The Dodge County journal. (Eastman, Dodge County, Ga.) 1882-1888, October 06, 1887, Image 3

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f Oar Affect** <- Hr. STXWAirr nuthorUed llocuiNt, of lloodly and ^prln*#, It duly to rroeiv# receipt for th# Journal In that acctlomof omunry. \ny will (iv?or* bn apprtclated hUowd him by through Uxlt roedl ura u«t Mr, It, F, Dj&d, of Appling county , 1* Aiithortzrwl to rocolve «n<\ m-clpt for aorlptiouttothe Dudok County Jodrn a l. <*£ DIRECTORY. , ! • ■ i Mttsoutc. - Regular meeting 1st Friday night la each „ trumtb at 7 o’clock. KelUloRs. Mathodist EriscopAi. Okurcji 9oprn. —Preaching every Sabbath at U o’clock a. in., and M p. m. Prayer meeting Weches May evening at W o’clock. at9J4 o’clock • . It. Suuflay School moete a. m. #, StTosler, Sup’t. T. M. Pastor. Itcv. UuatSTf an, Baptist.— ltev. I*. A* Jessup, 2nd and pastor, nroacbes nt Kastman every 4tu Habbatbsin each month. Also at t>ontrnl Potuton the Hccond Sabbath und Saturoav ltclorc In cacti month* Conference with the Eastman llantist church on aeooud aab in each month. CttlorcA .CharcHes, Trinity wni M. E. Cuubcii.—'P reaching every first third Sundays at 11 a. in., gp. m and 8 p.m. Sunday-school W, lloj.MKS, every bunday at 0 a. m. ItKv, A. Pastor. • I.ucut Than Table. I‘AS#lCN(iKU Til AI NS. No 14 C.'B. Northbound * 2 00 A M Xo 1.1 bouth - 12 . 1 !) a M No l<l North ** 1-2 Vi r m No H South - II 11 A M LOCAL TRKICRTi. No it Norm bound • -927 am ** 8 0uth t 1 . City, Eastman and Cochran. - ' ii'ssszzsLzL'i 'sz^rzz —-= TdLIWD.VV. OFI. u, P*. w < ■ . JOURNALKTTES. , ' Col. J. I>. Peacock, of Hawltlnsvillo, w as 1 m the city Mdudav. —Head tUo card of Mr. .ToT-m M r . Itohaunon. to he found in (his Is^uo. —Col. E. A. Smith is attending Ir¬ win superior court tins wvek. . - —Dout forget tno nv-c t i ng o » i nt i Mouduy evening ^ next. • 3 ,'m 1 V ‘ • ■ r. OI yi .|' -Ml. Nathan v Co'onvtll Cut.. . (cWranh ' * J ' operator ul Gi'es-»tou, s[) 0 Ht v last ip Eastman. j — NLss Uebcccu C><inphc.ll,a fu«cinru iug vowng Lidy of Tcll’.iir countv, visiting our town, tho giieul of Mrs, M, Hamilton, in \Ve-»t End. j;k „ 4,< M l ’ of Cress,on,, v 1 |MV« «, H plcasatu edil on Friday. , He tl j w W h,„Kiu g well, and report* mutters | saner,tty,rw^niet Mt- 8 (;.JL Armstrong tnh,* 1|KS see,ton. rctuniCMl — . trout a pleasant sojourn of several week* a the. healib re,or„ of nottl. ' < iCOIgl L , , ... —Mr. Jma. D, .t >Vas, of om* to\vn fi.i» iuy-u quite, ill im* several d it I ! tmst^ but lie ^c> jiiji'iov.-d at tide writing. D;’. lie riu*i. 1+ n ! hiqi. , ; —Lmi 1 'berg aiql wi . luivc reiiled■<he mddonee oi Mr. E. K <4’an*, ,cmi iFtfit m*.u vtmuvand are t .1 'jKv.iMjrtd.o.iam^. They will have a a iov.-’i h'l’.’-.e. Rwd v. e»w”i*'u tlibin mm a Inpt’hvVlh'ri -rfdii. h-ifrsiWr'i-tiiUi*-. ....... ’ • “ " o' 1 1,'iii.livf ’Cirv, Ml tl... u ,, ( Madinv ht'tM'6»i' toit'f,. f.tV Mtirtt.t, * the.iT . Wtudics r •. m ,t- We,!c\un i,,...... 1 .- e- | . iv.omu; dj. ,1 ; i*.. Li 1. s i .•*. 1 iu wV ile T Christian left ve.-terdav * j mu vf-'vMo ^ t, ivmmih called thithnr ... by t’je sie’.o* 'of'lu.V’Tfi/sbAnci, ’ for. health hU J -, r \». hose early re-toratiou to * >r.i’, r’.jap/o uuite in supplication. -A. I*. iVrookg, aTakfti'oiiahlo barber, <>(N‘-\v York, h now holding D-Lfet'ii. ,n our to.v.i. tir-ttdttss iu every ro-peAt, and wa :\sk for him the patronage of the public, Sen his eur.1 iu ll;is‘i-Vtlt^_ , ♦ Prof. A. daeoby has arranged a most deitgk'ful li tic qni»cp, * IV Vi - >rl fin three strain . aiid dedicate, it to Mast-r IJ-rrmaa Milner, for which he has the thank of (ho boys f '*‘ J '•••»"" ' ! h F , ' a,| -° i ; — Mr. oam. T. Koger-d :Ui ;i card thisUaltc, m which we \vouldvull the nltciiiionofUK pnbl.w. He hu> per fected arrangOtnenls with a w ..