The Dodge County journal. (Eastman, Dodge County, Ga.) 1882-1888, October 13, 1887, Image 3

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he Provision Store Is now complete arid our doors thrown wide open for the people to buy First-class Groceries at the lowest cash ,1 prices. We curry the best grade of ........ hams , lIMk fast bacon, pickle boof.cofleo, rice, , *.vru|,», honey, kornsine oil, wilt, sugar, rye,' grits, butter, lard irim», lined -fruit., oats, stock R od, preen meats, fruits find berries, vegetables. The l«-.-;t (1H87) eaniled tracts, baker's breath cakes, preserves, crackers, jellies, flavoring ex emtah*.! fmit*. pure Ul slick All kimla of Wnmeo etaara.. r \v' Va, °' P la8H ." ,i re and crockery department is com - p 1 <*te. \\ »* ctlM luriiislt every article needed in kitchen a or dining-room at prices that defy competition. Our tslocfc Oi~ ilfhiitJftBI Mnntift U ibo lnrtroiat ever Opened between-Macon si„ la" :,.m mid «' Sivnimtli i’d';'''''dh Wo \\e w< inuhlcitM inid noli ,1 ten in, of M ^bM-'llIlteildentS (<> this line of . ' . Rlducenicnts • i •tlor the largest ur lire lowest unsurpassed, for we not only Schools to for variety thorn. nt Superintendents prices, but will assist the correspond pay with immediately call arc requested to chants ns or and foe ns. Mer who contemplate carrying a stoek of \-mns will do well to see our "oods and I.rieos before 1 living whore W J2S.«.....Oct * pis'VDT PENDLETON VTAM xjxjVxcj BROS. . Best Goods. Lowest T , — • JOHN T. WALL, -DEAlsEU IN Groceries, Hardware, Tinware 9 Crockeryware, Tobacco, Cigars, Etc. |it‘.li|,)li My stuck ot I < fn! I Mint ( otriplet'* f In f tuilitv of gt,ods Hint |>rit‘t 's. I defy com trmi) am sun e. <iivt me il cull uiol j In* i'„li\ lni'eil Corner ;m John T. Wall, Eastman, Ca. and K ll'oii'l A\(*m oct i.kani. 1’. ANDERSON & CO., DEALER IN GENERAL MERGHANDISE, 1! ;ti 1 r«»;i< l A t'UMe, Ini man, (la. i PRICES LOWER THAN THE LOWEST. | \ irgeand uiI I t "I ll Hill Wc Ills run in eou lieel it with I ill -! In A MR .1 -('LAS 1.1 VERY I VUl.E. A cent - fill’ 11 V* w II mm \\ M ! 0.1 «*,u K't 1 J Jill ' S. B | Bo6 | Ej 9 : m DEALER / ’ @EKEBA*l mwn I- 0 M Wiii ft r# * •: M t of 2li'l A VP an* mi i; 11 EaMmns, Ga, In i it Ill's I'llV tf ;• ii ml i i I**, Li M. IL EDWARDS & BEO. Railroad Avo„ Eastman, Ga. ---DEALERS IN Dry <fHoods, (Jofliiia^ W!iors, Slats, Drrss Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Tinware, Etc. \\ ;i? < I' I.IF I t t II. r\ VN. < A. ■ a •» . . - ■ * ■ lH S J .s'. .... * i *i i< U’lii i;t< >us ()F The City Drug Store AND DEALERS IN Pure Dr iz and Medicines of Every Description. ! ,i :tt f i«»m* \. We V I* constantly in ®to.'k every nf III*' I;>l'!'. fill y\ i* make a ............ \ « ti'iuii Illli-t i*t n l*i I till it amt salistaeli*ui I *n- ear* llillv r ID| oUntJ. ti af i <*t Itie tla\ or nietit lit III ' |iUli|lf I lli.I l. I 'I A N, (in., (it i mm\ - wii lit A " T n i \ ■y -» f ■ GEORGIA II. H. MILLER & CO. j !►' Ii il l pBiniti'v Kun-mmilinj?. that I i in ,tii 1 \ i n.^ net' t ; COFFINS, CASKF I Furniture, -CD C il t -23 si M : ?! . cites, etc I Illlt* '1 lit t!>»- slu»l f**Mt fl :i) Muroti or t-Ne i it t>• > our iu\crt‘^t to pi »t f v *|> Wt 3EEL in. ENTERPRISE AND ENERGY! will'ell, and Hilt I...... nt - f* * i!i <.tdi imn IN BCftlNESS aktlie NEW YOEK STORE -( >F I k, R. R. Avenue, Eastman, Ga. II ext ter twenty vear® Hi the lines of good* I carry 1 ii i > 1 tm nil a n Rumen -e stork of 1 »rv G*iod®, Clothing. | ie lines fiuelv assorted, «o a® to please Out ( thin Dr G. oil- i- es; iallv iTi'oniineudithle tins I * ! , best slot k of C lothing 1 ever had, and I r t i < ■ \ In Dt\ (i W have all Ur® newest shade® ot cashmere, tricot*, dia- j K " 1 pit lit m I a line <>t "F inc> Dees* Good® lr<tlii S cent* up | * * bawl® are daisies in fine t'a»hni«res, all sli.i'le®, Zephers fine Angoria in all shade* H Hi I a tin' I st ill the land. (Wir hulics' and gent®’ neck toll 21 W We h ave in s|i*ek and arc still receiving a fine selection of F.ngl hand American Fancy Prints in lute shades. All shades of wool j fl inuels iit and Itihhon* at Low |Vkv New tuid rune, design. Of Jewelry and Silverware. l , W’p |»uvi» Ii II 1 **\.'<i U»ti of >Vulkit*;r J I)o!man«. r Utcr« and ii 4 *« ut ii \ Jericvi* tu wll uiul All "ilk diT-cy (ilovcs in new KiiN | Iu shade* ft «• ladies uud u* n<®. the her goods cheap. All mv goods named iu this “ad ’ are guaranteed .i® represented. \Ve also keep a full line of staple uud Fancy Grocerlc«. Caiidic*, Bed I'overing, FnriiUnre, Gl;i»s niitl Tinwaie. Hardware and Tool*. Give me a cat! and convince yourself of the bargains I can offer (lie puli lie. Thank patron) for past . , favors _ _ I respect full v solicit It* rontiit- .. ng * in v 1 1 * Vctis-ta. Respectfully, R. * Nowma.1. * . • :V * • . It?. THE JOURNAL. IDS. M KTOX. . - - Tnt'fWDiVY, OCT. 13, |SS'. JOURN ALETTES. For California canned goods, rail on .l„l,„ II. bml. Ijimlicr Cllv. 1 *■ M - «»'>•»" ««*»•>• •< * * “TUU *ecti«m will send largo c "" v,l, ,'» 11,0 **'• *'*''• »«•* 1 .', “r. Jh. ! ■ "! X.r.TZ»^ 5 ?Z£L£ , ' ... 