fair opens at Macon on the 21th of October next, and eoutin uos one week. Ex-President Jellerson Davis will be there, and hundreds ot old war veterans from all over gia and and adjoining States will vis¬ it tho city during thc week to see and shako the hand of this grand old gen¬ tleman—perhaps for the last time, as heU quite aged and feeble. The Fair, the in every parlleular, promises to be State, most and interesting ever held in thc our loYvn and county, will, as «*owJ, usual, contribute largely lo the —A movement was instituted Iasi Snudav, at the young meus prayer meeting at thc Motliodiskchnreh here, toorganilWJ a Young Mens’Christian Association in Eastman, and, to tills end, we leani tliat Messrs. D. L. Mar¬ tin, 1J. J. Strozicr and AV. L. Peacock were appointed a committee to see what can be done toward said organ¬ ization, solicit members, etc., and those interested in this glorious undertak¬ ing will meet at the Methodist church next Sunday afternoon. This is a good Held for such an organization, there is ample material for the fomta ll,m-cnf - i "" 1 lr,,st ll,at ,l,c committee may meet with much en-j 00u 1U * nf *“»» their grand mission. ; Hot us all attend the meeting Sunday ^ fift* ingsaid organization will be made. I............. attention is directed t0 lhn i aI ok .,r 0 advertisement of man & which appears in jumjc. Their stock ot goods consists of 0 VCrVl hIn«»- to eat or wear line whi! • they also have in stock a full ot fine jewelry. Farmers should bear in mind that this firm keeps everything uspt ] ul , on ||»n plantation, and thrv can do no better than to patronize them when tlicv ooinc tu to purchase thfur winter supplies. Tliev pav the highest cash price for cotton and all country produce. IL*:*.'! their adver tDement and give them a call. had a pleasant call a few davs J [since from Air. A. I.. Adams, who js canvassing thc count’ujsof Dodge, Tel : f.,i(’oilVc, Applin-', j Tattnall, P.ryan, Pm 1 loch* and Liberty j j( >r ,j 1(> w ,,j^ () j- v v ’i,|to llronzc Momi llifilN, U Into among us lie ePacled several good, sales, aud wc were pleas¬ ed t(i learn of him that ho is meeting Will, marked .......... in his labor.., as ! there is none more clever and deserv¬ ing than ••Bud,” and his goods urn of a (inality to stand the lest ofthe strict¬ est MTiitiny, of whom and which a more lilting notice will appear in a i ssl,, ‘ °* l ' 10 Jouhnal. —“Kappa” has changed less" her politics and will devote time to our I contemporaries, and more time to her Is !o," shouhi i”’*? Cn,i"l 'IK I as it Ik-.—J cmp Sentinel. While wc rc- hT tc lo-c •• \\ ipici” a* | contributor, we certainly admire the ! s pint which prompted her to “change her politics”—that of helping the weak j —for if a journal ever needed a eon tributor (or rather an editor) it is the j Sentinel, | —If your local paper happens fo j tread on your toes a little in perform ing its mission, don’t get your back [up and Mouse the editor, but stop and pike a good breath aud think fora season, and sue if you can’t remember some of tiie favors aud kindnesses he lias shown you fit the past. Then re¬ j licet, tliat it may not be long before you may want some favors again. —Mr. i "narlev Mullis, aged ?eventy seven years, died at Ins h ; )<•!) , |-an Fritlay evening l.i-t. Mr. M i S wa < an eeiiudrii Oil «< email, and i wa- uneducated, but was ve ce>>ful a> a financier, hav accti niu luted an e-tr.te valued at a t $50.0 )X lie leaves a wile and nine children, all of whom tire grown except one. —Captain E H’i-hart and ii ife, of I.uiubi ton C., are vis their son and daughter, Mr. Iiobt. E. AV'isli art and Mrs. \V'. I). Ilaigrovos, of In gli-wood. in this county. AVe wish j (’apt. \V. aud lady a pleasant sojourn in wiregre¬ —Tire - cytlie-blade has laid low the weeds on a portion of Fifth avenue, but still there