The Dodge County journal. (Eastman, Dodge County, Ga.) 1882-1888, October 13, 1887, Image 2

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■tik ft fwmty. IpoeT. Jit. 181*7 1 ' >from ( ti;nimn. 1 ClUl sen . < < v , ( »> t 1 Curry & (’aid t~<>ii- I." - hi ") I” 1 ' s "/ ‘ operation a elm. iifilt’ ttlrihi i I" - id I! rnllotf of all n ho have v . Mr. Ca'dei* m»>* h e Ml gf 1 11 "in , to 10Q bushels of nn al pm- da linl make it hi>t to mil I ii»t i'* The gin is a not * h y to m t nr cotton planters, and DHr thill of Die coilv I »■ l 1 shown to- it i< H* M it Ii i» ;v i ,'paclty^t V) IO 12 bGc- I , rh'Vafol* -•<*»*' !. ^Witioii much trouble, a> it *in 1 ■ > ad I ho wagons without tin 1 lionldi* ot 'taking it out by hand i \sa. k” fpi I. uuitiM’d at a “hint her in b :i Dii. { looming. While in Die t & put his head loo near t uleva or. ujiiiul J away went Thinking Id' ”,Sunday that lie would go-to k woeti h" hat. ^■itver MAjodfwhteii recover it. von am l - WfM en«msl, Tito dl iWT(Gnveyor l« avmetliing now II enn emptv the »vctl into Die irtlte i^tluccr, or convey I hem prto ol Stall*. thu« making it hrr*»ary to handle the seed at all. ’e mo confident, taking it all in at!, ||,at the extra convenience* of the A 1 works Is worth to the pfnutr the prieo charged for haling the < •on, and ns a fie nd and *v r iltll'/.e t the rollon r »r I ha vi WOlked roll ell e , ,elt) l uould adt i M' till III to ' I an hie en lerpri'e. IFM Mi * ? ~ sin, Mr. I d ( ii"W n by Hs J I HI' I l.r .* i ve rest and fini'.i Wi'i . no i. on the r id. Tbe .)* r. M A, M t 'aider, is a Mont/ 1 i \ v , and liis m>. hi'W'ty, i i-'i niality, ii a •*1111 r.inice of /*' Thursday in u lilt 7 z "eloi sr out' tort Ii W rt n ui'o a L ale rxi i'emem I i (! in m til lie' in ill work f A. I!. I • c!e, and the fra litre n i ii i"! lire! H 'Cent* I i II day Dm dry I, I ll ed t igb a degree. i r d a> a result t I III I 1 2d,i)>') li i u il u it i 1 h I li of i II I t 11 o I i If I II I I. 1 I t n, U) I i rt VV 1 I ho'tnnii. I I I h Ill lie I al I ) a I .i i s v i i ll ( ini M y i . i 1 i IV r l bet U o I I •if n me i llie vv .'I I 1 I I m'li 1 I I I I le ll I m I *i‘»r ii # I I be ol i Ibi I I I h Icl \ I \ t i v i i vv a \\ v - Gil 1 VI « »’ •I ,l og Hill a iv I ’V M I upon tiit' i •e or f. Ill \ <4 1 i I vv i t 1» lit If I >! Ml in liis hfMti Spur up. l ft i l I 'vv vumi a * t urev an I lv ai' ' in v i Mr ami Mi*. i i d ,1 i Mi I. -vi ( vv It tow I I /' f 1 1 ey will 1 1 live I V u I lo | v Ibia year, YY e i 1 ks w v il for our mu i t V l fit 1 of "Ul 1 I il" VV ill go to Do I f lllo-l f Dr'll » Div VV I't'sl YY'e I 1 I yet a vv bib ill,ml (I I , but if Hiey vv i'.i I'm, i i i I. rv vie v,'i!. I i I 1 V I ii le null \ ml \ I • •r • li 1 t \ I 1 Cottle it 1 I i It) and