«T . lll! ? ?» msc on the ctiast b*'-j |C oai| luruish ‘ cur fcople with fresh fin, and oysters, every Saturday, at a lower price than any dealer in town# —M ister Udppard ’Golcord, ' *•"' 4 irm -keag, left on TlnuSd !4 •* Macon, .. . :. where Im >v 11 * - fenb-r r dZ‘. v . „ a ' . K< W7‘ -Th., Chr,*lia., Cl,„reh t of m., ha* vale. tt.el, a, Jor the etiHu.mgvy ear. -Euler TV. Oliver ’ of Wri'ditsvllle ” ' Ga He is -i ' most carnckt, elotpicut divine, and pro lict »o;* Uiis church, -under his ministration, success iu < ausc of Christ. —The State Fair is nwuming f-ucli ‘ )»ro|»oi i! 0 as a« to lead one to the im¬ pression thatit will prove iw * « no «*Yer RCt-u In Georgia. Macon - will ~ en¬ tertain uO.OOD titfftoiH on tlio 2(»tH o October < Wtei^riK dftyk at which t time Mine ex-l’re4ideV‘ e#-tiesiucirt ‘"”5^ ; Jefferson o«™rton oeirnrHOii Davis dry uaviH is ... . *" ,i -““ nci nau, i —Mr. iiobert WbdiJirt.' of fpglewood wa* again U. (M ............. Kaaloii, nilluiL l im ^ ^ V. Vni"i \’ \ of Abbovi.le fict *li ijfVlit« 0 iMea#ur«d 7 usTd 2 L, length, am! weighed i*oi>b D * c - 1 tanka ' '-rrrrnWb ing. We rtmply doaf&licrt to hrgo tho merchants of Eastman and else¬ where,., who have not yet prepared Ihoig *«dvertisemotits for this edition, to do so at once. Send in yimrfavC-r* without further delay fniontfs, and thus soenro choice of positioTrf®;WUs plar. Three thousand ooiAos will be sent out to tho world, affording thcghcMt advertising incdiutu this.uowitry has ever had. '.-s-.—^ n —Ilcv. r. M, jQipi*ttjMb pCqur towi‘, is visiting S^v^nn^h ^lijs vvpck^ ^ —Mi:. Amos Shaw now tills the po* ^itio^ ot sawyer at tho b»tr mill at Amoskeag. „ -Mr. K. Newman, onr leading drv goods merchant, is away this 'iKw week fall' pw<MM«( a nut tier .look of winter 2’“ iroods Look for iiUadvertise. hUadvetttse . ' V . J 11 * m ^* ®”‘ nrcl; , 8 nn(l c ‘ , * ,,rc<1 . ."' ' "{j vTn k r ! ,v n c * ’ » - . aunneut at !* C !!° . uif a cn 0 ! t lt f 4 —Mtsi ’ Josichdwarth*, * vV ?' < i' UU,I, a chtu "i ,KX tiutig * young lady of near bharnn, Ga., vt> ! tmg liersjsior, Mrs. J. i». Johnson, . 0i * 0 ,"- 1 fT™ U 7‘ « I , • , .. . ; ’ f>a,, . l v “ “ |»r Lovers of fresh oysters, served In ihft f ( ny C’l'y Mylo, .IJv^auraut,every'Saturday, can bo accommodated at i Give me a call, and U partnkeot S. .Johnston, my fare, j j ‘Proprietor City lledaurant. , —Mr. Joe 11. King, our jeweler, has | now on iiatnl u line Jot of tho r-clobm ted Seth Thomas clock*., which he oUcring nt grcally reduced rates. Mr. j K . lJj>0 roj>a j M walchM , jeweJry, sow- ! ing t*raciiines, etc., atiU always given | satisfaction. * , i born*. pa i,i ieil by l,» &,blr. I*. C. (irate, ol'Talluull wiinlr. T l.o.«aW over put. in a g -K.,i for the Joi.'Kv.n., and to him we niv in dehted for a nu mbor of new >uhsci i -Messrs. W. L. and 1.0. Peacock I of cur town, will slarl a new- enterprise ' here it. the near future,,,, * w v of ! • a , broom factory, „ and «-.l, ... also , repair . tnaitrestes and re ; . w „ot, tr tre, a » >-8 ;m-l ......... wo oyto. ueapeak for ;n these thi- j l„ ’ s"eeess ' in (heir ttmlerlafc -1 a . j * d\ e have Leef. 4-.y<ji n sled t-) ft , tention to tl e eoudiV.Mij of?} i arpot j and malting nil tii* fifior oi* ihipM-th- > cbi'.icb, iuji,l t-j -ugijcs'. ;hal ufi tntcrhJumnvHii <»f me kind bv> g/iveu at wi tfftdv day ior tin* pun o -«* oi ran ittg the ne.;e&>ai*Y Lind s. I l,e .m^.vs-.i 1 a r.i com from fir* friend- of tHr ulllftTil, SV’ld J\ X’Mii** i’C .a’i | deemed 'wcf>ss ry* t .-tie iu author!tv * start r) r> lir'>*t.*n;eiii. ... r T,™. . b * ln *,• -killed jin* 4 n- , otic "*Hf to “ paint ®*H a 1x> now atlvtfaot# drop to .at.ploy 1 1 life; .... * the1ia’-.l the . . die Dygieftt. bjfiefit. of of l Draiueiitt W<J oiuphl to hare a now au ntwl '* •PP*!91 nimivinvlafi* M 'certain, Allpfo <11 and on/1 vir.t wo ttril) will these cohULns for the necessary advertlsemeniotthc matter. —l)r, J. T). Ifernnan bus purchased »hc t’ity Drug Stqr^uihlingof Mr. W • N. Liftoh, and |)"ypose? lo enlarge *ame in 1 ’fins” near future. Tiii« (flcrnnan & IloVi niauj i'* np^'v jewing in jiopulafitv. whih 4 their tra-ie is til ready far beyond local limits, Tney do an imtiieuse ktlklnoss, Wholesale titid retail, and cor( lia.Hy c Mimien l tju; firm ?.,* , t »-. public. — Rev. Scymo*^. 