is room for improving the a p|»ea rr. nee of this lovely t borough fire. In fact, nearly all of our streets I ere covered with wet 'V i ing machine ould be / C i advantage. —Sheri If Rawlins request - : us to say that it the parly who stole thc double j blanket from oil* ihe fence at the jail, , will return tin* same, he will take no action against them, If not, they will be arrested, a* bo ha* them spotted. —.1 u*t a* v »to press, avo learn of tlie death of l >. Powell, which oc¬ curred in this county yesterday. Tho deceased i* the mother of e--rs. A. \. and G. \V. P< < ■II and M u Join* J. IhiiTi.vm. of n *1 . Ea-tman. Mrs. I*, will be buried in \Voodluwn cemetery 1 to-dav (Thiirxlav.) — Air. II. L. Man-on, of Colombo*, son of Mr. J. \V. Manson,of our town, visited his father here last week. He j ; '"f ' V 1 ‘lcnt. fl ’ 1- r Na-livilW, A'amlerbilt Tm.ii.. l niversitv, ivlioro and 1 lake Ids final <■ > iti law leelitros. —A little insignificant item in a newspaper will make a man an ene¬ my of the paper for life, but it won’t ! stop him from reading it. It morelv change* him from a subscriber to a , —Don’t forget tho festival at tlie court house to-morrow night. promises to bo a delightful occasion, i a,,<l al1 llic b,xunesof <*io season, in ■ tduding fresh oy^stet^-s, will be on band —Thc new harness shop of Air. B. R Folsom, in the rear of the store of Mr. ....... Henry ran*, is liearmg . comple lion, and will be a neat building, and i a good stand for Mr. F's business. Mi. Morris ... Hertz, ot Chaunccv, ,,, I s P' n - Monday last with friends here, He is an ever welcome visitor to our town, Cincinnati chicken is on a boom, but Pendleton Bros, arc holding down the prices of C. R. sides to 11 cents. Pendleton Bros, sold granulated gar } ast week at less than Maeon’s I wholesale prices. Vl ., nf \t«L l0SC nan i 1'' :t, > ' isited the taniily Mu Alalhei ,. - [ I Wynne, ot our town, (his week. —A cool east wind has been prevai! ing in this section for several days, but still no iain< AVo expect another lot of fine cub bage on Friday, Pendleton Pros. —Read thc reward notice of E. A. McRae, Sheriff of Telfair county, to be found in this issue. —W. L. Smith, D. D. S., of Ilaw kinsville, is in the city, stopping at the DeLietch House. The funeral services of Airs. Powell and Mrs. AVood ward will be conducted at the Haptisteliurch at 11 a. m. today, The public are invited to attend. '■<>"''•« rl01 '. -Mr. ”-. C - maud, is absent at present in 1 „ poosa, Ga , w here he has a contract of adding fifteen or twenty rooms to a 11 ..... u ' "' ... ' . 11 „ t ' man » has seuueil an a PP OTntlue, « in ! b * 1U ^ ,1 "‘; ’f >1, 11 ' ‘ ° ]){ ' ? rati v 111 ^' to his scores of friends a, “ l l « ^nd around Eastnian. ' 11 ‘ ,UI - ll> * • aiU 1c ™ u \ in * <la >' s for !lHh( * r f V( to an 4 ‘ !>,IU | a * • tive » ,0 ^ lU ? n with a large variety in <1 ’ is,r v ' C sha11 lo smg tins - ,no * t (1 ^‘»iabl«* ) twain from our bu-i nosj SU1 <1 circles, and send our . 1 ‘ ..... a< 111 i,! tl,c,r r,e ' v ,loni °* 1 ~ A bliI 1,:,s bc011 l ,assctl b v tbo * isUturc ,,lttkin S co'»mw«on. ers, tax receivers and collectors, coun t v st!,owl c “ m,,,i!>sio,,or ^ ^‘-‘uibors of - 1 the hoard or education, trea-nn. s and 1 ui( b ! iarios incompetent as grand rors du ri nit < hei r tcsin of ofuce. — It is reported that Mr. A. L RyaN. clerk of tho superior court ol Telfair i >«•»!«• ">« |nib!i.-»l«.a ot a new weekly newspaper at Mcllac about the llrst of October. The paper will be a four-column folio, and is to be called the Mcliae Enterprise. -Mr. inm T. Ungaro, one of our live merchants, left on Tuesday last for Xnvv Vo,k Uity, where he will | purchase a large and well selected i stock of goods, lie will bo absent ; "° v, ' ral ,lay8 ’ »" a wl,il ° *" " l0 !