i i IV t ver » A line nl I b \ I 1 j i \ i II I) s \\ i D The '*ili{e Tin re ate many ref,*'in¬ t state fair this >> ar w HI « \ i •dher- i vo r ! li f I* t ’mol i I ’I :t U that joljll i*0 ,|..!!l Otld HOII KJIIHJ Of v : intention of going’: ir tho to tTaik. Since U l Keen known flint «x-I»re*idenl Davis would attend Die invitations have' been sent to riluliiigiiUliod Confedcrato sol ami generals, who have signified intention of being present. The of Mr. Davis with his faith, old soldiers and comrades will in be an intending and attractive and thousands of people will lie* fair alone to witness tin' i rg i e i n r muds s li lie iVell pro 7*1.1 -.1 U till pO lieeirn - nd detei't ivo ind t 1'" k|" i ket- and thii v w ,1 it at i iw A motin-ag Append** Mrs. <\ K. 1 i.inieb, ol Albany, i t I* : ii. i •or M A. I !' i : a i i w it >.»i r I i i or ,\ . i •. li 1 . I.atui e r - mi rju lav n M m and Fur-v 111 I'he woikon the big mil! ts pro n •.sing rapid !’! l:v and _ mi rotig.ine*. ot I In It' I w oi k i f_ : by Die ;> I til.I I i a • il .even V - cousiant worn t - t e iniit III — t shut down for = rial repitiii Kv< i't thing i t a tug pit! 1 ii tln-ri it I ;• r ; a tnw ht.ilcr at :<I othet nc' • , impr >v in'til' !"d. u i H I ? i u S - will nia tin. mil £ t DM » \ \ 1 \ \ - of Dm w..rd. and ah e :o t u n nut = luinla r than ever. 'I’tm gr-ai ti = "' MV , * K " !, "‘ v ' }pu \ trittinpor* f itiou for tlm enornioTTs amount ot In lit I 1 1 read v *:twn A stroll tl nurh Dm mills },!•) (•, o ill t rihe one w ilh tli livin'* order and v« = i n ame r h w li’<*11 .ill lit' - so liti'ines. I - e mlucted. I .it t i 5.= I"II, and wo will rm ion a | art ol | dailv in;, ‘ The =•5 i i v ! -< ettis to b a pi a for 1 Vet v i' - find evervthin7 i ils plai ~ lie l all e\ rv oveni i; _ mills m swept and eh* ined of — ■ i-h am; . saw it*l, and the >! — laid away in oruei ml the (10 Ills Im.I g up. (h ut wives pious me H I i i Ves Die flour clean and trim IK il’il f O' :t b dl I'umIII. Til IHTII evidently til believes Dial order ;uc ! s *t law. and acts in aceor e ile is (he iii ing power, the i an for D l' : «i rfii'i dieiplina- 11 nd maim Ml I eoi.tiMl- every let ail of this i m.'in'n sc Int-ines* in such i inamicr that Duo e is no jar or and lie U eipuil to dl tbe emergencies Inal in u i i **r /vith (jtih l:, unerring }UM;''hM , nf drcldii 0 ! t £ ' be«t to l»ur*u Tim* In - ill > U lie readv lor A k ' I. Ill II L* in Dm meantime I 'ai'" le p ig to lie able to get l '.Np > i' i"ii in Atlanta, to get rm i. Die ban.' of our illus Dr lent and * charming I DVi*r \ ’ a* we ueg' '* hi:t) In vi it A iron* Be is -in s\ a \ s r et that g I Lr< u.n v Die foliou ii u par (graph hi a r I. Il i"ned bv YV. J. !