1 ’rb'gs, rol’d, ast. W,L a «:** >WW,r lullowing 4 iotico nU(1 tho u c0 , denied wdl i >;(1> ' Thl , l* fa ,._ falno 7 l.** and , wo * hu-aniioniiecineiit vcrbulim vc .[. el ,; !el , Ulm hp i} [ *<| ( j |() |{,. v . Seym.* *e llris 1*. L. • st G eh-.-t^d in “'^.dV’ <livi7tv *My 11 bo Iia M\. t ,l.lJicv.> Co. 5 i.tK.lba-.po.Ml i ..Ay in OvtoW. I I i»'»dy to eomo and-hear my lUuatra ........ i . „ ! .,„nn,l o««ia. It. I v.d-% “tan, J lesb.cnt C"Uoti r.\< u*tn,t. , connection Eastman. tia.”-.eto tiii% "°„ ......,i.i 1<l ' U P that the between Mr. I'o:cmau | W*uc? official iv.t-' brought about tins wav; Mr. G. potftkmed the c’riaut# w*y authorities, in iiclnpffiif the mer ; of Eastman, for reduced | rates on raerchandGc for Kastmtfn,’ In 1 ply to said petition. Mr. Oolenian rc eeived the following reply 7 wIlldi ] ! ■ 1 Weman plains plains the the i* is evcMktrake ever In Inalter a tier awake in in questlchi. question. to to tho the welfare welfare J 1 . - , ,| ; , Dear bint 7 our petition t v of r the , ot.i - j • inst^ was dulv .vceiveil ite^atlotf«-a and o,l. I restebuat ^stmnn NYHjlour vortuoiwj? from and south of Ea>tm v * i r and I afforti lo ma * 4<? a general Teditction. we do not sc# - * w * Herrin ku, our po]Mi!ir incr-chHtii, £**£ C> ^ A lflltor a uiit or IwmIum from a party Iti M^ifftfomcr^oounty^atRlina, thal il^^Ad* notl.cdl.irad. ! n the< Jouuxrffc, ami ttHk iig lor p.tonsil the party in question Inn si ncRirtire the house of llernnftn k Brn. mwncr OUS orders. This ‘^T^lioauivo that advertUinpr pay%,-and f tlut JodrxxwH —Miv \X i.-Coleard,. «oad Ab^fed.... general W. ^ innna ger of- the fAmoxkcag Lumber Com pany,-seeing tho necessity ot more perfect precaution In case of fire at the mills lias tormed a hook and lad* dcr company, Jbuilt a truck, furnished 51 wi,5 ‘ everything necessary, aijd.hnilt nn 10 t'bo engine for the trucks.' ^Jako’ is a wide-awake i ’ l CT^5 ‘‘Ti 1 ,! ' ^1‘lv n0 sa ' M ^ V !i° iM ^, ,il I * ^‘ a < 0 nt Ea tuiaif, but lut- i lc , |y of ^Urau, spent But,day last wilii friend* here. 1> c learn from* ^ II '* K - l,,ut Empivtv D*mr-Frazier, inis been made- u ti'higrnpli station, and that lie-won has churgoot the ofllcn at thatJ>hfce: IVocortg/Httilalo the rui* | zc1 y Empire upon securing a tele- 1 ofilce, and moro especially up -1 on ^ociiriiig ro t-ffleient an operator as j Mr ’ 1 ' :vo,ctf * 1,0 is dever ’ c ,,H?sllan i . sU, V ’ '*n i saving that . * 0 <d \ irg:u:a tuner pro-, fttteed u nobler yrtilnfc'intni. ! Easlinftu, ^ri IJ. but IV Tv for oodard, -tho formerly several of t ! past months residing al IJ^vctl, Ga., where | 1»C business, 'vas engaged i« his tho naval friends *dor« j was among many tm Sunday last. Mr. . infijrins i ,IS ^ 1C fi' as di>j)osod of li is interest | i ubovo named business, and w,il c »S««o «»» th’d“!it^iy and stock | 'i'lterprise Mvl in V. Gochran OodardheaV-es ivi tlUMmcAr tliis.w'cck In-1 ''■''f* 1 - * l; >r'St. Louis and otlit-rwesttft'w stock ! li>4blmf«oVat,.VViiul«. 1 ‘I uii hue w itbladbiloicd lor sale : ur '»™ < ho Cu*tWt Ww.v .table* | , f a " e n i > r day. ' i Mis, lterUia .Tones’’ «chool, at line Hive, elteed with tlm usual excrete* . °" ThttM * r '! ,sl ' MUa Jo " c * '* '■’vtellciit tn»lruetrc*., and has h ! irons and pupils during the term pist. cll>st .,i. shn x a S1:il0 „, Monday ,,, t #£ Ml . 0 arW., in thevaslen, ,| 0|1 of (i) | S t . otl nty dtiffer : s-ery ta\ 01 - <<u . wi , e i ; ".... t. ' s -«* »<> ,V'' \ 4 Sit tin; i“ 11 p- oilm 9 111 .J'ijijf osiGuti at , , Aflaiila. which opens on tijeJO.n fi^ouhl consult Mr. \V. li. Foiuildon, ou i- iigent. He will *cl I yr >u su t Itrlcol to.