1 Itinsr Atlanta thli week, ami taking 1,1 '* ,c siKht** *t the great Exposition. —The prudent farmer will now pro. CCC< * 1,1 * 0 ' v *'** 1 '• V0, oat * ttlM ^ ,a ^ lur * a * t!,c wcadier is qullc |*to|»i ......... —Thu first faint touches of an I brudi can he seen ill the f.liago of ,l,c “•‘•‘-•S reminding us that bleak vi, acr will «oou be uiion u*. —The man who attempts to ilo t>us , !' CM 1" t!,i * fait a -° ' vi,,,ou ‘ «dvcr t ' si,,, f is a s,ow a,ul is »«rc to be left by the procession. -Mr. J C. ........... a former citi zen of Dmlgc, but now of Turkey, cybiily, was in JEu.linaa an Frida,- b,„. and pave ur a plaa.«„t «ail. Mr. 1*. has ir host o* frit»m1* ..... nreester xlntl ....... him. l.iaaic .PoIhIho,, lett o„ Saturday last iX rx,r.’ " liich opened in that city on Monday I awl. We wi-li them a j 1. rt~a nt lime, — Misses. Mattie Wilcox and M-dee. uia Hamilton, of our town, are visit¬ ing relatives . . mid ...... friends in Hawkins* \ ill.’ th week, i In v will ailrnu the New Ebenezer A-sf.eiatit.n, whi. li convenes in Co-hraii next .Sunday, f**re returning home. —Miss Rebecca Campbell, of Tel¬ fair, who has been visiting Misses. I It in i 11 on and Wilcox, in Eastman for a week <>r two, returned home on 1 'i’iduv last, mneli to the regret ot her many newly-made friends It *re. —Col. Henry Riehnrdson, formerly on the editorial stall' of the Atlanta Co list 11 n t Ion, has been elected editor in-ehiet nt the Macon Tcicgraidi. ||p is a polished wrilei, ami will add force to this grand old paper. —The great secret of advertising is repetition iteration reiteration ini pi is atteotion. Ao < 'il- ional adver tise|i)i*lit is barely sufficient to keep the advertiser from fulling into the great receptacle of lorgottcu things. — It i® rumored that another one of Ea®t man's prominent young men will take unto lituisi if a lielpmeet in lin* near future, tjuiet marriages are non la»hmnable, and we cant mention names nor tlie , time . ot . (lie . happy oc¬ casion. •Tlie largest 1 al cotton transac Messrs. Harrell A Smith. Ihe staple brought K'„ cents, and footed up a sum total of *1125.10. When il °ni"' to btisiiit ss "onr Billy” iuvariably gi t > I hen* in tine -i j |.*, Mr Carrie Johnston, and her daughter. MBs Tallie. of (iwinuette county, are visiting Me. and Mrs. R. S. Johnston, of our town. Mr. J. is the son and brother of the parties above named, hey will prohahlv make East man their future home, and we gladly welcome them. — Drummers and others desiring to visit Jacksonville, Ga., can find no bet¬ ter or mote convenient tnodeofeou veyar.t c than inquiring for 1. II. Cope¬ land, at I,limber City, and securing a seat in bis first-class mail hack, be¬ hind liis spanking turn-out. —J. II. Hannah, of Lumber City, announces through our columns that be is prepared to feed the hungry and lodge tlie wearv at moderate rate.*. When in Lumber City if hungry and tired, ea’l a foii ini and see “what's the mat ter with II anna It.*’ — We are \ lc:t®cd to learn that Mr M. !i. M' R te, who ha- been so serious !v ili at the In me of her daughter. I's, Ma,1,, M ' r U ' """• as lo , . .......... ami ami . l.iMr-.t »o 1 .. r . ."rt"l b\ attending ])).y-i inn I.atiiiii r a-' oiiva'c-cent. -Mi-- Emma lleauelinnip. ot thonia. Ga., who has been sp isdine with her sister, Mrs. I. S. .It*h 11 s' mi, i*t’ our tow ii. left on M* >nda\ la®t for her home. Her departure is re g!"< tb’d by lit new ly-inatle friends Inre. — Mr. VV. A. Coney, a t'»*rmor citi¬ zen of Laurens county, but for the past i'h vnyear- residing in Texas, is visiting friends a id relatives at bis old home. IL* -peaks in glowing terms oftbe ‘ Cone Star Slate.” ('apt, K. VVis’iart. of N'Ulii Caro¬ lina. La- returned home, iftcr spend¬ ing scvt ral week- in this section, and in leaving Mr. AY. reiurns (hank® in our | •pie for then" many kiuduc®«c* «liovvu him whil'* among them. 11 * is a grand oltl gentleman, anil liis many frieinls here a® elsew here in the Suite will ever remember him. — i'lie ni"»t unique and ing<*tiiou pu'tf of nice itiui-m we have seen in a long white i' the parlor stand, at the East man Drug Si n o. The stand was made with a bracket saw, Is of wal¬ lin', and contains more than 20 tlidi r cut pieces—the whole forming a beau tifii 1 pili lorornanieiit. It is the handi woi k of Master Guvton Fisher, and -hows him lo he a young man of rare genius. —Messrs. Park'"!", Peacock & C<’., ot Ilawkiiisville, hare sold their barrel fat Uirv, in tl at place, to a Savannah til ., n> „„d the same is now under the management ot Mr. W. -V. with Mr. 1» d> Holmes as aiiperintcud cut and book-kec|»cr. The faelorv i« in a floiirisliiiigeonililion. turning out now from 175 to 200 barrels per day. > s uoee-« to the new firm, while the re tiring one ha® Ihe best whistles of our people for success In whatever they undertake. —The firm of Peacock & Varncitoc. their doors rTi here on tT Saturday evening last—their license having expired. Mr. lVacurk will at once engage in die miw mill Lu^incsj nmr town, whJ|e Mr. Varnedoe resumes his voett . nt . leaching, , . . , having accepted , a school in the ujiper portion of county. Either business is lar prefer* able to selling wine, and wc wish both ot . tjiciasuceco*in Wbalcrerenterprise they may efigage. r ' " ' b*.j -r 1D- j —We Stokes arc again pleased 10 sec Mr. John on our sheets, after a ,m,!ratUHl illness ot two or three ! week*. a large number of our iwople, 1 !c**, will attend. . _ M „. ,i M ii„ «**»«.. ..rn,u ,va. „,ij,„ !s .,vini». i -Mr. ir.r„u,., m,,. h.» D..I. 1 , »•' «'!