•''«" metropolis, every advantage will he : allorilftl him for buying goods for cash far below our merchants who deal in southern markets. Ho i} a fine business man, and our people should call on him when his new goods arrive. —Delinquent friend, hearken! When vou have swapped your cotton for the rhino, don’t longer neglect the poor printor, who lias uncomplainingly in lidged you through the season senivitv. Don’t foolishly reason to v<!f. because our failure to dun von on the £ ■Is. that a; e are not wanting and justly entitled to liie small amount due n*. To sustain life, 11 jointer requi sustenance just ias other folk-, and to procure 1! ( , \ t hev ai i.i I 1 *i 11 i* L i * < i* imuesd 11 u.: \ ■ i to rc. \ Card. 1 t iott J r i \ 1 S,‘C| \«*• tim columns ol* your valuab • pa¬ x our highly esteemed fellow Dr. J. i). llcrrmun, will leave for Ne Vork in a t' w day-, to finish his met. ic.'d eduea ». an recogni/ing tlie hl mconvt s that his mai *,* patrons would lutve to undergo •A rea-on of his departure. 1 . in I of iiis friends and patrons, respect full; request him to defer liis trip, at least for the present. Citizen Kastman. SVdvak AVe are requested r—- slate that thc ladh s ( f the ATctho t parsonage aud aid society will give a grand te-lival M the court lion se on to-morrow (Fri day) evening, to which the public is cordially invited. EveryJiang in (he line of refreshments will be served, am 1 nothing will be left undone to render the occasion a most delightful one. The proensls of the evening go toward ri plastering and Ire.-coing the Methodist church building, and all members and (riend* of this denomt nation will turn out cn ma-se and lend ■’ ,n,h 1 ' hM w,,rk forget tlm date—Friday m night next. A imiskrag A iijm'ihHy. Mi>.C.A.TI.......... .mrol h 0 Tuesday, alter a delight ful visit oi two mouth* Nonh. visiting Boston and friends in A erinont. l'rot. Thompson ac. ompaniod her as far as Savannah, and returned to Forsyth via. the ( . R R. to resume his duties in the college there. K. If. K^o„.acom„a„i,,l bv Mi- S ! ilbm, hdi tue-day for forsytli. where Miss T. will enter Monroe Female Mr ; NV> McCa „ j s hoVb ( j lis WC ek. He i* always weieome. The new office of the A. L. Co. is tdmut completed, aud and is a It nioib-l divided ot eo in fort convenience. is into three eumparinicnt.—the private office of tin* general manager (which will be carpeted and handsomely fur mshcdAlhe book-keepers’office, which is commodious and convenient, and j| 1f! ins]actor’s room, each office hav ing three large windows with blinds. The walls are kalsomined, and (lie partitions of the wire rooms netting, are made allows sliding sash offices and be thrown which into the to one, thus giving a free and veutillation of i air. The store below office will Ik. heated bv The hthh-s and oilier furniture i»ecessary for an olfice ! ‘ were made here, and will compare with any work. and the The tables curled are quite] pine handsome, one of oiled and varnished, i* handsome enough to be sent to the Piedmont Exposition. L. j “Xfce Nocbtl <Uln«s.** This beautiful tmnperaucc drama was presented by thc Eastman Dra¬ matic Society, at the-court house here, oa Monday evening last, and a very largo audience greeted them—thc hall being packed almost to standing room. The stage, scenery, droppings, lights, , etc.* had been appropriately arranged, and the whole presented a somewhat theatrical appearance. The scats were arranged in sections, rows aud uum bers, and ushers conducted each one to their respective scat. The dramattsporeouiew^ admired bv a "’ and each °uo acquitted them selves In most admirably. j act 1st, Dr. Ilerrman, as Cha*. | Thornlcv, carried out his part most i elo^ainiy, fully ill,,., rating the life of a\«niug ntan tailed in atllucnoe, mar frequentsdoo often the saloon aud gaming table— •■"'eriaius in princely stylo-fast com- | i , * lu > a,! 