*! * fvki* rot nr-u, ;u f nii'ti'tg you to^uiM'ion groun- 4 s t i n-.'.is jhc vc’ia.'jp ft tri p nn i »>c.zi d. and dipse.yTi^ fail to I at-, h advent ago of it hvai .. MitA'Amunua li .xIot, nfIformau** <V.ic, left ou Alo'.tb ty ltv«l tin* Macon, U t. ro (jiio timers ^Vctievnn Female College. Miftb.iS, is one of the bright ret girls ot ibis section, and me j redid for her a brill':.nt future. —Mr. Walt' r Sexluti. formerly o! , »a»» >*ow the cili-init keeper toi-S. "IVaxclbaum Si bon-, Mu cot, COII* » ^ ull« a *. xSki • it a ft liiiO j^ i ’ cc0ni), II121 9iit lit. a»d po«’« y-rtCtlJKiKfifCfhd^e-4-eud- . *ly commeud h?hi as finch. ” —Mr. W. B. Wi.iddon, of Ea.dtmin, attended a, Mieetiug ot elder? of '»c rM Uiiistiau , . , c.iurchttt . . w \V ilgnUvi.iy, .. . ... ... Ga., F !? day la " l V —Ml*. Ilf. o. Feaeoyk^nc (*f Coch v:.nh> dever you»i>; genilmUu, in ; Lust mini on Sunday last. —Mr. A. .7, Mum lord, of Jlawkin - vitlc, >pe»>l Sunday last in KhsIuiuii. fi-U ~i~ pu.» «yHfer«, L, I .‘ lcsirc to of ban dnn *. '-» V,cl l,J0 “ i,y " ,at L”" k * c J' on "» s<aso “* a, »doyster*,, and at price# below com* r?,iou * CaI1 at n»y place, No. 8 1 Third avenue, when doming these ! | uxur ioA ’ b.vif. T. hoatua. ITid.naii, l (b t. 0, DS7. if. l ■ 1 ", > . I wul .*•*"*■** II w ofrent, t ***“*• • s. ot. ; t C i*«n«s »uv six room cottage, on < liaun buildings, a good «“v well 7 t '^ 6 T. water, r F" lino i ! S ‘"T“ T*', "'if fU '°' S "‘f Ir* ocl6tf Coal.ran, Ga. \ midei-igned \tb\ 1' The t their lie^t wishes and mon grateful ^{Ojks'bo, ftiou..*, y» »« u by dc«l* 'kindness ** udaJ/ords ^ of comfort, so n«iis*a.r»eff<lttd consolation ^ ; i ' noWy lent «ti the snprci.'iely #ad orea^ioi, of the death and burial of their darling I Wright. Mb. and Mjta- J- W. Xole«. Oct. 5th, 1887. j | iarJofTbank*. ~—T^TTTr- 1 f , l*.,,,.! imlivirlnaMv ■ and c*'»i , * ^^."Z • “a. • 7 m J We Wgr to each and i euery member of the troup, tliat their j kimine#* in highly appreciated and J)evt . r be forgotten. ^ gj ; |j 10 f | r ‘ ^k** J” t j Thursday aft e»nn#u’last. - Mr. Noje*’ qldqst son, Wright, njrcd 1 -*, SwHflJuWml 3 '}*?** ^ » lrt> vi^J.n ot >!«* npey eii^and the Tho gin, athva.U£Qjjipu£i< of the old stylo-lever (dr*wli around l»y htfhe : power) %vi«a “km spout” and “stii-mp’ fixtures. The lad jvpa^ding around on taW.lover, (although, cdly tilling backward, to the .impending .danger. WlitUt Lit ttyi* position |iq lust Ills life —being drawn under, or> hetwoeu the stirrups of the hand, wired («n aper orlnre of about two iucho*) and the moving lever,itrijjiiy^th<jjnjfr/i;tunHte boy about tho spinal region,pushing him intpvimlly. At this .Juncture of the >ad» affair, the mules drawing the « 0 . .sti^pcd, but to re* 1,uVC it was aecee^yy to re '?^!W was <Ajtnosi death l N! to the IW alixiady t! hl, ? r ’ aeri- j wound,d boy, and ha lived but ; ivT^whours thereafter. j Dr. Harris Fisher, of EasfcmAn, was ! cullwlin, but medical attAntmu was of no avail, and tlio little fellow passed away on Friday. ; Liltlo Wright was a most promising ; youth—the idol of his pare»ts. nml to iliem tlio. coniniunity at large join us j in sympathy for them m tUeir »a<^l;o ca\ unento .■ ----------• . - Arao * u, ' n S AppeudU. . *&U ^ D. W;. Wpaver.l^ft Saturday j last on a short 'viftk to Blimkabyt^v j MivcJ. T. (Jo! cord apont Tliursday | ht-sl in Macon, lie was accompanied ! thither by hi* :»on Koppard, tor tiie : ptirpose of ciu^n tug Meicci College.— j Ueppard ii> -u boy oi, tyufh ptotnise, and will sur *ly make,jiD‘mark., Up j Ieavcs.a lio.^ of firoiids here, whom lie ! his won by l-jstbiafi<lcntaiu\.liiought-1 wfty r , hi* going, and l'9.| bi» oioro mUsed, tlmu?)»«.. mb, tori' «»»»». .-A new j bodm- and bluer needed alteration* j wdi ha ih.I in. 1 !l " ehteUeu c tolal'r. has struek o, and made sad Itavoe-m <U« cMeiett erep. #ud preacher.,are wr u that fried tlu'ckeu will ho sca-.