• «onnly. I,a, l«», quit. HI far l'»« .cveral day., but »cm„t,l,c '■** ■■™' "tvd .. chi,. cs ,|„ l9 ns.leUed ti, u- uitl ^ |, av j.,. r 8cet j (, )irp * will nlea»e * ob ’ hge us iutliis wav. 1 ‘ ‘ ,( 1 11 °. * •• «• «•«>''»»-j»«r^ * >to.t, am \\ ir nnmedot nutches. ^ °‘ k S‘^.iv'vlry ot any kind,or Utah | anv " 1 “dime, eaU outliem. —TlieM icon t.'hina.Store. J. tv. Di - 1 «uhig«»s manager, has an advertisement , »»» «hc Joi-unau to Which we invite atu ‘" Uou - *" »« , <'d of anything in th.i. line gi\e tlii.. bottse a trial. —The we .-know :i hanlv. are lirtn of i Johnson A Lane solicits tlie trade 01 j u '"' lliroiisb Ilia columns of «- Juvxxau litre tbi. house your j °* in their liuc\ anti you - »«l b«.......... to ,v,r.-, it. | r«^rr, this week and parebared tbo d 1 ' 01 "", ™ j <»t tiuis>hiii!f the. building (Mr Julian I retiring) which be will do in a ino-t ! ta-teful manner. | M hen yon visit Macon don t fail to ( call on (ieo.T. Itcciaml, tin* jeweler* i , and Uhm Mviue :i dmnee for that ele gaut diainond ring. Read his adver tisemeu*. and remember the t.umber j 320. Second street. i — Maj. C. It. Armstrong has return- 1 ed trout a stay of several days at In- j glrwood, where he has been engaged | in posting up the hooks of Wi-hart & ... . f , .. . . . ed Abbeville and the eel. lira ted j'oor . Robin spring, in Wilcox. He s; c ik> in glowing terms of this fine watering resort. — Ii i* rumored that our sister town ot Dublin is to have another news paper at an early day, inn by a joint stoek com pa ii". i'ir.s will be the third paper in Dublin, but we guess tin* in creasing grow lli and prosperity of the place will -tipiiort them. — f! e Piedmont Exposition opened in Atlanta l.i-t Monday, and will cun- 1 titine two weeks. A number of our itizens are already in attendance, while many more will visit the big show before it close*. President and Mi's, „ Cleveland will be I her** on the I'.tili iu®t., and this will be the great day of the Exposition. We have been leqiiested to announce XZZ p«,^«|)*j||fj the Baptist festival from Wednesday eve.ling next, a® previons |v aMiioiint ed. to the 1st week in No Veinber next. By deferring'o lliis date ! there will be no conflict with tlie Pied iiiont Exposition, Suite Fair or Ebeu-! i zer Baptist teialion. —Nixt Tuesday (18ili) in-t. i« the t ""' 1 I'm'convening of Telfair superior court, but we learn that it is quite probable that it will be adjourned, from the fact that the new c mil house will not be ready loru«c. If court Is held, however, our patrons and friends m ty expect u®, and conic prepared to subscribe for the biggest, best and newsiest paper in the wilt-grass sec¬ tion. I’ii-«* in (iiiinncrv. The lumber works of Mr. A. B. Steele, knotted at Chauticcy.eamc near being the scene of a terrible coutligra tu.n. Ono of the lumber dryers took fire and \va- eonsv,iiicl. with about 35.0;KI hr -I 0 , 0 !jij feet <*t lumber. The large new saw mill and planing iniil are in close pmximitv to the dry- j er, and blit tbro’tgli the untiringetrorts | if the citizens oftbe town they would al®«* . have , been deslrnmi. , The „„ entire ,,, WI , tin ued out am! worked her* i al ly. the greater proportion of them ^ with hm kets. bringing water Iro n the different wells aroiu.d the mid, and ithers removing lumber, foitunate Iv the evening was very calm, else the entire mill works would have be m burned. Mr. Steele was absent in At Santa al the time. Ib'l.iirv & i'is .op. The profe-sional card <>t thi-ju-tly popular law firm ajipe.u - ® among **ur hand-time display ol' Inc il a-d .'erti-e men! Bv untiring spolicatim and studious attention totiiehe-t interests of their cuts, Mt-s-rs. D. .k B , hav>* built tip an enviable praetuv and per nianeuilv e-tab'ishetl themselves in ihccoiifi lei ee ol the people. Xatire. Tl.t re w i.i 1 e no preachingut B- tli lelicin ihurcli before the tilth Siindttv and Saturday before in this month, at which tim*" the Rev. J T. Roger- will ►reaeli. Ail tlie eojntnu'iiiy i- rcpi* -i ...j to |, 0 pre-ent al that aie. _____ (I :i rrletl. At the home of the bride’s parent* >n the evening of the (itIi October, Mr. ,Ja C. Powell and Mi-s Edna Fiitch. all of Dodge countv. Rev. P. A.J* s -up officiating. The Journal join i t » congratulation j Sit) [tew ard. Strayed from my premises on We.l nosdav, 5th October, one bla-k mare 'nnlc, with white month, and white down back, with bushy tail. I will pay the above reward often dollar® for her delivery lo me at McArthur. Gi. Craw ford Branham, Oct. 13 LV*7.—2t. Snmlav School t uimcrsary. The anniversary exercises of I-ham Spring Sunday School, will take place j on the 4 th Saturday ot October, In Maut,on which occa«ion ~a.e«-ni»«' several speak «• .»«»«*«!, 0 »-; 1 ora , h . , s loil , atctl . The public geu vl . ai u i® invite L XV. J. D. Skelton, .Siineiinlendeut. Itm nry Tlunhetiu Has the largest and rhoapest line ol crockery, glass and queen* ware, lamps. of any ' merchant in Ha wkinsville. and at prices . lower than .. ever , known before. * 2* ^ * ,vS rf.r, m UKDEU'EAUE. Wc semi oul tlie JotrSax. to-day a,,rt growing ml vet Using pafroilafe. To accomplish this end we have 2 „„ c a s ,-»at <!c»] of cxpcu«. bur „ f increasing oar force of primers. We •■»»»"■ •''»™ughi.r i.,„.i™ lb.Joc.XAl a.titc|l>- <MSm pa, l*rl„ every re.peet, rarnUblna »eet !y to one reader, at. the „etv,.b..h In * .....