> side,,} I l state Ag.i nltlil al I y, t vv Ii g li vv C all ml al P'lill m To e netnirago do i lie indlNil'V tl I'd Iiliv " WlVca ihtttghfer* a im w Die duties of tin 1 home, the premium intiiitttu* V u 1 i i oik* liutidi'C *. | a r* for t I i display of ll.ltldivvoi'k ini I, by lady in Pw ml ! i di-play, fll I 1 f >r I he I bird ht‘»t di* I vv III dollar The*.- dl* V I any and every thing P d a i ~ i .ou'cwif.* or I' i I r: II Von pltM,p non I I l< idu Im l 1 ill Itl IIIw I Vi‘IlII t •ard to !•»*?] i f -i I 1 km n\ o Vv’ulc-G.t hr V Mmitbly, wi* r.Miti.i ii' < )c.ol r number I' III 1 u a? ion on our 'i."*k this III! w av ii a nun a refill ntin:i i iii i 1 what i i i i rt a l Hull 'id blind i! i a chosen r t r 1 no icl-elv t l»m ji}'«■ n i |*tirp V, > t lt< I It But even I i 1:^ tlirough i 'c . vve ean w \\ ii ;• •* hr in Die bctl'i i i - ilooi liialiotl and iuici 'eiueni for ever niemlK'f of tile family. If y m m e undecided v. bat t<» ta i' Illllll year, sen 1 20 r a ; of Deiuo i -peak for it lb 1 I s I t a I ■t. New i a* IK. i am tew ids pii pared to pay e, ho want cheap I b of ! < iood-, Shoes, • i y l( ■'<i< - i« full ami com el ■t ill lo.eof Family Gro i f VV lli,'ll 1 VI *ell at U9 • li ng'v v pi * lor ( a*h. t.i me a tria ' ilid be (oi.vlured that I iitcrtu cut w I I -UV. i I.Ort' VV Hint guano fiom me are i cl I II 11 V I oijllesleil III make tin Ul III 11(MU' n! ! () i lot li, in or.I'T to get Hie I Iii ofeoilon Op* I 'on : oi liei w 1 vv ! be compelled ui r ee Valin YViib m V I my fneiida id cu-io - I I pa-l libera' pal I II i a toiiiiuu a, I. i V ll ' AIT F i*t G i.. ( i,. i jf6£:h FiSii S«il- 3yai^rs, FRii! *S and VlGc TABrAS. i a tl! u n I: ii a i Ht li I I k ?Yf?=J v |\l I ii AaNVN SS it r \smor 4 AiiL Tl G F< 3 ~ R, ' A ji AamiiYistration. \ ii « ■t S.*S I 1 %r - II III dT *l in No r, r n si.irfu t t ii s .! It t it n.uv l».C. GREASE AXLE UEHT IN TUB WOULD. FOR SALE R PULERS CCTUIXY. saw- mvimmfmmmmmim fg jiuJM ggWW B! »».i.jjg|L>je»! •mmmam i .. .S' 1 g MJfll J ' iLL r b\wf:r Herrmnn. App IJerrmon, I i mm > i' V. 9 K. * Have Just Received -AJCsT Hl/EaVEEdSTSE OF GOODS 37resli. From Oity NOW E YOUR TIME TO SAVE MONEY BY PURCHASING GOOD GOODS AT BED-ROCK PRICES. uooDtt. (‘.t'iitneres 3-J inches wide, all wool and all denitaide . -otors. Diagonal <,'a-Umeee.. Drc ri Flannel#, atr'.pes and plaids, (’tier d s uiiin->. entire IV IK'W and pei'h'illy lovciv. Black Cs'Iitueres ami Henrietta Cloths in immense iinuniltlvs. (<£**'* BRO. C3--A. C9I 3 .1. F. I >kT- \« v ,1 Ilisiioi', Jr BeLacy & Bishop, s (tlforne&x at JLatr, EASTMAN. <;A. YV Yt I'.I.i raeO, in all lli ■ court* of the Mali'. A:tfiiii*>ti given Convey. u e.liur. Lxiimlaation ol Titles to i.and, •’ui'iiishina Alistrm I* ol' Title, Executor*. Vilniinislriitors. Guardians, and other l i iiNtee*. Partnersliins