-ce u, i ets eomittunny. " C.f'.>tdowers - t u„. tetr he re or ganiz'nl a “cjondoIcPcocUio/' a’.nl som funey i.c tale, arc (old. Ouepon.-benedi -t s;1 ys h« on IthlH O .ft, and only out; mntou loii ro Uoi-u tip 1 hi« saiiows. ", Md , a member , »»• * *»*>*vmte. w a Oecrgla *«w tm. \ bVittou, (which i« a sphuicr ot pine,) is j.m tho thing anil r. I way.* | hauuy, his roqi^ifi.s voijJknow. liiice-sleep Anoihci* in saw dust, one a ami *y< ; j h!i; i# of fcaih'-i-.s, has not b«VMi jqiuio .up since his went t away,. An .thcr poor simior like to J froze to do'.dh o • cold uighi. and ackei du lur.-^c over for a hliV.koh } K*n:» ; iftu ^ huiv-u d -awgv . a U( tc ? i i'VtA of the trunk- inside o hut J | iviry u blanket, not bin,«y to k'ver with bn. nn old pi*ve of quiit, that hrd i been un-d to mop up ;l*.e flc.'r v. h. * XUift v.'ifc of his v. ill s/aro agbad j the fcUtc of that hoti?.i; w: en slir.i*crvu»f»s.‘ - i They are r,o happy and write to their J 1 nneonslo’is linv/ilifin’iq spouses vlli/illulki liow L/m« nicely* t they Iim«* j needn’t are getting burry along, hotno and that tlmy -. on their account. j or in f^rL.' cotne hotrle at nil if ihey , d^Ul wapt (o j ' _ Lv< ti.k. 1 . , 1 ,lttcttti«M, West. { ■ Mr. JoJin T. Wall has’ivejived aTc.’ , ter from C*l- E. C. Grier, Secretary of ' ! the •'ij&Mi Xy^r ^Wodtj^oib of urging i dial a company w»> J yquitg VrtCU Vq i gunized at ; to pavtieip^e in tlic girim torch ligUt, pnM*o«»tou in | jdacou, on the eve.i.ving of Confederate vctcra,,* .lav, the JlOtl.. 5 W. That i.gvaud old Rtatcamau and patriot, Jell* ! Bavin, ill lie present,and the ! whole tAoc^doh will passiu rbviev. . baiVn ... iAm j j| D suggested t’u^C g meeting ;pu /'rerdng ne-X>- nt 8 o’Juek, fur the pur* ! po^, |... 0.1. , r „ ..vutpauy j *! v ’ ^ 7 l,, ov ‘will I TmvJtL* ‘. . \. . . , Ti,f> *“ owfeaptaln. ‘ 1 ! ^»y, W «p ® am. .htddo I honorhe , . j. *». gadant ,, .. ex-e<*ined.-u i w» f hnd , tl»elrvf()WIc WatTer, IJLon. Jefi'crs jp I.a«,>- y- • ' thiporiiifit Notice. • r ■ All parties Indebted , to Dr. James Ms Bv*\****> Ja ‘“icr Buclwin & Sou by note 6 r ;$tove account arc lb.c V eby notified to call uud 'settle kime at once.. If Hqt.rfaiic at an Way* suah. purges will find l heir 1 and accoir. t ^ inphe baud.s.Qf an at tor f no* foi’tollcctiow. * , . K v ,h. ;,-„r lodging , * Eastman, r- , xlou , -. t r fa ;t , to *.**•! jfo , , e „ ; « K ’ 'i - 5 -*. 29 M!. • Frourietar. ’ ‘ - > - — _ j V<*tton .Uarkci. I Tlie*Ei4tiif:tn coltou iacU’%*Ct closcq 'Will bo tho greatest arid b««t ififtijr of there duriiijf many years Iiisueeos'dou. Am* rho jatyWvU! people of Macon ami of the Stfto Ration at M<l!sii|^>o!t«ie«l. not Hiiffiir'thiU ex lo Thou* ^sssxxzxsxs ready been tnslgfttjd and retorted tor exhibits, winch aw coining from all over the hind, from place* which have nover before been represenied in nnv fair. ‘/ h Nq\v, impoVtant and.nt♦ ractiv'b foa lures have’bk'ti addfi’d which no pyo vious fair lias ever Maimed. TlieM beautiful On«rnl City f*SHc has fieeiF pu f t fit splendid conrTUToii, and will in* decd'preson.t u lovely appoaranco when tho uniting day arrives. Thceitkous of AUcou are greatly interested m the prujypt, nml enthusiasm seem* to pervade every rank^aml filq’of her people over the coming exhibition ot SialeV rewnnw. Tlio pro^oets: nvo that this will klfid be flic grandest Oc fvuon of the ever w.tncssed in the State. It. occurs Just after the riedmont Kxi»o-iiiou at Atlanta, and many of the exhibits or that grand ‘exhibition, will bo sent to Macon. Tho attractions of this Fair ate too numerous to /mention. The piarui list is the largest ever ottered-in njiy taif- c»1 tlic State. A prern! am of! $1.<K>3 i* o^-fcd to tltc cottutv Making tn. nest uispias pi. piojiects nttd a premium ot $>03 to t’litfciip.uif^- inaking me .second best display o t ‘ product*.