« .b., ,, * vo cverv r c as °n to cxisect the cn eotiragement of the general public. yy c lrllgt ,J 1 . U it w ,u not Ins con * u ,s ° e<) ’’ Ka 011 0111 , ,Mr aim. wo .ay ,1„, thcJorRXALofttn ,j a y. icficcta credit not only on our growing little city and Dodge county, ljul o|i t)|is t>|iti|T ser non of ‘ couutrv. 1,1 ll .. l,a,lo ,u _- 1 ° u v 01 ' nifr ^ " aK U»|»ccidentcd as our column* amply testify, while wc have made an h,*n est effort to give our readers all the ||ew , „ ow , c .. we have suctccde,. air W. pr.n, Iks. week three 1 boa.and copies of the Journal for d»$ tribnatlon. TUU i, done a, an a.I and partieidariy of'll'ns iumiedi'al'e *. -fc-. w......... " »»t bo . very long before it will be necessary for us to send out an lion of this size to tiil the demands ot a* many bona tide subscriber*. i , * , . , , , „ . * ,1C J “ l ' 1!N VL i . ul * ( ’di'-e •** fully t ‘‘l n 'l , I ,,, d to do all classes of from a visiting card to a poster—on short notice and in a satisfactory man¬ tier. In this department wcabsoluto | v guarantee satisfaction on all work executed. We have one of the most *• Immou- 1 * otfi es in the emn.lry, and best job printer in ihe Slate. Wv know that means a ureal deal, but we make the assertion advisedly with a full roiuprehcMuio!! of tin; fact?*. We simply defy any city ofllee, north or south, to turn out a belter class ot work than weean. It would be ungrateful on our part it> conclude ihisartic! .* without a word „f thanks to j. generous public lor the liberal patronage aiid ciicouragemeul extend' d to os in the pa>t. We be*: ,u assure one and all. that in return lor their kiiulnc we are going to iuruUh them with the bc-t weekly pa per in the State of Georgia. xoTitu: Shrihkf's Office, ) XIcRae, Ga., Del. 11, 1N.S7. J’o the people of 'I'dfair county : My advertising w ill not be changed from the Donut; Cor sir Journal bc fore ISN), when, pei haps, the McRae Enterprise will dotheadvertising from the aherilTa olliee of this county, j ( will not be changed before, unless the Enterprise changes t** a respectable s:z< d paper. The Journal is the proper paper for me to send a notice to change mv advertising, and when I see proper to do ®o, will send Ihe no¬ tice. The Journal has a large sub¬ scription in Telfair county, and is liked by all who road it. and a change would not suit the people at large. Very respectfully, E. A. McRae. U iriiry tlaniicim, Of Hawkinsville, is receiving new every #1 a 3 % ami sells t!iem elieap or Uiaii anv ':, one else, (nil ami hccou* vi ,}. h slon . ,, a ,.k ( .,i f„!i ( hu ,, ( .,j <inj , adv.uuage of the low prices in New York, and cannot be undersold. 2 ^ iii-rfiiKi" at Mr. J. L. Guili was married to Miss Ella Rawlins, at the residence of lh* bride*- mother n, MeViile on Sundnv h i.i ., i. Hi .*. v. v ii. .u. M .*2 in .......... n ci.uia i-Pin- in„. The attendants were: T. A. a;K i Cie'.ia Norfleet. Mr. St»!on Me.Millau and Miss Lillian ini hen. Mr. Guili is a former resi¬ dent of Green count v, but ha* been redding here lor the past four year®, is one of our most popular and promi¬ nent business men. The bride is noted for lief beauty and sweet, amiable dis¬ position. Quin* a large number of tlie friends of ihe happy couple were in at¬ tendance. Tin* pre-ints wete irtincr oii-; and ban lsome.—C-n\ Telegraph. Jug t'rnslung. The jug crushing had in Town Hall hist Saturday evening, was well at¬ tended. There was served tothe guest ‘ s | plenty of idee chicken, ham, and oys¬ ter®. The committees were as follows: No. 1. Mr®. Sarah Williams, chair¬ man, w iio-e committee reported ! 5 *J. 5 U; Mr®. Eva Harris, whose com mil tee re¬ ported $125; the committee on ice cream, reported by B. J. Pitt, $2 50; committee on oysters. t)5; on lemonade 15 cent-. The no H'-keekcr, J. J. John son, rejeiried $o 50. Of the 2.1 jugs out,! <>nlv b were it pored Ilo’ioii Patro.jM.OO; Miss BerthaE l in jnil-tt ;. -1*1.07; Mi.-s Mary Lmi M*»»- ri $1.40; Mr®. Mattie Rich, 45e; H. rhomas. lfie; Mr-. Emma Pitts. $1.(55; i dersou, Frank !fl"»gers, 26e. $2 55; Mi»s Alice An-j Mrs. S. »rah Williams gets the prize from t;ibh i- committee, and Frank Rog¬ er® from jug committee. Rev. W. A. Holmes. Assnix-t Tricots. i- or j^ ( i" iC4 ' I> 1 C SC 8 in all the new - , shade*. When vou buy a Tricot dress, be sure you get that stamped As«abet. They are the best goods made, and each piece hears Ihe manufacturer's stamp. In addition to the above wc j 1,avu °I*'» ,,d a.iollxer shipment of 22 piece® double width Ca®hmeres, at 15 | eents. Other houses sell the same ! v .m r of tori. f.,r 2 a One | 1 ! lot of double width Caslimcre at 30i »*‘d . 4 .. > cents, . which ... , «lupli-■ , you can l cute for 40 and 50 cents. It J. Jacobus. Leader of Low l’-Iecs, Iiawkiusville, G. | You should rig yourself out in ouc of those uobbv suit*at John A. Bar rrtOLirm^rCBy; >, "S?-. A* ga i. 'i M Meetluc of Yonng Sir*. In pursuance to a previous call for ' The mcetin 'was called to order bv electin'' Il.,» 'll! (• I; Murr r!i --1 Som-.a.'v! , <'Irr r i».n ml M. Colli,,.. do talent of a Statesman aud-parlimeuta ria „. The Chairman, inafetv brief m octtlte. elateit tlieobjivt oftbe inerting ot*>„i,.cavo,.pa.,yof y„.