'l me social glas> —all drag- j ging and disgrace. him downward Through to degradation these dif- j j all m .mo-. Dr. II. poruaved the | charactcr mo ^ ^udUXly, fully ad ' ancl,1 « 1],c a* 5<u »*a» c o to ali that he i has a talent for the stage. | : Eva.Thornley (Miss Fannie Harris) ; as wife of Dr. Herman, won the ; j plaudits;of all. Her entreaties with ! j b‘ i di--npat«*.l n i-oai'.- weiepatoet- j i u ‘ bnleed. aud almost lieait-rending ! ttt MMnc s of thc l’ ,a >'- Mar , ri- is tine > a amateur actress—‘-literally i j do she swallow up the listener,” as it j j were, while your mind and body are! | entirely voice from under first the to last, sway her of tones her sweet final-| j Iv melting into pathos—always direct. i natural and elfeelive. In net 2d, Mr. K. S. Burton, in the ml,. „f w.r-k«)».'r in the ~tti»ing Sun ! Hotel,” was imply immense, depiet in u most inimieable manner the i character of John i'ai-lov. Ilia every ; .novc- ami scstm-c rvas wcll-timwl, .ml ! liccntnrtiu.iccl his iu a inn*! i.!c.«mt limit- | ibb* customers, Charles 'i'iiondey, Hr. Slater, Rob Brittle and Jas. Hollis. 1 In this scene Ls vividly illustrated the ' e*very-day life of the ruiu-sdlei* and '!•" nim-.lrinktT-ou.h onooolhe voo,! to rum. it ho docs not hult in Ins wild career. In the personification of John i l*arley, Mr. U’s acting was interesting throughout, fully setting forth the j corRietion that be, t(X>, has a rare tal- , ent for the boards. Mi.-s Theresa Paris, as wife of John Farley, was modest and retiring, yet devoted to her husband. ies with him to abandni the sale of liquors 1 were pathetic, 1 while his btikes were severe indeed. Mi*s Paris i* a very clever ttcfro* and her quiet dmieanor was admired by all. fJespite al! her eidrealies, Farley murders her, as the play go: >• and bu n commits u leide. file part of Thee. G. Edwards, a Harold Hadley, attorney, wa«carried out i■ i;; most admirable manner. Hi* mi A i ini d and versatile, and w i tier r i >r t i was ne»*er mu T)r. Slate*’, was f S!) ri I won for himself nr. : from Ih.eamlienc oUll] iiu berg, as ]’. ]> Brittl was thc admiration of h(*a»lmired.— d'.j say tliat he ••acted well his part” i* putting it mildly, for Air. L. is cer tainly an adept iu mimicry, and ha a deal of experience before the loot !i k b » S. His actings are strangely marked with in lividualitv. and lie is capable of calling ; duos a* well as bn mo to Ids aid. CS ,I«i>-!:si,l ,.l»u to <lc rr. mo -S I'lii-e Hoi lis” to secure the Tiior rs ,„, „ most aceuiely carrlc iottb R. i. I,. iiarr,>. ha Jam H oils. * >r: also rendered his par! adtni rah!;,.and with all the gr: ; and dig ,lb v h**eoiniiig tlie character. Ildiad . studied tlie i#lay lmt bid} a few <hn and for so siiort a time he acquitted him.sell in a manner that won tor him compliments from all shies. Miss Mary Paris, as Nettie Nettlebv. the gossip, was tin* star of the OV«MI ’ n .-' a,, <l made a happy liit, \\ inning tb e hearts, plaudits and praise of the entire house. Her movements were giavetul ... lule hci . coquet - 1 : 1 , ca-y. w c'ovin^’r™re for the stage, and her pretty’ form and face ‘ iimsent pte m-- n a lovelx’idi l-ncly picture ture 1 tnu< hereon on. Ifera<-tingi*<‘hira>*trri»-<l by n rljp-r which never intrudes itself, and a pol isii which never deteriorates into siin plicitv. She is destined to be a dra matie. diamond, if she cultivates her talent iu this direction. t lie entertainment throughout was well received by all present, and those „ ot now re-ret tho fact. T!« occasion was trul\ - a grand success, n „ m ciir a!lv ami linancially, and we trust the influences of the play may long lie felt in this community, AVe learn that (he proceeds of tlie evening amounted to$70, aud all above i •>’ lst cllou K h of 10 dcfra . 