^ a premium of $m U hi 4 .offered it ho individual w!»q niuU: ; s hfiVbc=t and largest display, of p»:o^cts v^Jh raised by him or 1 ut <m Wit-i niagnificent f i^jinit:n*;9 l!io far- civnmj be else buta grand >-ii*.';css. r l ho di-plr.y ot .:<) '>cs, mule 1 , calf 1> % . slitfop.l^vititv.Tonfjny, bees, etc.. >v H h be tin; largest and fi nest ever seen In tli«> South. Over will be il»V tnbuted in purses Jor tuuoing and tind^opie of Hicd*a^cst will b , m?rc. ' Tho display ot *ldd'a-ops Sill he S n and v-jied, I ud wilt be the host 0 f our F: ,;r s jertllily ever P !at~^t bethfe the puWh-. | Tn ^,.t, .„ ^ iut . ings t . n!lvi „ s ,. pbetojaaplty. jewelry, d-wal desl-u,, etc., the displatf will be a e -anthKtntelu» iurPr’ ■ , B ; P i, M Z e mtehlnerv loop 7 a ,*^ b" ”nJrtuTr< >Al •« 1 uitcrest'd “ ,1UUWI V ' hm ,IJl ‘ J m Iliwi the ..Fplay will be ver .. Ia The greatest a.trae.ior of all, ami | 0 m* that will Icmi a pe rubur cha, m ; \q ?];<? occasion, will ho rfic D^Vb, prt>cut*tof j o-rTi^nlcnt SfelRi M who will Vcvkm\'. V/o»^uesuav. £ th, i hi 1 ! cx-CoTtfciWato Ps.idicis present, und • ili*_*u*--m> Is ofoid Ov-feran? iyil'feVra -race | tins opportunity to i.icet aiid do h Mini , to^nc noble oldidiicf oft he ! ^ r t (.’ause • j it eMimalca l»i i nr Jeavt ?<m thou. old bol.lici's v, lii i..;u't.b-i;i:-.t(* in ! this review, inaking it tho grandest 1 nmeting r>f old Confctloi'Etcs ever held S i !5 Georgia, And will not .the voting men of the ^( ;v (e. end pcctally of our immedi Fall)' , ■"K^tlti-f , 0,1 i!.i* I “»i» .................... n a "' 1 show Uto-t-coam | of the j | grand ;uan whom the; r lathare W. 1 and __ 1 houoren « _____^ < Let 1 f it H be 1 so.. Tuni out, ; boys; go lo Maeoi*. a lhou>and slrb^g, I a q c ' gi-asp the hand of and do honor to 0! ,< whom vour. julbtiT Jovc-d, vour ! molhcrs acliiiifbd'ttnd who deserves j cry **c.vcrcucefnoinyou. t?how Xr. Da-; hor.t«r iiim Ul '**last day* , for tito dovotion ho gaV*J‘‘V> tlio Eo a ( ' Cun In the prime oT his Jim.' e • j The Fair v\ ill ii ? >t'only fie an tturV ; Vfllled exhibit of fieorgra’s products, *bii it fa/thful ’hirrot’ ofhcV materia! t j iVljraji^eiVe^t, and it deserves a ; ! * * ~ 77^7^7” 8 “.“““y,. ;, f v>4 ‘* l3i/> «ommi!le«*. m lx nr.h oi . too j Second liehobeth 1st A»;soctat?on, j to vein r.Mmr luxnr! Mt thanks VtV. 1 !,,, y? lo j* t,,c lt'^nd an. extended r ” ! ^ (n i aiid ‘ k'JMuu, v tio v, wit;i u tWil M?»«,a.v hte. -'We *t!! take otra-hm hire h, 1 *»av that all wiio were approached hv -«h. s j ireedv und Imenllv. , j W« >» sa . v - B, ,1 the m,-i - I (ThLttetkg wa* nreddldove,. K ate^Uhtt. 1 <<*Uoin *• * wl* * fe<! ^roat'.v indebted lor llto complete »uc(.« u \ >- - Ar *• ‘ !*e *•- o.v -sio-i 7 ; J* *<«» tor .“f iu W ”-' 'F" y u lVcdple, and %v other gsststauce. . The asswfiatiou win hold its next ^^.tW TlfUrsday.-before tlx* first at the. First I Baptist church on' Dodges rnbroad, | in Telfair counts, and will continue, . ^ *G - ’ ti.’ Scc’y. p. ju«bkia, ^ RxrviLEAiiTv *£.}'?!$*£"■• j j A wuca e* l (^-{ i .d,. roRr.ij^ -fb. tauinorrRfc t / 'jne evktou fw 1 j > u/i'^nr/Fe’f»-r vve<ks. tut «***C«l RPiUTcatlon will »>o Editor Journal r__^ m CuroHna, No* niioro muun , <thi.'4* f M° teoro rocks. •’ * • Perhaps watern North Cnraiina te*»©VoIn*, ter | peoplo and product#, will aaggy-* My ro mo'took in the heart of this mountainous section, and I was thoro more than a inotiU*. T>t> the creek*J and rivers lives the entire population, the mountains being yet uninhabited, fi&lffbn LmtiHcrlng is carried on on a small tlic larger creeks,JffU,agrioul is the chief ^itrsttfj. .Corn, wheat, oats and grasses, apo-taceom fully grown, but tobacco Is the prinil-, j pul cre p. Ail the freshest and most fertile pabdies are cultivated in this j weed, aucl flO Attention possible is paid it, Tlid tow.V arc run oil* three feet anit the plants set out, two feet apart The hoe is all the implement usod in its’crltuHv and worms are doseTy wafclied twuT carefully re-! ! moved. About tin, first of August is topping season, and from thou un- j til Sopl. “barn raising**’ U all tho rage. | Those house* ore built of round logs j aud daubed v. itu mud until they «vc almost airtight. At the front end i* ! tt door, and on either side of tho door : [» o’i*.fuifnattise. Early tU.viureo.! i-r the j season when the ioba?