„ g ill a grand torchlight procession, uiu sic and other demonstrations, in liou or of ex-1 Wident Davis, in Macon on the 10 th inst. Mr. Murrell, iikhis rc marks, slating the objeef of the meet p.j, q\u*nt. Hon. II. C.-letnan was called upon fora speech, and he promptly respond ed ill a very appropriate address—go jj,g over the sad pan brielly—vowing J,j s devotion t Q He. Jefferson Davis— ntnv the only living mortal who acted with true fidelity to the “Lost Cause.*' He urged that U was the duty of our vounts men to attend the Macon I-’ai-. iml do all bouorto tbasraittl obi ^ ^ „„ v ,. r „ n ,a n , with that of ftome EiiroiKum and -bow.-d ,hal sura war, w o re ‘i'dte‘'''’b,* 1 ''*'- . reS;;:r declared by the Chair to be next in or dor. Twenty-seven names were enroll «!• a »d a committee of live " a ' a point to solicit more. Mr. John T. Wall was elected tain of the company, and kindly at ,. 0 j,ted the honor conferred, There being no further bu-iness be fore the meeting, it adjouucd. Fit as. 1 >. Mvrkeli., CIi'ii. M. II. Coi.i.ins, Soe'v. . 8 . Juroliiis, Of Ilawktnsvillc, proposes to lead ,l, «‘ Ebbing trade ol Ins section this fall, lie is the only merchant ot,his ‘own who handles the following well known makes: beliloss Bros. Jc Co.. Nathan Bros., and Stern, Falk & Co. The above firms make the finest and best fitting clothing hi thft couutrv ’ and I propose to sell you a well made H P s|| it cheat) a® you have to pay lor •* 1 M a*. *oo,« ^ *««t* *i'« beauties lor U 2 .nO I give you a fine worsted suit. .$!•>. ?l s and $25 will buy a suit equal to any Mwi'chant Tailot’s $15 suits. A large lot of Mens' and Bays* suit ,r, ' olu up. Don i boy until you see my goods. It will pay you, j. Jacobus. Leader of fine goods and low prices, Ilawkmsvdle, ...... Ca. lle B'autcd to ISi<3«-. There was quite a bold theft pec* petrated in this place on Friday ev eiiiiig last. XIr. Joel Dean, of Amos keag. rode into town horseback, about dark, and alighting, tethered his animal (which, by the way. is an elegant one) n the rear of Harrell & Smith's store, and proceeded to do some shopping. He was gone but a few minutes, and having occasion to pass near where the horse had just been fastened, noticed he was gone, lie gave the alarm, and the fact was soon plain that some thief had mounted the animal anil ridden him away. Diligent search was made that night, but the hor®e wa- nowhere to be found. Next day, however, Bryant Harrell, an honest colored man who lives several miles West ol East runic lo town urn! i <; |>oi t ccl tint a strange horse with bridle ami saddle l,sl<i co'W** l »l» lol'i"* i»rvtiM-cv» alx.ut da} light, showing sign- <>i haul i id ing, but the bridle carefully fastened around the pommel of tlie saddle. The supposition is that some one intend to finally get away with llicani mak 11 but after . tidiig . forai . numher V ' 8 kMy-he tdea and abandoned “F' sU , *'•• Gar H hung over 4 lit'iv is hiul iio Hue lo the reckless rider, and the ........ afi'air is a mys - terv. Mr. Dean has recovered his horse, and deem* hinisell'qui'.e ton un ate. ttai'Riq Hun lie ini. l am ct.tup lleil to mention my large .-t" k of overcoats, all sizes and latest stylcs, be-t goods and lowest prices.— I am selling them lower than Maeou or Savannah, in fact cheaper than it cost to make them. *S > lake ailvan lage of the low price and call ami < x amine for yom selfaiul compare price with other dealers. 2 t 10 pieces All Wool Beil Flannel, at 12 ’.. rents a yard. Twill Flannel at 25 cents a yard. Waterproof at 50 cents a yard. White Flannels from 12h. to $ 1.00 per jatd. Canton Flannels at 7cents per yard. ( anion Flannels fn m 7 to 25 < t®. per y*' 1 ' 1 '* Jeans, good quality, 12'- cents pei yard. Ait wool Jear.s at a bargain. Undershirts for children, from 20 c '’ nt * "P Ladies' vests from 35 cem* tip—all Wool. 100 pieces Fall Calicoes at 3'J cent a yard. Dress Gingham* at Scents per yard. JERSEY®. Ladies'Jersey- at 50cents. Ladies' Jerseys at 75 edits. Extra fine Jerseys from $1 "o $5. Breakfast Shawl® from 10 cents up to $1.50. It will pay you to buy your good* ()t J. Jacobus, Hawkiiisvilie, Ga. EASTMAN ACADEMY. __ The Eastman Xfilc and Female Aeademv now mmihers nearly pupil*, and we have room tor 50 more, Pupils are prepared This for the ftutrih Class in college. i« our „ r n . ilh ,| IC Tuition troni 11.50 to |3.00 per month. Board from $10 to $ 12 . R. J. STROZIEll, Piinl. Mi«s Fannie Harris, i A-a’iits. Mrs. J. S- C. M ausiiall, Oct. 12,1887. It The purest and freshest gi^oceries on , at John II. Barreit’e Ijtmbcr City, ■’-v ■: .■ ; j’JU >^w ab»vei:m« I; is with a feeling of pride that we ! huUS0 151 Eastman *' ‘'‘‘presented t,lIs g^nd tlispku, yet our patron ■ tlli s ,! in, :. U h J, "? I ", c a ‘" i ' " lli " “ , . “f, , l 1 *" «■“'"« . “«*• co “- »*’ a *>. °>' “‘'“'''.v «H, represented, j ,MlU [. ; f j,. bliW|i , r t o ir| patroiince from t!,e ........ „nl,i. n.W..,be,e.