t'ulli r OIS, t’llH rui'ts, Criniiiiai I,;n\ I all ol r r I'ram li •s of nraetii OtUce at the Ci ~ t Ilcuse. J*. W- LEE, JO AI.t !: IN Domestic Wines, Cigars, ! Tcbacccs ( Groceries, Etc., RAILROAD AYE. EASTMAN’,GA 1 ONLY' TOOL AND I!1 i.f.I A l.D BOOM iX T1IK CITY Piitroaag.'of tli, public solicited. Terms <b j Ollhll. oet pi (ill el IL- X/dl- XPoacoclAi, I E'AK'S'.Yl YY. 4 CftltGi t. I General Merchandise. I have In m t am! most r a I U I'letc an f u )iroin;|jt to tips * rk , t d:mI I to sell :it r 2 \-\u, A lofn prl'-i * Mil ask i-* an Z ion ( ** my stoek amt priec* id it t i k m sr t h t =—- tiibiu* for past patronage. I r.'sj Till v il a | cotilinuaiive of the sun M. oet Ig Hiii h. PKAfOfK JOE. B. KING, THE JEWELED. On-ier. - t ire > ! I a 11 >r ner ol Itai ! and i iii tl 'll Las' [ man, Ga. Btepiiii Abort Pi : of wit lie* and clocks done ->n notice, ai = uderate i ales, and s.u. llfiui. Imi tl Irani* "it . I tiaveyi tec a lurg i: lot of the <•(•] , bnited >, I holm cloek- . which I am 'li Ii ell. for cash, ,)«'t Ig gm JGI ll. KING •w eli r. EASTMAN | 1 W. IV. IS tEIHCI S., 1’rop‘r Hiiuds-vnic tm limits lin ni-livil at imxlcr crate'rule i. Imcm's and mule* for *a ~ at low prices, and stock taken care of in Z.-- *st j cIur* style. The patr uiuye ef the pc die ! I*aulieited. netlg gta | EASTMAN j ! tti d Ski I • A, M. SKELTON, Prop’r. Ail wot k done in !■ H-tass st i le and Si enny terms i ii a continuance of public patrona so LIh'IiiIIn i'Vli '1 dvi - the past. = ROBERT GARY, M ii tabr, E* STM AN, CrA All work guarantied, and satisfnet given in every Instill' tig am i Eastman Meat Market! W. B. DANIEL, Prop’r. Keeps constantly on hand a full suppl. if FRESH BEEF. 1*0BK, Ml’TTON A \ l> S-A.TJS.A.GII3 oRT Orders from a distance 1 'i'omp t!v . Wiled. (.et Ig gm ^ 31-. 12. , LUMBER CITY, GA., —l>i:.\l.t:it IN — General Merchandise, IIm.* lai/'M a £ uio'l euiiijilete stock '* of jUo"d Lumber ( My! I am offering nUPEECEDERTSB BARGAINS ■ ▼ ! TO ALL PEBERASERS. (’nine and examine my at nek, and l e cfuivinee.l that I a,n nc'lii g goods cheaper than anybody I*. Eg. traMi. I.umlK'f ('it Gel, t'.». IN', m SEW STOKE. HEW GOODS. NEW FEIGES: YV. CALLAHAN & CO.. 3IvVIM.ll. GCIOKGM, - i>Ftui’.:i;s ,x General Morchamlise. Our stock criusihla of cverv thing usually found in a strk-tiy Rrst-CIass Gensral Store, an t our prices are as low as the lowest ?a»S3L.......... e to r Villi* In* sure to C our / ek p\ nn<t prices.