4 ">« real expenses of tlie entertainment, goes to the Eastman Cornet Band, AL II. C. i Important Aotlce. All parties indebted to Dr. James AI. Buchan or Drs. James Buchan & Son by note or store account are hereby notified to call aiul settle tlie game at once. \ If not done at an earlv ’ ! da j sucli , “°» rl11 ... l,, t lhe . BA| nolea > - - P ar " " “ j a, *d accounts in thc hands ot an attor » e y ^ collection, Du. Jas. M. Buchan & box. Sept. 8,-if. •Smoke “Daily Bread cigars—| I’uudietou Bros. { ! A. 9tar*€oIumn Sheet. While we *ei*l that to further neglect a tender of thanks for so generous a patronage at the braids of a reading public, we are alike impressed with a belief that something more tangible than words of thanks is due our pa-^ Irons; thcrerefore, be it Resolved, That on and alter the l°tn prox., the Journal will visit its numerous readers enlarged to a 9-col. folio, thereby presenting more solid, intercsting ' mattfl ,. thall countin' any papci mis cntucs.ccuou of 01 counuj, the same costing the reader the pres cut price of $2.00 only. And therefore, in consideration of t j 10 considerable outlay necessary in coo8Bmil!ation , desirable a , ***«*' b-sohed, mat ea< . a and _ , e\ei . v de- , linquent Is most urgently requested to scttlo lip arrearages without further | api>cal, 1 ’ and that the few who are not I j l ' b<4( ' . ril) , ‘ . f . , ‘ w ‘ . • tcrest in the good of their town, iv and section are respectfully solicit t *d to hand in their names, accompan icd by thc cas]l , • , • . - 0i v 11 " . c ' 1 llJ> " U “ untied. _ i>c»sl> of yiv*. I.. 91. Woodard. lt 5s , ml . sau )hliy t0 rccortl thc , lcaiv of this estimable lady, consort of Mr. L. M. Woodard, which occurred at her home, near Kastman, AVednesdav morning last. 21 st ins! ., after a iiig illuey: s of twenty-four davs, typhoid fever. Mrs. AVoodard was a most dutiftti woman, endowe l with a true Chris tian spirit, aiul herdem’se is regretted 1>v ............„ mmlitv . Sho l,. a v,. s | m ,i )al „i , ud three smut! diildren, .„, a l() t]lclu , V c citciicl our licartfelt sympathy. * The funeral sermon will be preached th - (Thursday) morning from the s ij U V p t j st church, at ,; 9 1 , »/eloek, i,, after i( . u u , I)c hlid j n WootilAvvn eemeterv. _________2___ AdJiniKcd Insane. j n j] ie ( . as , ; 0 f iTulie A'arner, (col) charged with lunacy, a hem ing before the honorable court o! Ordinary ot mania. urerJki if’hjSiSrrellBi,,!, 1 ' The investigation developed some feature*, among them that Hen- 1 ' ivi ns>m, a .Macon negro, sporting the distinctive appellation of Dr., aid ed by one----Green, of our town, also of the off-color, had “hoodooed” the unfortunate Lauie. Toe distfes >» d husband expresses a dc{( ruiMiatio'i to inquire into the ilis tinguislied “hoodooism.” Ransom’s authority for praclicing ------- Te t!ie 'Jer. ol’Reorgia. The following open appeal has been sent to the young men - !! over the Strie. dated H i n, < la.. J. ept. I.S, AVo trust I i !;j v the call: “Let the young men in ry town ami hamlet iu Georgia ho intend cumin to he fair eo in a bodv ua der their own c‘» >■/.’ leader. Titov can maxo as many transpareucio*, and bring as many brass bands, and wear what uniform, if any, they may ]fiea*c. For information apply to J. G. Blount, chairman. All letters will receive prompt attention. Circulars ; have been sent to some, but those who have not received them must not iios j itato to make application for a place ; in Ihe lino. Lol ll.ogoo 1 .1 work go on." --------- -- lltcutloM ! intis* Aoiiilc-usy, I leave recently added to tlie teach ing force in the primary department of the Eastman Academy, Mrs. J. S. C. Marshal, who has I exp’orience and success in le; Iiing hildren 1-et ali the children come. AVe have room, andean do justice Jo all within reach of the school. R. J. Strozjkr, Principal. Haranuah. IJ>tai>52:t & AVcslcrn Kiaort Line. Col. John M. Stubbs has just re tuimd li mi a ' i - i t to ! . jo,nt of this Mac where grading is going He seems ftillv satisfied with the pro l ’’, ‘ ’ - lm _ )J hail <ls l, xvork '’ c ov01 ' " u '- ,on ‘° | loishing . . it with such an( are ir.t vigor , h , t „ l0 fifre mile- «ril! bo cm nieie/t in 1 a a f, w ,a ' a i 1 n,n lbc enit.