^. s. hebbmak * bro. In 1SS0 this well known firm com meneod bnsiuess at their stand (corner Third Avcuueand County Road, with « cash capital of less than five hnudred dollars. To-day their sLaadtup*!,, tl,c mereantilo world pays a tribute to pluck, energy, fair dealing, close atten : tiou to business and printers ink, more forcibly than could possibly be por lra vc d by the pen of Ilian. They car . ty one of tlie largest stocks in town, which consists of everything kmwn to the desires or iteeesities of the ppo They have two handsome adver tisemca-s in this issue which we hope every one of our patnsx. will trad. j M . Thc^c ^c’ltlcincn one ^ tied bninoflq at w «w‘S Si,if j business liberal advertisin'^ and fair dealing. Their stock is one oft. to lar<>- c .d in market, and embraces eve¬ rything in the dry go-xls line, from a po.-ket haudkerehief to an overcoat, besides a full assortment ot groceries, 1 hardware, tobacco.;, etc. Their adver¬ tisement appears in attractive form in i another column. II. COLEMAN. Mr. Coleman i® on« of tho pioneer merchants of Eastman, and is one of ’he* most successful business men of the town. Everybody likes him and everybody patronizes him, and they all get full value for their money, llis . *i,irk is always full and complete, cm [ bracing everything, and his prices arc lower than the lowest. Read his an* ; VC! li ' i ' !, u' , iD elsewhere in this issue, | and don't forget to call on him when j you come to town. Our word for it, lie will treat von right, It. RAlitS. Tlda gentleman has just received one of tin* largest stocks of goods brought u> Easimae, .and one of the haiiusoinest, w liieit he is selling at as tonis'migiy low prices. Mr. I’aris came to Eastman a complete stranger in 1S-Sr*. He at once opened a complete stock of goods, and by close attention fair dealings has built tip a fine trade ami made many friends. Me has a " a ' ,n ' clivt> elsewhere to whteli attention is called. IIKRR.MAN IIERHMAN. As is well known to all these gentle¬ men arc the proprietors of the famous (’by j )iMljr store. This house,establhsh ed only a few years ago, has made a reputation of which its clever proprie¬ tors may well feel proud. It® trade has been extended from time to time, until now il enjoys the proud distil,c Lou of being one of the leading drug establishment's of Southeast Georgia. Close application to business, hard i work and a liberal use of printer’s ink j tells the tale. Of course they have a j !jl f^ «dver:isement in this issue. W. L. l.EE. Tins gentleman's store is located in tho old postotfiec building, on County i Board. II e curries a large and complete | stock of groeerie ®. Mr. Lee is no stran j gm-to the people of this see: ion, having beet) horn and raised here. As before suited his stock is complete, «uk 1 lie is | soiling goods as cheap as they can pos silHv Du* «ol«l. I., M. PEACOCK. , Mr. Peacock stands in the foremost rank of Eastman';-* successful increh ants, blurting with a limited capital when the town was in her embryo sUt(1 ]l0 lia „ built „p and sustained a a ‘ M 1 ‘U , cnioved by lew meis tin* count!). ,... lie needs , no encomiums at our hands. Bead his ad vertisement. "I UK K ASTMAN DRUG STORE. This well known drug house, I>r Harris Fisher proprietor. Is one of the most popularestablishment in our city. A full line of pure drugs .and tnedi cine* can always be found there. Dr. Fisher is sole maker of the celebrated Streeter Health Fill, o:t which he has a patent. Tito reputation of this pill extends far and wide, ami the popular demand for them increases every day. THL EASTMAN ACADEMY. A card of this institution of learning appear® in our columns to-day. and to it wc would call the attention oftbe parents and guardians in this section This is one of the best schools in the Sintc. and under its present mauage *neiit is eonclu* ted up *n the best prin¬ ciples. The Principal, Prof. StKmcr, is a highly cultivated. Christian gentle man, while hi® assistants, Miss Fannie j jarri® and Mrs. J. S. (’. Marshall, are second to tt'*ne in their respective de¬ partment®. Read ihe card, and send vour children and wards to t liis school. Jt. (1. MILLER. Si CO. „„ I here gentlemen , deal , , altogether , . in furniture .. . and , conius. autl , are the , oulv , ex. lusi vc dealers In this line of good® ,,f Maeou. Titov carry all the time. a large stock of all grades fc furniture and coffins, and make it a point to always please their patrons* guarc ii teeing satisfaction in every in¬ stance. JOE 11. KINO. XIr. Joe Ii. King has been for many years a re-ident o. Haw kinsville, but tnoverl to Eastman a few inonfhs ago, and open' d a clock, watch and general repair establishment. Since coming here lie has ^uilt a fine business, and made many warm friends. When you need hi® services be sure logo and see him. His office i® at (lie store of XIr. John road T. Wall, corner Third and Rail Avenues. jotix t. wall. This gentleman’s store is located on the corner of Railroad and Third Avenues XIr. Wall carries a large and complete flock of groceries, hard¬ ware, labaceo. cigars, etc., ami all may depend on it, he sells thovein as cheap as anybody, if- not a little cheaper. John i* one of the cleverest fellujvs alive, and eminently deserve* the suc ce** he is meeting, with. n ^Hlfl^s*' - ; * ■• 4 *45r ■ v irxKUEiL f* skita. ~T * These gentlemen aits' located just as they • ig their i»dvprlisomeu( els wheit^ all limy ask is an cxandNa ! io " B »' 11 ■*" ff" of '**™ “™ * h ™’"**>' ">“• right. Go and see them. "■»'>«• Ipat.Wiptea.nreth.t “'t™' 1 "" •" tl,e haialaotnj we refer ad- tho lerllseincut of tl,c abuve wide-aa akc amount of space consumed, but niore especially because of our being enabled from an Bcquaintaneoofyearssand ingto endorse all therein contained, Mr. Newman is not of that typeofbu*! ,L no., ntoa itho bait traps far peeting purchaser, but is of that class who, step by step, ascend the Ladder of success by such reputable methodsas oontinne tluyu a hold on flic public, With luma business acquaintance formed is a business friend made, .as manystaud ready to attest, iutmav Ltvrnr mm r« '*• " nam ti.pirpnctoi ot the _ Easlmaa Uirr>’ Staolos, has been In hcre •» *»"* "•'“* ,ncntt0 ^ ( 1 ! 