— jig YU! Gtt Oct. 12. I -7 I otng so. • ■ •“in aotioh i»b;p \ RT.JI«: vr. Our notion department awfully attraetive just now. tilled tooverflow ingas it is willi almost anylliing Dial heart can wish or imagination dev'ne. Yea have only to call and examine to he convinced. IIAltllELL cS- SMITH Ask the £ to all and see their immense slock of ■ CD tA. -0SL£I p wmm I RerGms a r- y it all times a full supple, a ml a!, 11 1 ov a"k ton to do is local! and 7 *e their 2. •ek and hear tlmir I’llll jls time tu v are s ilitng to live and let liv. l rum* arc “ i *y respeeifiillj solieit a 'e pay Savannah prices for cotton on ai s. T. 1(00 EES, Third Avenue, Eastman, Cia. —DEALERS IX CjJro(*l*l c H*s, BItmlware, Tisnvare, Tobacco and Cigars,‘Canned goods of every dsscripirn. I BESil FISH AND OYSTERS RECEIVED EVERY SATldlDAY In prue- and quality of goods i defy compel it ion I Lav only h i n i i 'H'llier* i »hori lime, and my good* lire pure and fre-h A li T hare ot t lie on Idle p it rouage Milieiied. Oet 1 n M'C.q:iw Uelcu l TvA rt ) DEALER IN ^"fy CrooCis. Shoes, inits, IMtss Good t v.. .ay;“ 1 ions, Clot hi !!**•, (iniorruvs, Ilardv/aiv, Etc*. K. IL Av ill rp iuian. Ga. My siook in rvrrv lint* fill- ami rt»mj»lcic, and mv \ :i: c ilian VVi' Ik'Iuic. Oil on me whim \ m co no la town an.I ! vili **avc y«/!i IIIOIIIW 0 1.13 .* in. I). Ml* EACH I M", •) I) i. v I N Dry Goods, Grecerios, Hardware, Tobaccos, CIGAPuS, ETC., Ll'MBEII CITY. GA.. I ■"I'lll lie. ami | 111 .lie lli! has 'I a . 5 let" well as k General Merchandise al l.mnner City, an ti -elicits a lilaTiil 'li ,f '! i ■n limlK.i is lo - t iv and Let lav i ti\ ♦ , all when you em tit •I 11*141 Mail and Hack Line, Nrmi-Yf t't'lily i»otween Lumber ('it y am t Jack sui iv ill * a. I. H. COPELAND, Prop’r Leaves l.u I I day* at llctu li a .1 I a. n>. ii tit I' -s .1 \ day at I'g rt.. an IV ill 7 a. in. arlies desdi t ,! w I find ii to l/mi'i *r i 'it v I ' <" • eg gl:l I II. < 01 * 11 . \N! RESTAURART! !J. H. HANNAII, Proprietor LEM HER (IT Y, G.Y the public I* li"’.il I ha filter! up in the lianiid K. MeUae s I West side of rail! it First-class Restaurant, w 'ic 1 am prepared at; mrs to furnish in i!s and lodging. si eals. gfi cents; Ledg E :r, g: ■tits, mi, tier l j t v Ig. - a II. M. Bozeman B. A. B vi E02EMAH £. RAGA2T, A New Firm Made out cf Marsh’s Old One. W~ have gone ii her. II M. II ■n and A. Kagan, in I u al: 1 IIC'S ul vv • will tell • on a hat vve did i first day We made rt I ran le w fimj . \ of Marsh’s oiil on ml rte i i.! • ! P it.,/ man & Kagan d l ■). l I Marsh 1 1: I V t veil what " (. Well. I lief lo talk = .-li P r I’ve he. I I a slid lo n * niak. - a " i* Vi make i = dattoi iu i! ll* X i-4 till v, t greed mil 1} tan ly wit h »n i o,, il v, \ <*\i \ aid pound or Im. lie! you all = full rteig tnd i an r lies yard s'iek mid me.istiia tree to In tested bv am one « i.,, \ * lo do ml as I lav e M muiek * war h' S. rt ,• v. ! !). I J I i; t ad' in i l t will l it! Mli > in-sir Vv hetli WO ll *! **■.! k V "r ’ llOlti Sl y fi Uf U i ■ ii: 11 Ml ii* Ihai. lOtlSf 111 A II t im- i;> aiitl w Hill! > »u i:i :r<*u • !