-e c, ' n ic * lorcc put to woric upon the next fifty mile section. Emrinecr Blanford has a fine corps now at work near Excel sior making certain changes :n the which work will be completed in '\y7 £^£1^ good hands and offering W more are «-23 per .lay for all good laborers, Everything seems to l>e moving along as nicely as could be desired, and thc indications now point to the fact that Dublinitcs will not have much longer yvait lor a railroad. Dunlin Ga zettc. A Proclumullon. Be it known now and hereafter, as before, that we arc headquarters for corn, prices meal, chops, etc. AVe guarantee our prices, never to be higher than Ala con but almost always lower. Martin & Peacock. Ciittou .Alarket. The Eastman cotton market closed y° Mer day (lBh) with Good Middling SV.c. MiddHng S^c To Rent. Two houses; one has tliree rooms, the other seven rooms. PlcasaiTtly lo eated. Possession given immediately. Apply at this office. Eastman, Sept. 21,1837. a. lifitlcp from MpriHS IIIII. Spring Hill had a nhci rain last Fit* day, amt it is cooler this morning and we have no dust, which has been so disagreeable for several weeks. I« i» j hoped that the liot weather is over for this year. AV c visited Mr. Nathan Clark near Long Pond last Saturday evening, wno died on Sunday morning of tvphoid lever. Mr. Clark was a son ot Mr. N ini rod Clark; ot Bill, and was about 32 years old. lie was a hard worker and a good citizen, and was noil liked by hU nciglibovs who i<. sr0,,c<1 ,lis l,oath ,m,dl - M r e mot ovcp (hero lion. T. B.Calhoun, j oh „ W. McArthur, Peter Johnson and other good citizens. Long Pond is qniet, and the people arc clever, and we learned that a strong effort will be conference lo get Elder J. D. Anthony on that district »»»"'«V“/- trictwill ot course T1 ‘= ^ object «*f and <»i. advo- <«« cate his remaining here at least an <>«»" 3™r. * ^ U ' ^°“ n ^ ^. va ^> o! ^°d Pin ft. Suturday, and returned I this morning. Dr. AST. M. Ryalsand Miss C. Emma ! (la Mcltae,of Lumber City, spent Satur- | v “ 5 ^bt at Spring Hill, | - Hon. AValter T. McArthur is on a' bu-mc-s 1 1 ip to New l ock, and will leave that city to-morrow for home, i Miss Fannie (i. Powell, our efficient P^t-mistres s, is v isiting her parents at Ml. Vernon. William Anderson, an aged and 1 ' 0?pc, ' to<1 cll5sscn * (li(,<1 ruur n ‘’ :,L ‘ s ,runi here yesterday, of cancer. A7e are glad to learn that, Mr. John l) ‘ Ausl ‘ ,s n ' <,ovcr ’"« 1 ‘‘ a,n an >f typlioid fever. Dr. J. I*. Reynold s. ! of Lumber City, is attending him. Mrs. (,. At. Browning, ot Towns, is 1 j sick. i Mrs. Lewis Town* is improving. i Major 1 ’owtis is sick with typhoid i fever. I Mr. J. Clayton Clements and wife j a,c fa,n y ’ l! lsir,u >b ucai - * Ml Altamalm, * Col “ ,nb,H TattiiaPcoun- Slk(?s •* r ’ i Mr. Tom Wa'kor, of Telfair counly, ! ai,(1 Al>;olI1 v dements, of near - j Spring Hill, were married on the 15th | by Prof. C. C. Hines, of this place. ! AVo extend congratulations and wish | for them a long and happy life. j It is hinted to us that Hon. Duncan 1 C< ""* r0 "> ,1 ' 0 "' ai '’ s wortl ‘ y alive, is to be married soon. The little six weeks old babe that is j in our care whose mother(Mrs. Emma | Uvals) died on thc 11th of August, is doing well. It is our intention to become a cili zen of Towns in about a month or by j the first of November. J. C. R. Sept. J!)th, 1887. Letter IYobss Alliinia. \ Atlanta, Ga., Sept. 17. Editor Journal: A greater I of the industries. 