*> 4 s they havo “tobacco cuttingV and tVi! : the harnes which nvc built high cnotfgh foe four or-tivt* ti^f-^Va* un* 1 dcrleavos are pnlledMivirt (h-'vtalks . and tho stalks are split allhost to the : bottom and 'aro'dllVid hun«' cn a stick. Wbmi ! (hose Mick* wiVi «ta!kvt?:ev ? i arc hnng'tii^th^'bartjs, top* dov.iu tfio ha'hi'Htve filled; and before the leaves lufvo time to wit uf*c, the door is closed and a fire *<arir..i in •f.\l?^. l ' 4 r ^\b ,, house»t being d aubed and out. all Ajo h^t front the | furnanecs which tun the barnes is retaiitod*. M Ttifslhey call .curing, aiid is-{lfe bto«VinVm>rlant.mrt ' scared' tv.-ocii ihe % «n ihe house ho lluoa, and (he temperature „,u* to SO or 90 dogroos-herc it v held for three davs and ni;jhif,,or the leaf « siilS.b.tiflv cured. is be f ., k t a , once, this is t | iat i, mve.oary, Jntt if it is to 1 S ' 0 rcd and held, the um)j>er.Hiirciini 8 ! ! rutt to 125 decrees above zero and he i pc-id there two dors and nights. Thi ! - - <t 1( > stalk and iircvonts mould c.uoV.i.* ■ * log v. lien p.v/Jced. The fire m men touch removed h-af and iiow/iiml tlj(.-'tlo(ij-' f ob>^OiT.. It' Wuks oust a into or, i mulct 1 , but ’et it air fornix or eight j days, riul it “(nine*; in case’’ as they '•nil it. and is ready to Ik- ta!. 11 :u,-d vacked in ee'iars f»r warehouses, The* ar«l quality the harew* , 3 n 1 «. depend ftil^agalt,. of Up* -go ids tua j 1‘rightist, trriaUy upon find best the curing t For the ourc-U foa/cs, they 1 get from fxJds to f- 1.00 fior p v .r,rd. Vgjnk; the lower graded rtni down ’> *> ami £■)'is per. pound. Tin* <-rop last year did not average more than Vi -anUH W U tetiov , 1 . 1 * ,,a son • At. anrago a.tvo vnll yh-lcl It ™ cuvea, 7fKJ-,^ m uis, upfi .j.^ean wa; » he lipoa a*,'J;o mail.d value. U,«^tUt*.,CtIre- i „ U!{K , rt y.'l ca ih<- 0 . , vU „ hm c or- 1 cluirds, toad with apples and start j up j tor South Garolina. aud Georgia. Tlic people, as a whole. Jive iii fidned .ie 0 a eoiul'ortable hewn w. ..or bouses, and’live cu iha vt'rv b«-*t. Thev .mflrpViRim?. are indu.-ti-iou^ ii-tdl **-' ^ ; Every few miles W(* f}lilV . li( .?-avd ebJU-ge^wir^h-urc priu dwlek. and well turni-hed. Xhov - an* about equndy divided (weeit the Mefhodi-t oJvhui^SiVdn^ and jj ot spriuix' charai^-(ariMiVliftlri< White ' section* f ..j are Vyi'dim*s‘Win ami limidredH bouth Georgia, '(l,c Florida and Louis* lana, gat hat-at v.nioa* nmaalain resorts early in Summer, and return idxiut Sept. \'-t. South Cure Him is different. Here the pursuits oi the jieojde are the mi.., ; n Ceorirfa. Cotton is grown every where. The people Heemingl.v a; ,,, j n 1JJUC } 1 bet er cin'iimstarces than fttfllvr down, and th« vlcvcrcsi 1 ,-j 7 u> '. '}£ h ,.w. *n ,/ 7 V ,4 i ‘VUmV,* .^M.n*ii eXcurshoii rates to tne Eximf*itirt:i, one ^M>^ : •»«<-. «>«» •» ™.r. «* IlV01 ^ A ‘“ cn ® 0,l!0 * 1 ’t *'* 10 to good ratiu-f*.^ rf t *v*v r riio hutnaiV^lj^-tive nt'D-ratui « tiling* in cxitenco. Miamll * put , out , ot , order. , Greasy food, lough too J, sloppy food,, bad cooliery, mental worry, late irregular habits, and HoVof lUcl . i1,« dvspc^.h-.-v w M’Jr. \P%^\ “ ^ /’ £ '* But Green h August Flower ( i onC a ^ouderfu: work :n reform i ug this ssut’business and making tlm IhKwer * v .v-iii«s Ixiullh and huppruois * t ■ i &noiei • vour (L*U ,v,r ist ' '"jK&lM It rf ~i >glf « R ^ ^ & o -5’ best 17 THE would. ►- .