< and •••< ! uct’o-hn U 'Zi.M \ N *v 1 i A N CURRY & CARDER, ( 7/ a inter tf, (i rort/i a. A re now n-ady 1" furnish y ; f-. s’.i at ing prices that wi astonish adv.'inia le. n. buying 11 a v . miprecei'e-nti s in Ipeir corn, they b. e. 1 v osh im in any quaiility s, i nion. ' , and guur alltec s.ilisf.o-ctK.ii. si ml oi yo irordct-i*. r.m'the « ill rteeivc prompt attention. Also in corin’ timi tl cy hav e one of the BEST IMPROVED OUTS in the sot > Itl Cotton KievV.or,unload in,r yot r coit. ' a Hum nag. n, tlier.-by mo ing ■ HU llie time i id double . Yen s»-c<l is then lo ■.di d Pi uiaehiuerv for von . Give ift tn o tig Sin jnvci.itY K rmivr. Our jewelry department will he fonml to be complete to the minnt.e.-t pariietDar. Anything desired in this line has only to he asked tor YY’lttle visiting ilio sloi-)? do not f'.tti to see this choice line of goods. Dll. Trr VV. . 7C£ ALS, OFFICE end DRUG CTORE, LI i l Y GA i: . nigh A DnijG; Kcuicis'is, Palais, Oils, i > < i > 4Joi;cl i ’S' %flirlo ' < I. 12. I*' If f'L A.. X ILsml SEGAB. COEFEI Tl »BAEC<). -Sap ! 'rv I Is, Shoes. Hat*. I and iu*r v, I! * leeted stock < FAMILY GROCERIES, Ml i h and eflen d t.» the put -- • at tin \ t rv limest pi i ~ f >r «'asli i g mild l«i Ip'V’T'i call Ii I I wh la. II I e, and will I, t they can ii mre il! tins ( j i -r r i; TAVI.O! L in Hunk ( ,A "T,. f hig rnmmrations ic: T ag in in-i'terati'iii tin nimcnse ais that v. ill attend he State Fair, the Keimesaw Hestaurais! Icis iner j I i*s cap. le! so as ti I. • abb t feed = III) initet I ii ii m Per of lesl.S EveryIh Heat th. market alf.'rd ‘itliei ta cal cTr- ns,can found at this perfect e*tn a im-nt, !'(. t the id.iee, the ( Id 1 KLNNE-.VW GJ» i’»f ::'MI N'J’ilLLT. i n PAY n I il nigh I I'lVlk P waiter* a : - III clerks .3. tnlciilini), Act. Jept gd-'lm. ^ \ Nev, -»t -ivies cf ti 7 me ® «ieweirv, A ' lUioxzi;. AliT goods, i;n The Largest ^t r *ck in the City. *v. Sp - AYatches and Jovvolry Itc'Ruirrd by Skilled Workmen. YOU CAN SAVE MONEY by buying of i s. REMEMBER TIIE PLACE J. II. Ac IV. IT. Williams. SI! St cord *♦., Macon. Ga rct*-3in ri.oTinv;: t i.o ritsxi t \V*e find it impos'ihle to do business without clothing,so we are prepared to offer you a new line of handsome and stylishe'othing at low prieos. Be¬ side* a complete line of furnishing goods for gentlemen. We have some ot the nobbiest hats in existence. x$ ESSO?