111 * 1 111,111 1 ,U ! t\ T. IT*'', ."tT"'?‘"£“ - 2Z EASTMAN BLACKSMITH SHOr. Those works arc located on Third Avenue, just below County Road. Mr. Skelton employs the best of workmen, and docs nothing but find-class work, lie has a card elsewhere. EASTMAN SHOE S1IOI*. Asa shoe maker, Robert (iarv, pro prietor of the Eastman Shoe Shop, has a reputation that extends far and wide. lie is a« good, if not better, than the best, and wc advise all who may need his sendees to call on him. EASTMAN MEAT MARKET. This cstabli-limcnt fills a long felt want in 'fcastmau, audit fill*; it enn plctely. Mr. W. B. Daniel, the proprie¬ tor, is uutiring in his efforts to please his patrons. He makes a specialty of fresh pork, mutton and pork sausage. Read his card cIsmjwIkMj. 1 ‘ewdleton liRoriiEits l.ave.ooly been engaged m business * icre **boKtiinc, but they have al ready succeeded in building up a bus ot considerable magiiitdtte, and their cxtrotliely low price* is tho sub jeet of remark by every one. Their store is located on Railroad Avenue, next to the City Drug Store. Be sure to read their advertisement in another column, and go to see them when you come to town. U. AX1)EII80N & CO., on Railroad Avenue,dealers in gener¬ al mercliandise, is one of the most prominent business firms in our city, and deservedly so. Their cornmo dmus store , is always tilled .... to over flowing with goods of every Ueserip lion, and «• a natural consequence of low prices, customers are never want ing. They are also agents for the New Home sewing machine. As stated in their |dv»rti*ein(mt in another col umu. $»#*!*> run In connection with (heir busUicss, a first-class liverv sta¬ ble. w. n. (.otter a ro. Xmong the leading merchants oftbe city, noye ave more prominent than the flrttr.of W. II. Colter & Co., whose advertisement app ars elsewhere in this issue.* These gentlemen com¬ menced business here about a ago, ami have already built upa ..'a h* second to none in the city. By polite treatment of their customers, and strictly fair and honest dealings, they have gtiiiod the confidence of tne trail ing public. They extend to you a dial Invitation to call ..non them in their commodious brick store on Bail road Avenue, when in the city. J. W v /."ALLA!tAN & CO.—MCVILLE* Have just opened a large and haml some stock of goods at MeViile, and are meet ing with fine success. “We sell the most goods for the least mo:i ey," i* their motto. Joint Callahan, who is in charge, is one of the clever¬ est and most popular young men in wiregr»s 8 Georgia. Read their adver¬ tisement right over there. CUKJtY t CALDEK—CIIAUNCEY Annqunee in another column that they hmilust erected a large and com plete efilton gin ami grist mill in Chauuocy. where they will grind corn ahd gin cotton quickly, cheaply and in a satisfactory manner. Louis Cur rv,antJ>iex Caidcr's namcVare a suf - fioietiFgaarantai. fat- , 1.0 complete ,,c cci»pfaft|enterprise. Bead what they have to iiay iu their advertisement. L. R NF.ASF., LUMBER CITV. This gentleman i has successfully en¬ gaged in the mercantile business at Lumber City for a number of years past, and is favorably known by cvc l '. v,,<M ly* '*! merchandise |^ e carries a and large his prices stoek of h 01101 are knv ‘l 0 ’*' 1 ** ^ r * Nosse is also post mas tcr at Lumber City, and tills the posi tion with credit to himself. JOHN II. BAUIIETT, LUMBER CITY. It Is with pleasure that wc refer to Hie handsomo . advertisement , ..... nf Mr. '..° , , m * I '. l,atTet ; '! ,. T , ( .... l, v " "' lr " - Barrelt * onc of lhe flucat ' U *‘ . "V'V, ‘‘‘ c,,u,,tr He always , 1,C ' ,S - v " . keeps m stock a large assortment of goods, and command® a full patio tinge a natural consequence of low prices, lie sure to retd what he has to - ay. and call ou him when you go to Lumber City. D. MCE ACM N, LU MBF.R CITT. Tliis gentleman has just opened a large and complete stock of goods in Lumber City, consisting of every thing usually carried in a first-class store of general merchandise. XIr. XtcEachiii is a young niau of fine business quali¬ fications, and is bound to succeed. lie has an advertisement iu another col¬ umn. "B. MANHK4M—nAWKIXSVrLLB. Reader, when yon visit llawkins ville dont fail to drop in at the largo mercantile establishment of Barney Manhcim and examine and price his good*. Our word for it you will find nothing to plca *6 you better than hi* quality of good* and price* therefor except it bo the ctevcrucu oftbe gen¬ ial proprietor, . • .0 I Mpmapi !! ^j Read the advcnl-cmout rt-cwharO 1 ifje it )-t jrdtnlk, prico-) therelor UKitlcJ don n to Imi lowest jiving profit, and* the politest of salesmen to serve yi mj Wants, you have only to make oLtpfl^ house a trial purchase