-r> nii'ktidt nf the i ijfily nFvi^Mstflh rfiri* S'llurdny fsiH was jm -luy it in tilt, inlHK doti^ftrtiiiV g«& -J have r*' id” 1 * . All express nnd Wegruph fcnpirc office !iu at with Mr. E,*M-relf, formwIV t./hicl.artfo, tol^raph rtu. East.tin ThU w* a selection # AS co/lj been made. * Empire is a full staflon and « rotfl* Ntoppiiijrplace T&f nil Irain*, Mr. Chas. Harper n broil s * of Mr It. I). Harper, arrived Vioro last and has i-timber accepted n position with Ihu Kuipire Co. as log sealer. .V Lumber is being put on the tool for the erection of a new store h/a4' in Frazier by Dr. Carroll. lo-fl.J for *».,!**.. tho mill is shut <l., w „ tnlS purpose of making aiTunlXnt ,hoiihi 3 nor changes in the machinery, but tho little mill IS It work, however. Ucv. Daniel Farm held d I vino : *et> Vices at tho school housa at FriizleV v.v.«tprdajv f 4 ntd prcuchcd a forcible sermon to a large congregation, t rmtsovAr.s. Mr. Frank Oarrolt, who has been very side for the past month, is im- 1 lir^viug, and will, we hope, soon h regain his accustomed health. Mrs. A. L. Henderson Is on n'vlfr it to lie*ynioi4icr ’ * • Mw. * Sandrri'fif V Fen/dcr. J * Mrs. L. M..orc left on Satd relay last for Cochran, where she will *p mi some time, whi!c;,Mf.^Moort* is ciwt-*. gig<d in putting up lumber dry or# aflhe Empire mills, W'e again extend nti invitation Id you to come and see Us at work. SoKTAXj, i -- I ^ ^ j l am now r,,i~,... " . ** ^ ' . r*\ - V a -,1 -I'o .,it all , che^ , oe*oi Dry (iood*, i c '' ' Shoes , ills iJutnoallc ’• i« full an,l rout I'hdc. Abo a full linrof Fund* Gro.‘ eerie,-all of which I will soil at a... •lonidiinjjly low prices for Cash. Wivc mo afriaf, and be touVittcul I mean what i ‘■avv r I l.o who hough! o giiatio f--.- —* i are re*r.etUu.ny VrTitiStf srti'j j j'-huetliato sevi.iti^nt hy Oct l^itli, it* i order to get th.c lirii'di of cotton op # 1 j tion ; ofhmvis o j n il' be compclUcl. to exact cur j-vnoy lit'face valuq. :f « . # j.' , A ..... ‘ S « vn-fomCTS*- h . »te.*tWatl f*/P , tl.oir pHsl. WSjln^J „ Jioi*^l|| , » pa!lounge, I J;qpc lo m%rit a eotifiV.u anc.* (<| tho same. Easlntan, Jf’spcctfo/Jy, it sap p. Ga„ Od. 5, ]S87. In | , . amb , ' r ’ ... l! m - v J c'uiiyi Cirr.Oct. *: 4 _ Jot ,S ’ ' . *7 K ,<NAL: Iu Vour h#u4 ‘ .’V '”. 0 •'?“ tolhefli E 1 ,y ful ' l!tS &. 've(«already jottrena,* being .iW Aav.-d., Ri j This. call*. to mind the fact tjiat en anoibcr two|vc months rolls around ; ‘‘J . emlnl (Tcifaii').will j v . choose o . ‘ l, cr <:ilize "' i '<* represent her in-lit • . U<UIC ”l- fW’iJkoiit f J n ’ 1 ' ’ * u dixparagtl ni f-fd to 1 the claims.of others, the w , - or '! iasll!s rwind a » 0I,tlcm an 'YhomJ °* ti,LV ‘P <> 0 l' I c of this . soctiou j'' vot ' ,J u > !, «i«or iu thU eapAC^ I-rcttK to C'.ol. \\ iley J. 1 ” n^lVtl^lvy in the settricQ ^ ^ as,< ^ c °ui»t>'— 8 t-*l iu (lie field 1 ' ]= !‘-T a,li '' ! ’. 1" t,y a defending' c!vn |>scI the “Lost Cause.’* p c 3 v as 0UI,, r < !l Com . v* ‘ iu-<?:oner. "f Ai a fioldier, brave, gallant a true, ehiei-itig Hiccontest at the co on*. I j menccmciif, aud ic turn ing when thi* ! i.vH gun was tired, bearing off h(inoN| jofwliicli any man mhdit-Ja^BJim d^ hi-, old comrades will delight in hon j j oring ~ liitn,' A * _ . ~* . i .. . . . ' '* ‘?3n“.' , »“ "“Tm . J.l*, * ,| ? M a* ® t,,;,cr a vituin ,!l llial ami al r » neighbor, lalI0 m «- 1 « koi» r Vl^r*. Letters of Administration. o.. of wliniuistrnUon upon the estate of li#rl! riot,' (Xijitahaii, will laic of said county, dt ^ pass upm iftild »|»plH ^ *“ "‘Given 8 under my liaucl and offfcual sigini tgr? V tlii.i first day of Oct&trjr. 4 JHH Kozar. 7 . p.i. JOHN , 0 , ia- 57 -it Otdiaarv U.C. Fresh Fish and Oysters I f BUI IS and VEGETABLES. i 'it.** | ~j 'nje pdWtc aro hereby notltfed ih#ii i mo BreShcssi amUiesi, anU retain tr«#t-i*f tl MH imm raelhnfiii of tm#inos» to w*-' *“ —X --- A. te Bf)OKM, rA3KiQHAQL£ 9A|l| ' l EAS^MA^* (SA - i > c-wncE—Tuttd IHbietyha . 1