* fmistM \fi SD t \r ‘ Headquarters for /y■ , m ■ , «, , ,—™ HEALTH FILL 5 The Safest, Surest and most pleasant Hemedy in the world, for Constipation and Torpid Liver. Lamar, Raskin & Lamar, Get 111! Wholesale Agsnts, filjicon, Ga. __ I* not at Id Mi I! i i'l Y Inn is ex led tie alter the Stale Fair to review ll! Stink of If fisJlOtjreL MIS 1E111SS ■fj i -i'ling in part of -Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Trunks, Valises, Satchels, Hardware, V/oodwrre, Willow wire. Glassware, Crcckeryware and Tinware. ro eery i My a ■r IK'S is Ullsurp l to quality and quantity eld Elf, Bacon, meal, grits, hams, si gab. coma BUTTKB. LABI). Bit K. California Canned Goods. Pears, Cherries, Apricots, Peaches. TOM A TOES. < ~ f.I) BEEF. TBIFE. COBN. PEAS. OY'STEItS. SAL MON. IMI _ ED SARDINES. MACKEREL. FINE AI'IM.E, FOITED HAM. BBAE V. I-O MS I'E B. sTB A YV BF.B B i ES. JELLIES OF ALL — ND i . OATMEAL. MAC AEONI CHEESE. I r. Y r At K Elis. 1’iCKI.KS. (.’IM)YY' CHOYY I YECE, (Hi A BS AND TOBACCO of ail Kind both Imported and Ihmiesi Jcwn Weight and FuS! Measure; the Most Deeds for Least tey. Corns and See IF!o. JOHN II. BARRETT, Lumber City, Ga. ( •cl I ! ’' .* i WWlii n A\ bein d at th Urv J Ooodr *.G Emporium Or Eastman, Ga. This is no catch-penny advertisement, but 1 mean exactly '. hat 1 say. 1 am Irt selling giioiU eieapcr than I Ik - were ever before oilered in Lastmaii. ' all oil llie fore pu ilSIll oelKi-1 = Bargains In Groceries!! ■m 7 *. Xj. County Road Street, - Eastmai?, Ga. Carries the largest and tiros* complete stock of groceries In this market. The* liios’t for ili« c » I- MV Mr T pu li-- w iii consult th ilerest bv a lib. g cu ne lureha'iiig. 1 I will SHY c hi y to all jiiirehaeci th M lim \|)T|K IT,!) r Ml) \ |||[ i rj) JP II-. < IDuLiimJA run i i i J Y i ; I lUl Jill jUg a iK3 - Cf a kiC /J'k 'di tt 'dni nL 'ds ‘£s 7 li. K AYlbNl E. EASTMAN,GA. For J st-cl.1'5 Goods Low Pi s I a>n po*itirelv in Die lead and x’ to stay there I ma r ii a point save money tor all who favor trie \i r if patioilin' YYTien von need £ vibing in the groeery line don’t ail to r. ve me a call before purchasing. Cigars and Tobacco a specialty Get P a a 9 County Road Street, Eastman, Ga. •DEALER IN <r\ Mv sto. k is full and cotnpic'.c atul in prices I defy competition. Give me | a call when 'on voutc to town Oct : t UliWt'IlitlfM. Everything wanted in the Family and Fancy Grocery liuecati always be found upon application. \Y r e propose to supply the trade, and to this end keep in stock the freshest and purest only. A WOEl) TO THE WISE. When iii search of Host Goods at Lowest Prices call on W. Ii. COTTER & CO., Dealers in IJry CwrorrrioH ami Ooii c 4 r«l 59 ( k rcliaiali^e. YY'e audio t ( , J riled >»!mes niumfaef tl red by G. !*\ ■soil & Son. , ' New 2 ihi« very pair of wlii< li is warranted YY'e make dees on on* r rkef Y<ui will save money - y calling' upon ih before ma ing Mil' pulclltlses. buy ai! kind- ol e = III rv nrioim e. EASTMAN. (iu„ Oei. 13. 87.