to convineiffmt wheroin y»«r bo»l interests lie. Xlr. Rev;,* well *nu favorably known tUwogliom tbi* itnmediuie section, will he fpund tier* prepared to serve you. P.VYXE A WILLI V11L S— : L, X When in need of anything tn'l*«J line of furniture or carpets you can b« suited nowhere bettor Ihan Bt th# establishment ofMi ssrs. Payne A lingbam, Maeou. They keep a ample to the demand* and their price* arc in keeping with the times. —Appling superior court is in ses¬ sion i Ins week, and I lie ‘ ; uld in*id’ Of the Journal i* absent in atiendaiico thereon. ■Irairarnl. Married, in Enaiman, on Sunday evening last, at the residence of tho bride's p-trenls, Rev. P. A. .lesattp ofll ciatieg, Mr. Andrew J. Muni ford and • MiBsi£ngen : a liohannoii. The union of this young couple was somewhat a «v.r, rise to many of our people, and but few intimate friend* were present. The groom is one of Eastman's noblest young men, and the bride is one ol our sweetc t young lu tlies. The Journal wishes for them a long life of happiness and prosperity. They left the s-tmo evening of their marriage f »r Ilswkinsville, where Mr. MumTord is now engaged in bus'iiuas. A Commendable findu*iry. Eastman was, fora longtime,with out otic nuieh-needed industry—a first eiass harness and repair shop, but tills industry has been snppib-d by Mr H- Folsom. Ho ha», indeed, a flrsf ‘ :l!ls,i * , 1 < 1 1 > 111 every particular ; keeps ,ine fcady-mado buggy harness (liia °"' H make, hand-sewed) always on hand, or will make them on short j notice his work as cheap and tlie as material the city shops, used is ami far I j more durable. He also makes heavy j | wagon mill and harness, such as Is used by saw turpentine men, and to this branch of bis business Mr. Folsom gives special attention, carrying in slock just such material as should ho used in the mukc-up of heavy harness. y[ r> Eolsom also has in stoek cvcry thing used in the manufacture of fine or heavy harness, Using the best make ot English flax thread. Hekeep*on j hand a fine lot'of the best makes of j buggy whip*; al*o saddles, bridles, collars, etc. These latter articles a ro made, complete, in tlie shop, and in durability, style and tinidi second to* none, and far superior to the shoddy goods you find lit tlie stores. Hi® F'« hand-made silver-mounted buggy har¬ ness are really superb, and his price* lower than tlie city markets, where you get an inferior article. Mr. Folsom also carries in stock wrought liaines, buggy saddles, hits, . | buckles (bridle a ml trace') terrets. clips, swilllcs, snaffle®, shell resells, ami girths, | buggv lines, enamel duck, in (net "'erydiiug that goes to make up a first-class harness shop. Call on Mi. Folsoiu when you want your harness repaired or need any— thing new and la-iing in bis line. -------------- r, ° k5n » ol * Dei».Irl*oiu N< bool. Tlie Bethlehem selio > 1 . in lids cttuu ty, Xle. A. B. Moore principal, will close on next XV r edne«day, lUih imt, with very interesting exercises. Air. Henry Coleman, County School •Commissioner, will be present and address the school and congregation. His subject will be ‘"Education,” and I he discourse will be replete with val j “ ablc <«> « *< h-' *, as well 1,8 -° 0,! 10 ,1 “-- w,Us0 ‘> r ^‘ a * j 1,0,1 IIHl ' MI * 1 l o,s ' U ' J'* n,,<l L ’ ,>, ‘ a, 0, k > of «'.ll attend the closing ex c ' cl * v »> «' : ‘l •'» lh "' H,c «cc»».I«n will be an onjoynblo and interesting one. The exercises will be conducted en¬ tirely in the afternoon, commencing" about 2 o’clock. Those attending will surely enjoy tin: occasion, anil a large crowd will doubtless bo present, Mr. Mt'ore is an excellent teacher, as ,],is and Ins previous schools in the county will attest, lie i.® a kind, ge¬ nial, Christian gentleman, and we cor¬ dially commend him to tho good peo pie of Bethlehem and community. IIitrncY .Tfunlieim Controls the low prieesjon blankets, bed covers, quills, sheetj^igs. and eve¬ rything else for the housekeeper. Go to sve him. 2 t This In True ! Never before in Jlawkiu-ville has 1 ““wk of Dry G-md*. Nov | j.„ ; obu»’ goods and you will b« pleased in price and quality. D John II. Barrett, Lumber City, sell* j the best gent's, and lady’s shoe. l ish anil Oyster*. | I desire t > inform the citizens of Kastman and[vi cinity that I will keep j on and li^*ftTTT^Sv4ie and prices season, below fresh fish oysters, at eom petition. Call at my place, No. 3 Third avenue, when desiring these j luxuries. 5?AM. T. ROQEKS. Eastman, Oft. 9, 18S7. If ForNalc or IC«*Ht. I will sell or rent, on reasonable v ■** cottage. on Cliaua avenue, with ail necessary out building®, a good well of water, fine garden spot, and five aero* of good land attached. Herein i- a bargain, Address B. D. Wood ARD, Cochran, Ga. tJST Lovers of fresh oysters, served * in any style, can be accommodated at tlie Ci’y Restaurant cverv Saturday. Give me a cull, am! purtaknot mv fare, S- IL S. Jounstox, Proprietor City Restaurant. If you want fii-*t-elas* lioard or lodging^at Eastiaan, dwii't fail lo go to the City KljUiutant. Meal* 2 & cents; lodging 25'cents. It 8 . JonxsTox, Sept. 29-41. * Proprietor. • v Cottn Market. The Eastman couon market closed yesterday Good Middling (5lb\ with Middling 8 6%c. ' - v ' 5 i Jf«. - | ' Would you secure your worth, trade with ^ohu Lumber City* :