9 £—{mT~new**lioTiTli V V 1 * I never again be seen as will shortly be presented at the Piedmont | Exposition. ! A few years ago the Cotton Exposi ! tb)11 was bol<1 in Atlanta, which began, and which wo have .since seen develop i into the Piedmont Exposition, ll is ! only twenty-four days before tho gates j are open, and lo ! what a gygautic ex¬ ' pose it will be of Southern products! j President and Air Cleveland w ill bo there; military from all parts , the United will j States be there ; tliou.s andsof young ladies will escort Pres¬ | ident* and Mrs. Cleveland on '««* 10 "•« Kxi»osH 1 «.. gromnls. . Imp-, i'ImI blond raoo Imrsos will bo < there to contend for prizes, and it. is believed that a*} fast time as was ever ma. le will be made upon the Exposi i Hon track It i.s not believed that the T.egisla Mure will adjourn before the Exposi [ tion, but that the. august Senators and i talented Representatives will vote to hold over and take it in. The Legi-lature will not adjourn before the 15th of October, if then, as there ai-e a great ° many J bills not yet ! acted upon. Hon. I). \\. Cameron, ef Telfair, is ( <;ue of tho most u-ctul members m the J[( a5U l his countv is to be con j ’ . . , , , , • , r . . except Yvhen Providentially prevented, He is a member of a number of tho ....... commUtcc. , rt mi.,iiin«. ollbo , r n ' U ,C ’ Dr. James M. Buchan, of Dodge, is a | wo one of tlio most watchful and use ful ln(}n|bcPS of the wliole General Assembly, and is highly esteemed by all his colleagues, lie is always wide awake ancl mindful of all measures i ‘" a * "■'»«» »». ">« '»“•«»“ county anil has section ot the blate, , abo the State large. D. C. N. j as at j j In Brief, SS I Dyspepsia i; *3 . Disordered ' liver is misery. Indigestion is a foe to good nature. The human digestivo apparatus Is one of the most complicated and won derful thing* in existence. It is easily put out of order. G reasy food, tough food, sloppy food, bad cookery, mental worry, late hours, irregular habits, and many other thing* which ought not to be, have made the American people a ua tion of dyspeptics. But Green’s August Flower done a wonderful work i it reforming this sad bus-ine«s and making the American people so healthy that tney can enjoy their meals and be happy. Remember:—No happiness with out health. But Green’s August Flower brings health and happiness I** the dyspeptic. Ask your druggist for u bottle. Seventy-five bouts. luetic* from i\orili <:iu Mate's Hil.fc. N.'G., fjr'pl.****, ^ m Editor Journal :— Adversity 80«mD ed to orertnf?e me after I wrote } *•( la-q and I knew thy friends would wo# like to hear of my misfortunes, *0 f kept ill alut awaited dellvontriee^ which has come. Sinco writing you I have canvassed East Tennessee and flailed many noted places. On my way from this State to Tenncssco I passed Paint) Itoek which forms part of the botiiid arv line between tl|§ states. Many .Mil bo wen on the roak which >. Mid lo be the work of 121 Ini dians. Amon«* other attractions tho the names of heroes ncrDendlfrJI which aro? 1 * painted several feet no tho “ nlar walls. Some ha,o e.i.nbed tuoici . than a hundred feet and engravod ll.clr names while clinging to',mall and brittle stones which projoct out When in Tennessee I went to tho historic village of Grocnvillc. which is on tin; E. T. V. & G railroad just below Bristol. In this town was tear. ed Andrew Johnson, the seventeenth president of the United Slates. On a beautiful grass covered mound bc nealli a handsome monument about a halt mile from his homo; lies tho ro maihs oft his noble statesman lo-dav. His residence is still standing, and ill design the satire as when occupied bv him. On an old street near the rail road in front of a dilapidated wooden hntldmg stands a faded sign which fcads, “A. J oh u so n, the tailor.” Pres ident Johnson was a