-3m. .. *ncy Maiiheim, Control^? «nd Regulator cf Low Prices, JI AW KiXSVILLK, GA Next ih or i I J. .fuiner’s) Hry Keeps constantly on hand a Caps* complete stock of Goods, Clothing, Hats, Boots and Shoes, Crcckeryware, Hardware, Etc. Mv fall ami \ 11;. • i o just arrive.| i speejalty f FINE I’KKKCIf i.gadim, suin' i,r n .. A rt al 'll a,I k Full line of 1 iiini * 'linn s always 0*11 on |rr ,| I ■etl'tllh IV ilo III" I f I'ml uut ailjoiumg eouu lies to call Hie V. }| .1 tl, ne to lia i Mile I inline my niock ami price* Get l.'l-.liu. Wfriiship & Callaway 5 '.os s;;< ■( ?:>i) stkket, ma< u >x, ga THE LEADING CLOTHIERS, are now o ■ning an extensile .took of lot jba.X TX gg hl cl 3 ES t S I of an grades pud style ts. Wli o men wilt find a good stock of tin t htiK:. N Carolina and Missinsippl Jeans Pant < >vcrenats and r-uits i nien a nd ho vh. G\ rU. I ndcrvveai, et etc fv.n Ivivu’ s lnnn $t.fn> np. gap pair* IP l’ai is Is - id upward. Gold and SB ver 8hirt - is., and .find the best Lu Lowcst prices for everything. ^ V \ 1 ^ % A jyj F„ r China, Crockcn C ^ lndi in Macon come § A Glasr.\v;uv, Tin\va ’( H llni set what yvo have, X c w aot'lenYY’a.v, < 'ooking 11 you can t come write 0 I 0 and I [eating Stox-es. \V<; for i> ices, We have R ; N bavf tin* largest and 11io greatest variety o £ i digs! varied stock ever car- lamps ever shown in any ried sou11 1 of New York. house. Ur arc A;/ei:ts fur the J'amouft Itor/irfttrr Lamps, Be sure I call onus vviien vu visit Mu-on iiospeetfullv. Citim- Uiuch, Ylneuu, Ua. dl \i 0> « SIIAf 4 M ORI’. m •). , I> .y1 I n (i * ;S, MnnairtT, sk. 'sE'iii'jtii'si ^ In addition to dlel'ilig the best assort Ttlellt of \£$ Watcher, Diamonds and Jewelry, IlSlH m SI LYE BYVALE. a: SPECTACLE*. CANES* Vi. gold fens, ME at lowest prices, PENCILS, ETC. ft B If Hi Cm ire !| m t ieh visitor i nr store din ing the state pb m in. A- •|S- rair, wliHbor purchaHci* or not v chance on a hiindsonu w I Ha nonrl Khiff. ■ M Let every body ( n e and bring their friends GLo. T. BKKLAXn, Yun Igt) Second sfeet Jeweler, Macon, Ga oetli-dni. 317 & 3 f 9 THIRD ST„ RIACON, CA. Hardware, Iron and Steel, Belting, -MILE KCPPI.IES, YY’AGON MATERIAL, Guns, Pistols, Cartridges and Ammunition of all Sorts. Payne & Willingham 9 *71aeoiii €r«. THE LEADING n ■ 000 and 008 CHERRY STREET. Factory at Enterprise, suburb of Macon. oct 6 - 3 m. Dr. W. L. Smith, DENTIST. IIawkixsvili.e. Ga. Office iit Pulaski House mchS-tf FIAI1 WIOKS. YVe have a fine assortment of shoes for ladies, gents and children. Also fnniiltire, trunks, valises, wood, wil¬ low, hard and tinware, etc. In short everything wanted in the mercantile line Come and see and price good*. d. c. McLennan, ATTORNEY AT LAW SICVILLB, (JA. Practices in the courts of the Oconee and Brunswick circuits. Special attention glv ento collection of claims. Willals. / prue. ticc in the federal courts. Sept l.-Iy * ’ * A « *