Union man, vi U K^ainet secession and fought, against the South. Some don’t like him for that yet, but he acted as hd thoui:lit best tor. his people, and hh clear conception of matters, as well a* his loyalty to the South, was clearly shown in tho restoration of the Con federacy to the Union. This section of Tennessee votes rc 1 - publican and will oppose prohibition. The state, however, will vote tho j ! amendment “just the same,” as Seps tember 29ih will clearly show, [am | I have back now in North finished that State anct | Carolina among Die moomain.. Last week I vUit«l tlw famous hot springs in Madison | county. ' Here 1 had the honor ‘ of | meeting Gen. Beauregard, whoso j ! country’s mime will ever grace the pages of out* history. Ife is thc picture | j of health but verv ' grav. His home la >'• Ne "' O'**-* The thermometer stands at 55 tof>0f degrees and the mountain breeze is simply delightI’ul. I think 1 will make a wind up of North Carolina this week and spend next Sunday lit Daeusville, 8 . C. AVliitc people hero are grinding broom-corn and boiling (lie Juice into syrup ; cutting and curs ing tobacco, pulling fodder, etc.; tho negroes are going to free schools. Tho melon crop is just in, and in vnjjtffc | plae/'s fruit of all kinds D..jifonIifii|. Sugrtf b ca,| ° a! >d colloid unknown to‘ (lie oldeS-lJ llka i>R'ant 8 , but apple bran¬ dy and cor a whiskey is no new thing evcir to the youngest. They feed well, charge reasonable, and treat mo kind¬ ly, and that satisfies mo. AVheu I strike Smith Carolina, I will go almost east through tho State, and strike Georgia just above Augus¬ ta in Columbia county. I hopo to’ reach Reedy Springs by November 20, to spend my birthday at home, 23rd; Of course, 1 will visit Eastman befora I resume work. j I think my trip will be worth ft Croat deal to me. I am trying to pro-' i fit bv all the lessons learned, and am making it a point to study human na ! <uro. . r i’l.e (own I stojipcd in vcslordav j '\ asa . ^ onn ’ bllt vurf „ attractive. , Mars 11 1 11 College, an institution of ! learning, owned and controlled by j Bapli-t of western North Carolina, ! located here. This denomination ba* just completed a $1000 church houso' near the college and keep up an inter¬ esting Sunday-school theyoar around. - I aHcnded preaching here yeftterday a,, d listened to an able discourse froiit j o!° b x l- to Enter in at tho | Strait . Gale.” In the courso of hi* ! sermon the Divine said in a plain, practical way, “It is not necessary that; . v<,u strive to enter in at tho broad ’ spoken ot in this remo scripture, wav,jtwi» I f von prefer traveling that wait for the rains to descend and beat n » v ’ n vo "* T, 1 ‘“. v Wl11 surely como,* an( l ffi*eat will , l bo 1 your Gvc fall. It „i cir„rt devil.-- - r,; l r ,s „ 0 u. .ho His language was plain and forcible, and theories very good. Two were aft <b>(1 ‘ ,f) ,)i0 Church, and service* closed Saturc,u >’ heforo the fourth Suu- 1 j The Methodist are next in strength through here, and the Presbyterian* : al ’ e P n5 Hy strong in the cities. Th« \ and Z SSi been sold for thc mechanic’s labor. Yours iu good lienliti. R. 8. T. MTJSXO CLASS. j The undersigned begs leave toinforii* Hie residents of Eastman and vicinity , j I now have charge of the inushf department of the Eastman Academy,^ and will open a music' class therein j at once, > Having a thorough musical educa-? lion from the Conservatory of NeW .York, I feel confident that 1 am coin-* | petent to teach the best methods ofj ; modern and classic music. hope Having and made Eastman my home, 1 j trust to be sustained m«tNl|R undertaking. S|§ Price—50 cents pel* lessor. tlie For residence particulars, cf Mr. address Paris, or call upoti ftfj or Prof. Strozie’r, at the Academy. Respectfully, .. v Parun Miss Theresa Eastman, Ga., Aug. 515,1887/ A